Why dream of taking a shower in a dream. Dream Interpretation - take a shower: the meaning of sleep, the most complete interpretation of dreams

Washing in a dream always symbolizes cleansing or a desire to cleanse. The full interpretation depends on the details of the plot and the actual circumstances. Dream books will help you interpret correctly own actions in the night.

Why do you dream about washing - the meaning according to Miller’s dream book

If you have a dream in which you wash, it means that you think a lot about your love affairs, and are proud of your easy, non-binding relationships.

The meaning of the dream of washing in Vanga’s dream book

Washing your body in a dream means that you will atone for your sins. If the water is cold, you are tormented by a bad deed committed many years ago; if it is hot, you will have to answer for the harm caused to someone recently.

If you see a young woman washing in a dream, it means an immediate and difficult to cure illness.

Why do you dream about washing - Tsvetkov’s dream book

Washing is a dream of family troubles or financial problems. If you wash in the river, it means it’s time to pay off your debts.

Washing in a dream - interpretation according to O. Smurov’s dream book

A dream in which a person washes cannot be called good. This very often foreshadows conflicts in the family or at work, loss, financial troubles or repayment of debts.

A dream in which you wash with pleasure is interpreted as good sign. Washing the body in a dream symbolizes money and good luck, as well as the fact that all sadness will be washed away and a person will experience renewal.

If you wash in public, people around you will speak unkindly about you.

Wash in warm water healthy person- to illness or problems, and to the patient - to recovery. Washing clothes - to scandals in the family, illness or slander against you.

Washing in a dream – Explanatory dream book

Washing naked in a dream means improved health and material well-being; washing in clothes means trouble or illness.

If you dream that you only wash your hair, it means that you will participate in some business that is beneficial to another person. And if a stranger washes your hair, it means an exciting journey.

Why do you dream about washing – according to Hasse’s dream book

A man sees in a dream that he is washing himself imminent acquisition new clothes; joy; resolving a conflict situation.

Washing - in the Lunar Dream Book

Taking a shower portends improved health and increased wealth. If you wash in a dress, it means difficulties or minor health problems.

Interpretation of washing in the Esoteric Dream Book

Washing your body means it’s time to pay attention to your health, and recovery will be speedy.

Why do you dream about washing – Medea’s dream book

Washing your body in a dream means washing away grievances, problems and feelings of guilt. If you wash only certain parts of the body, minor issues will be quickly resolved.

Washing in warm and clean water means recovery and great success in business. Washing in dirty or cold water means unrequited love, illness or troubles at work.

Washing in the shower – Dream Interpretation of Women

A dream in which a woman sees herself in the shower means that she has many suitors with whom she has an intimate relationship and does not hide it.

Dream Book of the Wanderer - interpretation of washing in a dream

If you wash yourself with water in a dream, it means you want to get rid of the feeling of guilt for causing harm to another person; resolution of conflicts and problems, renewal at the psychological level.

Why did you dream about washing in a dream - according to Azar’s dream book

Wash your body in warm and clean water - to good luck with your purchase or dating.

The shower, like any object from which liquid flows, symbolizes the penis. But at the same time, the soul symbol also has some of its own characteristics.

If you shower naked and notice some flaws in yourself, this suggests that your desire to engage in sexual intercourse comes into conflict with the fear of failure.

If you wash in the shower with your clothes on, then you are worried that you forgot or did not want to use a condom during a previous sexual encounter.

If you rub yourself with a washcloth while in the shower, then you did not receive the expected pleasure from your previous sexual contact.

Interpretation of dreams from Freud's Dream Book

Seeing a Shower in a dream

Taking a shower: In real life, you are increasingly struck by the thought of how dirty our lives are.

You believe that all intentions, all human actions are dictated by one desire, if the reason for its “refusal” limescale or clogged pipes: this means that real life there will be interference in business.

Perhaps the fault will be your slowness and the enterprise of your competitors or enemies.

If it comes from a hot tap cold water and, conversely, from cold to hot: in real life you will suffer love disappointment.

Your friends warned you that this could happen, but you did not pay attention to their words, relying entirely on your own experience.

If you cannot turn the shower handle, it means that in real life you will face failure related to your affairs.

Listen to your intuition and make decisions according to what it tells you.

