Pump up your arms in a week at home. Working on the biceps

Almost everyone wants to have a beautiful and toned body, but not everyone has the time to regularly visit the gym and work out with a personal trainer. There are many ways you can get your body in order at home. The most common question among those who do not have the opportunity to go to the gym is how to quickly build muscle at home?

There are many techniques that you can follow to increase muscle mass. But all of them will be effective only if you follow a special diet, sleep and training. For fast conversion body to work out all muscle groups more effectively. But in this article we will look at ways to pump up arm muscles at home.

Planning your day is the key to achieving the desired result

Before you start doing exercises to increase the muscles in your arms, you need to create a specific training schedule. Since the rate of increase in muscle mass directly depends on strict adherence to a special daily routine, it is necessary to plan the program. To do this, you should set aside at least one hour 3-4 times a week for training. Since muscles lose their shape very quickly in the absence of physical activity, it is necessary to exercise regularly. Also, for continuous progress, you should constantly increase the load. Otherwise, the muscles will get used to this routine and stop growing.
It is necessary to determine the training time. Classes should not be carried out casually, they must be planned. Training should be carried out at the same time. This will make it easier to organize your day. It is important to determine the desired result for yourself, be focused on achieving it and, despite laziness and other obstacles, follow the planned routine. Experts recommend exercising in the evening. The best option It is considered that physical activity is performed between 16 and 19 hours. The most important thing to achieve the desired result is to exercise responsibly, perform all exercises correctly, and also follow a sleep and nutrition regime.

Proper nutrition is the key to a beautiful body

Eating predominantly healthy foods not only helps you create your dream body, but also significantly improves your health. As you know, the basis of nutrition is carbohydrates, fats and proteins. But few people know what foods and in what quantity they need to consume for rapid muscle growth.

  • Squirrels

For muscle growth, you should increase the amount of food you eat per day. But the diet must be balanced. Main building material muscle fiber is protein. Therefore, you need to double the protein-rich foods in your diet. Protein in large quantities found in the following products:

  • fish and seafood;
  • chicken eggs;
  • legumes;
  • meat;
  • nuts;
  • milk and fermented milk products.
  • Carbohydrates

For the growth of arm muscles and the whole body, it is equally important to eat enough carbohydrates. However, not all foods rich in them are healthy. Complex carbohydrates should be preferred. They are found in various cereals, whole grain pasta, legumes, and some vegetables and fruits. But experts recommend giving up fast carbohydrates. They are found in large quantities in sugar and flour products. Since they contribute to fat storage and loss of motivation, their consumption should at least be reduced, but it is better to avoid them completely.

To create toned body It is also important to eat a certain amount of fat. Preference should be given to vegetable fats, as well as those contained in some types of fish and seafood. It is recommended to avoid saturated fats of animal origin.

When a person suddenly changes his lifestyle and starts playing sports, he needs to get enough vitamins. Therefore, it is recommended to eat as much “live” food as possible. To do this, you should add more fruits and vegetables to your diet. It is also recommended to periodically take vitamin complexes.

Basic hand exercises

There are many different exercises aimed at developing arm muscles.

But for their full implementation, additional equipment is required, such as a barbell, crossbar and dumbbells.

You can use improvised means as a replacement, but if you decide to seriously transform your body, then it is recommended to purchase all the necessary equipment.

  • Exercises for developing biceps

The main function of the biceps is to curl the arms. Each muscle in the human body performs its own task when it contracts. The biceps brachii muscle is no exception. Therefore, to develop biceps, it is necessary to perform exercises that are aimed at bending the arms.

  • Standing barbell lift

This exercise is considered basic, so it should be performed at the very beginning of your workout. Correct execution of the exercise involves bending the arms at the elbow joint with additional weight. It should be performed standing with a barbell. This is one of the most effective exercises designed to develop the biceps brachii muscle. However, it must be performed correctly to avoid injury.

It is recommended to select the weight so that you can perform 8-10 repetitions in one approach. You should do 3-4 approaches per workout. During the exercise, it is important to ensure that your foot rests firmly on the floor. If you notice that during exercise you are swaying to the sides, you need to reduce the weight.

  • Reverse grip pull-ups

This exercise is suitable for trained people. It is also basic. This exercise is no less effective for developing biceps.
For correct execution you need to grab the crossbar, turn your palms towards you, the distance between them should be approximately 10-15 cm, and pull yourself up as you exhale. To fully perform this exercise, you need to touch the bar with your chin and return to the starting position.

