Ice skating rink near the house. How to fill a skating rink in the yard with your own hands, useful tips

One of the children's favorite games New Year- skate. But where can I get ice? It would seem simpler: take a hose and fill the area with water. But no: either the water goes into the ground, or irregularities form. And all because the art of “ice making” has been well forgotten. In our material we tell you how to properly fill a skating rink at your dacha: here you can skate to your heart's content and look after your children without leaving home.

The main secret to a successful skating rink is a level base. Who wants to trip over a ledge while pirouettes? Therefore, the skating rink works best on asphalt. However, you can also make a good site on the ground. The main thing to remember is that the skating rink is poured only after the soil freezes to a depth of 5-7 cm, otherwise the water will be absorbed into the ground.

So what do you need?

Mark the boundaries of the skating rink and clear it of stones, carefully leveling it. The next step is tamping. The snow is trampled down, crushed with skis or a garden roller.

The thickness of the snow cushion should be at least 5 cm. It is considered ready when you can easily walk on it without falling through. Next, we make sides up to 25 cm high, they will not allow the water to spread. Frozen boards, soil or snow are suitable for this.

...It’s -5 degrees outside, or even better - minus 10? Let's start pouring! The easiest way to fill the roller is with a hose. A sprayer is put on it or the tip is pinched with your fingers, and the stream is directed upward at an angle of 25-30 degrees. Water should not flow onto the site, but sprinkle it with small drops. This is the only way you will get a smooth surface. To prevent water from flowing in a continuous stream, some gardeners attach a hose to a shovel. Do not leave the hose lying in one place for a long time.

What happens if you just pour water from a hose or leave it on the site? In severe frost, an ice crust forms on top, under which water and voids accumulate. Top layer will soon become deformed and crack.

Start filling the site from the far corner, gradually moving towards the opposite. The water is directed with the wind. The next filling can be carried out only after the first layer has hardened well. If it snowed, it must be cleared before pouring. Each time, pouring begins from a new place so that hills do not form.

So, step by step, in layers, the skating rink is filled. If there is good frost, you can do it in a day. But in mild cold it will take several days, or even weeks. Considering that about 1 cm of ice is cut off during a day of skating, you need to freeze at least 10-15 cm. The final stage is smoothing the ice hot water.

How to care for the skating rink?

A well-filled skating rink can withstand several thaws. But from time to time he needs care. After each snowfall, the site must be cleared. Throw the snow away from the edges of the skating rink, otherwise they will shrink over time. Potholes and scratches that form during skiing or when there is a thaw require immediate repair. They are filled with a slurry of snow and water and compacted well. When it hardens, level it and fill it with water.

At least once a week (and if you skate often, then daily), the skating rink is leveled and polished. The surface is restored by pouring hot water over the ice again. If it is not possible to water with a hose, make a simple grinding device. Make a box without a bottom (about 200x60 cm). Attach a rubber gasket (for example, a hose cut lengthwise) to the edges of the box along the entire perimeter.

Place a tank on the box with a faucet or a hose lowered inside. Fill the tank with hot water. When the draft mechanism (snowmobile or yourself:) starts moving, water will flow inside the box.

Thanks to the rubber gaskets, it will spread evenly over the surface of the skating rink.

An easier way is to polish the ice by hand using a mop dipped in hot water.

How to paint and decorate a skating rink?

You can make ice at your dacha white like on professional skating rinks. To do this, before the last two pours, water the area aqueous solution chalk, lime or diluted water-based paint. Are you going to play hockey? Before the last fill of the skating rink, apply markings in black, red or blue. Use oil-based or water-based paint.

The width of the lines is at least 5 cm. Do you want to make your skating rink unusual? There is one more “trick”: you can color the ice by adding some kind of dye, for example, gouache or blue, to the pouring water.

Ice skating is an exciting activity. It seems like I just started skating, and it’s already evening. So don’t forget about lighting. Spotlights, several street lamps and garlands will make the process more enjoyable.