Interpretation of dreams from Longo's Dream Interpretation

Dream about Shower

Shower - you had to go through something unpleasant, perhaps you committed an act for which you have to repent. All you need now is the refreshing effect of good company.

Interpretation of dreams from the Children's Dream Book

What does Shower mean in a dream?

Finding yourself in the shower in a dream means humiliation and unexpected shock. Taking a cold shower in a dream means expect the unexpected. See interpretation: wash, soap.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

What does Shower mean in a dream?

The dream means a surge of vitality and good luck in business.

Imagine how you bask under warm shower. It washes away fatigue and laziness from you, gives you health and energy.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

Meaning of the dream Shower

If you dreamed of a shower, you will soon experience an unusual surge of vitality and energy. You will give your lover (beloved) moments of unprecedented bliss and tie him (her) to you even more. You yourself will perceive what happened as a gift of fate.

If you took a shower in a dream, in reality you will meet a new person and spend wonderful days together. However, the love story will not continue.

If you dreamed that cold water was coming from a hot tap, then you are destined to experience love disappointment. Part of this will be your fault, since you will miscalculate your own abilities. But if in a dream there was water coming from a cold tap hot water, then in reality you may make a mistake by trusting a person who does not deserve it.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological Dream Book

What does Shower predict in a dream?

If you start a new promising and profitable business, another romance will begin.

Air shower is a disease of the upper respiratory tract.

Interpretation of dreams from

If in reality taking a shower cleanses the human body and promotes relaxation after a long day, then in esotericism water is a symbol of imminent changes. Whether they will be positive or negative depends on the details of the dream. It is important to remember the temperature of the water, the state of the shower stall, the actions and emotions of the dreamer. Only after this can you begin to interpret the dream.

General interpretation

Taking a shower with clothes on - bad sign. It promises the emergence of problems, the appearance of which will come as a surprise to a person. The dreamer will not be mentally prepared to deal with them. But it is important to note one point. If in a dream the sleeper did not feel constrained and was not embarrassed by the fact that he was bathing in clothes, then the troubles could be quickly resolved.

If married woman standing in the bathroom naked, then a surprise or gift from a loved one awaits her. The husband will want to please her and will give his wife a lot positive emotions. Perhaps they will celebrate their marriage anniversary in a restaurant or go on vacation.

A broken tap in the shower portends financial problems. Such a prediction is especially dangerous for people who own own business. All decisions must be carefully considered before signing contracts or preparing cost estimates.

The water in the bathroom collects and does not flow down the drain - you should prepare for serious troubles. They will arise due to the dreamer's irresponsibility in the past. He has put off solving his problems for too long and will now be forced to face the consequences of his actions.

Why does a girl dream - interpretations of dream books

Water in the shower

Water in the shower is important. The dreamer’s future depends on its temperature, which can be influenced if you correctly understand the signs of the subconscious.

Taking a cool, refreshing shower means improving your financial situation. Things will improve at work, perhaps a promotion wages or an unexpected bonus. If we talk not about the material, but about the spiritual sphere of life, then sleep is interpreted as the liberation of a person’s thoughts from negative emotions. The dreamer will get rid of thoughts that have been bothering him for a long time and preventing him from fully enjoying life. After this, he will feel relief and a sense of lightness in his soul.

If the sleeper planned to wash himself clean water, but it unexpectedly changed its shade and became rusty, then the dream foreshadows the taking of a rash step. It could have a negative impact on his reputation.

Dreaming of hot water with steam coming from it means changes in life. It will not be easy to get used to them; you will have to overcome many obstacles along the way. But the end result is worth the effort. Don't be afraid to take a step towards a new life.

Multi-colored water in the shower means unexpected news.

Seeing a cold shower in a dream is an ambiguous sign. The dreamer finds out what people from his inner circle think about him. This information can greatly upset a suspicious person. But if the sleeper is able to objectively perceive constructive criticism, then he will be able to competently use the information received and try to change in better side.

An ice bath reflects the sleeper's worries. He gives great value minor events. If you do not get rid of this condition, problems will arise with nervous system. If necessary, you should consult a doctor for advice. He will recommend a sedative that will reduce the person’s anxious state.

Why do you dream ex-husband- interpretations in dream books

Where was the shower stall?