This exercise should be done at the very end of the lesson, since it is additional to the basic ones. With its help, it is necessary to “finish” the muscles to the limit. Basic exercises are mainly designed to “pump up” large muscles, while isolation exercises are needed to work out other areas of the body.

To do this you need to stand on hard surface with dumbbells in both hands. The feet should be placed shoulder-width apart and slightly bent (to relieve the load on the spine). Then you need to start doing alternate dumbbell lifts. In this case, it is necessary to twist your arms so that the muscles contract as much as possible.

The set should be organized as follows: 4-5 sets of 8-10 lifts with each hand. This exercise can also be performed while sitting on a bench. This will isolate the biceps more thoroughly.

  • Exercises to develop triceps

Thanks to the triceps muscle, a person extends his arm. This function is the main one for the triceps. In this regard, all exercises to work it out are aimed at extending the arms with additional weight.

  • Close grip push-ups

Basic exercise. It is designed to work the triceps. It is an alternative to the barbell press. But since you may not have a bench press at home, we will stick to push-ups.

To perform this, you need to take a lying position. Place your feet together, and your hands should be at a distance of 10-15 cm. Your back should be straight. And then begin to bend the elbow joint while lightly touching the floor with your chest.
It is necessary to perform 4-5 sets of 8-10 repetitions. To increase the load, you can put your feet on a chair, sofa or other available device.

Another basic exercise, its implementation requires some preparation, so it is not suitable for beginners.

It is important to do it correctly. It is better to do fewer repetitions, but “clean” ones. It is necessary to take the starting position, then, lowering your chin, press it to your chest, bend your legs slightly at the knees, and tilt your body slightly forward. This will allow maximum use of the triceps muscle.

Exercises for deltoid muscles
Thanks to the deltoid muscles, a person is able to raise his arms to the sides, as well as back and up.

  • Bench press

Basic exercise for development deltoid muscle. However, it should be performed carefully, since this exercise is quite traumatic. Its advantage is that during execution all parts of the deltoid muscle are worked out.

With this barbell row you can work out the front deltoids well. It should be performed at the end of the workout.

  • Exercise for forearm development

The forearms are used during almost all exercises. But it’s worth working through them separately. One exercise is enough for this. It should be performed at the end of your workout.
To perform this, you need to take the bar from the barbell and place it on the horizontal surface of your hand. Then you should use your hands to lift the bar. You need to do 50 repetitions. Two approaches are sufficient for this exercise.

Flabby muscles are completely unattractive. You can tighten your arm muscles by the shortest possible time, if you engage in intensive training on a regular basis. Each muscle group requires individual intensity and exercise. The result will be obvious after a week of comprehensive training.

If you do acrobatics, pole dancing, or strength martial arts, then you need to primarily direct the main load to your hands. The first and most basic thing you can use is an expander, or in extreme cases, a rubber ball. Perform the maximum allowable number of compressions, alternating the exercise with warming up your fingers. Stand facing the wall at a distance of 0.5-0.7 m. Place your palms against the wall, push off as sharply and strongly as possible, lowering to the starting position, and again sharply push away from the wall. Repeat 50 times, alternating with another exercise. Do the same for each hand separately. Perform circular rotations with your brushes in different directions.

Get ready for push-ups from the floor; if it’s hard to do push-ups on an elongated body, then get on your knees and do push-ups 10 times, then hold in the position for 10 seconds. Move both palms under your chest and try to do 5 push-ups; this exercise may not work right away if your hands are weak enough. Take a position on your hands, as before a push-up, straighten your palms and turn them to the sides. Try to jump while land on your fists, with the next jump land on your palms and alternate this way 15 times. Stretch your hand forward, and with the other pull the fingers of your outstretched hand towards you, hold in this position for 20 seconds. Change your hand. For several dress for hours a day sports weights on the hands. After a week, increase the time. Sit on the floor, bend your legs under you, place your palms in front of you: put your wrists next to each other and your fingers apart. Having created support, slowly transfer your body weight to your hands and hold in this position for 20 seconds. Start training your biceps or forearm muscles. You will definitely need dumbbells - the optimal weight is 4 gk / 1 dumbbell. Sit on a bench or stool, alternately raise and lower the dumbbell with one of your hands, bringing it as close to you as possible. At the top point, fix the dumbbell for 5 seconds, then lower it. Take a standing or sitting position and perform the “hammer” movement: bend your arms with dumbbells towards your shoulders as you inhale and lower them as you exhale - alternately or simultaneously. Regular breathing is extremely important. Classic push-ups are the most common And effective method rocking all muscle groups. In a lying position, set a wide grip - arms shoulder-width apart, slightly bent, body straight, feet hip-width apart. Inhale and slowly bend your elbows without touching the floor to return to the starting position. Do 15 push-ups. Do a classic push-up, but with a clap. After the clap, land on slightly bent palms. Exercises on the horizontal bar give good and quick results. Grab the bar, arching your back, squeeze your shoulder blades together and try to slowly pull yourself up, lift your chin over the horizontal bar and slowly lower it. Try to do 5 pull-ups in 3 sets.

