Disinfection of food warehouses. Methods for disinfecting warehouses

Food production must be kept perfectly clean. Cleaning should be done regularly and the choice of chemicals should be taken as seriously as possible. We suggest you consider professional products for disinfection food industry from the manufacturer "CHIMITEKS". They are designed to provide protection against harmful bacteria and create ideal cleanliness for comfortable and safe work.

Here you will find equipment for premises for the production and processing of meat and fish products. The preparations are suitable for cleaning confectionery shops and other workshops. We have also developed acidic detergent compositions that differ increased efficiency with the correct ratio of substances in the solution.

Product advantages

  • creating ideal sanitary conditions for food production;
  • quick fix unpleasant odors;
  • microbiological purity is ensured;
  • opportunity to buy both concentrate and ready solution(dilution in the required ratio);
  • compliance with all quality standards, there are supporting certificates;
  • low prices: you can buy it at a profit detergents for the food industry with a complex order;
  • absolute safety of chemicals.

Ordering cleaning products from CHIMITEX

Detergents and disinfectants for the food industry are sold regularly. We offer to make a comprehensive order of drugs that will ensure complete cleanliness in both production and other premises. To do this, you just need to leave a request for a call back. You can also send your orders and questions by email. We will advise you, help you choose the right funds for your tasks and save your budget!

All types of insects and mites that damage grain stocks reproduce well at elevated temperatures and humidity of the grain, with poor ventilation and unsanitary conditions of the premises. The main condition for protecting stocks of seed and food grains, flour, and cereals is the implementation of a set of measures aimed at creating conditions that do not allow the development of pests and compliance with the strictest sanitary regime.

Early in the spring before the onset of stable warm weather It is necessary to clean the warehouse area, currents and sheds from debris. This will allow you to destroy overwintered pests before they spread. All garbage and plant remains are destroyed - buried in the ground to a depth of at least 40 cm or burned.

As granaries are emptied of seed, food grain and fodder, the entire room, including beams, walls, floors, hatches and underground galleries, as well as all storage equipment and mechanisms, are swept and cleaned of grain product residues.

Only after chemical treatment you can begin repairing the warehouse: plastering, sealing cracks, entrances to rodent burrows, asphalt, whitewash, etc., otherwise the pests will remain in the sealed cracks and holes, where they can multiply for a long time and will be inaccessible for chemical treatment.

20-30 days before the new harvest grain is filled, all granaries are processed simultaneously. This will prevent the migration of pests from infected storage facilities to previously cleaned and disinfected ones.

At the same time, the current, container and vehicles. At the same time special attention pays attention to the cleanliness of containers, hatches, galleries, conveyor elevators, trailed carts and other places where there may be plant products infected with warehouse pests. Most often these are bread mites, invisible to the naked eye.

At the same time, it is necessary to eliminate and disinfect storage areas of warehouse pests both inside and near grain storage facilities. These are primarily nests of sparrows, pigeons, rodent burrows, plant debris in feeders livestock premises, old stacks of straw and hay.

IN winter time in storage facilities they fight against rodents - carriers of harmful ticks and insects. In warehouses and embankments of grain products they support low temperature, it is effective in controlling stock pests. At a temperature of 0°C, all folding pests die after 1.5...2 months, and at -15...17° - within 24 hours. Food and feed grains can be cooled at any temperature and humidity. You just need to remember that “cooling” should not be allowed, that is, part-time work and shoveling when the air temperature is higher than the grain mound. In this case, the grain sweats, the humidity increases and self-heating is possible. Seed grain can be frozen at a humidity not higher than 18% and at an air temperature not lower than -10°.

Destructive measures carried out by wet, aerosol or gas treatments.

Wet disinfection unloaded warehouses are carried out by spraying aqueous solutions. Consumption working fluid 0.2... 0.4 l/mg for premises and 0.6... 1.0 l/m1 for the warehouse area and underground. Treatment is carried out with one of the following preparations: 80% s. n. chlorophos (4 g/m2), 50% a.e. trichlormstaphos - 3 (0.5...2 ml/m2), 50% a.e. metathnon (0.8... 1.2 ml/m2); 50% k.e. leibacid (0.6...1.0 ml/m2), 50% e.e. actellica (0.5 ml/m2).

