Interesting facts from geography. Interesting facts about geography

It’s been a while since I published interesting facts from the “best” category. Let's review school geography today, and at the same time expand the boundaries of our knowledge.

The largest and smallest objects by population and area

So, the most populous state , of course it is China, there the population in 2016 was 1 billion. 378 million people
Most populous capital of the world - Tokyo, with a population of –13,482,000 people. And in the most populous city in the world Shanghai Home to 24,150,000 people.

The largest city in the world by area - Hulun Buir located in China and occupies 263,953 sq. km.

For the role himself The ancient city of the world is claimed to be a city in Palestine or otherwise “the city of palm trees”.

And the city Derbent recognized as the oldest city in Russia.

Our country Russia- the largest country in the world by territory, its area is 17,125,187 square meters. km.

The most small state(recognized) on the planet Vatican, is located in one of the areas of Rome. This is a closed city-state with an area of ​​only 0.44 square meters. km, with a population of about a thousand people.

The most important rivers

The question of the length of the largest rivers , Amazon and Nile, has long been controversial. Not so long ago, the African Nile was considered the record holder, however, according to modern data, the Amazon, about 7000 km long, exceeds it by almost 150 km.

The coldest sea is considered East Siberian, Belonging to the Arctic Ocean, the water temperature in it is -2 degrees Celsius. It is covered with eternal ice.
It is also the Arctic Ocean - the smallest of the oceans, its area of ​​12 million sq. km of floating ice, has the lowest winter temperature, -34°C.

Red the sea is the warmest sea on Earth; in summer the water temperature here reaches 35.6 °C. It is also considered the saltiest, since the even saltier Dead Sea is a lake. The Red Sea is considered the most lifeless sea.

The deepest sea Filipino- 10540 meters. Mariana Trench with B Challenger's driver 10,094 meters deep - recognized as the deepest point in the ocean.

The most clear sea on Earth the sea is considered Weddell in Antarctica.

Peculiarity Sargasso Sea The thing about the Atlantic Ocean is that it has no shores. Its borders are various Atlantic currents.

The hottest and the coldest

Most cold capital Mongolia is considered the capital of the world Ulaanbaatar.

The African capital is recognized as the hottest capital in the world. Sudan - Khartoum.

The hottest place on earth is the desert Loot, Dashte-Lut town in Iran. NASA satellites measured the most high temperature+70.7 degrees above zero.

In Russia Kalmykia- the hottest place in the country.

In the town Kalama, located in the Chilean Atacama Desert, it never rains.

Some more features

Countries that have no constitution at all - Israel, Lebanon, New Zealand, Oman and UK.

And the state Nauru is the only country that does not have an official capital.

The shortest geographical name is "A"- the name of a small village, which is located in both Sweden and Norway. Which means "river" in Scandinavian.

Recognized as the most dangerous place on the planet small area less than 0.5 sq. km. brazilian island Queimada Grande, filled with 4 thousand deadly poisonous snakes. Their density ranges from 1 to 5 per square meter. meter! There is a ban on visits to the island.

That’s probably all for today so as not to overload our memory. If you know the most interesting and unique places on Earth, add them in the comments.

Interesting facts world geography

  • In Malaysia they believe that by bathing a child in beer, you can protect him from all sorts of troubles and diseases
  • The Greek national anthem has 158 versions. No one in Greece knows all 158 versions of their national anthem.
  • The last eruption of the Japanese volcano Fuji occurred in 1707
  • The largest ports in the world: Rotterdam, Singapore, Kobe, New York, New Orleans
  • Nauru is the only state in the world that does not have an official capital
  • Cuba is the only Caribbean island with railways
  • The first capital of the Russian state was Ladoga
  • There are 17 active volcanoes in Japan
  • On February 18, 1979, it snowed in the Sahara Desert
  • The capital of Vermont, Montpelier, is the only state capital in the United States without a single McDonald's.
  • Montpelier (Vermont) is the smallest state capital in the United States. Its population is only about nine thousand inhabitants
  • 23 of the 50 US states have access to the ocean
  • In Thailand it is still considered indecent to use a fork when eating. The fork is used only to transfer food from the plate to the spoon.
  • The center of Europe is located on the territory of Ukraine in the Transcarpathian region between the cities of Tyachiv and Rakhiv, near the village of Delovoye, and the center of Asia is in the city of Kizyl, Tuva Republic
  • There is only one river in the world that originates at the equator and flows into a temperate climate zone: the Nile. For some unknown reason, the remaining rivers flow in the opposite direction.
  • Several buildings in Manhattan have their own zip code. And at the World Shopping Center there are even several of them
  • The tallest extinct volcano on Earth is Aconcagua, located in Argentina. Its height is 6960 meters

