Spells for water from damage, from the evil eye, for good luck and money. How to correctly read water spells at home and which are the most powerful

Methods for identifying and purifying spoilage.

The damage caused to a person has a lot of different signs and during his work brings a lot of trouble to the victim. To understand the symptoms of damage and properly cleanse yourself of it, we advise you to read the information below.

How to remove the evil eye and damage from yourself at home using salt yourself?

Salt is a universal remedy that is used in magic. Moreover, with salt you can both cleanse yourself of magical influence and cause damage using a bulk product.

These different rituals can be performed using the same product because salt has no energy. She is magically neutral. Therefore, it can be given any type of energy - positive or negative.

Even a beginner can remove the negative influence with the help of salt. We offer you the most common methods and rituals that will help you if you have discovered a negative impact on yourself.

The best day of the week to perform the ritual is Thursday. But if you feel very bad and cleansing is required immediately, then you can perform the ritual any day.

For an adult you need 250 g of salt, for a child about 200 g. While filling the bath warm water, read the following:

Now it's time to fill the salt with energy. To do this, you need to take a barrel of salt, look at it and say:

Now add salt to the water and take a bath. There is no time limit, stay in the water as long as you feel comfortable.

Drain the water immediately after taking a bath. This ritual is able to absorb all the negativity, just as salt draws out pus from a wound.

If you notice that you are often damaged or feel unwell, then we advise you to try this ritual. Take:

  • Glass container for salt
  • Church candle

After this, immediately throw the salt out of the house.

By the way, salt can also prevent spoilage. To do this, you just need to carry a pinch of salt with you in your pocket. And if you suddenly feel uncomfortable in the company of a person or yawn, then this person has planned something bad against you - he is thinking or is already starting to cause damage.

To avoid this, take salt in right hand, and apply the left one to the solar plexus. Say the words to yourself: “I won’t give you” and the protection will begin to work.

How to remove cemetery damage to death by egg from your husband yourself?

Cemetery damage is a very terrible magic, destructive in its effect. Moreover, it is not so easy to remove it, because such magic is performed by professional black magicians. Usually, damage to death lasts for a maximum of several weeks, or even within a couple of days.

This type of damage can be done to a man ex-wives, mistresses and competitors. But such damage is very easy to identify by the following signs, which is quite a big plus:

  • Frequent and sudden onset of suicidal thoughts
  • Diseases have already appeared in severe form
  • Movements become extremely difficult for you, there is practically no vitality
  • You often have nightmares
  • There is active abuse of bad habits, although this has not previously been noted
  • Cats and dogs that live in your home will begin to react aggressively towards you

To identify damage, perform a ritual in which you use an egg:

  • Pour cold water into a glass
  • Beat the egg into the glass until the yolk remains intact.
  • Let your husband hold the glass on the top of his head for 3 minutes and see what happens.

Black spots on the yolk or white mean that there really is damage to death. The scalded edges of the yolk and green-gray inclusions mean that the curse is very terrible - martyrdom. Such an egg should be immediately flushed down the toilet, and the glass should be washed thoroughly.

You can also remove damage with an egg. The husband needs to do the following:

  • A man must pray fervently and kiss the icons.
  • Next, he must sit on a chair and roll the egg clockwise throughout his body.
  • Do not tear the egg from the body during the ritual; read the prayers out loud.
  • At this time, the wife pours water into a glass
  • A man should look into the glass and silently ask God to help him get rid of the evil eye
  • Next, break the egg into a glass and pour the contents into the water.
  • The shell must be crushed in your hands and, placed on paper, burned while reading “Our Father”
  • See if the situation with the egg has changed
  • Pour the egg down the toilet again and wash the glass while saying your prayers.
  • Wash your hands up to your elbows cold water using soap carefully.

Carry out the ritual until all signs of spoilage disappear on the broken egg.

How to remove damage completely?

This type of damage is not too dangerous and is most often caused to take revenge on a rival. But this impact should not be neglected. Because overweight Not only does it not decorate, but it is also harmful to health, negatively affecting the heart, liver, and blood vessels.

And this kind of influence somehow affects a person’s energy field, making him vulnerable. It is not difficult to remove this type of damage, since it is usually not caused by professional sorcerers.

We offer you several options for getting rid of damage:

  • First of all, visit the temple, pray near the icons and light a candle for health. Say:

Usually after this there are problems with overweight leave a person. But this is of course provided that there is no food abuse. That is, prayer helps a person accumulate vital energy in order to cope with excess weight.

You can also use an effective ritual to combat excess weight, for which you will need a rowan branch. So, you need to say the following words when approaching the tree:

How to fry salt in a frying pan to prevent spoilage?

First, in order to recover from damage, you need to identify it. Salt can also help with this. Need to:

  • Take a clean frying pan.
  • On a starry night around midnight, heat it up and pour a pinch of salt into the pan with your left hand.
  • For 20 minutes, ask out loud if there is someone who wishes you harm and continue to fry the salt.
  • You need to start worrying when there is a strong crackling sound and black fumes from the salt - then damage has been caused to you. If it only turns yellow and crackles slightly, then you don’t have to worry. If, however, the salt shows that you are damaged, then you need to take it out under the tree immediately and count the 21 stars on your right side.
  • Next, ask the sky that all the evil that was intended for you will return to the one who caused it.
  • Now go home and go to bed.
  • At night you may have nightmares or even mischief. In the morning you will feel much better.
  • By the way, on this day you should refrain from communicating with people, borrowing money or things.