The article examines the basic exercises for pumping up arm muscles. The exercises are presented for practicing at home and gym. Perform simple exercises once a week for 2-3 approaches, repeating 15 times.

  • Exercises for pumping up arm muscles at home
  • Exercises to pump up arm muscles in the gym
  • How to quickly build up arm muscles
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  • Video

Exercises for pumping up arm muscles at home

With 95% probability I say that everyone loves to pump up their arms and especially their biceps. And although this is a very small muscle when compared to the legs or back, most people are not more proud of anything else than their bulging biceps.

Plus, the hands are the only part of the body that is visible to everyone.: We don’t show off our abs, chest, back, or legs anywhere except on the beach or in the bedroom. It's a shame in some ways, but it's true.

Take a lying position. Spread your legs wide. Working hand should be positioned exactly under the shoulder. Place your free hand on your thigh. Lower your body down until your chest almost touches the floor. Push up, straightening your arm almost completely.

Keep your body level and your back straight. Don't help yourself by rocking your body. During the exercise, your hands should be facing inward. Raise the dumbbell by bending your elbow as far as possible. Lower the dumbbell until your arm is almost completely straight.

Keep your body level and your back straight. Don't help yourself by rocking your body. Raise the dumbbell by bending your elbow as far as possible. Lower the dumbbell until your arm is almost completely straight.

Exercises for pumping up arm muscles in the gym

Keep your body level and your back straight. Sit between two benches. Hold the bench with your hands shoulder-width apart. The feet are placed on an adjacent bench. Bend your arms and lower yourself down until your upper arms are parallel to the floor. Push up, straightening your arms almost completely.

Keep your body level and your back straight. Grab the cable handle with an overhand grip. Lean forward slightly. Elbows pressed to the body. The shoulder part of the arm is in line with the torso. Starting position: arms bent at the elbows. Pull the handle down until your arms are almost completely straight. Return the cable to its original position, but do not let the load rest in place.

All movements should be performed using the triceps - do not help yourself by rocking your body.

Earlier articles covered exercises:

How to quickly build up arm muscles

  • Warm-up exercises must be performed before starting to lift weights. otherwise there may be various complications, more high speed onset of fatigue.
  • After the muscles are warmed up, exercises such as pull-ups and push-ups can be included in the system, which develop the arm muscles very well.
  • The hands can be pumped up and strengthened using an expander. Exercises can be done without interrupting your main job.
  • Exercises with punching bag. Punches and combinations of punches on a heavy bag are done by hands agile, strong, confident and very dangerous for your enemies if something happens.
  • In training the arm muscles, the role of imagination is great. As you curl your arms with dumbbells or a barbell, imagine your biceps swelling to incredible sizes. This is a truly serious training secret that allows you to go beyond average achievements.

  • When training your hands, do not allow discomfort in your wrist joints. Choose bars or positions that will not injure your wrist joints.
  • Proper nutrition is important when training arm muscles. Arm muscles require constant “infusions” of energy for their proper and stable growth. After each workout, drink a protein-carbohydrate shake consisting of 70-80% carbohydrates and 20-30% protein. If you're prone to speed dialing excess weight, limit your fat intake.
  • If the arm muscles do not grow very quickly, with You should limit the load on your arms as much as possible outside the athletic hall. Aerobic exercises are especially harmful for building muscle mass in the arms, as well as sports such as rowing, tennis and some other sports where constant load on the muscles of the arms.


