Preparing surfaces for tiles. Preparing the surface for laying tiles

) is unthinkable without careful preparation of the foundation. Any specially prepared floor can serve as the basis for laying tiles. Floor tiles can be laid on

  • cement mortar with special additives,
  • tile adhesive,
  • tile mastic.

Depending on the choice of adhesive composition, floor preparation for tiles varies slightly. Although the operations themselves for preparing the floor for tiles are common to all types of floors.

Stages of floor preparation for laying tiles

Preparing the floor for laying tiles consists of the following work:

  • Checking the strength of the base;
  • Checking the evenness of the floor base;
  • Elimination of floor defects;
  • Preparing the base floor for tiles;
  • Preparing a Wooden Floor
  • About the warm field under the tiles.

Checking the strength of the subfloor for laying tiles

  • The wooden floor must be soaked with an antiseptic and dried;
  • GVLV sheets need to be laid on top of the wooden floor. The leaves spread out like brickwork, and are attached to wooden floor with screws, every 40-50 cm;
  • Before laying the tiles, the surface of the sheets is primed.

About the warm field under the tiles

If the tiles are laid on a heated floor system covered with a screed, the heated floor must be turned on for 1-2 days, then turned off for the same amount of time and the tiles must be laid. You can turn on the heated floor 2-3 days after grouting.

When laying tiles on thermal mats, do not forget to turn off the mats. You can lay tiles on thermal mats without additional screed, directly using tile adhesive suitable for heated floors.

30.01.2014 01:05

Let's assume that you decide to use flooring tile (or ceramic) tiles. Tiled floors are very practical and durable; you won’t have to worry about replacing them for a long time. And then not to redo anything and immediately lay the floor tiles smoothly and efficiently, very important and necessary preparing the floor for tiles.

Tiles can be laid using cement mortar containing special additives, as well as tile adhesive or mastic. Depending on the bonding method chosen, floor preparation for tiling may vary slightly, but in general the floor requirements are the same for all.

First you need to check the base of the floor under the tiles and check the strength of the surface on which the tiles will lie. To do this, you need to tap the entire floor screed with a metal hammer. The sound of the hammer should be loud and indicate that there are no voids under the screed. The screed should not crumble or peel off. If the base for laying tiles, in in this case screed that is not strong and does not meet the requirements, it is better to make a new floor screed.

For high-quality laying of ceramic tiles, the floor surface must be flat. Checking the evenness of the floor is carried out using a two-meter aluminum rule. During the verification process, a gap will form between the floor and the rule. The permissible clearance value depends on the chosen method of fixing the tiles. For laying tiles with tile adhesive, a gap of 2 mm is allowed, with mastic - 4 mm, with cement mortar a gap of 8 mm can be allowed.

Checking the horizontal level of the floor is carried out using a building level. If you want to lay the tiles perfectly flat on the floor, then the slope should not be more than 2% of the length being tested, or in other words: 4 mm per 2 meters of the length being tested. To lay tiles on the floor with a slope towards the drain, a lath of the required thickness is usually placed under it. In this case, the even horizontal position of the rule will indicate the desired level of floor slope.

In addition, in the process of preparing the floor for tiles, it is necessary to eliminate other floor defects: paint, grease and oil stains. Detected protrusions and depressions in the floor must be removed. To do this, use a scarpel to cut off the protrusion, moisten it and seal the depressions with cement mortar. If the detected irregularities are very large, then it is necessary to use an electric hammer. In addition, it is possible to screed the floor with a self-leveling mixture.

Before laying the tiles, it is necessary to seal the joints between the floor and walls with cement mortar, after wetting the surface. When preparing a bathroom floor for tiles, it is necessary to seal the joints using a waterproofing compound. Best option- install waterproofing in the bathroom or toilet.

You can lay tiles on a wooden floor, but this requires slightly different preparation. First you need to saturate the wooden floor with an antiseptic and dry it thoroughly after that. To install waterproofing, place 2-3 layers of roofing material on a wooden floor, raise the reinforcing mesh (10 cm cells) 1 cm above the floor level and secure it well, then apply a cement-sand floor screed.

The tiles can also be laid on a screed, under which a “warm floor” system is installed. The system can be very diverse. including using a heating system using polypropylene pipes. To do this, you need to turn off the system for 1-2 days. Then lay the tiles on the heated floor, first following all the recommendations for preparing the floor for laying tiles. You can turn on the floor heating system 2 or 3 days after grouting.

For high-quality styling For polyvinyl chloride tiles, the surface on which it will be laid is of great importance. Equally important is both the choice of a suitable base and its preparation for laying tiles.