The main plots of the dream will be discussed below:

Famous dream books

In Freud's dream book, a soul seen in a dream foreshadows changes in a person's life. He will feel renewed, he will have a lot of energy and strength. This great period in order to immerse yourself in a relationship with your loved one, to get closer to him. For a lonely person, a dream in which he takes a shower means meeting a representative of the opposite sex. But the relationship between them will be short.

Freud in his dream book, when interpreting a dream, focused on the temperature of the water:

  • I dreamed of a cold shower - to disappointment in love.
  • Hot water indicates that the relationship between the dreamer and his significant other is based on mutual attraction. They experience passion that overshadows reason. Because of this, lovers cannot build serious relationship.
  • Washing in the shower with black water in a dream means gossip and slander. The best thing to do in this situation is to ignore the conversations behind your back and maintain your dignity.

IN esoteric dream book Taking a shower in a dream reflects the internal state of the sleeper. He feels negative emotions, which provide negative influence for his life. The person cannot cope with this situation and is in a state close to depression. The dream book advises finding a person in your environment who, through his actions, is trying to harm the sleeping person. Soon the situation will be resolved, and the dreamer will remember it as an experience that in the future will teach him how to correctly form a circle of his friends and acquaintances.

Hasse in his dream book focuses on the temperature of the water in the shower:

  • A cold shower represents the dreamer's self-criticism. He takes constructive criticism positively and strives to improve possible errors and continue to prevent them from happening.
  • Warm water dreams of a lack of support from others. This worries the dreamer greatly, but he cannot influence the situation in any way.
  • A cool shower is a good symbol. It promises pleasant changes in life.

Seeing a Shower in a dream

Shower in Miss Hasse's Dream Book:

  • Modest efforts will be rewarded
  • A cold shower is a nice surprise.
  • Interpretation in Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita sleep shower:

    Shower - modest efforts will be rewarded - cold - nice surprise

    Why do you dream about Shower? Freud's Dream Book?

  • If you dreamed of a shower, it means that in the near future you will experience an unusual surge of vitality and energy, which will allow you and your partner to feel at the height of bliss when making love. This has not happened to you for a long time, so you will perceive what happened as a gift of fate.
  • Taking a shower in a dream means that you are destined to meet a person who will flash into your life, leaving behind only a dent on the pillow. You will spend wonderful days together, but your relationship will not continue. If in a dream cold water came from a hot tap, it means that you are destined to experience love disappointment. Indirectly, this will be your fault. You were warned that such a result was natural, but you hoped for own strength and miscalculated. But if in a dream hot water came from a cold tap, this warns that in reality you will make a mistake by trusting a person who is not trustworthy.
  • IN Dream book of Yuri Longo if you dream about Shower:

  • Taking a shower in a dream - in real life you are increasingly visited by the thought of how dirty our life is. You believe that all intentions, all human actions are dictated by one desire - to make my neighbor feel worse than me. You want to cleanse yourself of the filth of the world around you. It is possible that you also know sins behind you that do not give you peace. There is only one piece of advice - step away from what you are doing for a while and figure out own feelings and your worldview. A non-working shower means some kind of obstacle. If in a dream the reason for its “failure” is limescale or clogged pipes, this means that in real life there will be interference in business. Perhaps the fault will be your slowness and the enterprise of your competitors or enemies. If cold water comes from a hot tap and, conversely, hot water comes from a cold tap, then in real life you will be disappointed in love. Your friends warned you that this could happen, but you did not pay attention to their words, relying entirely on your own experience. If you cannot turn the shower handle in a dream, it means that in real life you will face failure related to your affairs. Listen to your intuition and make decisions according to what it tells you.
  • If you dream about Shower? IN Azar's Dream Book:

  • A shower is a reward for modest efforts. Cold shower - a nice surprise
  • Interpretation of the dream Shower in The newest dream book:

  • Start a new promising and profitable business; another romance will begin. Airborne D. is a disease of the upper respiratory tract.
  • Seeing a shower in a dream Eastern dream book:

  • Taking a shower is evidence that you feel a desire to relieve your soul. Perhaps you are depressed by an unseemly act you have committed. Try to correct the mistake you made. If you take a contrast shower, it means that you are inclined to go to extremes, which often has a very detrimental effect on the course of business. A dream where you feel the need to take a shower foreshadows the emergence of unhealthy desires - you risk wasting your wealth on dubious pleasures. A dream in which you are in the shower at the moment when the hot water runs out means: you risk finding yourself in a situation where nothing depends on you, but everyone is waiting for some kind of decision from you.
  • What does it mean to see a shower in a dream? Noble dream book?