Interesting facts about geography

Ordinary magnetic compass shows north inaccurately, since the north magnetic pole does not coincide with the geographic pole. Moreover, he constantly moves from one place to another. Now it is still within the borders of the Canadian Arctic, but is moving towards Taimyr at a speed of 64 kilometers per year.

Citizenship of a country is granted either by birth on its territory or by inheritance (parents must be citizens). Only in the Vatican, none of these principles work: only ministers of the Holy See and the personal Swiss guard of the Pope receive citizenship here. Moreover, more than half of the Vatican’s citizens live outside its borders: these are mainly representatives of diplomatic missions in other countries.

The world's first puzzle was invented by English cartographer John Spilsbury around 1760. But it was not intended for entertainment, but for educational purposes, since it was a map of Europe cut into states. This teaching method was very visual and the children really liked it, and only many years later did other people come up with the idea of ​​producing game puzzles.

In some high mountain areas, such as California's Sierra Nevada, watermelon snow can be seen in the summer. He pink color and has the smell and taste of watermelon. This phenomenon is due to the presence of Chlamydomonas nivalis algae in the snow, which contains the red pigment astaxanthin. These algae also serve as food for some organisms, including ice worms. They can only live in glaciers when low temperatures, and when heated to at least 5 °C, they disintegrate and die.

A fly swatter is not only a useful household item, but also a symbol of power in many countries in Africa, Asia and Oceania. For example, in Thailand, one of the royal regalia is a fly swatter, the handle of which is made from engraved ivory, and the hair is from the tail of an albino elephant. The fly swatter is also present on the coat of arms of the territory of American Samoa.

Today, many cities and entire countries are introducing smoking bans in public places. In the Kingdom of Bhutan, such a ban has been in effect since the 17th century, and since 2004, the sale of tobacco has been completely prohibited. Smoking itself is subject to a substantial fine, with an exception made only for tourists and diplomats.

Australian giant earthworms, found in the hills of South West Gippsland, can reach 4 meters in length. Not far from the town of Bass in Australia there is an attraction museum in the form of a 100-meter earthworm. Here you can travel “inside” the worm itself and along the worm passages on all fours.

In 1966, retired major british army Paddy Roy Bates arbitrarily took possession of the abandoned military platform Rafs Tower, which was located outside British territorial waters, announced the creation of the sovereign state of Sealand and proclaimed himself Prince Roy I. After 2 years, the British authorities tried to occupy the young state. Patrol boats approached the platform, and the princely family responded by firing warning shots into the air. During the trial on this issue against Bates as a British citizen, the judge accepted that the case was outside British jurisdiction. Now Sealand has its own flag, coat of arms, constitution, coins, postage stamps, but is not recognized by any other state.


Interesting facts from geography different countries :

  • Ulaanbaatar (Mongolia) is considered the coldest capital in the world
  • 336 rivers flow into Lake Baikal, but only one flows out (the Angara)
  • The Kingdom of Tonga is the only monarchy in Oceania
  • The Trans-Siberian Railway crosses exactly 3901 bridges
  • The Philippines archipelago includes 7,107 islands
  • Less than 1 percent of the Caribbean islands are inhabited
  • The inscription “Allah Akbar” is repeated 22 times on the Iranian flag.
  • 7 most big countries world (Russia, Canada, USA, China, Australia, Brazil and Argentina) occupy half of the planet’s total land area
  • There are 5 states in Europe that border only one other state - Portugal, Denmark, San Marino, Vatican City and Monaco
  • The eruption of the Mexican volcano Paricutin lasted 9 years (from 1943 to 1952). During this time, the volcano's cone rose 2774 meters
  • In the central square of the Canadian town of Glendon stands its official symbol - a dumpling 9 meters high and weighing 2700 kg.
  • The London equivalent of New York's Wall Street is called Lombard Street.
  • In Togo, a man who compliments a woman is obliged to marry her.
  • Five boroughs of New York: Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island, Manhattan
  • There is not a single desert in Europe. This is the only part of the world where there are no deserts
  • Japan includes more than 3,900 islands
  • Of the 25 highest peaks in the world, 19 are in the Himalayas
  • The Ganges has the largest delta of all rivers
  • There are as many as 3 cities in Peru and 9 more Paris in the USA

A little more...

