Is it possible to paint fiberboard with water-based paint? Primer of cardboard and hardboard under oil

Fiberboards are used for the production of furniture, covering floors and walls, and the construction of partitions and enclosing structures. However, not everyone knows how to paint fiberboard, because this material differs from ordinary plywood or wood. We will tell you how it is produced preparation of fiberboard to painting, and how painting work is performed.

Painting of fibreboards


Before you paint fiberboard, you should find out what kind of material it is and what its features are. As the name suggests, these are boards made from wood fibers. Fibers are obtained in different ways: by processing wood chips and shavings, plant fires, crushed wood and other waste from the woodworking industry.

The fibers are collected and pressed when heated with the addition of synthetic resins, as well as water-repellent additives (paraffin, rosin) and pectol. Soft varieties of this product can be produced without the addition of resins, due to the lignin released from the cells of wood fibers during pressing.

Various targeted additives are also added to the boards - fire retardants, fungicides and antiseptics.

As a result, fairly strong and smooth slabs are obtained, which are characterized by the following qualities:

  • High strength. The ST series slab grades can be used for the construction of floors, carriages, furniture and other structures that require the ability to withstand high mechanical loads;
  • Low price. Due to the fact that the material is produced from waste, its cost is significantly lower than the cost of solid wood or plywood. This explains the popularity of this product in various fields production and construction;
  • Moisture resistance. With appropriate treatment, fiberboard can withstand high humidity and used as an enclosing structure in carriage building, packaging production and other areas of economy and industry;
  • Durability. Factory impregnation with special preparations makes the slabs unsuitable for feeding fungi and bacteria, as well as insects and other pests. This allows the material to serve for a long time without any significant changes in composition and structure.

Important! Modern MDF material is a type of fiberboard, only fibers of certain types of wood and special pressing technology are used for its production.

Attention!Except general characteristics, we want to highlight one more, at first glance, insignificant feature. This feature lies in the fact that, due to some technological subtleties, the material very actively absorbs and absorbs liquids. This is important from a painting point of view.

What can you paint with?

Any wood paint is suitable for working with slabs. Since floor coverings are most often made from this material, let's talk about this area of ​​finishing.

Paint for fiberboard floors is selected taking into account the characteristics of use, the following options are possible:

  • Oil paints and alkyd enamels. Any wear-resistant floor coverings based on natural or synthetic drying oils. Most often, compositions based on pentaphthalic drying oils modified with alkyd resins (PF-115, PF-226, etc.) are used;
  • Wear-resistant acrylic paints based on aqueous dispersions. More expensive, but also more quality option coatings, especially for living rooms and bedrooms;
  • Alkyd-urethane and epoxy compounds. They are characterized by high strength and reliability, but are also quite expensive and difficult to apply, since they often consist of two components and require preliminary preparation, taking into account the lifetime of the diluted material.

Execution of work

Now about how to paint a fiberboard floor.

If you intend to do the work yourself, our instructions will help you:

  1. Before painting fiberboard floors, the slabs should be prepared. To do this, they should be cleaned of dust and dirt, the cracks should be filled with putty and the surface should be degreased with industrial alcohol. Next, you should heat the oxol drying oil to 50 degrees and apply it with a brush in one layer over the entire surface;
  2. After the drying oil has completely dried, open the can of paint and mix the contents thoroughly. For greater fluidity, you can slightly dilute the composition with white spirit or solvent;
  3. Apply the paint using a medium-pile fur roller. Make the layer thin, blend the coating evenly over the entire floor;
  4. We wait for the enamel to dry completely - at least a day. Then apply the next layer, but with undiluted paint. We complete the work by applying the third layer after the second has completely hardened.

Important! Alkyd enamel is toxic, so you need to work in a well-ventilated area using a respirator and other personal protective equipment.


Fiberboard – widely used building material, especially for covering floors and walls. Painting slabs can make them more attractive and extend their service life.

