The concepts of extrovert and introvert. Introvert - who is it? Famous people of this type include

Each person - with his own knowledge, skills, habits, positive and negative traits. But, regardless of this, scientists managed to identify two psychotypes from a number of factors manifested in people’s behavior, namely: introverts and extroverts.

The history of the appearance of the terms “introvert” and “extrovert”

Since 1755 in English dictionaries the concepts of “introvert” and “extrovert” were present. However, they appeared in scientific circles at the beginning of the 20th century thanks to the Swiss psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung, a student of Sigmund Freud.

In his book "Psychological Types" he gave detailed description each of them. Fundamental was the human libido. Unlike Freud, Jung included in this concept not only the sexual aspect, but also behavior, human needs in various life situations.

Based on this, introverts (from the Latin intro - inside) are people whose vital energy is turned inward. For them, personal inner peace is of great importance. Extroverts (from the Latin extra - out, outside), on the contrary, receive a charge of energy by directing emotions to the outside world.

Personal qualities of an introvert and an extrovert

The world around us is interesting and diverse. Often geographical places, events or objects carry different energies. People are no exception. Every person at least once in his life has experienced an unconscious feeling of lightness and sympathy, or, conversely, restraint and tension when communicating with unfamiliar people. When communicating, people subconsciously look for common ground with the interlocutor, trying to find their type, and having found it, they are drawn to it.

Already from the first years of life, the child manifests pronounced features character. Over time the pressure environment and upbringing make their own adjustments, smoothing out or sharpening the initially inherent features. But, despite this, at its core, a person remains what he was born with - an extrovert or an introvert.

If we talk about internal work body, then these types differ even in the activity of blood circulation in the brain. After lengthy research, scientists have found that in extroverts, blood circulation is more active in the areas of the brain responsible for sensory and emotional experiences. And in introverts, circulatory activity occurs in the area responsible for planning.

Qualities that characterize an introvert:

  1. Modesty;
  2. Shyness;
  3. Love of solitude (they have few friends, however, in friendship they show devotion);
  4. Control of internal emotions and dislike of strong impressions;
  5. Lack of aggression;
  6. The desire for an orderly life;
  7. Pessimism in some cases;
  8. Integrity. They are not inclined to go against their inner beliefs; if circumstances force them, they worry a lot.

In turn, extroverts correspond to:

  1. Openness and friendliness;
  2. Sociability and courtesy;
  3. Activity and assertiveness;
  4. Communication skills;
  5. Risk-taking (actions are carried out under the impression of a specific moment);
  6. Incontinence and predisposition to aggressive behavior.

According to Jung, extroverts are more impulsive than introverts. They spend their energy outside. Even in the struggle to defend interests, the decisive role is played by external conditions. They are inclined to change their decision if it is necessary for their environment. If there is a choice - to communicate or be alone with themselves, they will most likely choose the first. They do not like to think for a long time, but prefer to act.

Introverts, on the other hand, are non-impulsive. They plan their actions and control their emotions. Great value they give ethical and moral standards, avoid fun companies, preferring privacy. Actions and deeds are dictated by personal judgments, and not by the opinions of others. An introvert has few close people, but with those they have, they have strong and long-term relationships.

The simplest tests for those who want to quickly determine what type of temperament they belong to:

  1. What will you do in a crisis situation? Extroverts react instantly, quickly putting themselves on alert, while introverts tend to think about the situation.
  2. Extroverts prefer active recreation among people, and introverts feel refreshed after passive time alone.

Types and subtypes of introverts

If people were divided into only two psychotypes, it would not be so interesting. It is impossible to say unambiguously that a person belongs to one of the types. The main traits correspond to introversion or extroversion, but in different life situations, qualities of the opposite type may appear in a person. In addition, there are no pronounced extroverts or introverts; psychologists divide each personality type into subtypes.

It is customary to divide introverts into two main types - sensory and intuitive, but each of them, for a more accurate description, has its own clarifying subgroups.

Characteristics of introverts of the sensory subtype:

  • love clarity in everything;
  • put exact questions and want short answers;
  • they want to see real results in their work;
  • prefer to work with facts rather than theories;
  • focus on one thing;
  • are not inclined to indulge in memories and dreams about the future;
  • easily delve into details, but have a poor understanding of the big picture;
  • They prefer to solve their problems on their own.

Logical-sensory introverts include people who have logical thinking and usefully applying their knowledge in practice. They love order in everything, create comfort with love and do not tolerate it when someone disturbs it. They are intolerant of criticism, love power, know how to lead and keep everything under control.

Ethical-sensory introverts are emotional people who understand and feel those around them well. These types of personalities manifest themselves as creative artists in everything. Sometimes they are quick-tempered, but they try to resolve controversial situations peacefully. I don't mind having fun in a noisy company. In a team they do not impose their opinions, but with loved ones they are often demanding.

