Dry stain remover for clothes.  Rating of the most effective stain removers, compiled by a housewife. The best product for children's clothes.

Housewives often try to find the best stain remover. Today there are a lot of different different means that guarantee you great result. Only in reality it turns out not at all as promised. Therefore, reviews of such products began to appear more and more often. Today we have to find the best stain remover for different things. There are many things to consider when choosing. But it's not that difficult. After all, the main task is to discover the best remedy for Let's quickly get down to business with you.

Although the stains seem small, removing them requires everyday hassles, complex chemical compounds. The product was unparalleled in its instructions and pre-treatment processes, versatility and cost per unit. The powder outperformed six other stain removers and will save you time, money, shelf space, and your favorite items of clothing from accidental spills. You've been there before: you're sitting across from a friend in a café when your elbow slides across the table. Suddenly you're wearing your latte over your favorite pants.

This is a common memory for most of us: mother, pre-processing stains on the knees of our trousers, cleaning the material with a toothbrush, or writing a note with the excuse: “Your clothes are not napkins.” Even as adults, we've all lost a loved, treasured item to a forgotten spill after it's gone through washing machine and a dryer.


The first option that housewives can recommend is ACE OXI MAGIC. This product, to be honest, is intended for washing colored items. What do customers think of him?

This is a very good stain remover. Plus, it's not particularly expensive. Sold in any store or supermarket. The price ranges from 60 to 120 rubles per package. This stain remover looks like powder. It will have to be applied to the contaminated area, moistened a little and left for a while, about 5-10 minutes. In case of particularly advanced options - for 30 minutes. After this, you can safely wash your clothes.

But it's hard to find the time and patience to brighten up stains with a toothbrush. That's why, in preparation for this article, we spent over 30 hours researching stains, fabrics, and stain removers with ease and effectiveness. To find the best stain remover, you had to understand the science behind stains. What causes color to stick to a material? Why are spots more stubborn than others? And what role do tissues play in the healing process?

Once we were fully educated on the chemistry of stains, we moved on to understanding stain removers. Who has a positive reputation? Do products work better on certain stains than others? Are most stain removers similar in design?

As you can see, many people believe that this is the best stain remover. Reviews of ACE OXI MAGIC can be seen everywhere. True, not everyone will like this option. After all, it does not have a very pleasant smell. Therefore, we have to look for other options.

Udalix Ultra

For example, Udalix Ultra is perfect. This is the best stain remover, presented in the form of a special pencil. To be honest, using Udalix is ​​very simple. And this tool is intended for different types linen As customers say, you can easily and easily remove stains from white or colored items with it.

Why You Should Use a Stain Remover

To know which stain removers work best, we first need to know what they're up against. The stains represent chemical reactions. Instead of resting on top of clothing and other fabrics, food, liquids and countless substances that are dyed are actually bonded to the surface of the material fibers.

Natural elements in most food and beverages are tightly bound and adhere to objects at the molecular level. Sometimes clothing is dyed with substances intended for dyeing and pigmentation, such as inks and dyes, which are also chemically bonded.

It is very easy to use Udalix Ultra. Simply apply the product to the stain and leave for a few minutes. Clients assure that the result will be very good. Especially when you consider that the price of this product is not very high - about 70 rubles.

True, there are still some shortcomings here. For example, a pencil gets used up quickly. But this minus is covered by the low cost of the product, as well as its availability in every household chemical store. In addition, it is supplied to large supermarkets throughout Russia. In general, Udalix is ​​a good stain remover for colored items and white linen. Young mothers especially often recommend it. After all, this product does not cause allergies in children. For parents with children, Udalix is ​​a real salvation.

In addition, the spots are complex and sensitive. In addition to the interactions that occur between the colorant and the material, any change in temperature or additional substances such as water can change the chemical bond that occurs in the stain, making it worse.

Due to the composition of tannins and heat, coffee rashes cause staining. This is why you should be especially careful when washing certain stains in hot or cold water. Likewise, you should avoid drying anything that is dyed because hot temperature may deteriorate the color alone. Because of their complexity, some textiles are made from stain-resistant materials.

"Eared Nanny"

The best gets positive in every sense. This is exactly what “Eared Nanny” is. This product is very common among young mothers, who constantly have to wash out various stains on children's clothes.

"Eared nanny" is the best stain remover. Reviews about him are increasingly being left by families. After all, this remedy is common, for children and not particularly expensive. Plus, as the manufacturer says, it is absolutely safe. And does not cause allergies. But is this true?

Tannins are an organic substance found in nature. Tannins are astringents and make up part of that bitter taste in wine or tea. This results in either a dry mouth or a feeling of vomiting. Foods and drinks such as berries, cocoa, wine, beer, tea and coffee contain tannins.

