What generators were installed at MTZ before and what has changed now. Generators for tractors and cars Mtz what is between the starter and the generator

The generator for this windmill was

Technical characteristics of this generator.

Nominal voltage, 14 V

Rated current 50A

Generator weight without pulley 5.4 kg

Nominal rotation speed 5000 rpm

Maximum rotation speed 6000 rpm

Direction of rotation on the drive side is right

Generator resource, 10,000 motor hours

But in this form, the generator was not entirely suitable as a generator for a windmill, since it was designed for high speeds, and it was modernized. The generator stator was rewound with 0.8 mm wire, 80 turns each, in order to increase the voltage at the same speed. The excitation coil of the electromagnets was wound with the same wire, 250 turns were wound. In total, about 200 meters of wire was needed, taking into account the complete rewinding of the stator and rewinding of the coil.


The generator mount and base are welded from profile pipe. The design is made so that the drive passes inside the pipe and hangs vertically into it. The design itself involves protecting the wind head from strong winds by folding the tail, for which a kingpin is welded. The tail of the wind generator will then be placed on this pin.


This is what a finished wind generator looks like. The windmill propeller has two blades, this is due to the need for high speeds for the generator. The diameter of the screw is 1.36 m, made of duralumin pipe with a diameter of 110 mm. Two blades 63 cm long were cut out of it, then rolled out to reduce the twist and make them flatter; the twist turned out as if they were cut out of a 400-gauge pipe.


Since the generator has no sticking, the propeller starts from any breeze and develops high speeds. In the photo, the wind generator is raised on a mast 5 meters high, plus the pipe of the wind generator itself. The wind generator is screwed to the mast through this pipe in three places using M10 bolts. Also, in order for the mast to somehow hold, it was secured with guy wires. The wire from the wind generator runs in the pipe; no slip rings were used.






Charging begins at 3.5 m/s; at a wind speed of 4 m/s, the wind generator propeller develops 300 rpm. At 700 rpm the speed reaches 800-900 rpm, and with a wind of 15 m/s the propeller accelerates to 1500 rpm. The maximum power that was recorded is 250 watts; with a wind of 6 m/s, the wind generator produces about 150 watts. This is how simple and easy it is to make simple wind generators from available spare parts and materials. Of course, the power in this version is not great, but it’s just right for charging a car battery or several.

The experiments and improvements to the wind generator design did not end there. A new single-blade propeller was made for it, continued below via the link to the new article..,

Like any other type of transport, a tractor is complex mechanism with its own characteristics of the chassis, ignition and power systems, as well as electrical equipment. The latter includes many components, one of which is the generator and the mechanisms associated with it.

What is a tractor generator and its structure?

A generator is a source of current to maintain the operation of the tractor’s electrical appliances. In order to do its job well, the generator must be simple in configuration and operation, reliable, have a long service life, and small dimensions.

There are two types of generators - AC and permanent. Alternating current generators are easy to operate, can be independently regulated and operate without voltage regulators. But alternating current cannot charge the battery without a rectifier.

For tractors with electric start, it is more advisable to use a generator DC, which gives, accordingly, a constant voltage.

In generators, the main components are the stator - a housing with a copper wire winding, the rotor - a rotating magnet with alternating polarity and fixed to the shaft. It also includes covers (back and front) and bearings in which the rotor rotates.
There are 6 cores in the middle of the body. Their set is made of iron plates. The copper windings are fixed to the core. Each of them has 63 turns. The ends lead and connect to terminals that are secured externally. The windings are connected in pairs into three separate sections. They are all united by one wire connected to the terminal. From it the wiring is connected to the switch. The other ends are connected to other terminals, to which the lamp wires lead and through a switch communicate with the total mass of the tractor.

All sections independently power the lamp assigned to them. For the generator to function properly, only lamps with suitable power should be connected.
The working generator has 3 positions. At the first pole, the rotor connects the iron housing and the teeth. The second is based on the connection of teeth through iron. And the third position is similar to the first, only the lines of the poles are in opposite directions.
A direct current generator has the following components: an armature with windings for exciting electrical power; inductors in the magnetic field of which the armature rotates; diodes for current rectification; collector, thanks to which current flows into the external network.

The exciters in generators of this type are magnets consisting of cores with windings that are connected in series. At the beginning of operation, a small force is generated in the windings. But during the movement of electrical voltage, magnetic fluxes intensify.
The concept of rectifier is associated with direct current. Used to charge the battery. In generators, a diode with a semiconductor (silicon, selenium) acts as a rectifier. The current is conducted in one direction.
Constant voltage generation is ensured by an automatic control system, which is included with the generator.

DIY tractor generator repair

Like any mechanism, the generator and its components tend to wear out and break. A malfunction can be indicated by an ammeter located on the dashboard and showing the amount of current, which depends on the condition of the battery.

