What is success? What is real and real success in life.

In this article, we will answer the question - "What is success?" And also we will reveal - "What exactly is success for you in your life ???"

What is success?

I ask you, stop and think for a moment on the questions: What is success and what exactly is it for you?

Okay, now let me help you.

Success is inner peace of mind.

Success is happiness in the here and now.

Success is self-realization and the full disclosure of one's own potential.

Success is meaningfulness and fulfillment in life.

Success is your favorite activity that awakens passion in you, and you can do it around the clock.

Success is helping other people, that is, making them happier and the world a better place.

Success is closely related to the state of mind. Our soul came to this world to receive joy and pleasure, as well as to realize itself, and we (our, our body) must support it in this. When our soul realizes itself in creativity, we are. When we see and feel that the creation of our soul and the activities that we are doing are of great benefit to other people, we feel incredible bliss. This is the answer to the question - What is success? Success is meaningfulness and fulfillment of life.

Any realization of oneself, one's soul and one's talents is possible only with the help of other people. After all, the soul does not create for itself. The soul creates for other people in order to help them and make the life of others meaningful, fulfilled and give them a small part of its own. A cheerful person gives others a piece of his joy, a piece of happiness. The unhappy person transmits his misfortune. Beware of unhappy people!

If you remove all people from our planet, it will become simply unreal. What is the point of writing now, because no one will read them anyway. What's the point in developing new design clothes, because no one will wear them. Does it make sense to build new houses if no one will live in them?

Obviously, this makes no sense.

There is the double essence of success: the soul realizes itself and creates and helps other people to become more happy. The most correct definition of success, in my opinion, sounds like this:

Success is revealing your potential, realizing your real talents, making our world better, more perfect, and people happier.

I feel joyful when I accomplish my greatest. I perfectly understand that my innermost dream will make this world much better, and tens of millions of people will become much happier. Many people will contribute to this world, other people will become more positive and happier, others will build their own business and will be able to invest a lot of money in charity. Success breeds new success!

I want you to clearly realize that those people who live exclusively for themselves and accumulate wealth only for themselves are unhappy. These people accumulate this wealth in order to fill that spiritual emptiness that arose from a purposeless, meaningless life. But you can get rid of this emptiness by filling it with love, bringing value to the people around you. The soul rejoices when it gives itself without reserve to improve this world, to make it better. And what will be the meaning in all those riches that a person has accumulated when he leaves this world, for we are not durable. The soul comes into this world to create some value, self-actualize, and then returns "home"... If the soul does not create any value, but does something wrong, then it feels just awful. The soul feels that it has arrived in this world and is not doing what it wants. And the reason for this is our mind, which is blinded "Success" in the broadest sense of the word. The mind chases after illusion, and when it receives it, if it receives it at all, it realizes the complete meaninglessness of what it received.

And what is success in the broadest sense?

Wealth (money, material things)

Popularity, fame, power

Social status

But take a closer look, because it all comes from your ego. A person wants to feel his own importance, but he does not understand in any way that wealth, fame, social. status is an illusion. They seem to sea ​​water, which no matter how much you drink, you will never quench your thirst. Therefore, people all their lives and chase after them. These people think and say - “I’ll earn such and such a sum of money and then I’ll be happy”, “I’ll reach the level of income in 250,000$ a year and then I will definitely be happy "," That's when I will famous singer, then I will be happy "," So I will marry successfully, so I will have children ... " You can check it yourself and be convinced of it, but I tell you with 100% certainty that you will not be happy. Moreover, yours will sharply decrease, because you are moving away from your true vocation, and the soul, realizing this, feels even more unhappy. The more fame, wealth, social. status you get, the more your own mind takes possession of you, taking control over your life, and the further the role of the soul is pushed aside. But true happiness comes from the soul !!!

