How to put flowers in a vase. How to keep a bouquet of roses, tulips and other flowers in a vase longer

Florists say that a bouquet can remain fresh for several weeks if you follow simple rules caring for him. Of course, it all depends on the freshness and type of flower from which the composition is made. But still, there are some techniques that help extend the life of a flower arrangement.

What should you do first to extend the life of a bouquet of flowers?

you were given flower arrangement, and you are wondering how to preserve the bouquet longer? Perhaps these rules will help with this:

  • If the gift was made in the cold season, before putting the bouquet in water, unwrap it and let it rest at room temperature. Plants are in shock after frost and need to adapt. Do not place flowers near a heat source.
  • Before placing the bouquet in water, trim the stems. Do it sharp knife under running water. After this, immediately place the composition in a vessel with water.
  • If you are thinking about how to keep your bouquet fresh, place it in settled water at room temperature and change it every day. It is advisable to trim the stem by 2-3 centimeters with each change of water.
  • It is important to comply temperature regime storage of plants. Do not place flowers in a draft, near a heat source, or in direct sunlight. This causes loss of moisture and leads to rapid wilting of flowers. Ideally, a slightly cool, ventilated room.
  • Ammonia or camphor alcohol helps the buds open faster. A concentration of half a teaspoon per 1 liter of water is sufficient.
  • Regular table salt can extend the life of a beautiful bouquet. Add a teaspoon of salt per 1 liter of water after each change of liquid in the vase. Ammonia has the same effect - just a few drops will allow you to enjoy the beauty of the composition longer.
  • If the flowers begin to fade, sugar will help bring them back to life. Add a teaspoon per 1 liter of water and the plants will last longer.
  • Don't forget to spray the bouquet with water several times a day and remove wilted buds.

These were general recommendations, which apply to all plants. But each flower is individual and makes its own demands on the environment. Therefore, answering the question of how to extend life, you first need to study the characteristics of plants in the composition.

How to preserve the beauty of a bouquet of roses longer

It is known to be quite capricious in its care. But, nevertheless, when buying flowers, we often give preference to the queen. A few rules will help extend the life of a magnificent rose.

  • Before placing roses in a vase, trim off the leaves and thorns at the bottom of the stem. Florists recommend doing this procedure under running water. At the same time, cut the stem, making the cutting area as large as possible. Can be cut bottom part the stem into several parts, going 4-6 centimeters upward. This will open the way for water to reach the buds.
  • It is recommended to place roses in settled and boiled water at room temperature, which should be changed every day by cutting and cutting the stem.
  • Choose a vase of such a shape and size that the stems are half to two-thirds submerged in water.
  • An aspirin tablet or sugar will prolong the life of roses. Florists recommend adding 1 teaspoon of sugar or two aspirin tablets per liter of water. And then the roses will remain fresh for several more days.

Flowers in pots can save you from the hassle and contemplation of fading plants. A wonderful gift there will be a rooted chrysanthemum, gerbera or orchid. They require less effort to maintain, as they grow in their natural environment – ​​in the soil.

He did it! And despite the terrible “impracticality” of the gift, he still presented you with the desired flowers. How can we make this proof of love please the eye longer? Woman`s Day gives advice to owners of luxurious bouquets.

General rules

  • All flowers brought from the frost need to be slightly adapted to the heat before being placed in water. Unwrap the packaging and let the bouquet “warm up”.
  • Water should be used at room temperature.
  • It is better to trim the stems under running water and a sharp knife; after trimming, immediately place the flowers in the water.
  • The vase with the bouquet should not be in the sun, draft or near heating devices, otherwise even the freshest flowers will instantly wither due to intense loss of moisture; coolness for a bouquet is optimal.
  • If you want the buds to open faster, add ammonia or camphor alcohol to the water (1/2 teaspoon per 1 liter of water).
  • To extend the life of flowers, add a little to the water. ammonia(a few drops) or table salt (1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water).
  • Flowers that are starting to fade can be brought back to life with the help of sugar - 1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water.
  • The water needs to be changed regularly, cutting the stem by 2 cm.
  • The bouquet should be sprayed several times a day.
  • Plants that have multiple flowers on a stem will live longer if you remove dead ones. In this case, all the buds will have time to open.

Now let’s look at the features of individual flowers that can be found in flower shops in February.


Having given you an armful of red roses, your young man has given you a lot of trouble. As you know, the rose is very capricious, even with proper care it will only last a week. But beauty requires sacrifice. So:

  • Before putting roses in water, carefully break off everything lower leaves and spikes, and it is best to do this under running water.
  • Make the cut as long and oblique as possible.
  • To make water flow better into woody stems, you can split the end of the stem with a knife (about 5-7 cm long) and crush it with a hammer.
  • Pour settled or boiled water into the vase, so that the flowers are in the water half their length (or better yet, two-thirds).
  • Roses are very sensitive to air bubbles and bacteria, which clog pores and make it difficult to absorb moisture, so prune them regularly and change the water.
  • For better preservation, add an aspirin tablet or a little sugar to the water (so that you get a 10% solution).