Choosing the right surface

When laying PVC tiles, first of all, you should think about the type of surface on which it will be laid. Many materials are suitable as a base for laying polyvinyl chloride tiles. It can be laid both on the screed and on existing coverings.

One of the main criteria for the surface on which PVC tiles will be laid is its strength. A suitable surface in terms of strength can be considered one that does not collapse when the tile is peeled off from it, and also does not creak when walking on it. An example of a base that is unsuitable for laying PVC tiles is an OSB board. When a tile is separated from such a surface, particles of shavings that make up this surface will remain on it. As a result, many irregularities will appear on the OSB board, which, at best, will greatly complicate the installation of PVC tiles. Another example of a base that is unsuitable for laying PVC tiles is a poorly poured concrete screed. In places where such surfaces are used most frequently, they deteriorate over time. top layer, which will lead to the PVC tiles peeling off from the base.

Another criterion is surface stability. The surface on which PVC tiles will be laid must be firmly fixed. In case of use wooden base, the distance between the logs and the thickness of the boards must be selected so that the floor does not sag when walking. With everything else, it should be noted that polyvinyl chloride tiles are a fairly durable material and will perform their functions even on unstable surfaces. However, in this case, gaps may form between the tiles.

In general, we can conclude that the following types of surfaces are suitable for laying PVC tiles:

  • Cement or cement-sand screed;
  • Plywood with increased moisture resistance (FSF);
  • Existing coatings (tiles, porcelain tiles, etc.);
  • Bulk, dry bases (Knauf Superpol);
  • Mixtures for leveling floors.
  • Preparing the selected surface

    If the type of surface to be finished is suitable for laying polyvinyl chloride tiles, then first of all you should worry about the evenness of this very surface. If the base of the floor is wooden, then you can level it by covering it with a thick layer of plywood. A floor with a concrete surface should be leveled using a self-leveling screed.

    Also, the surface on which PVC tiles will be laid must be dry. Especially when it comes to screeds and leveling mixtures. For cement-sand screeds, the drying process depends on many factors, such as the thickness of the coating, air humidity, and can last up to several months. It is quite simple to check the readiness of the cement base for laying PVC tiles. It is enough to stick a piece of polyethylene to the surface being tested with tape. The surface will be ready for laying polyvinyl chloride tiles if condensation does not form on the polyethylene during the day. From this we can conclude that the screed is dry. If condensation occurs, the surface is not ready for laying tiles because water is still leaking out of it. If leveling compounds were used to level the floor, the same testing method can be used. The difference is that the drying process in this case is simpler and much faster. In many cases, dry areas of a surface treated with a leveling mixture can be distinguished from wet areas by color.

    Extremely important criterion When laying PVC tiles, the cleanliness of the surface on which the tiles will be laid is also important. In the event that the surface is contaminated with any foreign substances, be it dust, residues building materials or anything else, there can be serious difficulties when laying tiles. Therefore, before installing the tiles, the base of the floor must be carefully primed. The main purpose of this procedure is to increase the adhesion between the glue with which the tiles will be fixed and concrete surface floor. Any acrylic primer. When using tiles with interlocking joints, there is no need to prime the surface.

    It should be noted that PVC tiles also need to be prepared for installation. To do this, you need to unfold it and keep it in a horizontal position for about a day at an air temperature of at least 24 degrees.

    Tiles should only be laid after the floor has been prepared. It won't be difficult to do if you carefully study the instructions.

    The tiles should be laid on solid flat surface.

    After execution necessary work To prepare the floor for tiles, the base must have a flat surface that will adhere well to the tile covering.

    As a base for installing tiles made of tiles or plastic, you can use a specially prepared surface made of various materials. Installation of tiles on the floor can be carried out on the following types of coatings:

    • cement mortar;
    • tile adhesive;
    • tile mastic.

    Checking the foundation for strength

    Materials and tools:

    The old floor is dismantled, the base underneath is leveled and primed.

    • hammer;
    • cement;
    • sand;
    • water.

    Preparing the floor for laying tiles is carried out approximately the same for all types of base. The only difference is which adhesion composition is chosen.

    First of all, it is necessary to check whether the base has sufficient strength. If the base is a concrete screed, it is checked for strength.

    To do this, tap the entire surface with a hammer. If when hitting the hammer it turns out ringing sound, then the coating is considered high quality. The concrete solution should not collapse or crumble.

    If it turns out that the concrete screed has insufficient strength, you need to remove areas that crumble from hammer blows. Neither their place needs to be poured with new concrete.

    The surface must be even

    Then check whether the base is sufficiently level. In order to be able to lay tiles, the underlying covering must be level and clear.