Success is the unity of mind and soul, it is harmony between them. The role of the mind is to help the soul realize itself. We prioritize things wrong. We put material things and a short-lived body in the first place, and we put inexhaustible wealth and an immortal soul in the last place. There is a quote in the Bible: "Collect wealth in heaven, not on earth". Our body is like a transport for the soul. The soul has a connection with the Higher Mind, and only it can understand what is needed for this world. helps people who go their own way. Here is a whole section for you. Your true path is the least energy-consuming, and in our world everything happens through the path of least resistance. I always affirm that success is an absolutely normal course of events. - these are deviations from the norm. If you are not as successful as you want now, it means that you are not doing what you are meant to do. Mind and soul are not in unity. And the larger the gap of this non-unity, the more unhappy a person feels.

But just do not think about the fact that I think that a person can do without material values. Material things are very much needed. And for this reason: when a person has no money, he is forced to go to work and do some "Nonsense"... A person spends ten hours a day in order to earn at least some money, but by doing this, he does not fully realize himself. The boss is the person who realizes himself at the expense of others, at the expense of you. I tell you how it happens most of the time. And it is no longer news to anyone that most people do not like their job, but work only because money is needed to survive.

Material things create coziness and comfort for the soul. Material things make this world comfortable for the soul. It is much easier and more pleasant for the soul to create masterpieces in places that inspire it. After all, it is better to paint a picture in a house on the seashore than in a trash heap. The soul, in order to create, needs comfort and peace. But how can there be peace when there is always no money in the family, and the husband and wife quarrel about this every day. Exactly what is not.

The soul needs time to express itself. Only after some time, any value created by the soul can be sold hundreds, or even tens of thousands of times more expensive than a person gets at work. But it takes time to create such value. Personally, it took me five months to come up with a meager income. Eight months later, my site began to bring me income that a poor family could live on. And only seventeen months later my site began to bring me income, which can already replace income from high-paying jobs.

It took seventeen months to replace the job. But now I am free! I am doing my favorite things and this is just the beginning. For mine, there are no restrictions - and, accordingly, there are no restrictions for me either. When you do what you love to do, your income level is limited solely by your imagination and only by it. Tell me who earns at work 1,000,000$ annually? Yes, there are units. But, doing your favorite thing, even this figure is not the limit.

Material things are important, but only to satisfy the needs of life.

Frankly, without income, it is difficult to create and create masterpieces. Reason always says: "The fact that you are doing this, of course, is good, but what are we going to live on?"... And this tormenting question very often and strongly distracts from the creative process. This question takes away our happiness. In order to turn off this - your favorite business must be profitable. Of course, the mind then asks other questions, but how more money your favorite activity, the less tormenting and distracting these questions become.

It often happens that people, earning money at work, still have a hobby. What is a hobby?

Hobby Is a hobby that is meant for the soul and does not bring any income. But why not turn your hobby into work? The most cheerful and happy people- these are those who have a favorite business, tobish a hobby, is a source of income. They do their favorite pastime non-stop.

Everything that I write about in this article: about money, about work, I want to convey to you two of the most important thoughts:

1) Mind and soul must be one and in harmony

2) Everything intangible should always come first

The focus should always be on the intangible! The material will follow, as a consequence. Here are, in my opinion, the right priorities in life:

health -> happiness -> wealth.

And most people live according to the following pattern:

wealth -> health -> happiness.

And even worse, there are people who live according to the scheme:

wealth -> wealth -> wealth.

If you are interested in wealth, here are films for you - and

It is not at all surprising that such people are unhappy. These people have millions, but they have no friends, and they have continuous problems in the family. They constantly have problems in relationships with people, as they think that all the people around them are with them only because of money. I do not know about you, but I would not want such happiness. When priorities are set correctly in life, wealth is applied as a consequence. There is no point in focusing on it. High levels of health and happiness will inevitably lead to high level income.

Our wealth, our material things can only be in addition to our happiness. They cannot be the foundation in any way. And what can be the foundation, we have already discussed with you above.