When the battery is charged, after the engine starts, the needle on the device deviates to charge, but not for long, because the current decreases to 1-2 A. Before looking for a breakdown, you should check the battery charge, the accuracy and serviceability of the ammeter. This can be easily checked by turning on the headlights while the engine is not running. The device should show discharge.

Diagnosis of tractor generator failure

If the ammeter does not show a charge when the engine is running, then there may be a breakdown of the generator or relay regulator. At low engine speeds, disconnect the wires from the terminals, connect them to each other and increase the speed. If the generator is working properly, the current will increase.

This means the problem is in the Tractor regulator relay. It needs to be adjusted.
The causes of malfunction of the generator itself may be the commutator - its contamination, wear, as well as dirty or worn brushes. If, after cleaning these parts, stable operation is not ensured, then you need to look for breaks or short circuits in the circuit or windings; wire oxidation; belt tension; broken rectifier diodes. If you hear noise when the generator is running, there may be foreign object, the fan or bearings may be faulty and require replacement.

Disassembling and cleaning the generator


If it is necessary to replace the pulley, the washer is bent, the nut is unscrewed and the pulley itself is removed using a puller. If necessary, change and reassemble in the reverse order.

When changing the rectifier unit, the screws are unscrewed, the cover is removed, and the wires are disconnected from the terminal. Next, the field winding wire and stator leads are removed, the washers and the rectifier itself are twisted off the latter, after which it is replaced.
The rectifier unit is also removed when replacing the bearing and stator. In addition, the nut is unscrewed, the impeller is removed, and the bolts are removed. Next, a bushing is placed and between it and the screw there is a metal plate. Then the back cover is removed and both the stator and the bearing are changed directly.

After all replacements, the generator is assembled in the reverse order.

Tractor generator regulator relay

As mentioned above, the energy of the generator is variable because it operates when the rotor speed changes. But for all tractor systems to work properly, the current must be constant. For this purpose, diodes are installed to rectify the current. A generator regulator relay is also installed; it regulates the operation and relationship between the generator and the battery. The relay regulator connects the charger to the battery when necessary, and after the battery is charged, disconnects it.

There are also situations when the load on the generator is greater than usual (many electrical appliances in the tractor are turned on), which results in overheating. For this, you also need a device that limits the output current. All these functions are performed by the tractor relay controller.

It consists of:

  • voltage regulator,
  • protection relay,
  • transistor,
  • diodes,
  • seasonal switch.

Relay regulator operating principle

At a low generator speed, the current produced is within permissible norm tractor and the relay passes it without resistance to the protection relay. When the engine speed increases, the voltage in the windings increases. Therefore, in order to avoid overloading of electrical equipment, the regulator is activated, which stabilizes the voltage within safe limits. working standard. A correctly configured relay should operate at 7 V.

There is a concept of seasonal operation of the tractor, so the regulator has a winding that is adjusted with a screw. If the temperature is above 5 °C, the propeller is switched to “Summer” mode. Accordingly, the “Winter” mode is activated at low temperatures.
The relay regulator, like other devices, should be checked from time to time with special devices directly on the tractor. It should only be removed or opened by qualified personnel if absolutely necessary.

Each tractor model has specific features designs. Chassis and ignition, systems for starting and introducing fuel into the internal combustion chamber, transmission design - all this determines the specifics of operation and depreciation of tractor mechanisms.

The main electrical equipment that is installed on a tractor is a tractor generator. The generator is necessary to start all the electronic mechanisms of the MTZ tractor. This is the main source of current that powers the ignition system and ensures operation electrical appliances and mechanisms.

1 General information

A malfunction of the generator can be determined by the instrument on the front panel - an ammeter, which measures the amount of current and the condition of the battery. Depending on the current source, tractor generators are:

Alternating current sources are quite simple and reliable in operation. To adjust them, it is not necessary to install voltage regulators. But, recharging the battery from an AC source without a rectifier is impossible. Therefore, it is more advisable to install a DC device on a tractor with an electric start button.

  • engine and transmission;
  • power transmission;
  • steering and chassis;
  • electrical equipment and lubrication;
  • hydraulic, pneumatic, fuel and cooling system.

1.1 Description of the generator for MTZ

Basic requirements for generators on the MTZ 80, which are part of the tractor electrical system:

  • simple equipment;
  • reliable operation;
  • compact dimensions;
  • opportunity to make repairs yourself.

The generator from the MTZ tractor requires constant attention to the cleanliness of the mechanisms, the drive belt and the correct fastening of the wiring. Monitoring the serviceability of the generator before starting the engine is indicated by an indicator light on the instrument panel. IN different models tractors, the indicator light differs in intensity.

