How to understand that damage has been caused. How to understand that you or a person have been jinxed or damaged

In former times, black magic was practiced only by a select few; sorcerers and witches practiced their rituals in secret and kept them strictly secret. Today, ancient recipes for inducing the evil eye and curse are available to the general public. In fact, anyone can use them to take revenge on their enemies, neighbors and even relatives. This raises the question - how do you find out if there is damage to a person, and is it possible to protect yourself from this?

The most unscrupulous magicians can damage even a child. However, children often become innocent victims of curses cast on their parents. Fortunately, it is possible to identify the threat of a magical attack, find out about the evil eye and take appropriate measures to eliminate it.

Black damage - how to identify symptoms

An unexpected dismissal, a series of minor troubles, family squabbles and health problems... What is this - a “black streak” in life or magical revenge on the part of an ill-wisher? How do you know if you have damage? This can be determined by certain signs. We invite you to take a simple test that will help you check whether there is damage to a person. It's fast and free, you just need to answer a few questions.

Online test for damage

1. Are you haunted by visions, auditory or visual hallucinations?




2. Do you feel sick when visiting church, seeing icons, or smelling incense?

This happens often

Happened a couple of times


3. Have you found strange things at home or under the door - threads, needles, earth?


I'm not exactly sure

Didn't find it

4. Do you have causeless attacks of fear or depression?


They happen, but rarely


5. Are you experiencing problems with money or financial difficulties?

Almost always

Sometimes money is not enough

No, I live in abundance

6. Have you noticed that in your presence animals begin to behave strangely and show aggression?

Yes, it happens

Sometimes it happens


7. Have you ever done strange things, as if dictated by someone else’s will?


I don't remember this

No, I always control myself

8. Have you noticed that you have a craving for alcohol or tobacco?

Yes, I noticed

I'm not exactly sure

No, I'm driving healthy image life

9. Do you have memory lapses or have you forgotten something important?


Very rarely


10. Do you feel good in lately?

I'm sick, I feel a loss of strength

Overall I feel good

I am completely healthy

11. Do you often have quarrels with your husband or wife or with other relatives?

Lately often

No more often than always

I live with everyone in peace and harmony

12. Do you feel the presence of something alien in your home?


I find it difficult to answer


13. Do you have trouble sleeping?

I suffer from insomnia

I constantly feel sleepy


How to understand that you are damaged? Any magical attack invades the spiritual sphere of a person, into his. This cannot but entail fundamental changes. Some people become nervous and excited, while others, on the contrary, fall into apathy and depression. You can independently determine the curse by a feeling of oppressive melancholy and anxiety, for which there is no reason.

Black magic can have a destructive effect on financial sector. Often magicians carry out a blocking, which creates financial difficulties for a person. How to check whether there is damage to a person in this case? To find out, you need to recall recent events in your memory. Have you accumulated a lot of debts, are your plans not being implemented for unknown reasons? Are your clients leaving you, your company’s sales are falling, have you been fired from your job? If such troubles haunt you too actively, then to solve the problem you will need the help of a strong magician.

Damage - how to determine it using magical methods

Not all people tend to rely on intuition. How do you know if there is damage or an evil eye, or if the problems are not related to a magical attack? There are several ways to check this.

Method with a candle. You will need a church candle - place it on a table covered with a white tablecloth and light it. Then read the “Our Father” prayer three times and the following spell:

Then take the candle in your right hand and hold it for a few minutes. If the flame begins to flutter and crackle unevenly, then you have become a victim of the evil eye. Does the candle burn evenly and brightly? In this case, you can be congratulated - your biofield is clean, no negative programs have been detected.

Method with egg. Don’t know how to check if there is an evil eye or damage to a person? To determine the negative magical effect, you will need an ordinary chicken egg. The person supposedly cursed must hold the egg in their hands for several minutes for the energy exchange to occur. Then you need to carefully break the egg so that the yolk is intact and pour it into a glass of water.

If noticeable veins are observed in the egg white, then the person has been cursed by an obvious amateur, you can try. It’s a different matter if the yolk looks like it’s scalded and there are black spots in it. In this case, the curse was caused by a real professional, and to remove it you will also need the help of a competent magician. If the egg has a normal appearance (without veins, dots or foreign inclusions), then there was no magical attack.

Damage to loneliness - how to determine it

Magical influence can affect the most various areas human life. A common curse is the so-called “crown of celibacy.” This damage deprives a person of the opportunity to find his soul mate and start a family.

We will tell you how to determine whether there is damage to celibacy. There are several signs by which you can recognize her:

  • The appearance of moles or pigmentation on the body;
  • Sudden and unjustified weight loss or gain;
  • Prolonged absence of relationships with the opposite sex;
  • Low self-esteem, the appearance of numerous complexes about appearance;
  • Apathy, melancholy;
  • Isolation from other people, lack of friends.