I hope I answered your question, which sounded like this - What is success? And also I hope that this article helped you to understand the question - What is success for you? Of course, each person decides for himself what success is, what it should be. And all because everyone has their own values ​​and their own worldview. I just want you to strive not for wealth, not for material values, but for self-realization, for the benefits that you can give to other people. Therefore, if you do not agree with the presentation in this article, then take clear sheet paper, a pen, write a question on the top of the sheet: "What is success and what is it for you?"... And answer it yourself.

success what is success


Each person strives to achieve success in his life. What is success in human life? Happiness? Wealth? Health? Career? What is real success?

Obviously, for each person, this concept is determined subjectively, based on his system of values, worldview, upbringing, education, attitude.

One of the most renowned experts in the field of motivation and leadership, Zig Ziglar, in his book Born to Win, argues that success cannot be summed up in one sentence.

1. Success is the ability to do what you do best.

Many successful people agree that success is achieved by the one who does what he loves, what brings constant pleasure, arouses passion and real enthusiasm.

New York billionaire Donald Trump writes in How To Get Rich: "I'm not doing this for money."... If a person is sincerely passionate about his work, he puts his soul into it, and therefore achieves impressive results.

British billionaire Richard Branson generally believes that one of the key factors for business success is doing his favorite activity.

2. Success is setting clear, specific goals

The archer will not be able to hit the target if he cannot see it. To achieve a goal, you need to specify it as much as possible, present it (the use of visualization techniques in achieving goals is described in detail in documentary « «).

But this is not enough. You should write down goals. Only written goals are real. As folk wisdom says, what is written with a pen cannot be knocked out with an ax. The written goals will stimulate you to think and act in such a way as to realize them.

By the way, only 3% of Harvard graduates follow this advice. And their income is 97% of the total income of the entire issue. In addition, this habit will increase self-organization and personal effectiveness.

3. Success is when there is a place that you can call your home

A real home is a place to which a person's heart is drawn. If you have such a house, you already successful person!

4. Success is understanding the difference between what you need and what you want.

Often people themselves do not know what they want in life. They strive to satisfy their desires, which ultimately does not make them happy. Therefore, it is extremely important to understand what you really need.

5. Success is the belief that you can

It sounds trivial, but the outcome of the case depends on whether you believe in it or not. By the way, one of them is that the rich believe that they are the creators of their own destiny. They determine their own success and do not complain about circumstances or difficulties.

7. Success is the understanding that sometimes you have to say "no"

Success comes to those people who know how to keep balance. One of the components of balance is the ability to say "no" in necessary situations.

8. Success is when your life is filled with abundance.

Love, health, friends, material goods - a successful person's life is filled with abundance. By the way, the authors of the international bestseller "Millionaire in a Minute" Mark Victor Hansen and Robert Allen argue that abundance is a natural state that everyone can (and should!) Achieve.

9. Success is not how high you climbed, but how many people you raised

10. Success is overcoming fear

If you have overcome your fear, you have already achieved success.

11. Success is seeing your child in a graduate gown

If your beloved child at home receives a diploma, it is not only his merit, but yours as well. Years of parenting and patience have finally paid off!

12. Success is when you learn something new every day.

The importance of lifelong learning is emphasized by many successful people. As Lewis Carroll said: "To stay in place, you need to run as fast as possible."

13. Success is to love and be loved.

Success is not only material benefits, but also the opportunity to be with a loved one, to enjoy every moment of life with him.

14. Success is a manifestation of firmness when you strongly believe in something.

Almost any outstanding inventor at one time was criticized and disbelieved by others. But this did not stop such geniuses as Nikola Tesla, Alexander Bell. The ability not to pay attention to the skepticism of others and go towards your goal is already a success.

15. Success is when you don't give up.

Those who do not give up under any circumstances, no matter how difficult they are, are truly successful and admirable.

16. Success is the ability to celebrate small victories.

Whenever you've completed a small task, praise yourself. Remember - great goals are achieved by sequentially performing a series of small actions.

17. Success is the realization that you yourself control your destiny

What is success in your understanding? Share your thoughts in the comments!

