Chang Mai Thailand. Chiang Mai: The Cultural Capital of Ancient Thailand

The city and province of Chiang Mai, located in the north of Thailand, attracts many tourists. Very often the city itself is called the cultural capital of the country. And the interest of vacationers is due to the fact that in Chiang Mai (Thailand), there is an incredible number of various attractions.

Climate and weather

Like throughout the kingdom, Chiang Mai (Thailand) has three seasons:

  1. Moderate lasts from November to the end of February. The heat gradually subsides at this time, but the nights are still warm. It is during this period that it is recommended to relax here.
  2. The hot period lasts from March to the end of June. Stable heat sets in, the thermometer reaches forty degrees. Such weather conditions contribute to the outbreak of fires in the jungle, which is why the city is periodically surrounded by a shroud of smoke. You should not come to Chiang Mai during this period.
  3. The rainy season lasts from the beginning of July to the end of October. Cold monsoons bring frequent showers and coolness from India. It is at this time that it is good to visit the sights of the cultural capital.

Despite the rather hot climate, nature in Chiang Mai (Thailand) delights with its beauty and greenery throughout the year. The city is located between mountain ranges and green hills, and the Ping River flows nearby.

A little about the city...

Chiang Mai - capital northern city is about 170 thousand people. At the same time, Chiang Mai ranks fifth in the ranking of the largest cities in the country. The city is three times older than Bangkok. It is not without reason that it is also called the cultural capital of the country.

It is worth noting that Chiang Mai (Thailand), on the one hand, is of great interest to vacationers, and on the other, many tourists bypass it, since there are absolutely no beaches in the city. But here there is a jungle where exciting trips are organized.

Chiang Mai (Thailand): how to get there from Moscow?

Every tourist planning his vacation is concerned with the question of what transport to use to make the trip comfortable and least tiring. Since air connections with Thailand are quite well established, it will not be difficult to get to Chiang Mai (Thailand). How to get to the resort? Of course, the easiest way is by plane. And upon arrival at the airport you will need a taxi. You can use the services of cars belonging to the airport. The cost of their services is approximately 120 baht (1 baht = 1.8 rubles). Local taxi drivers have slightly higher prices.

If you decide to vacation in another city, you can get to the city of Chiang Mai (Thailand) by bus. This type of transport is considered the cheapest in the country. Experienced tourists recommend giving preference to tourist buses rather than regular buses. It is worth noting that all transport in Thailand is divided into three classes: 1, 2 and Vip. The level of travel comfort depends on the class of transport you choose.

Speaking about how to get to Chiang Mai (Thailand), it is worth mentioning railway. To be fair, it is worth mentioning that railway transport in the country is very well developed. The only direct train to the city is via Bangkok. If you are traveling from any other city, you will have to change trains. As for the fare, it directly depends on the class of the carriage. The average fare can range from 270-1450 baht.

Local attractions

For those who come to Chiang Mai (Thailand), sightseeing is the main purpose of visiting the city. It will be interesting to visit both beginners and experienced travelers. Here you can see natural attractions, ancient temples, wild tribes living in the jungle, and architectural structures. You can see all this by hiring a guide, but also independent travel will allow you to learn a lot of new things.

Tourists are always eager to visit the ancient Doi Suthep Temple, built in 1383, during the era when the province was still part of the Lanna kingdom. The temple is located some distance from the city, but getting to it is not difficult. Doi Suthep is worthy of the attention of tourists, it is considered business card Chiang Mai.

A must visit place for travelers is National Museum, which is rightfully the main museum of the northern region. It contains everything cultural heritage countries. After a major reconstruction of the institution in 1996, the museum’s exposition was enriched with the achievements of modern technologies.

Not only tourists, but also Thais themselves come to Chiang Mai to visit the zoo. Giant pandas live here and delight children with their offspring. The zoo is very young, it was founded only in 1995. In addition to animals, here you can see a large aquarium, built in the form of a tunnel, which is home to eight thousand freshwater and marine inhabitants.

Tourists should also visit the Chiang Man Temple, founded back in 1296. The complex is considered the oldest in the entire city. Relics are kept here: a statue of Buddha, which supposedly causes rain and ancient images of the Enlightened One.

With children, you should definitely visit the stunning museum of natural wonders and insects. The private museum was founded by an entomologist; its exhibition includes unusual natural objects, a collection of insects and minerals.