Processing of unloaded warehouses insecticides carried out 10 days before receiving grain from a new harvest. For disinfection and preventative treatment 50% k.e. is applied to the grains in the flow. karbofos based on;. 12 to 30 ml/t.

Aerosol treatment sealed unloaded storage facilities are carried out with “Gamma” checkers at the rate of 0.5...1.0 g/m3. The exposition lasts two days.

Gas treatment(fumigation) is a more labor-intensive and expensive event that requires special equipment and protective equipment. Not every premises can be fumigated according to sanitary standards and technical reasons. Therefore, only warehouses with consignments of contaminated feed or food grain, flour, dried fruit and other products are usually fumigated. To fumigate seeds, metal chloride (100 g/m3) is used, exposure time is 2...3 hours.

For fumigation For feed and food grains, in addition to metallyl chloride, you can use methyl bromide (30... 100 g/m3), with an exposure of 3... 4 hours.

At pest control feed or food legumes and oilseeds consume 98.5% of methyl bromide 30...100 g/m3 and metallyl chloride 50...70 g/m3 with the same exposures. Degassing, depending on the temperature and height of the grain mound, lasts up to 5 days. Before consumption, grain products are tested for residual amounts of fumigants.

Deactivation- this is one of the types of disinfection, which is the removal of radioactive substances from contaminated areas, from the surface of buildings, structures, equipment, clothing, and equipment. personal protection, water, food.

Degassing- removal of unwanted dissolved gases or trapped gas bubbles from devices (e.g. vacuum installations and laboratory equipment) and substances.

Disinfection is a set of measures aimed at destroying pathogens of infectious diseases and destroying toxins in environmental objects. To carry this out, they are usually used chemicals, such as formaldehyde or sodium hypochlorite. Disinfection reduces the number of microorganisms to an acceptable level, but may not completely destroy them. It is one of the types of disinfection. There are preventive, current and final disinfection:

Deratization- comprehensive measures to exterminate rodents (rats, mice, voles, etc.). Food poisons (in the form of baits), traps, gaseous poisons, and ultrasonic repellents are used. In some cases, biological methods are used to exterminate rodents - cats, dogs.

Demercurization- removal of mercury and its compounds by physical-chemical or by mechanical means in order to prevent poisoning of people and animals. Metallic mercury is highly toxic and has high blood pressure vapors at room temperature, so in case of accidental spillage (as well as in case of damage mercury thermometers, lamps, pressure gauges and other devices containing mercury must be removed from the premises).

Ticket 21.

Monitoring- the process of systematically or continuously collecting information about the parameters of a complex object or activity to determine trends in parameters.

Monitoring- the systematic collection and processing of information that can be used to improve decision-making, and also, indirectly, to inform the public or directly as a feedback tool for the purposes of project implementation, program evaluation or policy development. It has one or more of three organizational functions:

  • identifies the state of critical or changing phenomena environment, in relation to which a course of action for the future will be developed;
  • establishes relationships with his environment, providing feedback, in relation to the previous successes and failures of particular policies or programs;
  • establishes compliance with regulations and contractual obligations.

The closest Russian equivalent of the word “monitoring” is tracking. The terms control, supervision, supervision, supervision, which are sometimes indicated as synonyms, still have a slightly different meaning.

  • In technical diagnostics, monitoring is understood as a continuous process of collecting and analyzing information about the value of diagnostic parameters of an object’s condition.

Technical diagnostics- area of ​​knowledge that includes information about methods and means of assessment technical condition machines, mechanisms, equipment, structures and other technical objects.

Technical diagnostics is integral part maintenance. The main task of technical diagnostics is to reduce the costs of maintaining facilities and to reduce losses from downtime as a result of failures.

Diagnosis of technical objects includes the following functions:

  • assessment of the technical condition of the facility;
  • detection and location of faults;
  • forecasting the residual life of an object;
  • monitoring the technical condition of the facility.