Removing, rolling out damage with an egg yourself: decoding

For egg rolling to get a positive result, you need to involve an experienced specialist. Since this ritual requires a lot of effort and knowledge.

It is important to know the following rules:

  • The egg needs to be rolled clockwise when a person is sitting near the icons.
  • While rolling out, you need to pray to the saints whose icons are located near you for healing.
  • Under no circumstances should the ritual be interrupted, even if the person becomes very ill. Also, you should not tear the egg away from the body while rolling out.
  • If the egg becomes very heavy, then you need to replace it with a new one, but do not tear off the old one until you attach the new one. Rolling out the new egg continues exactly from the place where the old one is removed.

Now you need to look into the glass. What happened to the egg? The decoding is as follows:

  • A white cobweb that rises from the very bottom means that there is a strong witchcraft influence.
  • If the protein is in the blisters, it means the person has been spoiled by illness.
  • If the yolk is not whole, but crushed, then we are talking about damage to death.
  • Growths on the white or yolk mean damage that is caused to your well-being.
  • If the outline of a temple appears on a squirrel, it means the damage was recently caused, but it is strong.
  • Pure yolk and white - the negative is removed

How to cleanse a house or apartment from damage and the evil eye on your own?

If a person develops fear and depression in the place that should protect and saturate with energy, namely in own home, then perhaps the house was damaged. This type of damage is done in order to capture all family members and areas of household life with negativity.

Signs of such damage are the following:

  • In such a house you cannot fully relax and unwind.
  • Appliances, furniture, locks often break down there, and pipes leak.
  • Difficult to find things. And it seems like you put them in one place, but find them in a completely different place
  • No guests come to such a house, and the owners try to visit it less often
  • You can also track spoilage by product - milk that turns sour quickly, food that quickly cools down
  • Animals try to quickly run out of the house into the yard or hide in the corners of the apartment
  • Plants in such a home dry very quickly, all at once

You can diagnose damage in your home using:

  • Salt to be fried. Darkening of the salt means the presence of spoilage.
  • Candle - if, while walking around the house with a lit candle, the flame dims or the wax flows over the candle, then damage has been caused to the house.

To cleanse your apartment or house from damage, we recommend using the following tips:

  • Bless your home by thoroughly cleaning it
  • You can also walk around your home with a candle, reading “Our Father” and cross each corner three times, then fumigate the rooms with incense and sprinkle with holy water

You can perform the ritual with onions. To do this, you need to perform the following steps on 10 cut onions:

  • Salt will help remove spoilage. In a glass of salt you need to put needles that correspond to the number of inhabitants of the house or apartment. Next, pour the salt into the pan and, while heating, stir clockwise. At this time, say everything that you don’t like in the house. When the salt darkens, move it around the house in a frying pan, also clockwise.
  • Please pay attention special attention places where family members are often found.
  • Then heat the salt again and, stirring, say: “Where it came from, that’s where it went.” Anything bad they wished for us, take it all back.”
  • Now pour the salt down the toilet and wash the pan thoroughly.

Damage - a small thing under the door: how to remove

Small change under the door is damage that is aimed at extracting income from your family. Under no circumstances should you immediately pick it up with your hands and throw it away, much less bring it into the house. To get rid of this type of damage, you need to sprinkle the lining with salt, saying:

To protect yourself from such linings and protect your income, you need to keep an icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in your house and read the “Our Father” and a prayer to the Saint in front of it. Next, place the money in front of her at night and ask the Saint to return your well-being. And in the morning, distribute this money in front of the temple to those in need. Perform this action three times.

Pouring out spoilage with wax

The most accessible means for casting is wax. In addition, this technique has proven itself for quite some time as effective remedy to cleanse a person from corruption. But it is important to read prayers and drink holy water during the ritual with wax, since casting takes a lot of energy.

For casting you will need:

  • Iron mug, in which you will melt wax
  • Potholder
  • Casting vessel
  • Cotton towel
  • A photograph of the person from whom the damage needs to be removed

So, the pouring process is like this:

  • Melt the wax, but do not let it boil.
  • While the wax is warming up, light the candles and read the prayers. This must be done if you are casting someone else. If you do it yourself, you will need to make sure that the wax does not boil.
  • You need to pour cold water into the dishes that you have prepared for casting.
  • Hold a container of water over the photo and carefully pour the wax into the water. Take your time.
  • Now look at hardened wax You will be able to examine the resulting figures. Some even see the image of the one who caused damage.
  • Next, melt the casting in a water bath. At this time, read a prayer to the Life-Giving Cross.
  • Now pour the liquid into a place where no one walks, and ask the Lord out loud that with this water all illnesses and grief will go away from the servant of God (name).
  • After this, say prayers of thanksgiving and wash thoroughly. cold water arms up to the elbows.

Remove damage to Epiphany

On Epiphany night, you can remove the damage yourself. To do this:

  • On the evening of January 19, undress and go to the bathroom. Write these words with a pen on paper:

Conspiracy for Epiphany
  • Standing under the shower, read these words 13 R
  • After reading, tear the sheet into small pieces so that it can be washed down the drain.