Vacationers who value items self made, you should definitely visit Sankampeng, which is a suburb of Chiang Mai. Here you can not only purchase any handicraft products, but also watch the craftsmen at work with your own eyes.

Night market

A holiday in Chiang Mai (Thailand) simply cannot be complete without visiting the night market, which is classified as a local attraction. It would be more correct to say that there is more than one similar night market in the city. But the only one of real interest is the one located by the river. It sells any goods, but vacationers are attracted by all kinds of products from local artisans. According to tourists, the night market is the best place in Thailand to buy souvenirs.

Where to live in the city?

If you decide to travel to Thailand, Chiang Mai is enough budget place for accommodation. It is quite possible to stay in the city for several days to get the opportunity to quietly see all the sights. The province offers very cheap housing. Moreover, it is worth noting that the choice of accommodation options is simply amazing. For rent in the suburbs and in the city itself large number townhouses, houses, rooms and apartments. And, of course, don’t forget about city hotels, the stay in which depends on their star rating.

For example, a budget room in a guesthouse can be rented for 250-500 baht per day. On average, rent for a month will cost about 5,000-7,000 baht. You can rent an apartment for 4000-7000 baht, but you will have to pay separately for water and electricity. Hotel rooms cost 5,000-25,000 baht per week, depending on the level of the hotel.

Here are a few interesting facts about Chiang Mai:

  1. Airplanes often fly over the city, this is due to the fact that the airport is located right in the city.
  2. There are a lot of international couples hanging out here, especially young people.
  3. Foreigners are allowed into almost all churches in the city for free. And just for the entrance to Wat Phra Singh you need to pay only 20 baht, this amount is purely symbolic. Entrance fees to Bangkok temples range from 50 to 500 baht, which is much more expensive.
  4. The streets of the city are much cleaner than in Bangkok.
  5. In Chiang Mai you will not find products with symbols of other cities on sale. Here they sell goods only with the logos of their hometown.
  6. In Chiang Mai, there is a massage parlor at almost every corner. The cost of one session is 150 baht.
  7. The city has bicycle paths, unlike other places in Thailand. For an Asian country, the presence of such tracks is very rare.
  8. There are an incredible number of bike rental shops here. Rental cost is about 50 baht per day.
  9. The weather in the province is cooler than in Phuket or Bangkok. IN winter time in the mornings and evenings the temperature can drop to +15 degrees.
  10. There are far fewer dogs on the streets in Chiang Mai than in other Thai cities.
  11. There are very few Russian tourists in the city, so it is extremely rare to hear your native language.
  12. There are absolutely no motorcycle taxis here.
  13. The city has sidewalks for pedestrians, which is rare in Thailand.

For those planning a trip to Chiang Mai, experienced tourists give some recommendations:

  1. If the trip falls on winter period, then you should take a thin sweater and a light jacket with you, since at this time it can be quite cool in the province.
  2. When going to the zoo, take nuts and fruits with you, you will definitely need them there.
  3. When renting a taxi, be sure to pay attention to whether it has a meter. If there is none, then look for another car, otherwise they will charge you money not for travel, but for time, even if you are stuck in traffic the whole time.
  4. When going somewhere, always leave early, as local traffic jams may prevent you from getting there. the right place during.
  5. When visiting temples, it is worth remembering that you cannot enter them with bare shoulders and legs.
  6. Precious jewelry can only be purchased in large stores.
  7. When shopping, be sure to bargain.
  8. The sale of spirits in Thailand is limited in time.


Local cuisine differs from other regions of the country because it is very diverse. The proximity of Laos and China has an effect. There is less seafood in Chiang Mai, but the prices are more reasonable here. The province is famous for its large plantations of small pineapples and strawberries, which are completely unheard of in the south. Local markets sell a lot of strawberry-based sweets and confitures.

The traditional dish of the north is well-seasoned curries and fried in coconut milk. Vegetarian cuisine is highly developed in Chiang Mai, so there are many establishments in the city with a wide range of such dishes. The budget food industry is well established here. In local buffets you can eat a hearty meal at minimal financial cost.


Northern capital Thailand, Chiang Mai is the second most visited city in the country, but in terms of size, of course, it cannot be compared with Bangkok. It is much smaller, and many times fewer people live there. However, Chiang Mai attracts tourists from all over the world. It attracts with its center, filled with sparkling temples, restaurants and unique markets - all of which can be easily reached on foot.