  • The smallest state is the Vatican - 44 hectares
  • A country that occupies an entire continent – ​​Australia
  • The largest island state is Indonesia
  • Mainland with the largest number borders – Africa-108
  • The longest border between neighboring states is
    8963 km, between the USA and Canada
  • India is the most multinational and multilingual state - more than 500 nationalities and tribes speak more than 800 languages ​​and 1600 dialects
  • Most high level fertility in Africa
  • Highest death rate in Africa
  • The most populous capital is Tokyo – 25.8 million people
  • The richest monarch of our time is the Sultan of Brunei Darussalam Muda Hassanal Bolkiyah Muizzaddin Waddaulah
    (his palace has 1778 rooms)
  • In 1974, in Argentina, after the death of her husband, the world's first female president became
    Maria Estela Martinez de Peron
  • The oldest constitution in the world, still in force today, is the US Bill of Rights, adopted in 1789.
  • Countries that have no constitution at all are Israel, Lebanon, New Zealand, Oman and the UK.
  • The North Pole is the only point in the northern hemisphere that does not participate in the daily rotation of the Earth around its axis. There is no change of day and night, no longitude, no east, west and north directions.
  • At the equator, day is always equal to night, and the Sun is at its zenith twice a year (on the day of the spring and on the day of the autumn equinox).
  • On the edge of the Sahara local residents build their houses underground. Here they find fresh water and reliable shelter from sandstorms.
  • You can travel from end to end of Singapore by metro. The territory of this country stretches from north to south for 23 km, from west to east for 42 km. The total length of metro lines is 67 km. The local metro is the most modern in the world.
  • White night is observed at latitudes where the midday altitude of the Sun above the horizon is less than 18˚, i.e. less than the altitude at which the end of astronomical twilight occurs. Particularly bright nights are at latitudes from 59 to 66.5˚, where the midnight height of the Sun is less than 8 degrees.
  • 450 km. north of the capital of Namibia lies Hoba, the largest meteorite on Earth. Its weight is about 50 tons.
  • The world's largest fruit, the Seychelles coco de mer palm tree, weighs about 20 kg.

The most interesting things from the world of geography

Interesting facts about geography that few people know about.

1. San Francisco, USA and Melbourne, Australia. These two cities are known for their mild and rapidly changing climate, and they are also located at the same distance from the equator.

2.France is almost 30% larger than the state of California, USA.

3. About 90% of the world's population lives in the northern hemisphere

4. Mongolia is the largest landlocked country.

5. La Paz, Bolivia, is at 3,628 meters above sea level and is the highest large city in the world.

6. Mexico City floods 16-20 cm per year because it is built on top of underground reservoirs.

7. Brazil has 13 cities with more than one million inhabitants.

8. Europe is the only continent that does not have deserts.

9. The Arctic Ocean is the smallest and shallowest ocean. It is also the smallest ocean in the world. Its main covering is solid ice, ice floes and icebergs.

10. Guinea has the wettest climate on Earth. Up to 3.7 meters of precipitation falls annually.

11. Australia is more than 28 times the size more area New Zealand, but its coastline is only twice as long as New Zealand's.

12. India was once the most rich country in the world until the British invaded it in the early 17th century.

13. Indonesia consists only of islands. In total there are 13,667 of them.

14.Persia changed its name to Iran in 1935

1. The shortest name of the area

The shortest name of the area is “Å” - the name of a small village, which is located in both Sweden and Norway. In Scandinavian language "Å" means "river".

2. The most large city in the world

The largest city in the world based on surface area is Hulun Buir City in the Inner Mongolia region of China, which covers an area of ​​263,953 square meters. km.

3. Countries completely surrounded by one country

Lesotho, Vatican City and San Marino are the only countries completely surrounded by one country. Lesotho is completely surrounded by South Africa, and the Vatican City and San Marino are completely surrounded by Italy.