The main characteristics of an introvert of the intuitive subtype:

  • without focusing on one thing, he tries himself in several at the same time;
  • future events are more interesting for him than the present;
  • does not delve into details well, for him detailing is a boring activity;
  • covers general issues with ease, but has difficulty covering detailed ones;
  • spends money easily and with pleasure.

Logical-intuitive introverts are theorists who carefully analyze all phenomena, seeking to classify objects, people, and events. Having logically substantiated new ideas, they are not able to implement them. They treat others objectively and kindly, sometimes overly trustingly. They are not very emotional in communication, so they may seem a little cold. In fact, they are not inclined to waste energy and strength on emotions.

It is difficult for a logical-intuitive introvert to do uninteresting work, as well as to switch from something he has started to another. It’s hard for him to be in a team where strict rules and an authoritarian leader. In work and in life situations, everything is calculated with a cold mind. Doesn't start work if he doesn't see any prospects. In crisis situations, he shows composure and determination.

An ethical-intuitive introvert is always susceptible to emotions. He easily gets carried away; without finishing one task, he takes on another. He is inherently drawn to new knowledge, especially in the humanities. Such people are charming and pleasant to others. Their behavior is unpredictable, as it depends on their mood. They gladly exchange vigorous activity for solitude, where they prefer to reflect and gain strength.

They cannot organize their work schedule on their own, so they require the guidance of others.

If mistakes are pointed out correctly and kindly, a person of this type can be easily controlled. He perceives the unethical behavior of his acquaintances painfully and may stop all communication with them.

In world history, introverts are found both among political leaders (Abraham Lincoln, Elizabeth II, Mahatma Gandhi, Winston Churchill), and among scientists (Charles Darwin, Albert Einstein) and artists (Walt Disney, Harrison Ford, Steven Spielberg).

Types of extroverts

Ethical-sensory extroverts are sociable, emotional, and open in expressing feelings. On the one hand, these are good character traits, but on the other hand, excessive emotionality leads to the fact that the mood can constantly change. Such people find it difficult to hide their emotions, and they clearly express their attitude towards others.

By nature, people with this type of personality are optimists, but they endure failures and unfulfilled hopes very painfully, sometimes even with nervous breakdowns. They manage their time irrationally, plan a lot but do little, in a hurry when deadlines are pressing.

Difficult character traits:

  • too emotional;
  • after the accumulation of negative emotions they easily explode;
  • trying to do several things at once;
  • cannot manage their time;
  • don't like to wait;
  • They are wasteful and buy unnecessary things.

Logical-sensory extroverts are distinguished by their determination, high efficiency, and desire to achieve goals. People of this type have unconventional thinking, can find a solution to a complex problem, and bring the matter to the end. They are a support for their family, for their loved ones - true friend. They love humor in communication and adore feasts. In relationships, keeping promises is valued.

Difficult character traits:

  • in a dispute they can be harsh and hot-tempered;
  • rarely admit they are wrong;
  • try to express their opinion on all issues;
  • criticism can make them rage.

Intuitive-ethical extroverts are endowed with artistry, they improvise in any situation, and do not like to plan something. In relationships with the opposite sex, they tend to flirt in words, but not in deeds. They are responsive to others, in trouble they try to help and find a way out of a difficult situation.

Intuitive-logical extroverts like to actively defend their opinions. They do not recognize restrictions on their freedom, subordination to someone else's will. They defend their interests loudly, actively and emotionally. They show democracy in communication. They try to help others in some way, sometimes, due to their inability to refuse, they end up tied into relationships. They have consistent tastes and love comfort.


  • subject to mood swings;
  • if they don't receive positive emotions, fall into apathy;
  • in an excited state, their thoughts overtake their words, so they speak too quickly and confusingly;
  • often absent-minded, may lose small things;
  • like to command others, to urge them on during work;
  • take on several tasks at the same time;
  • they like to interfere in disputes, behaving unceremoniously.

Extroverts include many historical figures involved in military and political activity(Julius Caesar, Lenin, Stalin, Napoleon Bonaparte, Peter I, Khrushchev), practical scientists (Nikolai Amosov, Ivan Pavlov, Sergei Korolev, Svyatoslav Fedorov.

Suvorova Nadezhda

Have you noticed that some people are happy to make contact, are easy-going, and open to new ideas and achievements. And others, on the contrary, lead a secluded life, rarely share their emotions, them.

Who are introverts and extroverts? These are the psychotypes of personality that Carl Gustav Jung first spoke about. Thanks to him, a theory emerged about personality types that are opposite to each other: extroverts and introverts. Through numerous observations and experiments, Jung divided people into two categories: introverts and extroverts.

Carl Jung believed that extroverts or introverts are born, and do not become during life. Modern psychologists agree with this.

How to determine what kind of person: an introvert or an extrovert?

So, you set out to find out what they are, introvert and extrovert? Which personality type am I? By characteristic features It is quite possible to determine a person’s personality type; fortunately, there are tests on the Internet and psychological literature to determine the psychotype. There are not many questions in them, they do not require knowledge of this science. Respond to statements by agreeing or disagreeing. Then, based on the data received, calculate the number of points and see the answer.