If restaurants and shops interest you last, and Thai temples come first, then Chiang Mai really has a lot to offer. Standing at the top of the hill Wat Doi Suthep- the largest stone in the crown of the city's attractions. Old town all filled with traditional Thai temples such as Wat Phra Singh, Wat Chedi Luang and Wat Chiang Man– three main temples of the region. The city's temples and other architecture are so popular that one of the most luxurious hotels in Chiang Mai is even built in the likeness of such a beautiful temple.

The city also has several excellent museums, particularly in the center of the Old Town. We can say that Chiang Mai itself is like a huge living museum with sleepy alleys, pretty traditional houses and bustling markets.

The city is quite cosmopolitan compared to other northern Thai provinces, and the entertainment in the city is quite good. It's also home to some of the best restaurants in northern Thailand - it's not a small town, so you definitely won't go hungry here.
The most famous and any dish here is khao soi. A Burmese dish widely known in northern Laos and northern Thailand. These are, in fact, ordinary rice noodles with all sorts of goodies, cooked in a special way. You can dine in the city right on the street, but there are also plenty of more upscale restaurants. The choice is impressive, it makes your head spin! And, if you are tired of Thai cuisine, on the streets you will find many restaurants serving European cuisine. Due to its proximity to Burma and Laos, in the markets and cafes of the city you can also try dishes and products from these countries. Although they are, for the most part, very similar to Thai ones.
There are many places to stay overnight in Chiang Mai. There are many options - from budget guesthouses to luxury hotels and resorts. In the Old Town area there is nowhere to step - only guesthouses!

By Northern Thai standards, Chiang Mai offers a comprehensive nightlife, from trendy beach bars with live music to cheap, fun student bars and expat pubs.
In the center, everything is designed to ensure that tourists meet as many tourists as possible - something like a mini Khao San Road (Bangkok street). Not exactly, but very similar. There are also many entertainment places in the Ping River area.
Overall, the city is fun late at night (and early in the morning too). Local residents, as a rule, live their ordinary life, to a greater extent, in the eastern part of the city (in the Nimmanhaemin Rd area) and in the north of the city.

Many travelers now prefer to start their trips in the mountains of Mae Hong Son, Pai or Soppong districts, such an experience is perceived as “authentic”, but it is also more complex. Also popular trekking in Chiang Rai or Nan areas. But if you decide to make a similar move from Chiang Mai, then allocate several days for this excursion - three days, at least.

Take a trip to Doi Suthep Park, which is less than an hour's drive from the city center. You will be offered excursions to the park in different travel agencies ah cities at completely different prices - from 1300 baht to 500 baht. And be prepared for the fact that the guides will not speak English at all. By the way, the entrance fee to the park is only about 30 baht, so it’s much more economical and easier to come there yourself, stocked with brochures with information. By the way, the return trip from the park costs much more than there (if you take a taxi), they are cunning taxi drivers - they see that the tourist has nowhere to go!

Take a walk around night market where you can buy all sorts of things.
There are indeed many wats (temples) in Chiang Mai, but an unprepared and uninformed tourist will probably become bored and “tired” quite quickly.

It's best to rent a car or motorcycle and explore the region rather than spend too much time in this city, which is essentially just a smaller (and less interesting) version of Bangkok. Or sign up for some excursion. Although it’s cooler on your own. While the Old Town can sometimes be crowded, a walk around the area can take you to areas of the city not touched by tourism, where you will feel like the only foreigner for several kilometers. And this is very interesting - how do local Thais live?
It feels like every time you go to the center it is somehow different. Ignore what your guidebook tells you, and instead wander around and discover the city on your own. The only negative, perhaps, is that in some areas of the city the air is polluted.
The city offers a fascinating glimpse into a more modern, more cosmopolitan, more "urban" Thailand. This is a great place to relax in Thailand, which boasts everything that a fastidious tourist could want (except perhaps for the beaches, although there are a couple along the rivers in the south of the city, but these are also not the sea). Chiang Mai is perhaps the most livable city in Thailand - it's fun, calm, beautiful, inexpensive, and the people are friendly and welcoming. Incredibly friendly!
Even when you know they're trying to scam you, it's hard to get angry. Just laugh at yourself! In general, come and admire!

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Chiang Mai is a city in northern Thailand with many temples, the Ping River and busy roads.