It has been proven that at Epiphany all water is Holy. Therefore, even water in the shower can wash away all the evil eye from you. After 13 days, not a trace of damage will remain.

How to remove damage to trade: practical magic

If damage is done for business, then in addition to the fact that you will feel bad, losses and problems cannot be avoided. There are especially many ill-wishers and competitors in trade.

So, read the following conspiracies:

It will also be effective to read the following two conspiracies. The first one is on a clear evening, and the second one is right at the workplace:

You can also independently remove the damage caused to your store if you hold half a glass of water in your left hand, move your right hand clockwise around it and say: “The water is clean, take away all the black evil spirits from my business. Amen".

Pour this water out at an intersection. It needs to be done when the moon is waning for 3 days in a row.

Removing damage from a cemetery

Most often, this type of damage needs to be removed if the damage itself was done there. But this method is quite effective for other types of guidance.

Damage is done in the cemetery because there is a very strong perception of magic here. Moreover, it is both destructive and healing.

Signs cemetery damage are:

  • Soil that you can find near the entrance or in a bag in any part of the house or yard.
  • Black bubbles and bad smell when checking for egg spoilage.

If you did not find the ground and were not tested with an egg, then it is also fashionable to determine the negative impact by the following signs:

  • Family problems
  • Feeling unwell
  • Nervousness
  • Fears
  • Nightmares at night

Most often in the cemetery they do damage to loneliness. When they ask three dead men for help. It is not so easy to remove it, because unknown spirits from the graves are constantly called upon to maintain the negativity.

  • On any even day of the month with a waning moon, find a closed cemetery and a forgotten grave.
  • Clear it of debris and weeds. But this must be done diligently and sincerely.
  • Place sweets on the grave and, crossing yourself three times, say:

For the next ritual:

  • Wear a white scarf on your head for 3 days without removing it.
  • Next, wipe your entire body with it and wrap it in white paper. While wiping, imagine that the scarf has absorbed all the negative energy.
  • Next, stand facing east in the cemetery and say: “I give my death to the one who gave it. I don’t take someone else’s, I take care of my own. Amen".
  • Throw the paper and handkerchief on the trash near the cemetery and leave without looking back.
  • Until you get home, you cannot talk to anyone, greet anyone, or even gesticulate. Take a shower at home.
  • For a week after this, pray in the temple and light candles near Saint Panteleimon and Jesus Christ.

Removing damage and the evil eye using sound extraction

This method involves the use of a session in which special frequencies are selected that draw out clots of magical influence formation. People with epilepsy and cardiovascular diseases, as well as those under narcotic or drunkenness It is contraindicated to watch this session. If nausea or dizziness occurs, viewing should be stopped.

Continue to view the material below. We hope that it will help you cope with your problem.

Video: Removing damage using sound extraction

How to remove damage from a workplace?

At work, a person can receive a lot of negative energy. This is due to the fact that it is influenced by the mood with which we go to work, the people who surround us, and our superiors. Negative people around you one way or another bring negativity into your life and piece by piece destroy your energy field.

To clear workplace from the negative:

  • Light a candle on your desktop. Try to ensure that no one comes to you while it is burning. If you do not have a separate office, then do this during your lunch break or weekend.
  • Place the silver item in water and leave the glass of water on your work desk for a couple of days.
  • Place or hang icons of Jesus Christ or your Guardian Angel on your desktop.

How to remove damage with holy water?

Holy water can cleanse a person from induced damage. Water blessed for:

  • Epiphany (January 19)
  • Epiphany Christmas Eve (January 18)
  • Meeting (February 15)
  • Apple Spas (August 19)

To get rid of damage, it is enough to sanctify a person with holy water and drink a little of it. Babies can also be washed and their heads moistened.

If the evil eye is strong, then pour a little holy water into the bathtub in a cross shape and take a bath. At this time, read “Our Father.” Do not be alarmed, you may experience bruises or a rash on your body - this is a sign that the damage is leaving you.

Damage has a destructive effect on the body and soul of a person. Do not succumb to evil - fight, using the above tips, and be healthy.

Video: Proofreading, cleansing prayer


Remember that holy water is not just a healing tincture that can be used at any time. Holy water should be used mindfully and reverently. If you want to wash saint water patient, you need to tell him about it. The effect is achieved only if a person understands and accepts what is happening. Take a small container with saint water, read a prayer over it and reverently rinse the patient’s face several times. If desired, the procedure can be accompanied by prayers and the sign of the cross, but this is not necessary.

Small children can also be washed saint water. If the child is very young, he still cannot understand the meaning of what is happening, but, of course, he will feel the grace and state of adults at the moment of ablution. Bath babies entirely in saint water is not recommended. After all, this procedure is not so much hygienic as spiritual, designed to cleanse the soul and body and wash away sins. Infant can be rinsed lightly saint water while saying a prayer. If the baby is already big and understands what is happening, explain to him that now he has to wash himself saint water. Children are usually very sensitive to grace. saint water and willingly undergo such ablutions.

Wash your face saint water you can do it yourself. Doesn't have special significance When exactly to do this: morning, afternoon or evening. It is important that this sacred ritual, designed to help you cleanse yourself of filth and sinful thoughts and actions, does not turn into an ordinary routine washing. Wash your face saint water it is necessary rarely, but to do it every time with special reverence and joy. After all, in this way you get closer to the Lord, accept his divine gift. Appreciate every drop saint water and treat the procedure of such ablution extremely carefully and responsibly.