4. Second Longest Place Name

The second longest place name in the world has been recognized as "Taumatawhakatangihangak oauauotamateaturipukaka pikimaungahoronukupokaiwhe nua kitanatahu", consisting of 84 letters, which belongs to a hill in New Zealand and in the Maori language means "the place where Tamatea, the man with large knees who slipped, rose and swallowed the mountain, being known as the eater of mountains, played his flute for his beloved.”

This was the longest geographical name for some time (and remains so in the Guinness Book of Records), until it was supplanted by the name "Krung thep mahanakhon bovorn ratanakosin mahintharayutthaya mahadilok pop noparatratchathani burirom udomratchanivetmahasathan amornpiman avatarnsathit sakkathattiya visnukarmprasit", consisting of 163 letters and meaning poetic name of Bangkok in Thailand.

5. The coldest and warmest sea

The water temperature in the White Sea in Russia is the lowest and is only -2 °C. Persian Gulf is the warmest sea. In summer, the water temperature here reaches 35.6 °C.

6. The world's oldest constitutional republic

San Marino is considered the oldest constitutional republic in the world. It was founded in 301 by a Christian mason who was fleeing persecution by Emperor Diocletian. The Constitution of San Marino, which was adopted in 1600, is considered the oldest written constitution in the world.

The deepest hole drilled by man is the Kola ultra-deep well in Russia. It reached 12,262 m and was drilled for scientific research, during which a number of unexpected discoveries were made, such as a huge hydrogen deposit that was so massive that the mud coming out of the well was literally boiling.

Due to the Earth's bulge at the equator, the 6,310 m summit of Chimborazo Volcano in Ecuador is the furthest point from the center of the Earth, claiming the title of "highest point on Earth" despite Everest being the highest peak above sea level . Chimborazo is an extinct volcano and is located 1 degree south of the equator.

The Mariana Trench is the deepest part of the world's oceans with the lowest surface elevation earth's crust. Today it is believed that its depth is 10,971 m. It is located in the western part Pacific Ocean east of the Mariana Islands.

The Mid-Atlantic Ridge is the longest mountain range on Earth, measuring 40 thousand km. It is located in the center Atlantic Ocean. Iceland is the only part of this mountain range that is above sea level.

The Andes form the longest surface mountain range at 7,000 km.

10. Place name consisting of only vowels

Mount Circeo on the west coast of Italy was once called Aeaea (5 vowels in a row and no consonants). According to mythology, the sorceress Circe lived here. Two others geographical areas, whose names contain only vowels, are Aiea (Aiea) in Hawaii and Eiao (Eiao), one of the Marquesas Islands.

11. The northernmost, eastern and western state in America

Alaska is the northernmost, eastern and western state in America. It is the only state that is part of the eastern hemisphere, making it the easternmost and westernmost state.

12. Sea without coast

The Sargasso Sea is an area in the center of the North Atlantic Ocean, surrounded by ocean currents, and is the only sea without a coastline. In the west it is limited by the Gulf Stream, in the north by the North Atlantic Current, in the east by the Canary Current and in the south by the North Equatorial Current. This current system forms the North Atlantic Subtropical Gyre.

13. Lake in an ancient impact crater formed as a result of a meteorite fall

Lake Bosumtwi, located in an ancient meteorite impact crater with a diameter of 8 km, is the only natural lake in Ghana. It is located 30 km southwest of Kumasi city and is a popular recreation area. There are about 30 villages near the lake, with a total population of 70,000 people.

14. Unusual river flow

There is only one river in the world that originates near the equator and flows from there into the temperate zone and that is the Nile River. For some unknown reason, most rivers flow in the opposite direction.

15. Lack of land at the North Pole

There is no land at the North Pole - only ice over the water surface. The Arctic Ocean, which has 12 million square kilometers of floating ice, has the lowest winter temperature, -34°C.

16.The territory of Hong Kong consists of one peninsula and 236 islands

17.Beyond the Arctic Circle is the territory of eight countries - Norway, Sweden, Finland, Canada, Russia, USA, Denmark and Iceland

18. The only territory south of the equator that belongs to the United States is American Samoa with an area of ​​200 sq. km and a population of more than 57,000 people.