1.2 Characteristics and diagnostics

The three-phase generator MTZ 80 (G306-D, G - 306A, G - 304A) operates on direct current. This is a tractor generator with one-way electromagnetic excitation. As the rotor rotates, it converts mechanical energy into AC electricity using a three-phase rectifier.

The stator, rotor and electromagnetic excitation coil at the end of the front cover are the three main components of the MTZ-80 generator. The rotor looks like a steel hexagonal star attached to the shaft.

You can check the proper operation of the mechanisms yourself using a battery and a 12-volt lamp. Naturally, before doing this, completely de-energize the tractor and disconnect all wires and terminals from the generator itself.

An electromagnetic excitation coil consists of magnets and cores with windings serial connection. It’s easy to check the field winding:

  • attach the minus to the “M” terminal;
  • plus for monitoring terminal III.

A serviceable winding burns at full heat (3-3.5 Amperes). If the arrow shows more than 3.5 Amperes, this indicates a short circuit between the housing and the winding. If the lamp does not light up, it means you have a break in the winding. Either it has rotted or oxidized.

If the diodes are shorted, the insulation of the heat pipe from the rectifier is broken, or the plus is shorted to the housing, then, contrary to common sense, the indicator should light up if you connect the minus to the generator and the plus to the indicator lamp at terminal B.

Malfunctions can be caused by contamination and wear of the commutator brush. A malfunction of the fan or problems with the bearings can lead to extraneous noise when the generator is running. If the pulley fastening nut is loosened, the rotor may begin to touch the stator. Problems in the rotor can arise for two reasons: the magnet is cracked or the rotor itself is bent.

If you allow excessive loads on the generator when all electrical systems are turned on, the generator may overheat. To prevent this from happening, you need to monitor the condition of the regulator relay. Its function is to limit the strength of the 7 volt voltage supplied to the generator. If the voltage is higher or lower, the regulator is not working properly.

One way or another, but having discovered a malfunction of the generator, it must be properly disassembled. All parts with wires must be wiped clean with a rag and gasoline and dried. Wash all other parts thoroughly in kerosene.

Remember: under no circumstances should you connect the mass regulator to terminals B and W - this can lead to a complete failure of the entire system.

1.3 How to replace the MTZ generator? (video)

2 Starter faults

If the starter is faulty and periodic clicks are heard, you need to check the voltage supplied to it. And if the rollers of the clutch mechanism (overrunning clutch) slip, then when the starter is turned on, the crankshaft will not rotate.

If the clutch mechanism is poorly adjusted with the traction relay, it may produce a squeaking or grinding noise. If the traction relay works normally, but the armature does not rotate, it means the contacts in the relay are burnt.

To check the starter without removing it from the tractor, you need to have the KI1093 device available. If the contacts are oxidized, the battery is faulty or discharged, the test values ​​will be underestimated.

It is also worth checking the battery terminals for white plaque lead oxide, which first reduces and then stops conducting current. If the starter consumes more current than the norm, it means either the lubricant in the bearings has thickened, or the wiring of the armature or starter has shorted out. If a fault is detected in the starter, it must be replaced.

  • Car generator - speed, voltage
  • Screw for a generator without modification, power and speed of a windmill
  • Generator self-excitation - diagram and description
  • A car generator is the most affordable generator, and if you plan to make a wind generator, then when looking for a generator, you immediately involuntarily think of a car generator. But without converting it to magnets and rewinding the stator, it is not suitable for a windmill as operating speeds car generators 1200-6000 rpm.

    Therefore, in order to get rid of the excitation coil, the rotor is converted to neodymium magnets, and in order to increase the voltage, the stator is rewound with a thinner wire. The result is a generator with a power of 150-300 watts at 10 m/s without the use of a multiplier (gearbox). The screw is placed on such a converted generator with a diameter of 1.2-1.8 meters.

    The car generator itself is very affordable and you can easily buy it used or new in a store; they are not expensive. But to remake the generator you need neodymium magnets and wire for rewinding, and this is an additional waste of money. Of course, you need to be able to do this, otherwise you can ruin everything and throw it in the trash. Without modification, the generator can be used if you make a multiplier, for example, if the gear ratio is made 1:10, then at 120 rpm the 12 volt battery will begin charging. In this case, the excitation coil (rotor) will consume about 30-40 watts, and everything that remains will go to the battery.

    But if you do it with a multiplier, then of course you will get a powerful and large wind generator, but in low winds the excitation coil will consume its 30-40 watts and the battery will get little benefit. Normal work will probably be in winds of 5 m/s. In this case, the propeller for such a windmill should have a diameter of about 3 meters. The result will be a complex and heavy structure. And the most difficult thing is to find a ready-made multiplier that is suitable with minimal modifications, or to make a homemade one. It seems to me that making a multiplier is more difficult and more expensive than converting the generator to magnets and rewinding the stator.