Determining the presence of damage is not difficult if you have a silver ring. During the day, wear it on your finger, and in the evening, put it in a pan of water and bring it to a boil. If the water just bubbles, then there is no curse on you. You can talk about damage only if a foam cap appears above the pan.

A believer can find out about the presence negative program in the church. To do this, you need to go to the temple and pray in front of the icon of your patron saint. If there is no such image, then men can pray at the icon of Christ, and women - at the Mother of God. As you pray, observe your feelings. If you feel heaviness, discomfort or fear, then this means that you are stamped with loneliness.

If the usual way of life suddenly collapses, good health is replaced by a series of illnesses, and great mood gives way to apathy and irritability, it is possible that damage and the evil eye have their effect. How to determine that a “black streak” is the result of someone’s evil thoughts? And is it possible to independently recognize the signs of the evil eye and damage?

“To defeat the enemy, you need to look him in the eyes” - this is what the ancient Eastern wisdom says. The same applies to damage and the evil eye: before plunging headlong into the fight against misfortune, you need to make sure that it was the evil forces that caused endless troubles and misfortunes.

Magic experts identify several main symptoms:

  • Constant, almost never-ending headache
  • Depression and indifference to everything happening around
  • Lack of desire to do things you love
  • Distance from loved ones
  • Extraneous “voices” in my head
  • Feeling powerless, irritable, exhausted

Those who do not know how to understand that you have been jinxed are advised to listen to themselves: in addition to health problems, there is often a desire to “drown your sorrows in wine” and even drugs; Frequent thoughts of suicide are possible. These conditions are a manifestation of symptoms indicating that there is induced negativity, and it must be dealt with immediately.

This is interesting: How to protect yourself from the evil eye or envy?

Symptoms of the evil eye in the fairer sex

As you know, representatives fair half of humanity are more susceptible to outside influence than strong men. The energy biofield of women can be destroyed faster. Ladies can find out for themselves whether there is a “curse” on them - to do this, they need to analyze the last weeks of their life and determine what has changed in their usual rhythm.

Direct and indirect signs of damage or the evil eye in women:

  • sleep disturbance, nightmares (especially if there were no problems with falling asleep and dreaming before);
  • rapid fatigue and loss of strength. Even those women who have always been highly efficient and energetic notice that their former activity is no longer there;
  • An indicative symptom that helps determine whether there is an evil eye is the ability to look into the eyes of interlocutors and even the reflection in the mirror. Those who notice that their eyes begin to constantly water, and it becomes very difficult to withstand prying eyes, should think about the reasons for what is happening.

Women who do not understand the issues of energy-informational influence and do not know how to independently determine the evil eye and damage often experience sudden changes in mood, rapid weight gain or loss, deterioration of the skin condition and deterioration of appearance in general.

A special variety negative impact May be . Even successful beauties and smart women are capable of losing their charm in a matter of days if there is a place for damage and the evil eye in life - it is simply necessary to fight them in order to return to the usual state!

The stronger sex can also suffer!

Despite the fact that men have a fairly powerful biofield, it can also fall under the influence of evil eyes and evil thoughts. To find out for yourself whether you have the evil eye or damage, you need to learn to hear and analyze your inner feelings.

Representatives of the stronger sex can hear strange voices in their heads (sometimes even dead people), see hallucinations, and experience a strong degree of irritability towards their wife, children and parents. To determine whether there is damage and the evil eye, the presence of an addiction to bad habits– alcohol, nicotine, drugs.

For those who were previously addicted to harmful habits, the craving for them increases significantly, acquiring the proportions of a real disaster!

How can you tell if a child has been jinxed?

Some people, in their anger and envy, do not disdain anything and even bring negativity to the smallest, defenseless and innocent children. It is not surprising that in ancient times, a child under one year of age was hidden from strangers and not shown to others unless absolutely necessary.

How to understand that a child has been jinxed? What needs to be done to recognize the negative impact and quickly begin to break the evil spell?

First of all, parents should be wary of an unreasonable and sudden rise in temperature. If there is no cold, cough, or runny nose, and the baby complains of feeling unwell, you should take a close look at other symptoms that may be present.

Does a cheerful and friendly child often have a bad mood? A kind and affectionate baby has become irritable and hysterical? Is he afraid of his family and friends? Refuses to play with your favorite toys? It is quite possible that all of these are symptoms of the evil eye in a child.

Young children are very sensitive to negative energy coming from outside, so an increased degree of attention needs to be shown to them. The simplest thing you can do is attach a simple English letter to your child. Simple but effective.