19. More than 90% of Egypt is desert

20. China borders sixteen countries

21. South American countries that do not have a coastline - Bolivia and Paraguay

22. The Cape of Good Hope, contrary to popular belief, is not the southernmost point South Africa. Cape Agulhas juts out 160 kilometers to the south

23. Of the 700 islands that make up the Bahamas, only 30 are inhabited.

24. Hawaii is moving towards Japan at a speed of 10 centimeters per year

25. Of the 3,000 Bahamas in the area Caribbean Sea Only 20 are inhabited.

26. The area of ​​the Principality of Monaco is only 370 acres (less than 1.5 sq. km.).

27. More than 25 percent of the world's forests are located in Siberia.

28. The United States will fit three and a half times inside the African continent.

29. The Sahara Desert can be compared in area to Europe. This is about 3,565,565 sq. miles.

30. All continents, except Antarctica, are wider in the north than in the south.

31. Florida is not the southernmost state of the United States. Hawaii is further south.

32. The city of Hamilton in Ontario, Canada, is closer to the equator than to the North Pole.

33. More than two-thirds of the earth's land is located north of the equator.

34. Israel occupies one-fourth the area of ​​Maine.

35. The geographic center of the North American continent is located in the town of Rugby, North Dakota.

36. The largest sand dune in Europe is located in Arcachon Bay, France. Its height is 350 feet (130 meters).

37.Panama is the only place in the world where you can watch the sunrise on the Pacific Ocean and sunset on the Atlantic.

38. For 186 days a year the sun is not visible at the North Pole.

39. The distance between Honolulu and New York is greater than the distance between New York and Japan.

40. Saudi Arabia, which contains the largest desert in the world, through which large caravans of camels wander through the centuries, is forced to import both sand and camels. Large quantity river sand for structures is delivered to Arabia from Scotland; desert sand is not suitable for construction purposes. And since the number of camels in Arabia is gradually decreasing, these animals are brought from North Africa.

41. Hawaiian Islands are the prominent peaks of the world's largest mountain range. Mauna Kea is the largest mountain in the world, although it is partially submerged. This volcano rises 4205m above the water, and more than 6000m are below sea level, so overall height mountains bigger than Everest.

42. Jacksonville, Florida has the largest total area cities in the United States. It occupies 460 sq. miles, which is almost twice the area of ​​Los Angeles.

43. In the Northern Hemisphere, water goes down the drain counterclockwise, in the Southern Hemisphere - clockwise.

44.The King Ranch in Texas is larger than the state of Rhode Island. It contains 1.25 million acres and was the first ranch in the world to be completely fenced. There was a time when its borders were guarded by army patrols.

45. The highest mountain in the British Isles is Ben Nevis in western Scotland - only 1344 meters. In many other countries, such a mountain will simply be called a big hill.

46. ​​The state of Arizona and Hawaii have never accepted the transition to summer time. So are Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands and Samoa.

47. Of the 25 highest peaks in the world, 19 are in the Himalayas.

48. Antarctica is the only continent that does not have territories located below sea level.

49.On a clear day, from the top of the Empire State Building in New York you can see five states: New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts and Pennsylvania.

50. Until 1903, Panama was part of South America. After 1903 - became part North America. This year the country gained independence from Colombia, and in order to distance itself more from it, after almost a year of deliberation, the government of Panama decided to treat North America.

51. Travelers often feel unwell when arriving in La Paz (Bolivia). The city is located at an altitude of 3700 meters above sea level. It is advisable to avoid visiting it for people with heart or bronchi problems.

Interesting facts from the geography of different countries :

    Ulaanbaatar (Mongolia) is considered the coldest capital in the world

    336 rivers flow into Lake Baikal, but only one flows out (the Angara)

    The Kingdom of Tonga is the only monarchy in Oceania

    The Trans-Siberian Railway crosses exactly 3901 bridges

    The Philippines archipelago includes 7,107 islands

    Less than 1 percent of the Caribbean islands are inhabited

    The inscription “Allah Akbar” is repeated 22 times on the Iranian flag.

    The 7 largest countries in the world (Russia, Canada, USA, China, Australia, Brazil and Argentina) occupy half of the planet's total land area

    There are 5 states in Europe that border only one other state - Portugal, Denmark, San Marino, Vatican City and Monaco

    The eruption of the Mexican volcano Paricutin lasted 9 years (from 1943 to 1952). During this time, the volcano's cone rose 2774 meters

    In the central square of the Canadian town of Glendon stands its official symbol - a dumpling 9 meters high and weighing 2700 kg.