    If the auto-generator is used without modification, it will begin to charge the 12-volt battery at 1200 rpm. I myself have not checked at what speed charging begins, but after a long search on the Internet I found some information that indicates that at 1200 rpm charging of the battery begins. There are mentions that the generator charges at 700-800 rpm, but it is not possible to verify this. From photographs of the stator, I determined that the stator winding of modern VAZ generators consists of 18 coils, and each coil has 5 turns. I calculated what voltage should be obtained using the formula from this article Calculation of a generator. As a result, I just got 14 volts at 1200 rpm. Of course, generators are not all the same and I read somewhere about 7 turns in coils instead of five, but basically there are 5 turns in a coil, which means that 14 volts are achieved at 1200 rpm, we will proceed from this further.

    Two-bladed propeller for a generator without modification

    In principle, if you install a high-speed two-bladed propeller with a diameter of 1-1.2 meters on the generator, then such speeds can easily be achieved in a wind of 7-8 m/s. This means you can make a windmill without modifying the generator, but it will only work in winds of 7 m/s. Below is a screenshot with data for a two-bladed propeller. As you can see, the speed of such a propeller in a wind of 8 m/s is 1339 rpm.


    Since the propeller speed increases linearly depending on the wind speed, then (1339:8*7=1171 rpm) at 7m/s the battery will begin charging. At 8 m/s, the expected power, again according to calculation, should be (14:1200*1339=15.6 volts) (15.6-13=2.6:0.4=6.5 amperes*13=84.5 watts). The useful power of the propeller, judging by the screenshot, is 100 watts, so it will freely pull the generator and should even output an underloaded more revolutions than indicated. As a result, 84.5 watts should come from the generator at 8 m/s, but the excitation coil consumes about 30-40 watts, which means only 40-50 watts of energy will go to the battery. Very little, of course, since a generator converted to magnets and rewound in the same wind at 500-600 rpm will produce three times more power.

    With a wind of 10 m/s, the speed will be (1339:8*10=1673 rpm), the voltage at idle (14:1200*1673=19.5 volts), and under battery load (19.5-13=6.5:0.4=16.2 amperes *13=210 watts). The result is 210 watts of power minus 40 watts per coil and useful power 170 watts will remain. At 12 m/s it will be approximately 2008 rpm, no-load voltage 23.4 volts, current 26 amperes, minus 3 amperes for excitation, and then 23 amperes battery charging current, power 300 watts.

    If you make the screw of a smaller diameter, the speed will increase further, but then the screw will not pull the generator when it reaches the battery charging threshold. I counted different options At the time of writing this article, a two-blade propeller turned out to be the most optimal for a generator without modification.

    In principle, if you count on winds of 7 m/s and above, then such a wind generator will work well and produce 300 watts at 12 m/s.

    At the same time, the cost of the windmill will be very small, essentially only the price of the generator, and the propeller and the rest can be made from what is available. Only the screw must be made according to calculations.

    A correctly converted generator begins to charge at 4 m/s, at 5 m/s the charging current is already 2 amperes, and since the rotor is on magnets, all the current goes to the battery. At 7 m/s the charging current is 4-5 amperes, and at 10 m/s it is already 8-10 amperes. It turns out that only in a strong wind of 10-12 m/s can a generator without modification be comparable to a converted one, but it will not give anything in a wind less than 8 m/s.

    Self-excitation of a car generator

    In order for the generator to self-excite without a battery, you need to put a couple of small magnets in the rotor. If the excitation coil is powered from a battery, then it will constantly, regardless of whether the wind generator generates energy or not, consume its 3 amperes and charge the battery. To prevent this from happening, you need to install a blocking diode so that the current flows only into the battery and does not go back.

    The excitation coil can be powered from the generator itself, minus from the housing, and plus from the positive bolt. And you need to put a couple of small magnets in the teeth of the rotor for self-excitation. To do this, you can drill holes with a drill and place small neodymium magnets on the glue. If there are no neodymium magnets, then you can insert ordinary ferrite ones from speakers; if they are small, then drill them and insert them, or lay them between the claws and fill them with epoxy resin.

    You can also use a so-called tablet, that is, a relay-regulator like in a car, which will turn off the excitation if the battery voltage reaches 14.2 volts, so as not to overcharge.

    Below is a diagram of the self-excitation of the generator. In general, the generator itself is excited because the rotor has residual magnetization, but this happens at high speeds; it is better to add magnets for reliability. The circuit includes a relay regulator, but it can be excluded. A decoupling diode is needed so that the battery does not discharge because without the diode, current will flow into the field winding (rotor).


    Since the wind generator will be very small with a propeller with a diameter of only 1 meter, no protection from strong winds is needed and nothing will happen to it if there is a strong mast and a strong propeller.

