Certificate of inspection of the ventilation and smoke removal system. Smoke removal system test report

The ESSE company provides a full range of services for the design, installation, commissioning and maintenance of fire safety systems (fire extinguishing systems, fire alarms, warning and evacuation control systems, smoke protection systems).

How to properly maintain smoke exhaust systems*

Maintenance work must be carried out in accordance with:

  • RD 25.964-90 "System for maintenance and repair of automatic fire extinguishing, smoke removal, security, fire and security-fire alarm systems. Organization and procedure for carrying out work"
  • GOST R 53300-2009 "Smoke protection of buildings and structures. Methods of acceptance and periodic tests."
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 25, 2012 N 390 “On fire safety regime”. Fire regulations in the Russian Federation.
  • Other laws, rules and regulations approved in Russian Federation and current as of the date of work.

Maintenance of the smoke removal system must be carried out on the basis of an Agreement with a contractor that has a License to carry out the relevant type of activity, by certified specialists in accordance with the approved Work Schedule.

The stage of maintenance of smoke removal systems is always preceded by the stage of Acceptance Testing. Acceptance tests of the supply and exhaust smoke ventilation system are carried out during the commissioning of new construction projects and during the reconstruction of buildings. In this case, a certain list of parameters of clause 6 11 is controlled (see GOST R 53300-2009 Table 1). The specified parameters of smoke removal systems must correspond to the data of ventilation passports (form according to RD 25.964-90, Appendix 5), completed in the prescribed manner by the organization setting up the system. Additionally for a comprehensive condition check fire protection object, indicators points 1 - 5 must be subject to control (see GOST R 53300-2009 Table 1).

During maintenance of smoke removal systems ( when checking functionality) the measured parameters are compared with the parameters specified in the Design documentation (protocol of acceptance aerodynamic tests) for the system, drawn up during acceptance tests.

Frequency of maintenance of smoke removal systems*

When concluding an Agreement for the maintenance of smoke removal systems, the Contractor conducts an initial inspection of the installations in order to determine their technical condition. Based on the results, an Initial Inspection Report and/or a Defect Statement is drawn up (clause 2 of RD 25.964-90).

The main types of periodic maintenance work are:

External inspection- monitoring of the technical condition (operational - inoperative, operational - malfunctioning) with the participation of the senses and, if necessary, control means, the nomenclature of which is established by the relevant documentation, i.e. determination of the technical condition of installations and individual vehicles based on external signs.

Preventative work- scheduled and preventative work to maintain installations in working condition, including cleaning the external surfaces of the vehicle, checking their technical condition indoor installation (internal surfaces), cleaning, grinding in, lubricating, soldering, replacing or restoring vehicle elements that have expired or become unusable.

Periodicity external examination and preventive work is determined (RD 25.964-90):

  • The frequency and content of maintenance and repair work on individual vehicles is established by the “Industry Time Standards for Maintenance of PA and OPS Installations.”
  • The frequency and scope of maintenance and repair work may vary by agreement between the Contractor and the Customer, depending on the conditions and service life of the vehicle.

The specified work is reflected in the "Logbook of registration of maintenance and repair work" automatic installations fire extinguishing, smoke removal, security, fire and security- fire alarm"(form according to RD 25.964-90, Appendix 6).

Functionality check - determination of technical condition by monitoring implementation technical means and installation as a whole of part or all of the functions inherent in them, determined by purpose.

The frequency of performance checks (according to clause 61 of the Fire Regulations in the Russian Federation) is carried out at least once a quarter.

Measured at Functionality check parameters of smoke removal systems are reflected in the aerodynamic test report drawn up. Parameters 6 - 11 must be monitored (see Table 1). At least 30% of total number supply and exhaust smoke ventilation systems (clause 3.7 of GOST R 53300-2009 Smoke protection of buildings and structures. Methods of acceptance and periodic tests.)

Based on the results of checking the operability of the system, an Act is drawn up for testing the operability of systems and fire protection equipment of the facility (The form of the act is approved by Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia No. 292 of May 28, 2012, Appendix 19)

Quarterly inspection of the performance of smoke removal systems is one of the most important activities when carrying out maintenance smoke removal systems.