    The London equivalent of New York's Wall Street is called Lombard Street.

    In Togo, a man who compliments a woman is obliged to marry her.

    There is not a single desert in Europe. This is the only part of the world where there are no deserts

    Japan includes more than 3,900 islands

    Of the 25 highest peaks in the world, 19 are in the Himalayas

    The Ganges has the largest delta of all rivers

    In the USA there are as many as 3 cities in Peru and 9 more in Paris

A little more...

    The smallest state is the Vatican - 44 hectares

    A country that occupies an entire continent – ​​Australia

    The largest island state is Indonesia

    Continent with the largest number of borders – Africa-108

    The longest border between neighboring states is
    8963 km, between the USA and Canada

    India is the most multinational and multilingual state - more than 500 nationalities and tribes speak more than 800 languages ​​and 1600 dialects

    Highest birth rate in Africa

    Highest death rate in Africa

    The most populous capital is Tokyo – 25.8 million people

    The richest monarch of our time is the Sultan of Brunei Darussalam Muda Hassanal Bolkiyah Muizzaddin Waddaulah
    (his palace has 1778 rooms)

    In 1974, in Argentina, after the death of her husband, the world's first female president became
    Maria Estela Martinez de Peron

    The oldest constitution in the world, still in force today, is the US Bill of Rights, adopted in 1789.

    Countries that have no constitution at all are Israel, Lebanon, New Zealand, Oman and the UK.

    The North Pole is the only point in the northern hemisphere that does not participate in the daily rotation of the Earth around its axis. There is no change of day and night, no longitude, no east, west and north directions.

    At the equator, day is always equal to night, and the Sun is at its zenith twice a year (on the day of the spring and on the day of the autumn equinox).

    On the edge of the Sahara, locals build their homes underground. Here they find fresh water and reliable shelter from sandstorms.

    You can travel from end to end of Singapore by metro. The territory of this country stretches from north to south for 23 km, from west to east for 42 km. The total length of metro lines is 67 km. The local metro is the most modern in the world.

    White night is observed at latitudes where the midday altitude of the Sun above the horizon is less than 18˚, i.e. less than the altitude at which the end of astronomical twilight occurs. Particularly bright nights are at latitudes from 59 to 66.5˚, where the midnight height of the Sun is less than 8 degrees.

    450 km. north of the capital of Namibia lies Hoba, the largest meteorite on Earth. Its weight is about 50 tons.

    The world's largest fruit, the Seychelles coco de mer palm tree, weighs about 20 kg.

The most interesting things from the world of geography

Interesting facts about geography that few people know about.

1. San Francisco, USA and Melbourne, Australia. These two cities are known for their mild and rapidly changing climate, and they are also located at the same distance from the equator.

2.France is almost 30% larger than the state of California, USA.

3. About 90% of the world's population lives in the northern hemisphere

4. Mongolia is the largest landlocked country.

5. La Paz, Bolivia, is at 3,628 meters above sea level and is the highest large city in the world.

6. Mexico City floods 16-20 cm per year because it is built on top of underground reservoirs.

7. Brazil has 13 cities with more than one million inhabitants.

8. Europe is the only continent that does not have deserts.

9. The Arctic Ocean is the smallest and shallowest ocean. It is also the smallest ocean in the world. Its main covering is solid ice, ice floes and icebergs.

10. Guinea has the wettest climate on Earth. Up to 3.7 meters of precipitation falls annually.

11. Australia is more than 28 times the size of New Zealand, but its coastline is only twice as long as New Zealand's.

12. India was once the richest country in the world until the British invaded it in the early 17th century.

13. Indonesia consists only of islands. In total there are 13,667 of them.

14.Persia changed its name to Iran in 1935

Planet Earth is full of amazing geographical and geological mysteries and paradoxes. In fact, there are so many of them that we are unlikely to be able to reveal all the secrets that nature hides. Here are the most unusual and sometimes strange facts related to geography, geology and earth.

1. The shortest name of the area is

The shortest name of the area is “Å” - the name of a small village that is located in both Sweden and Norway. In Scandinavian language "Å" means "river".

2. The largest city in the world

The largest city in the world based on surface area is Hulun Buir City in the Inner Mongolia region of China, which covers an area of ​​263,953 square meters. km.

