Fragrant flowers for the garden (41 photos): annuals and perennials. The most fragrant flowers for your garden

There are beautiful flowers. And there are fragrant ones. As a rule, these two properties are rarely combined in one flower. Even roses have a scent that is not as intense as, for example, the inconspicuous mignonette. Russian front gardens were famous for their fragrant flowers. What kind?


Now mignonette has been completely forgotten. But in vain. In the evening it exudes a wonderful aroma. Mignonette is not famous for its flowers, so you can plant it among representative beauties. Breeders, however, tried to improve the quality of small flowers by obtaining double varieties and diversifying the palette of yellow-red shades. But it’s better to focus on the smell. Mignonette is also good because it blooms for a long time - from mid-summer to frost. The most fragrant and oldest variety is fragrant mignonette.

Not demanding on soil. Loves the sun. Small in height: from 20 to 40 centimeters (depending on conditions and variety).


Heliotrope is good both in smell and color. You can call him an aristocrat in a village flower garden. Among the beautiful, clearly veined leaves, caps of purple or blue flowers bloom in early summer. Heliotrope blooms until frost.

There are tall varieties that are grown in large pots in greenhouses. Heliotrope takes excellent cuttings. Therefore, at the end of summer you can start “supplying” for next spring. Rooted cuttings are stored in a warm, bright room. In the garden, heliotrope prefers a sunny place.


They say that Stalin once stopped at flower bed. “What kind of flower is this?” - He pointed his hand at the monarda. They answered him. “Very beautiful flower. And it smells good,” he said. Monarda smells really strong. Mint. The smell is not so much in the flowers as in the leaves. The flower is unusual: one-, two- and even three-story.

A short stem grows from the middle of the flower, on which another flower blooms. Monarda flowers are white, pink, red. They bloom in July-August. Monarda is a perennial. It can be propagated by dividing the rhizomes. Demanding about watering.

Levkoy (Matiola)

Perhaps the leftover never went out of fashion. The aroma is wonderful. Especially at night. People call it “night beauty” (Matiola bicorn variety). There are many varieties of gillyflowers. There are small, inconspicuous ones, and there are others with luxurious, tall peduncles.

There are early flowering (first half of summer) and late flowering. Some varieties look great cut. Levkoy is also good because it comes in a wide range of colors. Annual (with the exception of the “night beauty”). Each season it is grown through seedlings.

Sweet pea

Sweet peas have been very popular lately. Moreover, many varieties have been bred with a great variety of shades. The flower has become more significant, larger, the stem is longer. Therefore, a vase with a bouquet of sweet peas is a real chic.

But in order for a pea bush to grow luxuriously, you need to prepare “fat”, rich soil in advance. When the young stem reaches 10-15 centimeters, the crown is pinched, after which it produces many side shoots. Support is required. The height of most pea varieties reaches 2 - 3 meters. To ensure abundant flowering, faded flowers are regularly removed. Loves sun and watering.

Fragrant tobacco

In our country, fragrant tobacco has recently become popular. There is a reason. At good conditions tobacco leaves grow large and beautiful. The flowers are delicate and very fragrant. Aromatic tobacco should be planted in a group, this enhances the aroma.

Different shades: light, pink, burgundy, greenish. There are low-growing varieties, but most varieties reach 80-100 centimeters. Blooms from mid-summer to October.

Marigold thin-leaved

Marigolds are a very popular flower in our country. They are affectionately called “marigolds”. They love it for its unpretentiousness, abundance and duration of flowering, for its brightness and beauty.

Lately Many varieties of marigolds have been bred with small flowers that decorate compact, spherical bushes. If the bush is disturbed, accidentally touched with a watering can or stroked with your hand, a spicy aroma will immediately spread. Annual. Not picky about soil. Blooms until frost.


In the wild, we can find meadowsweet on the edges of the forest. The foliage is attractive: palmate or feathery, slightly rough (like raspberries). Numerous white flowers are collected in paniculate, long and fluffy inflorescences.

They smell like honey, which attracts bees. Meadowsweet is unpretentious. Several cultivated varieties have been bred, causing the “caps” of flowers to become more magnificent and colored in pinkish and yellowish tones. When cut, meadowsweet quickly fades. It blooms for about a month. Prefers light shade.