Is it possible to fill a skating rink on a lawn?

Landscape experts do not advise doing this. And here's why: even if the grass doesn't freeze without... air cushion, then two more dangers await it: it can “suffocate” (it is known that plants under the snow “breathe”) or dry out: the ice takes longer to melt. And yet, you can try to fill the skating rink on the lawn, if you play it safe. The first thing to do is to create a thick snow cushion of at least 20 cm.

When a thick snow cushion is poured, it needs to be compacted, and then (the following important condition) – create a crust of ice. To prevent water from being absorbed into the snow, the first pouring is carried out in severe frost (at least - 10 C).

By the way, today we are selling special sets for self-installation skating rink The kit includes a backing, a roll of tape, a tube of waterproof glue (for repairing the material), sides and installation instructions. Depending on the configuration and size of the base, such sets cost from 20 to 120 thousand rubles.

Another important task is to make sure that the ice melts quickly in the spring and drain water to prevent the lawn from getting wet. There are several ways to remove ice:

  • mechanically (do not forget that breaking the ice can damage the lawn);
  • sprinkle with ash;
  • scatter some fertilizers (urea or potassium chloride), the granules of which will “burn” the ice;
  • melt with a gas burner;
  • pour alcohol.

In Germany, for example, rejected wine is used for these purposes. But it’s unlikely that a domestic homeowner will be so wasteful.

We wish you a strong winter frost - and may your skating rink be smooth!

And for inspiration, watch a short video about the skating rink, which is already ready!

Everyone knows that a skating rink is a flat, icy surface on which you can skate, sled, and play hockey. Children and adults have a lot of fun spending nice winter days in the ice arena. You can build this ordinary miracle with your own hands in your dacha or in your yard.

Natural skating rink

Any frozen body of water can become a place suitable for ice skating. The main thing is to make sure that the ice thickness is at least fifteen centimeters. To do this, look at its color. If it is bluish, greenish to transparent, then this indicates good quality. If you have the opportunity to cut a hole with an ice ax, then measure how frozen the water is in the deepest place with a tape measure.

The advantage of such a surface will be ease of execution. The downside is that ice thickness can change throughout the winter. If the temperature outside is zero for three days, the thickness of the ice decreases by twenty-five percent.

Artificial skating rink

This is a flat area that is flooded with water. You can build it right in your yard. Ride one like this ice rink much safer than natural. But when building this type of skating rink, you need to spend a little more effort and money.

We build a skating rink at our dacha ourselves

Natural skating rink

  1. Clear the required size area of ​​snow. Drill small holes in the corners so that in the event of severe frosts the ice does not crumble or warp during a thaw.
  2. Remove all trash. Otherwise, while riding, you may fall and get injured.
  3. Natural ice cannot be perfectly smooth. There will always be unevenness, potholes, cracks, and holes on it. Try to smooth them out. Cut down the highest irregularities with an ax or ice ax, seal the cracks with wet snow, and let them harden. If possible, it is best to fill the potholes with a hose with a sprayer.
  4. Remember that a skating rink on a pond also needs to be looked after.

Artificial skating rink

The main condition for a good outdoor skating rink is preparation. the right site under it.

  1. Its size should not be small. Ideal parameters are 20 x 15 meters.
  2. The air temperature during the construction of the ice skating rink should not exceed -10 o C.
  3. The outdoor skating rink is poured in calm, windless weather.
  4. For high-quality filling, it is better to use a sprayer. Hold the hose at an angle of 30 degrees.
  5. Pour water clockwise, turning your back to the wind, in a fan fashion.
  6. Ice is poured to a height of 10–15 centimeters.
  7. A wooden mop can be used to level the surface between pours.
  8. If snow falls between pours, it must be carefully removed.

This general rules, below we will look at how to fill a skating rink on different surfaces with your own hands.