Special rituals to identify the presence of a negative program

Sometimes the mood is at zero, and health leaves much to be desired, but these signs of damage and the evil eye in men and women seem insufficient. How to find out whether you have been jinxed or not, with the help of special rituals and ceremonies?

In many countries, ancient folk way, which will require the following devices:

  • Glass of clean water
  • Fresh raw egg

You need to carefully place a glass of water on your head and hold it with your hands so that the liquid does not spill. An assistant - necessarily a close and “trusted” person - must break a fresh egg and pour it into a glass, while carefully monitoring the integrity of the yolk. If you have no one to rely on, you can use a mirror and carefully carry out all the manipulations yourself.

After one or two minutes you can evaluate the result. If the water remains clean and clear, and the yolk falls evenly to the bottom, then there are no symptoms of external negative influence. If the egg behaves in an unclear way: the yolk has separated, and white threads or bubbles are extending upward from the white, then all the signs of damage and the evil eye are present, which can be immediately recognized. At the same time, the number of threads and bubbles directly demonstrates the “degree of severity” of the situation: the more threads, the stronger the negative effect.

Another important nuance, which you need to pay attention to is the “behavior” of bubbles and threads - they will help to recognize the premeditation of evil intentions. After some time after surfacing, do the threads sink to the bottom? It makes sense to say that the damage was caused on purpose, and the person who did it wants to hide his unseemly act.

The wax will tell the truth...

You can adopt one more ritual. Beeswax needs to be heated over a plate with cold water. When the wax becomes liquid, you need to carefully pour it into a plate and wait a couple of minutes. The resulting image, drawing or figure will help determine whether there is an evil eye.

An even, uniform pattern indicates that there is no damage to the person. Complex, torn, uneven figures, in turn, indicate interference in the consciousness of extraneous negative energy. In this case, you need to start “cleansing” procedures as soon as possible.

Sometimes strange things happen in our lives. A lot of problems fall on people out of nowhere. At such moments, different thoughts come to mind, and one of them is evil forces. A dark streak in life arises not only due to failures and various circumstances, beyond our control. A series of failures may be the result of damage or the evil eye. How to find out if there is an evil eye or damage to a person?

Evil eye and damage

Even in ancient times there were sorcerers, healers and healers. They possessed knowledge that helped identify the evil eye and damage. People always went to them to get rid of evil spells and heal. Very often various misfortunes are sent bad people. It has long been noted by Eastern sages that man has great potential, of which many are not even aware. Thousands of years ago, people knew about chakras, auras, energy channels, and acupuncture points. This knowledge has survived to this day, and we can use it if we wish.

Each of us has our own biofield. Unkind energetic influence from another person can disrupt it. People call this negative impact the evil eye and damage. We come into daily contact with many people who surround us, and the biofields are intertwined. The result is positive and negative action.

The evil eye and damage are able to penetrate the biofield, after which an energy leak occurs. How to distinguish these two negative phenomena? It is believed that when the evil eye occurs, the biofield is locally affected, and troubles occur in one area of ​​life. Damage has a stronger impact, and gradually problems begin in everything.

Does the evil eye exist? Yes, and such manifestations begin when people with a strong biofield have negative thoughts towards others. Some people can jinx it accidentally, completely by accident. A stronger biofield can harm a weaker one. As a result, there appear energy holes. It begins to seep through them:

  • energy;
  • health;
  • vitality.

Often people can smooth themselves out. This happens when one of us begins to very vigorously rejoice at an event in life that is about to happen. You need to smile at the present moment. If you think a lot about what's coming, then energy and emotions begin to put pressure on what needs to happen, depriving yourself of support in present moment.

Damage is always caused because it is a deliberate action. It is done using special rituals and incantations. This is harmful to health or completely destroys a person. Damage acts purposefully and strikes from the inside. It is aimed at a thing, food, drinks and other objects in order to speak of love or failure, unhappiness in marriage and other nasty things. If you caused damage, then in your home you can find:

  • broken eggs;
  • scraps of wool;
  • scattered salt;
  • needles;
  • curled feathers;
  • grave sand.

These signs indicate that a person is bothering someone, and they decided to ruin his life.

Clear signs of the evil eye are considered to be chronic fatigue and brokenness. However, the evil eye is applied without magical influence. If you yell at a person, envy him, say bad things, look angrily in his direction, then the biofield suffers from this. Pregnant women and children are especially vulnerable. Children often get sick after this, fall behind in their studies, become disobedient, sleep poorly, and have nightmares. The evil eye can gradually pass, since the biofield in this case heals like a wound.

Damage is manifested by many signs that can be easily seen in everyday life. It is worth considering when the following symptoms are noted:

Many people experiencing these symptoms go to the hospital. However, doctors do not always find an explanation for such symptoms. In addition to a medical examination, it is also necessary to conduct a diagnosis for the presence of exposure to a negative biofield. The result may be unpleasantly surprising.