Phlox is a luxurious and beloved perennial. Handsome. Unpretentious. Fragrant. Decorates the garden from mid-summer to late autumn.

In autumn, the stems of a faded phlox bush are cut off, leaving a small “stump”. To prevent the roots from being exposed in the spring, phloxes are mulched (sprinkled with a little earth, peat and sand). In hot summers, watering is required. Phlox reproduces by spring or autumn root division. In spring it takes cuttings well.


The beauty and pride of Russian gardens. We loved and love peonies. Recently, flower growers have developed an indomitable passion for new varieties. Despite the fact that peonies fade imperceptibly quickly. Simple, double, semi-double, anemone - all beautiful and fragrant.

Planted in autumn. Peonies prefer light shade. They do not like stagnant moisture in the soil.

Fragrant plants and flowers can give any garden a unique versatility and charm, giving it an aura that creates the desired mood. Without fragrant green spaces personal plot- just a beautiful, but lifeless and “flat” picture, devoid of individuality, while with fragrant flowers and plants even the most modest dacha turns into a real fairy-tale world, awakening in a person positive emotions. What fragrant flowers and plants are suitable for a dacha around which you want to create an amazing atmosphere filled with pleasant smells?

Fragrant garden flowers and types of fragrances

The whole variety of floral aromas is usually divided into certain categories, based on their richness and the nature of the main notes. Science has proven that pleasant smells evoke positive associations in a person, promoting relaxation or, conversely, a feeling of vivacity and a surge of strength.

Among the main varieties of aromas of famous flowers and plants, the following can be distinguished, namely:

  • - fruit - magnolia, geranium, some types of bearded irises;
  • - pink – peony, rose, individual varieties honeysuckle;
  • - citrus fruits – lemon balm, lemon verbena, monarda, Chinese lemongrass;
  • - honey - heliotrope, alyssum, heather, barberry, musk rose;
  • - spicy - cloves, fennel, nasturtium, some varieties of marigolds;
  • - sweet – heliotrope, tuberose, honeysuckle, buddleia, clover;
  • - heavy – lily, bird cherry, jasmine;
  • - gentle – mint, lavender, rosemary.

By experimenting with different types of these and many other plants, you can create an extraordinary atmosphere in your area, woven from aromas different shades. However, one should remember about the characteristics of the fragrance of some garden inhabitants and their influence on human body- for example, that matthiola bicorne and fragrant tobacco intensify their aroma with the onset of dusk, and the rich, thick aromas of bird cherry, hyacinths, lilacs, white lilies and daffodils can provoke dizziness and even cause a headache.

Fragrant plants and flowers for the garden

It is a mistake to believe that the list of fragrant inhabitants of the garden limits itself only to the most popular representatives - lilacs, roses, peonies, chrysanthemums, phlox. In fact, this list is much wider than it seems at first glance, and includes not only noble, but even wild crops that we encounter in meadows and forests.

Alyssum- an unpretentious ground cover that exudes a memorable sweet-honey aroma during the flowering period. It is ideal for decorating rocky gardens and flower beds; it looks great in large clumps, but in small ones single landings"lost" When planted near crops that require pollination, alyssum provides invaluable benefits by attracting pollinating insects. In addition, it is known as a magnificent honey plant.

Prefers light, neutral and lightly fertilized soils, tolerates short droughts and frosts down to -10°. Alyssum does not like damp places - if water stagnates, it can get wet. Before flowering, it requires feeding, which it is very favorable towards.

Marigold(Tagetes, Chernobrivtsy) are beautiful fragrant flowers, usually grown as annuals. The recognizable characteristic smell of marigolds is due to the high content in their vegetative parts essential oil, due to which they are considered medicinal.

Most often, marigolds are used to decorate borders, flower beds, and small flower beds. It has been noticed that the specific aroma of these flowers repels many pests - in particular, allowing you to get rid of mole crickets, nematodes and carrot flies that threaten vegetable plantings. For this purpose, marigolds are planted between rows in the garden, near greenhouses and in greenhouses.

The most popular in decorative floriculture are:

  • - rejected marigolds;
  • - erect marigolds;
  • - thin-leaved marigolds.