Please note

If holy water has spoiled, you should not wash your face with it. Pour the remains into flowers or the nearest body of water, and also change the dishes in which they were stored or rinse them thoroughly.

Useful advice

Holy water can be used not only for ablutions, but also as a medicinal drink. You can take a few sips of holy water after reading a prayer to the Lord before doing so. Adding holy water to food is not recommended.

Perhaps every Orthodox believer keeps in his home a supply of holy water, which, according to religious legends, has unlimited healing power. Moreover, its effect increases in proportion to the faith of the parishioner. Orthodox Church treats daily washing with holy water positively, but does not force believers to do it. Meanwhile, the life of a true Orthodox parishioner cannot do without this pleasant and soul-beneficial ritual.

You will need

  • Holy water
  • Tap water
  • Bowl for ablution
  • Clean sponge

From our article you will learn what words you can use to speak holy water so that it heals and protects.

For many of us, water is just a source of quenching thirst. And, probably, only a few know that it is capable of healing from diseases, protecting from negative energy and soothe the soul. Of course, not all water has all these properties. In order for it to become life-giving, a church ritual must be performed over it. In view of this, if you want to stock up on holy water, then do it on Epiphany.

On this day, absolutely all liquid on our earth becomes healing. In addition, the priests strengthen her with their prayer, removing from her all the bad things that she has accumulated over the past year. With holy water you can carry out various rituals that will help you regain your health, attract good luck or get rid of bad habits. We will talk about how to do this correctly in our article.

Prayer for healing before taking holy water: text

Text of prayer for healing

As you probably already understood, holy water can save a person from many diseases. But in order for it to be able to expel illness from your body, you need to properly prepare your body for its use. This must be done, of course, with the help of Christian prayer. Before you take holy water, you must read a certain prayer over it three times.

By such actions you will cleanse your soul and further strengthen healing properties water. It is best to read such a prayer in front of the images, placing in front of you a glass filled with life-giving liquid. After reading the prayer, cross yourself three times, bow low to the images and slowly drink the holy water. During this process, try not to be distracted by worldly problems and worries and think only that now a liquid will enter your body that will expel the disease from you.

What does the full moon spell for holy water give?

Full moon spell

Everyone knows that the moon has enough strong energy. It has the strongest effect on water. And since human body Almost 80% consists of liquid, then on a full moon this celestial body simply begins to control our actions and thoughts. And that is why water charmed on the full moon has even greater healing and life-giving properties.

If you read a spell over it, and then place it on the window so that moonlight falls on it all the time, then the next day you will receive a liquid so energetically strong that you can solve almost any problem with its help. But still know that the power of the enchanted water will begin to decrease as the moon wanes. Therefore, it is advisable to use the liquid charmed on the full moon literally 2-3 days in advance.

Prayer for washing with holy water against the evil eye

Prayer when washing with holy water

Unfortunately, a person is not at all protected from the envy of others. The most unpleasant thing is that we may not even notice the negativity coming from another person, and we will quite calmly continue to communicate with him. And the closer our spiritual contact is, the greater the portion of negativity our body and soul will receive. If you begin to feel some kind of incomprehensible anxiety around a certain person, then it is likely that he has jinxed you. Holy water will help you get rid of this problem and protect yourself from the repeated evil eye.

If you wash your face with it before each time you leave the house, then no negativity can have even the slightest impact on you. Start washing your face with your eyes and then move on to your cheeks, chin and forehead. Wash yourself in a cross shape, as if drawing a church cross on your face. Accompany this entire process with the prayer given a little higher. If desired, you can repeat the procedure in the evening. This way you can get rid of the evil eye as quickly as possible.

Conspiracy against the evil eye on holy water and ritual

Conspiracy against the evil eye

Water has one feature that allows it to be used for certain rituals. Due to the fact that she absorbs information like a sponge, she can be talked into a specific action. If you want to get rid of the evil eye, then try the following ritual. First, take a herbal bath and then change into clean clothes. Pour holy water into a glass and cross it three times. Then stand in front of the icons and read the Lord’s Prayer. After these steps, you can proceed to charming the water.

While reading the plot, try to pronounce the name of the person who needs help as clearly as possible. When the water is charmed, give it to the person you asked to drink it. He should literally take three small sips and wash himself with the rest of the water. You need to wash your face the way we taught you at the beginning of our article. As soon as the ceremony is completed, return to the icons and thank God for his help.

Prayer for accepting prosphora and holy water

Prayer for accepting prosphora

You can buy a prosphora in a church shop, and then, after reading a prayer over it, give it to your family. According to generally accepted church rules, prosphora should be taken on an empty stomach. It is believed that under no circumstances should it come into contact with regular food in order to reduce all of it. useful qualities. It is washed down exclusively with holy water, so if you want to have the opportunity to take prosphora throughout the year, then try to stock up on it for Epiphany.

You must begin your prayer with a request for enlightenment of the mind, and only after that can you ask for the restoration of moral and physical strength. At the end of the prayer, be sure to ask the Almighty to deliver you from sinful temptations and guide you on the righteous path.

Holy water from three churches: for what?