How to find out who you are - an introvert or an extrovert - without tests? Think how do you behave in an unexpected situation or when someone stands in front of you difficult task. If you act immediately, no matter whether you have a plan or not, then you are an extrovert. If you start the process by thinking and choosing a solution, then you are an introvert.

But it's also worth knowing that The division between extrovert and introvert is very arbitrary. You may be a pronounced extrovert or an introvert with the visual characteristics of an extrovert. To try to find out what your psychotype is, we advise you to familiarize yourself with the features of each of them. This will help solve problems that you encounter in life and don’t know what to do with them.

What does personality type depend on?

As noted above, the psychotype is given to us from birth. If there are only introverts in the family, then the child will inherit personality traits parents. But there is a theory that says that over time, an introvert acquires the traits of an extrovert and vice versa.

Introverts are quite reserved individuals.

This is due to the fact that certain life conditions dictate norms of behavior for us. For example, a person who is sociable in life finds work from home. Gradually he gets used to a measured and leisurely lifestyle and finds positive aspects in it.

An interesting question is also Who are more numerous – introverts or extroverts? It is unlikely that anyone will be able to give you an answer to this question, because: firstly, as mentioned above, the division into introverts is sometimes very arbitrary; secondly, what is the probability of conducting a “census” of the entire globe?

Who is an extrovert?

This personality type prefers to be a leader and attract attention. By evoking emotions in others, and not always positive ones, he gains energy. You rarely find such people alone, but sometimes they also need solitude. Knowing who an extrovert is, you can easily find him common language.

Characteristics of an extrovert:

Interested in the external, not the internal world.
He is sociable, impulsive, even hot-tempered.
Constantly attracts attention.
A good speaker and leader.
Loves noisy companies.
Takes on many things at once, but does not complete them.
He has many friends and acquaintances.

An extrovert does not like to be bored, so he makes everyone around him happy.

Speaking about extroverts, I would like to add that they can be... They are easily deceived by showing sympathy. Since extroverts demand the maximum from others, they go to great lengths to achieve this.

In the majority such people are very superficial, they are not interested in the essence of the matter, and only the process where they can show their leadership and oratorical qualities is important. Of course, this does not apply to all representatives of the psychotype, but to many of them.

Who is an introvert?

To understand who an introvert is, you need to familiarize yourself with his personality traits and understand where he gets his strength from.

Key Traits of an Introvert:

Receives energy from inner world, feeding on experienced emotions and impressions.
Doesn't feel good in big company and doesn't like loud noise. An introvert feels like there is too much going on around them.
More often, an introvert chooses a creative profession.
He does not feel comfortable being the center of attention; he is more comfortable in the role of an observer.
Well developed imagination.
An introvert does not like group activities and team games, his performance increases when he depends on himself.

An introvert's circle of friends is limited to one or two, but he has no shortage of communication.

These character traits do not mean that an introvert is an absolutely unsociable and wild person. Such individuals are very cultured and balanced, they have a creative and entrepreneurial spirit, they can be quite talkative if the conversation touches on a related topic.

Types of extroverts and introverts

Dividing people into two psychological camps would be illogical, because everyone is a unique personality with their own set of qualities. That's why psychologists have identified types of extroverts and introverts, to make it easier to navigate them.

Types of extroverts:

Ethical-sensory. Very emotional and open type. He sincerely expresses his likes and dislikes, and can easily offend or be offended himself. At the same time, he is very worried about failures and criticism. Often puts things off until the last minute.
Intuitive-ethical. A person with artistic abilities and leadership qualities. He does not manage people, but directs them in the right direction to reveal potential opportunities. Loves to flirt, but often does not allow further relationships to develop. Has a narrow circle of close people and is monogamous in love.
Logical-sensory. A goal-oriented personality type who likes to achieve goals, sometimes in unconventional ways. He has a good sense of humor, has a positive attitude towards people, but always vehemently defends his point of view. Plans actions in advance and does not waste time on trifles.
Intuitive-logical. Emotional type. Doesn't like to obey and accept other people's opinions. But he is friendly and responsive. He tries to bring maximum comfort and freedom into his life.
Sensory-logical. The motto is “Strength is the most important thing in the world.” At the same time, victory is even more important. Has excellent taste. Good organizer. Communicates easily and intimately. Traditional in terms of choosing strategies (in work, personal life). Characteristic changes in mood up to rudeness.
Logical-intuitive. Tries to spend his time efficiently. Energetic and cool-headed. A good organizer and forecaster. It is difficult to cope with everyday life. Loves to travel and overcome obstacles. Open in communication, does not like rumors.
Sensory-ethical. Tends to manipulate people to achieve fame and power. Purposeful. Takes care of loved ones and his home, loves to cook. Divides people into “us” and “strangers”. Does not think through the problem in detail, which, combined with increased energy, leads to inaccuracies and poorly completed work.
Ethical-intuitive. They love emotions and drama, without which life is meaningless. Has strong intuition and artistic vision. Has a changeable character, reaching the point of tyranny in relations with family. Does his job thoroughly.