Marigolds are particularly unpretentious and tolerate partial shade and drought well. Of their special preferences, it is worth noting their light and heat-loving nature, as well as their favorable attitude towards loamy and sandy loam soils with timely application of fertilizers.

Buddleya- a heat-loving shrub, visually very similar to lilac. During the flowering period, the plant emits a fragrant-sweet smell of honey, which attracts butterflies and bees to the area. Beautiful fragrant buddleia flowers are collected in brushes up to 40 centimeters long.

Buddleia is considered a hardy plant (buddleia Davida is especially unpretentious), but it can only demonstrate its true beauty with proper care. Prefers sunny open spaces and well-drained fertile soils.

To prevent the buddleia bush from losing its charm, it should be trimmed in a timely manner and dead inflorescences should be removed - otherwise the plant may stretch to a height of more than 2 meters and lose all its decorative effect.

Heather- a low shrub that can decorate any garden. Today, many varieties of heather are known with flowers of various shapes and colors, with silver and even golden leaves. The striking advantage of heather is its evergreenness and, of course, its unforgettable fragrance.

Verbena- very beautiful perennial with an alluring but unobtrusive delicate aroma that it exudes from the beginning of summer until autumn. For leaves, flowers and young shoots lemon verbena Characterized by a memorable lemon scent. In ornamental gardening, verbena is usually grown as a summer plant, sunny, warm and dry areas are allocated for it. This plant prefers loamy fertile soils, but with excess nitrogen content it begins to “fatten”, forming an abundant vegetative mass to the detriment of flowering.

Lantana- a “relative” of verbena, which has been established in modern gardens for quite some time. Lantana leaves and flowers can have a honey-sweet or spicy scent. Some gardeners hear notes of almond in the aroma of lantana. The original flowering of this unusual plant– throughout the entire season, the spherical inflorescences of lantana manage to turn white, yellow, orange and red.

Heliotrope– aromatic garden plant, loved by gardeners for its special decorative effect and rich range of odors. Depending on the variety, heliotrope can smell like vanilla, honey, or even cherry pie. This fragrant flower is grown both in open ground and in containers, and even as a houseplant.

Hyacinths- graceful perennials, distinguished by a subtle, persistent fragrance. In modern gardens you can find a rich variety of colors of these flowers - from white and pale yellow to pink, lilac, burgundy, violet and almost black.

Hyacinths prefer open sunny or slightly shaded corners of the garden with highly cultivated, light sandy soils. This crop is considered one of the most demanding in terms of care - primarily in terms of watering and fertilizing.

Carnation Shabo- a light- and heat-loving perennial, grown as an annual, usually for cutting for bouquets. This carnation is attractive with its large double flowers. different colors– white, pink, red, burgundy, yellow, purple. Grows well on neutral, fertile soils and does not take root on heavy clays and sandy soils. During the flowering period, the plants emit a light clove scent.

Sweet pea– a climbing, fragrant annual used in vertical gardening, design of hedges, and gazebos. Usually a sunny and warm place with fertile well-drained soil. When planning to grow sweet peas on your site, you should take into account what they absorb from the soil large number nutrients Therefore, before planting, the soil must be fertilized with compost or well-rotted manure.

Fragrant tobacco- a climbing, spreading plant up to 80 centimeters high (on fertile soils - up to 120 centimeters), blooming profusely from July to September. Bell flowers fragrant tobacco open in the evenings and have a delicate and persistent aroma. In cloudy weather, flowers bloom during the daytime. This crop is valued by gardeners for its low demands on soil fertility and gas and smoke resistance. It is most often grown as a summer plant.

Monarda- one of the traditional favorites used in arranging fragrant flower beds. This attractive honey plant is notable for its long flowering period, lasting from June to September. Monarda leaves and flowers have pronounced citrus notes: when brewed with tea, the drink will acquire a subtle citrus flavor - for this reason, Monarda is often called “garden bergamot”.

Mirabilis- a well-known ornamental perennial, loved by gardeners for its richness of colors, unpretentiousness and long-lasting flowering. These are fragrant garden flowers received the second name “Night Beauty” for their amazing ability to fill the space around them with a sweet aroma only with the arrival of darkness.