    There are 28-volt generators, but if they are used to charge a 12-volt battery, then the revolutions needed are half as much, about 600 rpm. But since the voltage will not be 28 volts, but 14, the excitation coil will provide only half the power and the generator voltage will be less, so nothing will come of it. You can, of course, try putting a 12-volt rotor in a generator whose stator is wound at 28 volts, then it should be better and charging will start earlier, but then you need two identical generators to replace the rotor, or look for a separate rotor or stator.

    § 35. Battery
    § 36. Generator
    § 37. Starter
    § 38. Lighting and signaling devices
    § 39. Magneto and spark plug
    § 40. Maintenance of electrical equipment

    § 36. Generator

    The generator serves to power electrical appliances when the engine is running at medium and high speed, as well as for recharging battery.

    It converts mechanical energy into electrical energy based on the principle of electromagnetic induction, i.e. excitation electric current in a conductor when it is crossed by magnetic lines of force.

    On the YuMZ-6L/M and MTZ-50 tractors of new releases, an alternating current generator G-306A (62) is installed. It is a closed contactless three-phase dynamo with a built-in rectifier. Feature This generator has no brush contacts and rotating windings. Generator power 400 W, rated rectified current 32 A.

    The generator consists of a stator 3, a rotor 4 and a rectifier 5. The stator is assembled from electrical steel. It has 9 teeth on which coils of winding 2 are placed. Each phase of the winding consists of three coils. In each of the three phases, the coils are connected in series, and the phases are connected in a delta.

    Covers are attached to the stator on both sides. On the insulating block of the rear cover 11 there are AC clamps 1, to which the ends of the stator winding phases are brought out. The leads of the overhead line rectifier are connected to the same bolts. On the back cover there are also terminals M and B.

    62. Generator:

    1-AC terminals, 2 - field winding, 3 - stator, 4 - rotor, 5 - rectifier, 6 - generator drive pulley with fan impeller, 7 - diode, 8 - front cover, 9 - field winding coil, 10-pin DC clamp, 11 - back cover

    Ш DC. WITH inside front cover.V coil 9 of the excitation winding is attached, the beginning of the winding is connected to the ground of the generator, and the end is connected to terminal Ш.

    The diameter of the generator rotor 4 has the shape of a six-rayed star, which is made of sheets of electrical steel and is rigidly mounted on the shaft. The latter rotates on two ball bearings that do not require lubrication, of a closed design, installed in the covers.

    The back cover and the paw attached to it are cast from aluminum alloy. Two paws are welded to the front steel cover for attaching the generator and adjusting the tension of the drive belt.

    Rectifier 5 is fixed on the front cover. It consists of a finned aluminum housing, a heat conductor and six semiconductor diodes of “forward” and “reverse” polarity. The heat pipe is isolated from the housing with a thin insulating gasket. Three diodes of “reverse” polarity are mounted in the housing, and diodes of “straight” polarity are installed in the heat conductor. The diode leads are connected in pairs to the generator phases. There is a rubber seal installed between the rectifier housing and the generator cover. o-ring, which prevents dust and dirt from entering the straightener.

    For better cooling, the rectifier housing is finned. The rectifier is assembled in three

    phase bridge circuit.

    The positive pole of the rectifier is connected to terminal B on the rear cover block of the generator with a flexible wire.

    The generator is driven by a belt through a pulley b, secured to the shaft with a key and a nut. A fan is attached to the pulley on the generator side, which serves to cool the generator and rectifier.

    The principle of operation of the generator is known from physics. When the rotor rotates, the magnetic field of the excitation system crosses the three-phase stator winding and induces an electromotive force (emf) variable in magnitude and direction in it. Under the influence of e. d.s. alternating current appears in the circuit, which is converted by the rectifier into direct current and supplied to consumers.

    Normal operation of the generator is possible provided that the operating rules are followed.

    The generator must not be washed with fuel or pressurized water. To excite the generator, the ground switch must be turned on, otherwise it will not generate electricity. If you turn off the “mass” after starting the engine, then when the generator is working, the “Ground on” indicator lamp continues to light. When stopping the engine, the ground is turned off to avoid discharging the battery through the generator excitation winding.

    63. Relay regulator:

    a - device, b - connection to the circuit; / - voltage regulator, 2 - protection relay, 3 - cover, 4 - transistor, 5 - housing, 6 - seasonal voltage adjustment screw, 7 - mains switch; G - generator, R - relay-regulator, 6 - battery, M - ground, W - clamp connected to the excitation winding of the regulator (shunt), 6 - clamp connected to the rectifier terminal

    The generator of the described type works in conjunction with a contact-transistor relay-regulator PP-362B (63). The relay regulator is installed under the instrument panel and includes two elements: voltage regulator / and protection relay 2.

    The voltage regulator maintains the generator voltage within 13.0-14.2 V. It consists of transistor 4 and a vibration relay that controls the transistor connected to the generator excitation winding circuit.