Hand training - fingers, wrist, forearm

Arm workout - triceps

Pull down

One-arm push-ups

Vertical push-ups

More articles or don’t forget that 50% of success is proper nutrition:

  • Nutrition during training

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Frequently asked questions

  • How much water should you drink per day?
  • First training program
  • Body types. Ectomorph, mesomorph and endomorph. How to find out your
  • How to pump up your shoulders

What burns fat faster: running or lifting? Many people think that lifting weights is much more effective than aerobics. Is this true? Let's find out a little below.

When newcomers come to the gym, due to their inexperience, they make many mistakes. Of course, there is a fitness instructor in the gym who will show you a number of exercises and correct any errors that appear. However, in this article we will tell you what exercises you need to do and how many approaches.

If you follow all the diets and proper nutrition regimens correctly, you will still not be able to achieve an increase in muscle mass. In order to achieve a certain result, there are only two options: go to a sports club or exercise at home. Of course, the fitness instructor will select the necessary set of exercises and tell you about the diet. However, in this article we will offer you a method of building mass based on several exercises.

In this article, let's look at how you can build muscles at home. The main obstacle to studying at home is our laziness. However, if you overcome it and start exercising at least an hour a day, you will notice results within a couple of weeks. And you definitely need to give yourself at least one day off.

By definition from physiology reference books, there are three main body types. Z By knowing the characteristics of each of them, you can change your body, while quickly selecting only correct complexes exercise or diet. However, on the Internet there is some scattering of concepts and terms for determining body type - we will try to eliminate this.

The article will discuss exercises that allow you to pump up important muscles - the lower abs. These exercises can be performed both at home and in the gym. This instruction designed for those people who want to pump up beautiful abs quickly, while spending only about ten minutes a day.

This article will talk about a beautiful male figure, namely with regard to broad shoulders. Let's look at exercises to keep your muscles toned. They can be performed at home or in the gym.

Every man wants to have strong hands. And you don't have to go to the gym for this. If you wish, you can pump up your arm muscles even at home without spending money on subscriptions. True, you will still have to spend money on buying shells. If you already have dumbbells and a barbell at home, then everything is even easier. With their help you can build muscles the fastest.

So, there are quite a lot of muscles in a person’s hands, but most often some of them are trained:

  • biceps (responsible for curling the arms);
  • triceps (the main task is extension of the upper limbs);
  • forearms (needed for moving the forearms and holding objects with the fingers).

Their locations can be seen in the following image:

What will you need for homework?

IN ideal- a sports bench, parallel bars and a crossbar, several dumbbells and a barbell. True, there aren’t many things you can buy (see our article on how to make dumbbells at home). These shells can be replaced with improvised means, for example, plastic bottles with sand or water.

Working with such equipment is not so convenient, so if you really want to, it’s still better to buy some hardware for your home. Until this time, you will mostly have to make do with bodyweight exercises.

You can train your arms twice a week. One of them is to pump up the biceps and triceps, the second is to load the deltoids (shoulders) and forearms. So, let's start looking at the most effective exercises on the indicated muscle groups, which can be done at home.

Making your shoulders wider

We know that the deltas consist of three bundles - anterior, lateral and posterior. The strongest of them is the front one, it is involved in many arm movements. For example, with the popular bench press, the front deltas are quite strongly involved in the work. It is used in those moments when we need to lift something up above our heads.

The lateral and rear deltoids are less developed. Moreover, training the former can visually make the shoulders wider, without giving them real strength or power. They swing mainly due to traction or swing movements.

It is best to train your shoulders with dropsets with light weights, since performing exercises with maximum weights- this is very dangerous, given the structure of the shoulder joint, and it is easy to injure. Therefore, when training deltas, there is no need to chase weights, but rather try to feel the working muscles as best as possible.

Army press

IN classic version performed with a barbell and works well on the front and side deltas (to a lesser extent). To do this, you need to take the bar with a grip slightly wider than your shoulders, bend your back and place it on pectoral muscles. Then, as you exhale, press the barbell up, and as you inhale, lower it. The back should be arched; you can wear an athletic belt for insurance.

If there are no barbells or dumbbells, you can replace them with plastic bottles of water or sand, for example 5 liters. Their handles must be strong so that the bottles do not fall to the floor. You can use other available products as a substitute, depending on what you have at home.