    Materials and tools:

    • rule;
    • building level;
    • slats;

    The surface is checked for transparency using the rule. In this case, a two-meter rule made of aluminum is used.

    Layout of the floor under the tiles.

    If the tiles are laid with glue, then the gap between the rule and the coating should not be more than 3 mm.

    When laying on mastic, the clearance should not be more than 4 mm. When laying on cement mortar – 8 mm. All irregularities and defects should be marked with chalk.

    Then check the horizontal level of the floor. The work is being done building level, having a length of 1.5 m. When measuring, the slope should not be more than 0.2% of the required length. That is, the slope should be no more than 4 mm per 2 linear meters rules.

    This check is carried out if it is necessary to lay tiles with a flat surface in various rooms. In the event that the installation will be carried out in the shower with a slope towards the drain, you need to install a rail of a certain thickness as a rule. In this case, a horizontally located rule will show the required slope.

    How to eliminate uneven foundations: instructions

    Materials and tools:

    Scheme of a wooden floor under tiles.

    • cement;
    • sand;
    • water;
    • primer;
    • boaster;
    • perforator;
    • 3% solution hydrochloric acid;
    • respirator;
    • safety glasses;
    • protective gloves;
    • metal brushes.

    All protrusions and depressions that were found during the inspection must be eliminated. Using a scarpel, you need to remove the protrusions.

    Depressions need to be filled cement mixture. If there are a lot of protrusions on the concrete base and they are large, then they are removed using a hammer drill, which is turned on in jackhammer mode.

    If there is paint left on the surface, it must be removed. Various oil stains are removed with a 3% solution of hydrochloric acid or special means.

    When processing surfaces chemicals it is necessary to use the means personal protection: respirators, gloves, safety glasses. Work must be carried out in a well-ventilated area.

    After eliminating uneven areas, to prepare the floor for laying tiles, you need to seal the joints between the floor slabs and between the walls and the floor. The joints are sealed with concrete grade M-150. Before laying concrete, the surface must be moistened with water.

    If the tiled surface is going to be installed in the bathroom, then it is necessary to waterproof it after sealing with concrete.

    Then concrete covering need to be treated with a wire brush.

    Before installing tiles cement screed primed.

    Preparing a wooden floor for tiles

    Materials and tools:

    • antiseptic;
    • roofing felt;
    • reinforcing mesh;
    • cement;
    • sand;
    • microfiber.

    How do you prepare a wooden floor for laying tiles?

    The tiles can also be laid on a base made of wood. Wooden floors require special preparation.

    First of all, wood covering process antiseptic solution. Then the floor is dried. After this, 2 layers of roofing material are laid on the wood covering. This is necessary for moisture insulation. Then, over the layer of roofing felt, you need to install a mesh of reinforcement, which has holes with a diameter of 10 cm. After this, a cement-sand screed is made, to which microfiber is added.

    You cannot lay tiles on linoleum and carpet. These coverings are removed. Then remove any remaining glue. If the floor covered with linoleum has a flat surface, you can lay cement-fiber boards on it, and then lay the tiles.

    If the tiles are going to be installed on a heated floor system that is covered concrete screed, then the system is turned on for 2 days. Then they turn off the system and lay the tiles.

    You can turn on the heated floor system again 3 days after the grouting has been completed.

    If the tiles are mounted on thermal mats, they must first be turned off. Installation is carried out without additional screed, directly on tile adhesive, which can be used for heated floors.

    After thorough and thorough preparation of the floor according to the above rules, they begin to install the tiles. Thanks to the preparatory work carried out according to the instructions, the laying of the tiles will be of high quality, and the tile covering will be strong, reliable and durable.

    IN modern world tiles are in the same demand as they were decades ago, despite the emergence of new materials.

    This material is practical, easy to care for, has a very long service life, and if necessary, the tiles can decorate any design.

    Installation is quite simple, but for long-term service it will be necessary good preparation floor under tiles. If you do not make a high-quality base, cracks may form and individual parts of the tiles may begin to fall off.

    Types of subfloors

    The screed will become smooth the best reason under tiles

    Tiles can be laid on almost any subfloor, for example, it is possible to lay tiles on wooden boards, laminate and even old tiles.

    When laying new tiles on the old one, you will need to check its tightness to the floor and remove the glossy layer using a grinder so that the solution adheres better.

    Regardless of different options subfloor, a concrete base is ideal. Its surface has the necessary rigidity and strength, due to which the service life will be significantly increased.

    The only covering that the material cannot be placed on is carpet. It has a soft and fleecy surface that will not provide high-quality adhesion.