Asphalted surface

It’s good when you have a flat asphalt area for an ice skating rink on your site. It won't be hard to fill it up.

  1. Clear the area of ​​stones and debris. Compact the snow and level it. If there is a lot of it, it is recommended to remove the top layer.
  2. Along the edges of the site, make a side of cleared snow filled with water.
  3. Filling is carried out in several stages.

At the first stage, we wet the surface warm water, then pour a layer of cold. We wait until the ice stops breaking.

Second stage. Level the surface of the skating rink with warm water thin layer, there is cold water on top again. We are waiting for it to freeze.

We repeat all operations one more time.

Ground surface

You need to build a platform with your own hands when the ground freezes to 7 cm. You can make an ice skating rink in several ways.

The first one is simpler and less expensive.

  1. We are marking the future ice rink.
  2. Remove all trash.
  3. We compact the area well. To do this, you can use a lawn roller, or jump and run. Try walking on prepared snow; if your feet don’t sink, then everything was done correctly.
  4. Make a low side with your own hands, about 15–20 centimeters. It can be built from snow filled with water, earth, boards frozen into the ground.
  5. Along the perimeter of the skating rink at a distance of two meters from outside side, clear almost to bare ground. Newly fallen snow will be removed there.
  6. Leave the prepared area for two days to allow the surface to freeze.
  7. Start pouring water from the farthest bar, carefully making sure that there are no missed areas.
  8. Fill the first layer and let it freeze. After about 1.5–2 hours, pour a new layer. Repeat in the same sequence until the desired thickness.

The second method of building a skating area with your own hands will require a little more effort, but skating rinks in the yard made using this technology can withstand slight thaws. Preparations for installing the skating rink begin in the fall, before the first snow falls.

  1. We prepare the site, remove all the stones and twigs using a rake.
  2. We knock together a side from the boards, it can also be used on next year. From the outside we fasten the boards using overlays with screws of 4 pieces.
  3. We dig pegs in the corners at a distance of a meter from the side. They should be 10 centimeters higher than the side.
  4. Roll out a light film inside the area without wrinkles or bubbles and place it in the corners. We fasten it from the outside using overlays. The film should lie loosely on the ground.
  5. When the outside temperature drops -1 o C, start filling the skating rink with your own hands.
  6. Pour water in a thin stream slowly for 2 hours. On the second day we repeat the procedure. Fill every day until 5 cm remains to the edge of the side.

Skating rink care

During operation, a hand-made skating rink must be looked after. Any change in weather affects the quality of ice. During heavy snowfall, it is recommended to clean the area without waiting for it to end.

Before you start skating, use a snow shovel, iron scraper, and broom to walk around the skating rink. With this you will polish off marks from skate blades and small cracks.

To give the surface a glass shine, use one simple method:

  • Pour a thin layer of ice hot water, and then use a wooden mop to carefully spread it over the surface;
  • Large potholes and holes are filled with wet snow slurry. After it hardens, pour the roller in one layer;
  • The surface must be renewed at least once a week. But this depends on the intensity of ice use. Ideally, you should refill after every ride. It is better to do the filling at night.

To make the skating rink colorful, add to the water before the last two fills, water-based paint any color. You can achieve a rainbow effect by adding a different color to each layer. To do this, take the paint, dilute it with water and pour a thin layer on the skating rink, after it freezes, fill it with water from a hose.

A self-made skating rink will bring many pleasant moments to your loved ones. And, although this painstaking work will cost you labor and time, these efforts cannot be compared with the pleasure that you experience from skating with your family and friends.

Many hockey rinks in the courtyards have been empty since Soviet times - no one is in a hurry to fill them with ice in winter. Although the skating rink near the house is convenient: there are minimal queues and it’s not so embarrassing to fall. The initiative of the district administrations is seized by the townspeople: instead of asking and standing in the offices of officials, they buy hoses and fill the ice themselves. The Village spoke with private entrepreneur Valentin Mikhailov, for whom the creation of backyard skating rinks has turned from a hobby into a kind of civic position.

