Ceiling canopy over the bed. Canopy beds - examples of bedroom design

A canopy over a bedroom bed is simple design capable of making a room look fabulous, and sometimes even magical. The ancient Greeks invented four-poster beds, and since then such structures have been an indicator of luxury.
The first devices were intended to protect against insects, which were very annoying to sleeping people, and over time they turned into elements that decorate the room. The article suggests getting acquainted with recommendations and options for how to arrange a four-poster bedroom.

Canopies in the bedroom not only create a romantic atmosphere, but also perform a number of useful functions:

  • Hides a sleeping person from strangers, creates an atmosphere of privacy, tranquility, comfort and protection.
  • If the canopy is made of thick fabric then he can protect morning dream from penetration sun rays, muffle loud sounds coming from the street or from neighbors. In addition, the structure protects against drafts and other cold air currents.
  • With its help, you can visually reduce the height of the ceiling, which has a positive effect on good, sound sleep.
  • Even a very thin fabric protects against such annoying insects like mosquitoes small midges or flies.
  • The canopy, in the absence of a door between the rooms, forms a special secluded corner.
  • Although many people think that the device is a breeding ground for dust, the canopy filters the air going into the bed and thus provides healthy sleep, which means he is a fighter for purity.
  • In the interior of a room, a canopy is a beautiful decorative element that gives it a special touch.

The disadvantages of the structure include:
  • Due to the dust retained by the canopy material on its surface, it should not be installed by allergy sufferers.
  • Even healthy person If you are not prone to allergies, the element should be washed frequently, at least twice a month.
  • For small bedroom It is better not to use this option. Visually, a room with a canopy will look smaller than its actual size.

What types of canopies are there for beds?

A four-poster bed adds elegance and chic classic bedroom, and with a similar accessory, a baby’s cradle turns into a wonderful bed for a princess. But this is not the only use of such structures today.

Today, designers widely use them in classic and children's rooms for sleeping, while plain, minimalist fabrics are used for canopies. This solution significantly expands the number of options for arranging bedroom interiors.

There are several types of canopies:

  • A popular design of the device consists of a frame located above the ceiling and mounted on bed posts, with a linen hung on it.
  • You can fix the frame to the ceiling, then the racks will not form one whole with it. This design serves as a transitional option to a tent from a rectangle.
  • If the bed was initially designed without a canopy, which means there are no stands, then you can use the option of installing and fixing the frame to the ceiling.
  • Racks can be made of wood valuable breed or forged from metal with all kinds of artistic decorative elements.
  • For those who love exquisite designs, you can make a canopy that resembles a “crown”. Then the axis of the product will pass through the center of the bed. A frame is made in the form of a square or circle, and the fabric is threaded through it. If the device looks like a “crown”, then its appearance will be royal.
  • The canopy looks original with the arrangement of the fabric on a frame made in the form of an arc. In this case, the latter is mounted on the wall at the head of the sleeping place.
    This is an attractive, functional version of the device, its price is affordable for almost everyone.
  • A device in which the curtain is thrown over a crossbar mounted on the wall at the head will be simple and convenient to manufacture.

The option where a canopy is used for a double bed is shown in the photo.

What canopies are used for children's beds

Parents, when arranging a children's room, first of all want to make it beautiful and safe. The main reason for constructing a canopy for children is to protect them from insects, light rays and drafts.
A similar bed is universal for both sexes up to a certain age. But boys, having reached a certain age, will no longer sleep in such a bed under any circumstances - they are men.
For girls, the features of canopies are:

  • Product color. Preference is given to pink. You can take other tones, but it is desirable that they be very close in color scheme to this color.
  • the best option there will be a product made from drapery suspended at the head. This design will add femininity to the bedroom, slightly pushing childhood out of it.
  • A canopy looks beautiful when hung across the bed over the bed, and not along it, as usual.
  • You can decorate the product with children's themed drawings. For example, attach butterflies to it, which will delight the child.
  • A garland placed on a canopy curtain can immediately solve two issues: it will provide night lighting and become a decoration.

Materials used for canopies

Create harmonious design in the bedroom is impossible without careful selection of fabric for making canopies.
The requirements it must meet are the following:

  • Lightness, airiness, combination of the color of the canvas with general style room design. For this, it is best to take natural silk. Organza and marquisette work well.
  • Heavy fabrics are often used for canopies: tapestry, jacquard, velvet. Such a canopy made of beautiful heavy canvas indicates prosperity; in winter, it will help keep the space warm.

Tip: You need to remember, no matter what kind of canopy fabric is taken, it must be in harmony with the entire interior of the room, match the curtains, bedspreads, wall, ceiling and floor decoration.

Canopy in the overall bedroom design

The installation of a canopy in a bedroom is a significant element in its design. This indicates that the choice of design and material for its manufacture requires a special approach.
It is necessary to clearly know and take into account the dimensions of the room, which affect the need and size of the structure, its illumination, and the style of the interior.
Recommendations for arranging canopies include:

  • The design of the canopy and the style of the bedroom should be in a certain relationship to ensure harmony in the interior. For example, it is necessary to use heavy fabrics when classic style, while silk and satin are well suited for baroque.
  • For a high-tech style, the canopy can be of any type, but without fabric.
  • A canopy in an oriental style should look airy; this makes it possible to use light fabrics.

Tip: A canopy that does not have flounces and tassels will be beautiful, but will not correspond to the oriental style.

Extensive instructions for constructing canopies are clearly visible in the video. This article shows only a few device options.

Sometimes you really want to bring something elegant and spectacular to the bedroom interior, someone tries to transform the design of the room with new chandeliers and wall sconces, others decide to buy a couple of other paintings, but we offer. And not its massive representative, which will not always be able to fit into small bedrooms, but a quite compact, but incredibly beautiful - semicircular, attached to the wall above the bed. Such a semicircular canopy is often called a crown, since its encircling cornice visually resembles a crown or diadem.

Should the canopy match anything else in the room?

A semicircular canopy over the bed will look most impressive and harmonious only if its tone and texture are correctly combined with the curtains and bedspread on the bed. Ideally and at all better all Order a set of textiles from a tailor as a single set, choosing chic material that matches the style of furniture and wallpaper. But it is not always possible to choose an elegant material that is both suitable for curtains and bedspreads, because a bedspread is a more used item than curtains, and is therefore more susceptible to puffs and other troubles. There is no need to be upset, just choose a ready-made bedspread that matches the color of the curtains and canopy. That is, if the bedspread is excluded from a single set, then the curtains and canopy should be combined with each other, which means they should be sewn from the same material, which, by the way, should drape well.

Suitable fabric for canopy.

Having visited a fabric store, you understand that it will be difficult to make a choice, because among such an abundance of materials your head is spinning. But don’t panic, firstly, we only need those fabrics that will drape easily, to do this, take the fabric and hold it in your hand, if the folds along its length suit you, then this is exactly what you need. A semicircular canopy is most often made from luxurious fabrics such as velvet, brocade, as well as simpler, but no less elegant gabardine, taffeta, viscose and chintz. If you want a more airy effect, then you should pay attention to guipure, veil, gas, organza, chiffon, satin.

How to sew a canopy.

It couldn't be simpler. You go to the bedroom, measure at what height the curtain rod will hang, measure the distance from it to the bed, and make a reserve taking into account the sagging drapery on the sides and the spectacular fall to the bottom. Then you measure the diameter of the cornice and be sure to make allowance for the multiple folds of the canopy; without them it will not look as impressive as you would like. Based on the data obtained, cut two identical pieces of fabric, hem each of them from the bottom and sides, and attach curtain tape on top (if the cornice is designed for hooks). On each of the stripes of the future canopy we pull the corresponding threads on the curtain tape, as a result natural, spectacular folds are formed. You attach the curtain rod, hang the draperies, and you can attach curtain holders to the sides of the bed, on which you can then lay the canopy material.

DIY semicircular canopy cornice.

Often, when it comes directly to buying a cornice, it turns out that it is not so easy to find it on sale. You can, of course, go to online stores and look for this product among their positions, but you can also be creative and try to make a cornice from scrap materials. We will present to your attention several ideas, perhaps some will encourage you to create your own exclusive cornice.

1. We go to a plumbing store and buy a single-level chrome shelf, attach it above the bed. In this case, the canopy should be on grommets; accordingly, we purchase split rings for them, which we thread between the sheathing onto the end semicircle, hang the draperies and rejoice at the result. But usually such shelves are not large in diameter, and not everyone may like this size. So you need to look for other options or look for a shelf larger size.

2. We cut out a semicircle of the required size from wood, screw small hooks into its end part, onto which we hang the draperies on the curtain tape.

3. We bend a semicircle from a flat metal strip, bend the free ends, and fasten the structure to the wall. You can glue a special curtain Velcro to the end part, and sew the second part to the canopy, then simply stick the curtain curtains to the Velcro on the cornice.

4. More complex, but very reliable way creating a cornice. Take a square one profile pipe, we go to specialists who will bend it in the required ratio (we need a semicircle), we return home and cut out a path in its center with a grinder, and from the back we weld strips onto which we will attach the structure to the wall. We paint the cornice with a paint that matches the color, fix it on the wall, insert plastic curtain hooks around the perimeter of the path and hang two curtains with curtain tape.

Examples of cornices:

Very beautiful canopy crown (video):

Stylish cornice:

The canopy crown seems to have been created to create a royal connotation in the interior; it is not for nothing that previously this attribute was characteristic exclusively of royal chambers. Fortunately, in our time, you don’t need to be a noble person to afford such an exquisite decorative item. Of course, searching for or making a semicircular cornice for a canopy may cause some inconvenience, but believe me, it’s worth it, the result will definitely please you!

Many people associate the concept of “canopy” with oriental pomp and wealth, but the appearance of this design element is associated with a utilitarian reason. Initially, canopies were used as a comfortable cape that protected a sleeping person from wind, dust and annoying insects.

In Rus', the prototype of a canopy was a piece of ordinary chintz that was used to cover a baby’s cradle. This cape was practical and reliable: it saved the child from drafts, dust and insect bites. It was the cradle with a chintz dome that became the ancestor of the canopy bed.

Types and methods of fastening canopies

Thanks to the efforts of designers, the functional cape was transformed over time into an element of bed decoration, and today the canopy above the bed mainly serves decorative role. According to psychologists, a canopy gives a sleeping person a feeling of peace, comfort and security, so using a canopy in the interior is not only desirable, but also useful.

It is customary to distinguish the following types of canopies, the frame of which can:

  • attached to bed posts and placed under the ceiling;
  • attach directly to the ceiling;
  • have the shape of a tent and be attached only to bed posts;
  • have the shape of a circle or square, and the canopy itself, in this case, is attached to an axis passing through the center of the bed;
  • have the shape of a semicircular arc, attached to the wall at the head of the bed, then a piece of fabric thrown over the frame acts as a canopy.

Modern canopies over the bed often have an elaborate shape, made from textured fabrics or nonwovens. The canopy posts and frame are usually made of wood or metal. The choice of materials depends not only on the designer’s intentions, but also on the financial capabilities of the future owner of the canopy bed.

Children's canopy beds

Typically, parents choose such models for babies and toddlers. Of course, girls like canopies much more than boys. Any little princess will be delighted with such a bed, and boys may refuse to sleep under a canopy.

Girls' bed canopies are usually made from pink or peach colored material. Other shades are acceptable, but it is preferable that they be gentle and warm. For teenage girls, the color scheme can be more varied.

As for the design, tent-shaped canopies or frames that give the bed the appearance of cozy house. Older girls and young girls will appreciate drapes at the head of the bed, which will make the room more feminine.

Decorate children's canopy can be a scattering of bright decorative flowers or strange butterflies. A garland attached to the canopy will not only give it an original look, but also solve the problem of night lighting.

Canopies for adults

They act as a design element, so it is necessary to correctly combine them with. If the room is decorated in a classic style, thick, plain-dyed fabrics should be used for the canopy. A thin canopy with flounces or draperies will fit perfectly into Baroque and Rococo interiors. A translucent canopy will decorate a bedroom in an oriental style, and a canopy for a hi-tec bedroom is best made from an unusual material.

Canopy fabrics

Airy, lightweight materials that match the color and style with the rest of the textiles in the bedroom are preferred. Typically, canopies are made of silk, organza, satin, and voile. They are practical and do not visually reduce the space of the room. Sometimes designers recommend making a canopy from more expensive and dense fabrics that symbolize wealth and luxury, for example, velvet, jacquard, tapestry. In winter they will make the bed warmer and more comfortable.

The bed is considered one of important elements bedroom or nursery, the design of which determines the image of the room. A canopy can create feelings of comfort, romance and security. Similar designs available for spacious rooms may differ in the type of frame and choice of fabric.

It is equally important to consider how to make a canopy over a bed with your own hands.

Types of structures

Looking at the photo of the canopy over the bed, you can be amazed at the variety design solutions. In general, experts distinguish 3 types of frames for such a structure:

  • fabrics on supports;
  • design using suspended consoles;
  • arbitrary textile compositions.

Among the popular types of decor are the canopy on a frame. In this case, wooden or metal structure not only serves as a support for fabric draperies. It emphasizes the size of the bed and the height of the ceilings.

To make this option look decent, you should use it either in the design of a bed with carvings or forged elements. Or it is better to use a more luxurious decorative material for finishing.

The structure of the crown canopy involves a small frame, representing a square or circle, through which the fabric must be pulled. This option is also classified as an expensive and sophisticated type of decor.

More budget method Decorating a bedroom involves installing a frame in the form of an arc. Due to its shape, it forms a smooth bend, which provides the fabric drapery with soft lines in advance. Fastening the main element to the wall and the absence of other complex supports makes installation easier and significantly reduces the cost of the structure.

Do spectacular canopy above the bed in the bedroom using two crossbars. One of them is attached perpendicular to the direction of the berth in the headboard area. And the other is fixed parallel to it on the other side of the bed. These crossbars form two support points through which a piece of fabric is thrown.

Features of fabric selection

The choice of fabric when decorating a canopy is also taken very seriously. The atmosphere created will depend on the type of material, its color and method of draping.

So, when decorating a canopy over a child’s bed, a decision is often made in favor of silk or a veil. These n

Upon registration adult bedroom they will add a touch of romance and tenderness. And although such a solution can stylistically bring the decor closer to that of a child’s room, it gives the setting a unique charm that is difficult to achieve in other ways.

In rooms that imitate ancient ones, palace styles, heavy materials are widely used when decorating canopies. Thus, decorating a room with tapestry, jacquard or velvet will be a sign of luxury and prosperity. Especially if the color scheme is dominated by warm shades or imitation gilding.

When reproducing the ancient and noble style directions the type of material should be considered carefully. It is worth remembering that velvet will be a sign of classics.

If the interior is made in Baroque, preference should be given to satin or silk. According to the style, the tone and pattern are selected, which it is advisable to duplicate when choosing other textile items.

Another style criterion will be the amount of material on the frame. Using a canopy in a bedroom decorated in modern styles like Hi-Tech, it is worth using a minimum amount decorative element. At the same time, imitating oriental style, do not neglect its characteristic abundance of curved lines, ruffles and multi-level draperies.

Installation rules

Installation of a canopy includes 2 main stages: preparing the frame elements and cutting the material. The first of these involves the choice of supports. One of the most simple ways is the fastening of the frame to the ceiling.

But this option involves using only light fabrics. For heavy loads, it is worthwhile to provide vertical beams that will be fixed to the floor.

Before you start cutting the fabric, you should clearly understand the whole composition and the parameters of all the required details. This will allow you to immediately prepare everything you need as quickly as possible. The edges of the parts must be processed so that the appearance is not spoiled by the fabric, which has become frayed over time.

The prepared material is attached to pre-installed rings. When purchasing a canopy over a bed from IKEA, you should carefully read the instructions before starting installation.

Photo of a canopy over the bed

A canopy over the bed is an elegant addition to the design of the bed, becoming an elegant part of the entire bedroom interior. The canopy of the classic type is a canvas of fabric mounted on four pillar columns. They create a kind of “walls” and “ceiling” for the bed. But these days, canopy designs are much more varied. They can be rectangular and round, cantilever and ceiling, full and partial, dense and airy.

Need examples for inspiration? This collection of photographs will introduce you to original ideas designers creating canopies for beds.

Canopies are an invention of those times when there were drafts in houses and castles, and in winter you had to take hot water bottles with you to bed. The beds were made wide not so much for comfort, but so that several people could lie down in them at once. For example, sometimes the maids could lie with the mistress. There are several children with their parents. And all in order to warm up in that cozy space, which was fenced off from the cold by a canopy of thick fabric. It was closed tightly, and the bed turned into a small isolated room.

But now, of course, there is no point for us to “warm ourselves” like that. Canopies over beds these days serve primarily a decorative function, so they are most often made from light and airy fabrics. Such a canopy over the bed creates an atmosphere of exquisite romance, and sometimes even evokes erotic fantasies.

However, curtains over the bed often perform another function - psychological. Under the canopy, a person feels more protected, comfortable, and cozy. It creates a feeling of security.

Dense fabrics to create a canopy over the bed are used in styles where there is traditionally an element of luxury, and sometimes grandiosity: for example, in art deco, palace, baroque.

Modern designers have developed many designs to support the canopy over the bed:

  • The classic canopy is mounted on a rectangular frame mounted on columns. It turns out to be a bed with curtains and a top sheet. Curtains are rarely drawn completely these days; they are usually assembled using tiebacks. As a rule, this option is found in beds that were originally designed as a canopy bed.

  • A canopy resembling a dome or crown. It is attached both above the center of the bed and above the headboard. This is a more petite option, but can be quite luxurious. The frame can be either square or round (resembling a large embroidery hoop). The fabric falls in radiating waves.

  • Sometimes the canopy is just a curtain in the headboard area. But this seemingly minimalistic option can actually also be as luxurious as you like.

  • A canopy that is only the top sheet. Stylish modern version. Sometimes it can even be futuristic.

  • Curtain over the bed attached to high back or wall. Not so much a canopy as just a beautiful accessory.

  • One of the most simple options- arc frame attached to the wall. It is convenient if the bed is in the corner of the room.

The choice of color for the canopy is dictated by the overall palette of the room. However, there are several basic principles for choosing colors. Since a canopy bed is already quite a significant piece of furniture, rich colors - red, blue, burgundy, malachite, gold - will add additional luxury to the interior, but can make the situation heavier. Black canopies are found in Art Deco interiors. Golden-honey - in palace-classical, baroque.

If you want to maintain a feeling of lightness, choose bed curtains in pastel and muted shades. Brown is considered heavy, but, oddly enough, canopies in chocolate and coffee shades look soft and cozy. White and silver bed curtains can fit into any interior - the impression will depend on the choice of fabric.