The beauty of this city is that you can walk around its central part in a day (which I did), only occasionally resorting to a taxi. You can rent a bicycle. You can enter the temples without hindrance, the main thing is to behave quietly and civilly, without disturbing the idyll of a holy place for Buddhists. Wat Ketkaram, which is located near the bridge over the Ping River, has an interesting museum with all sorts of things - ancient weapons, radios, opium scales and more.

At Wat Ketkaram:

The main difference between the temples in Chiang Mai is the absence of crowds of tourists, unlike Bangkok. Maybe it's because I wasn't there during the peak tourist season.

As for housing, I can recommend the guesthouse where I stayed - it is located next to the bridge over the Ping River and is called Nakornping Guesthouse. I had a room for 350 baht - with air conditioning, fan shower and a double bed. Quite acceptable and cheaper than Bangkok on Khao San. There I had to rent a much worse room for 500.

Bridge over the Ping River, Nakornping Guesthouse is located behind a tall white building:

Here it is, by the way:

Food in Chiang Mai is inexpensive; I ate at a street cafe, also located near the Ping Bridge, only on the other side. Then in the city center in a decent cafe - the prices are not too bad.

But the traffic is heavy, and crossing a fairly narrow road can be very difficult. There are a lot of scooters, and the sidewalks are quite narrow in some places.

In the vicinity of Chiang Mai there are many temples - about 300, there are nature reserves, a zoo and other attractions. Chiang Mai also has museums. I only saw the museum I mentioned above, since I was traveling alone and didn’t do much preparation. If you go on a tour, they will probably show you more.

We have prepared a super list for you, which includes attractions in Chiang Mai and its surroundings, best places and events worth attending. Most of them are free or not that expensive. You can read more detailed information using the links.

Chiang Mai attractions and interesting events

1. Trip/hike to Doi Suthep Mountain. Thousands of people flock to the mountain during the pilgrimage in May to walk from the university gates to the temple. You can go with them or make the journey yourself. However, you can climb the mountain on a rented bike or songthaew and explore deeper.

Dawn in national park Doi Suthep - Pui

2. Sign up for a meditation course at a temple. It is located on the outskirts of the city near the university. You can stay for as many days as you like - food and shelter will be provided free of charge. You really need to make a donation at the end of the course.

3. Chiang Mai Temple Tour. There are many temples in the old town square, and you can take a full day tour of them! .

One of the temples in Chiang Mai

4. Visit the waterfalls, of which there are many in the vicinity of Chiang Mai. For example, Huay Kaew Waterfall next to the zoo.

5. Take a walk to the lake on a bike or bicycle. This is a favorite vacation spot local residents at the foot of the mountains with cafes by the water. Only 20 baht for entry.

6. Listen to live music. At the Northgate Jazz Cafe, which north gate old city, great musicians often play, always different and different music, not just jazz. People are even standing on the road and on the opposite lawn - the place is popular!

7. Take short meditation courses. They are held at the Wat Sri Gerd temple in the center every Monday at 3.00 for a couple of hours.

8. Eat at a Hindu temple. Every Tuesday at 6 pm a special ceremony is held at the Devi Mandir temple, after which there is free food))

9. Go to the market for groceries. You can come to the largest food market, where all restaurants buy provisions, and buy mangoes for 20 baht per kilogram! Large selection fruits, vegetables, seafood, spices and everything. .

Muang Mai Market

10. Wander around the university. There are several universities in the city, but the largest and most famous is Chiang Mai Univercity, located on a vast area with a park and a lake.

11. Relax in the park at the southwest corner of the square. Here in the morning people do gymnastics and yoga, and some run. You can work out on exercise equipment outdoors.

12. Sing at an Open Mic. Gallery Srimankalgarn Soi 5 hosts an open mic where everyone can sing something on Thursdays starting at 8pm.

13. Attend a Buddhist festival. They are marked by lunar calendar, so every year on different dates. The main celebrations take place in the central temples of Wat Phra Singh and Wat Chedi Luang.

14. Freeze in Thai Switzerland. In Doi in winter the temperature drops to zero, but what mountains and views! Visit the botanical garden there and spend the night in a house with mountain views.

Road to Doi Ang Khang

Tham Lod Cave

20. Dance. Come to one of the parties at the Zoe in yellow club. There are also free salsa classes starting at 8.30pm every Tuesday and Thursday.