The water from the three churches has a very strong energy

Holy water from three churches is enough a strong talisman capable of getting rid of the most serious diseases, as well as returning to a person peace of mind. In the old days it was also called three-ring. As a rule, they stocked it up for great Christian holidays, for the Epiphany of the Lord or for Easter. You need to take it from those different churches at the end of the festive service, and at home pour it all into one container.

But in order for the water to be truly three-ringed, you will have to find three temples located very close to each other. It is believed that water acquires healing qualities If church bells from one temple will be heard in the other two. Therefore, if you need holy water from three churches, then go to some holy place where many temples can be located in a small area. In this case, you can get healing three-ring water without any problems.

Conspiracy to trade and sell holy water

Conspiracy to trade and sell

I would like to say right away that the church does not approve of a person’s desire to get rich. Therefore, if you still decide to carry out this ritual, then be sure to go to the temple before performing it and make a small donation there, or simply go out into the street and help someone in need. After this, you can return home and read the spell over holy water. But keep in mind that in order for the water to absorb the necessary energy, it must be collected in a new glass.

If you pour it into an old cup covered with cracks, you are unlikely to be able to send the right energetic message. After the plot has been read, wash your face and hands with this water and let them dry naturally. If you dry your skin with a towel immediately after washing, you will simply wipe away the energy of money.

Holy water spell for love

Love spell

Love conspiracies are best read on the waxing moon. If you do everything correctly, then as the circle of the moon increases, your loved one’s feelings for you will increase. Besides this, you must have the right inner attitude. This means that you must be completely focused on your feelings and with all your heart desire to be reunited with your loved one. To enhance the effect of the properties of water, you can tie a red ribbon around the glass or put it on a photo of your chosen one.

If you don't have a photo of him, then try to imagine his face all the time. Read the plot three times, then cross yourself and leave the glass for several hours in front of the images. You will need to drink the charmed water yourself and discreetly give it to the object of your adoration. Try adding it to tea or compote, but under no circumstances force him to drink it. He must drink the charmed water in a good mood, otherwise the ritual will not give you a positive result.

Conspiracy against illness using holy water

Conspiracy against diseases

As already mentioned at the beginning of our article, properly charmed water can relieve many diseases. People who have tried this method on themselves claim that regular use of such a healing remedy even saved them from chronic ailments.

In view of this, if you also want to drive out illnesses from your body with the help of holy water, then just read above it correct conspiracy, and then take it internally or simply wash the sore spots with it. And of course, do not forget to pray to God every day and ask him for healing.

Holy water use treatment of female diseases

Conspiracy against female diseases

Holy water can help get rid of almost all female diseases. The best part is that it can be taken along with more traditional treatment without fear that it will harm the body even more. But in order for such treatment to be effective, certain rules must be followed. Before starting treatment, you must go to temple and repent of all your sins. You should also remember to pray to God every morning and evening and thank him for another day you have lived.

As soon as you feel that your soul has become calmer, start taking holy water. Drink it every morning on an empty stomach, after eating prosphora before that. Once in your stomach, these two products will literally immediately begin to fill your body with grace. You need to drink holy water until the disease completely disappears.

Conspiracy to work on holy water

Conspiracy to work

It is better to charm water for such a ritual during the period when the moon is growing. This time period is considered the best for attracting the necessary energy. You need to start chanting water on Saturday, because it is this day that helps people choose the right direction in life.

If for some reason you were unable to do this on Saturday, then perform the ritual on Wednesday. This day promotes rapid career growth and salary increases. It is best to start reading the plot with the first rays of the sun and this must be done as sincerely as possible.

Spell for holy water from fear

Conspiracy from fear

Young children, especially unbaptized ones, can be frightened by absolutely everything. A loud sound, a servant, or a barking dog can cause severe fright in children. The most unpleasant thing is that parents find out about this problem only when the baby goes to bed. Such children refuse to fall asleep and toss and turn and cry all the time. In view of this, if you do not want this problem to take you by surprise, then stock up on holy water and, if necessary, pray to it with a special prayer.

You can give this water to your baby to drink throughout the day or, if the baby is very small, wash him with it. Yes, and don’t say too much water at once. After all, although you perform the ritual over church water, the effect of the spell will begin to decrease after some time and you will have to prepare a new portion of the healing liquid. And since holy water cannot just be poured onto the street, it will be better if you pour out such an amount that you can use during the day.

Conspiracy for holy water from enemies

Conspiracy from enemies

This is how life works, but every person has his own personal enemy. Sometimes hostility arises literally empty space and begins to poison people's lives quite strongly. In case former friends or relatives cannot reconcile, we must look for a way to protect ourselves from this negativity. As in all previous methods, enchanted holy water will help you do this.

Once you read over it the right words she will immediately begin to put a barrier between you and the person who wishes you harm. And so that its protective properties are always with you, drink a couple of sips of this liquid before leaving the house. You can also use it to protect your home and car. To do this, you will simply need to recite the Lord's Prayer and then apply water in a cross pattern to the doors and windows of your property.

Holy water spell for drunkenness and alcoholism

Conspiracy against drunkenness

Drunkenness is considered a rather big sin, so if your loved one has such an addiction, then try to get rid of it as quickly as possible. To do this, take Epiphany water and read a prayer over it. Do all this in a peaceful environment without the presence of a person suffering from alcoholism. Pour water into a jar with an airtight lid, stand in front of the images, bend over it as low as possible and start whispering the words of the spell.