    Protection relay 2 serves to protect the transistor from short circuit currents in the field winding circuit to ground.

    There are three clamps on the relay-regulator panel: M - for connecting the “ground” of the generator, W - for connecting the excitation winding of the generator, B - for connecting the rectifier, load and battery. WITH outside The relay-regulator contains a PPR device (seasonal voltage regulation switch), which allows seasonal adjustment of the voltage difference within 0.8-1.0 V. Only a master adjuster in a workshop that has the necessary equipment can open and adjust the relay-regulator measuring instruments. Even short-term connection (testing for spark) of terminals Ш and В of the generator and relay-regulator with ground is prohibited.

    The G-304A generator, previously installed on the tractors under study, does not differ in operating principle from the G-306A generator,

    however, their designs, designs, and materials are not the same.

    The G-306A generator is more powerful than the G-304A generator, has less weight and overall dimensions. It is single-sided excitation, and G-304A is double-sided since it has two excitation winding coils, each placed in one of the covers and connected to each other in parallel. Both generators are paired with a relay-regulator PP-362B.


    Construction machines and equipment, reference book

    TO category:

    Tractors MTZ-100 and MTZ-102

    Unified tractor generator 46.3701

    General information. Generator 46.3701 is intended for tractors and self-propelled agricultural machines. Its power is 0.7 kW, and it is made with a built-in voltage regulator.

    Availability powerful source power supply on the tractor allows you to solve a number of problems to improve the working conditions of the tractor driver and increase labor productivity.

    Generator 46.3701 has several modifications that differ in the size of the drive pulley. So, for example, the modification generator 54.3701 is installed instead of the G306 generator.

    On a unified generator, in addition to the main rectifier, there is an additional one (terminal D), which prevents the battery from discharging into the generator excitation winding when parked, and also connects the starter blocking relay.

    Generator 46.3701 has reliable self-excitation due to the use of permanent magnets. Loss of residual magnetization is excluded. Self-excitation with a connected rated load is provided, which allows agricultural work to be carried out even in the absence of a battery on the tractor.

    A decrease in specific metal consumption or an increase in specific power by 1.75 times was obtained as a result of the use of circulation cooling similar to automobile generators. The internal cavity of the generator is protected from large particles by a mesh plastic cover on the air intake side. The lid is easily removable and must be removed periodically (once a season) to remove particles accumulated under it.

    Effective cooling of bearing units significantly increases the service life of the generator.

    The generator structure is shown in Figure 1. It is a single-pole inductor three-phase machine.

    The rotor consists of a shaft with a six-ray sprocket package made of sheet steel, a sleeve-magnetic core, a pulley and a centrifugal fan located on it. In a special aluminum frame with six beak-shaped protrusions placed between the teeth of the rotor packages, magnets are filled in.

    The stator is a package with nine teeth on which coils are located (three per phase). The cover on the drive side is made of steel with a welded flange on the fan side. The flange has mounting and tensioning feet. This cover contains a magnetic core bushing with an excitation winding. A rectifier unit with three additional diodes is installed in the aluminum cover on the side opposite the drive. A plastic mesh cover with holes for electrical leads covers the end of the aluminum cover.

    Rice. 1. Generator 46.3701:
    1- back cover; 2 - poropa bushing; 3 - cover of the control device; 4 - bearing; 5 - block; 6 - coupling bolt; 7 - rotor; 8 - stator; 9 - excitation coil, 10 - fan; 11 - bearing cover; 12 - pulley; 13 - bearing; 14 - front cover.

    Both bearing caps have windows for intake and exhaust of cooling air. A bearing 6-180603 is installed in the cover on the drive side, and with opposite side- bearing 6-180502. An integral regulator unit is located in the cavity between the aluminum and plastic covers.

    The generator is secured with three bolts. Unlike generator 13.3701 (G306), everything electrical connections are inside. Figure 110 shows the electrical connection diagram of the 46.3701 generator; it is practically no different from the 13.3701 generator circuit.

    Generator installation. The connecting size between the legs is 90 ±0.4 mm, which allows, if necessary, to install a generator instead of the 13.3701 generator. The remaining overall and connecting dimensions are the same as for 13.3701 and G306. Generator 46:3701 when supplied as spare parts has a dimension between legs of 130 mm. The legs of the rear cover of the generator are secured with a longer bolt with nuts installed on it or a special split bushing in the hole of the rear leg, which can be moved in the axial direction.

    Figure 3 shows options for mounting the generator on brackets measuring 90 and 130 mm.

    The generator is not installed on the cast bracket of the D-245 diesel engine,

    because side wall the bracket prevents the generator from turning when putting on the belt. It is necessary to either modify the bracket or replace it with a bracket of a different size.

    At maintenance generator, it is necessary to monitor the reliability of all fastenings, the tension of the drive belt, its general serviceability and cleanliness. Dust and dirt are removed with a brush or damp cloth.

    The serviceability of the generator is checked before starting work using a test lamp installed on the instrument panel. If the generator is working properly, the lamp lights up when the ground switch is closed before starting the diesel engine. After starting, the indicator lamp goes out. Having stopped the diesel engine, you need to open the “mass” switch (the control lamp goes out).

    On a tractor, the serviceability of the generator is checked only when the diesel engine is not running, by disconnecting the wires from all terminals of the generator.

    The test is performed using a 12 V lamp and a battery.

    When checking the field winding, the negative terminal of the battery is connected to terminal M of the generator, its positive terminal is connected through a test lamp to terminal W of the generator.

    If the excitation winding is working properly, then the lamp burns at full intensity (current strength 3.0...3.5 A). Full heating of the lamp (current strength more than 3.5 A) indicates a short circuit between the field winding and the generator housing. If the lamp does not light, there is a break in the field winding.

    The serviceability of the rectifier and stator windings is checked by observing the following procedure.

    Rice. 2. Electrical diagram generator 46.3701.

    3. Generator installation diagrams. 54.3701:
    1 - generator; 2 - adjusting washers; 3 - bolt M10 X 55; 4 - bracket; 5 - bolt; 6 - nut No. 110.

    1. The negative terminal of the battery is connected to terminal M of the generator, and its positive terminal is connected through a test lamp to terminal B. In this case, the lamp should not light up. If the lamp is on, this indicates the following malfunctions of the rectifier: short circuit in one or more diodes of both polarities; breakdown of insulation between the heat sink and the rectifier housing; short circuit of the positive terminal to the generator housing.

    2. The negative terminal of the battery is connected to one of the alternator terminals, and its positive terminal is connected through a test lamp to terminal B of the generator. In this case, the lamp should not light. Otherwise, one or more diodes of straight polarity are broken.

    3. The positive terminal of the battery is connected through a test lamp to one of the alternating current terminals of the generator, and its negative terminal is connected to the M terminal of the generator. The lamp should also not be lit. If the lamp lights up, it means that one or more diodes of reverse polarity have been broken or a short circuit has occurred in the stator winding to the generator housing.

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    Malfunctions and repairs of the MTZ tractor generator

    What if you find that the ammeter displays discharge current at the rated engine speed? Check the tension of the generator belt. If the tension is normal, we look for a broken wire in the power supply circuit of the excitation winding. If they are in order, the contacts of the connecting wires have probably become acidic.

    By the way, when there is an interturn short circuit or a break in the turns in the excitation winding, a short circuit of the stator winding to the housing, or when the reverse or direct polarity diodes of the rectifier break down, the same situation occurs.

    Why might there be a high charging current? It is likely that the battery plates will short circuit, and this will lead to a decrease in the internal resistance of the battery and an increase in current.

    Noise and knocking in the generator can occur due to loosening of the generator drive pulley, destruction of the bearings or wear out. seats. So the noise is due to the rotor touching the stator.

    How to check the operation of the 464.3701 generator on a tractor? We connect electricity consumers, bring the engine crankshaft speed to the nominal speed, and use a KI-1093 voltammeter to measure between “+” and the unpainted area of ​​the generator housing (Fig.

    2.2.1) and, gradually increasing the load current to 30 A, we measure the voltage. It must be at least 12.5 V.

    Rice. 2.2.1. Scheme for checking the output voltage of the generator under load on the MTZ-80, MTZ-82 tractor:
    1 - generator; 2 - voltammeter KI-1003

    What to do if the generator voltage is very different from the nominal voltage or there is no voltage at all when the battery is disconnected? The generator needs to be removed for inspection and possibly subsequent replacement. How to check the MTZ-80, MTZ-82 generator? First you need to check the serviceability of the main elements of the generator using a 12 V test lamp.

    The sequence of actions is as follows: remove the back plastic cover and the integrated device (ID); Next, we release the leads of the excitation coil and the additional rectifier from the bolts of the terminal panel. We check that there is no short circuit in the diodes or between the windings and the generator housing (see Fig. 2.2.2).

    Rice. 2.2.2. Schemes for checking the generator for the absence of a short circuit MTZ-80, MTZ-82
    a - how to check the diodes of the rectifier unit; b - how to check the stator windings and reverse polarity diodes; c - how to check diodes of straight polarity; d - how to check the diodes of the additional rectifier; d - how to check the field windings on the generator housing;
    1 - generator housing; 2 - terminal “+”; 3 - terminal “Ш”; 4 - outputs of the rectifier block phases; 5 - battery; 6 - terminal “D”; 7 - output terminal of the end of the excitation winding; 8 - output terminal for the start of the excitation winding; 9 - control lamp

    If there is a short circuit of the diodes, windings or breakdown to the housing, the control lamp lights up. That's how it should be. If the insulation of the windings is damaged or the diodes are faulty, the generator must be replaced. Alignment of the generator is carried out on control and test benches KI-968 or 532M.