21. Look at the monks in the morning. Around 6 am they start walking around the city and collecting alms and food.

22. Visit the Saturday and Sunday promenades. There are a lot of people, a lot of goods for every taste and color, including folk crafts and souvenirs.

23. Be afraid of firecrackers exploding at the festival and Yi Peng. They take place at the end of November and are celebrated on a grand scale: krathong boats are launched along the river, hundreds of sky lanterns, there is music, parades, fireworks and firecrackers everywhere. And this continues for 3-4 days!

Yi Peng Festival

24. Eat street food. With the onset of darkness, entire food markets appear on the streets. For example, at the northern gate of the old city or on Saturday or Sunday street.

25. See artisans at work in Baan Tawai Village. You might even want to buy yourself some wood carvings or other folk art products.

26. Volunteering. Try yourself as a volunteer on one of the farms in the vicinity of Chiang Mai.

27. Try Thai tea. People from China live here and grow tea and coffee. You can also watch and taste there))

Small tea factory in Mae Salong

28. Stumble upon ruins. Chiang Mai - ancient city, and you can literally find the ruins of an ancient fortress in the middle of a residential area.

29. Hover at Thapae Gate. In the evenings, a lot of people gather here, street musicians play, and other events are held. In addition, the gate is the center of the city and one of the attractions of Chiang Mai.

30. Learn about local tribes. There are several villages of local tribes in the province, and the museum will help you get to know them better. Address: Ratchamangkla Chotana Road (Hwy 197)

31. Look at the famous one with your own eyes. It is located near Chiang Rai, and although there is an entrance fee, you will remember the spectacle!

White Temple

32. Watch the sunset overlooking the city. In Doi Suthep - Pui Park you can spend the night in a tent, watching the sunset and sunrise, and it is literally 25 km from Chiang Mai.

33. Go to . There are pandas here, as well as other exotic animals, even penguins (in the tropics!). The children will be happy!

Chiang Mai Zoo

34. Dotattoo This is not just a tattoo, but a kind of blessing from a monk, better known as a magical Sak Yant tattoo. You can try to make it in the monastery in the village of Doi Saket. Ask some salon about this.

35. Walk around and buy something at the JJ market antiques market. Here you can find anything you want, from furniture to photographs and interior items.

36. Float down the river from Thaton to Chiang Rai by boat along the current.

37. Get wet at Songkran. In Thai New Year(in April) it is customary to pour yourself on the streets. Water madness!

38. . Travel to places where opium was once grown and smuggled into neighboring countries. Located at the junction of Thailand, Myanmar and Laos.

39. Talk to the monks. In some temples (Wat Chedi Luang, Wat Umong) you have the opportunity to chat with the monks and ask questions. And they are not averse to practicing their English.

In one of the temples in Chiang Mai

40. Live like a local and relax. The whole atmosphere of this city is relaxing and puts you in a leisurely mood. Contemplate while sitting in the temple and inhaling the aroma of incense!

Here is the list! In fact, you can think of as many more :-) What other attractions of Chiang Mai do you know? Maybe there are some other interesting places and events that are worth seeing in the city and its surroundings?

Chiang Mai is the most important center of northern Thailand, the capital of the province of the same name, as well as the cultural capital and second most important city, after. Total area- 40,216 sq. km, population - 150,000 people. Chiang Mai is located along the Ping River, on a wide plain, at an altitude of 330 m, 702 km from and 245 km from the border with Myanmar (Burma).

Sometimes in Russian transcription the name of the city is written as Chang Mai and Chiang Mai, less often Chang Mai and Cheng Mai.

It dates back to 1296, when the King of Lanna - a state that was located here in ancient times - appointed the city as the capital, moving it from Chiang Rai and giving it the name Chiang Mai, which translates as “New City”.

It is surrounded along the entire perimeter by a large ditch, which was dug many centuries ago and served as protection from the attacks of the Burmese conquerors. Currently, this artificial moat is practically the only one in all of Thailand, which makes it one of the main attractions, along with temples and other ancient monuments.

There are not many high-rise buildings or long highways in Chang Mai, as, for example, in Bangkok; the entire city has retained its traditional outline and is fully consistent with the status of the cultural capital of the Kingdom of Thailand. Despite this, the infrastructure is very well developed; you will not lack a choice of hotels, restaurants, massage parlors, bars or tour agencies.

Chiang Mai is considered by tourists to be one of the most beautiful places in Thailand. The landscape of the city and its surroundings is a combination of mountains and plains, waterfalls and jungles, rice fields and fruit plantations.