A fiberboard ceiling is a simple solution that saves a lot of hassle. The main ones are that the fiberboard surface does not need to be plastered and leveled. All that remains is the finishing touches.

If you are just thinking about installing a fiberboard ceiling, it makes sense to pay attention to laminated panels. They are already finished - one side is laminated. Moreover, the palette is quite wide - although fiberboard panels are often used to decorate walls, it is also easy to choose for ceilings.

Palette of fiberboard panels for the ceiling
painted fiberboard panel sheets

If ordinary panels are attached to the ceiling, then, of course, the question arises about painting them. How to paint a fiberboard ceiling to get a full, durable and beautiful coating?

How to prime a fiberboard ceiling

  • The surface assembled from fiberboard is coated with a primer before painting. What does priming do?
  • The paint adheres stronger to the surface and does not come off in any areas. This is important for the smoothness of the fiberboard surface.
  • The paint layer is smooth and neat.
  • The primer reduces the absorption activity of the material by 2-3 times. This means that paints for high-quality coating you will need significantly less.

Due to their high absorbency, fiberboards are not easy to prime. On sale you can find primers intended for processing this material; this is usually indicated in the instructions on the packaging. Basically, the problem is solved alkyd primers With high speed drying, as well as with acrylic latex in the composition. There are special primers for water based.

Priming fiberboard allows you to save paint and get an even coating

You can treat the fiberboard with heated drying oil as a primer. Apply the mixture to the surface of the sheets only once, the second time will not be absorbed and will remain sticky. The quality of painting will also suffer from the fact that the second layer of drying oil can form uneven surfaces.

It is more convenient to first prime the slabs, and only then, after drying, attach them to the ceiling. But this is only possible with the installation of a new ceiling.

How to putty fiberboard before painting

One slab for the ceiling is not enough, so you can’t do without puttying the joints. The process is simple: the seams are filled with putty, and reinforced tape is applied on top.

It is advisable to use alkyd putty - for elastic, springy fiberboard sheets it is suitable for its plasticity.

If there are few joints, you can use acrylic-silicone sealant.

The seams between the sheets can be puttied or covered with strips, including decorative ones.
You can embed inserts from another suitable material into the fiberboard ceiling.
Before finishing You can make carvings on the fiberboard ceiling panels

How and how to paint a fiberboard ceiling

If the fiberboard is well primed, painting it is no longer such a problem. Many paints will be used: alkyd, oil, acrylic, even water-based. Good choice- Pinotex.

Fiberboard panels painted mahogany

Focus on what effect you want to get. For example, alkyd enamel will make the surface smooth and shiny, similar to plastic (especially if painted in white). Water-soluble paint will make the fiberboard ceiling matte, reminiscent of a traditional, high-quality painted-whitewashed ceiling. True, moisture-resistant fiberboard will not accept water-based emulsion - they are impregnated with paraffin, and the applied paint will slide off the sheets.

The fiberboard on the ceiling can be painted with water-based paint
A painted ceiling made of fiberboard panels can be varnished

If you decide to paint the ceiling like wood, it is best to use bitumen varnish. By the way, with its help you can get not only color, but also, to some extent, the “texture” of wood (visual effect). To do this you will need a special spatula applicator. It is flexible and made of rubber. If you run the grooved side of the applicator over the layer of just applied varnish, you will get stains on the wood cut.

Flexible spatula applicator for applying to different surfaces wood textures
Wood pattern on hardboard

Fiberboard ceilings painted with oil, alkyd and other paints are also varnished - the coating becomes shiny and very easy to clean.

You can make an interesting, very elegant and durable ceiling decoration. For this purpose, prepared (primed, puttied) fiberboard sheets are pasted over paper wallpaper, after which they are coated with varnish (parquet, yacht, etc.) in several layers.

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Despite its apparent simplicity, painting plywood, hardboard and chipboard has its own subtleties. As you know, all these materials are made of wood, but each of them has its own properties that must be taken into account when painting.