Valentin Mikhailov

self employed

Until 1992, our hockey team took prizes at ten Olympics in a row: they took gold eight times, silver and bronze once. This was our game. And just as in Brazil barefoot boys play football, so in our winter in every yard everyone took skates and played hockey. For the last six years I have been filling skating rinks near my house - in hockey rinks and just on courtyard rinks. The first one was at 45 Novatorov Boulevard. I wanted to play hockey somewhere myself and for the children in the yard to find something to do during the holidays. My friends and I decided to develop a method by which citizens would be able to create good skating rinks without the help of officials.

Municipalities often flood rinks in new hockey rinks with the help of firefighters. However, after a couple of years they abandon this idea. Firefighters can either bring water with them and flood the desired area, or connect a hose to a fire hydrant for you and use it to create a small lake. Both the first and second are a bad idea, since in a standard hockey rink such a lake will freeze only at temperatures below –15. But if we wait for such frosts, we will only be able to fill in the middle of February, losing two and a half months.

Give the guy a skating rink

Each skating rink must be agreed upon by concluding an agreement with the balance holder (the one responsible for a specific territory). Although I almost always poured wildly, and this did not raise any questions. The main thing is that the ice does not bother anyone.

For the skating rink you need to choose a lighted one, open place with free access and away from the road. Ideally, a site with a slight slope, so that during a thaw or rain, the water will immediately drain and not destroy the surface. There is a nine-story building next to my house, and I dream of setting up an ice skating rink in its shade: the ice in such a place lasts three weeks longer. Although in general the location does not always play main role: several years ago we successfully filled the heating main with ice.

boxes are good for hockey players, but completely optional
for a regular skating rink

Hockey rinks are great for hockey players, but not necessary for a regular skating rink. It’s difficult to remove snow on them: you can’t drive a tractor there, and you’ll have to spend a long time throwing snow over a high barrier with a shovel.

Local communism

You will have to start on your own, but in the future you will need help. It happens that I come to a potential site where I have never been and don’t know anyone, and everything works out easily, just half a turn. Before pouring, you need to post notices around the area: “We will make a skating rink! Need help! - and leave your phone number. Over the course of a week, several people will call and ask how they can help. Such people observe with interest until a certain moment, and then become involved in the process. We have a good relationship right families: from everyone is taken according to his capabilities and everyone receives according to his needs. Such local communism. Those who can remove snow do so, those who can help with ice repair help. If the ice is smooth and strong, people will always come and clear everything themselves. The pourer will only have to come out once a week for half an hour or an hour, smooth it out a little, and then the people will do it themselves. You don't even have to persuade anyone.

Water for the skating rink

When a place is chosen and like-minded people are found, the main question is where to get water. At first I considered the craziest options, including drilling and searching natural sources. But in the end you choose whether to pour from the apartment or from the basement.

The first and most obvious option is the tap in your apartment. You can fill the skating rink by simply connecting a hose to the water supply, but this will be problematic if you live on the fourth or fifth floor. You need a long hose, which will have to be pulled out somehow, and then stored somewhere, since filling the skating rink once is not enough: the ice needs to be renewed regularly - topped up at least once every two weeks.

As for the legality of using “drinking” water for such purposes, I can’t say anything. In theory, you may be required to install a meter. I don’t see a problem with this: an average 40 by 20 meter skating rink requires 55 cubic meters cold water for the whole season. It will cost you, at residential apartment rates, about two thousand rubles.

If there is an HOA, house council
or a commercial service company - everything is simplified

It is best to take water from the basement of the house closest to the skating rink. To do this, you need to contact Zhilkomservice. There they will most likely tell you that you need to obtain the consent of the residents of the entrance in the basement of which you want to install meters. When collecting signatures, you will have to work in five or six entrances at the same time, since it is not clear in advance where success awaits (some are constantly away from home, some apartments are for rent, someone refuses to sign because they have no children). The rounds can take two to three weeks, often requiring long, persuasive conversations.