Recognition methods

There are several ways to help identify negative influences from other people. Such methods are used by traditional healers. Some of them can be used at home to understand whether there is a conspiracy. We will present the most simple ways to recognize the evil eye and damage.

Methods of protection

Much in the methods and methods of protection from negative energy and bad people will depend on the personal strength of the person. A weak energy field suffers more often, so negative effects can always occur. Damage and evil eyes are not scary for people, strong spirit and full of energy and strength. You need to be very careful about your energy state.

It is advisable to observe what gives strength and takes it away. There are facts and people who can take away strength, energy, and drive you into depression. Gives us something good mood, gives strength, energy, makes you move forward, grow spiritually and intellectually.

You need to learn to cut off everything unnecessary and bad that takes away strength and energy and worsens your mood. Any actions and activities that make you rejoice and develop will strengthen the aura and make a person stronger.

Many people are concerned about the question of how to determine damage. And that's right. Now magic is spreading actively and it is used not by a few, but by the majority. Everything depends on the good intentions in a person.

Some use it for good, some for harm. Some people can deliberately bring negativity to you, so it is important to be able to identify and clean it.

What is damage

Damage is a conscious negative impact on a person, which is achieved through special rituals. It is created with the goal of destroying the life of the object of influence and directing negativity towards him. After such rituals, a person may experience illness, failure, loneliness and even death.

As a rule, a person who has been subjected to such negativity may begin to have misunderstandings in society. A person may become lonely. People turn away, quarrels with those around them occur.

The collapse of the material sphere is also possible. Some begin a series of failures, refusals, and financial losses.

Health also suffers. Illnesses appear, sometimes fatal. They are difficult to diagnose and heal with difficulty or nothing helps at all. The psyche is destroyed. Emotional state goes into a negative component, phobias and depressive moments may appear.

Corruption also affects the will of the individual. There is a tendency towards addiction.

There are many options for negative impacts and they should be diagnosed in a timely manner.

Here are the symptoms and signs of damage:

  • Apathy, depressive thoughts
  • Sleep problems
  • Weakness
  • Suicidal tendencies
  • Headaches
  • Phobias, neuroses
  • Impotence
  • Loneliness
  • Losses
  • Failures
  • Ailments
  • Poor appetite
  • Insulation
  • Quarreling
  • Anxiety
  • Doom
  • Financial difficulties
  • Touchiness
  • Bad habits
  • Incense intolerance
  • Yawning, nausea during prayer and meditation
  • Discomfort in cathedrals
  • Finding supports (salt, needles, soil in a bag, etc.)
  • Animals behave inappropriately

We determine damage on our own

Not everything in the world can be explained rationally. A person is accustomed to dividing life into “black” and “white” stripes, the more difficult it is for him to understand and discern the magical influence sent to his destiny. Unfortunately, there are people who are endowed with knowledge of how to destroy short terms the life of one's neighbor, with the help of black magic. And most often they succeed with ease.

In order to accurately determine whether a harmful ritual was performed, a person can perform an independent ritual. Self-diagnosis, at worst, will not harm him, and at best, it signals a real threat and will help him avoid serious danger.

To date, several ancient rituals have been preserved that reveal damage:

On a candle.

To determine damage, perform the ritual:

Holding a wax church candle in your hands, you need to listen to your feelings for a few minutes with your eyes closed, and concentrate on how you feel.

As soon as a person feels that he is completely focused, he will need to light a candle and, holding it with both hands, without taking his eyes off the flame. If the fire is even and bright, then there is no reason to worry. When it begins to twitch as if from the wind, black smoke begins to hiss, or the candle suddenly goes out, this is confirmation of the negativity that has been imposed on the person, and measures should be taken immediately.

On a silver chain.

The chain must be worn and belong only to the person who performs the ritual to identify damage. Pectoral cross It is not recommended to use it in this ritual.

You need to place a lit candle in front of you and hold a silver chain in your left hand (left-handed or right-handed). Looking at the candle flame, read any prayer that is closer to your soul.

When a magical effect is cast on a person, the chain oscillates and may begin to twitch or jump out of the hand.

On a chicken egg.

The classic way to detect negative effects is a chicken egg. For the ceremony, you need to purchase a village egg (from supermarkets is not suitable).

So, place a glass filled with holy water at the head of the bed and, before going to bed, place an egg in it. In the morning, it is easy to recognize damage by its condition. If the egg has spoiled, changed color, or an unpleasant odor appears, there is an impact on humans. When the egg has not changed its qualities, there is nothing to worry about; no dangerous manipulations for the potential victim were performed.