Ethical-sensory extrovert - a very emotional and open personality type

Types of introverts:

Ethical-sensory. Morality and morality are extremely important things for him. Emotional, but does not give them an outlet. Neatist in highest degree, he is always surrounded by cleanliness and order. Intuition is not developed. Distrustful. Works conscientiously, but not effectively.
Intuitive-ethical. Dreamer, loves to fantasize. Works according to your mood. Sees right through people. Does not show initiative, but is easily led. Unable to run a household or household.
Logical-sensory. Life is a system with its own rules that must be followed. Loves collecting. Diligent in his work, he starts with the main thing, “retouching” the little things at the end. Purposeful and demanding of himself and other people. Feels his needs, but intuition is not developed.
Intuitive-logical. The goal in life is to find your place. A critic and skeptic by nature. Well developed intuition. Emotionally unstable: unexpected breakdowns for oneself and others may occur. Open in communication with friends and family, he can be harsh and offend, although he tries to be polite. Loves coziness and comfort.
Sensory-logical. This type tries not to show his emotions. Strives for harmony in all areas of life. Scrupulous and meticulous in his work. This type’s intuition is poorly developed; he always double-checks the information received, not trusting the sources.
Logical-intuitive. He gets into the essence of things as deeply as possible. Has an analytical mind. Meticulous, neat, punctual. Intuition is well developed. Loves intellectual communication and keeps his distance.
Sensory-ethical. In the life of this type, comfort and pleasure are important. Avoids negativity. Sociable, good referee in disputes. He quickly gets carried away and also quickly switches to a new task, so he does poor quality work. The future is not important, only the present matters.
Ethical-intuitive. Respects traditions, values ​​moral standards and harmony in relationships. Extremely emotional. He has good intuition, which is why he is careful. Does not tolerate violence in any form. Doesn't know how to manage everyday life.

A sensory-logical introvert tries not to show his emotions

If you treat with understanding the characteristics of each personality type, you can correct shortcomings and develop advantages.

Why know your psychotype?

So why know your psychotype and how to use it? Having analyzed the advantages and disadvantages that characterize you, you will avoid mistakes, achieve results and choose a path in life, in which you will become as useful as possible. It’s so wonderful to find a job you love, surround yourself with true people and pursue a hobby that brings you joy.

Basic knowledge of psychology will help you better find a common language with others. By observing people, you will understand what type of personality they are.

How to communicate with extroverts?

Give him compliments and praise in public.
Listen to the end.
Extroverts love surprises.
Don't belittle him.
Talk and show that he likes you.

How to communicate with introverts?

Do not violate personal space.
Don't rush.
Don't compromise or force.
Don't interrupt when he's speaking.
Respect the right to be alone.
Chat with him alone.

The main rule in friendship and communication with both personality types is not to try to change them.

No person will like it if they start putting pressure on him.

Careers of introverts and extroverts

Most of our time is taken up by work. Therefore, it is important to find a place where you can express yourself, feel comfortable and in demand. To find out which professions are right for you, consult the recommendations of psychologists who will reveal a lot of new and interesting things.

Knowing your psychotype, you can choose an effective and interesting job

What professions are suitable for extroverts?

Teacher or educator.
Leader or assistant.
Recruitment specialist.
Guide, tour guide.
Toastmaster, presenter, artist.
Police officer.

What professions are suitable for introverts?

Accountant, financier.
Writer, scientist.
IT specialist.
Artist, photographer.
Veterinarian, trainer, plant breeder.

This is far from full list professions. But it will help you navigate your choice. Be based not only on it, but also on personal preferences. After all, not every extrovert has artistic abilities, but introverts have artistic abilities.

Personal life of extroverts and introverts

As you may have guessed, you should also choose your soul mate based on your personality’s psychotype. Moreover, this happens in most cases unconsciously; our subconscious tells us what to pay attention to and what is better to avoid.

Introverts in love, as in life, are calm and reasonable. They prefer a peaceful pastime (dinner by candlelight, watching a movie at home). But if an introvert is in love, then he is capable of accomplishing a feat. It takes a lot of effort to win over an introvert., but they will pay off. You will get a loyal and loving person.

Extroverts, despite their love for noisy companies, prefer to spend time alone with their loved ones. They are faithful, but sometimes they make you jealous. This happens not because the extrovert craves new adventures, but because of the need for attention, including from the opposite sex.

Ideal couples psychologists consider unions of extroverts and introverts.

For many women an introverted husband is ideal, because he loves to listen. What girl doesn't like to talk? If there is a quarrel between you, then you should not put pressure on your introverted partner; he needs time to think and decide what to do next.

If you have chosen an extrovert as your spouse, then you will not get bored with him. Such people love to lead an active lifestyle and will teach you to live it. Don’t think that you can’t rely on an extrovert: he values ​​relationships, just like an introvert, and doesn’t choose the first person he meets; he values ​​sincerity, simplicity and good character in people.