If there is an HOA, a building council or a commercial maintenance company, everything becomes simpler. They can make similar decisions, and in most cases it is enough to come to an agreement with them.

Having collected a sufficient number of positive votes, enter into an agreement with Zhilkomservice. They will install meters in the basement and give you free access to them. It is important to pay for water consumption at Zhilkomservice according to monthly meters. If you come there in April, hoping to pay for the entire season, then no one will need your money: the excess water consumption in the house will be divided among the residents and they will be forced to pay, and this will cause problems and fair discontent.

Jellied block

Many people believe that in order to get excellent ice, you need to fill the lake - throw a hose into the center of the field and sit at home in front of the TV, waiting for everything to spread and freeze on its own. This will not work due to the specifics of the region: our temperatures are often close to zero. The water on the skating rink cannot freeze, a thin ice crust forms on top, and evaporation (the main cooling factor) stops. The remaining water under the crust will flow off site before it has time to freeze. And no matter what barriers you put up, she will still find a way out. As a result, cars standing nearby freeze to the ground, and the sidewalks become slippery - you get a skating rink, but not where you need it. Instead of smooth surface Air bubbles remain - not ice, but solid lunar craters.

For a good skating rink, simple techniques and manual, uniform pouring are sufficient. You can attach a light metal nozzle to the end of the hose. plastic pipe(about 1.5 m), bend it in the shape of a hockey stick and, imitating gardeners waving an electric scythe, wander around the site, “smearing” the water. The main thing is to pour it in thin layers. If the water does not have time to freeze, you will have to take 10-minute breaks (however, during long breaks the hose may freeze). If you do everything correctly, then by the time you reach the end of the ice rink, at the beginning the ice will already be “dry”, and you can go to a new circle. But don't continue until the previous layer is frozen. With a successful combination of circumstances, the ideal skating rink will be ready in two to three days, but in some cases (tussock-shaped lawn, large layer of snow) it may take up to two weeks.

Ice care

Ice often gets scratched, so it needs to be repaired with a special device that resembles a mop with a towel. Swipe it across the surface and the ice becomes mirror-clear. Usually it is enough to carry out this procedure once a week, depending on how actively the roller is used. Sometimes you have to repair it every day.

Shovels made of low-pressure plastic (HDPE is durable polyethylene that does not chip) will be much more useful attributes. These tools should be in the public domain - and then there will always be someone capable of removing snow. You can secure the shovels with a chain and a digital lock, the code of which people will share with each other.


To spin up the skating rink, you need to install meters, buy shovels, taps, filters and hoses, and pay for the work of a plumber. Usually this costs 12-13 thousand rubles, taking into account water costs. For the last five years, I have been investing only my own money in local skating rinks. He came to the municipalities several times and talked about his plans. At first they allocated 10 thousand, then partially compensated the cost - 6 thousand. They have money allocated for this, the main thing is to convince. It turns out that people are doing their job. Therefore, it is easier for them to find these 10 thousand rubles and take the skating rink “for their balance” than to make enemies.

It is better to choose an asphalt area for the skating rink, which will not require additional leveling. Otherwise, the earthen surface will have to be prepared in the fall by filling holes and bumps with sand. To prevent water from flowing from such an area when pouring, make a snow roller along its diameter, like a curb. In winter, uneven areas in the area will need to be corrected with snow. It's best if you can get a small tractor. The loader, moving in reverse, will perfectly level the surface with its bucket. If you don’t have equipment, arm yourself with shovels.