When saying the prayer, your lips should lightly touch the water. Read the plot three times, cross yourself and close the jar with a lid. Open it only when you are adding water to a sick person. If the charmed liquid runs out and your husband or brother does not recover, cast the next portion and continue adding it to food or drink.

Holy water spell for weight loss

Weight loss conspiracy

As you probably already understood, water can be used to get rid of various problems and ailments. But perhaps best of all, it helps fight excess weight. If you use it correctly and drink it regularly, your weight will gradually begin to decrease, and this process will occur with additional benefits for the body.

When enchanted water gets inside a person, it comes into close contact with all body fluids, thereby healing the entire body as a whole. In addition, holy water transfers the laid down program to our subconscious and the body gradually begins to lose extra pounds.

Conspiracies for holy water for pain

Conspiracy for pain

Headache is a rather unpleasant phenomenon that most often appears unexpectedly. Usually we fight this problem with pills and don’t even think about the harm they cause to our body. In view of this, if you want to get rid of headaches in a more useful way, then use holy water, preferably Epiphany water.

All you need to do in this case is simply speak to her with the spell, which is located a little higher. After you read the prayer, you only need to drink the liquid and lightly moisten your whiskey with it. If your belief is this folk remedy will be very strong, then for an hour headache will leave.

Holy water spell for money

Money plot

The symbol of money in nature is the moon, so it is best to charm water to attract finance during the full moon. You will need to spray your entire home with this water, especially the place where money is stored. This procedure must be repeated until a new moon appears in the sky.

From this moment you need to stop spraying and wait patiently for the result. If your financial situation has not improved, then on the full moon you will need to repeat the procedure again.

When do they draw crosses on their faces with holy water?

Sprinkling with holy water

Most often, crosses on the face are drawn with water on large church holidays. It is believed that holiday water has the most powerful energy, so if on this day you apply it crosswise on the face, the person will receive quite powerful protection.

Thanks to these invisible crosses, you will not be afraid of the evil eye, envy and simply human malice. Also, a cross on your face will help your soul avoid temptations that periodically appear in the life of every person.

Prayer for sprinkling a house with holy water

Prayer for sprinkling the house

If you wish, you can use holy water to rid your home of negative energy. To perform this ritual you will need Epiphany water, church candle And strong prayer. First, you will need to clean your home with a live candle flame. When this stage is completed, proceed to reading the prayer over the water. Read it at least 3 times, and then proceed to the process of sprinkling your house or apartment.

Try to sprinkle all rooms as thoroughly as possible, paying special attention to corners and storage areas. Since all the negative energy accumulates in these places, holy water must be applied here in two stages. First you will need to draw small crosses from bottom to top, and then seal them alone with a large one.

Video: Prayer. Cleansing the aura with prayers. Orthodox prayers

The evil eye is an additional burden that aggravates a person’s fate; anyone can fall under its influence, especially often it affects successful and beautiful people, as well as those whose protective energy is weakened.

Often the evil eye is involuntary, that is, a person does not try to bring evil, however, his thoughts are embodied in material form, bringing trouble. You can protect yourself from the evil eye, and it’s quite easy to get rid of it with the help of conspiracies.

Read a plot against the evil eye and damage on water for a child, for babies at bedtime

To remove the conspiracy from small child you can use holy water, which is spoken of by candlelight: Queen of Water, you are fleeing from the Kingdom of Heaven, the Paradise of the Lord, washing away all the sands and obstacles, wash away from the servant of God (name) the evil eye, the evil slander of an envious person, evil man, melancholy, dryness, all the ailments and illnesses. Amen.

How to get rid of the evil eye on a mirror

To remove the evil eye, you can use a small mirror and a glass of sweet water. The mirror is taken into left hand, and the water to the right. They take a sip of water and read the plot: everything that was taken away comes back to me, the evil done to me is locked in the mirror, the water is sweet and so is my life, I accept protection, I lock the gate. So be it. The procedure must be repeated 7 times, and then throw away the glass and put the mirror in a dark place.

Conspiracy against the evil eye on a needle

One of the most effective and simple amulets from the evil eye it is prepared in this way. Take a needle, thread a red thread into it and wrap it around the needle several times, at this moment you need to say: The needle is sharp and red, the thread will not let evil in, it will protect you from harm. So be it.

This amulet must be carried with you, for example, fastened to inside wallet, and not show it to anyone.

A pin can perform the same function; it must first be prepared with the help of a spell: From evil damage, from the machinations of the devil, from human infection, protect me with a pin.

Read spells against the evil eye for children on the water

To protect the child, you can use a simple technique by washing the baby daily and read the spell: Water from the crown, sorrow from the baby. Where it came from, it merged there. Whoever attacks a child with malice will return with cramps. Amen. Water must be drained onto the floor or ground.

A spell to remove the evil eye from a child with holy water

I speak to the water and wash it with water. I wash my face and use water to drive away the evil eye from you. Just as water is spilled on the ground, the evil eye is removed from your head and subsided from your entire body.

Read spells against the evil eye with matches at home

You can remove the evil eye with matches yourself. After sunset, you need to light a candle, place a jar of holy water and a box of nine matches in front of you. Matches are burned one by one and thrown into the jar, while the incantation is pronounced: Lord, help Thy servant (name). Heavenly blood, pure, save and save (name) from the black evil eye, from the evil eye, from the male, from the female, from slander, from negotiation, from the envious and hateful. Amen

The more matches drowned, the stronger the conspiracy.