Mirabilis is considered the best solution for beginning flower growers: it is unpretentious in care, undemanding about soil, although it prefers fertile, loose soil. Loves sunny places, but tolerates light partial shade quite well.

Iberis- a modest representative of the world of decorative flora, used to create ridges, rocky slides and others flower arrangements. Two types of annuals have become widespread among gardeners - bitter Iberis and umbelliferous Iberis. Both types are different abundant flowering, during which a pleasant sweet aroma spreads throughout the area. Plants prefer light loams, sunny places and easily survive spring and autumn frosts.

Clover(shamrock) is a charming inhabitant of meadows and forest edges, used in gardens to create unpretentious lawns. The fragrant aroma of clover is attractive to bees, which makes it famous as a valuable honey plant. A clover lawn does not need to be mowed or trimmed; it does not damp out and is resistant to trampling.

May lily of the valley- an attractive graceful perennial with beautiful flowers that have a delicate and delicate aroma. In modern gardens you can find both wild and garden forms of lilies of the valley - with double, large flowers of unusual colors.

This plant is ideal for shady areas of the garden, and in dense plantings under trees, lily of the valley bushes are quite capable of serving as an alternative to various types of lawns. Despite all its external fragility, lily of the valley is very viable and unpretentious; it easily tolerates shading and dry soil.

Levkoy or matthiol– one of the best representatives of the exquisite garden of aromas. In the open ground, summer gillyflower and matthiola bicornuum are most often grown - these fragrant flowers are considered the most unpretentious with standard care requirements. In order for the plants to bloom profusely and fill the garden with a pleasant, memorable smell for a long time, they should be watered regularly, the soil in the plantings should be mulched and faded flowers in the inflorescences should be promptly removed.

Lupins– beautiful fragrant flowers, characterized by a variety of colors. In modern gardens, classic single-color varieties (white, pink, purple, violet, yellow, blue, light blue) and two-color varieties are usually grown - pink with yellow, blue with yellow, yellow with brown, etc. For all its decorative value and exquisite aroma, lupine is also an excellent green manure, with which you can enrich the soil with nitrogen and improve its structure.

Lobelia- small fragrant flowers, during the flowering period they form a thick and lush “carpet”. The natural color of lobelias is blue and dark blue, but to date, through the efforts of breeders, red, white, pink and purple varieties have been obtained. According to experienced summer residents, monochromatic color and small size of lobelia flowers make its plantings unimpressive, so the plants are often planted with other beautifully flowering annuals and perennials. Lobelia looks very impressive in combination with dark red carnations, burgundy phlox, and white daisies.

Mignonette- a fragrant and easy-to-care plant, many species of which are cultivated as ornamental garden inhabitants. It takes root well on drained loamy soils with an admixture of lime and a sufficient amount of nutrients. Prefers sunny places, but feels good in the shade.

Tuberose- a spectacular perennial with original flowers that exude an exotic sweet aroma reminiscent of hyacinth. According to experienced gardeners The agricultural technology of tuberose is no more complicated than growing gladioli and, if desired, it can be kept even indoors.

Sage– a herbaceous perennial used to create ceremonial compositions, ridges, mixborders and flower beds. The most aromatic representative is considered to be clary sage, which is grown to extract its piquant essential oil. Sage is an excellent honey plant that attracts pollinating insects to the site. Drought-resistant, thermophilic, does not tolerate waterlogging.

Approaching the site, we already begin to smell the aroma of roses, honeysuckle, mock orange or simply mown grass.

We feel the aromas of plants both late in the evening and at night, when darkness absorbs all shapes and colors. They flow into open windows rooms.

And early in the morning we go out into the garden and, closing our eyes from the bright sun, deeply inhale all the smells and only then pay attention to appearance plants.

Right at the gate we are greeted by bushes of lilac, mock orange or park roses. At correct selection varieties blooming in different times, the aroma of these plants can be enjoyed from late May to mid-summer, and some varieties and types of roses and rose hips - until late autumn.

When creating various compositions this time, the main selection criterion will be aroma, which, along with the shape and color of plants, is business card siege.

Mixborder along the path

The main flowering time in this mixborder is in August. The picture shows exactly this moment in time.

Along the path leading to the house, among other perennials, peonies are planted, whose fragrant flowers bloom in June, and paniculate phlox, which fill the garden with aroma in August - September.