Many people wonder about the question, who am I and why am I here? Psychology can help answer this question, although, of course, it is not precise. In any case, the choice is always yours. To live life easier and feel happy, it is important to study yourself, to know what type of personality you belong to. Even such seemingly small things can make your life easier and fill it with new colors: it will be easier for you to decide on the choice of job, partner, hobby.

January 26, 2014

As the psychiatrist believed, these are people with different vectors of direction of vital energy. The first are oriented outward, to the world of others; the second (these are introverts) - inside themselves.

More than a hundred years have passed since then, and the concept of “introvert” has acquired many interpretations, interpretations and additional meanings. Let's try to figure out what kind of person this is and what types of introverts there are.

Inside yourself - to the outside world

Speaking about introverts, we, of course, will have to touch on the opposite end of the scale, so first of all we will define all types. So, introverts, extroverts, ambiverts - who are they? To summarize as much as possible, everything can be explained using binary oppositions:

  • Plans - improvises.
  • He listens and speaks.
  • Secluded - interacts.
  • Self-sufficient - needs others.
  • Limits contacts - expands contacts.

The first words in each pair are a characteristic of an introvert, the second - respectively, his antipode. An ambivert is a cross between the two types.

The tendency towards introversion or extraversion can also be defined as a different type to environmental conditions. Introverts turn inwards from this environment, while extroverts, on the contrary, strive towards it.

By the way, as recent research by neuroscientists shows, the attraction to one or another pole is explained by physiological reasons. The cerebral cortex of introverts is constantly in a state of greater arousal than that of the opposite type.

That is, the former need a smaller amount of external stimuli to stimulate it, and the latter, accordingly, more. Therefore, an introverted person prefers to restore strength alone or, in extreme cases, in the circle of loved ones, while an extrovert “recharges” in society.

Consequently, it is unlikely that you will be able to radically change your psychotype. And is it worth it? Of course, if, say, due to his duty, an introvert has to talk a lot or speak in public, he will be able to do this - he will be able to “put on the mask” of an extrovert, but then he will need peace and solitude to recuperate.

It’s better to learn how to get the most out of your features. And that means questions like “How to stop being an introvert?” shouldn't even arise. Let others take their place: “What advantages of introverts will be especially useful in my profession?” For extroverts, it would be useful to think about how to communicate with an introvert so that he feels comfortable, and not try to remake him for himself.

Unfortunately, trying to remake introverts is a given modern world. Simple test. Here is a description of two people. Which of them would you rather call successful? Active, energetic, loves to be the center of attention, easily makes new acquaintances, strives for leadership, and is not afraid to promote himself?

Or calm, preferring to be in the shadows, focused on his inner thoughts, thoughtfully and carefully completing the task at hand? It will not be surprising if the majority answer that the first person is successful, that is, an extrovert. The traits of an introvert may seem more appropriate for a humble performer who does not have extraordinary abilities, but this is not the case.

Introverted children cause concern for parents: they are too shy and quiet, an introverted teenager is often seen by classmates as an unsociable beech... As they grow older, new problems arise - for example, when trying to start a romantic relationship. Let's say an introverted man will doubt for a very long time before admitting his feelings.

It's time to stop changing introverts, you need to learn to accept them: respect their personal space, do not demand excessive social activity, give them time to think and make decisions. In addition, each character trait can be presented both as positive and negative - it all depends only on the angle of view.

For example, introverts tend to be slow or... distinguished by their thoroughness and are able to fully concentrate on the task at hand. And it’s easy to imagine the outgoing nature of extroverts as frivolity and superficiality in their relationships with people.


In addition to the fact that introversion itself can be expressed weaker or stronger in a person, it can also be of different types.

If we return to Jung again, then in addition to the division on the basis of extraversion/introversion, the psychiatrist distinguished types of personality according to the predominance of the so-called mental function: sensation, thinking, feeling or intuition. For the thinking type, the main thing is logic and intellect, for the sensing type - practical application and benefit for the sensual - emotional state your own and those around you, for the intuitive - ideas and self-expression.

Accordingly, many combinations are possible: a thinking introvert, an intuitive extrovert, and so on, and so on... This classification underlies the well-known division into socionic types. You can often find slightly different sounding formulations. For example, an emotional introvert is an introvert with a predominance of the feeling function.

But there is another typology. It is completely new (it was first presented to the scientific community in 2011), but has already received large number positive feedback and interested not only psychologists, but also ordinary people. She was suggested American professor psychology Jonathan Cheek.

So, according to Chick, there are four types of introversion: social, thoughtful, reserved and anxious.

A social introvert is a person who generally feels the need to be among his own kind, but just to be, and not to actively interact with them. This type works better individually, rather than in a team. Among a small group of close people, he may even be the life of the party. But being a member of this select circle is not so easy: a social introvert is very selective in his contacts.