There are direct and indirect diagnostic parameters. The former directly characterize the state of the object, and the latter are related to direct parameters by functional dependence.

Depending on technical means and diagnostic parameters that are used when diagnosing, the following incomplete list of diagnostic methods can be compiled:

  • organoleptic diagnostic methods, which are based on the use of human senses (examination, listening);
  • vibration diagnostic methods, which are based on the analysis of vibration parameters of technical objects;
  • acoustic methods diagnostics based on the analysis of the parameters of sound waves generated by technical objects and their components;
  • thermal methods; this also includes diagnostic methods based on the use of thermal imagers;
  • specific methods for each field of technology (for example, when diagnosing a hydraulic drive, the static-parametric method is widely used, based on the analysis of throttled fluid flow; in electrical engineering, methods based on the analysis of the parameters of electrical signals are used, etc.).

When carrying out technical diagnostics, there are two main problems:

  • probability of missing a fault;
  • the probability of a “false alarm”, that is, the probability of a false signal about the presence of a malfunction.

The higher the probability of a “false alarm”, the less likely it is to miss a fault, and vice versa. The task of technical diagnostics is to find a “golden mean” between these two problems.

Basic requirements in question 22.

Safety precautions when working on agricultural machines. Meaning safety precautions. Safety precautions is a set of rules and techniques, the implementation of which prevents accidents and injuries to people operating machines.
The main task of safety is to create favorable and safe conditions labor in production. WITH safety precautions Fire safety measures are inextricably linked, ensuring the protection of people from fire and the preservation of public values ​​and personal property from fires. Practice of operating agricultural machines and guns in field conditions shows that accidents and various damages ( bruises, wounds, etc.) of the body most often occur due to violation of safety regulations or ignorance of them. Knowledge and compliance with these rules is absolutely mandatory for all service personnel. Compliance with safety regulations and strict compliance fire safety not only prevent accidents and occupational diseases, but also contribute to increased productivity. The foremen are primarily responsible for the state of safety in tractor crews. They are required to instruct team members and check their knowledge of workplace safety rules. The state of safety precautions should be systematically monitored by farm managers.

For each group of machines, depending on their design and the operation performed, appropriate safety rules. However, there are general rules and safety requirements, which must be strictly followed when working with any machines.
1. Only persons who have received special rights ( tractor drivers, combine operators).
2. Agricultural implements (tractors and machines) must be in good working order, and their components and mechanisms must be correctly adjusted. It is prohibited to work on a technically faulty machine.
3. Connect the machine to the tractor carefully and carefully. The tractor must be backed up to the machine in slow gear, smoothly, without jerking.
4. Before moving off, the tractor driver must make sure that there are no people between the tractor and the machine, as well as in the path of movement of the unit. It is also necessary to check whether the operating personnel of the unit have taken their places. After this, give a warning signal and only when you receive a response signal start moving. The order and method of signal transmission are established in advance, and all personnel servicing the unit must know them.
5. During movement and work, personnel machine servicer, must be located in their specially designated workplaces ( seats, equipped platforms, etc.). It is prohibited to move from a tractor to a machine while moving, to jump off or jump on a tractor, or to sit during movement in places not intended for this purpose ( ladders, steps, trailers, etc.). It is also prohibited to transfer control of the machine to unauthorized persons and allow them onto the tractor or machine.
6. People servicing unit, must work in carefully tucked clothes. Women's headscarves should be tied so that there are no flapping ends and hair does not protrude from under the headscarf. When working in dusty conditions, workers are provided with safety glasses and, in special cases, respirators to protect their respiratory system.
7. Maintenance and car repair should only be carried out with the engine not running. You should also not lubricate, adjust or troubleshoot the machine while it is in operation.
8. When moving across railway tracks, highways and dirt roads, you must first ensure that the crossing is safe. When driving downhill ( or uphill) be sure to switch to 1st or 2nd gear with a low engine speed. When working or driving at night, the units must be equipped with working and sufficiently reliable lighting.
9. It is prohibited to rest and sleep in furrows, in haystacks, on the side of roads where units are operating, as well as near and under cars in field parking lots.