This is a basic exercise for the shoulders; incorrect positioning of the back can lead to problems with the spine and lower back, so always pay attention to the technique. It is enough to slowly do 4-5 hikes of 10-15 repetitions.

Swing your arms to the sides

Depending on the technique, the lateral and rear deltas are involved to varying degrees. Swings (or flyes) are done with light weight. For starters, 5-8 kg for each hand is enough. Beginners can start with two liter bottles with water (if they can be grasped normally).

The technique is quite complex and few people will be able to perform the exercise correctly the first time without the help of an instructor. You need to stand straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart, slightly bending your knees. We hold dumbbells (or their substitutes) in both hands. As you exhale, we spread our arms to our sides (as if a bird is flapping its wings). The elbows should always rise above the hands, which should be brought to the level of the chin or slightly higher.

We suggest performing this exercise with the following dropset (without rest):

  • 10-12 times with dumbbells weighing 8 kg;
  • 10-12 times with dumbbells 5 kg;
  • maximum quantity times with dumbbells 2 kg.

Try doing 3-4 approaches like this - your shoulders will burn unbearably, but it will bring great benefits, and you will be one step closer to your goal of developing beautiful and sculpted arms.

If you want to pump up your posterior muscle bundles with this exercise, you will need to perform it while bending forward.

Working on the biceps

Biceps training should be varied. In addition, in order to use the two bundles (heads) of this muscle group, you must remember to load the brachialis, which is located under the biceps. It is by training this muscle that the height of the biceps will increase.

There are several basic exercises for biceps. Let us immediately note that although pull-ups with a reverse grip are such, they are difficult to fully use in pumping up your arms. This is due to the fact that in addition to the biceps, the back is also very tense, and this takes a lot of strength. Often it is this fact that prevents you from fully concentrating and putting all your energy into training your arms.

Standing barbell curls (biceps curls)

This exercise has probably been seen by everyone who has visited the gym at least once - such is its popularity. Some, because physiological characteristics use two dumbbells instead of a barbell. This option also has a right to life and is no worse. If sports equipment no, then you can come up with various burdens. For example, a bag of sand, cast iron pipe etc.

To perform, stand straight, bend your knees slightly, and grab the barbell with a reverse grip. The grip width may vary, choose the option that suits you best. At the lower and upper points of execution, do not relax your arms, keep them tense. Four approaches of 8-12 times is quite enough.

Choose the weight of the projectile according to your strength. As you increase muscle mass and muscle endurance, increase it.


So, good exercise We found a way to increase biceps mass, what next? We must not forget about the development of brachialis, as this will help visually make our “guns” even higher.

One of the common and recognized methods is to perform a hammer (or hammers). The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise. We take dumbbells or bottles of sand in both hands. Palms should face each other. Without turning your wrist, lift the weight to shoulder level with one hand, then the other.

Elbows should remain in one place - pressed to the sides. The part of the hands that is located above it should also not move. We bend our arms slowly, without rocking the body. Approach 3 or 4 10-15 times will be enough to load the brachialis and get positive feedback from him on days of rest. .

When performing the exercises listed above, watch your body - it should not sway. Otherwise, you will remove the load from the biceps and transfer it to the whole body. In this case, the effectiveness of hand development is reduced several times.

Growing triceps

Contrary to popular belief, training the triceps rather than the biceps will help make your arms wider the fastest. They consist of three beams, the development of which will significantly increase your arms.


This is one of best exercises, which is considered basic for working out the arm extensor muscles. In this case, it is better to take a narrow grip (shoulder-width apart or slightly narrower). Even when working only with your own weight, your arms receive a good load, which not everyone can handle.

In order for the load to be concentrated almost exclusively on the triceps, you need to perform the exercise with a straight back, moving your legs back. This way you minimize the involvement of the pectoral muscles.

If you are able to do more than 4 sets of 20 times with a minute's rest, then you can safely start adding weights, for example, doing push-ups, tying something heavy to yourself (a five-liter bottle of water, a bag of sand, etc.).

There are also cases when there are no beams in the yard or house, what should you do in this case? The emphasis can be taken on two chairs, which should be placed shoulder-width apart. Just be sure to watch your balance so that you don’t fall to the floor with this design.