A thoughtful introvert attaches great importance to the internal work that his consciousness does every day: for him, it is more real than the life around him. Thoughts, feelings, experiences, observations, constant analysis of all this... They often say about such people that they live in own world. Artist, writer, designer and other creative professions are perfect for thoughtful introverts, allowing them to fully express their rich imagination and individuality.

What is anxious introversion? With her, loneliness is more of a forced measure than conscious choice. A person likes clear rules and predictability and feels comfortable in situations where he can get both.

The reserved type is unhurried, thorough, and sometimes gives the impression of being clumsy. He always needs a little more time to adapt than others (at a new place of work, in a new city, when setting a new task, even after getting up in the morning). But the depth and balance of his judgments can amaze.

In conclusion, let us recall that Jung himself noted: pure extroverts and pure introverts do not meet, but each person tends to a greater extent towards one pole or the other. It’s the same with subtypes: you can recognize yourself in several descriptions at once, and this is absolutely normal.

In any case, let us emphasize once again: saying about yourself “I am an introvert” does not mean admitting that there is something wrong with you. This means understanding yourself and thinking about how to get the most out of your personality traits. That's what we wish for you! Author: Evgenia Bessonova

What, besides the desire and ability to speak, distinguishes an extrovert? Are they all the same? What is special about an extroverted child? What are the differences between men and women of this type, and where is it better for them to work? This is what our article is about.

To define the behavioral type of personality, Carl Jung introduced two concepts: extraversion and introversion. The scientist believed that extraversion is the direction of vital energy (libido) into the outer world, and introversion into the inner world.

Today, due to the popularization of psychology as a science, these concepts have become unjustifiably simplified. And now the whole difference in these types of behavior has unjustifiably come down to the fact that an extrovert is a person who easily enters into communication, and an introvert is a closed, silent person.

It is always worth remembering that neither extroversion nor introversion is a positive or negative characteristic of a person.

Knowing your strengths and weaknesses(and both types have them) helps to improve yourself and understand others. Let's look at the example of an extrovert.

What is he like in appearance?

The most important external distinguishing feature of an extrovert is his gaze.

He always looks his interlocutor in the eyes, watches him carefully and always reflects exactly what he sees.

Also to external sign The more developed left half of the face also applies: it is more active, elongated, even the eye on this side is larger in size and more meaningful in expression.

In general, the facial expressions of extroverts are very flexible. The wrinkles on the forehead can also be called a difference.

What is he like internally?

All extroverts have common features, and the greater or lesser degree of their presence depends on the individual.

All extroverts:

  • not prone to self-examination
  • choose communication rather than loneliness;
  • are keenly interested in the outside world;
  • dream of changing the world for themselves;
  • prone to increased activity;
  • can boldly confront the team;
  • pass a lot of information through themselves;
  • want to be in the center of events;
  • take responsibility;
  • perceive responsibility as pressure;
  • have organizational skills;
  • strive for global goals;
  • always see the opportunity to improve the result.


In modern psychology, Jung's typology was developed in socionics, which is based on combinations of “mental functions” of a person.

The types began to be based on a definition such as “information metabolism” (the ability to perceive, process and transmit information). And now among extroverts they began to distinguish ethical-sensory, intuitive-ethical, sensory-logical and intuitive-logical types. Let's look at each one.


In socionics, the ethical-sensory extrovert has the pseudonym “Hugo”.

People of this type:

  • active and optimistic;
  • able to inspire and emotionally support others;
  • feel the mood of others;
  • are able to temporarily restrain negative emotions. But they can lose their temper and then worry greatly, even to the point of illness;
  • endowed with wonderful taste;
  • They are well versed in everything related to health, nutrition and comfort.
  • in a deadlock situation they still look for and find solutions to problems;
  • strive for stability and material wealth;
  • get carried away by all the new theories;
  • they learn easily, but do not invent anything;
  • experience uncertainty about the future and their capabilities;
  • prefer books on scientific topics;
  • always wins over your interlocutor;
  • if there is power, they act using soft methods;
  • they like to dress brightly.

The weakness of ethical-sensory extroverts is time. They calculate it poorly, so big problems arise in planning.

Arriving ahead of schedule or being late is the norm for them. Changing plans is very difficult, and their inability to wait leads to a constant desire to do as much as possible and as quickly as possible.

So, the ethical-intuitive extrovert:

  1. He is not a stress-resistant type - fundamental shocks are very painful for him and he needs to train his attitude towards them.
  2. The social sphere of activity is preferable for him.
  3. His style of communication is certainly an exchange of emotions.
  4. The incentive for activity for an ethical sensor is not money, but rewards, status and prestige.

From famous people The ethical-sensory type includes:

  1. writers - Victor Hugo and N.V. Gogol;
  2. artists - Natalya Krachkovskaya, Igor Starygin and Alexander Kalyagin;
  3. singers: Lev Leshchenko and Nadezhda Babkina.
  4. literary characters - the musketeer Aramis and the alien Gromozeka.

Video: Hugo, Ethical-Sensory


Nickname "Huxley".

Features of people of this personality type:

The weak side of the intuitive-ethical extrovert is the rejection of instructions and any formalities.