The problem when a loved one suddenly stopped calling has tormented lovers since the advent of the telephone. “Perhaps you forgot my phone number,” ...

The article presents practical advice, which must be used thoughtfully, since all actions can have unpleasant consequences. Conspiracies...

Almost every person has heard about the evil eye, and of course, no one would want to become its victim. However, unfortunately, no one is immune from negative types of energy impacts. If the influence of evil spells has already affected you or someone from your family, try using a spell against the evil eye - a remedy whose effectiveness was tested by our distant ancestors.

The evil eye is understood as the direct impact of negative energy on a person, occurring at the information level and leading to a violation of his energy protection. Unlike another type of negative witchcraft effect - damage, the evil eye has a weaker effect on the victim.

The evil eye, most often, occurs unconsciously - when a stream of information containing a negative message is directed at a person: it can be praise, a compliment made with bad thoughts, with envy.

The result of this negative impact is bad luck and failure - they literally begin to follow the victim on his heels. It also quite often causes serious damage to health, in which drug treatment turns out to be useless.

The victim does not always feel the evil eye immediately. If a person is filled with positive energy, his body is in good tone, at first he may resist negative impact. But over time, the disease makes a hole in the biofield of its victim, through which his (her) vital energy begins to flow.

The spell against the evil eye is simple, but very powerful tool, capable of overcoming alien negativity. Types of this magical ritual there is a huge variety, but you need to perform it only with firm confidence in the presence of the evil eye on yourself, or on a loved one.

Signs of the evil eye

How to diagnose the presence of the evil eye? This negative impact manifests itself through a number of signs. They are:

  • sudden deterioration in health and well-being. A person may experience general malaise, weakness, frequent headaches and dizziness, the nature of which cannot be explained by a doctor.
  • depression, apathy and indifference to everything;
  • insomnia, nightmares with increased realism, waking up in a cold sweat;
  • troubles and failures covering all areas of the victim’s life;
  • sudden and causeless disruption of all plans;
  • deep feeling of guilt.

The presence of one or more of the above symptoms is likely to be evidence of the evil eye, but not always. It is possible to determine for sure that a person has been negatively affected by performing special magical rituals.

Ritual for identifying the evil eye

There are many techniques that help to identify the evil eye on a person. I will describe the simplest and most accurate.

Ritual with a candle

The ritual is quick and effective, but requires outside help (it’s better to trust your family or to a loved one, who definitely doesn’t wish you harm). It is also necessary to prepare a candle - preferably a church candle, but, in extreme cases, you can get by with an ordinary one. The essence of the ritual:

  1. Actions of a potential victim: sit on a chair, keep your back and head straight.
  2. Assistant actions: bring a lit candle to the victim’s head and move it clockwise, observing the result.
  3. Evaluation of results: comes from the candle black smoke- explicit presence of the evil eye; Melting wax (paraffin) also turns black - a sign of damage.

This ritual can also perform the functions of a spell against the evil eye and can be used instead. To remove the disease, the candle that was used for diagnosis needs burn in open fire (stove, fireplace), or Melt it completely and throw away the rest.

Do-it-yourself ritual with matches

This independent ritual, used to diagnose the evil eye, also acts as a means to eliminate negative effects.

  1. Preparation for the ceremony: sit at sunset at the table, place in front of you glass clean, put next to box of matches, 9 matches remove from box and set aside.
  2. Contents of the ritual: take one match set aside, light it, holding it in front of your face and looking at its combustion, pronounce the spell against the evil eye: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Heavenly pure blood, save and preserve God's Servant (God's Servant)(your name) from everyone evil eye, from bad times, from masculine and feminine, from childish and joyful, from slander and hate, from negotiation and evil. Amen (3 times)!” After waiting until the flame of the match reaches the fingers of the performer, lower the match into the water. Do the same actions with all 9 matches (as a result, the plot is whispered 9 times).
  3. Evaluation of results. Count the number of sunken matches: not a single one sankthere is no evil eye; 1-4 matches sanklight form, which was removed using the ritual performed; 5-9 matches underwaterstrong evil eye, requiring repetition of this ritual the next day. If, after repeating the ritual, there are no fewer sunken matches, it means that you need to perform a more powerful ritual against the evil eye, or turn to a professional magician for help.
  4. Completion of the ritual. Without removing the matches from the glass, take one sip of water from 4 sides of the glass with the words: “God help, God forbid. Amen" . Throw the remaining water and matches outside together - through the threshold of the house, or out of the window.

The best rituals and conspiracies to remove the evil eye

The ancient method “Grandmother Salomonidas”

This is an ancient powerful ritual that is used even. The character of the conspiracy—grandmother Salomonida—was a powerful ancient healer who knew how to heal people from all types of negative witchcraft. The text of the spell was first published in the 15th century, and it is successfully used in modern magical practice.