The main source of income for the capital and the entire province of Chiang Mai is the export of rice, vegetables and fruits. Since the late 90s of the last century, tourism began to develop at a rapid pace, which also began to bring tangible profits.

Chiang Mai is divided into Old and New City. Most of the historical monuments are located in the old part, and there are also many inexpensive hotels and restaurants (especially in the east). This part is clearly visible in satellite map and from above it is seen as a square (these are two parallel highways encircling the city and having one-way traffic).

Besides administrative division, there is a natural division - the city is crossed from north to south by the Ping River, which is a tributary of the Chao Phraya.

In general, Chiang Mai is an average city, smaller than Bangkok, but larger than Pattaya and the main resorts in Phuket. During rush hours there are often traffic jams, albeit minor ones. In the Old Town, traffic is busy only along the perimeter, and on the remaining streets there are few cars and motorcycles.

Chiang Mai on the map of Thailand

How to get there

How to get to Chiang Mai in Thailand various types transport: by plane, bus, train. You cannot get here directly from Russia, Ukraine, or Kazakhstan, since Chiang Mai Airport only accepts domestic flights.

Cheap flights to Bangkok

You can buy air tickets to Thailand as profitably as possible using special search engines that collect data from all airlines.

If you are already in Thailand, you can take a domestic flight. If you want to save money, buy bus tickets at bus stations or travel agencies, as well.

Who should go to Chiang Mai

Chiang Mai is a different Thailand. If you are tired of crowds of tourists (sometimes very drunk), pestering Thais who are trying to sell you something or somehow scam you out of money, the stuffy climate and high humidity, then welcome to Chiang Mai. Here this is much less pronounced - there are not many vacationers, only taxi drivers are trying to deceive you, and the climate is much cooler and there is not much moisture in the air.

The province of Chiang Mai is located in the north of Thailand, so it does not have a sea. But it is beautiful in other ways - with amazing mountains and valleys, which are not found in the south and central part of the country. In its capital - the city of the same name - many ancient sights have been preserved (one brick wall, which in the past encircled the entire city, which is worth it). Particularly interesting are the temples, which are much older than in other areas of the country. The city of Chiang Mai was the capital of the Lanna kingdom even at a time when Bangkok was a tiny village, which only residents of neighboring villages knew about.

The city was built in 1296 and currently Chiang Mai is the cultural capital of Thailand. The infrastructure here is quite well developed with hotels, restaurants and bars, and there are many travel agencies offering excursions around the province. Eat nightlife and establishments for strawberry lovers, but all this is not very prominent, as in many popular resorts.

In general, if you like such historical places, then Chiang Mai is definitely worth a visit.

What to do and what to visit


The good thing is that it is not as hot here as in the rest of Thailand, when there is no rest from the heat even at night. Here after sunset it becomes noticeably cooler, and in winter months The thermometer can drop below +20 degrees (and, for example, in Pattaya, Phuket or Samui at any time of the year and at 2 am from +26...+28).


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Transfer and taxi services in Chiang Mai:

Direction Distance Travel time Price Information
Chiang Mai Airport → Chiang Mai 10 km. 20 min. 1407 rub. / 19 € Order a taxi >
Chiang Mai → Chiang Mai Airport 10 km. 20 min. 1407 rub. / 19 € Order a taxi >
Pai → Chiang Mai 155 km. 190 min. 8708 rub. / 115 € Order a taxi >
Chiang Mai → Chiang Rai 250 km. 180 min. 9110 rub. / 120 € Order a taxi >
Chiang Rai → Chiang Mai 250 km. 180 min. 9110 rub. / 120 € Order a taxi >
Chiang Mai → Pai 155 km. 190 min. 8708 rub. / 115 € Order a taxi >
Sukhothai → Chiang Mai 320 km. 270 min. 12392 rub. / 163 € Order a taxi >
Chiang Mai → Sukhothai 320 km. 270 min. 12392 rub. / 163 € Order a taxi >
Chiang Mai → Chiang Rai Airport 200 km. 200 min. 9110 rub. / 120 € Order a taxi >
Chiang Rai Airport → Chiang Mai 200 km. 200 min. 9110 rub. / 120 € Order a taxi >

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Weather in Chiang Mai by month:

Month Temperature Cloudiness Rainy days /
Number of solar
hours per day
During the day At night