    For concrete base There are some preparatory rules that need to be taken into account. The list, methods for checking and eliminating defects in concrete can be found in the table:

    Name of checkTest methodElimination of defects
    Strength of concreteThe concrete screed is checked using a regular hammer. With its help you need to tap the surface around the entire perimeter. If the base is strong and durable, then the sound should be clear. If the sound is dull, then the base is not suitable for masonry. In addition, the screed should remain intact from impacts and not crumble or peel off.If after checking it turns out that the screed is fragile, then it will need to be dismantled and filled new surface, which will have no flaws.
    Coating evennessThe floor under the tiles must be perfectly level. The clearance is checked using a rule, which should have a length of at least 2 m. By applying the rule to the screed, large gaps should not form.Acceptable norm for gaps that will be filled tile adhesive, is 3 mm. If the tiles are laid on a cement mortar, the gap can be no more than 8 mm. If, after checking the base, there are significant flaws, then they need to be marked with a marker for further removal. As a rule, a similar method is used in the kitchen, but if the masonry is carried out in a bathhouse or shower where there is a drain, then a slope is necessary, and it is done towards the drain.
    TroubleshootingIf coating defects are detected, it must be processed and carefully prepared. Defects include potholes, bumps, and paint.In the case of potholes or pits, they must be filled with putty; for these purposes, a solution based on cement and sand is used. Before applying the solution, the surface is wetted to improve adhesion. In the case of protrusions, they need to be knocked down; you can use a hammer drill. If there is paint applied to the floor for laying tiles, this will also be removed. Grease or oil stains are removed in the same way.
    Finished surfacePreparatory work does not end with eliminating defects. You need to decide on the base on which the tile will rest.To remove defects it is used as concrete mortar, and self-leveling floor. In the room, skirting boards are dismantled and door frames. The floor is cleaned of dirt, dust and other debris. Next, you can lay the tiles. When using a fresh screed, you need to give it time to dry and only then carry out the work. While the screed is hardening, it must be wetted, this will get rid of the appearance of cracks. According to standards, the screed dries completely within a month, but if self-leveling floors are used, the process is reduced. The hardening time should be indicated on the packaging and depends on the pouring layer. If the floor for laying tiles has an old screed, then deflections and cracks are checked and, if necessary, repaired. Small cracks can be covered with special lubricants that are sold in stores. If the cracks are large, they are knocked out, and a new solution is poured in place of the hole.

    Preparing a Wooden Floor

    It is recommended to level a wooden floor with plywood

    If the decision is made not to dismantle the old wooden floor, then it will need to be carefully prepared and only then lay the tiles.

    To prepare such a surface you need:

    1. Check the boards for strength; if there are rotten ones, they need to be replaced.
    2. The gaps between the wood should be sealed with sealant and allowed to dry.
    3. Impregnate the wood with antiseptics and leave the floor to dry completely.
    4. Place waterproofing (roofing felt) on the boards. It spreads in several layers, the recommended amount is 3 layers.
    5. A mesh of reinforcement with a cell size of at least 10 cm is laid.
    6. Now the screed is poured. Any cement-sand mortar is used.
    7. To improve the quality of the mixture, you need to add microfiber to it.

    For those who are working with the material for the first time, it is better to use large tiles, without patterns or decorations, and install using the “joint to joint” method.

    Preparing a linoleum floor

    Check for fungus under the coating

    Some people, in order to save money, use linoleum instead of tiles for kitchens, but when the time comes to change it to tiles, the laying can be done directly on it.

    Before starting installation, you need to lift the edges of the linoleum and assess the condition concrete base. If linoleum was laid without preparation, then there may be fungus or mold underneath it. In this case, you should get rid of them, clean the formations and coat them with primer or paint. oil based. If there is a lot of mold or mildew, then it is better to remove the linoleum completely and lay it on concrete. For more information on preparing the foundation, watch this video:

    If everything is in order under the linoleum, then it is cut a little with the help of a blade for better adhesion to the tile adhesive. To enhance the effect of bonding surfaces, you can treat linoleum sandpaper, making it rough.

    Preparing heated floors

    Warm the floor before installing the tiles

    In the question of how to prepare floors for laying tiles on a heating system, it is worth pre-heating the floor covering, thereby getting rid of excess moisture that has formed over time.

    The surface of such a base can be used without additional screed, and the laying is carried out using tile adhesive, which is suitable in composition for heated floors. All the subtleties of styling of this material look at the heated floor in this video:

    After preparatory work With any type of base, according to the tips indicated in the article, you can start laying tiles. Preparation plays a very important role not only for tiles, but also for any other materials. The service life of the materials and their visual appearance depend on the quality of its implementation. If you carry out the work according to the instructions, the result will be high-quality and durable.