    First of all, check the voltage of the generator without load. It must be at least 12.5 V at a rotor speed of no more than 1400 rpm. Next, the generator voltage is checked under load, at a load current of 36 A and a rotor speed of 3000 rpm. It must also be at least 12.5 V.

    To test the integrated device, the load current is reduced to 5 A, and the rotor speed is tried to be kept within 3000 rpm. In “summer mode” (seasonal adjustment switch in position “L”), the voltage on the generator should be 13.2-14.1 V. V “ winter mode"(seasonal adjustment switch in position "Z") the voltage is slightly higher, in the range of 14.3-15.2 V. If these parameters do not correspond, the integrated device must be replaced.

    46.3701 is a source of electricity that ensures the operation of the tractor’s electrical equipment.

    The generator is a non-contact three-phase electric machine with continuous ventilation with one-way electromagnetic excitation, a built-in rectifier unit BPV23-50, assembled using a three-phase bridge circuit on silicon valves (diodes) VA-20, and an integrated voltage regulator (IVR) unit of type Ya112B.

    The stator is laminated from sheet steel and has nine teeth on which three-phase winding coils are attached. The connection of the coils in phase is serial. The phases are connected in a triangle. The ends of the phases are led out by flexible mounting wires to the rectifier unit.

    1 - switch; 2 and 14 - bearings; 3 - cover of the control device; 4 - block BPV23-50; 5 - coupling bolt; 6 - magnet; 7 - rotor; 8 - stator; 9 - rotor bushing; 10 - excitation coil; 11 - fan; 12 - bearing cover; 13 - pulley; 15 - front cover; 16 - back cover.

    The rotor is a package of plates in the form of a six-pointed star, made of sheet steel and pressed onto the shaft. Hexaferrite magnets are reinforced in a special aluminum frame with six beak-shaped protrusions-boxes located between the teeth of the rotor package. Permanent magnets provide reliable self-excitation of the generator when operating without a battery.

    The front cover is stamped steel with two welded legs, one of which is used to tension the drive belt, the second is for fastening the generator. The cover at the end has ventilation windows for the passage of cooling air. The cylindrical part of the cover has holes for installing tightening bolts. The bearing in the front cover is rigidly clamped along the outer ring by the flange of the excitation coil bushing and the bearing cover, and along the inner ring by the rotor sleeve and the fan hub. The back cover is cast from aluminum alloy along with a paw for mounting the generator of the YuMZ tractor.

    At the end of the cover there are ventilation windows and holes for attaching the rectifier unit. The bearing in the rear cover along the outer ring is floating. Generator bearings (ball bearings of a closed design) do not require addition or replacement lubricant throughout the entire service life. The field coil is attached to the front cover and consists of a steel bushing with a flange and winding. The beginning and end of the winding are led out by flexible mounting wires to the regulator block located on the back cover and closed with a plastic cover.

    The rectifier unit is mounted on the back cover from the inside and consists of two aluminum heat sinks isolated from one another. Three diodes of reverse polarity are pressed into one heat sink, and three diodes of direct polarity are pressed into the other. The heat sink with diodes of straight polarity is isolated from the cover with electrical insulating gaskets and attached to it with insulated pins. The leads of the diodes of direct and reverse polarity are connected in pairs by jumpers, to which are attached mounting wires coming from the ends of the stator phases. The “plus” of the rectifier is removed from the heat sink with diodes of direct polarity and is brought out with a terminal bolt, and the “minus” is removed from the heat sink with diodes of reverse polarity to the housing of the YuMZ tractor generator. The rectifier unit has three additional diodes designed to power the field winding. The “plus” of the field winding rectifier is connected to the start terminal of the field coil and terminal D of the generator.

    The regulator block consists of a terminal block, an IVR with a heat sink, a switch for seasonal voltage regulation “Winter” - “Summer”, a filter capacitor and a resistor with a resistance of 120 Ohms. The IRN has four terminals (W, D, B, C) in the form of contact gaskets isolated from its base, and a minus terminal connected to the base. Terminal Ш is connected to the terminal of the end of the excitation coil, terminal D is connected to terminal D of the generator, terminal B is connected to the “plus” terminal of the generator, and terminal C is connected to the seasonal control switch. The design of the IRN is not collapsible. The base of the IRN has an orienting protrusion that prevents its incorrect installation on the heat sink.

    The Yumz-6 generator uses circulation cooling using centrifugal fan. Air is taken in through the back cover and exhausted through the front.

    The internal cavities of the generator are protected from the ingress of large particles of agricultural waste by a mesh plastic cover. The lid is easily removable and must be removed periodically to remove any chaff or cotton that has accumulated underneath it.