What is success? Each of us has asked this question more than once. Maybe this is some kind of one-time phenomenon or is it some kind of state that is accompanied by a feeling of satisfaction? Success lies in the area professional activity or personal life? The formula for success is to achieve financial well-being or obtaining a prestigious status in society? We can definitely say that success does not affect just one aspect of your life, but is a complex phenomenon that we will now consider.


Success is a rather multifaceted phenomenon that literally covers all areas of your life, be it family, work, financial situation, physical condition, spiritual development and not only. This also includes relationships with others, a sense of security, and a sense of satisfaction in all aspects of life. Achieving success begins with formulating it, that is, defining what success is for you.

As life experience shows, the achievement of success in most cases lies in the field of interpersonal interaction, that is, in determining what you can give people and what you want to get from them in return. This approach has repeatedly proved its correctness, because wherever you are and wherever you go, you always, one way or another, interact with people.

In fact, the ability to succeed is about developing the right attitude towards your environment, developing the necessary skills, choosing a direction in life and working on your character. Unless you live on a desert island, your success to one degree or another will always depend on the quality of your interaction with the people around you.

So, since we have already found out that success is a complex concept, its formula will consist of several components, of which there are no less than four, and it will look like this: position in life + necessary skills + choice of direction + formation of character = success. Now we will describe these components in the same order.

Life position

Your path to success will always be easier if you choose the right attitude in life from the very beginning. You should never think or say to yourself, "I can't." The attitude to the surrounding reality and to the set goals should always be considered from the point of view - “I am sure that I will succeed”, or at least “I hope that I will succeed”. Realize that no one likes whiners. In the family, at work, in sports, anywhere. Your first step on the road to success is to develop a positive attitude in life. Below are some important points to help shape correct attitude to the surrounding reality.

  1. Develop a positive attitude towards family, friends, and colleagues. Learn to be tolerant, kind, compassionate, respectful, and considerate. These qualities will help you build good relationship in any team.
  2. Instill in yourself the desire for self-study and self-education. We live in a world that is constantly and very rapidly changing. It is extremely important to be "in the stream" all the time so that you do not end up on the sidelines.
  3. Learn to be critical of yourself. Be realistic about your own capabilities, strengths and weaknesses... This will help you understand how realistic it is for you to achieve your goal.
  4. Look for the guilty person only within yourself. At any life situation, if something happened to you, it means that you allowed it. Learn to understand situations not as if you were offended, but so that you assumed that you were offended.
  5. Train yourself to be easier about everything that happens. You may have to fall down more than once and take 2, 5, or 10 tries on the road to success. Taking every defeat to heart will quickly give you a thumbs-up.
  6. Master the skill of having a positive attitude towards any situation in life. Learn to learn positive lessons even from failure. Whatever happens, you must always maintain a good mood.

Required skills

Undoubtedly, the correct attitude towards one's environment plays a significant role both in the formation of a personality and in achieving success. It allows you to achieve tremendous results in life. But at the same time, without the necessary skills, your opportunities will always be limited, and no matter how correct or positive your attitude to the surrounding reality is. For example, a personal trainer cannot be just an enthusiast, he must be a specialist.

Enthusiasm should always be supported by the necessary knowledge and skills, otherwise, such a person will not achieve no matter how significant results in his field of activity and will not be able to realize his potential without necessary training... That is why, without a doubt, a personal trainer should be well versed in the basic concepts and intricacies of his profession. Without these skills, it is unlikely that such a person can be called a coach at all.

Remember that motivation always precedes getting an education. A person with the correct life position and the necessary level of qualifications will always be in demand in the industry, and will have every chance to achieve significant success in the modern competitive labor market.

Choice of direction

The direction of movement is always formed on the basis of a certain action plan. No one goes on a hike without having an acceptable plan of how the route will be laid. However, it often happens in life that after graduating from school or university, going into adulthood, people do not plan how they want to spend it. As a result, life turns into a continuous series of random events and spontaneous decisions that are constantly changing and do not lead to anything. The choice of education or profession, based on the fact that "everyone does this", as a rule, does not lead a person to success, but only alienates him from him.