Through matches

It is very easy to determine damage to a person through matches; for this you need to take a jar of water. Place it in front of you. And then take 3 or more matches from the box and hold them between your palms. This must be done in order to fill the matches with your energy. Then you need to give the matches a program: “Are there any negative effects on me?”

After setting, light them and throw water into the jar. then interpret the answer according to the following criteria:

  • The matches do not intersect, they are freely located on the surface: you have no damage.
  • Matches intersect or are tilted towards the bottom: evil eye.
  • The matches went down: damage

On wax.

This method is popular among village healers. It helps determine whether there is damage. Church candle is divided into several parts and placed in a container. Holding it over an open fire (for example, over a burner) you need to melt the wax. The container with melted wax must be held over the victim’s head for several seconds. Afterwards, the wax is poured into a bowl of cold water.

By pattern hardened wax and the presence of damage to a person is determined. When the pattern is curved lines, depressions or bulges with bubbles, this is considered a sign of black influence. When the drawing is frozen in an even circle or consists of rounded lines, then everything is in order and there is nothing to be afraid of.

For this there is the following ritual:

Melt natural wax in a water bath and carefully pour into a bowl filled with water (the container should not be chlorinated). In this case, it is necessary to pronounce the spell: “The wax is poured out, the enemy is exposed.” A wax image is formed in the bowl, and if it is a flower or a moon, the damage is made by a woman. When a bear, a raven, a wolf or a square figure (maybe a rhombus) is seen in the image, the man is involved in the applied black magic. Often there were episodes when the victim of damage saw a clear image of the culprit in the bowl.

On egg white.

The method is similar to the above, but in this case the wax is replaced with a broken egg. The yolk and white should lie evenly in the water, without mixing with each other. The bowl with its contents is held above the head of the intended victim for about three minutes. If the protein has curled up, bubbles, spots or dots of different colors have formed on it, then this indicates a strong negative.

Identifying the disease is only half the battle; it is necessary to find out the cause so that the disease does not occur again. In other words, it is not enough to find out about the presence of a negative impact on a person; it is necessary to establish who from the environment caused damage and protect yourself from the society of a black magician.

For coffee

You can determine the presence of spoilage thanks to coffee. To do this, you need to brew and drink coffee, and then turn the cup over and contemplate the drawing. Draw conclusions based on the patterns. Huge lumps will indicate negativity. Moreover, the degree of induced evil depends on their magnitude.

With the help of a cat

To understand the presence or absence of damage, bring home a black cat (from the yard). Let her stay in the apartment for a couple of hours, win her over, give her time to get used to the new environment. Then pick her up and watch the animal's behavior. If the cat calmly cowers at you, everything is fine, there is no negativity, if it breaks out, is aggressive, etc., then there is negativity.

Through a pendulum or frame

In bioenergy, in order to understand whether there is damage to a person, two simple tool- frame or pendulum.

Thanks to the frame, they look at a person’s chakras, analyzing whether there are any breakdowns in them. Simply direct the frame starting from Sahasrara and further down to the remaining chakras, while asking necessary questions. And they watch how they rotate. In addition, at the beginning they ask a general question: “Is there damage to this person".

Naturally, this instrument is asked the desired program. And after each answer, the frame is cleaned using a special method.

It's even easier to work with a pendulum. They can buy it in any esoteric store or create it on their own. They get ready to work and perform a simple ritual.

They set a program: if there is damage to a given person, rotate according to the emergency; if not, then against it. They knock on the table and watch the magic instrument rotate.

For the pendulum to give accurate answers, you need to make friends with it, pick it up more often, and put it under your pillow.

Types of damage

There are many different types of damage. Basically they are done on:

  • Loneliness
  • Disease
  • Death
  • Failures
  • Sexual helplessness
  • Mental problems
  • Impotence
  • Black stripe.
  • Money problems
  • Moving in
  • Obsession
  • Suicide

Damage to relationships

  • Love spell
  • Seal of loneliness
  • Lapel
  • Quarrel
  • Crown of celibacy
  • Family breakup

Pointing methods

  • Lining
  • Damage through the church
  • Through food
  • Via phone
  • Through a doll
  • On personal power
  • Through the churchyard
  • Besovskie
  • Omorochki
  • Damn
  • Etc.

In addition to damage done through rituals, there is also everyday damage that can be acquired unconsciously, for example, through strong resentment, anger, hatred, envy.

Each negative impact caused by a black magician, with the aim of distorting a person’s life, affects the health of the victim of the ritual, both physical and mental. So the rule clearly applies here: “Forewarned is forearmed.”

Indeed, you need to find out about the presence of a magical influence, that is, induced damage, as early as possible and immediately begin to solve the problem (after consulting with esoteric specialists in advance). This greatly increases a person’s chances of a positive outcome.