In the foreground of the flower garden are Turkish carnations, ageratums and lobularia.

Fragrant mini-flower beds around trees

The picture shows flower beds at the time of flowering - in the month of May.

In the picture of the flower garden the numbers indicate:

1 - (Daphne mezereum), 2 - (Convallaria majalis), 3 - Narcissus hybrid(Narcissus x hybr.), 4 - (Viola odorata).

IN orchard Not far from the tree trunks, clumps of lilies of the valley, fragrant violets and medium-sized “semi-wild” white daffodils will look good. There is also a place for small daphne (wolfberry) bushes.

In spring, the aroma of these plants will merge with the aroma blooming garden.

Flower garden next to the house

This bright flower bed of annuals located near the house. The figure shows plants without taking into account flowering time.

The flower garden diagram shows in numbers:

1 - (Datura metel), 2 - (Tagetes tenuifolia), 3 - (Ageratum houstonianum), 4 - (Matthiola incana), 5 - (Lobularia maritime).

Datura metel (Datura metel) serves as an accent in the center or background of the garden. Its huge snow-white gramophone flowers are amazingly beautiful and have a very delicate, pleasant aroma. True, they do not live long, but one flowers are replaced by others throughout almost the entire summer.

In the spring, after the bulbs have flowered, the vacated space can be filled with fragrant annuals: ageratum, lobularia, gillyflowers, marigolds. The aroma of the latter is very unique, and it is different for each type. Fine-leaved marigolds probably smell especially pleasant.

Fragrant flower bed to decorate the gazebo

The picture shows a flower garden during its flowering - in June

The gazebo in the depths of the site can be woven with honeysuckle honeysuckle, which exudes a very strong, pleasant aroma in June, and climbing roses, blooming in July - August.

And along the path leading to it, you can plant bushes of fragrant roses, various varieties peonies, lilies, especially the place will have amazingly fragrant and beautiful lily royal.

Flower garden by the pond

The picture shows what a flower garden looks like in June.

It smells fresh near the pond. Flowers aquatic plants, as a rule, do not have a strong odor.

But the range of aromas coastal plants very diverse - from delicate willows and bathworts to strong sweet basil and meadowsweet.

The marsh calamus, which grows in shallow waters, has a special smell. Its leaves smell exceptionally pleasant when rubbed, which is why in the old days they covered floors in living quarters.

Mixborder along the fence

The flower garden in the figure is shown at the time of maximum flowering - in July.

The path goes around the house and goes along a semi-shaded area along the hedge.

Here are bushes of lilac, black elderberry, covered in May with caps of white fragrant flowers, as well as silvery oleaster bushes. The flowers of this plant are almost invisible, they are so inconspicuous, but the delicate honey aroma spreading through the garden in late May - June immediately attracts attention.

Of the perennials in this area will come in handy various types and varieties of meadowsweet, valerian, which will replace each other throughout the summer. In the foreground of such a mixborder you can plant Turkish cloves. Among the annuals, suitable tobaccos are forest and winged (fragrant).

Just be careful, use for fragrant garden namely fragrant varieties of tobacco, for example the “Evening” variety, since modern hybrids with bright flowers(Sander tobacco) have virtually no odor.

Fragrant alpine slide

The flower garden is depicted without taking into account the flowering time of the plants.

Plants have a very special smell. alpine slide.

In spring, rock alyssum and Canadian phlox exude a honey aroma. On a hot summer afternoon they are replaced by bitter steppe aromas of thyme, wormwood, rue, cloves, lavender and resinous odors dwarf varieties mountain pine.

Photos of flowers and shrubs that were used in fragrant flower bed designs

The summer aroma of garden flowers cannot be compared with anything. These memories constantly visit us on cold winter days. Create such a fairy tale own plot everyone can do it.

After all, you can choose not only beautiful, but also fragrant garden flowers. Even if the fragrant beauty is not distinguished by the brightness of its colors, there is a place for unpretentious fragrant flowers in any flowerbed.

When choosing varieties, it is important to pay attention to the overlapping range of odors and flowering time.