To extend the life of “frozen” roses at least a little, you need to put them in hot water. In this case, you will be able to see the flowers bloom, but, alas, they will last only a couple of days.


It is a very moisture-loving flower, so make sure that the water level in the vase does not drop to a critical level. In this case, the maximum height of the stem should be only 5 cm, otherwise it will begin to rot.


Tulips love very cold, sweetened water (1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water). Ice cubes thrown into the water will only benefit them. Before placing flowers in a vase, dip the ends of the stems in granulated sugar for 10 minutes.

These flowers “drink” a lot of water, so you will have to add it once or even twice a day (depending on the volume of the vase and the number of flowers).

To prevent the long stems of tulips from drooping, secure the stems by wrapping them in thick paper before placing the flowers in a vase. And only in this form place it in a vase. After some time, the paper can be removed - the stems will stand strictly vertical.

If you want the tulips not to open longer, crumble sulfur from match heads into the water.

Symbidium orchids

These flowers are sold in a test tube with a special solution, so that even without any care they can last for 10 days. However, practice has shown that if you divide the twig into individual flowers and place them in ordinary water, they will not wither for longer. Just make sure that droplets of water do not fall on the petals - otherwise brown spots may appear on them.


Irises love moisture, so they need to be trimmed under running water and immediately placed in a vase. At the same time, do not pour too much water, otherwise the stems may rot.

The water should be cold, you can even throw ice cubes into it. When cut, they last up to 10 days.


Absolute sole proprietors. The juice released from the stems of narcissus is harmful to other flowers, so it is better to place them in a separate vase. Daffodils love cool water, which needs to be changed daily. If you still want to combine these flowers, for example, with tulips, first keep the daffodils in a separate vase for 24 hours so that the poisonous juice comes out. And only after that, place the daffodils and tulips in clean water.


A wonderful “long-lasting” flower. Most often it is sold in a test tube with a solution. If you see that the cut of the stem has turned brown, simply trim it.


The long stems of these bright colors very flexible, so before making a bouquet from them, the base of the flower is often wrapped with tape. It is unlikely that this method can prolong the life of flowers. Therefore, it is better to buy unfixed stems and use the same straightening method as in the case of tulips (paper wrapping for several hours). Before placing gerberas in water, rub the cut sections with salt. There should be no more than 4-5 cm of water in the vase.


Surprisingly, this royal flower is absolutely undemanding in care. It is enough to rinse the stems under running water and change the water every few days. Lilies will delight you for up to 10 days.


It is better to break off the chrysanthemum stem rather than cut it. After this, split the tip with a sharp knife and insert a piece of a match into the crack - this will ensure access of water to the flower. In general, chrysanthemums last a very long time (up to 20 days in a sugar solution!), so that under favorable circumstances they have time to take root. As a result, a pleasant surprise for the mother who grows flowers in the country is guaranteed in a month or two!

We talked about six simple and proven ways to ensure that flowers remain fresh and beautiful not for several days, but for several weeks.

Magic supplement

The simplest thing is to add a special antimicrobial additive for bouquets to the water. It is bottled in small bags or bottles and sold in the flower department. For the convenience of buyers, bags are attached to bouquets so that in the pre-holiday bustle they do not forget the “flower elixir of youth”. This product is suitable for composite bouquets and individual species flowers. It is not suitable only for mimosa; this flower quickly fades in water and stands better without it. And for other flowers, the additive acts as a disinfectant that prevents the growth of bacteria in the water, and also contains nutrients that allow the flowers to remain fresh.

Medicine for flowers

A special product for flowers can be safely replaced with aspirin and sugar. So the folk way Our grandmothers also preserved flowers. A tablet of aspirin (or acetylsalicylic acid) thrown into a vase will have a disinfecting effect and will prevent the process of decay, and a handful of regular sugar will have a nutritional effect. Sugar and aspirin can be added together or separately. The main thing is not to forget to change the water on time. It is advisable to do this every day.

Tulips in the refrigerator...

The main spring flowers, tulips, the most popular on March 8, can be purchased in advance. And to preserve them longer, you don’t need to put the flowers in water, it’s better to wrap them tightly in damp paper and put them in the refrigerator. If you put tulips in the refrigerator, there should be no food next to them.

In this form, the flowers can calmly lie for several days. True, the leaves may lose a little elasticity, then they need to be removed, and the legs should be trimmed with a sharp knife under running water and immediately placed in water. It is necessary to trim flowers under water so that the flower capillaries do not become clogged with air. When buying tulips, you should pay attention to the color: the most delicate of them are white and pink. Red and yellow flowers last longer than others. In addition, if the buds of the tulips are not very colored and are still dense, the flowers need to be trimmed and placed in water to desolder at room temperature. In two days the tulip will gain color and it will be ready to be given as a gift.

... Roses on the balcony

Unlike tulips, roses are best stored in water. They also need to be cut under water, wrapped tightly in paper and placed in a cool place. Since roses are usually not as compact as tulips, they can be sent to the balcony. But first make sure that the temperature there is not lower than 4-5 degrees above zero.

To extend the life of roses, remove almost all leaves from the stem, leaving only a few near the bud: that’s all nutrients will go directly to the flower. It is also important to choose the right vase: it must match the height of the roses, so that the flowers do not drown too much, but also do not fall over, and they should be about 2/3 immersed in water.

While you can find an individual approach to a specific flower to prolong its life, keeping the bouquet fresh is not so easy. After all, it contains flowers from for different periods life. But this does not mean that the bouquet will please you for only a few days. Pay attention to which flowers are included in the composition to ensure they receive proper care. If the bouquet contains roses and tulips, remove their leaves. Change the water every day or at least every other day and add special remedy for flowers or regular fertilizer. Trim the stems often under running water. Do not place a vase with a bouquet next to a radiator or radiator. Please note that if your bouquet has long stamens, it is better to carefully trim them with scissors - without them the flowers will last longer. And spray the bouquet with fresh water more often.

Narcissists don't like company

Among the many flowers, there is one “harmful” one - narcissus. He does not like company and prefers to stand alone in the vase. If you are presented with a bouquet that includes daffodils, feel free to remove them from the composition and place them in a separate vase. Otherwise, all your attempts to extend the life of the bouquet will lead to nothing. Daffodils secrete poisonous mucus, which stops the capillaries of other flowers, which leads to rapid wilting. Therefore, it is better to give daffodils as a separate bouquet or supplement them only with greenery.

You were given a very beautiful bouquet flowers for March 8, birthday, New Year or just like that and you want him to please you with his beauty, charm, as well as pleasant memories, and you have a question: How to extend the life of cut flowers.

Before placing flowers in a vase, remove all leaves from the bottom of the stems, which will be under water. The thorns of roses are also removed.

Flowers with a hard stem are split to a depth of 3-4 cm and pieces of matches are placed into the split so that the edges do not meet.

Almost all flowers benefit from spraying with water - this replaces dew for plants.

Flowers that secrete milky juice are trimmed under water and then placed in warm water. The ends of the stems of flowering branches must be kneaded until they turn into fibers and placed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Almost all flowers require daily water changes. It is better to take the vase with flowers to a cool place at night. If there are signs of wilting, the bouquet is immersed in water up to the very heads of the flowers or covered with a paper cap soaked in water.

Substances dissolved in water prolong the life of flowers: 0.5 teaspoon of sugar per 1 glass of water; 1% glucose solution; 1.5-2% glycerin solution; 10% alcohol solution; 1 aspirin tablet dissolved in 1 liter of water.

In summer it is useful to put pieces in water charcoal or 1 teaspoon of salt per 1 liter of water.

In order for the flowers to bloom faster, add 1 teaspoon of saltpeter or 2 teaspoons of alcohol to 4 liters of water, in which 2-3 drops of ammonia must be dissolved, or throw a piece of quicklime into the water.

If your bouquet has a long journey ahead, it is best to keep it in water for a while and only then carefully wrap it first in damp paper and then place it in a plastic bag. If you cut flowers in the morning and need to give them in the evening or a few days later, you can wrap the flowers “watered” in damp paper, then in dry paper (or a plastic bag) and place them on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

Rose. The thorns and leaves are removed from the stem almost to the height of the vessel with water, then the ends are flattened with a hammer. You can add 1/2 tablet of aspirin to the water.

Carnation. Break off the stem in the area of ​​the thickened node and dip it briefly in alcohol. Add half an aspirin and a couple of pieces of sugar to the water. It is not recommended to combine with other colors.

Gladiolus. Cut when the 1-3 lower flowers open. To preserve cuttings, use one of the following additives: 0.2 g of salt, 15-20 g of sugar per 1 liter of water, 1 tablet of aspirin or activated carbon, 1 teaspoon boric acid or a few lemon crystals. All that remains is to remind general rules.

The water should not be cold (about 18 degrees). It needs to be changed every day. The stems are washed under the tap, the sections are renewed, without removing them from the water, by about 2 cm. Vases are best placed in a shaded place where there are no direct lines. sun rays and drafts.