You can try more safe way. Place two chairs side by side - one behind you (rest your hands on it, fingers should point forward), the other in front, on which you place your feet. Bend your elbows, try to move them back, not to the sides. If the exercise is too easy, you can put several books or other weights on top of yourself. Perform 4-5 such approaches 10-15 times during training.

Classic push-ups

The simplest thing you can think of is doing regular push-ups. There is no doubt about their effectiveness, but you won’t be able to actually build muscle mass with them. However, getting your hands in order and adding some athletic shape to them in the form of relief is quite possible.

You can make things a little more difficult for yourself and do handstand push-ups. If you have problems with balance, you can rest your feet against the wall. In this version, it is quite difficult to perform push-ups. The main thing to remember is not to place your arms too wide, otherwise the load will transfer to the pectoral muscles. You need to place your hands slightly narrower than shoulder width.

Bent over arm extension

In fact, many people underestimate this exercise. Despite the fact that the approaches are performed with fairly light weights, the triceps are tensed quite well. Instead of dumbbells, you can, again, use bottles of sand or water.

You need to find a focus. This could be a table, the back of a chair, etc. Arch your back, place your arms at your side along your body. Press your elbow tightly towards you and constantly make sure that it remains in place. Begin to bend and straighten your arm at the elbow without rocking your body. You should perform all repetitions of the approach first with one hand, then with the other.

In the upper position, you can fix your hand for 1-3 seconds in order to maximally strain all the muscle fibers of the triceps. Three or four sets of 10-15 reps should be enough to fill your muscles with blood and give them a boost to development.

Should you pay attention to your forearms?

In fact, not many people study them separately. There are enough exercises for the main muscle groups in the form of rows that strain and strengthen these muscles.

To increase your grip strength, you can use hanging bars and other similar exercises. To strengthen the ligaments, you will need dumbbells or other weights that you can grasp. It is enough to take the weight in your hand and begin to slowly rotate clockwise, then reverse side. You can do this by time, or by the number of laps.

Much in this matter is determined by genetics and body type. If you're naturally thin, you'll want to focus on your core muscles and let your forearms follow.

Features of women's training

The listed exercises can also be used by the weaker sex. At the same time, you should not take the heaviest dumbbells or ten-liter bottles of water.

In order to get your arms in order and make them fit, it is quite enough to limit yourself to weights weighing 3-5 kg.

It is better to increase the number of repetitions to 20-25, and take the pace quite fast. In this case, no more than 1 minute should be allocated for rest.

Monitor your heart rate closely if you have not previously exercised, as high physical activity can negatively affect your well-being.


You can replace dumbbells and barbells at home with improvised means: plastic bottles with sand or water, cast iron products, bags with cargo, etc. With this equipment you can get your hands in order, adding strength and volume to them.

Use the exercises listed in the article as they are basic and work 100% in almost all cases. Do not forget about the regularity of training, since one or two sessions, if that’s all it takes, will not make your arms massive and strong.

Results don't come quickly. This will take at least three months of intense training. But you can speed up muscle growth by taking protein shakes, proper nutrition (less carbohydrates, more protein) and, if desired, other sports nutrition.

In other cases, regular exercise and the right training program are enough to gain muscle mass.

How to pump up your arms at home? Is it possible without the help of a professional trainer and...

How to pump up your arms at home? Is it possible to increase the volume of biceps without the help of a professional trainer and special exercise equipment? Of course yes! If you are a beginner athlete and are still far from your ideal, then use practical advice. They will help you create a training plan and serve as great motivation.

