Do I need to treat fruit trees in the fall? Autumn treatment of the garden with urea and iron sulfate

To get a more abundant harvest, and also for the fruits to be distinguished by their juiciness and large sizes, trees must be treated with special preparations. It is also worth noting in this matter that to treat trunks and branches it is necessary to use preparations that are on the specialized list of approved products.

If you are a novice gardener, it will be difficult for you to decide on the substances that are necessary for processing. If possible, it is best to contact an experienced gardener.

What preparations are best to use, as well as what else trees need during processing, we will discuss in this article.

It is also worth noting that to obtain the maximum effective result, trees are best treated several times throughout the year. But we will touch on the topic of autumn tree processing.

Tree treatment in autumn

It is imperative to treat trees in the fall, since this procedure is a necessary measure to prevent the spring invasion of insects, and therefore your yield may also increase.

Around September, under the bark, in upper layers soil, and insect pests and their larvae begin to accumulate under the fallen leaves. Thanks to timely digging of the soil and treating trees with chemicals, you can significantly reduce their number.

Immediately after the harvest of apples and pears, the crowns and trunks of trees must be sprayed with a urea solution (400-500 g per 10 liters of water). Urea is an excellent remedy in the fight against scab.

But in order to fight scab and fruit rot, you can also use copper sulfate or Bordeaux mixture.

It is very important that in the fall you properly dig the soil and remove fallen leaves. Some gardeners dig up the soil along with the leaves. In their opinion, in this way they improve the quality of the soil under the trees. But this opinion is erroneous.

Fallen leaves must be removed and composted to destroy, for example, the spores of clusterosporosis and coccomycosis remaining in them.

The soil itself must be dug up to a depth of 15-20 cm between rows and 10-15 cm around the tree trunk. To prevent damage to the root system, you can use a garden fork by positioning it along the roots.

It is not uncommon for dried and disease-damaged shoots to become overwintering sites for pathogens and insects. As mechanical method struggle, you can prune and destroy these shoots. But in addition to this, you also need to clean the bark of fruit trees from moss, lichens, dead bark, collect and destroy diseased fruits.

These procedures can help combat spider mite, rust pathogens, with powdery mildew, anthracosis, with bud moth, with shoot gall midge, with currant cushion.

In the autumn, it is necessary to remove and burn the hunting belts, along with the apple moths, weevils and other insect pests that get into them.

As the final stage in pest control, it is necessary to treat the trees with Bordeaux mixture.

The solution is prepared as follows: 3 liters warm water dissolve 300 g of copper sulfate. We dilute 400 g of lime in 10 liters of water, stirring constantly, then combine these mixtures (copper sulfate must be poured in a thin stream).

Trees need to be sprayed at the end of October - beginning of November. And it is best to carry out this procedure in sunny, windless weather, trying to process all the shoots and main branches of the trees.

For the spraying itself, you can use a special sprayer with a cylinder in which the mixture will be under pressure.

Treatment with Bordeaux mixture is very useful in the fight against scab, powdery mildew, gray mold, purple spot, coccomycosis and other dangerous diseases.

Spraying with Bordeaux mixture in the fall is also good because you can thoroughly treat your garden, but without causing any harm to beneficial insects.

Also, ovaries or ripened fruits are not processed, which is actual problem in spring and summer, when there is a massive emergence of insect pests.

Every owner of a dacha or private house needs to prepare for winter period. Your future arrangement of affairs in the spring depends on this preparation. When treating the garden in the fall from various diseases and pests, you direct your efforts more towards cleaning up pests and fighting harmful insects, various microorganisms that cause all kinds of diseases, rodents and the influence of weather conditions. Autumn treatment of trees is carried out to combat fungal and bacterial diseases, as well as some pests. This event is considered preventive. Various infections that have persisted since the fall will become active again with the onset of warm days, so caring gardeners carefully study how to treat the garden in the fall with urea and iron sulfate from diseases and pests.

Timing for spraying fruit trees

Autumn spraying should be done just before the onset of winter, when all the leaves have already fallen. Earlier treatment may result in negative consequences, such as leaf burn and untimely falling of leaves.

This will not only not bring a positive result, but will also lead to a weakening of the garden, which has not had time to receive all the nutrients and properly prepare for winter.

You need to start spraying in November, when there is no longer any danger of damaging the leaves with chemicals. Before starting treatment, you need to remove lichens and old bark from old trees with a metal brush.

How to spray bushes and trees in autumn

Among gardeners, the most popular treatment of plants after harvesting is 1%. Bordeaux mixture. This product helps destroy dangerous fungi– scab pathogens, powdery mildew, rot and other diseases. Using a special pressure cylinder or spray bottle, thoroughly spray everything fruit trees, berry bushes (including strawberries), as well as perennial ornamental crops.

After leaf fall, but no later than the end of October, the crown of bushes and trees and the soil under them are sprayed with a solution of urea (urea). This is an excellent prevention of scab and spotting.

Autumn treatment of the garden with iron sulfate

Iron sulfate is an antiseptic, fungicidal agent that helps fight rot, mold, and fungal diseases of plants. This preparation is the only fertilizer containing iron in a form accessible to plants. With insufficient supply of such a microelement, premature yellowing and death of young shoots occurs. Fruit trees suffer most from iron deficiency: pears, apples, plums, cherries and others. Peaches, roses, raspberry bushes, as well as vegetable crops- cabbage, tomato, potatoes.

If the plantings are old and are bothered by problems such as the presence of moss and lichen, then autumn treatment of the garden with iron sulfate with a concentration of 5-7% will help get rid of them. The main difference between autumn treatment with iron sulfate and treatment with Bordeaux mixture is that the addition of lime is prohibited.

The effect of treatment with iron sulfate is significantly less than that of previous methods, but it also has its advantages - this is the saturation of trees with iron, and a distinctive effect on oxidation processes.

For the prevention and treatment of certain plant diseases, it is used together with other chemicals for complex therapy of plantings. Insecticides can be added to the solution to repel unwanted pests.

Autumn treatment of the garden with copper sulfate

Autumn spraying with copper sulfate has preventive purposes. By the time the buds begin to bloom, the trees will already be protected from disease. A solution of copper sulfate will help prevent the occurrence of fruit rot, powdery mildew and scab.

The drug is considered a fungicide to combat diseases of berries, fruits (pome and stone fruits), and ornamental crops. This is a good preventative against various types fungal diseases on plants. The concentration of copper sulfate is selected depending on the type of plant. So, for spraying apple and pear trees, as well as quince, it is necessary to make a concentration of 100 g of the drug per 10 liters of water. And for stone fruit crops, such as plums, cherries, cherries, as well as peaches and apricots, a different concentration is used - 50-75 g per 10 liters of water. The same concentration is used for spraying berry bushes. Spraying with copper sulfate is best done in the fall, since in the spring a highly concentrated solution will harm young foliage. But this can be done no earlier than November, since chemical burns are possible when processing leaves.

Treating the garden in the fall with urea

This is a highly effective granulated fertilizer containing in an assimilable form the nutrient element nitrogen necessary for the growth and development of plants. Mass fraction in fertilizer it is 46%. Urea is the most popular spraying agent. It can be used both in autumn and spring. IN autumn period The concentration is taken at the rate of 500-700 grams per 10 liters of water.

At the same time, it burns out many fungal diseases, even some pests that try to overwinter on fruit trees. Treating the garden in the fall with urea is chemical treatment, not fertilizing trees. It is carried out over the entire crown of a tree or berry bush and the adjacent soil around the tree must be sprayed. Almost all pome and stone fruit crops, as well as berry bushes, are sprayed with urea.

What you need to know when treating your garden with urea in the fall

When working with urea in the fall, remember:

  • Ureas are organic fertilizers, but their composition is determined by mineral nitrogen-containing components;
  • This is a fast-acting concentrate whose properties last for a long period;
  • the fertilizer quickly erodes, therefore it requires irrigation directly of the soil, including greenhouse and greenhouse soil;
  • the connection is effective in waterlogged areas;
  • biologically active soil retains more nitrogen than alkaline or neutral soil environments;
  • nitrogen-containing fertilizers are more effective and safe for the garden in the autumn, when the foliage does not burn if the concentration is disturbed;
  • urea slows down the growing season, delaying flowering from being fatal to the ovary spring frosts. This will have a fruitful effect on the preservation of early ripening varieties of plums, peaches and apricots, and fruit trees preserve developing buds;
  • after spraying in the fall they die garden pests, and also eliminated various diseases garden crops;
  • after combining with earth, urea turns into ammonium carbonate;
  • nitrogen-containing compounds do not accept compounds with chalk, lime and simple superphosphates;
  • urea helps get rid of old stumps, causing them to quickly rot;
  • Autumn treatment of the garden with nitrogen concentrate protects garden plants from early frosts.
When and what to spray fruit trees in the fall before wintering

What and when about spray fruit trees in the garden in autumn? Quite often the reader asks this question.

In order for the wintering of trees to be successful, the gardener will need to protect his fruit trees. trees from pests and diseases.Spraying trees in the fall, you will provide them with a healthy and blooming appearance throughout the next season.

Autumn spraying trees- an important factor in garden care.Fruit processing trees carried out using spray guns, while observing all safety rules, since later spraying carried out with pesticides. In view of this, each gardener needs to have a set of clothes to carry out this procedure: gloves, a protective gown and, of course, a respirator.Spray preparationfruit trees in the fall you need to select based on existing diseases and pests, and whether this treatment is early or late. Since late autumn is usually rainy, it is necessary to wait for dry weather, under no circumstances spray plantings before the rain, otherwise the rain will wash away the substance and the garden will remain unprotected or will not bring sufficient effect. The weather should be dry and windless.

Spraying trees in late autumn they are performed just before the onset of winter. Of course, if there are plantings in the garden that are diseased, the procedure is carried out outside the schedule.

With the onset of early autumn, the garden especially needs care and attention. To ensure that fruit trees are resistant to winter and cold, in late November spraying They are also fertilized with potassium and phosphorus fertilizers.

For autumn spraying fruit trees It is good to use a urea solution, with the calculation: 500-700 grams of urea per 10 liters of water. Interestingly, when spraying, you need to treat both the tree itself and the area underneath it so that the entire infection is killed. The spray should be dusty and fine. This procedure will reduce the risk of garden disease next year.

However, many gardeners are in a hurry and make serious mistake cultivating your garden early autumn when the trees have not yet lost all their leaves. Spray using such a solution in the garden can only result in burns and untimely falling of leaves. In this case, no effect will be achieved. As a result, the gardener will end up weakened, with a lack of useful nutrients a garden that can barely survive the winter. It is much more prudent to use a solution of this concentration in late autumn - in November.

In mid-autumn, in October, the bases of the branches and trunks must be whitened lime mortar, having previously cleared them of dead bark. As for young plantings, they are covered with a chalk solution. Apple and pear trees are protected from rodent invasion by tying the trunks and bases of skeletal branches. You can tie fruit trees with matting or burlap using young cherry or walnut branches. Some people use stockings.

Medicines for spraying trees .

Iron sulfate applicable for spraying plants and the soil under them before the beginning of the growing season or in the fall after the leaves fall, in order to combat diseases of pome and stone fruits fruit crops and berries (diseases of the trunk and branches, moniliosis, scab and other spots), grapes (anthracnose, bacterial cancer, spotted necrosis, mildew).

Urea is an effective measure for the destruction of leaf roller caterpillars, aphids, honey beetles and apple blossom beetles. The effect of nitrogen spraying lasts about 2 weeks, so as time passes, it is recommended to repeat the spraying procedure.

Autumn processing a nitrogen solution should also involve some kind of fungicide and include spraying not only the trees themselves, but also the soil under them. Mandatory processing Fallen leaves should be collected if they are not to be removed.

Urea Can spray your garden, both in spring and autumn. Only in the fall it is important not to rush. If we start doing this before trees lose all their foliage, we risk slowing their growth, making them more likely to freeze in the winter. The concentration - 700 grams of substance per 10 liters of water - is optimal for both spring and autumn spraying. Spraying with urea will protect trees from aphids.

Spraying trees diesel fuel helps to achieve complete destruction of the larvae due to the fact that the solution sprayed over the surface of the bark forms a uniform oily film on the surface of the branches and poles, which does not allow the larvae to breathe, as a result of which they as soon as possible after treatment, suffocation occurs.

Since this petroleum product is not a fungicide, it can be spray not only at the beginning of spring and late autumn, but throughout the entire flowering period of the fruit tree. Typically, it is diluted according to one of the following recipes:

    To 10 parts of water add 1 part of iron sulfate, then 10 parts of 10% milk of lime and only then 20 parts of diesel fuel. The resulting mixture will have a 50% concentration and is recommended for use before bud formation and after leaf fall.

    5 parts clay and 5 parts water are mixed with 20 parts fuel. The resulting solution has the same concentration as the previous one, but does not contain a fungicide and can be used during the period of fruit appearance.

    Another option for obtaining a 50% solution for spraying- this is 9 parts water mixed with 1 part laundry soap and 10 parts of diesel fuel.

Autumn spraying of trees.

Spraying fruit trees in autumn this is one of the most important procedures performed at this time of year. Thanks to them, we will have better fruit trees and reduce the risk of disease in the next season. In this article we will look at how to perform autumn spraying fruit trees, and the names of recommended protective drugs.

Why is spraying fruit trees in the fall so important?

A wet and still fairly warm autumn contributes to rapid development fungal diseases, especially on leaves falling from trees. Therefore, autumn spraying of fruit trees is recommended, which will stop further development disease and minimizes the risk of infection next season. The fruits from the garden have long been collected, and pollinating insects appear in the gardens occasionally or have already stopped flying. Autumn spraying of fruit trees and is significantly less harmful than what we produce in the spring and during the growing season. It is worth carrying out this procedure to limit the need for spraying at other times.

For amateur cultivation, in the fall it is recommended, first of all, spray fruit trees with copper sulfate , which is usually carried out at the beginning, and spraying apple trees with urea against scab, is carried out depending on the weather, in the second half of November.

Autumn spraying of fruit trees with copper fungicide.

Autumn spraying of peach against leaf curl.

Leaf curl
peach is the most formidable disease of all that affects. The fungal spores that cause this disease overwinter under the scales of dormant buds and in the bark of peach shoots. Therefore, in order to protect the tree from the spring “attack” of curl, we must spray it during the fall. We do autumn spraying of peach when all the leaves have fallen. It is recommended to use a fungicide " Skor", and containing mancozeb - the main element against ( "Ridomil Gold", "Ordan", "Profit") . The drugs also work great "Horus" And "Mikosan", when using them, practically no signs of curling were observed. The appropriate dosages can be found on the drug labels. When spraying, it is important that the prepared liquid thoroughly covers all the shoots of our peach.

Autumn spraying of cherries against bacterial cancer.

Bacterial cancer fruit trees is a very serious disease. Brown spots form on the branches and trunk, causing the bark to die. Bacteria, causing disease, overwinter in buds and shoots, so autumn spraying of cherries is very important. During leaf fall, we spray with preparations "Fitolavin" or "Fitoplasmil".

Autumn spraying of cherries to prevent drying of leaves.

A very common disease on cherries is Gnomonia redostomata (Gnomonia erythrostoma). The leaves become brown, curl and dry out, and partial deformation of the fruit also occurs. To prevent this, we must carry out autumn spraying of cherries. Spraying with the drug Miedzian 50 WP We perform it during the fall of leaves in which the fungal pathogen overwinters. Recommended dosage 25 g. drug per 5 liters of water.

Autumn spraying of fruit trees with urea.

Autumn spraying of apple trees against scab.

Most often it affects leaves and fruits. We can see dark, round spots on them. Infected fruits are not suitable for consumption. To prevent the development of the disease, after the first frost, but shortly before all the leaves fall, we spray the apple tree in the fall with a 5% urea solution. Urea causes rapid decomposition and mineralization, which will prevent infection of the mature tree. Very good result we obtain by dissolving 0.5 kg of urea in 10 liters. water. We try to thoroughly spray all parts of the tree and fallen leaves.

In the same way, against scab, perform spraying.

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