The best product for baby clothes

When the oily substance enters the fabric, the molecules bind to the surface material in the same way as tannins. However, since it is not water soluble, simply running it through the washing machine will not successfully break down the stain. Oil and grease stains such as butter, olive oil and grease can be particularly stubborn on fabrics.

Actually, not really. "Eared nanny" is good remedy for washing children's clothes, but older ones. It is better not to use this stain remover for newborns. After all, some mothers claim that after use, babies develop rashes, itching, and rashes. That is, in newborns the fact of causing an allergic reaction cannot be ruled out. And this is not particularly pleasing. After all, you always want to find some universal remedy that will help you deal with stains on any clothing. But are there any? Let's try to understand this difficult issue as soon as possible.

Likewise, protein-based stains are not water-soluble and therefore require the introduction of another chemical to break their bond to the tissue. Reckless butchers can be helpful in breaking down the protein in the stain. Finally, dye-based stains adhere to materials due to the pigments and dyes needed to create color in products such as paint, dye, and hair dye.

To further complicate matters, most stains are not just tannin stains or just oil stains; rather, they are a mixture of numerous chemical bonding reactions. For example, if someone spills a cup of coffee mixed with cream, the stain reaction is a combination of tannins, protein and heat.

Sarma Active

The next remedy is still quite new. "Sarma Active" is a good domestically produced stain remover. As many customers say, it is a worthy answer to imported goods.

This stain remover has a low price and good quality work. For a package of 500 grams of powder, you will have to pay about 50-60 rubles. And with all this, “Sarma Active” can be found in almost any supermarket. Sometimes you have to look for it, but it's worth it.

Why are there different stain removers?

Additionally, other substances such as sugar or acid increase the likelihood of staining because they eat on the surface. That's why white port wine stains. The purpose of a stain remover is to break down the chemical reaction that created the stain. Because stains come in many shapes, sizes, colors and compositions, there are many types of stain removers on the market. Each product contains several chemicals and even more combinations of these chemicals to treat reactions that occur in a single spill.

Easy to use: just wet it warm water stain, and then apply Sarma powder for a while. Next, rub it well and rinse off. You will see how the result will not be long in coming. "Sarma Active" is perfect for colored and white linen. In addition, it is a good stain remover that can be used when washing children's clothes.

Various ingredients process tannin, oil, protein and colorants. To combat tannins, you should look for a detergent that oxidizes the stain. In layman's terms, this means that the stain remover interacts with the molecules to remove the color, but does not necessarily get rid of the stain.

This can be done with oxygen or bleaching treatments. Hydrogen peroxide is a well-known oxidizing agent that, unlike bleach, does not irritate the eyes, throat, or lungs. Dye stains are the most difficult stains to get rid of and will most likely require harsh bleaching.

According to statistics, this remedy from those listed does not cause allergic reactions in children. And this makes me very happy. After all, it is precisely this fact that often makes you think about using one or another stain remover.

True, there is one small drawback here - in some regions it is very difficult to get Sarma Active. Therefore, you have to look for the product in online stores, and also order it with a reserve. But don't worry - one package will last for a long time.

When dealing with protein stains, look for a stain remover that contains an enzyme-based agent. Enzymes are biological catalysts, which means they either speed up or change chemical reaction. When you use an enzyme-based agent, the enzyme enters the stain and breaks down the non-aqueous soluble molecules into smaller, more soluble molecules.

When dealing with an oil or grease stain, surfactants make the stain more water soluble, but not by breaking down the molecules into smaller ones like enzymatic treatments. Instead, they reduce the surface tension between the stain and the material so that oil and grease molecules can be dissolved.

Amway SA8

Which stain remover is best? This can be very difficult to decide. You'll have to try a lot of different products and study a lot of reviews. It is worth paying attention to such a product as Amway CA8.

This is not a very expensive product that is necessary for preliminary stain removal. In stores this is the most common foam spray. It is applied to the stain and left for a while. The cost of one can varies from 100 to 200 rubles. You don’t need to think that this is a full-fledged stain remover (although the manufacturer positions the product as such). Some customers use it when they have doubts about removing a particular stain, or as additional help against stubborn dirt.

The trick here is to match your stain remover to the stain. While stain removers don't always print the ingredients on the bottle, they do seem to mention most of the active ingredients, and a quick search online can help you figure out if this is the solution you need.

Which tissues are more sensitive to treatment?

The last element to consider when treating stains is the dyed fabric or material. All stain removal instructions require testing the color fastness of the item before using the product on it. This ensures that no paint is destroyed during the stain removal process.

Nevertheless, the result after use is quite good. Especially when you consider the price. Finding this product is quite easy and simple, which makes the product extremely affordable. And this makes many clients happy. Not recommended for use when washing children's clothes. Indeed, with this remedy, newborns experience frequent allergic reactions.

Oxidizing agents such as bleach pose a greater threat to colorless materials because they work by removing the stain's colorants and therefore removing the dye. Depending on their color fastness, natural and synthetic dyes can affect fabrics. sun rays and temperature. Naturally, the wrong stain cleaner can also damage them. For example, khaki dyes are known to be susceptible to abrasion stains and detergents.

In addition to the color, make sure that the fabric being treated is not just dry. Silk, velvet, wool, leather, taffeta and others complex fabrics may react poorly to stain remover, as well as after washing and shrinking or deformation. After hours of researching online articles and assessing customer reviews, we've compiled a list of seven products to test at home.


There is also such an interesting stain remover as “5+”. This is a fairly inexpensive product that is perfect for washing colored laundry and whites. It is a gel that is applied to required area tissue and leave it there for a while. The cost of one package is approximately 80 rubles. This price tag makes customers very happy.

The most highly rated products are advertised to work on a wide variety of stains: tannins, oils, proteins and dyes. This is evident in the names of many products; for example, "hydroxy" refers to an oxygen-containing substance, and "enzyme" represents protein dyes.

Our research has also shown that customers prefer stain removers that come in a spray bottle for convenient application, or fabric pens for on-the-go use. Additional benefit for all products is the ability to work quickly while requiring minimal effort.

Everything seems to be fine. As customers say, “5+” does not cause allergies even in newborns. It seemed to be the best stain remover for colored laundry and whites. But this is not entirely true. After all, this product is not intended for stubborn stains. A kind of average stain remover that cannot cope with machine oil. But with plasticine and chewing gum it’s easy.

The Seven Best Laundry Stains for Laundry

To test the effectiveness of each stain remover, we decided to test four different stains: chocolate, wine, coffee and ink. These spots are common and represent different types of spots. The ink is colored with paints containing pigments. Coffee and wine contain tannins. The spread of chocolate hazelnut is a trifecta of coloring agents: tannins, oil and protein. Additionally, sugar in wine and chocolate adds difficulty due to its ability to eat away the tissue it is attached to.

"5+" is accessible means to each and everyone. And many customers claim that you can safely use it in combination with Amway. This will help you achieve your best best result. Don't want to buy expensive stain removers, but your clothes are rarely stained with oil and other stubborn stains? Then "5+" is the ideal solution.

"Eared nanny" with whitening effect

We chose a simple, white cotton fabric to keep things simple with fabric science and color fastness. White cotton is one of the easiest fabrics to dye, and dyed white fabric is perhaps the most obviously destroyed. We splashed the fronts of seven shirts with four dyes and then hung them up to dry and get to work for a week.

Stain remover pencil from Faberlic

A week later, before we tested each product, we added fresh stains of the same substances to the backs of the shirts. We have completed the pre-wash process for each product according to the instructions on each label. These processes ranged from five minutes to six hours.


There is another very popular and well-known good stain remover - Vanish. This product is available in every supermarket and in several forms. There is both powder and foam. But does this product do its job well?

The thing is that customers are not happy with the price - for 350 grams of the product they will have to pay from 350 to 500 rubles. Plus, customers note that Vanish is used very uneconomically. One jar or box is enough for several uses, and then you need to buy a new one.

Then we washed each shirt with the same detergent to avoid bias. We also washed each shirt at a different laundry load so that the removal efficiency would not be cross-contaminated by another at the same load. We then dried each shirt in the dryer.

The best laundry detergent to remove stains

It performed better than any other product we tested on each of the four various types spots Oxygen based stain remover successfully removed the most complex substances from white cotton shirts without damaging the fabric. Time is not the enemy of this supercharged stain remover; it even worked on week old, established stains.

"Vanish" often fails to cope with its main responsibilities - removing difficult and stubborn stains. So many people remain dissatisfied after use. And therefore they try to avoid this popular brand. For such a price, as buyers say, the result is simply terrible.


To be honest, you can make your own stain remover. Especially if you want to wash children's clothes. To do this you will have to use some household chemicals.

The best stain remover for colored items, as well as for white ones, is a combination of regular soap (laundry soap, baby soap) and detergent for dishes. Rub the soap into a small container and dissolve it in the product." Now apply it to the stain for a while and then wash it off. The result will not be long in coming. Plus, this is a fairly cheap solution: it will cost you about 20 rubles in total, and using this homemade remedy it can take a very long time.

Alina Borisova Author of the website “Moem-clean.ru”

We all sooner or later face the problem of stains on clothes, carpets and sofa upholstery, and then we ask ourselves the question: how to deal with various types pollution.

Nowadays, getting rid of stains is not such a problem as it used to be. It’s worth going to any store where there is a department of household chemicals - a whole army of a wide variety of stain removers is “lined” in front of you in neat, even rows.

Imported, domestic, expensive and cheap... How not to get confused in this variety of stain removers? Which one should you prefer?

Rating of the best stain removers

Having studied the market finished products, customer reviews, after talking with housewives, I made for myself a kind of rating of the best stain removers.

  • "Frau Schmidt" (Austria). Designed to remove oil, fruit, and fruit from white and colored laundry. The stain remover contains bile soap, which is absolutely harmless to hands.
  • Amway (UK). Copes with oil, fat. Very easy to use product. There is no need for a long wait - the stain remover starts working immediately.
  • "Ecover" (Belgium). The stain remover contains only natural, plant and animal ingredients. Designed for colored and white clothes. Copes with stains from grease, dirt, grass, blood.
  • "Sarma Active" – good helper for washing. Copes with old stains, tea, coffee, dirt. Can be used for colored and white items.
  • "Bos" (Russia). The product not only eliminates unpleasant odor and stains, but also has an antibacterial effect. Manufacturers guarantee protection against E. coli and staphylococcus.
  • "Just a minute." Budget-friendly, effective product. Removes varnish, oils, grease. Even car seats can be cleaned.
  • "Antipyatin." This stain remover is added to the main powder and used as a means for soaking clothes. Available in the form of soap, powder, spray. Suitable for colored and white items.
  • "Eared nanny" (Russia). The product is intended for removing stains from children's clothes. Does not cause allergies. Does not contain chlorine or dyes. Deals with stains even at low temperatures.

Reviews from housewives

What do housewives themselves say about stain removers? Which means are preferred and why? I tried to find the answer to these questions.

About Amway stain remover

“A friend told me about Amway. I am so grateful to her for this! Perfectly removes grease and dirt from clothes. At the same time, it lasts for a long time. At home I washed all my things. I forgot about the stains forever.”

I read a lot of negative reviews about this company. I am writing my personal opinion. The stain remover spray amazed me. Even the colors disappear.

“It’s not a magic product, of course – it’s not suitable for wool and silk, but it can easily cope with many stains. My husband's collars are perfectly clean after using Amway. I will continue to buy."

About the Bos stain remover

“The product was recommended by a seller at the market. Since it was inexpensive, I decided to take it and did not regret it. Perfectly removes stains. Now I only take it"

“I have a strict dress code at work. A white blouse is a must. To achieve fresh look, I tried a lot of remedies. Only “Bos” helped. Better than Vanish and all other stain removers."

“The product was recommended by my mother, who uses it herself. "Bos" permanently eliminates traces of fat, grass, and tea. I only use it."

About the stain remover "Eared Nanny"

“When my son was born, I was faced with the problem of choosing a safe and effective remedy for washing children's clothes. They recommended “Eared Nanny”. I'm happy with the result. Stains from food, juices, and grass are easily removed. I recommend it to everyone."

In principle, I liked the result. We washed white bed linen. All stains were removed, except for very old ones. The only thing I didn't like was the composition. I don’t know if I’ll use it to wash children’s clothes.

“I didn’t expect such an effect. I easily washed a children's T-shirt with a cherry stain. No problem. Don’t listen to anyone - buy.”

Folk remedies

If you don’t want to use household chemicals and prefer environmentally friendly products, you can make your own stain remover.

Here are some recipes:

  • Take half a glass hot water, baking soda and hydrogen peroxide. Mix everything well and pour into a spray bottle. If the stain is fresh, apply the product for 10 minutes; if it is old, apply it overnight.
  • Bring one liter of water to a boil, pour 50 grams of grated oil into a pan laundry soap, 100 grams of soda and a decoction of green tea. Boil until the soap is completely dissolved. This solution (100 g) can be added together with washing powder when washing.

Some final time-tested advice:

  • Rub the ink on things with acetone, wait a little, if necessary, the procedure can be repeated. Finally, wash your clothes.
Fruit stains will disappear if you soak the item in a solution of 1 liter of water, a tablespoon of vinegar and a teaspoon. After soaking, wash the item.
  • , apply a strong liquid soap to them and soak them with oxygen bleach.
  • Apply dry cleaning solvent to the grass stain using a sponge. Rub the contaminated area well, rinse and let dry.