If a spell against the evil eye is used for oneself, then its text should be read in absolute solitude and darkness, if for another person, then in his presence. Conspiracy text:

“In the east there is a great sea, a deep sea, a wide sea. There is a great island in the middle of that sea, on it there is a stone church. There is a holy throne made of pure stone in that church, and grandmother Salomonida sits on it. God's servant (name) will come to that island in the middle of the blue sea, approach the golden throne and grandmother Salomonida, who swaddled Jesus Christ himself, wrapped a silk belt around Him, and threw an incorruptible robe over His body. Grandma Salomonida, take everything off God’s servant (name) evil eyes Yes, commotion, all the damage, night and day, morning and evening, midnight and mid-baptism. Just as one fist cannot hold water, so the evil eye on God’s servant (name) cannot hold. How gray goose swims in the water and comes out, shakes off the drops and remains dry, so the evil eye and commotion from God’s servant (name) will dry up and go away. Just as the dew dries on the morning grass, so the evil eye and commotion will dry on God’s servant (name). Just as fire goes out from water, so the power of the evil eye will go out and go away. Evil eyes and commotion, you go beyond the dark forests, into the black mud, where not a single person walks, no horse passes, where dogs don’t run, where birds don’t fly. Go into the quicksand swamps, into the green moss - find yourself there and remain forever. What is said will come true. Amen (3 times)!”

For milk

One of effective rituals to eliminate the evil eye. To complete this you will need: cow's milk, red candle, glass container, metal utensils, regular sponge. The ritual is performed after sunset daylight, alone. Performer's procedure:

  1. Pour the milk into a glass container, place it on the table, and place a lit red candle next to it.
  2. Take a sponge and soak it in milk, wipe your face and neck with it and say: “White milk cleanses me. I am cleansing myself from evil. White milk revitalizes the skin. I am reborn in the light. Amen!" Repeat all steps 2 more times (for a total of 3 repetitions).
  3. After the third repetition, you need to light a fire in a metal container and burn a sponge in it with the words: “As the black dirt from my skin burns in the fire, so the black evil will burn in it, the lock does not hang on me.”.
  4. You can blot your face and neck with a napkin, which then also needs to be burned. You should also burn the candle stubs. The remaining milk must be poured under any tree.

After the ritual, do not wash your face for 2-3 hours.

Conspiracy against the evil eye on water for washing

A person affected by negativity should wash himself with the spoken water. The text sounds like this:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen! Earthly king, sea ​​king, heavenly king, have mercy and save God's servant(name of the victim) from an evil eye and a dashing person. Amen!"

To holy water

This spell against the evil eye is whispered into holy water taken from the temple. The spoken water is used daily for morning and evening. Text:

“Lord God, bless all the Orthodox people and me. Holy Mother of God, take this water and wash away all the lessons and insults from me. Let this holy water wash away from me all the envious eyes and all the hateful glances, the gazes of women and men. Promised, thought, fortune told, forged, stuck on, whispered, let the holy water take away all the envy from God's servant(name of victim). What is said will come true. Amen (3 times)!”

In addition to washing, it is necessary to spray the clothes and bed of the person affected by the evil eye, all the corners and walls in his home, and his work place with the charmed water.

Another way, watch the video:

Self-Evil Eye

In addition to the usual evil eye caused by strangers, there is also a phenomenon called self-evil eye For example, it can arise if a person rejoices at some successful accomplishment, is cured of an illness, or simply praises himself for something.

To eliminate the self-evil eye, there is a special conspiracy, which is pronounced in front of the mirror. The performer must look at his reflection and hold a lit candle in his hands. The words are spoken three times:

“Mirror world, take the cursed evil eye, plant it with you, hold it tightly, don’t let it go anywhere and don’t bring it back.”

After pronouncing the spell three times, you need to put the candle on the windowsill and let it burn out completely. The cinders need to be thrown away or buried.

If a child has been jinxed

Young children often fall victim to the evil eye. The children's biofield (especially in children under 7 years old) is more vulnerable and is easily subject to negative influence. Newborn babies are the most defenseless against the influence of the evil eye. Therefore, immediately after the birth of a new family member, parents must take certain measures that will help protect the child:

  • try not to show your newborn child to anyone before baptism. A baptized child receives his personal Guardian Angel, who will protect him from all evil and bad influences;
  • you cannot admire or look for a long time at a sleeping baby - the restriction also applies to the parents themselves;
  • It is advisable to say the prayers “Our Father” and “Hail to the Virgin Mary” over a sleeping baby, and also baptize him more often;
  • Any person should not be allowed to praise the baby. If this does happen, you should force the one who praised to immediately spit.

If the baby still cannot be protected from the evil eye, special spells will help the parents. It is better to read them to your own mother or godmother.

On the water

You need to wash the child and pour this water onto the ground or floor, saying:

“Water from the crown, sorrow from the baby. Where it came from, it merged there. Those who attack the child with anger will return with writhing. Amen!"

For water and salt

Pour 3 pinches of salt into the water, saying in a whisper:

“Light Father and Mother of God, help me, from God’s servant (from God’s babyfor children under 7 years old) (child's name) remove the evil eye. Amen!"

It is necessary to wash the child with this water. You cannot use a towel - the water itself must dry on the skin.

Smoke plot on a pin

This spell removes the evil eye and also performs a protective function. For the ritual, you need to prepare new needles and needles (preferably from juniper) - they must first be washed and dried. Place the pine needles in a metal bowl, light it with a match, and wait for strong smoke to appear. In this smoke you need to hold a pin and pronounce the spell:

“Black smoke, protect, protect from trouble, drive away anger, guard(child’s name) stand up.”

A pin charmed in smoke should be attached to the inside of the child’s clothing - opposite the heart area.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card: