Moroccan plaster: selection and technology. Tadelakt - natural lime plaster Universal Moroccan - history, composition

Among the diversity finishing materials, Moroccan decorative Tadelakt occupies one of the first places in popularity. It not only looks luxurious, but is also very similar to natural material.

Tadelakt– Moroccan mineral glossy plaster, resistant to water and moisture. The word “tadelakt” itself means “to caress.”

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A special feature of Tadelakt decorative plaster is the imitation of a cut of natural stone - malachite, agate, marble, emerald, sandstone. A wall finished with Tadelakt amazes with the depth and softness of color shades and richness of colors. Color solutions can be very diverse, but predominate warm colors. When special wax that imitates “gold leaf” is added to the plaster, a silky shine appears. Plaster creates a natural relief texture.

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A little history

Tadelakt technology originated in Morocco several centuries ago. This plaster was made exclusively from sand and lime, which were found near the city of Marrakech. It was used by the Berbers (indigenous inhabitants of North Africa) to decorate the palaces of the nobility.

Only highly qualified craftsmen with extensive experience and work experience had the right to lay Tadelakt Moroccan plaster. Diversity color ranges was achieved by adding various natural dyes to the mixture - saffron, ocher, cobalt. Therefore, Tadelakt does not contain synthetic additives.

Tadelakt quickly spread throughout the world, but it was most loved in Europe. Today, Moroccan plaster is not only produced in Morocco. French and German manufacturers have proven themselves well.

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Composition of Tadelakt

Decorative plaster Tadelakt is of mineral origin. It is made by crushing stones hard rocks. The Berbers used agate or basalt; now quartz is usually used in industrial production. Tadelakt's composition includes hydraulic lime, quartz sand, marble flour, clay, cellulose, ash, diatomaceous earth (remains of marine organisms and shells).

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Unique color shade achieved by adding pigment, which makes up about ten percent of the total mass of the mixture. The Tadelakt package, in addition to the mixture itself, includes a primer, dyes and waxes.

Consumer properties

Decorative plaster Tadelakt is valued not only for its beauty, but also for its quality. It fits well on the wall, decorates unevenness and hides design flaws. This is dry powder white, which is odorless and easily dissolves in water. Plaster - environmentally friendly safe material, which does not contain harmful impurities, is highly fire-resistant and durable, easy to clean, does not absorb dirt and moisture, is resistant to temperature changes and retains heat well. Due to its high alkali content, it has disinfectant properties. Decorative plaster Tadelakt is suitable for exterior and interior decoration.

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Application technology

Preparation for laying plaster. Like all plasters, Tadelakt requires careful treatment of the wall surface: it is necessary to seal all cracks and potholes, remove old paint or plaster. The surface should be perfectly flat and slightly rough. Then you need to apply a layer of primer to the wall. It is possible (although not necessary) to also apply thin layer glue for ceramic tiles. When the glue dries, apply a second coat of primer over it.

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Application of an absorbent base. Next, the absorbent base is prepared. To do this, first pour into a bucket of water binder, and then add base powder (Base absorbante) little by little. In this case, the water needs to be stirred. Under no circumstances should you cover the entire base at the same time. After the powder has been poured out completely, the solution is mixed with an electric mixer until a viscous homogeneous mass is formed. After ten minutes the mixture can be applied to the wall. The surface must be absolutely dry, without stains or drips. The thickness of the absorbent base layer is about a millimeter. The surface should be perfectly flat and smooth. Do not level the absorbent layer with sandpaper or other abrasive tools.

After applying the abrasive layer, you will need to wait for it to dry completely. This will take approximately 48 hours, a little longer in damp areas.

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You need to make sure that the coating is dry. This can be checked with a hygrometer; there should be no traces of moisture in the corners of the room.

Laying plaster. The dye is poured into the jar with the Tadelakt base and mixed thoroughly. If you need a special shade, you can mix several colors, but then you will need to practice with a small amount of solution to achieve the desired tinting.

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The paint is applied to the wall with a spatula. To work with Tadelakt, spatulas are either wooden or made of special steel. Ordinary metal spatulas are not suitable because they leave untidy gray stains on the wall. The first layer of base must be applied very carefully.

The second layer of base is applied after the first has dried. Now you can press hard on the spatula, as if pressing the paint into the wall. On professional language this is called "iron". Without waiting for the second layer to dry completely, the surface is polished, achieving a unique “marbling” effect on the surface.

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This effect is achieved not only thanks to special properties Morroquech lime, but also by polishing the surface with a special stone. This stone must be made of very hard and dense rock - for example, agate or basalt. Its diameter is also important - no more than 8 centimeters. The pebble stone is chosen to be as smooth as possible, without dents, with a flat surface. Over time - after prolonged use - the inevitable unevenness of the stone is smoothed out. And “old” stones acquire special value due to their smoothness. However, some masters instead natural stone They work with a ceramic product of the desired shape, which has high strength.

Final stage

After waiting for the base to dry completely, apply a wax layer. To do this, use either acrylic or colorless wax, which are included in the kit. Colorless wax is applied with a brush, acrylic wax is applied with a sponge.

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You can apply not only wax to the base, but also polishing soap designed specifically for such cases. It is generously applied to the surface with a soft brush. After which it is also treated with a polishing stone to a glossy state.

To give the room a special solemnity, gold leaf-like wax is placed on top of the colorless wax with a sponge or a two-sheet spatula. After the wax has completely dried, the wall is polished with a special glove.

The question often arises with the finishing of rooms where a lot of water and moisture collects, for example in the bathroom and kitchen. What material to choose for finishing a shower or sink so that it is natural, environmentally friendly and practical.
Such a material could be tadelakt plaster. It consists of hydraulic lime, quartz sand, marble flour, clay, ash, diatomaceous earth and cellulose.

Tadelakt came to us from Morocco, where it is traditionally used for decorative finishing palaces, temples and baths. Therefore, tadelakt is also often called Moroccan plaster. It fits perfectly on clay, lime, cement, gypsum surfaces and at the same time has excellent water-repellent qualities.

It is a waterproof natural plaster that is applied using a trowel and then compressed into a tight seal. smooth surface using stone and tadelakt soap. The soap penetrates the tadelakt and creates a waterproof surface. Natural waxes can be applied and buffed to create additional protection walls.

With the help of tadelakt you can create surfaces with curves, rooms can take on interesting oval shapes. Moreover, with the help of tadelakt you can even create bathtubs, sinks, and pools. By the way, this plaster is not only water-repellent, but also retains heat well, and therefore can be used to cover fireplaces and stoves.

How to get plaster from tadelakt

Moroccan tadelakt plaster is sold in hardware stores in the form of a powder, which must be diluted in water in certain proportions, after which the mixture should stand for about thirty minutes. After a certain time, it must be mixed again and used within ten hours, otherwise it will become unusable.

The plaster is applied to the prepared surface with a special spatula, preferably a metal one; it is better if it is a steel spatula, since plaque does not form on it. It is also necessary to use polished stone; sometimes this is sold together with plaster or in separate sets. Before using Moroccan plaster, it is important to carefully study the instructions. The surface on which it will be applied must be moistened.

Tadelakt plaster is applied in several stages.

At the first stage, the plaster is applied in a layer and allowed to dry overnight; at the second stage, a second layer is applied and treated in the same way as regular plaster. After drying, it is leveled, compacted and rubbed using the smooth stone mentioned above. Upon completion, the plaster is rubbed down with a special soap, which is applied with a brush, due to which the surface of the wall becomes almost glossy, which helps repel water. This property will ensure easy cleaning of the surface if necessary. The final drying of the plaster occurs within a month.
Stone for polishing tadelakt surface

Soap for polishing tadelakt surfaces

Now many enthusiasts are experimenting with thin quartz sand, various clays, earthenware and marble chips, and ash, but it is better to use certified plaster, even though it will be more expensive. Required condition there was and remains the use of river pebbles small size, during the last polishing, before applying wax.

Working with tadelakt plaster, as in principle with any natural lime or plaster, is, first of all, labor-intensive and consistent thorough grinding of each layer.
But the result will impress not only you, but also your guests; it will be simply unique.
Tadelakt kitchen

Tadelakt staircase

Tadelakt washbasin

Tadelakt bathroom

Tadelakt washbasin

Based on sources

It can imitate the texture of stone, wood or give the surface the shine of silk. But in finishing there are also natural mixtures for decorating walls, the application technology of which has not changed for hundreds of years. An example of such a material is tadelac - Moroccan lime plaster.

A combination of classic plastering and modern elements


Tadelakt is a natural lime plaster that was originally widely used in Morocco and other countries in northern Africa.

A distinctive feature of this coating is its absolute moisture resistance and smooth glossy surface. Tadelakt can be made in different colors, but as a rule, these are calm, not bright shades, characteristic of natural dyes used in plaster.

Applicable for wall decoration in dry and wet rooms, such as bathrooms, showers, baths (hamam), swimming pools, baths. In addition to walls, sinks, countertops, steps, columns and other interior elements are also covered with Moroccan plaster in its homeland.

Thanks to polishing with soap, tadelakt is not afraid of water


  • has a purely mineral composition of natural origin;
  • does not contain synthetic components;
  • neutral smell;
  • maintains a comfortable indoor microclimate;
  • painted with alkali-resistant pigments in different colors;
  • has antiseptic and antifungal properties due to its high alkaline environment;
  • resistance to pollution;
  • high hydrophobic properties.

Composition of tadelakt plaster includes hydraulic lime and mineral fillers: marble flour, quartz sand, and sometimes clay, diatomite (kieselguhr). Natural dyes (vegetable or mineral) are added to the dry mixture.

The final water-repellent layer is potassium soap based on olive oil. It comes into chemical reaction with lime and forms a protective salt film on the surface.

In the photo below you can see how “Morocco” plaster looks in the interior.

In interior design, designers increasingly began to use decorative plaster. Moroccan plaster is most often used to create an interior in this style.


This one appeared hundreds of years ago in Morocco. Since ancient times, local builders have used the mixture to decorate walls both inside and outside. If in rich houses such plaster was used exclusively for finishing walls, then in poor houses it was also used to make containers for water and dishes. The composition of this mixture is completely harmless to health, as it consists of natural materials.

Moroccan plaster (tadelakt is the second name of the material) consists of clay, alkali, quartz sand and ash. Marble flour, cellulose and hydraulic lime are also added to the mixture.


Perhaps, if Moroccan plaster did not have a number of positive qualities and significant advantages, it would not have been singled out by designers and it would not have gained such wild popularity in interior design.

Perhaps the most important advantage that this plaster has is the naturalness and safety of the composition. It does not contain any additional components or synthetic dyes. To give the composition a certain color, natural dyes (umber, sienna, henna, ocher) are used, which ensures the availability of a wide range of varieties of material for sale.

The next advantage that the Moroccan has decorative plaster, durability and wear resistance. The composition of Moroccan plaster, as we said above, includes marble flour. It is thanks to its presence that the composition is very strong and durable. She is not afraid of any accidental damage in everyday life. Walls on which Moroccan plaster has been applied can be easily washed with water. It will not crack, will not change its original color, and will not wash out. In addition, Moroccan plaster does not attract dust, so this coating needs to be removed very rarely.

Due to its moisture resistance, this material can be safely used to decorate walls, sinks or bathroom floors. This plaster can also be used when laying fireplaces. It has increased resistance to temperatures. By finishing the fireplace with Moroccan plaster, you will get a durable and beautiful result.

Visual effect

Of course, we cannot help but touch on the topic of beauty that Moroccan plaster has. Walls covered with such material look, as they say, expensive and rich. A wonderful visual effect is created. It seems that the walls are covered with a pleasant to the touch precious stone with the addition of silver or gold inclusions.

In order to create a “golden” effect, Moroccan plaster is coated with a special wax composition, which imitates gold. Using this technique in interior design, you should think about whether it can handle such luxury. After all, in the end you will get a real palace style.

Application technology

I would like to immediately note that applying Moroccan plaster is a painstaking and complex process. If you do not have enough experience in repair matters, then it is better not to save money, but to immediately invite professionals.

If you decide to do everything yourself, then the first point to consider is the selection and preparation of the surface. Choose only those walls that can withstand a fairly decent load. Preparing walls for applying decorative Moroccan plaster is somewhat similar to preparing for wallpaper. The exception is the use of primer, which is strictly prohibited.

Try to carefully select materials for preparing walls. They must be natural and safe, just like the plaster itself. If you save money and choose low-quality materials for plaster, then over time it will “remember” this: it will begin to peel off, lose its expensive appearance, and change its original color.

Further work will proceed in three stages. The plaster dries (each layer) for about ten hours. Experts recommend glossing the second and third layers. The latter can be left smooth or special tools can be used to form a relief surface. To create a more luxurious appearance on final stage you can use a special wax composition. The surface is coated with it to obtain the effect of gold and to increase moisture resistance.

How to choose Moroccan plaster

Choosing the right material is the first step to a successful renovation. Firstly, experts advise paying attention to its composition. You must make sure that it is natural and safe for your own health. Then you should calculate how much material such as Moroccan plaster you will need to decorate the walls in one room. The price will vary depending on the manufacturer and weight. For example, five kilograms of Moroccano plaster cost 3500-4600 rubles. It is more profitable to take large packages of 15 kg. They will cost you a couple of thousand rubles cheaper.

It is better to calculate the quantity by consulting with professionals. As a rule, one kilogram of material is required per square meter surfaces. But the figure may change depending on many factors that you cannot take into account on your own.

Texture Tools

The textural composition on the wall, created using Moroccan plaster, appears thanks to correct use special tools. The main ones are: a trowel and a relief roller. A trowel, roller or sponge is used “for tearing”. The result is a kind of coat on the wall that looks very impressive.

It is important to remember: in order to consolidate the result of the fur coat, you should allow the material to dry out. After drying (usually the manufacturer indicates its time on the packaging), you should go through it again with a trowel. The fixed result will create an unusual pattern, somewhat reminiscent of islands in a stormy ocean.

Advantages of Moroccan plaster

Undoubtedly, this type wall decoration has more advantages than disadvantages. But let’s note both.

  • Moroccan plaster in the interior looks much more aesthetically pleasing, unusual and attractive than ordinary wallpaper.
  • Wallpaper will last on the wall for a couple of years, paint - three years, but decorative plaster has a service life of 15 to 20 years.
  • This material completely safe for health. It is absolutely natural in composition, does not cause allergies and is great for decorating walls in a children's room.
  • Non-flammable material.
  • Stoically withstands straight lines sun rays, does not fade.
  • Moroccan plaster can be applied to absolutely any surface (brick or wooden wall, drywall, metal).
  • Resistance to moisture allows it to be used in bathrooms, kitchens, and sinks.
  • If damage occurs (which happens very rarely), you can repair the damaged area point by point without compromising the integrity of the coating.
  • If desired or necessary, the color can be changed. Repainted decorative plaster will not change its properties in any way.

Disadvantages of decorative plaster

If we talk about the disadvantages of Moroccan decorative plaster, there are only two of them. Firstly, this material has a fairly decent consumption. Secondly, to apply it you should contact experienced specialists. Without the help of a professional, you will not be able to calculate the required amount of mixture, you will not be able to prepare and apply it to the wall correctly.

Quite often a person needs updating. This applies not only to one’s own condition, but also to the surrounding environment and objects. In this case, you can work on the interior of your home or room. When old and inconspicuous wallpaper and furniture are already boring, new solutions should come to replace it that will help diversify such an environment.

To accurately decide on the choice of such a new product, you need to know some features and characteristic features of this style.

The first and most important thing to note is the surface with which you can work in in this case.

In this case, you can apply plaster to absolutely different surface. The only thing you need to take care of in this case is preparation. Preparatory stage is one of the most important, since the final result depends on this.

Where can you buy such plaster? This material can be purchased at any hardware store. The plaster is made in powder form. During use, you need to add water, after which the solution should stand for 30 minutes.

Regarding the features and characteristics, we can highlight the following:

  1. The material cannot be deformed even after a sufficiently long period of time;
  2. It is an environmentally friendly material;
  3. Unaffected by mechanical factors;
  4. Usage bright colors makes the interior attractive and original;
  5. By applying patterns, you can convey all the features of the oriental style.

Also, the features of such plaster include the ideal and glossy shine of the entire surface. This effect can be achieved by using varnish or wax that has protective properties.

Moroccan plaster in the interior of an apartment (video)

Traditional look

Tadelakt is the name given to traditional plaster, which is most often used for wall decoration in eastern countries. It is quite easy to obtain such a mixture. But get it necessary materials It will be quite difficult, since they are located directly in Marrakech.

To make the solution, you must use special lime, as well as sand. The advantage of such materials is their natural composition, which does not contain harmful synthetic additives or dyes.

Tadelakt dates back to ancient times, but has not lost its relevance even today.

Previously, builders actively used this technology, since the work did not require large quantity time and effort, and the materials did not require expensive substances or additives.

This plaster served as the basis for the manufacture of containers in which clean drinking water. Quite often, tadelakt was used in the design of rooms and buildings; mainly, this technique could be seen on walls or floors.

The peculiarity of this traditional look is that with the help of plaster you can create absolutely any shape according to your own taste and discretion. Quite often technology is used to create various items in the interior, for example, for making sinks or bathtubs.

Secrets of technology

Those who are already familiar with such technology as Moroccan plaster know that this type is distinguished by quite bright and rich color shades.

But how to achieve such an effect?:

  1. The main secret is that this solution contains a special pigment, which makes the color so expressive.
  2. In order to achieve the content of this pigment, you do not need to resort to special techniques.
  3. All that needs to be done in this case is to mix several shades, resulting in such a bright tone.

Today, many modern manufacturers use this technology, as it is really capable of adding rich colors to the design of many interiors.

Regarding technology, in this case such a process needs to be trained for quite a long time. In eastern countries, the secret of applying Moroccan plaster is passed down from one generation to another.

Many note that this coating has a water-repellent effect. This result can be achieved by applying a small layer of olive oil. Thanks to the reaction of the alkaline environment, the surface quickly takes on all the necessary properties.

The whole process step by step

As noted above, decorative plaster can be applied to a carefully treated surface. The advantage is that you can even work with plasterboard walls.

Regarding surface preparation, it is worth noting that it is best to treat the wall with a small layer of glue, which is often used to attach tiles. In this case, the material will hold up better.

After this you need to start working with plaster.:

  1. The first layer is applied to the surface, which should dry within 24 hours. As a result pre-treatment glue, the material will look better and align on the surface.
  2. After the plaster has dried, it is necessary to apply a second ball. Both in the first and second cases.
  3. This must be done using metal tool- spatula. To process defects, it is better to use a plastic spatula.
  4. After all layers have dried and gotten rid of moisture, the plaster must be compacted and rubbed using smooth stones.
  5. After this, you need to take soap (grout) and use a soft brush to treat the surface. In this case, the surface will have water-repellent characteristics. The glossy shine that is formed in the final result will also be an advantage.

There are also some nuances that need to be taken into account when working with such material. For example, in order for the plaster to dry and each layer to take correct form, approximately 10-11 hours are needed.

To prevent the material from being damaged and deformed by many factors, it is necessary to use special protective substances in the form of wax or oil.

How to apply Moroccan plaster (video)

Using this technique you can create a unique and unique interior, using your own preferences and desires in shaping the surface.