  • Taking a shower means exaggerating your failures too much.
  • To be wet is sorrow.
  • Dousing yourself with water is a joy.
  • To pour on another means well-being.
  • What does Shower mean in a dream? Dream Book of the Wanderer?

  • Shower, shower - take - excitement, anxiety, anxiety; cold – sober, objective self-esteem; warm - to malaise; pleasant, cool - satisfaction with the progress of things; cleansing
  • Shower in a dream Italian dream book:

  • Positive emotions and sexuality.
  • To see a shower in a dream. IN Dream Interpretation of Health:

  • Seeing and using a shower requires physical cleansing. A sharp, cold shower means a reassessment of relationships with the people around you.
  • Collection of dream books

    Why do you dream about Shower in a dream according to 17 dream books?

    Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the “Soul” symbol from 17 online dream books. If you do not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all dream books on our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of your dream by an expert.

    Eastern dream book

    Why do you dream about Shower in a dream according to the dream book?

    If you take a contrast shower- this means that you are inclined to go to extremes, which often has a very detrimental effect on the course of affairs.

    A dream where you feel the need to take a shower- portends the emergence of unhealthy desires; you risk wasting your wealth on dubious pleasures.

    A dream in which you are in the shower at the moment when the hot water runs out- means: you risk finding yourself in a situation where nothing depends on you, but everyone is waiting for some kind of decision from you.

    Children's dream book

    Shower - you had to go through something unpleasant, perhaps you committed an act for which you have to repent. All you need now is the refreshing effect of good company.

    Intimate dream book

    If you dreamed of a shower- this means that in the near future you will experience an unusual surge of vitality and energy, which will allow you and your partner to feel at the height of bliss when making love. This has not happened to you for a long time, so you will perceive what happened as a gift of fate.

    Taking a shower in a dream- means that you are destined to meet a person who will flash into your life, leaving behind only a dent on the pillow. You will spend wonderful days together, but your relationship will not continue.

    If in a dream cold water came from a hot tap- this means you are destined to experience love disappointment. Indirectly, this will be your fault. You were warned that such a result was natural, but you relied on your own strength and miscalculated.

    But if in a dream hot water came from a cold tap- this warns that in reality you will make a mistake by trusting a person who is not trustworthy.

    Newest dream book

    In a dream, why do you dream about Shower?

    Shower - you will start a new promising and profitable business; another romance will begin.

    Air shower is a disease of the upper respiratory tract.

    Modern dream book

    Find out what it means if you dream about a Shower?

    Taking a shower in a dream- means that you will soon atone for your guilt to a loved one.

    Seeing a naked woman washing in the shower- a sign that grief and disappointment await you.

    If you dream that you are taking a cold shower- soon a big scandal will break out in your family, and it will be you who will become its involuntary initiator.

    Washing in a dream under a hot shower- to an unpleasant job that you cannot refuse.

    Longo's Dream Interpretation

    Taking a shower in a dream- in real life, you are increasingly visited by the thought of how dirty our life is. You believe that all intentions, all human actions are dictated by one desire - to make my neighbor feel worse than me. You want to cleanse yourself of the filth of the world around you. It is possible that you also know sins behind you that do not give you peace. There is only one piece of advice - step back for a while from the business you are doing and understand your own feelings and your worldview. A non-working shower means some kind of obstacle.

    If in a dream the reason for its “failure” is limescale or clogged pipes- this means that in real life there will be interference in business. Perhaps the fault will be your slowness and the enterprise of your competitors or enemies.

    If cold water comes out of a hot tap and, conversely, hot water comes out of a cold tap- in real life you will be disappointed in love. Your friends warned you that this could happen, but you did not pay attention to their words, relying entirely on your own experience.

    If you can't turn the shower handle in your sleep- this means that in real life you will face failure related to your affairs. Listen to your intuition and make decisions according to what it tells you.

    Dream Interpretation of Grishina

    Taking a shower means exaggerating your failures too much.

    Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

    A shower in a dream always symbolizes troubles that can take you by surprise.

    Dream Interpretation of Health

    See and use the shower- requires physical cleansing.

    Sharp, cold shower- to re-evaluate relationships with people around you.

    Dream Interpretation of Love Relationships

    Shower - this dream suggests that you will experience a spiritual uplift through intimate relationships with a partner (partner). Even if this is not the first time this happens to you, you will perceive it as a gift of fate.

    Dream in which you take a shower- portends your acquaintance with a person with whom you will be connected only for a few short nights. He will disappear from your life as quickly as he appeared.

    Shower with cold water- means that you will experience disappointment in love. Both sides will be to blame for this.

    If you dream that from a tap with cold water it's hot- this means that you will trust a dishonest person who will betray you.

    Dream Interpretation of the Medium Miss Hasse

    What does it mean if you dream about Shower in a dream?

    Shower - modest efforts will be rewarded; A cold shower is a nice surprise.

    Dream Book of the Wanderer

    Interpretation of the dream: Shower according to the dream book?

    Taking a shower - excitement, anxiety, anxiety; cold - sober, objective self-esteem; warm - to malaise; nice; cool - satisfaction with the progress of things; cleansing

    Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

    Taking a shower means that you will soon have the opportunity to get rid of constantly interfering circumstances or people.

    Freud's Dream Book

    Shower, like any object from which liquid flows- symbolizes the penis. But at the same time, the soul symbol also has some of its own characteristics.

    If you shower naked and notice some flaws in yourself- this suggests that your desire to have sexual intercourse comes into conflict with the fear of failure.

    If you shower with clothes on- you are worried that during a previous sexual encounter you forgot or did not want to use a condom.

    If you rub yourself with a washcloth while in the shower- you did not receive the expected pleasure from previous sexual contact.

    Universal dream book

    Taking a shower - perfect way refresh and become clean. Therefore, the dream suggests that if you take on problems as early as possible, you can simply wash them away. Are you or another person taking a shower in your dream?

    Shower - symbolizes hygiene. Are you feeling dirty? Or do you feel that the person who takes a shower is dirty? Why?

    The shower also symbolizes renewal, i.e. a dream may indicate that it is necessary to slow down the progress of development, pause and relax.

    Showering can also be associated with success. IN at the moment Are you particularly successful in life? Is everyone showering you with praise?

    Online dream book

    Meaning of the dream: Shower according to the dream book?

    Washing in a dream in the shower- soon you will be oppressed by some dishonest action you committed earlier.

    More interpretations

    If you dream about a young lady, completely naked, washing herself in it- in the near future you will experience frustration and some kind of sadness.

    I dreamed that you were taking a cool shower- expect a huge quarrel in own family, which you yourself provoke.

    Swim under hot water - the dream book promises you some kind of unattractive job, which you may completely renounce.

    Washing in the shower in a dream- in reality you are dissatisfied with life, you feel yourself and the situations that are happening, as well as the people around you and life in general - dirty. You are disappointed in people.

    Video: Why do you dream about Shower?


    Did you dream of a Shower, but the necessary interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

    Our experts will help you find out why you dream about Shower in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

    Interpret → * By clicking on the “Explain” button, I give.

      I’m standing at home in a pleasant shower. But I only see my chest as it flows clean water, I rinse my chest. Thoughts in a dream or maybe lather up and wash off the sweat, but the card changes and again a clean ode just flows, washing the chest

      I went into the shower (the water was clean, warm, I didn’t want to get out so pleasant), first I washed my hair (there was normal foam on my head). Then for some reason I got out of the shower. But I think, no, I need to wash my hair again and take a bath. I adjusted it, I adjusted it either high or low, there was not enough water flow. Still, I set it up and washed myself. I went somewhere on a motorcycle, there was a hill, I didn’t dare go down on it, I went down on foot. And there was a young man I didn’t know, and he was waiting for me. But it’s not convenient for me to go, from somewhere there are plates in my hand, he offers to help and takes the bag (he takes out 2 plates and shows me, they are soft yellow and white) and we move on. Then a woman (about 40 years old) appears and sits down with me. She takes off her blouse (remains in her bra, beige panties with a lace flower) and says “let my husband see what kind “I” gets on my motorcycle like this again, and we ride off, then some girl about 20 years old asks to come with us, I say get on. She sat down and my motorcycle wouldn’t start, I tried, I tried. I said, you’re fat, you can’t see, she made an expression as if she was going to cry. Then I looked and there was no gasoline, I said everyone arrived, not you’re fat, but gasoline, bye-bye, and woke up.