Modern research in the field of behavioral psychology shows that people who have a clearly formulated goal, the path to which is planned in stages, earn almost twice as much as those who have neither a plan nor a goal. In addition, most of these people are significantly happier, they have good health, and in family life they have joy and well-being. Needless to say, order and peace also reign in other areas of their lives? It is quite obvious that these people have already achieved success in life.

The purpose of this article is to simple example show you that formulating your goals and planning your actions is necessary condition on the way to achieving success. Formulating a goal helps you understand what you want out of life and in what direction you need to move. Planning, in turn, helps you anticipate potential obstacles in your path and make timely decisions on how to overcome them. Remember that the path to success will always be easier if you know in advance what you are striving for and imagine how you need to move towards achieving the goal.

Formation of character

In the process of moving towards the intended goal, a person can, say, climb career ladder but do not count or feel successful. It would seem, is this possible? In fact, yes, and it happens quite often. The reason lies in elementary things. A person who has risen to a certain position or earned a certain amount of money may simply be spineless, and the fact of reaching certain heights may be due to a coincidence of circumstances, ingratiating himself with his superiors or other factors that indicate a person's lack of an inner core.

To achieve material benefits or other benefits, people often cave in under their superiors, somewhere they decide to remain silent, to understate something, somehow dodge, hide some facts, substitute some person, and so on. This is usually done by weak individuals who do not have a strong character and clear convictions. They always follow the path of least resistance and therefore never become leaders and are never considered to be truly successful.

In fact, if you have no character, achieving any kind of results is automatically complicated at times. In this case, neither the correct life position, nor knowledge with skills, nor the chosen path will help you. The essence of such a statement is completely simple and absolutely logical. Any action that you need to take to achieve a certain result always requires concrete efforts on yourself, and therefore a manifestation of character in those situations when you will face obstacles. Lack of character makes at the first problems give up, give up and blame the failure on circumstances.

In turn, people with a strong, solid and strong-willed character in 99% of cases achieve success in any business, no matter what they undertake. If you don't have a load of fear, guilt, or doubt under your belt, your chances of success are greatly increased.


So, in search of an answer to the question - "What is success?", We first of all found out that this is not houses, cars, money or yachts, but a very large, collective concept, which involves, first of all, maintaining the balance of many aspects of your life. Achieving success in any one area cannot and should not be realized through the sacrifice of another. If you are successful at work, but your family is in chaos, in fact, you are no longer successful.

On the other hand, if your family is in complete order, but you can hardly make ends meet, this state of affairs also cannot be called successful. Only when the results of your activities in all areas of life (family, career, finances, character, position in life, physical and spiritual development) become satisfactory for you, can you be considered that you have achieved success.

Congratulating loved ones, colleagues, especially without hesitation, we often manage with stereotyped phrases. The congratulations are extremely laconic - “Happy birthday, I wish you happiness in your personal life! Pooh "(something like this). In the extended version, congratulations, of course, we wish you success. Success - what is behind this word? What are we so passionate about? What is the lifestyle of a successful person? What is true success? What are the signs (criteria) to determine that you have become successful? If you reach the top, then what to do next? So what exactly is success? To begin with, I propose to turn to dictionaries for help.

Interpretation of the word SUCCESS

Ozhegov's dictionary:

1. Public acceptance
2. Good luck achieving something
3. Nice results in work, study

Ushakov's explanatory dictionary:

SUCCESS, success, m. 1. success in the conceived business, successful achievement of the set goal. Our successes in the field of socialist construction are indeed enormous. Stalin. Be successful. To achieve success. The search was crowned with success. I did it for a long time, but without success. The attempt was unsuccessful. I wish you complete success. || luck in military operation, victory (military). Proper preparation operations are the key to success. Expand First achieved success into the final rout. Develop success successfully. Word of his success spread again. Pushkin. || only pl. The same about schooling, academic performance. 2.units only. recognition of such good luck from others, public approval of something, someone's. achievements. The play was a well-deserved success. The exhibition is a huge success. The first success turned the head of the young singer. A resounding success. Widespread success. books. 3.whose. Attention of society to someone, recognition of someone else. merits, as well as good luck in courtship, flirting, etc. My successes in the whirlwind of light, my fashion house and evenings. Pushkin. With (some) success - successfully, without difficulty, very easy. The working class of our country has proved in practice that the people can successfully do without exploiters. Stalin. Plastic successfully replaces wood and other materials. With the same success - with

Has it cleared up a bit? So, and if you look for the definition of success in quotes:

“Success accompanies the one who is completely himself” - R. Schirm.