Technical examination - carried out after 5 years from the date of commissioning of installations (and further at established intervals) to assess the technical feasibility and economic feasibility of their intended use (

The test regulations are prescribed in GOST R 53300-2009; the document defines acceptance tests, establishes the frequency for operating systems depending on operating conditions, and recommends methods of protocol registration. Depending on the time of testing, there are:


Performed during the commissioning of reconstructed and new ventilation and smoke removal systems.

  1. The actual circuit design of smoke ventilation is compared with the design documentation. The number and installation locations of fans and the installation location of smoke dampers are checked.
  2. The fire resistance of the main and additional equipment with the calculated one, the design of the air ducts and the reliability of the installation of fans are checked.
  3. The air flow removed by the system at maximum loads and the actual value of the supplied pressure are assessed quantitatively. fresh air.


Frequency depends on technical parameters system and operating conditions, but at least once every two years. During periodic inspections the following is monitored:

  1. Actual air flow values ​​directly for each room-corridor.
  2. Air condition on personnel evacuation routes, in elevators and vestibules.
  3. Values overpressure fresh air in the context of premises.

Aerodynamic testing of the smoke removal system

They are made taking into account the amended SP 73. 13330. 2012. The changes prohibit testing without creating artificial resistance; for this purpose, 2/3 of the suction openings on the fan are plugged. This measure prevents equipment failure due to low professionalism of maintenance personnel. The new standards reduce deviations from design standards from 10% to 8%.

Test report for ventilation and smoke removal systems - sample

The information displayed in the document is regulated state standard. The aerodynamic test report for the smoke removal system has the following data:

  1. Introductory part. The object and purpose of the test are indicated, and the methods used are described.
  2. Table No. 1. List of verified indicators and actual results. Has information about the assessment data, the applied measurement and control methodology, permissible deviations and a conclusion on compliance.
  3. Table No. 2. Results of a completed exhaust-type smoke ventilation test. Has information about the design designation of a node or individual element of the system, type and functional value, design and actual parameters of air flow and the percentage of discrepancy between the result and design data.
  4. Table No. 3. Results of testing the supply type smoke control system. Displays information about the design designation and type of equipment and devices being tested, design and actual pressure and air flow parameters, and a determination of compliance with regulations.

At the end, conclusions are given about the suitability of the system or a list of detected problems and methods for eliminating them. The act must be signed by responsible representatives of the companies.

Sample test report for smoke removal and ventilation systems

Individual test report for the smoke removal system

It is compiled on the basis of checking the technical condition and operability of the ventilation and smoke removal system. Testing of smoke removal systems is carried out in accordance with the requirements of industry regulations and government regulations. The act must contain a list of activities and links to the documents on which the work was carried out. The city, address, location of the object and date are indicated.

The effective part of the report displays test data and states the suitability of the equipment for operation or the need for repair work. The act is signed by representatives of the customer and the contractor.

Testing smoke removal and air pressurization

To carry out the work, anemometers with an accuracy class of at least 1.0 (for measuring air speed), pressure gauges with an accuracy class of at least 1.0 (for measuring pressure indicators) and a thickness gauge for measuring parameters are required fire retardant coatings. Aerodynamic tests of smoke removal can be carried out when the system automatically initiates operation after a preliminary power outage.

Instruments for measuring smoke exhaust test readings

The value is checked at several points, the number and placement of which takes into account the size and use of the premises. Based on the data obtained, the average value is calculated and checked for compliance with the calculated parameters. The indicators are additionally checked on the smoke intake devices furthest from the fan according to the formula L out = F out * V out * 3600, m 3 / h, Where:

L out– amount of air drawn through the receiver, m 3 /h;

F out– area of ​​the opening for receiving smoke, m2;

V out– velocity of the removed air flow, m/s.

In smoke-free, above-ground staircases, increased pressure is measured in two ways:

  • the doors are closed, measurements are taken on the top and bottom floors;
  • The door opens, leading people out of the building.

Number of repeated speed measurements air air should be at least six when using vane-type anemometers and at least ten when using hot-wire anemometers. The measuring sites should be located at the same distance from each other. Permissible deviations from the calculated parameters cannot exceed 15%.

Options high blood pressure air for production and industrial buildings is set within the limits:

  • in staircases 20–150 Pa;
  • in elevators 20–150 Pa;
  • in locks 20–150 Pa.

Air pressure indicators in elevators and locks are measured at open doors elevator halls.