In everything that is not related to communication between people, they need help. Any manifestation of veneration is disgusting to them.

Intuitive-ethical extrovert:

  1. zoologist - Thomas Huxley;
  2. writers - A.S. Pushkin, Mark Twain and Paolo Coelho;
  3. artists - Mikhail Boyarsky, Yuri Nikulin, and Yuri Solomin;
  4. singers - Valery Leontyev and Alexander Buinov.
  5. literary characters - Tom Sawyer and Cheburashka.

Video: Huxley, Intuitive-Ethical


Pseudonyms: “Stirlitz” and “Sherlock Holmes”.

Features of people of this type:

Despite all the love for accuracy that they demand from others, it is quite difficult for them to plan their activities, so they have to constantly use notebooks.

Any disruption to their plans is painful for them. The time pressure situation is very stressful for them.

So, a logical-intuitive extrovert:

  1. Stress-resistant.
  2. He prefers managerial or production sphere activities.
  3. His communication style is exclusively business cooperation.
  4. The incentive for him to act is rewards, prestige and a high position in society.

From famous people to this type include:

  1. Queen - Great Britain Elizabeth;
  2. writers - Arthur Conan Doyle, Mark Twain and Tatyana Tolstaya;
  3. artists - Alexander Shirvindt, Vasily Livanov, Vyacheslav Tikhonov and Sylvester Stallone;
  4. singers - Lyudmila Zykina and Oleg Gazmanov.
  5. literary character - Sherlock Holmes.

Video: Stirlitz, Logical-Sensory


Pseudonym "Don Quixote".

Features of sensory-logical extroverts:

For the intuitive-logical extrovert weak point- This creativity in relationships. They may be too trusting. For them, work is more important than family. They do not take into account the feelings of other people, which leads to conflicts.

Intuitive-logical extrovert:

Famous people of this type include:

  1. politician - Margaret Thatcher,
  2. commander - Alexander Suvorov,
  3. poetess - Bella Akhmadulina,
  4. artist - Mikhail Vrubel,
  5. scientists - Dmitry Mendeleev, Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, Sigmund Freud, Erik Erikson and Albert Einstein,
  6. writers - Astrid Lindgren, Alexander Solzhenitsyn and Mikhail Lermontov;
  7. artists - Inna Churikova, Oleg Menshikov, Bruce Willis and Alexander Abdulov.
  8. literary characters - Don Quixote and D'Artagnan.

Video: Don Quixote, Intuitive-Logical



In the minds of many, an extroverted man has a stereotype of a womanizer (Casanova) or a romantic hero. Since he is a representative of the stronger sex, it means he must be ambitious and proactive.

A man, a strong representative of extroversion, is unlikely to be able to disguise himself.

He can always be recognized by his relaxed communication, wide smile, shaved face and stylish clothes.

  1. They don't like lazy, anxious and touchy people.
  2. They prefer women with an easy-going character.
  3. These men are very easy-going and capable of extraordinary actions.
  4. They accept life in all its manifestations with optimism.
  5. The dullness and boredom of everyday life is not their element.


An extroverted woman is very often a problem for herself. Possessing a strong, irrepressible character, she tries to crush it within herself and turn into a loving shadow for her chosen one.

Such an experiment on oneself very often ends with visits to a psychologist. A strong extroverted woman is no worse than an introvert, she just needs to constantly realize herself.


Parents should perceive the child's typology as their appearance. Nothing needs to be remade - it needs to be understood and guided.

For an extroverted child, communication with people is vital.

He must constantly share his feelings and impressions, otherwise he will not be in the mood, and subsequently he will grow up to be a grouch. Nature has arranged it this way that for an extrovert, living means being with people.

To be completely happy, an extroverted child needs to be given the opportunity to communicate with other children, then he will be obedient and behave decently. So the question is: to give or not to give an extroverted child to kindergarten– should not be placed at all.

The little extrovert needs to be praised for every correct step. This gives him strength, confidence and vitality.

Equally important for such a child is constant conversation and reasoning. An extroverted child doesn't just talk all the time. This is what he is talking about. What he sees, what he thinks, he says. He definitely needs to be helped to think through conversation.

In the profession

The choice of profession is important for the successful life of any person. What kind of work is suitable for extroverts?

For the ethical-sensory type:

For the intuitive-ethical type:

  • everything related to journalism;
  • artistic career;
  • art, artist, decorator;
  • everything related to advertising;
  • sociologist, psychologist;
  • everything related to religion;
  • everything related to the protection of human rights;
  • creative director;
  • humanities teacher;
  • landscape designer.

For logical-sensory type:

  • manager of any level;
  • economist, auditor, banking sector;
  • technical secretary;
  • construction;
  • farmer;
  • detective;
  • teacher;
  • mechanical engineer;
  • scout;
  • stockbroker.

Video: Socionics for Beginners - Extrovert and Introvert

For intuitive-logical type:

  • entrepreneur;
  • computer systems developer;
  • political scientist;
  • consultant-manager;
  • everything related to investments;
  • developer of individual programs;
  • inventor.

