Stamp of the organization in the work book: entry rules. Is it possible to put the stamp of the HR department on the work book?

A work book is a basic document that confirms labor activity person. In this case, entries in it must be made according to certain rules regulated Russian legislation. In particular, upon initial hiring and dismissal of an employee, an appropriate stamp must be placed in work book.

The place where they put a stamp in the work book

During initial and subsequent registration for a job, transfer from one position to another within the same enterprise, or transfer from one structural unit at other times, upon dismissal and in other cases, the employer is faced with the important question of where to put the stamp in the work book.

When entering data

First of all, the seal of the organization or the seal of the HR department is placed on the title page of the work book during its initial registration. Before this, personal information about the employee is indicated on the title:

  • his last name, first name, patronymic;
  • day, month and year of birth;
  • information about his receipt of appropriate education;
  • the name of the acquired profession or specialty.

After the specified data is entered on the first page of the work book, the employee signs, confirming the correctness of the data provided. Finally, all completed entries are signed by the person responsible for issuing work books and certified with a seal.

It should be noted that all personal information about the employee is filled out by an authorized person on the basis of relevant documents (for example, a diploma higher education, passports, driver's licenses and others).

When data changes

Secondly, the organization’s seal is affixed if the employee has changed his last name, first name, patronymic or other data. In this case, the previous entry is crossed out with one line and a new one is carefully entered, indicating the relevant documents, on the basis of which such changes are made. On the cover of the work book with reverse side the authorized person puts his signature and seal.

When dispensing the insert

Thirdly, there are cases in which all available pages of any section of the work book are filled out. In such situations, the person involved in issuing and maintaining the relevant documents is obliged to issue an insert, which is valid only in conjunction with the work book. This procedure is entered into the work book and certified by a seal (stamp) with the inscription “Insert issued” indicating its serial and serial number.

Upon dismissal

Fourthly, when an employee is dismissed due to at will or for other reasons, the work book is signed by the head of the organization in which the employee worked, or another person performing functional responsibilities for the issuance of work books and their maintenance, and directly for the employee himself. After this, the personnel department employee is required to put a stamp in the work book.

Stamps in work books: special cases

In addition, sometimes situations occur when a dismissal is recorded in the work book, but specific information is missing indicating that the employee is being transferred to another position or transferred to another structural unit, and the employee insists that the relevant entries be recorded. Most HR employees believe that it is necessary to cancel the dismissal entry made and enter the missing information, and then re-enter “Dismissed (indicating the reason for dismissal).”

However, from the point of view of regulatory legal acts, this action is not entirely correct, since no significant grounds for canceling the inscription were found. In this case, it is advisable to proceed as follows: the authorized person must additionally enter the missing information after recording the dismissal with the obligatory indication of all the details of the organization. After this, the entries made are confirmed by the appropriate seal.

Please pay special attention that stamps in the work book, in addition to the above cases, are placed only in the event of dismissal of the employee. In any other situation, in particular, stamps confirming records of employment, transfer to another position within the same organization, certification of information about the award of an employee, etc., are a direct violation of the current legislation on maintaining work records.

What seal should be used when making entries in the work book?

In the provisions established by current legislation Russian Federation, two types of seals are mentioned, namely:

The HR department seal is not mandatory and can only be affixed to a signature made by an HR department employee. In this case, the use of a seal in the work book for personnel documents is not allowed. If the execution of any procedure is certified by the signature of the manager, then in such a case the seal of the organization must be affixed. However, it is absolutely legal if such a seal is affixed to the signature of a personnel employee.

At the same time, in order to prevent any errors or inaccuracies, it is best to use one type of seal – the seal of the employing organization. It is she who has greater legal force than the seal of personnel officers. It is advisable to put it on documents such as copies of work books, educational documents, certificates issued by the personnel department, extracts from work books, etc.

Correct Print Position

To avoid any questions about the validity of the document presented, the seal must partially cover the employee’s job title. At the same time, the employee’s signature and its transcript should be easy to read and not raise doubts. In addition, the seal impression must be clear, readable and clearly visible.

What to do if the stamp on the work book is incorrect?

When using a seal to certify the corresponding entries in the work book, situations arise when the wrong seal is placed or it is in the wrong place. What to do in such cases?

Organization seal not affixed

The easiest way to correct such a defect is to contact your previous place of work to have it stamped. However, you should not delay this decision, since the organization may suffer structural changes and in this case it will be necessary to obtain additional certificate from former employer, or in case of its reorganization - from the legal successor.

Incorrect organization details

Such cases can occur if a person is an employee of a large holding company, or if the company has undergone a reorganization and changed its name.

There are several options to solve this problem. In the first case, it is suggested to simply put the required stamp next to the erroneous one; in the second - make a corrective entry and put the correct seal next to it. However, any outcome of events may arouse suspicion among pension authorities or future employers. Therefore, in order to protect yourself from unnecessary questions, a certificate is issued stating that the employee was a member of a specific organization for a specific period of time.

Carefully monitor the correctness of the entries in the work book, the details of the seals and the presence of all the necessary signatures, so as not to encounter problems in the future.

The procedure for dismissal and termination of an employment contract is complex and multifaceted. At the same time, it must be correctly noted in the work book - the main document recording the change in the employee’s status.

A large number of disputes are caused by the stamp that is placed when an employee is dismissed. Many are interested in its type, necessity, placement rules and procedure for action if it is not in the issued document. We will talk about these topics in our article.

Obliges responsible employees of the employer's management and human resources department specialists to put a stamp on each notice of dismissal. This is necessary for one simple reason - without the appropriate stamp there will be no guarantee that the notice of dismissal is genuine. On this basis, the new employer may well refuse to employ you.

So keep in mind - if when you receive your work book you do not find a seal, then you need to give it back to the HR department and file a corresponding claim. Picking up a work permit without a stamp is a big mistake, and if you sign documents stating that you have no claims against the organization, then in the future they are unlikely to give you a stamp.

Where is the stamp placed?

Enough interesting question, which is asked by both specialists and workers. The point is that the seal should not obscure important information and at the same time not be separate from the record itself. Therefore, most correct location stamp directly under the notice of dismissal in the left corner. At the same time, it is desirable that it captures a little text, but does not overlap it - this way it will not at the same time raise controversial issues and will not harm the text. In this case, there should be enough space to the right of the seal so that two signatures can be placed.

Do I need to certify the seal?

Yes, such a need is spelled out in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Each seal must be confirmed with two signatures. The first is put by the responsible employee who filled out the dismissal information. The second signature is placed by the owner of the work book himself after checking it and making sure that everything is in order with the documents.

In addition, the responsible employee has every right to further protect the seal by gluing a sticker on it - a hologram produced by Gossznak. Its presence is not necessary, but it is often used to protect seals, signatures and other important information from editing.

What to do if the seal was placed incorrectly?

Sometimes it happens that the seal is placed by mistake. This can happen in several cases:

  • The wrong seal was used;
  • The seal certifies the wrong record;
  • The dismissal record itself is erroneous.

This error can cause significant problems in the future and should be corrected immediately. But this is not so easy to do. D First, you need to draw up an act that will need to be submitted to management for review. After this, based on the act, you will need to draw up an order to make an entry in the labor record.

The next step will be to adding a separate line to the labor document, canceling the item certified by a seal. This is the only way she will lose her power. The main thing in such a record will be a reference to the current order, which gives the right to cancel the previously introduced dismissal clause.

The last step will be making a new amendment as a separate paragraph containing current information and the correct seal of the organization.

Signed by the employer

The employment relationship with the employee ends with the issuance of a dismissal order and a notice of this entries in the work book. Samu notice of dismissal it’s quite simple to do, because in the instructions for filling out work books(hereinafter - the Instructions) there are samples of wording relating to almost all the most common grounds for termination (termination) of an employment contract.

So, notice of dismissal entered. Now the employee responsible for conducting work records, must “close”, certify all entries made in work book by this employer. How to do this? The answer to this question can be found in the Rules for maintaining and storing work books and producing forms work book and providing them to employers (hereinafter referred to as the Rules). According to clause 10 of the Rules, upon dismissal of an employee (termination of an employment contract), all entries made in his work book during work in this organization, are certified by the signature of the employer or the person responsible for maintaining work records, the seal of the organization (HR department) and the signature of the employee himself.

At first glance, this norm contains extremely clear instructions. Despite this, in practice specialists encounter some difficulties. First of all, the question arises: which of the organization’s officials should sign for the employer in this case? According to clause 45 of the Rules, responsibility for working with a work book(maintenance, storage, accounting, issuance, etc.) is borne by the employer. But the employer for the employee is a legal entity or individual entrepreneur(other employers - individuals they do not keep work books for their employees). Everything is clear with an individual entrepreneur - he himself can contribute entries in the work book. What if the employer is a legal entity? In this case, the manager (that is, the sole executive body) is responsible for everything. He may be called a director, general director and even the president. This does not change the essence - full responsibility lies with him as a representative of the employer. This means that the manager himself can certify the records upon dismissal.

Delegating powers

However, it is rare that a leader is personally involved work books(maybe with the exception of small business managers). Most often, responsibility for maintaining, storing, recording and issuing work records is borne by a specially authorized person appointed by order (instruction) of the employer. This could be a personnel officer, an accountant or a secretary who has been assigned additional responsibilities for maintaining work records within the framework of personnel records management. Please note that mere mention of these responsibilities in employment contract or job description not enough. Each time a person is appointed responsible for work books the employee is required to issue an appropriate order (see Example 1).

An individual entrepreneur can also assign responsibility for work with work books any of its employees, as most often happens in practice.

Temporary replacement of the person in charge

Sometimes it happens that the employee appointed responsible for this work (in our example, this is the secretary) goes on sick leave, and therefore cannot issue a work book to a resigning employee. What to do in this case? It is best if the leader independently will issue a work book employee. If the manager for some reason does not want or cannot do this, then he should issue an order with the following content (see Example 2).

Thus, closing a block of records in work book must be signed by a specially authorized person. If you are such a person, then you may have a number of other questions regarding the method of registration.

What should your signature look like?

Normative legal acts (Rules, Instructions) do not contain any instructions in this regard and do not provide any samples. In practice, it is customary to sign as follows:

Sometimes initials are not indicated in the transcript of the signature, but only the surname of the official is written. Of course, this is a shortcoming, although it is not of a fundamental nature. Probably, many personnel officers rely on the title page of the work book, where it is customary to hand-write the surname of the person who prepared the work book. Indeed, in the lower right corner of the title page work book stated:

"Signature of the person,

responsible for maintaining work records



According to established practice, the surname is entered there without indicating the initials. However, the reproduction of the surname “legibly” is not a signature in its actual sense.

According to paragraph 3.22 of GOST R 6.30-2003 “Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for the preparation of documents” the “signature” requisite includes:

    job title of the person who signed the document;

    personal signature;

    decryption of the signature (initials, surname) (see Example 4).

Of course, it would be more appropriate to indicate on the title page work book the following wording:

"Last name of the person
responsible for maintaining work records

But work record form approved in this form and not in another, so novice clerks have to figure out how to enter a “legible signature.”

So, we found out what the “signature” attribute is. In addition to indicating the position, it includes a personal signature in the form of a handwritten stroke and its transcript indicating the surname and initials.

Of course, the Rules and Instructions do not directly indicate the need to be guided by GOST when working with a work book, and the work book, strictly speaking, does not apply to organizational and administrative documentation. However, it is quite acceptable to be guided by the specified standard, since this does not contradict the general procedure for maintaining and filling out work books and is consistent with established practice.

Signature of an individual entrepreneur

Changes made to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation Federal law No. 90-FZ, obligated the individual entrepreneur employer to maintain work books for his employees (Article 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Therefore, paragraph 35 of the Rules now also applies to “individuals”.

If an individual entrepreneur has appointed a person responsible for maintaining work records, then there are no problems with certification of records by the employer. The secretary, accountant or personnel inspector will add his signature to the work book as usual.

How to fill out the “signature” details if maintaining a work record book does an individual entrepreneur carry out it independently? As you know, the name “individual entrepreneur” is not a job title. But the “signature” attribute cannot be incomplete, so a signature in this form is acceptable:

Is it possible to shorten the name “individual entrepreneur” to the abbreviation “IP”? On the one side, regulations They require that there be no abbreviations in the work book. On the other hand, according to the author, inspectors will not impose fines even if this requisite includes such a reduction, since neither the Rules nor the Instructions have yet (before amendments and additions are made to them that would bring them into compliance with the new provisions Labor Code RF regarding individual entrepreneurs) do not contain any explanations in this regard.

The following design could also be a solution:

Of course, this does not entirely correspond to the composition of the “signature” requisite established by GOST R 6.30-2003, but it should be taken into account that an individual entrepreneur does not have a position at all. In addition, paragraph 35 of the Rules states the following: “... all entries made in his work book during his work in this organization are certified employer's signature or the person responsible for maintaining work records…».

All these issues will be resolved if the individual entrepreneur appoints by his order a specially authorized person responsible for maintaining, storing, recording and issuing work records
(Clause 45 of the Rules).

Pay attention to the employee's signature!

Have you read the records?

After the signature of the person responsible for maintaining work records, it is necessary for the employee to sign. Here the creativity of our colleagues truly knows no bounds. Most often, the employee puts his signature under the strict guidance of the secretary (personnel officer or accountant), and as a result the following signature may appear:

The lack of initials in the signature transcript has already been mentioned earlier; this is a shortcoming.

The second drawback is the presence of the wording “I have read the records”, which is not provided for by any legal act. Where does it appear in workers’ work books? As some practitioners at enterprises explain, they took an example of such a record from an experienced colleague or from some reference and practical manual, article, etc. Some refer to clause 35 of the Rules, which states that “all records ... are certified the signature of the employer or the person responsible for maintaining work records, a seal ... and the signature of the employee himself.” In their opinion, the assurance should look like this.

However, if you carefully read clause 35 of the Rules, you will find that certification must be carried out equally by both the employer and the employee. Then why, for example, doesn’t the personnel officer write: “The records are correct. HR inspector A.A. Samoilov"?

The point is that personnel workers and accountants, as opposed to office management specialists, in in this case The word “assurance” is not entirely understood. The phrase “certified by signature” should be understood literally, verbatim. “Currency by signature” simply means the reproduction of the signature on the relevant document.

To decrypt or not?

Another common mistake is that after the person responsible has signed maintaining work records(or even next to it) it is completely incomprehensible whose personal signature appears without any decoding.

The fact is that some experts consider it sufficient, instead of the full “signature” requisite, to enter only part of it in the form of a personal signature. In their opinion, a signature and a personal signature are identical things. Naturally, this is not so.

A personal signature without decoding loses its meaning, since it does not allow personification of the person who produced it. Sometimes it is even difficult to understand that a certain graphic symbol, written by hand, is someone’s personal signature, since some people have very peculiar strokes that represent a signature, for example, these: . Particularly original are the signatures of workers from other countries, where the writing system is quite different from the one to which we are accustomed.

For these reasons, decryption is required. However, there are objections here too.

It is believed that decoding the signature (personal signature) of the employee when closing a block of records is not necessary, since the employee signed on the title page work book and it is always possible to compare one personal signature with another. At first glance this seems reasonable. But let’s imagine that the resigning employee is a woman who got married and changed her last name. On the title page work book appropriate changes have been made. For example, a worker had the surname Volkova, but after her husband she became Zaitseva. On this basis, according to all the rules, the previous surname “Volkova” was carefully crossed out, and the new surname “Zaitseva” was entered in place of the old one. However, on the title page of the work book, this worker did not put another signature corresponding to her new name, because this is not provided for by the rules. Again, it turns out that the signature without decoding, certifying a block of records upon dismissal, is “ownerless.”

With or without a position?

Another option is when the employee’s signature is not made entirely according to the rules: there is a personal signature, there is a transcript, but there is no indication of the employee’s position, for example, “I.I. Ivanov."

But the absence of an indication of the position makes the “signature” attribute incomplete. In addition, the signature of the person responsible for maintaining work records and the signature of the dismissed employee must be made according to the same rules, since clause 35 of the Rules does not distinguish between them. Thus, the signature of the person responsible for maintaining work records is simply unthinkable without indicating the position (see Example 3). Then why is such an instruction ignored when the employee signs? In the author's opinion, both signatures should be reproduced according to similar rules.

Sometimes a rather unusual argument is given against indicating the position in the employee’s signature in the work book. It is believed that the resigning employee is already a “cut off piece”, that is, he is no longer an employee, and therefore there is no need to indicate his position, since he does not have one.

But such an argument contradicts the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. According to Art. 84.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the day of dismissal (the day of termination of the employment contract) is the last day of work. On this day, a record of dismissal must be made (clause 10 of the Rules), and also issued work book into the hands of the employee. This day is indicated on the timesheet as worked. That is, on the last day of work, a person is still working according to the labor function stipulated by the employment contract, which means he is performing work according to his position in accordance with the staffing schedule (Article 15 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Thus, the position of the dismissing employee does not go away.

All these arguments indicate the need to indicate the position in the employee’s signature.

At the same time, there is one caveat. Let's imagine that the departing employee held the position of legal adviser. His signature will look like this:

Now let’s imagine that an engineer quits automated systems management technological processes technical support department (this is what this name looks like according to the staffing table, the employment contract with the employee and the employment record work book). Reproducing such job titles may take up half a page in work book(depending on the employee’s handwriting). It is clear that this can be extremely inconvenient. Another interesting situation may arise when maintaining work records is carried out, for example, by a personnel inspector, and the dismissed employee has a similar position. What to do in these cases? According to the author, you can replace the job title with the word “employee”:

The fact is that paragraph 35 of the Rules says that “all records ... are certified ... and signed by the employee himself.” At the same time, GOST R 6.30-2003 will be formally observed, and both signatures (of the one who makes entries in work book, and the resigning employee) will be carried out uniformly.

The author advises employers not to get carried away with long and “florid” job titles. This is not always convenient for personnel records management, and in addition, problems with personnel changes may arise.

Place for signatures and seal

It is accepted that the signatures of the person responsible for maintaining work books and the employee are located in column 3, one under the other, without skipping lines.

As already mentioned, sometimes the personal signature of the resigning employee is on the same line as the signature of the secretary or personnel inspector. This is completely unacceptable. First, it may appear that the second signature was made again by the secretary (or HR inspector), especially if his “real” signature is completely covered (hidden) by the seal impression. Secondly, if these two signatures are made according to all the rules, then they cannot fit on one line. Thirdly, clause 35 of the Rules establishes the sequence of signatures - first the signature of the responsible person, then the employee.

Strictly speaking, after the responsible person has signed, he must immediately affix a stamp. But in practice, the stamp is often placed after the employee has signed. This is probably done in order to most optimally place the seal impression.

According to the rules established in practice, the seal impression should not hide personal signatures, as well as important details of the document or the text itself. The seal should cover a little only the name of the position. But work book has a small format (size work book the same as a general passport), and it is not always possible to successfully place the seal impression. Some people put a stamp on the right side, and then it makes it difficult to read the details of the dismissal order. It is quite possible that when applying for a pension, employees of the Russian Pension Fund will require an archival certificate to confirm this period of work experience, which can be quite difficult over time. It is also impossible for the seal imprint to hide the date of dismissal, because the date of dismissal indicated in column 2 is very important for calculating the length of service.

The author advises not to be afraid to put a stamp so that it occupies the bottom empty lines. This is completely acceptable. The next organization will open its block of records, skipping the lines occupied by the seal of the previous organization. These lines are not empty, as some experts incorrectly believe. They are occupied by the provided attribute, even if this attribute does not occupy these lines across their entire width.

What seal?

According to regulatory documents V work book It can be affixed with both the seal of the organization itself and the seal of the HR department.

The HR department seal is not mandatory; most often, employers make do with only one seal for all cases. Moreover, if there is still a seal of the HR department, you should keep in mind that it is affixed only to the HR officer’s signature. If, for some reason, the dismissal record is drawn up by the manager himself (for example, in the absence of a personnel inspector at work), then his signature can be certified exclusively by the seal of the organization. At the same time, the opposite situation (the seal of the organization is affixed to the HR officer’s signature) is absolutely legal even if the organization has the seal of the HR department.

If the organization does not have a personnel department, then ordering a seal for the personnel department is completely impractical. In such cases, many people use seals that say “for documents” or “for personnel documents.” However, the Rules and Instructions indicate specifically the seal of the personnel department (i.e., the seal of the corresponding structural unit), and not some other simple seal. That is, use the seal “for documents” or “for personnel documents” in work book incorrect. However, inspectors very rarely pay attention to this. But if you strictly follow these regulations, the secretary must certify his signature in the work book only with the seal of the organization.

So, the dismissal record has been made and certified by signatures and seal and handed to the employee. In this case, you must not forget to give the employee a personal card in the T-2 form and a Movement Record Book for signature work records. After this, cooperation with the employee can be considered completed.

* * *

Thus, the registration procedure work book when dismissing an employee, it requires extreme care and knowledge of certain nuances, which are not mentioned either in the Rules or in the Instructions. Undoubtedly, some of these nuances are only of a formal nature, and small errors will not entail administrative punishment in the form of a fine (although they may be noted in the inspection report of the labor inspectorate). But we must remember entries in the work book demonstrate to other organizations how seriously and responsibly the employer approaches HR procedures and its personnel. In addition, in our country you never know how the next reform will turn out and what the consequences of today’s minor mistakes will be. Well, and, probably, the most important thing is the professional pride of a specialist, who should not allow him to neglect even the slightest rules in his professional field.

Changed rules for maintaining work books? Yes!

Everything was simple before. New work bookWe started it only for an employee who was applying for his first job. If the previous work book was lost or damaged, a duplicate was issued instead. Now in both cases we must issue a new work book! What opportunities do the new provisions of the Labor Code open up for unscrupulous workers? All the details are in the article “Instead of a duplicate, we issue a new work book”, published inAugust issue of the magazine“Office management and document flow at the enterprise” for 2007.

3 Please note that entries in the work book are made without any abbreviations. At the same time, the initials in the “signature” attribute are not an abbreviation in this sense, so it is not necessary to write the full name and patronymic.

4 At the same time, the receipt and expenditure book for accounting forms of work books and inserts is mentioned in All-Russian classifier management documentation and is subject to GOST R 6.30-2003. Also included in this classifier is a document such as a book of a shepherd (herder, herdsman, etc.).

5 Note that the employee’s signature is removed in work book, if he was directly present when registering the dismissal on the last day of work. Exceptions to this rule are cases when the employee is absent from work on that day or for some reason refuses to sign the work book (clause 39 of the Rules).

6 For example, if a structural unit is indicated in the employment contract along with the name of the position, an employee can be “moved” to another department (shop) for the same position only through transfer, and not through a more convenient transfer in this case.

In this article we talk about the rules for affixing a seal to the labor document - where, which one and when exactly. And also about what to do if you affixed the stamp by mistake and other common problem situations

Read our article:

Where and what stamp to put in the work book upon dismissal

Since the work book is the most important document for registering a pension, and the pension fund usually thoroughly checks all the information contained in it, the requirements for filling out the document are quite strict. If you ignore them, you may simply ruin the document and have to restore it.

In particular, there are certain rules for affixing a seal. The stamp is only affixed to:

  • on the title page when filling out a book or duplicate for the first time;
  • on inside cover when certifying changed basic information;
  • on the notice of dismissal.

IN recent years The question increasingly arises - what stamp to put in the work book when leaving in 2019. This difficulty is caused by changes in paragraph 35 of the “Rules for maintaining work books” dated March 1, 2008. If before this time it was proposed to affix the “seal of the organization (personnel service)”, then after that it was already the “seal of the employer”. This is where the difficulty arises - whether the stamp of the HR department refers to the concept of “employer’s seal” and whether it can be used in the labor document.

Since this nuance is not clarified by law, experienced personnel officers advise using the company’s official seal - this will be correct in any case, and no problems will arise.

If it is not possible to affix a stamp, then certification with the seal of the HR department is allowed (if it contains all the details of the organization), but you need to be prepared for the fact that. Most likely, these problems will be resolved in favor of the legality of using the frame print, but will entail a waste of time.

Another argument in favor of certifying the dismissal record in the employment record in 2019 with the employer’s seal is the ability to use it in relation to any signature - both the manager and the personnel officer. Whereas the imprint of the personnel service cannot be placed after the autograph of the director, but only after the signature of the personnel employee.

A stamp “for documents” cannot be placed in a work book; it is used at the enterprise for completely different purposes.

Usually, those filling out the form have no questions about where to put a stamp on it upon dismissal. However, it's quite important point, because if the certification is incorrect, doubts about the authenticity may arise, up to the appointment of an examination of the stamp. General rules are:

  • the seal is placed straight, not upside down or sideways;
  • the stamp is affixed last, when all handwritten components
  • entries have already been made, including both autographs;
  • captures part of the information about the employee who made the entry;
  • does not overlap the signature of the dismissed employee;
  • clear and smudge-free print.

As for the certification of the dismissal record in the labor office with a seal in 2019, it is mandatory for all employers who have a seal. An exception is made by some LLCs and JSCs operating without a seal on the basis of Federal Law-82 of 2015. They concern the “Explanation on some issues of the application of the Rules for maintaining and storing work books...” of the Ministry of Labor of 2016, according to which “putting a stamp on the first page of the work book, insert, as well as in some others, is carried out with a seal.” And further it is stipulated that it is permissible to certify the dismissal record only with the signature of the manager if the organization does not have a stamp.

Is a stamp placed on the work book when applying for a job?

There is no need to put a stamp on the entries in the work book about hiring, because the final certification of the entire block of information relating to work at a given enterprise occurs upon dismissal. If, nevertheless, the record of employment or transfer to another position was certified by a seal, this will not become a critical error, since there is no direct prohibition on this in the legislation.

However, a work book is not such a large document that you need to put stamps on almost every line; it will look sloppy; the stamps can touch each other and the records, making them illegible.

Problem situations

Each employee who is entrusted with filling out work books must be previously instructed on how to properly prepare them. Problems often arise with the incorrect use of printing. Previously, simultaneously with the correction of such errors, the employee, just in case, was given a certificate confirming his length of service. In 2019, this is not required, since upon dismissal.

Please note

What to do if the personnel officer puts the wrong stamp

Having mixed up the seals, the personnel officer made a mistake, which makes the entry invalid, which means that you need to act according to the general “Rules for maintaining Labor Code”:

  • In the line below in the first column we put the next number, in the second - the date of correction.
  • In the third column we write “Record No. (previous number) is invalid.”
  • We go down another line below, no longer numbering it, and re-enter the entry.
  • We certify the record with the signatures of the personnel officer and the person leaving and affix the necessary stamp.

Crossing out an incorrect print or putting the correct one over it is unacceptable.

If the stamp is placed in the wrong place

It is an extremely rare case that a stamp is placed on the wrong page. If this happens, it is better to leave it and put the seal in the place where it should be.

Please note

All errors in work books must be corrected. Some of them threaten you with legal proceedings. Why is it in your interests to correct all errors in work books and which ones may lead to legal proceedings with employees?

If the work book is poorly stamped

Of course, it is advisable to first check whether there is enough ink in the stamp before putting it on the strict reporting form. If the print turns out to be pale, hard to read or smeared, you need to refill the seal and, after checking it on a draft, place it next to the first one.

If there is no stamp in the work book upon dismissal

This is a serious violation of personnel records rules, creating a lot of problems for the worker and for his previous and future employers. In this case, you must contact the company that fired the employee and request a stamp.

A work record is very important document, which is necessary for everyone to record their work experience. Therefore, it must be filled out in accordance with legal requirements. Personnel officers who do not have much work experience are interested in whether it is necessary to put a stamp in the work book when applying for a job.

When is the stamp placed?

Any employer has probably once faced this question when hiring, dismissing, or transferring an employee from one structural unit to another. The seal has its own clear location, which cannot be changed - it is placed either on the title page, always in the upper right corner, or inside the book.

Data recording

When entering employee data, the employer must put a stamp on the title page, but before printing, the employee’s personal data must be indicated:

  • date of birth)
  • indication of education)
  • name of the employee's profession or specialty.

After the data is entered, the employee signs on the title page, confirming the accuracy of the information. Only after this is the seal placed. It is worth noting that all this data is filled out only on the basis of certain documents - passport, diploma, etc. Without any document confirming information about the employee, the personnel officer does not have the right to enter it into the work book. Therefore, for those who do not know whether a stamp is placed in the work book when applying for a job, it must be said that it is stamped if the work record is issued for the first time. Its location is the title page.

Changing data

Where is the stamp placed when changing employee data? The need to change data usually arises when an employee changes his last name, first name, country or other data. In this case, the previous entry is carefully crossed out with one solid line, after which new data is entered based on the documents provided by the employee. At the same time, the authorized employee puts his stamp and signature on the back of the cover.

During insert dispensing

There are situations when the necessary pages of the work book have already been filled out. In this case, the employee is given an insert. In this case, a stamp is placed on the title page indicating that the insert has been issued. Without a work book, this insert is invalid.


During dismissal of one's own free will or for other reasons, the manager (or the person acting in his duties) signs and seals the work book.

The sequence of entering data into the work book when applying for a job:

  • title (name of the organization, written in the middle of the third column),
  • number,
  • date,
  • job information,
  • the order on the basis of which the entries were made.

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, legal entities must have their own official seals, which are placed on almost all documents.

Such documents include:

  • work books,
  • orders, instructions,
  • orders from the leader.

If you need to decide whether a stamp is placed in the work book when applying for a job, you should refer to the legislation. Among the main points when a stamp is placed are only the initial filling out of the employment record and dismissal. Therefore, no stamp is placed upon acceptance.

If the seal was not affixed at the previous place of work

If an employee decides to change his job for any reason, he must pick up his work record book from the HR department (or directly from his boss). After this, the owner of the work passes it into the hands of the new management. If it turns out that the seal is missing, the work book may be considered invalid at the new place of work. In this case, the employee has two options:

  • get a new book (if there are no concerns about loss of experience))
  • restore the seal to the previous workplace.

The first option is often unacceptable for the employee, since in this case data on insurance and work experience is lost, which in the future will negatively affect the amount of the pension. The second option is most preferable - if you can easily contact your previous place of work. The employee then submits a request to restore the required seal on the title page. If the former boss refuses to satisfy the request, the employee has the right to sue. The main thing is not to delay, since the organization may undergo certain changes, and then it will be impossible to restore the work record.

If everything is clear about whether a stamp should be placed in the work book when applying for a job, you need to pay attention to such a common problem as errors in entries.

Errors in the work book: seal of the organization

An organization has not one seal, but several. It happens that a personnel officer or other responsible person mistakenly puts a stamp rather than the organization’s seal. Naturally, it is impossible to correct the seal. Therefore, they resort to this method: they put the correct stamp in the line below, without making any additions.

Correction of personal data

HR department employees often make mistakes when filling out a work book. And although these errors may be very minor (Natalia - Natalia), they play a significant role and can cause a lot of problems. If there is an error in the work book, it must be corrected, otherwise the document may be considered invalid.

To correct a mistake in a name, you need to cross out the incorrect information on the title page with a thin, single, but noticeable line and write the correct information at the top (or right). You should also indicate the document that served as confirmation of the data change.

When the data that has been corrected is checked by the owner of this document, the personnel officer must indicate his position, full name, date of correction and the seal of the organization in which he works. Now the entries made in the work book are authentic and have legal force. The seal, which is already located inside the work book, is usually placed in such a way as not to cover part of what is written (for example, to hide part of the surname or the exact year of birth).

This nuance is actually very important, since such a work record may be considered falsified. Therefore, it is very important for any personnel officer to figure out whether a stamp is placed in the work book upon hiring.