      I sit and see my legs - they are hairy, curly. There is a red rose lying next to her at her feet. then I see myself in the shower, I want to bathe (in the good sense) the water from the shower is very clean, I even noticed this. It took a little time to rinse off, since the bathroom was not locked.

      Hello, Tatyana!
      I dreamed about mine deceased grandmother. In the apartment where she lived. She was a little younger and stronger and more active than I remember her. She got under the shower with her clothes on. But the shower in the dream was not the same as in reality (shower stall), just a tube on opposite wall near the ceiling, from which crystal clear water flowed with moderate pressure. Since the pipe was near the ceiling, the grandmother stood on a wooden bench. In the dream, I was extremely happy about her appearance; there was no thought that she had died and, as it were, resurrected. It’s just a feeling that she was just gone for a long time and she came back. I was just glad that she was around again and after a long absence, she would wash off the dirt and put on clean clothes.
      Thank you in advance for your answer.

      I dreamed of buildings, like a bathhouse or a sauna, but there were separate cabins where everyone washed, and I was looking for somewhere to go, but it turned out that everyone was occupied, moreover, by my friends and not the best ones. in the end I didn’t get there

      I took a shower throughout the dream, there was me, my friend’s boyfriend (she told me about him the night before) and small child. The shower room was shared, but not separated by partitions. there were white tiles on the floor and walls and it was warm.

      I dreamed that I was taking a shower with my loved one at the bus station. And yesterday I dreamed that I was taking a shower in the library. The water was pleasant and it felt like I was at home... although for some reason there were showers in places where they weren’t supposed to exist

      I dreamed that there were people standing in the shower in a square bathtub, but I don’t remember whether I was looking from the side or standing with them too. The water flowed from the shower constantly and when I extended my hand to try it, I realized that it was very cold and you might freeze, so I turned on the warm water. And it seemed like the people were wearing clothes and there didn’t seem to be any women among them. That’s something like that.

      I was getting ready to go to the shower (I was putting a towel, shampoo, etc. in a bag), two days before I saw in a dream that they were accusing me of killing a man and they wanted to put me in prison. And I cry very, very much, I worry very much, I insist that I didn’t do this, and that on the day of the murder I was next to that person just by coincidence. Everyone around (colleagues and strangers) support and reassure in every possible way, they say that the truth will prevail... I woke up in a cold sweat

      hello, in the shower room I’m standing in just my swimming trunks under the stream of water... my eyes are closed, I feel great pleasure from this procedure... I can’t say what temperature the water was... a man with whom we met for a short time, but broke up, comes up from behind and hugs us... then he decided to turn on another tap, but water flew out like a fountain, neither hot nor cold... we tried to turn off the water, it was fun, then I woke up

      Good afternoon. I dreamed as if I was in a room similar to a compartment on a train, only wider and larger. it was the last one in the corridor and with open door, and inside there was a shower stall in the middle of the living room. I was not alone in this room, but with a girl who had previously met with a young man with whom, due to my stupidity, nothing had worked out with me before her. The girl is very nice to me and I like her, but we only met once and we don’t communicate. so here it is. We were alone and took a shower, and then got ready to drink tea. first she washed herself, and at that moment I was not in the room, then I, but the girl did not leave the room for good. For some reason the cabin door became transparent, although before me it had a matte finish, and I felt very uncomfortable, so I washed myself partially in clothes. The feeling of discomfort was very vivid in this part of the dream.

      I dreamed that I was at school and for some reason I needed to go to the shower (common). I have some warm clothes and underwear on my hands. Going into shower room, I I saw a big queue and almost all the people were standing in the shower with their clothes on. Suddenly I saw my friend’s boyfriend and he was swaying strangely and I tried to hold him so that he wouldn’t fall, this happened 2-3 times. I began to worry and took him out into the corridor and we bought a snack.
      Very strange dream??