“Success should be measured not so much by the position that a person has achieved in life, but by the obstacles that he has overcome, achieving success” - B. Washington.

“Success is achieving your Specific Main Life Goal without violating the rights of others” - Napoleon Hill.

"Success means being in time!" - Marina Tsvetaeva.

Quotes and dictionaries do not give a complete picture, a complete picture does not add up. Perhaps Parkinson's reasoning on the topic “What is success?” Will help, of course, they are not laconic (like short quotes), and were written in the 50-60s, but, in my opinion, these arguments are worthy of attention ...

What is success? - reflections of Cyril N. Parkinson

Source: http://psylive.ru/

In all the books on success, the word “success” is interpreted roughly the same way. The everyday expression "living well" does not explain any philosophical or ethical riddles (and does not pretend to be), but it does at least everyone understands. We know what this is about. A successful person occupies a high position, he has a spotless reputation and a secure future, he is respected in the newspapers - and he achieved all this himself. Our imaginations draw us a well-tended lakeside garden, an elegant cottage, antique silverware and the owner's daughter in a riding suit. Slightly changing the angle of view, we see a cabinet paneled with oak panels, mirrored desk, clothes from a fashionable tailor, a silent car. Then we see a spacious hall of a fashionable club and central figure the central group is a person who modestly accepts sincere congratulations. With what? With a government award, a promotion, or the birth of a son? It is very likely that both happened and the third. This is how success usually looks, and this is how the author understands it.

Of course, it cannot be denied that there are other types of success. Someone gave their name to an exotic flower, someone wrote an immortal poem. Someone lived surprisingly long in the world or became a famous musician in childhood. Success can take many forms.

But what goals will we set for ourselves? You can try to serve God, or Humanity, or, at worst, the Society in which we live. We can pursue wealth or social position, power or happiness, pursue pleasure or seek peace. We can even - if we have to - put our energy into simply providing ourselves with a peaceful old age. And although the latter goal is to a certain extent justified, it can by no means become the goal of life. Old age cannot be the meaning of life in youth, just as youth cannot serve as the goal of old age. You cannot live in order to earn a pension, just as you cannot stay awake in order to go to bed. Of course, a certain security will never hurt, but nevertheless in life one must achieve something more.

What if, for example, you set yourself the goal of getting rich? (someone will be against such a goal, but these are most often people who are not able to earn or save more money than is necessary to make ends meet). But then the question arises: what is this money for? If you think sensibly, then wealth is not an end in itself, but a means to an end. What will a millionaire do when he has already taken possession of millions? He can buy political power yourself or your children. He can buy food, drink, women, friends, and comfort. Finally, he can buy a refuge - an island in the southern seas, an abode full of sun, beauty and tranquility. But a reasonable measure of pleasure is available to the poor, and excesses lead only to indigestion, illness and overwork.

For most of us, wealth does not represent the purpose of life. But social status remains a cherished dream for many in a society where different strata are clearly delineated. Social standing is a goal we can pursue, and the effort we make to do so is part of the overall social dynamic.

But the same can hardly be said about the pursuit of happiness (as opposed to pleasure), and, in fact, it is not yet known whether happiness is achieved by those for whom it has become the goal of life. However, insofar as it is generally attainable, it is most easily achieved by those who require little. The symbol of happiness is paradise in a hut, simple food and life in the bosom of nature. Fleeing from civilization, we can part with the car and radio, reduce our property to a minimum and thus enjoy the unity with nature and all its beauty. Maybe this is not a bad idea when it comes to elderly people. And in more early years this plan will fail - it is necessary to educate children. Retreating to the bosom of nature, having managed to enrich your mind, carrying away in your memory many books you have read, is one thing, but raising children who have never seen a library, concert hall or theater is a completely different matter. They are unlikely to be happy, and it is very possible that they degrade to such a degree of savagery that can be extremely unpleasant.

So what are we, after all, trying to achieve? Like happiness, social status usually comes to us as a by-product of some other activity. The pleasures that we can buy are limited by physical laws, and simple confidence in the future can hardly serve as the goal of a lifetime. Living for the sake of children is almost as meaningless as for children to live for their parents.

Comparing all the possible goals that we set for ourselves, we have so far passed over in silence the goal that, perhaps, means the most in our life. This is the desire to create something beautiful, necessary and interesting for everyone. An artist, writer, or musician has a goal that does not (directly) lead to social status, wealth, happiness, or a peaceful life.

A sculptor carving a masterpiece from a block of marble creates a beautiful piece of art. For him, this is both work and fun, he regrets every minute wasted on food or sleep. The statue that he sculpted can bring him a certain amount of money and glory in the art world. He is happy when he is working and he is satisfied with the completion of this work. He believes that fame will outlive himself and himself. best works will remain a legacy to future generations ... This means that he can get pleasure and the payment for this pleasure - he shares this privilege with a composer or playwright, with a painter and poet. Only this kind of occupation can unite in harmonious unity all - or almost all - conceivable goals. What joy can compare with the joy of a composer who wrote the music for an operetta that is wildly successful? Making the whole world sing is happiness in itself, but if you enjoy your work, and at the end of it, fame and fortune still fall on you, in my opinion, this means that you have achieved almost everything that can be achieved in life. ...

This is the privilege of great artists, and few of us will be worthy of such a lot. However, we keep forgetting that this is available to us, only on a smaller scale. Without special talents, not differing in anything but ability and common sense, we can participate in creative work and rejoice at its results. We are able to play a role in creating something useful and beautiful, and we have the right to put our sweeping signature at the bottom. Great works of art are rarely created without helpers. Most often, the work was supervised by a master who knew exactly what he needed and, in general, what was what. In this sense, each of us has the opportunity to leave some kind of monument to perpetuate his name; you can at least enrich the area with a new building - let it be a gate, a fountain or a well. Of course, it's great when something significant remains after you.

There are people who have the right to consider a smoke-free zone or a city restructuring project as their personal merit. It is in such public affairs that a person probably finds the highest happiness. Absorbed in a common cause, people usually forget about their own troubles and stop noticing troubles and ailments. Without a common common goal, no personal happiness is attainable for them.

You will recognize him from thousands, or Signs of Success from Zig Ziglar:

By what parameters, criterion or criteria, you can determine what is - success or ate to be exact - successful image life? A fragment from Zig Ziglar's book "The Ability to Achieve Success", gives a description of life in a state of success. Knowing the signs of success is undoubtedly easier to imagine success and make it a reality! But see if Sieg's descriptions match up with your idea of ​​a successful life? How much do you like this way of life ...

Success- this is when at the end of the working day you close the door of your office, and a smile of a satisfied person shines on your face. This means that you have done exceptionally good deeds, and those who entered into business relationship, brought out extremely positive impressions from this communication.

Success- this is the anticipation of returning home and meeting with loved ones. You completely and completely belong to them, and all your thoughts are only about them. Success is being loved by those you love yourself.

Success Is the ability to pay bills at any time and the confidence that you can do it always and under any circumstances. It is the confidence that you have done everything you can to secure the future of your family, even in the event that something terrible happens to you.

Success- this is a firm confidence in their ability to extricate themselves from the most difficult situations. In the end, for some, this kind of success is no worse than for others, for example, material well-being.

Success- this is the presence of such hobbies, interests and hobbies that help you fully express yourself. If the anticipation of doing something causes you a huge surge of enthusiasm, then you can talk about your success in the relevant field. The presence of such interests instills joy and peace in your soul.

Success- this is when you wake up early in the morning in a great mood and in excellent physical condition. It means that you eat right, exercise regularly physical exercise and generally do everything in your power to maintain your health at the proper level.

Success- this is an opportunity to turn off the light, bury yourself under the covers and think about something of your own. "There is nothing better than this state," - you whisper words of gratitude to the Creator and with a calm smile plunge into a serene sleep ...
Instead of a conclusion ...
So what exactly is success? Financial well-being? Position in society? Confession? States of harmony and peace? Who is a successful person, someone who has already reached the pinnacle of career and recognition, or someone who is still on the way? Have we managed to find out what is hidden behind the word Success? I hope so. Though…

I confess that I have not yet found a clear definition of success. One of the best, in my opinion, definitions of success is the statement of R.W. Emerson, you might like it too:

“Success comes when you gain the respect of the wise and the love of children, win the approval of honest people and are able to endure the betrayal of false friends. Success is when you can appreciate beauty, see good in others and make the world a little better - whether you leave behind a healthy child, a garden path, or a just society. Success lies in knowing that at least one person could breathe easier because you lived. "

Not time passes, we pass. Maybe success is what will remain after ...

The material used photos from the site: http://www.westra.ru/


At some point, each of us thinks about the meaning own life... Definitely, the goal of human existence is to achieve a state of happiness. But all this is somehow vague, generalized and often very difficult. Better to talk about success.

What is success? This is when everything in life is good. Previously, children were explained like this: “To grow up smart person, you need to study, study and study again ... Moreover, do it well! " And another very important point is to have excellent health. So, at least, it was considered in Soviet times.

But later it turned out that not always smart, educated people succeed. An important point is also the ability to establish the necessary connections, to be sociable, persistent, punchy. These qualities have little to do with study. However, the person can be downright mediocre, but very sociable, and most likely they will be more successful.

What about the younger generation? How can you clearly explain to them what success is? And what does it take to achieve it?

1. You have to be smart. To do this, you must study well. But this is definitely not enough!

2. You must be able to find mutual language with people around you, to be able to convince, to make sure that they listen to you.

3. Lead and take good care of yourself, your health.

But how more concretely is the concept? What is success?

First, let's try to dismember this. total value into components:

1. It's money. They should be enough. Everything is more or less clear here.

2. Availability and inexhaustible desire for its implementation. Here it will be more difficult. If he is engaged in such an activity in which he does not see much sense for himself, then, most likely, this will sooner or later lead to depression. This is a very important and significant moment.

3. Relationships with others like you. This is how the world was created. And there's nothing you can do about it.

4. It is important to constantly improve, develop in the desired direction. Without self-development, it is impossible to achieve a state of harmony.

5. Harmonize with the outside world. It is important to realize that you mean something, someone needs you, you benefit, etc.

After we have more or less decided on success, the next moment comes. What should be done in order to approach this state, and ideally - to achieve it.

First, it is important to internally program, tune in to the Faith and the desire is able to do a lot. Readiness for decisive action. Your emotions and mind should be in perfect harmony with each other.

Success is a pattern, a desired scenario. But failure is a kind of deviation from the norm.

What does success mean to you personally? It is important to decide, to understand this! And it is not at all necessary to have material wealth. Everyone, of course, wants to be the owner good home, cars, but not everyone wants it. Someone dreams of something completely different. All people are different, and their views and desires are different. There is no overall success. Each has his own. Upon reaching it, the state arises peace of mind, inner joy, self-satisfaction. This feeling is an inexhaustible source of positive energy that gives strength.

To achieve success, you need to constantly work on yourself. Work hard, plan your life, set goals for yourself, treat yourself well. Do not forget about self-hypnosis, which helps to successfully control your actions. Also the most important moment is the motivation for success, only after the subconscious mind begins to tune in to the desired "wave". Many do not choose, they just “go with the flow”, and therefore their life turns into a continuous “sound of the surf”.