Annual “flower perfume” for the simplest flower bed

Annuals can be sown directly into the ground as soon as there is no threat of frost on the soil. In order for the plants to bloom earlier, the seedlings are grown on the windowsill and planted in the flowerbed in mid-May.

The most popular annual flowers with aroma for the garden, which do not require special care, but delight not only with bright colors, but also with a magical aroma:

  • Sweet pea– a variety of colors and varieties allows you to create a front garden or flowerpot in any style and color scheme. As a result of selection, many modern varieties of ornamental peas, especially double peas, do not have the persistent aroma inherent in the simplest varieties.
    The peculiarity of this flower, its tendrils clinging to any support, will help you create a magnificent trellis in a shady corner of the garden or on the veranda. There are bush varieties that look beautiful in the design of flower beds and ridges.

Advice. The most fragrant variety "Rosemary Verey" - bright red flowers and a magical smell.

  • Mirabilis is a southern exotic native to Peru. The flower feels great in middle lane Russia and pleases with abundant flowering throughout summer season. Delicate inflorescences of red, yellow, pink and white colors open in the shade or partial shade after four o'clock in the afternoon.

Advice. The crop can be sown under film or on a windowsill in April, and planted in open ground in mid-May.

  • Alyssum or marine lobularia– the honey aroma will lure small wasps into the garden, which successfully destroy aphids. The plant is ideal for northern latitudes, as it is not afraid of spring frosts.

The seeds are planted directly into the ground, lightly sprinkled with earth; the seeds should fall sunlight for better germination.

Shade and annuals

Fragrant plants for the garden that grow beautifully and smell fragrant in the shade:

  • Fragrant tobacco - unpretentious flower, blooming closer to night. The most popular varieties of tobacco are winged and jasmine. The tallest is forest, reaching a height of one and a half meters, recommended for planting in tree trunk circles fruit trees, repels pests;
  • Mattiola is an annual that does not like direct sunlight and begins to smell in the late afternoon, when the air is humid and cool. Sown in flower beds and flower beds in the shade of larger dahlias or peonies.

Interesting. A relative of the well-known shy matthiola is the annual Levkoy.
The Beauty and Mamot varieties amaze with their bright colors and large double inflorescences.
But these beauties are demanding of warmth and light, unlike the shy Mattiola.

Fragrant perennials

Bulbous and corm perennials will provide a fragrant garden throughout the summer:

Spring blooms and a pleasant scent are much needed after a long, cold winter.

Mostly in the spring, bulbous varieties of flowers delight:

  • Lilies of the valley - “hello on the first of May” grow beautifully in shady corners of the garden. Often planted in combination with aromatic plants from a later flowering period, such as peonies or carnations;
  • Daffodils - only the most common varieties, white and yellow, delight with a magnificent, subtle, refined scent. Varietal daffodils are, of course, beautiful, but they have no scent at all;

Advice. Narcissus can grow in one place without transplanting for up to three years.
It is necessary to plant the bulbs as the size of the bud decreases.

  • Hyacinth – spring flower bed without hyacinths it is simply impossible. The intoxicating aroma of this flower awakens imagination and imagination, but it is not recommended to keep bouquets of hyacinth in the house, as severe headaches and high blood pressure may occur;
  • Violets love shady areas, and under direct sun rays die quickly. This flower is an ideal decoration for difficult to cultivate areas under fences and in tree trunks.

Advice. It is better to sow violets with seeds “before winter” so that the plant hardens.

A lush summer flowerbed or front garden with a swarm of butterflies hovering above it is not at all difficult:

  • Cloves – there are a lot of fragrant varieties. They are not as large as the familiar carnations from the store, but their smell repels mosquitoes and other pests. Therefore, the gardener’s instructions recommend planting these flowers near gazebos and other recreational areas. summer cottage. The most unpretentious varieties summer carnations - lush, grayish-blue, feathery.

Advice. It is better to plant carnations as seedlings rather than seeds, since you will have to wait a whole year for seedlings after planting.
And over the summer the bush grows into a lush, fragrant green carpet.