  • Alternate training and rest. If you exercise regularly and work on your arm muscles every time, you will end up with zero effect. Remember that muscles grow during rest, not during exercise. Frequent intense exercise will lead to muscle burning and overtraining. It is better to focus on the quality of exercise rather than quantity. Don't exercise with fanaticism, enjoy every workout.
  • Gradually increase the load. Develop a training program that you will follow in the near future. Stick to this regimen for 2-4 weeks. Exercise 3 times a week. Then diversify your workout and increase the load. Set aside one day to work on your shoulder or chest muscles, and one day to work on your legs.
  • Develop strength. The most effective exercises are considered to be: French bench press with dumbbells, lat pulldowns, and seated biceps curls. When doing bicep curls, increase the weight by 5% every 7 days.
  • Train on the horizontal bar. Most often, biceps workouts consist of curling your arms. Many people forget about such simple, but at the same time very effective equipment as horizontal bars and parallel bars. The crossbar can be found in any yard; you don’t have to sign up for a gym. Get outside and exercise. Moreover, fresh air is much healthier and more pleasant than the smell of sweat in the gym. Close-grip pull-ups are a great biceps exercise that improve muscle strength and increase muscle mass. If you can easily do more than 10 pull-ups, then switch to weighted pull-ups. The better you develop strength, the more muscle mass you will gain (subject to diet).
  • Do some stretching. End each workout with stretching. It will help restore muscles faster, relieve fatigue, and can also lengthen the fascia.
  • Rock your legs. Squats and lunges – best friends bodybuilder. If you want to build muscle mass, then be sure to do these exercises. The fact is that during leg training, metabolic processes accelerate and the body begins to actively produce growth hormones. As a result, not only the muscles of the legs increase, but also the muscles of other parts of the body. Each leg workout should be followed by at least 24 hours of rest.
  • Work on your forearms. Arms are more than just biceps. To keep your body looking proportional and your muscles strong, you need to work on all parts. Don't forget your forearms. If they are not strong enough, then you simply will not be able to lift required weight. Use barbell pads. This is extremely useful, since training with a thick bar makes it possible to increase grip strength. If the grip is difficult, then it will be difficult to achieve the desired result.
  • Eat right. Muscle mass does not appear on empty space. To do this, you need to provide the body with a sufficient amount of protein, slow carbohydrates and fats. You won't be able to increase the size of your arms if you don't change total weight bodies. To gain just one centimeter on your arm, you need to gain about 2 kg of muscle mass, and without nutrition it is almost impossible to do this. The calorie content of the diet, the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is calculated based on body weight. The entire daily menu must be divided into 5-6 servings. In the first half of the day, give preference to carbohydrate foods, and in the second – protein foods with vegetables. Choose a diet that will allow you to build muscle mass, not subcutaneous fat.
  • Drink enough clean water . This means water, not juices, tea or coffee. The amount of water per day is calculated very simply: 30 g of water per 1 kg of weight. For example, an athlete weighing 90 kg needs to drink 3 liters of water per day. It is also necessary to drink during training to avoid dehydration.
  • Use sports nutrition and supplements. Use tyrosine and caffeine before training, during physical activity– amino acids, and after training, pamper your tired body with protein with creatine. Consult a specialist before purchasing and using supplements. Don't mindlessly take every sports supplement you can get your hands on. They should become your auxiliary tool, and not a replacement for training and nutritious food.
  • Set goals and go towards them. It is important not only to learn how to pump up your arms, but also to take real steps. Think about your goal and do at least something every day to achieve it. Don't look for miracle cures and pills that will help you pump up your arms in 2 weeks. Don't forget that everyone is different and everyone has their own physiology. It is especially difficult for men with an ectomorph body type to gain muscle mass.
  • Learn to relax. First, ensure yourself quality and long sleep. Try to go to bed before 12 noon and get up at 7-8 am. Secondly, rest between workouts and don’t chase quick results. Take a break from obsessing over how to build arm muscles and focus on nutrition and quality of training. Thirdly, use pleasant methods of recovery: massage, sauna, steam bath, walking fresh air, pleasant communication with friends. Don't focus on your body and the process will go much faster.

We pump our arms with a barbell

You can pump up your arms both in the gym and at home. If you have a barbell and dumbbells of different weights at home, then there will be no problems at all. With the help of these equipment you will be able to perform the most effective exercises. The biceps are worked by bending and straightening your arms with dumbbells. In this case, the amplitude of flexion and extension may be different. Depending on the amplitude you work with, the growth of muscles or their relief will depend.

When performing flexion-extension, you need to use a support against which your elbows will rest. The weight of the projectiles should be chosen based on physical capabilities. As muscles grow, the weight of the projectile must be increased.

If you want to pump up your arms using a barbell, then use the following recommendations:

  • Determine the optimal weight for yourself. It shouldn't be too big or small.
  • Before performing the main set of exercises, you need to do a warm-up. It will help avoid severe muscle pain, sprains, fatigue, injuries, etc.

So, stand against the wall, straighten your back, take the barbell from below with a wide grip and begin to alternately bend and straighten your arms, lifting the barbell to chest and lowering it to its original position. The elbows remain motionless.