In order to determine whether a person is damaged or not, there are certain signs characteristic of black magic. In addition, there are special rituals with which you can identify signs of damage. Strictly following the instructions of such rituals will help to say with complete confidence about the presence or absence of a negative impact on a person.

Damage is a negative impact on a person, which is the result of a black magic ritual. Purposeful negativity is very dangerous and, if it is not removed in time, a person’s life can be completely destroyed.

Damage to a person happens different types. These are, for example, influences that lead to loneliness, career destruction and even death. But the signs of damage on a person are always very similar and recognizable. Therefore, diagnosing the presence of negativity on your own will not be difficult.

For example, quarrels in the family, problems at work, conflicts with colleagues, betrayal of friends, illness or accidents.

Sometimes all these troubles come one after another. At such a moment, you involuntarily begin to think - is this just a black streak in life or is it someone’s evil eye? Or maybe it’s even damage?

And if the phrase “trouble does not come alone” no longer reassures you, and all hope that everything will go away on its own disappears, then it’s worth looking to see if there are any signs of damage to you.

The effect of damage on a person will be different. It all depends on what kind of damage was inflicted on the person (love, friends, career, etc.).

Damage to relationships

  • Aggression towards a partner appears
  • Thoughts about another man (woman) arise
  • Feelings change for no particular reason
  • Passes sexual attraction to the person
  • Feeling worse

These signs of damage are usually observed in two people at once.

But if you observe any of these signs, then you should not immediately think about damage. Maybe, indeed, your relationship has outlived its usefulness and it’s worth breaking up.

Signs of damage to loneliness
You are a beautiful, smart girl, but men don’t seem to notice you
You meet a guy, but the relationship doesn't last long and breaks up for no particular reason.
Suddenly quarrel with best friends, and there is no harmony with colleagues

The same points apply to men, because the curse of loneliness and its signs are always the same.

Damage to health

Signs of damage to health most often look like a sudden illness and are similar to signs of the evil eye.

The disease appears out of nowhere and develops quickly. When visiting a doctor, no causes of the disease are identified. And the medications have no effect.

It happens that damage is caused to something specific. For example, a person begins to gain weight quickly (spoilage for obesity).

Or, on the contrary, it “melts” before our eyes, quickly loses weight (damage to weight loss), there may be a deterioration in appearance or infertility.

In general, everything that is somehow connected with the body is all damage to health.

Damage to property

  • Fire,
  • Flood,
  • Robbery.

In general, anything can happen.

Damage to work and its external signs

  • Everything is falling out of hand
  • Discord with colleagues
  • Deals fall through
  • Sponsors refuse to work.

Black damage to death

Signs of damage to death are the most terrifying thing you can find (God forbid, of course). Few people will dare to do this. There are a great many types of damage to death:

  • Death from a car accident
  • Death by water
  • Incurable disease
  • Electric shock.

And many, many other reasons why misfortune can happen to a person.

And what’s most amazing is that damage to death can occur by itself. Just because someone really hates you or is jealous of you.

So, we have found out how to identify signs of damage on a person and how to recognize damage. If any of the points mentioned here apply to you, then you should immediately contact a specialist. Luckily there are a lot of them now.

The only thing to keep in mind! You should not go to salons with fortune tellers and clairvoyants. Usually there are charlatans in such establishments. The most real white magicians conduct receptions at home and are unlikely to take money for it. Or they just don’t name the price. Anyone who turns to such people for help must evaluate the cost of the service themselves.

What are the signs of damage?

Let's look at the general signs of damage:

  • If you yourself think that someone has damaged you (intuition usually does not fail)
  • Poor health, loss of strength
  • Apathy, stress, depression, thoughts of suicide
  • Irritability, suspicion, eternal dissatisfaction
  • The appearance of unreasonable fears (for example, riding in an elevator, fear of the dark, enclosed spaces, people)
  • A completely healthy woman cannot get pregnant
  • Sudden weight loss or weight gain for no apparent reason
  • Acute shortage fresh air(like you're suffocating)
  • Violation of perfectly worked out life plans
  • You are annoyed by your appearance, reflection in the mirror
  • The desire to remove the cross if you wear it around your neck all the time
  • You cannot be in church, look at icons and church candles
  • The appearance of cockroaches, mice, ants in the house (especially if they have never been there before)
  • Memories of past troubles
  • Haunted by nightmares.

In magic there are a huge number of types of damage to a person. Black ritual for health, for love, for loneliness, for troubles at work, for death - not full list spheres that can be influenced using magic.

However, all these effects share common symptoms that help identify signs of damage:

Health problems

loss of strength and loss of energy

Sudden loss of strength and constant fatigue– symptoms of black influence on a person. To a greater extent, this applies to those types of influence that are aimed at loss of strength, health problems and death. However, even love damage will be characterized by a decadent state.

deterioration of health

Many diseases have their own causes. However, when it comes to diseases that appear suddenly, it is worth thinking about the possible negative impact. In this case, health problems are signs of spoilage that will help identify this problem.