  • Irises - there are varieties with a surprisingly subtle, pleasant aroma. These are yellow, yellow with white centers and purple irises. The flowering period is July and again the end of September, October, depending on the region;
  • Roses are the queens of any garden. The most unpretentious and disease-resistant varieties with an unsurpassed aroma are Hansa and Delikat, purple and pink in color, respectively. These varieties bloom almost all summer and are resistant to powdery mildew. White inflorescences of the Alba variety, medium height amazes with its long-lasting, rich rose aroma.
  • Lush bright peonies delight with a sweet spicy aroma and are perfect for the center of a flower bed or flower garden;

  • Lilies - these sophisticated, elegant flowers do not delight us for very long, but many people love their magnificent exuberance and delicate scent in mid-July. White lily also used as an alcohol tincture in folk medicine as an ideal antiseptic, wound healing and skin rejuvenating agent. The price of the rejuvenating tincture is a bush of graceful white beauties in the composition of a summer front garden.

Advice. Lilies look very beautiful in a composition of irises and small daisies.
Especially if it is in Provence or Mediterranean style.

In autumn there are not many flowers that can please you with a pleasant smell, but chrysanthemums are beyond competition. This cold-resistant perennial will decorate the garden on cloudy autumn days.

Interesting. Chrysanthemum leaf salad has unique anti-aging properties, as it accelerates the metabolism of all cells.

But not only flowers can bring pleasant smells to our garden.

There are many unpretentious aromatic herbs that you can easily plant with your own hands and that do not require constant painstaking care:

  • Mint - peppermint and round-leaved varieties. An excellent addition to aromatic tea or an exotic summer salad;
  • Lavender - a gently purple bush covered with frost is considered a healer in any garden, used in herbal sedatives and as a remedy for moths;

  • Lovage - a frost-resistant, aromatic bush with beautiful foliage and is often used to prepare healing infusions for rinsing hair;
  • Rosemary is an aromatic seasoning and a beautiful Christmas tree in any flower bed (requires shelter for the winter at frosts above 15 degrees).


Fragrant flower beds can be composed of both flowers and herbs, the main thing is that the smells do not contrast with each other. The video in this article will introduce you to interesting options design of flower beds and flower beds from different parts of the world.

The aroma of exotic flowers is present in the home of an amateur gardener almost throughout the year.

Today, many varieties of tropical plants have been adapted for home cultivation, and most of them, when flowering, emit a subtle, unique aroma. Of course, among indoor flowers you can find varieties with a weak scent or no scent at all. However, these are the plants recommended for landscaping. public places And office premises. This is because some people have an allergic reaction to certain scents, including floral scents.

Most indoor ornamental plants can be divided into two main categories:

  • plants in which only flowers emit fragrance;
  • the smell emanates from the entire plant, and it is especially intensified when its vegetative part is damaged.

The first group includes most orchids, roses, gardenias, and some types of cacti. However, you can find orchid hybrids that do not emit any odor when they bloom.

Orchid Cattleya aclandiae.
One of the pleasant-smelling orchids is the orchid Cattleya aclandiae, whose flowers smell like lily of the valley.


The aroma is simply enchanting!
Hymenocallis flowers are large-stemmed, fragrant, snow-white flowers with tall, spider-like, cup-shaped, pale yellow petals and large, trembling stamens. Flowers can appear either in late summer or early autumn. One inflorescence can contain six to eight shiny white flowers up to 20 centimeters in length.

Madagascar jasmine - stephanotis (Stephanotis Thou) is a semi-shrub vine that develops well and blooms only when good lighting. Therefore, it is grown on window sills on the south side of the home. Star-shaped small flowers have a refined, refined aroma.

, especially one of its subspecies - jasmine gardenia"Gardenia jasminoides" When flowering, it exudes a powerful, refined aroma. However, in home culture this is a rather capricious plant. Despite the fact that most gardenia species are photophilous, when indoor growing the plant does not tolerate direct sunlight.

Amazon lily – Eucharis (Eucharis Planch)
has white, narcissus-like flowers with a delicate, pleasant scent. The plant is perennial, and under good growing conditions it can bloom all year round, periodically throwing out umbels on which 5...6 single flowers bloom.

Wax ivy - Hoya
includes several subspecies, quite common when grown indoors. The plant belongs to the decorative vines, and when flowering it emits a sweetish smell. The plant does not require painstaking care and special attention, but its flowering begins only in “mature” age.