Don't help yourself with your elbows. Incorrect execution technique and incorrect amplitude will not give the desired effect, and the training will be in vain. Engage only your back and biceps muscles. When extending, do not straighten your arms completely, but leave them slightly bent.

Another exercise with a barbell is the reverse-grip chest raise. Take a bar with weights and pull the barbell towards your chest (thumbs pointing down).

Bench exercises are suitable for working the lower biceps. Sit on a bench, take a barbell, and start the exercise: do flexion-extension of your arms, but do not straighten your arms completely. Always keep your back straight.

Work with dumbbells

Dumbbells are great for working your biceps. With their help, you can work with each hand separately. Some people have different arm strengths, so it is important for them to distribute the load.

To perform the exercises you will need a chair and dumbbells. So, let's start training:

  • We sit on a chair or stool, take dumbbells and begin to raise and lower both arms alternately. Hold at the top for a few seconds and lower your arm.
  • From a sitting or standing position, begin to bend your arms with dumbbells towards your shoulders, alternately or simultaneously. Exhale as you force, inhale as you relax.

It is enough to train with a barbell 3 times a week.

How to pump up your arms without barbells and dumbbells?

In addition to barbells and dumbbells, there are such wonderful types of exercise as push-ups and pull-ups. If not everyone can afford a barbell, then anyone can find a horizontal bar. How to pump up your biceps without weights?

  • Standard push-ups. Lie on the floor, keep your body straight, elbows slightly bent, place your arms slightly wider than shoulder-width apart at chest level, and legs hip-width apart. Begin to lower yourself down, bending your arms but not touching your chest to the floor. Smoothly return to the starting position.
  • Close grip push-ups. We take the starting position as in the previous exercise, but with a slight difference: the index fingers and thumbs should touch each other. We begin to lower ourselves down, getting as close to our palms as possible, but without touching them. Then we return to the starting position.
  • Wide grip push-ups. We lie down on the floor, spread our arms as wide as possible, begin to lower ourselves down, and then use the chest muscles to return to the starting position. Don't arch your back and keep your abs tense.
  • Push-ups with legs thrown back. We take the starting position, as with regular push-ups, but place our feet on a hill, for example, on a sofa, bed or stool.
  • Push-ups with cotton. This exercise is suitable for more advanced athletes who feel strength in their arms. So, we take a lying position, feet hip-width apart, back straight, jerk up and clap with our hands. First you need to learn how to at least lift yourself off the ground with both hands.
  • Pull-ups on the horizontal bar. Perform pull-ups with a wide, medium, or narrow grip. Grab the bar, squeeze your shoulder blades together, and slowly begin to pull yourself up. Try to raise your chin above the bar. Do 3-4 sets of 10 pull-ups. In the first classes, do as many repetitions as possible.

How to pump up a girl's arms at home?

Many girls bypass arm exercises, thinking that this way they will turn into the Hulk. It is clear that women’s physiology is structured differently from men’s, and in order to achieve at least minimal biceps growth, you need to spend months in the gym, but fear still remains. All these stereotypes play a cruel joke on ladies, since they themselves suffer from flabby, ugly arms. It is imperative to work on the muscles of your arms and then they will become more graceful, toned and slender.

We present a simple set of arm exercises for girls:

  • Push-ups. Go to a support, for example, a bed, lean your hands on it, place your feet shoulder-width apart. Start doing regular push-ups without arching your back. Do the exercise smoothly and efficiently. Complete 15 to 30 repetitions in total, depending on your fitness level.
  • Push-ups from the floor. Perform classic push-ups. If the exercise is difficult for you, then do push-ups from your knees.
  • Work with dumbbells. Take dumbbells weighing from 1.5 to 4 kg, stand up straight, and begin to alternately raise your arms in your chest. Do 5 sets of 30 reps in total.
  • Take dumbbells, stand straight, arms at your sides parallel to the floor. Raise your hands and bring them together in front of you. Do 15 reps in total.
  • Go to the bed or sofa, turn your back to it, sit down a little and rest your hands on the edge. Stretch your legs forward and do not bend. Start lowering yourself down, trying to touch your buttocks to the floor. Return to the starting position and repeat the exercise several more times. These push-ups help strengthen your triceps.
  • Sit on a bed or stool, take dumbbells in your hands, lift them above your head and begin to lower them behind your head. Do 15 reps. You can also work with one dumbbell, holding it with both hands.