Financial problems

loss of property and financial troubles

Signs of damage aimed at any area of ​​life are obvious problems with money. Moreover, these troubles most often are not temporary, but permanent, and can make successful person loser.

failure in any business

A person who has been damaged is characterized by constant failures and failures. Often, even people who are nearby can become infected with problems.

Relationship problems

As a rule, the negative effects of black magic can be determined by problems in relationships. Moreover, problems can arise not only with a loved one, but also with loved ones, friends and relatives.

Unusual sensations

The victim herself is usually not able to understand that damage is taking place.

However, there are certain sensations that indicate this. Unreal illusions and hallucinations are obvious symptoms. Therefore if your close person shared this observation, there is a possibility of a negative impact.

Signs of a dark ritual usually begin with problems with sleep. As a rule, they manifest themselves in restless, anxious sleep and regular nightmares.

Nightmares, strange dreams or fears do not always indicate the presence of a negative impact. However, these symptoms should not be neglected.

How to recognize damage?

If you know the signs of damage to a person, you can recognize this destructive magical effect in time and take measures to save him. To identify signs of damage, there are general symptoms and special rituals. They, at correct execution, always give almost one hundred percent results.

The ritual of causing damage to a person is usually understood as magical ritual black magic, which is intended to provide negative impact for the life of the victim. There are several types of this ritual, the signs of which are more similar.

And they differ in that most of the problems a person experiences are precisely in the area for which the ritual was performed.

How is damage to a person determined?

Place three candles on the table, light and read one of the prayers " Our Father», « May God rise again», « Holy Mother of God" Then cross yourself three times.

If while reading a prayer the flame burns evenly and cleanly, then there is no evil eye on you. If the flame flickers in different sides and burns with black smoke - then this is nothing more than damage.

By pouring wax

To perform this ritual you will need beeswax.

You can get it at any apiary or buy it at the city market, in the honey sales department.

If you don’t find it there, try asking at the nearest pharmacy.

First, you need to melt the beeswax. Then ask someone from your family to pour the melted wax into the cold water. This action must be carried out above your head. And at the same time say three times:

“It’s not me who pours out and reprimands, it’s the servant of God (name) Mother who pours out and reprimands Holy Mother of God with all the angels, archangels, saints and patrons. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen!".

The wax should be poured in a thin stream without stopping. Then place a cup of water and wax poured into it on the table and wait until the wax completely hardens. When the wax has cooled, take the wax figurine in your hands and take a good look.

  • If your figure is smooth, with slight irregularities, then your ailments are just temporary troubles in life.
  • If, however, there are significant irregularities on the figure, all sorts of bumps, then damage has been caused to you.
  • When there is only one, but very large growth, this is a curse.
  • If there are a lot of sores, depressions or small holes on the figurine, this means that the same people periodically send damage to you.
  • If the edges of the figure are uneven (as if bitten), then your destiny is damaged. And we need to get rid of it quickly.

Afterwards, the wax must be wrapped in thick paper and burned. If this is not possible, then bury it in the ground.

Just keep in mind: the relative who will perform this procedure must support you.

How to determine spoilage using an egg - 1 way

Pour cold water into a glass and remove excess energy from the water. To do this, move your hand around the water three times (as if you were removing a cobweb) and throw the “cobweb” aside.

Then you need to baptize the water right hand and at the same time read a prayer " May God rise again" Then break the egg into purified water and look at the result:

  • For example, the water remains clean, and the yolk floats in the white, then there is no talk of any spoilage.
  • If stripes go up from the protein, then a negative impact was directed at you.
  • If there are bubbles at the ends of these strips, then severe damage has been sent to you.
  • When you see black dots or veins in a glass with all its contents, then they very much wish you harm.

How to identify signs of spoilage using an egg - method 2

In order to do this, you can do another simple ritual with water and an egg. which can be done independently or with outside help. To complete it, you need a glass of water, two-thirds full, and a fresh egg. Please note that the egg must not only be fresh, but also at room temperature. Therefore, before the ceremony, it is recommended to leave it out of the refrigerator for at least half an hour.

An egg is driven into a glass of water so as not to break the yolk. Now a person who wants to identify black magic directed at him should lower his chin to his chest and place a glass with an egg on his crown.

The glass can be supported alternately with your hands, or an assistant can do this. You need to hold the glass with the egg on the crown of your head for three minutes.

When time will pass, it will be possible to study the result. If the water remains clear and the egg is whole (the yolk is still in the white), then there is no spoilage. If there are columns in the glass that lead upward, then black magic is taking place.