The health of employees, the quality and safety of products and services provided depend on the sanitary condition of the enterprise. Disinfection of enterprises different types carried out by company employees or representatives of a specialized service. In Moscow and the Moscow region, such services are provided by SES.

Basic requirements for disinfection

The disinfection procedure includes the treatment of premises, equipment, furniture, dishes, clothing and open areas from viruses, molds, bacteria, unpleasant odors and other harmful biological objects.

Offices, warehouses, production premises, retail outlets, food industry facilities and catering disinfected in the following ways:

  • wiping;
  • irrigation;
  • aerosol and steam treatment;
  • immersion and others.

Enterprises practice several types of disinfection. Usually this is a preventive and focal treatment.

Prevention should be carried out regularly, within the time limits specified in regulatory documents.

The type of disinfection is chosen based on the type of enterprise. In each individual case, a work plan is individually developed and implemented. The procedure consists of the following steps:

  • development of a disinfection scheme taking into account the specifics of the enterprise;
  • selection of the drug and methods of its administration;
  • calculation of the quantity of disinfectants;
  • room treatment and open areas;
  • preparation of documentation.

Disinfection at the enterprise is strictly regulated. Strict records of preparations for disinfecting premises and the timing of work are kept. All data is recorded in the “Recording book for receipt, consumption of disinfectants and disinfection treatments.”

Disinfection of production premises

Disinfection industrial enterprises carried out using disinfectants included in the List of drugs registered in the Russian Federation. Modern disinfectants make it possible to do with one treatment when identifying a source of contamination.

The method of application is chosen taking into account the characteristics of the object and the complexity of biological contamination. To achieve maximum effect the properties of harmful microorganisms and the mode of use of the enterprise are taken into account.

The use of high-tech equipment that supplies disinfectant solutions in the form of fine suspensions makes it possible for active substances to penetrate into such hard to reach places, such as ventilation, communications, cracks.

Disinfection in catering establishments

Routine disinfection at catering establishments is carried out daily. The enterprise regime must include a sanitary day for the disinfection of premises, warehouses, equipment and inventory.

Employees carrying out disinfection at food preparation enterprises must undergo special training.

Only products that have a state registration certificate and a certificate of conformity are suitable for processing. When choosing a specific drug, consider:

  • antimicrobial effect of the disinfectant;
  • required concentration;
  • exposure time for the required degree of disinfection;
  • degree of solubility of the product in water;
  • frequency of treatments and methods of application;
  • toxicity (class 4 agents are suitable);
  • influence on the condition of the treated surfaces.

Disinfection at food industry enterprises

Disinfection at food enterprises is an important veterinary and sanitary-hygienic measure. Its task is to eliminate and prevent the spread of infections both inside and outside enterprises. The difficulty lies in the need for a critical approach to the selection of funds. They must:

  • reliably disinfect;
  • do not impart foreign odors to the products;
  • be able to use without stopping production.

Systematic disinfection of equipment in a food enterprise – prerequisite safe operation of workshops and the enterprise as a whole.

It includes the disinfection of production tanks, tanks, cutting and packaging equipment, containers for storing and transporting products.

Disinfection at meat industry enterprises

All objects that come into contact with animals and products obtained as a result of their slaughter are subject to processing. Disinfection at meat industry enterprises is systematic.

Forced disinfection is carried out when the source of infection at work is identified. Usually these are sick animals or their carcasses.

A wide range of products are used to treat equipment, premises, and vehicles. This is bleach, sodium chloride or potassium, soda ash, copper sulfate, acids and formaldehydes.

Upon completion of processing, an act is drawn up indicating:

  • purpose of disinfection;
  • name of the disinfectant and its concentration;
  • data about the disinfection object;
  • efficiency of the work performed.