Painting plywood and veneer

Before you learn how to paint plywood, you need to understand what it is. So, plywood- This multilayer material, made from several layers of veneer (thinly cut layers of wood) of birch, spruce or pine glued together. Plywood can be sanded or unsanded and varies in grade. The highest grade of product is designated by the letter “E” (elite), meaning that both sides are sanded smooth and have no knots on the surface.

The remaining grades are designated by Roman or Arabic numerals from one to four, with the category indicated for both sides of the plywood. For example, marking II/IV indicates that the face veneer (it is designated as a two) has small knots and cracks up to two millimeters in size. Number IV in this case indicates that the so-called underside of the sheet can be wavy, have diverging cracks up to a centimeter wide and voids from fallen “dead” knots. Grade IV/IV plywood sheets are used, as a rule, only in places where they will be hidden - for example, when constructing a subfloor.

When purchasing plywood that will subsequently be painted on one side, you should pay attention to 2/4 grade sheets. If you plan to paint it with two sides, then it is best to choose plywood marked 2/2 or, if funds allow, 1/1. If already available finished product made of this material, the surface of which is not smooth, it is better to sand it before painting sandpaper.

If the plywood was purchased from a warehouse where the air humidity is quite high, it should be left for several days at room temperature.

You can paint plywood sheets with both varnish and paint. Best fit paint and varnish materials alkyd based. You can paint sanded plywood with varnish without any pre-treatment using any convenient brush or mohair roller. Painting plywood sheets with enamel requires pre-treatment. In most cases, gray or red-brown GF-021 primer is used. You can apply paint to the sheets after it has completely dried. Special attention When refining plywood, attention should be paid to the ends. They need to be painted especially carefully, applying the coating in several layers.

Just like plywood, you can paint furniture, covered with veneer. The only difference is that, as a rule, they are treated with varnish in production. Therefore, first you will have to work hard - remove the old coating with sandpaper, and this must be done only by hand so as not to damage the structure of the material. In most cases, veneer is painted with a water-based stain, which is applied in several layers. However, alkyd enamel or water-based paint are also quite suitable for veneer, but they will completely hide its color and most of its texture. For painting it is best to use a small velor roller.

Painting chipboard

Unlike plywood, which is made from solid veneer, chipboard is made from compressed wood shavings glued together with formaldehyde resins. It is in these resins that the danger lurks - their vapors, which are released during operation, are quite harmful to humans. Therefore, to protect against them, non-laminated chipboard sheets It is recommended to paint. Of course, this material is not used to create furniture - as a rule, it is placed on the subfloor, but it is still worth taking additional safety measures. It is not necessary to paint such sheets - you can simply treat them with natural drying oil on both sides, not forgetting the ends.

If we are talking about laminated material (chipboard), then painting it is somewhat more difficult. First of all, you need to take sandpaper with a small grain and carefully sand the surface until matte, then carefully remove all dust. Then laminated chipboard They are painted with GF-021 primer, after which they are lightly sanded again. Can be used for painting alkyd enamel any color, which must be applied in 2-3 layers. Color laminated chipboard It’s better to use a small velor roller, as the brush will leave noticeable streaks on the slab.

Painting of fiberboard

Painting fiberboard (fibreboard) is more difficult than the above materials. Hardboard(another name for fiberboard) is made by pressing wood fibers, so the material turns out to be quite porous, which means it absorbs large number paints. To reduce its consumption, the surface of the sheet must be pre-treated. To do this, you can use natural drying oil heated to 50 ° C or the same primer GF-021. Before applying them, the surface should be lightly sanded for better adhesion to the ground. By the way, they paint only the smooth side of the sheet, since the “wrong side” does not lend itself well to any processing.

After the drying oil has dried, you can begin painting. Here, again, any paint you like will do, be it oil-based or alkyd. It must be applied with a roller, as a brush will leave streaks. You can use paint in spray can- it will evenly cover the entire surface of the hardboard.