Murraya paniculata - orange jasmine (Murraya paniculata)
, has not yet become widespread in home floriculture and is grown by professionals. They form a dwarf tree from a bush, with year-round flowering. White Murraya flowers have petals that look like they are drenched in wax. When flowering, the smell emitted by the plant has a subtle, pleasant aroma.

Bouvvardia longiflora.
A shrub with oblong leaves and numerous flowers collected at the ends of annual shoots. The corolla tube is up to 10 cm long. The aroma of white flowers is reminiscent of jasmine.

Pittosporum fragrant or Resinus vulgaris.
A tree with decorative dense leaves and small, up to 1 cm in diameter, flowers collected in corymbose inflorescences . The newly opened flowers are white and then turn ivory. As a result, flowers in one inflorescence differ slightly in color. Soft, vanilla aroma.

Raphiolepis umbellata.
A tree with leathery dark green leaves and beautiful flowers collected in inflorescences at the tops of the shoots. The flowers emit a soft, sweetish aroma.

Sarcococcus is low.
An evergreen shrub with leathery evergreen leaves and clusters of small flowers with long stamens blooming in their axils, in place of which dark burgundy spherical fruits later ripen. The flowers are white with yellowish stamens, emitting a strong spicy aroma, slightly reminiscent of melon.

Eriobothria japonica or Japanese medlar.
A tree with felt-pubescent shoots and wrinkled large leaves, jagged along the edge. Small flowers 30 - 50 pieces are collected at the ends of shoots in paniculate inflorescences. Juicy small (up to 3 cm in diameter) rounded yellow fruits are very pleasant to the taste and ripen in June. Cream flowers emit a sweet almond scent.

Abelia chinensis.
It blooms with a small stalk and has a pleasant delicate aroma, somewhat reminiscent of the smell of a lemon flower. This is an ornamental flowering shrub that blooms for a long time and very abundantly. Mature plant It is better to give in a large room.

Chinese oleander.
U oleander The flowers are very fragrant; inhaling their aroma for a long time can cause a headache. The pink or white flowers of this evergreen shrub are very beautiful; the plant is quite unpretentious.

All varieties of this popular indoor plant produce unusually long peduncles that bloom in the evening and emit a pleasant and mellow aroma, reminiscent of the smell of a lily. Sansevieria (sansevieria) blooms in spring and/or autumn. Each flower fades by morning. However, there are a lot of them on the peduncle, so you can enjoy the fragrance for a long time.

Some varieties of indoor roses.
They have a bright and delicate aroma. It is believed to have a good effect on well-being and is a powerful aphrodisiac. The smell of these flowers can be heard wonderfully in a small room.

Cactus selenicerus.

Echinopsis cactus.

Example the second group of plants, the aroma of which comes from the entire vegetative part, can serve as a well-known pelargonium - geranium (Pelargonium),

The family includes about 400 species and subspecies. If the plant is not damaged, there is no smell from it. But if you rub the leaves of fragrant pelargonium (Pelargonium graveolens) between your fingers, the whole room will be filled with a persistent, somewhat pungent smell.

Most citrus fruits (lemon, tangerine, orange) in room culture are formed in the form small trees. All parts of the plant - leaves, stems, shoots - have a pleasant aroma.


All varieties of this plant emit a fragrance. But the most striking of these indoor trees has lemon eucalyptus. With a small touch of even one leaf, it can saturate a standard medium-sized room with aroma.

Plectranthus or indoor mint.
Plectranthus or indoor mint is valued for its ease of care and the decorative attractiveness of its leaves with a pleasant minty aroma. Its flowers are small, lilac or white. Some species have a pungent odor and are used to repel moths.

Araucaria (Araucaria heterophylla and Araucaria bidwillii species) one of the few coniferous species adapted for growing at home. A pleasant coniferous aroma emanates from the crown of dwarf Araucaria Bidwill and Varifolia trees. Araucarias growing in a living room saturate the air with natural phytoncides.

Common myrtle.
A low-growing tree, the branches are densely covered with leathery, dark green aromatic leaves, in the axils of which there are single flowers. White flowers emit a sweetish, light aroma.

At home growing When using aromatic plants, you need to make sure that all family members are not allergic to specific odors. Flowers with strong odor It is better not to keep it in the nursery and bedroom.

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