Disinfection at dairy industry enterprises

If disinfection in meat processing plants is carried out using more aggressive means for processing, then for dairy utensils and equipment you need products that do not affect the taste and smell finished product. Milk reacts sensitively to foreign substances.

The quality of dairy products directly depends on how well disinfection is organized at dairy industry enterprises.

Particular attention should be paid to raw material storage tanks, separators and other metal equipment. Good results shows steam disinfection. To do this, they use powerful steam generators that remove milk residues and pathogenic bacteria.

The Sanitary and Epidemiological Service carries out comprehensive disinfection of enterprises. Upon completion of the work, the customer receives a full package of documents.

Do you need the services of a Sanitary and Epidemiological Station in Moscow?

It is possible to arrange disinsection and deratization in a warehouse, because not only microorganisms can harm such a room. The danger comes from both rodents and insects, which are often unexpected guests modern food and industrial warehouses. Pest extermination is carried out with high-quality preparations of class 4 low-hazard substances. The ECO-CAPITAL company carries out treatment with substances that in no way negatively affect warm-blooded creatures. Such drugs are not dangerous for humans and animals.

Disinfection of warehouses

Specialized sanitary treatment or disinfection of warehouse premises has recently become a procedure regulated by law. The purpose of warehouse disinfection is to destroy bacteria and viruses, as well as microorganisms and insects. As a rule, preliminary disinfection of warehouses allows you to save on fumigation and significantly improve the safety of goods. It is especially important to fumigate the premises before placing food products, such as vegetables and fruits, in it.

Sanitation methods

Professional disinfection of warehouses can be carried out using several methods - chemical or physical. Ozone-enriching UV lamps are used as physical methods for destroying microbes. Chemical methods include the use of equipment for gas and steam treatment (cold/hot fog generators), sterilization of room surfaces using safe disinfectants. Typically, the interaction of two methods gives best results processing.

Sequence of actions for disinfection

Disinfection of any premises is an event carried out in strict compliance with the work algorithm. Standard disinfection of warehouse premises includes the following steps:

  • Pre-treatment
  • Mechanical treatment (removal of dirt, dust, mold)
  • Direct disinfection treatment

Before carrying out sanitization, care must be taken to protect the equipment, for example by covering it plastic film. Choose a chemical based on the characteristics of the product you are going to store; give preference to safe and effective products.

If you don’t understand the issue well, call a professional service; its specialists will quickly find a method that is convenient for the specifics of your premises to destroy the infection. Disinfection of warehouses is a popular service among modern SES, as it is in demand among representatives of all business sectors.

How to save food in an infected warehouse?

If food or valuable goods are stored in a warehouse infested with mold, insects or rodents, you may soon be faced with such unpleasant consequences– loss of presentation, damage to goods by insects. Therapeutic disinfection of warehouses can save you from the development of these problems.

Prevention (continuous monitoring, inspection of the condition of the premises) and the involvement of professionals if there are problems with its sanitary and epidemiological condition - ready-made solution, which can significantly increase the status and competitiveness of your products and avoid conflicts with dissatisfied customers.

To disinfect warehouses, you must follow a strict sequence of actions:

  1. Conduct an audit of the warehouse.
  2. Assess the level of bacterial contamination.
  3. Draw up an action plan for chemical treatment.
  4. Carry out a disinfection procedure in the warehouse.
  5. Receive a Certificate of Completion.

Why disinfect warehouses in Moscow?

Warehouse disinfection- a prerequisite for successful business. Today, the procedure for processing warehouse premises is regulated by legislation and is mandatory. The main purpose of its implementation is the extermination of pathogenic microorganisms, viruses, fungi and insects. After all, bacteria can harm both the composition food products, and safety building materials. And preventive disinfection of warehouses in Moscow will allow you to preserve your material assets.

Treatment of the area can be carried out either chemically (ozone-enriching UV lamps) or physically. To ensure that disinfection of premises is not a necessary measure, it is very important to order the procedure in a timely manner from a company that specializes in providing of this type services. Timely disinfection of the warehouse complex will help avoid problems with the sanitary and epidemiological service.

Warehouse disinfection is absolutely safe