Using all the tips on painting, you can give a new “sound” to familiar furniture and give it a second life. Any drawing will create uniqueness and originality for the updated items - here the scope for creativity is unlimited.

Wood fiber plastic (fibreboard, hardboard) – durable and durable material, used not only for construction and repair work, but even for decorative purposes. At the same time, the dry utilitarian nature of fiberboard requires that the final surface be decorated in some way.

This can be done by pasting Fiberboard wallpaper or an opaque film, or you can paint the front surface of the plastic. Facial because with opposite side It will take much longer to tinker - it is smooth, and therefore practically does not hold any paint.

Features of material coloring

The technology for producing fiberboard determines its porous structure. In this indicator, hardboard is much superior to wood. Therefore, you will have to come to terms with the fact that the consumption of any paint and varnish composition that you intend to use to paint fiberboard will be much greater.

For example, if on a can of paint the manufacturer indicates its approximate consumption per 1 m2 of surface to be painted, then it is worth remembering that these figures are given for low-porosity substances. For fiberboard, the specified norm will have to be increased by 2.5-3 times.

Painting technology also largely depends on what we are going to paint. Some compositions will be optimal for the floor, and others for walls or pieces of furniture.

Paint consumption can be reduced somewhat if you pre-treat the surface to be painted with coarse sandpaper. Dust from abraded fibers gets clogged into the pores, thereby preventing the paint from penetrating too deeply into the structure of the hardboard.

Preparatory work

The preparation consists of the following:

  1. Sanding the surface for painting. In addition to eliminating pores, grinding will make the initial roughness of the material more uniform, which will not only facilitate the painting process itself, but will also increase the visual perception of the finished result.
  2. Putty joints. Performed if it is necessary to paint several connected fiberboard sheets. Not just any putty will do, but only one that is highly flexible, in particular acrylic. It will help tightly fix the contact points of adjacent sheets and thereby facilitate their subsequent painting. It is also acceptable to use sealants based on acrylic or silicone.
  3. Degreasing the surface with any organic solvent. The operation is carried out so that traces of grinding, as well as excessive oiliness of the surface, do not deteriorate the quality of its painting.
  4. Primer. Will provide a reduction in the consumption of base paint; at the same time, those pores that could not be eliminated as a result of grinding are simultaneously blocked. The primer should be heated to 40-60°C before use. The viscosity of the primer (usually ordinary drying oil is used, although alkyd primers are also suitable) decreases, and its fluidity increases. The primer coating is applied in one layer.

Hard brushes and rollers on a natural (not foam) base are suitable as working tools for painting fiberboard. The other options are unsuitable, since they will not be able to hide the fibrous nature of the original surface, and traces from layers of paint will be very noticeable.

Good results are obtained by painting fiberboard with a spray gun or spray gun, however, the costs with this method of painting will increase. Mechanized painting is justified only for large areas of processing.

Sequence of hardboard staining

The choice of paint for painting fiberboard does not matter. What is important, rather, is where the painted fiberboard will be located. If on the floor, then paint with increased wear resistance is suitable - alkyd, acrylic, oil (the latter, however, takes longer to dry). It is quite acceptable to use water-based paint for walls.

Sometimes, after painting, the finished surface is varnished for decorative purposes. This does not have a special effect for fiberboard, but if there is a desire to give the surface a more presentable appearance, as well as increase water resistance (this is advisable for furniture parts), then the plastic can be coated with a transparent varnish.

When using parquet varnish, it is possible to achieve greater resistance of fiberboard from sudden changes relative humidity indoor air.

Selected moments

If the fiberboard is located on the floor, then the finished surface should be varnished not in one, but in two layers.

Sometimes used and clean decorative painting plastic. Then, on the contrary, they try to emphasize its fibrous primary texture. To do this, painting is done with bitumen varnish using a small brush.

To achieve the effect of a smooth fiberboard surface, it is painted in light or even white colors, and to achieve a matte surface, water-dispersion based paints are used.