Aerodynamic testing of a smoke removal system is a set of works aimed at checking the functional state of the equipment responsible for smoke removal. Test work is carried out after the system is installed. Aerodynamic tests are considered an integral element of the functioning of the system during acceptance tests at already operating facilities or those directly put into operation.

TO testing laboratories include organizations that check goods or services for compliance with standardized legislative rules. Only certain organizations carry out tests and issue appropriate conclusions.

The tasks of ventilation and smoke removal systems include processing, moving and removing air masses from the room. To ensure design values ​​during operation ventilation equipment carry out aerodynamic tests.

Calculation of general exchange and smoke ventilation systems

Smoke removal units

Fire protection system – reliable mechanism, providing protection of the facility and lightning-fast evacuation of people from the premises. Checking smoke removal - a component fire fighting equipment– is carried out on the basis of special tests, as a result of which it is possible to draw a conclusion about serviceability fire-fighting devices. Testing must comply with regulations and standards.

Thoroughly installed system smoke removal will reduce the risk of fire to a minimum, and in order to be sure of reliable operation care must be taken to carry out testing. The test results are included in a special report on smoke removal inspection.

Why are aerodynamic smoke exhaust tests needed?

The need to conduct aerodynamic tests is beyond doubt - such work is necessary to ensure normal and safe work, to check the functional status individual elements. Aerodynamic tests make it possible to determine the condition supply and exhaust ventilation residential, industrial or public type. So, as a result of the tests carried out, the following is determined:

  • performance (power);
  • condition of ventilation ducts;
  • functioning of air filters;
  • providing air exchange in rooms.

The essence of the aerodynamic tests of smoke removal and ventilation systems is to go through a number of successive stages:

  1. Initial visual inspection.
  2. A thorough analysis of the system as a whole and individual elements.
  3. Checking technical documentation for equipment, analyzing design information.
  4. Carrying out certain measurements and calculations.
  5. Drawing up a report and then submitting it to the owner of the object.

Smoke - dangerous factor, which in case of fire can lead to disastrous consequences for human life and health. Equipment responsible for smoke removal removes smoke from the premises, while simultaneously providing an influx of fresh air masses. The components of smoke removal are air ducts and fire dampers that operate when automatic mode when a smoke screen occurs.

Aerodynamic tests are carried out by specialized companies that have the appropriate licenses to perform this type of work. Any test work are carried out in accordance with GOST standards (requirements). Basic tools for aerodynamic testing:

  • combined pressure receiving device;
  • differential pressure gauges, recording pressure surges;
  • anemometers that measure air flow speeds;
  • barometers recording pressure indicators;
  • thermometers that measure air temperature;
  • psychrometers - devices for calculating air humidity indicators;
  • stopwatch, ruler.

Test work carried out by specialized organizations is consistent with the schedule. Upon successful completion of aerodynamic tests, an acceptance certificate for the smoke removal system is signed. Thus, aerodynamic testing is a necessary and complex stage of work to test the smoke removal system.

Smoke during a fire makes it difficult to breathe and the ability to clearly distinguish surrounding objects, being an additional factor of danger to the life and health of people. remove smoke from the room and provide a supply of fresh air.

Smoke removal systems include air ducts, smoke removal fans and fire dampers, automatically triggered when smoke appears. To ensure the reliable operation of the smoke removal system, it requires periodic testing.

Regulatory framework

The regulations for testing smoke removal systems are prescribed in GOST R 53300-2009. The document lists the methods of acceptance and periodic tests, indicates their frequency, and provides a sample of the recommended form of the test report. The latter is a mandatory addition to the smoke control system passport and cannot be a substitute for this document. Some of the data entered into the test report duplicates the information given in the ventilation passport.

Types of smoke removal system tests

Acceptance tests. This type of testing is carried out during the commissioning of the facility. All smoke removal systems in a building or structure are tested. The list of indicators to be analyzed is listed in GOST R 53300-2009 in the form of a table:

No. Parameter Parameter control method Valid value
1 Schematic solution for smoke ventilation of the facility Comparison
2 Quantity, installation position and technical data of smoke exhaust ventilation fans »
3 Quantity, installation position and technical data of smoke ventilation fans »
4 Number, installation position and technical data of smoke and fire dampers, normally closed »
5 Design of fire-resistant air ducts (channels) for supply and exhaust smoke ventilation Visually Ventilation passport data.
Certificates of completed work.
Acts of hidden work
6 Actual flow rates of air removed by smoke ventilation systems through smoke intake devices directly from the premises Quantification Ventilation passport data
7 The same - from corridors (halls) located on evacuation routes » »
8 The same - from premises protected by gas aerosol and powder fire extinguishing installations » »
9 Actual values ​​of excess pressure in smoke-free staircases of type H2 (staircase sections) » In the range of 20 - 150 Pa
10 Same thing in elevator shafts » In the range of 20 - 150 Pa
11 The same - in the airlocks » In the range of 20 - 150 Pa;
not less than 1.3 m/s in the plane of the door

Periodic testing. The frequency of periodic testing should be at least once every two years. At least 30% of smoke removal systems installed in a building or structure are analyzed. Despite the fact that the smoke removal system undergoes mandatory acceptance tests, deviations from GOST requirements are often revealed during periodic tests.

It is best to carry out periodic testing of smoke control systems: in administrative and commercial buildings - during non-working hours, during residential buildings– during the least activity of residents. In this case, it will be easier to measure air flow rates on the smoke exhaust system valves and excess pressure values ​​in smoke-free staircases, airlocks and elevator halls.

Typical problems and their effective solutions

The most common non-conformities identified during testing of smoke protection systems are the following:

  • when the fire alarm is triggered, the valves of the smoke removal systems do not open;
  • the permissible excess air pressure in rooms, corridors, halls, and elevator shafts has been exceeded.

A full readjustment usually allows you to return the smoke control system to normal performance.

Based on the test results, a test report is issued, which contains information about the object, purpose, methods, procedures and test results, as well as a list of indicators to be assessed, and the assessment results themselves.

Has extensive experience in the design, installation and maintenance of smoke protection systems for buildings and structures. With us you can always get detailed advice, order the design and testing of any necessary security systems.

After the introduction of GOST R 53300-2009 “SMOKE PROTECTION OF BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES. Methods of acceptance and periodic testing”, this type of work has become easier there is a generally accepted standard that can be referred to.

There are several types of tests, let's start with support in the stairwell, architects seem to call them H2 (above-ground smoke-free staircase). It looks something like this:

Rice. 1. Ventilation of a smoke-free staircase, view from the outside.

The supply is usually from above, with the door to the street below. The bottom door opens outwards. Up close it looks like this:

Rice. 2. Exit to the street from the staircase.

Internal doors floors open towards the staircase.

The air supply for pressurization in this case looks like this: a valve at the top of the staircase, installation on the roof.

The choice of measurement points is described in GOST; questions arise about the details.

First inconvenience passage impulse tube. During testing, the door seems to be closed, so how do you get the tube through?

The most suitable place is marked in the picture. You need to make sure that the tube passes the pressure pulse.

In this case, a slight leak in the door ledge is possible, it has very little effect on the result, since in both test modes according to paragraph 4.4. sensitivity to small leaks is low. Although, of course, if in the second mode the pressure is at the lower limit, 20 Pa, then the opening needs to be sealed.

We measure the pressure, enter it into the log, and adjust it if necessary. Based on the final measurements, we draw up protocols. The second tube, not in the photo, in accordance with GOST sometimes needs to be moved away from the measuring point.

Tests are carried out in two modes:

At this stage, sometimes difficulties arise. The two test modes are very different; in order to ensure the standard in the second mode, a powerful fan with high flow rate and, accordingly, pressure is needed.

When switching to testing in the first mode, at all behind closed doors, V staircase very high pressure.

Actually, this is not an adjustment issue: designers must provide for both options; there are two main ways: selecting a suitable fan or a pressure relief system. In the second case, adjustment comes down to adjusting the valve, in the first - to adjusting the fan.

Support in the elevator shaft

We simply fulfill the requirements of GOST we move the elevator to the desired floor and open the doors.

On the adjacent floor we open the elevator door, for this you need a triangular key, or, in extreme cases, combination pliers. The arrow shows the lock for manually opening the elevator doors.

We measure the backwater. Based on the measurement results, we compact or decompact the elevator shaft or ventilation network.

That's all. Due to the clarity of pressure measurements, the difficulties are hidden in the details.

Registration of measurement results

For each final measurement, a protocol is drawn up and attached to the passport. Therefore, the passports for smoke ventilation systems are thicker than the passports for general ventilation.