You should start filling the skating rink in calm, clear weather at an air temperature no higher than -5 degrees. Wind may cause the ice to become uneven. The main question is where to get water? Ideal option, if there is a fire hydrant nearby. Otherwise, you will have to negotiate with the residents of a nearby house. Cooperate with the person in charge of the house and call a general meeting of apartment owners. As a rule, residents will only be happy if someone fills up a small skating rink for them in the yard (and, in addition, a children’s slide). With the consent of the residents, employees of the management organization will let you into the basement, where you can collect water. The water consumption will be recorded by the meter. The amount spent will be divided among all residents of the house.

How to level the ice?

First you need to make the so-called “pillow” - the first layer of ice. For this you will need a regular hose. However, you cannot throw it in the middle of the site and walk away, otherwise the surface will resemble lunar craters. Water should be poured slowly in a thin layer. It is better to direct the stream upward so that the water fills the surface evenly. You can use a special nozzle made from a plastic pipe bent in the shape of a club. Another option is to place the hose on the shovel and move it slowly.

By the time you reach the end of the hockey box in this way, at the beginning the ice will have already frozen and you can go to a new circle. To level out the resulting swelling and build up the ice layer by layer, walk with the hose two to three times. The procedure will have to be repeated for another two to three days, until the ice thickness reaches 10 - 15 centimeters.

The last stage is leveling the ice with warm water. For this craftsmen come up with various devices. One of the options is the so-called drag, into which water flows. The equipment consists of a 160-meter pipe with drilled holes, to which a towel is attached. Another pipe is welded to this pipe, through which water flows from the attached hose. As a result, the hot towel drags along the ice, leveling its surface.

“All our childhood in the hockey section we poured the ice ourselves. The principle is similar, only we didn’t have such a design. Everything was simpler. One man was dragging a woolen blanket folded in half, nailed on one side to a stick. And the second one evenly watered this blanket with warm water from a hose,” says social network user Dmitry Evstratenko. “The wet large blanket was quite heavy and smoothed out the ice better than a rag.”

If you don’t have a hose at hand, you can water such a blanket from a barrel of warm water attached to a sled. In the future, small scratches on the ice can be repaired using a mop with a wet rag, the holes can be filled with wet snow, and the bumps can be cleaned with a scraper. If you actively use the skating rink, you will have to level the ice with warm water every week.

Winter will come soon. Snow will cover the streets with a fluffy blanket, and reservoirs will be covered with ice. It’s not always possible to go to the skating rink with your family or a noisy group to spend time skating. But if you live in a private house or go to the country in winter, then the problem can be easily solved. It is enough to fill the skating rink on the site. We will tell you how to do this correctly in this article.

How to fill a skating rink

Ice skating is a favorite winter activity for many people. Nowadays, in most cities large skating rinks are filled in winter, but as a rule they are often overcrowded. Riding while pushing with your elbows is not very interesting, especially if you are a beginner. But you can build a skating rink on own plot. To do this, you need to mark the location of this object and make a roller about 10 cm thick around the perimeter. After this, the area is cleared of debris and its surface is leveled.

After graduation preparatory stage You can start pouring the site. This usually happens in stages, with the ice building up layer by layer. How quickly you can build a skating rink depends directly on weather conditions.

How to fill a skating rink correctly

Even filling a skating rink requires a serious approach. After all, the safety of people skating will depend on the quality of the ice. Before starting work, the following requirements must be met:

  • choose a site measuring 10 by 15 m (on a small area you will have to constantly turn and dodge each other);
  • the earthen area will have to be cleared of debris and leveled (this will not have to be done with a concrete surface);
  • provide a fence 10 cm high;
  • if the surface of the earth is covered with snow, it must be thoroughly compacted;
  • install fencing for the future skating rink.