3. Countries completely surrounded by one country, Vatican City

Lesotho, Vatican City and San Marino are the only countries completely surrounded by one country. Lesotho is completely surrounded by South Africa, and the Vatican City and San Marino are completely surrounded by Italy.

4. Second Longest Place Name

Taumatawhakatangihangak oauauotamateaturipukaka pikimaungahoronukupokaiwhe nua kitanatahu
The second longest place name in the world has been recognized as "Taumatawhakatangihangak oauauotamateaturipukaka pikimaungahoronukupokaiwhe nua kitanatahu", consisting of 84 letters, which belongs to a hill in New Zealand and in the Maori language means "the place where Tamatea, the man with large knees who slipped, rose and swallowed the mountain, being known as the eater of mountains, played his flute for his beloved.”

This was the longest geographical name for some time (and remains so in the Guinness Book of Records), until it was supplanted by the name “Krung thep mahanakhon bovorn ratanakosin mahintharayutthaya mahadilok pop noparatratatchathani burirom udomratchanivetmahasathan amornpiman avatarnsathit sakkathattiya visnukarmprasit", consisting of 163 letters and meaning the poetic name of Bangkok in Thailand.

5. The coldest and warmest sea is the White Sea

The water temperature in the White Sea in Russia is the lowest and is only -2 °C. The Persian Gulf is the warmest sea. In summer, the water temperature here reaches 35.6 °C.

6. The world's oldest constitutional republic of San Marino

San Marino is considered the oldest constitutional republic in the world. It was founded in 301 by a Christian mason who was fleeing persecution by Emperor Diocletian. The Constitution of San Marino, which was adopted in 1600, is considered the oldest written constitution in the world.

Kola superdeep well
The deepest hole drilled by man is the Kola superdeep well in Russia. It reached 12,262 m and was drilled for scientific exploration, during which a number of unexpected discoveries were made, such as a huge hydrogen deposit that was so massive that the mud that came out of the hole was literally boiling.

8. The farthest point from the center of the Earth and the lowest place on the earth's crust is Chimborazo

Due to the Earth's bulge at the equator, the 6,310 m summit of Chimborazo Volcano in Ecuador is the furthest point from the center of the Earth, claiming the title of "highest point on Earth" despite Everest being the highest peak above sea level . Chimborazo is an extinct volcano located 1 degree south of the equator.

The Mariana Trench is the deepest part of the world's oceans with the lowest surface elevation of the earth's crust. Today it is believed to have a depth of 10,971 m. It is located in the western Pacific Ocean east of the Mariana Islands.

The Mid-Atlantic Ridge is the longest mountain range on Earth, measuring 40 thousand km. It is located in the center of the Atlantic Ocean. Iceland is the only part of this mountain range that is above sea level.

The Andes form the longest surface mountain range at 7,000 km.

10. Place name consisting of only vowels
Mount Circeo on the west coast of Italy was once called Aeaea (5 vowels in a row and no consonants). According to mythology, the sorceress Circe lived here. Two other places with only vowels in their names are Aiea in Hawaii and Eiao, one of the Marquesas Islands.

11. The northernmost, eastern and western state in America

Alaska is the northernmost, eastern and western state in America. It is the only state that is part of the eastern hemisphere, making it the easternmost and westernmost state.

12. Sea without coast Sargasso Sea

The Sargasso Sea is an area in the center of the North Atlantic Ocean, surrounded by ocean currents, and is the only sea without a coastline. In the west it is limited by the Gulf Stream, in the north by the North Atlantic Current, in the east by the Canary Current and in the south by the North Equatorial Current. This current system forms the North Atlantic Subtropical Gyre.

13. Lake in an ancient impact crater formed as a result of the fall of a meteorite Lake Bosumtwi

Lake Bosumtwi, located in an ancient meteorite impact crater with a diameter of 8 km, is the only natural lake in Ghana. It is located 30 km southwest of Kumasi city and is a popular recreation area. There are about 30 villages near the lake, with a total population of 70,000 people.

14. Unusual flow of the river Nile River

There is only one river in the world that originates near the equator and flows from there into the temperate zone and that is the Nile River. For some unknown reason, most rivers flow in the opposite direction.

15. Lack of land at the North Pole

There is no land at the North Pole - only ice over the water surface. The Arctic Ocean, which has 12 million square kilometers of floating ice, has the lowest winter temperature, -34°C.