And when there are bubbles on the columns, this means that the dark ritual is very strong. The death ritual will appear as columns with bubbles and dark dots. The yolk may contain gray and green spots if there is a strong negative impact.

With the help of a black cat

You can determine signs of damage on a person with the help of a black cat. For the ritual, you can take it, for example, from friends or neighbors. The main thing is that she stays with you for a few days.

What to do: when the cat is calm, pick her up. Let her lie on your lap for about 10 minutes. Now let’s look at the result.

If a previously calm cat begins to break free from your hands, get angry or meow, it means she has sensed some kind of negative energy. You can also notice places where the cat does not want to be. Perhaps there is some evil force in this place.

If you find any of the above, then you should directly contact a specialist or try to get rid of the evil scourge yourself. You can only do this yourself if you believe that you can do it. Without faith in corruption, your spells and prayers will be useless.

Ritual to determine damage

If you notice individual symptoms in yourself or someone close to you, then it is best to finally confirm or refute the presence of damage with one a simple ritual. To complete this you will need three matches from a new box.

Sitting at the table, you need to light and let all three matches go out in turn. Now throw all three burnt matches into a bowl of salt water (water and a few pinches of salt). If they all sank, then this is a sign that the person has a negative black influence.

Getting rid of suspicious things and objects

If, for example, leaving your apartment in the morning, you saw that:

  • Just before the threshold, soil and seed husks are scattered
  • A puddle of water that came from unknown source
  • A nail is driven into the doorposts.

And all sorts of other oddities that could not appear on their own. They will tell you how to determine damage.

In such cases, you should look for other people's things in your apartment. This could be anything from a pen accidentally left behind to an item given as a gift for a recent event. If this is really discovered, then you should immediately get rid of this item. And not just throw it away, but burn it. And while the thing is burning, say these words three times:

“Where it came from, go there! Whoever sent it, take it!”

If the person who cast the evil eye on you is from your circle of friends and acquaintances, then you can easily recognize him. After burning the “damaged thing,” his face will burn.

How to get rid of damage yourself

Let's see the most simple methods getting rid of negative influences.

Breathing exercises

You can remove damage from a person using breathing exercises. You need to sit on a chair, be sure to straighten your back, put your hands on your knees (or lower them freely along the body). Exhale all the air that is in your lungs. Stay in this state for about 15 seconds.

Then take a deep breath and catch your breath. Then repeat the procedure. You need at least five repetitions per day. In general, such gymnastics can be repeated daily for a long time.

Breathing exercises do not completely eliminate evil eye, it just allows you to exhale all the negative energy from yourself. This method can be used in addition to a more significant method of deliverance, for example, prayer against the evil eye and damage.

Church candle

If you are a baptized person, then this method is suitable for treatment: you need to buy a candle in the church.

At home, light it and move it up and down along your body. At the same time, read the “Our Father” prayer. After reading the prayer, christen yourself with this candle.

If, while holding a candle, the flame begins to sway and crackle strongly, then in this area of ​​the body you need to sharpen special attention. Try to christen this area, saying:

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen!".

Wax candle

If you are unbaptized, then you can do the same ritual.

But the candle must only be an ordinary wax candle (i.e., not a church candle) and there is no need to read a prayer. You can simply say out loud the words that make you feel... positive emotions(love, kindness, hope, etc.)

If you are of a different religion, then such methods will not help you at all. And it is not recommended to turn to the methods of another religion.


Another option is to put a pin on your clothing. The head of the pin should look down and should be positioned at heart level. It is advisable that no one sees her.


This way you can remove damage from a sore spot on the body (we will need a dry twig that fell off the tree itself). Passing this twig over the sore spot, read the plot:

“Just as a mother’s dry pine tree has branches and roots made of white logs and red hearts drying up and drying up, so would (name’s) lessons and prizes, and tributaries, pinches and aches, heaviness and yawning, when young, when full, dry and wither on the edge and on the decay of the month; from the wild head, from the brown hair, black eyebrows, clear eyes, from the lips, from the teeth, from the arms, from the legs, from the lungs and from the liver, from the blood of the hot and quivering body.”

As you can see, there are a lot of ways to determine damage to a person. And they are all extremely diverse. It’s impossible to describe, know and do everything. In order to read magic spells on your own, you need to study special literature, diligently and persistently work on yourself. Such skills are not given so easily.

Removing damage or the evil eye on your own is as simple as identifying the signs of damage on a person. You just have to remember what symptoms you had and note what has changed now. First of all, of course, the desire to live returns. General well-being and complexion improves. Diseases and phobias go away. Relationships with loved ones are improved. Friends are returning. Career is taking off again.

Remember on time damage removed- this is success and victory over evil spells. And in order to prevent it from happening again, you should learn to repel negative energy from yourself.