Is it possible to become open and sociable?

Depending on the style and living conditions, the chosen job, the person’s personality type long time may change significantly. It is very difficult to cultivate an extrovert on your own.

Such a problem can only be attempted under the guidance of an experienced specialist. Through personal training and an individual program, of course, not in a week, but you can develop extroversion in yourself.

A person's view of the outside world is that an extrovert prefers the social and practical aspects of life to immersion in the world of imagination and reflection. An introvert, on the contrary, prefers thinking and imagination to operations with real external objects.

Psychology knows two fundamental things: different types personalities: extroverts and introverts.

Extroverts are a type of personality (or behavior) that is oriented in its manifestations outward, towards others.

Introverts are a type of personality (or behavior) that is inward or self-oriented.

Extroverts are characterized by behavior in which a person strives to:

  • to communicate with people,
  • attention from others,
  • participation in public speaking,
  • participation in crowded events and parties.

An extrovert can be an excellent toastmaster, organizer (often at public principles), an official, a manager of people, an artist or entertainer.

Introverts are characterized by behavior that is more related to comfortable solitude, internal reflections and experiences, creativity, or observation of the process. An introvert can be an excellent scientist, researcher, observer, writer, or self-employed entrepreneur. If an extrovert needs the presence of other people for comfort, then an introvert is comfortable working alone.

Over time, Jung significantly revised his views on extraversion-introversion. Firstly, he identified a number of independent factors (psychological functions), which he previously included in the composition of extraversion-introversion: thinking, feeling (experience), sensation, intuition. Secondly, starting with his programmatic work “Psychological Types” (1920), he spoke not about extroverts and introverts, but about extraversion or introversion of the dominant function. That is, he wrote that in the psyche of an individual a person can be dominated by one of the functions - extraverted or introverted thinking, feeling, sensing, intuition, while in the psyche there was also a place for other functions that played an auxiliary role or were repressed into the unconscious.

Eysenck, borrowing these concepts from Jung, fills them with a slightly different content - for Eysenck these concepts are the poles of a superfactor - a complex of personality traits that correlate with each other, which is determined genetically. A typical extrovert, according to Eysenck, is sociable, optimistic, impulsive, has a wide circle of acquaintances and poor control over emotions and feelings. On the contrary, a typical introvert is calm, shy, distant from everyone except close people, plans his actions in advance, likes order in everything and keeps his feelings under strict control.

In psychiatry, the typology of Leonhard is widespread, who borrowed the earliest interpretation of this term according to Jung and reinterpreted it: according to Leonhard, an extrovert is a weak-willed person, subject to influence from the outside, an introvert is a strong-willed person. At the same time, Leonhard's typology is psychiatric, not psychological, and relates primarily to pathologies. If we are not talking about pathologies, then close to Leonhard’s (but not Jung’s) interpretation of this term are such psychological terms as locus of control (internal and external), externalism and internalism (Ackoff and Emery), etc.

The terms “extraversion” and “introversion” are also used in the Myers-Briggs typology, in socionics, in psychosophy, in the NEO-PI-R test and a number of other modern questionnaires and diagnostic techniques, where their interpretation has its own specifics.

At its core, introversion is a type of temperament. This is not at all like shyness or aloofness; it is not a pathology. In addition, this personality trait cannot be changed, even if you really want to. But you can teach him to work with him, not against him.

The most important distinguishing feature introverts lies in the source of energy: introverts draw energy from their inner world of ideas, emotions and impressions. They conserve energy. The outside world quickly puts them into a state of overstimulation, and they have an unpleasant feeling when there is “too much” of something. This can manifest itself in twitchiness or, conversely, apathy. In any case, they need to limit social contacts so as not to be completely devastated. However, introverts need to supplement their alone time with time in the outside world, otherwise they may lose their sense of perspective and connection with others. Introverts who are able to balance their energy needs have resilience and tenacity, can see things independently, focus deeply, and work creatively.

What are the most characteristic qualities of extroverts? They are charged with energy from the outside world - from actions, people, places and things. They are energy wasters. Long periods of inactivity, inner contemplation, or loneliness, or communication with only one person deprive them of a sense of meaning in life. However, extroverts need to supplement the time they spend in action with intervals of just being, otherwise they will get lost in the whirlwind of frantic activity. Extroverts have a lot to offer our society: they express themselves easily, are focused on results, and love crowds and action.

Introverts are like an electric battery that needs to be recharged. They need to periodically stop, stop wasting energy and rest in order to recharge again. It is the opportunity to recharge that provides introverts with a less stimulating environment. In it they restore energy. This is their natural ecological niche.

Extroverts are like solar panels. For them, being alone or being inside is like being under heavy, dense clouds. Solar batteries To recharge you need the sun - extroverts need to be in public for this. Like introversion, extroversion is a temperament with a constant pattern of action. It cannot be changed. You can work with it, but not against it.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.


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