Lighting in a 1-room apartment. How to properly position the light in an apartment

From proper lighting The visual perception of the interior directly depends. If there is little light in the apartment, then it seems uncomfortable and cramped. What to do when the space is small, but you want to make it bigger? Lighting will come to the rescue, and we figured out how to use it correctly in small spaces!

1. Zoning elements

Light sources can act as zoning elements in one-room apartments ah and studio apartments. With the help of several pendant lamps you can define the dining area.

2. Spot lighting

Spotlights are also convenient to use to divide space, as well as to create different moods in the interior. For example, in the living room such lighting will help create a chamber atmosphere, and it will help fill a small kitchen with additional light.

3. Kitchen tricks

To visually make a small kitchen larger, it needs to be filled with light. It should not just be a central chandelier or lights built into the ceiling. It would be good if there was additional lighting in the kitchen, for example, lighting hidden in the lower part of the hanging cabinets. It will make the space more airy, and will make it easier for the hostess to work on culinary masterpieces.

In the bedroom it is also worth considering several lighting scenarios at once. This could be the main lamp and several night lights. But if you want to make the interior more varied and interesting, then you should equip the headboard LED backlight or install stylish sconces on the wall.

Floor lamps are indispensable furnishings in a small living room. They do not take up much space, make the space interesting and bright, and also perfectly zone the space.

And of course, the central chandelier plays an important role in shaping the interior. She asks general style, acts as an accent and serves as the main light source. When choosing it, you need to take into account the overall style of the space and color scheme so that the chandelier fits succinctly into the interior.

It is not always possible to place many light sources in a small bathroom. Therefore, you should pay attention to mirrors equipped with additional lighting. They look very original and work visual extension space.

It was invented not so long ago. It's worth a look!

Organizing lighting in an apartment is one of the primary tasks that must be solved at the interior planning stage. When choosing lighting fixtures, you need to think about more than just aesthetic appeal. Remember that the level of illumination in a home directly affects the health of people, pets and even flowers.

Correct lighting

Two factors influence lighting efficiency:

  • Lamp power
  • Number of light sources

By varying the number of lamps, you can successfully reflect the light scenario of the room.

To arrange functional areas, for example, for relaxation, eating, work, games, etc., they combine lighting fixtures different brightness. The skillful use of light and shadow emphasizes all the advantages and hides the flaws of the room.

Living room

This room requires bright general light (200-250 W). Based on the area, the number of local sources is determined. For example, if the living room also includes workplace, then it is additionally illuminated with a table lamp.


Here it is appropriate to use a lamp with a matte shade or a short chandelier (100-150 W). Sconces (60-100 W) are placed at the head of the bed on both sides.

Opposite you can place a floor lamp or a pair of less powerful lamps (40-60 W). This combination helps create a calm environment.


If the room is small, then general lighting not necessary. It is recommended to move the lamp closer to dining table. LEDs can be used to additionally illuminate the kitchen unit.


General lighting is required. The local source can be hung above the mirror. Since this is a room with high humidity, lamps must have shades.


In this room, it is better to create lighting using multi-point lamps. They do not emit bright directional light, which avoids negative impact on vision.

Educational or computer desk equip with a table lamp. Light a place for doing handicrafts, drawing or reading with a sconce or floor lamp.

Corridor and hallway

Since these are often small and narrow rooms, the light here needs to be bright and versatile. Install lamps along the perimeter of the walls. Extra soft natural light you can highlight the mirror.

For modern apartment lighting, it is important to take into account the color rendition of sources. This will allow you to comfortably arrange all the rooms and prevent color distortion of interior items. It is optimal to use lamps with an index of Ra-100. This light allows you to display colors most accurately. The lower the value of the indicator, the worse the color rendering.

If you still haven’t decided how exactly to make lighting in your apartment, look at photos on the Internet and you’ll probably come up with ideas. Otherwise, you can hire a designer and he will solve this problem.

If problems arise with the lighting circuit, you can seek advice from a lighting engineer, he will tell you how to correctly calculate the lighting and give good advice. Remember that with the help of light you can turn an inconspicuous home into a masterpiece. Don't be afraid to experiment!

Photo of lighting in the apartment

The golden rule is what smaller area, the less attention we pay to the visual component of the design, and more to the technical one. In the design of a one-room apartment, the balance shifts precisely to the correct layout of the space, then a stylish appearance can be achieved simply by following the simplest recommendations.

We have compiled for you step by step plan design of a one-room apartment from 6 points, following which you will minimize the likelihood of errors, and you will be able to initial stage estimate the cost of repairs.

1. Make a list of everything you need

This is the most important point that should come first. In one room apartment It’s not always possible to place everything you would like. It is important to immediately prioritize what is more important to you and what you can refuse.

An approximate list of things for which it may not be easy to find a place in a one-room apartment: bathtub (maybe it makes sense to refuse in favor of a shower room + washing machine), a double bed (how important is it for you or a sofa will do), the number of cabinets and other storage spaces, a full set of kitchen appliances, a bed and an area for a child now or in the future, a workspace for a computer, etc.

When this point is forgotten, it ends with an attempt to cram in what is missing at the last stage of repair. We often end up with an awkwardly placed washing machine or refrigerator in the hallway.

No one knows better than you how your apartment should turn out. People didn't need it large kitchen, they set priorities and made their choice in favor of an additional room by reducing the kitchen:

2. Project of a one-room apartment

If you don’t contact a designer and do everything yourself, then photocopy a bunch of plans for your one-room apartment, arm yourself with a pencil and go ahead and draw the layout. At this stage, your task is to arrange everything that you wrote down in the first paragraph. As practice shows, this is not always easy to do in a one-room apartment. Remember to maintain scale.

People often ask about computer planning programs. This makes no sense if you just want to sketch out a plan for arranging furniture. It is irrational to waste time mastering the program in order to then make only one of your own apartments in it. A piece of paper and a pencil are enough. You can also take a photo of the apartment plan and draw the furniture arrangement on it in any graphic editor, even in Paint or in Photoshop. Or go to companies that make custom-made furniture. They will do something like this for you for free:

At this stage, you can think about redevelopment. In a one-room apartment in the classical sense, the rooms are separated by walls and doors. Now it’s fashionable to demolish walls and do it, but you can also think about erecting additional walls to turn a one-room apartment into a two-room one. A sufficient comfortable bedroom area is 10 square meters. This is already a full-fledged room without any compromises, but it can be smaller, then the bed will have to be placed against one of the walls.

10 square meters is enough area for a room. If it is possible to divide the apartment into such zones, feel free to do it. Rooms less than 10 meters are difficult to perceive.

When placing the toilet, washbasin, bathtub, shower and sink, consider how the drainage will be carried out into the sewer. Supplying water is not a problem - the water is under pressure and there is no need for a slope or pipe diameter. But there may be problems with withdrawal: sewer pipe requires a slope, and it is undesirable to place it too far from the riser.

Don't be afraid unusual ideas, in a one-room apartment, experiments with location can be quite successful. Especially when you plan them in advance and not on the fly. Ideas may concern, for example, the location of the bed. You can build it into the wall, making it folding, you can build a niche for it, or zone a room for it, separating a part for the bed. It is at the design stage that you need to think about such things.

3. Choosing a design style for a one-room apartment

When you already know how tightly the furniture will fit, how many free walls there will be, etc., you can think about choosing a design style. Before this, there is no point in thinking about style: if you want luxurious classics, but the apartment turns out to be densely packed with furniture, then it would be wiser to abandon the classics.

This is a trap that many people fall into. We paint a picture in our heads ideal apartment, refusing to notice objective obstacles. It is simply impossible to implement everything planned in the design of a one-room apartment., some compromises will have to be made. This does not mean that the result will be worse, quite the opposite. In the right style it is more difficult to make a mistake.

The main thing is not the design style itself, but how well it suits your apartment and how well and holistically it is implemented.

4. Design in a one-room apartment

Now we get to the most interesting (but not the most important) part. If you did everything correctly in the previous paragraphs, then your apartment will be at least good. Now it's time to make it stylish.

Selecting finishing materials for walls and floors

Floor in a one-room apartment

You need to choose specific models of tiles, laminate, parquet or anything else before renovation. The same laminate may have different thicknesses, and it would be nice to know this in advance, especially if it is intended to be combined into different rooms Oh.

You need to choose it live. Both laminate and tile have a texture that photos don't capture, and texture is very important. Touch everything with your hands, look under different lights, feel free to throw it off the stand and put it on the floor in the store. Laminate, of course, is only chamfered on all 4 sides. Floor tiles are preferably porcelain stoneware.

Walls in a one-room apartment

First we determine which walls we will be forced to touch. Perhaps this is a narrow place in the hallway or a bed placed against the wall. In these places it is advisable to use a coating that is not afraid of this: decorative plaster, decorative stone, etc.

Next, next to each wall we sign what material will be on it: paint, plaster, wallpaper, stone, something exotic like laminate, etc. At this stage, you will already imagine the finished appearance of the apartment without furniture.

When all the walls are signed, we choose which ones to make accent. Somewhere you can make an asymmetrical protrusion, make false columns on the sides, etc. Some kind of trick so that the design is not too simple. The main thing here is not to overdo it - one accent wall more than enough for the room. Because Such main walls often have a heterogeneous texture, this point is closely related to light.

Light in a one-room apartment

We arrange all sources of artificial light. Ideally, in addition to the top main light, there should be at least one additional option non-mainstream dim light. These can be floor lamps, sconces, hidden LED strips- anything.

Don't be fooled by expensive lamps. The main thing in the world good location sources, not the price of the lamp. Better make a lot of light different levels and intensity than hanging a couple of super expensive chandeliers.

Accent walls love light along them. On any non-uniform texture, the light gives very beautiful game shadows Therefore, it is ideal to provide lighting for walls with decorative stone or plaster, for this we plan to use either LED strips or sconces.

Underestimate the importance large quantities light sources of different heights - serious mistake. Only by working through this point can you change the overall impression of the design from “cute” to “chic”.

Furniture selection

In one-room apartments, like any other where space is limited, we recommend making custom-made furniture. This more expensive than purchase finished furniture, but uses everything to the maximum square meters. Irrational arrangement ordinary furniture, due to an imperfect match to the geometry of the rooms, will waste several squares that you also paid for.

Prices for making furniture vary greatly, so take the time to visit as many companies as possible and compare prices. In addition, they create 3D models for free, so why not use this service.

For the sake of saving, it is advisable to go through furniture shopping centers. You might be able to find something ready-made. Be sure to take pictures of everything you like, preferably with a price tag, and mark the dimensions somewhere. The larger the archive of photographs you collect, the easier it will be at the last stage of design. Take pictures of everything: sofas, beds, cabinets, washbasins, tables, etc. You need to collect a bunch of photos to really imagine what you can get and afford. Sometimes you come across interesting examples:

Putting it all together

This is the final stage of the visual design of your one-room apartment. You should already have an idea of ​​all the furniture and finishing finishing materials. Now we need to put everything together, look through the bunch real photos, corresponding to the chosen style, and finally decide on the future appearance apartments.

We deliberately did not touch upon the issue of ceiling design, because in a one-room apartment you should think about it at the very end. Generally in modern design glossy and overly complex ceilings are bad manners. You can think about something complex only if there are clearly not enough accents in the main decoration. Read about and choose the best option.

It is at this stage, when you already know what floors and furniture will be, that it’s time to think about doors and baseboards. Finding beautiful and inexpensive interior doors is a real problem. This problem is so urgent that it is easier to refuse doors where they are not necessary. Standard option- choose skirting boards that match the color of the doors, not the floor, so the interior looks more holistic.

5. Electrical wiring and switches

Once you know where all the furniture is located, household appliances and light sources, it's time to plan the location of sockets and switches.

The rule works here It's better to overdo it than to underdo it. A couple of extra or rarely used outlets won't stress you out like misplaced extension cords.

Properly placing switches even in a one-room apartment is not so easy. First, you need to divide all the light sources into groups, think about which of them will be turned on with one switch. Afterwards, you need to arrange the switches themselves, taking into account that it is always better when they are collected in one place, and not scattered in different corners of the room.

Immediately think about pass-through switches. Pass-through switches are installed at the stage of wiring, then nothing can be changed. Standard places are the checkpoint at the beginning and end of the corridor, at the entrance to the room and near the bed or sofa. In these places, checkpoints are always appropriate; others depend on the features of your layout.

Don’t even try to keep a diagram of sockets and switches in your head; be sure to draw it on paper. This is the only way to systematize the information for yourself and then convey it to the finishers.

6. We calculate the cost of repairing a one-room apartment

Everyone who is faced with repairs for the first time is trying to find an answer to the question about the cost of repairs. They almost always end up with an answer about the meaninglessness of such a question without specification. You now have all the data to find an approximate answer to it.

That’s why we advised you to go and see the materials and furniture in person and take pictures of the price tags. Although very approximately, you can calculate how much it will cost you to repair your one-room apartment. Based on experience, we recommend multiplying the resulting number by at least 1.2; the planning error has not been canceled.

If you are satisfied with the resulting numbers - great, if not, well, go back to the first point and think about what you can refuse (or better yet, what you can put off until later and buy in addition after the repair).

Of course, this is a very approximate plan, but we hope it will help you make the design of your one-room apartment exactly what you dreamed of. Good luck with the renovation!

Save and share - it will come in handy!

Drawing the lighting of a one-room apartment on the plan is not difficult. Here it will be more difficult to figure out the connection of cable cores in junction boxes. We'll talk about this a little later.

So, we need lighting in all areas of the apartment. This is a kitchen, a room, a bathroom, a SU, also do not forget about the loggia and pantry. Therefore, we need to stretch cables to all rooms, correctly place switches and distribution boxes.

At the first stage, we drew an apartment plan with interior doors and showed where they would open. This was necessary in order to correctly place the switches. It will be inconvenient if the switch is in the room behind the door! Where should they be placed?

The first entrance light switch should be placed in the corridor 10 centimeters from the doorway. It can be either on the right side or on the left. Which side to put on is decided very simply. This is determined by which way your door opens. The switch should be placed where it is located door handle. This is the most convenient place. This switch will control the lighting in the corridor. It can be implemented by one ceiling lamp or several point ones.

We install a second switch for the bathroom. If the bathtub is combined with a control unit, then you need a single-key, and if they are separated, a two-key. These rooms are considered wet and therefore light switches cannot be installed inside them. They are installed in the corridor near the entrance to these premises.

Very often they are combined with a kitchen switch. It is convenient and less labor-intensive. This way, for kitchen lighting, you won’t need to install your own junction box and pull a cable to it.

This group of switches must be placed so that they are located near the bathroom door + control unit on the handle side and at the same time on the way to the kitchen. This is the most optimal place.

Personally, your situation may be a little different and your understanding of convenience will also be a little different. Then nothing bad will happen if you arrange them and place them differently.

Also remember about exhaust fan in the bathroom. It can be connected to a separate key or to the light switch in the bathroom itself. They turned on the light - the fan started working, turned it off - it turned off.

The next fourth switch is necessary to control the lighting in the room. It should be placed inside the room 10 centimeters from the opening on the side of the door handle.

On our drawn plan we see where all the doors open and where their handles are located. Therefore, there will be no problems with the placement of switches.

Below, see how the elements you need are indicated in the diagrams:

Now we take a clean plan and draw all the switches, lamps and junction boxes on it. We draw switches near the doors using the method described above. I recommend mounting lighting distribution boxes strictly vertically above the switches near the ceiling. This way you will always know how the cable is laid in your wall and where you cannot drill into the wall. If you want to maintain access to distribution boxes after repairs, then they should be placed 5 cm lower from the ceiling (suspended or suspended), deepened flush with the plaster and simply covered with wallpaper. If access to them is not needed and you are confident in your work or in the professionalism of the hired electricians, then you can safely hide them in the wall, but strictly vertically above the switch. Also, as an option, if the ceiling is suspended or suspended, all distribution boxes can be fixed to the ceiling itself, and the wire to the switch can be lowered down the wall strictly vertically.

Below on the plan are drawn the switches, junction boxes and the lamps themselves. If you want to make a lot of spotlights, then the very essence of the circuit will not change. Also, from the distribution box, throw a cable to the ceiling, and connect all points in series one after another.

All lighting in a one-room apartment can be connected to a separate circuit breaker.

The following figure shows all the lighting cables.

Here from distribution panel a cable is being installed to PK1 (distribution box No. 1). From it there are lines down to the switch and along the ceiling to the lamp. Then the power cable RK2 comes from RK1, and from it there is power supply to RK3. We draw wires for switches and lamps in the same way.

In order to spend less money and reduce the number of distribution boxes, you can combine RC outlet lines and RC lighting into one. This is provided that they are located nearby and the size of the box allows you to fit all the connections (twists) of the cable cores.

In my presented case, RK3 lighting can be combined with RK2 sockets, since they are planned to stand next to each other.

Although here is a minimal set of lamps for a modern one-room apartment, it makes it clear the essence of organizing all lighting. If you understand all this, then you can easily figure out how to connect, for example, lighting working area in the kitchen (it can be connected to kitchen lighting), lighting in the closet, etc.

So we figured out the lighting in a one-room apartment. If you have any questions or want to add something to this article, write it in the comments. Have a great mood everyone!

Also read this article - Installation height of sockets and switches. It may be useful to you.

They say that laughter prolongs our life, so let's smile more often:

Prapor asks the soldier:
- Ivanov, is it true that you are an electrician?
- That's right, Comrade Warrant Officer!
- I found you a job in your specialty. You will check at 22.00 whether the lights in the barracks are turned off!

Insufficient lighting negatively affects human body. If there is not enough light, then a person feels constant drowsiness, vision deteriorates, and psychological state is disturbed.

High-quality lighting in the apartment will help avoid similar problems. To do this, you need to select suitable lamps, lighting equipment and place it correctly.

To properly organize lighting, you need to take into account the power of the lamps, their color temperature, the number of lamps, the size of the room, etc.

There are many types of fixtures that can be successfully used for lighting.

First, you need to know that lighting in an apartment can be background or local. In the first case, ceiling chandeliers are used, which evenly illuminate the room without dividing it into separate zones. In the second case, devices are used that emit directional light ( spotlights, sconce, table lamps). They divide the room into separate functional areas (working, cooking, reading areas), and highlight certain objects or interior features.

To choose the right lamps and fixtures, you need to draw up a lighting plan, taking into account the layout of the rooms, shape, ceiling height, arrangement of furniture, etc. The types and installation locations of fixtures should be noted on the diagram. An approximate plan for the distribution of devices is shown in the photo above.

Norms of power and number of lamps in a room

Not all people think about how to properly organize lighting at home, so they often make mistakes, then the light turns out to be too bright/dim or there are dark areas. To avoid this, you need to know the lighting standards:

Attention! In the bathroom, it is permissible to increase the illumination to 100 Lux to make it comfortable to apply makeup or shave.

Lamps always indicate the luminous flux, which is measured in Lumens. To calculate their number, knowing the appropriate degree of illumination for certain room, use this formula: 1 Lm = 1 Lm/1 m². First, determine the Lx rate, then convert the value to Lm, after which you can select suitable lamps.

Example calculation for a bedroom with an area of ​​20 m²: first multiply 150 (lighting rate) by 20 (area), you will get 3000 Lux. Based on this, the total luminous flux of the lamps should be equal to 3000 Lm. If you opted for LEDs, then you will need 3 devices of 12 W each, which corresponds to about 360 Lm.

The following table will help determine the number of lamps according to their power:

Filament lamp, power (W)Luminescent, power (W)LED lamp, power (W)Luminous Power (Lm)
20 From 5 to 72 – 3 Up to 250
40 From 10 to 134 – 5 Up to 400
60 15 – 16 8 – 10 Up to 700
75 18 – 20 10 – 12 Up to 900
100 25 – 30 12 – 15 Up to 1200
150 40 – 50 18 – 20 Before 1800
200 60 – 80 25 – 30 Up to 2500

The correct lighting can be determined using a lux meter.

Some experts recommend using lamps with a total power of up to 60 kW for every 5 m². Based on this, in a one-room apartment (30 - 40 m²) you need to install up to 8 devices different types, in a two-room apartment - 9 pcs., in a three-room apartment - 11 pcs., in a four-room apartment - 13 pcs.

How to check the quality of light

It is important to choose the right lamp so that it emits comfortable light. This can be found out using a low-power device that runs on solar battery, for example, a calculator. The procedure goes as follows:

  1. “Calibrate” the device with a filament lamp (40-60 W). Be sure to measure the distance at which the battery fired.
  2. Bring it close to a fluorescent light source (13-24 W), if the battery activation distance has decreased to 2.5 times, then the light is comfortable. If you are testing a lamp at 9 - 11 W, then this distance will decrease by another 1.5 times.

For example, if the battery provided operating current at a distance of 60 cm from a lamp with an incandescent filament or 15 cm from an 11 W housekeeper, then make the following calculations: 60: 15 = 4, and 2.5 x 1.5 = 3.75. This light is only suitable for local illumination.

Comfortable color temperature

The lighting of the apartment should be pleasant to perceive, so you should take into account the color temperature, which is measured in K (kelvins).

This is interesting! Comfortable artificial lighting should resemble sunlight as much as possible.

Color temperature of lamps used in apartments:

  1. From 3500 to 5500 K is a bright white light that does not distort colors. Can be used in any room.
  2. More than 5500 K is cold radiation, which sets you up for active activity. Suitable for office or kitchen.
  3. From 2700 to 3500 K - a warm glow of a yellowish tint. This lighting is ideal for the bedroom and living room.

As you can see, the requirements for the light temperature of lighting elements differ for different rooms.