      I dreamed of a shower room, it was in black and white, the floors and walls were white, the edging was only black. A lot of people appeared, girls my age. Actually, I had to take a swim, the teacher told me so, and he was waiting for me several times came in and scolded the “visitors” and kicked them out. I very quickly doused myself with water and immediately started getting dressed, for some reason I spent a long time looking for a bra, and that was the end of the dream.

      I dreamed that I went into a large public shower... I wanted to wash myself (partially).. Several taps were turned on, I didn’t know which one to go to. Approaching the next stream, I wet my feet and things...

      I took a shower with 2 girls and I have a crush on 1 of the 2. In the entire dream I took a shower about 3-4 times and all but 1 time in swimsuits. I don’t remember the water, but there was no discomfort, so I assume it was warm. I stood on the left, and between me and 1 girl was the one for whom I have sympathy.

      Water was flowing in the shower, I couldn’t turn the water off. The water was warm, the pressure was very strong. I turned off the water, it started flowing again. I saw myself, my head was all wet, water was pouring out, I almost choked. Then I saw my bare legs in the bathroom., I started to pray. Then I heard my child screaming from the room, I’m running, screaming, I can’t find him anywhere

      I went into the shower in my clothes (some kind of public shower) to turn on the water so that it would warm up, but not for myself, but for some women or girls, like people I knew. But there are still some doors around the corner. I went to check, and men opened them on the other side. I ask: why are you here? They say that they have some kind of work there. I asked them not to go around this bend. I go out, and on the other side there are also only young guys, like soldiers or something... I also started driving them away from there. Well, it seems that it ended with the fact that either the washing was postponed to Thursday, or you can’t come there on Thursdays. But I didn’t intend to wash myself. But yesterday I had a dream that I went to the bathhouse to wash, my friends came in, and I went out to see where my husband was. And he is sitting in the dressing room. He says that they have a lot of people and he will go later. I ask how long he will wash himself afterwards in order to wait for him or not. As a result, the dream ended with us sitting in the dressing room with him and the darkness of the people around us, there was no way through. But I never got into the bathhouse, I didn’t even take off my coat.

      Hello, I had the following dream: that I see a double bed with the sheets crumpled up by me and my beloved, while it is empty and stands on such an elevation, like a stage. And in front of it there is a shower and no water flowing, but everything is flooded with water from the shower. I experienced it in a dream bliss from our relationship, and when I looked and saw water, I felt some kind of condemnation - disappointment that water in bed is not the most thoughtful place for privacy
      Thank you, sleep from Thursday to Friday

      I dreamed that I was at home and standing in the bathroom naked under the shower, trying to wash myself, a guy I didn’t know was sitting on a chair next to me, I tried to close myself off from him, then he stood up, kissed me on the lips and disappeared

      in a dream I took a shower in a very beautiful room, she was the color sea ​​wave. it seemed as if the sea was pressed into the walls. it looked beautiful and magical. While taking a shower, I noticed that the water was very pleasant, not cold and not hot. The wind opened the doors and, without getting out of the shower stall, I saw people who were in a hurry somewhere; they were dressed girls in beautiful dresses, and boys and girls in unusual, neat suits, in blue and pale red colors. I was afraid that they would see me naked, but I discovered that everything “necessary” was covered with a pale blue towel. then they turned somewhere and disappeared. I got out of the shower and went to the windowsill. there was so much stuff: shampoos different tastes, body lotions, shower gels, treasures, etc. and everything was so delicious and vanilla. I chose some shampoo I liked and washed my hair with it. The foam was thick, but fortunately it washed off quickly. and the smell was very very pleasant. then I found a lot of different mascara, eye shadow and powder. however, I only chose mascara and used it. then I saw a convenient comb and hair dryer. and there was also a girl about 5-6 years old. I just don’t remember what she looked like. I remember her either blue or green eyes and slightly curly brown hair. oh yes, she was also interested in mascara. that's all.