After completing these simple nuances, you can begin to directly pour the canvas. It is best to choose calm, clear weather for this. The temperature outside should not be below five degrees Celsius. The skating rink must be filled from the far side, gradually moving backwards. Be sure to fill the entire area, empty seats there shouldn't be. All work is carried out in several stages, and between them it is necessary to pause for 2 - 3 hours. The very last layer must be filled with warm water, so the ice will be of high quality and even. As a result, the ice thickness should be 15 cm or more. One more important nuance is the position of the hose during work. Experts recommend placing it at an angle of 25 - 30 degrees to the surface to be poured. If there is no sprayer, then the angle is increased to 35 - 45 degrees.

This will ensure optimal supply of water in the form of rain from a height of one and a half meters, while the ice will not be washed away. It is necessary to fill continuously, moving the hose in a fan-shape. Otherwise the surface will be uneven. Of course, after skating on ice, its surface is far from ideal. After use, the skating rink needs to be repaired. To do this, you need to make a kind of solution from snow and water, and then cover all the chips and irregularities with it. Leave until completely hardened. Then use a scraper to level the ice and pour a layer of water on top. After it hardens, the surface will be suitable for skating again. That's all, actually. Filling the roller correctly is quite simple.

How to fill a skating rink at your dacha

What children and adults love to do in winter is, of course, ice skating. If you have a dacha where you live year-round or often visit there, you can organize an ice skating rink there. So, where to start working. First of all, outline the location of the future skating rink, taking into account that daylight hours are quite short, so it is advisable that the site be illuminated in the dark. Therefore, it is best to arrange it near the house. After which it is necessary to mark the boundaries and install sides approximately 25 cm high. It is necessary to pour water when the ground is frozen, otherwise the water will be absorbed. Then you should proceed as described earlier. The situation is more complicated if a lawn is planted on your site. Experts do not recommend making a skating rink on such a surface. But you can still try. To do this, you need to provide a cushion of snow 20 cm thick. After this, you need to make an ice crust on the snow surface. To do this, it is best to pour water at minus 10. Then the water will not have time to be absorbed into the snow. This will protect your lawn from dying. Then fill it with ice. Another feature is that the ice must melt quickly in the spring and remove excess moisture, otherwise the grass covering will get wet. This can be done as follows:

  1. manually break ice and remove it from the territory;
  2. sprinkle the surface of the skating rink with potassium chloride so that it burns the ice;
  3. melt using gas burner or a blowtorch.

How to fill a skating rink with your own hands

How to fill a skating rink has already been discussed earlier, and making it yourself is no different from the described algorithm. Kits for installing a skating rink are now available for sale. They include:

  • substrate;
  • sides made of plastic or plywood;
  • supports for sides;
  • CD with installation instructions.

Therefore, you can purchase such a kit and build a miniature skating rink for your loved ones. Moreover, the manufacturer provides a one-year warranty on these kits. You can also make the skating rink beautiful and unusual. If you plan to play hockey, then markings are a must. It can be made simple oil paint, applying lines 5 cm or more thick to the surface. After this, the last layer of water is poured in and the hockey rink is ready. If you want to get white ice, then just add a solution of chalk or lime to the water. You can also decorate the surface with interesting patterns or colored abstraction. To do this, add watercolors or gouache to the water. You can fill it alternately with colored stripes, after waiting for the ice to set on the already filled path. Then add a final layer of water. Thus, you will get a bright and unusual skating rink.

At what temperature is the skating rink filled?

Before making the skating rink, the frosty weather should last about a week. This will ensure that the soil freezes to a depth of 7 cm. This is necessary so that the water being poured is not absorbed into the soil, but remains on the surface. It is best to carry out work at air temperatures down to minus 10 degrees. It is also necessary to pay attention to weather conditions. It should be quiet, clear, and no precipitation. Otherwise, the ice surface will turn out uneven due to the adhesion of snow or raindrops, and you will have to do extra work to level the surface and install the final coating.

This article talks about how to make a skating rink with your own hands at the dacha. Recommendations on weather conditions and work rules are also given. Using the advice in this article, you can short terms make a skating rink for your family and friends. You can also decorate the ice with different colors, giving it an interesting look. appearance. Good luck.