      I was in the shower and I saw my penis was long and then 1 girl came to the bath and he said show me your dick and I showed it and he said okay and I said show me yours…. and he said something and sat next to him and then after 2 minutes I told him go go and he left and that’s it :)

      I dreamed of a public shower, an old, shabby one with many stalls that did not close. And there are a lot of people, both boys and girls, standing in line. And they all wash together and are not shy, but I stand in line and think how it is that women should wash first, then men, separately. And they tell me that this is how it is now. And my turn comes, I go into the booth and am embarrassed to undress, and behind me there are guys in line watching how everyone is washing, and I turn away from them and I am ashamed that I am fat and they will laugh at me, but I undress and begin to wash because I really wanted to swim

      I was in the bathroom. I was wiping the shower and water poured out of it on me. Mainly on the head. I turned the knob right or left to turn it off. It didn't work out. Then I pressed it and turned it off.
      She wiped her face with her hands and then the door opened and a cat entered.

      I dreamed about my son saying that he had washed himself. I smiled. I went to the bathroom, the bathroom was full and water was coming out of the shower. I tried to turn it off, but the curtain covered my head. After I turned it off, I went into the hallway and water started coming out of the door. The water was clean and transparent.

      Hello. My dream is very strange. I was wearing it on a date and needed to take a shower. I was in a completely unfamiliar dacha. There were 2 houses there. For hosts and guests. There was also a small sports ground there. I was not alone at the dacha. There was also some basketball player who was jumping on a trampoline. He was bandaged in some places. There were also several girls there. They sat on the grass and laughed. I barely remember. The owners were also there. I don't remember them. I don’t know these people in real life. By the way, the grass in the dream was all dried up. Like hay. So, what a little sleep. I needed to take a shower. And I went to the shower in the main house where the owners live. But he was busy. Then they told me that in guest house shower available. And I went into it. When he arrived, he was busy. Afterwards, I saw a man on the street who had been in the shower before and ran into the house. But the shower was busy again. That's how I bounced from shower to shower. After some time, I finally managed to take a shower. And with that, the dream changed. I found myself near the red castle. Two creatures lived there. I still don’t understand what it is. I needed to run, jump and collect red coins like in the game. This went on for a long time. I didn’t feel very well and went to the bathroom. And I was a little surprised. The shower room was the same as in the dream about the dacha. Then I woke up... Help please. I don’t know what to think...

      I asked you to help me understand one of my problems, connected with the past. I heard a voice that said - Look there. And I saw a shower from which clean water came out with good pressure. clear water. And behind him was another one, but it covered the entire wall of the shower room. All this was in the rays of light. And the last thing I remember is someone’s silhouette under the first shower. Maybe it was me too. Thank you!!!

      Hello! I was running around some strange, strange house to find a toilet room... I had to urgently get ready for work, but for some reason everything was removed from my room... both the shower and the toilet... I was running on different floors. I eventually found a shower, then ran back to my room to collect a towel, gel... all the things for the shower to wash myself... but on the way back I got pale, ran around different floors and rooms... there are a lot of men in the house... they just look away at me, if I get into a room with men.....then I run through a lot of showers....(like in a public bath, there are a lot of showers and water is pouring from everyone)

      The only incident I remember was that I was at a friend’s house, I went into her sister’s room and there was a mat for a cat, I soaked it up with water to take a shower.

      Grandma Olya came to my apartment and sat down in my room on a chair near the table. All this time she sat silently and quietly. Then in a dream I see my daughter-in-law. For some reason she is settling down to sleep on a cot in the hallway. This all happened during the day in a dream. I tell Vika, why do you go to bed in the hallway, it’s like in the corridor in a hospital, isn’t there room in the rooms?
      Then I’m again in the room next to grandma Olya, there’s someone else from my family nearby. But I don’t see them in my dreams. But I’m not alone there with grandma Olya and my daughter-in-law. Suddenly I heard that the shower in the bathtub turned on by itself with cold water, I went and turned it off. Then, after a couple of minutes, again somewhere the shower just broke off and water began to flow. I run up to the kitchen, and there, over the column above the washbasin, from somewhere a shower came from above and water was flowing, and the same shower came over gas stove and the water also flows cold. I reacted and quickly turned off the gas tap in the kitchen for some reason and immediately after it turned off the common water tap, but at that time, when the water began to flow, Grandma Olya stood up silently, walked out of the apartment into the entrance and left. And when I turned off all the taps, I found a few small and oblong black nails near the water heater in the kitchen. Then I woke up. In real life, Grandma Olya died about 8 years ago and she is my next door neighbor from another city. And now I only moved to my own two years ago hometown live. But the actions from the dream took place exactly in the apartment in which I now live.
      This is a day dream.