Comparative characteristics of plywood and other materials. What is the difference between chipboard, MDF, plywood, furniture board, lumber, veneer? What is heavier MDF or plywood?

Usage natural wood in some areas of construction, as well as in the production of furniture and in any other industry, it is partly unreasonably expensive. For this, there are cheaper substitutes - wood-based materials. Many of them have everything necessary qualities for use in one or another area of ​​construction, but the most popular are chipboard and OSB (OSB) and plywood. It is difficult for an ignorant person to make a choice, because quality characteristics These materials and their costs vary significantly. To make a targeted and right choice, you need to know their differences.

Production technology

A comparison of OSB, chipboard and plywood can begin with their production technology. All indicated materials are made using natural raw materials, although they step by step process different.

  • Plywood is a multilayer material for which peeled veneer is used. Plywood has good strength, since the veneer sheets are laid using a special technology - perpendicular to the fibers of the previous sheet.
  • Chipboard – this one, unlike plywood board, is produced by hot pressing. And the raw material for it is waste shavings after wood processing.
  • OSB – compared to the above-mentioned boards, is a new material. However, it has already firmly taken a leading position in some areas of construction. OSB panels consist of 90% natural pine sawdust, and only a tenth is allocated to the binder. Moreover, in comparison with the first two, they are environmentally friendly. Of course, these indicators significantly increase the quality characteristics of the slab and expand its scope of application. Even despite the higher price, in some cases such material is more profitable to buy.

Qualitative characteristics

When choosing a material for certain type work, it is also necessary to take into account its operational characteristics. After all, to perform certain functions, you may need one of the qualitative aspects of one of the panels, which others have to a lesser extent.

The strength indicators of chipboard are much lower than those of plywood and. The last two are not inferior to each other in this regard. The strength of plywood is ensured by the special laying of veneer sheets, then OSB method pressing wood shavings, similar to chipboard, is still more advantageous, since the capacity of natural raw materials is greater there.

Considering the possibility of mechanical damage, again, chipboard is not the best option for places where such an impact is possible. Although this material is not able to dry out and come apart, which is the sin of plywood. The best option is still OSB panel, it is reliable and not susceptible to external influences.

The moisture resistance of materials also varies. Use chipboard in areas with high humidity not worth it. In turn, the production of plywood and OSB boards has the ability to produce moisture-resistant varieties - these are FSF plywood and OSB-3, 4.

From an environmental point of view, OSB is more the best option, since it does not contain synthetic impurities, which plywood and chipboard cannot boast of.

To sum up, we cannot mention the cost. Of course, of all these materials, OSB panels are the most expensive, but their advantages and long service life always justify such a purchase. Although plywood sheets are not inferior in cost to OSB boards, their use is possible for the most part for outdoor work. But chipboard is a cheap material and is most often used for rough finishing, for example, for flooring.

Since OSB is more natural in its composition, it is often used for finishing wall surfaces. The panels tolerate various paints and other coating substances well. Plywood sheets are more often ordered for the manufacture of budget furniture and the production of laminated floorboards, although many designs in construction also cannot do without its participation.

Do informed choice in favor of this or that material, this article will help.

Plywood- this is a material consisting of veneer, which is glued in several layers using glue.

The following facts speak in favor of using plywood:

  • wide scope of application;
  • high decorative properties. This is especially true for elite and first grade plywood;
  • minimal susceptibility to deformation and shrinkage processes;
  • regulated content of formaldehyde components;
  • ease of processing;
  • good fixation of fasteners in layers;
  • moisture resistance;
  • the ability to return plywood to its original shape after exposure to moisture;
  • the ability to create bent shapes;
  • equal strength over the entire plane of the sheet;
  • no through cracks.

What plywood is better or osb?

Plywood and OSB are the two most similar materials. The difference is in this case consists only in the fact that in plywood the veneer sheets are solid and are located perpendicular to each other from the point of view of the structure of the wood fibers. In OSB sheets, the chips are located chaotically. In general, the material is created from the same raw materials. Therefore the question is What stronger than plywood or osb- does not have a clear answer. It all depends on the thickness of the product, the type of wood used, and the quality of the glue.

Benefits AboutS.B.

  • high shear strength. What is achieved due to a more uniform texture;
  • low manufacturing cost, affecting the price of the final product;
  • waste-free production;
  • recyclability;
  • less weight, with the same sheet thickness;
  • minimal susceptibility to delamination of material components;
  • possibility of covering the material with film or veneer.

The given product characteristics allow us to conclude that Which is cheaper: plywood or OSB? The latter has the advantage. To be fair, it should be noted that this is almost the only advantage of OSB over plywood. The strength characteristics of these materials are identical.

Chipboard or plywood which is better?

Often at the time of purchase the question arises, Which is stronger than plywood or chipboard??

To answer this question you must first decide How does plywood differ from chipboard?

Chipboard - particle board, in the production of which the same material is used as in the production of plywood. However, the manufacturing technology is more similar to OSB technology. In this case, the wood is crushed into small particles and mixed with binder composition and placed under a hot press. This is exactly how the process of making chipboards occurs.

Advantages of chipboard:

  • the homogeneous structure of the chipboard provides it with high fracture strength;
  • high heat and sound insulation properties;
  • not high cost.

MDF is a compressed wood fiber board medium density. It is made from wood waste (dust).

Advantages of MDF:

  • high fracture strength;
  • resistance to fungi and other pests;
  • long period of operation;
  • low cost.

What better than fiberboard or plywood?

Fiberboard - high density compressed fibreboard.

Advantages of fiberboard:

  • high strength;
  • low cost;
  • long service life;
  • high thermal insulation rates.

However, despite these indicators, fiberboard has become more widespread not in construction, but in furniture production.

What better than drywall or plywood?

Drywall- a new product that has replaced traditional wood materials. It is essentially plaster of Paris placed between two layers of cardboard.

It is difficult to compare these two materials because they have different composition and manufacturing technology. When using them, they are used various instruments. But, for example, in those areas where these materials can be interchangeable, we can talk about comparison.

Advantages of drywall:

  • ease;
  • low cost;
  • ease of use;
  • widespread use in interior decoration.

What is better gvl or plywood?

GVL- gypsum fiber sheet. In structure, raw materials and manufacturing technology it is similar to plasterboard. Additionally contains cellulose waste paper, which acts as an amplifier.

Advantages of GVL:

  • Possibility of use in rooms with humidity levels up to 70%;
  • low heat absorption coefficient;
  • high level of sound absorption.


Summarizing the above, we can conclude that the answer to the question Which is better plywood orosb, fibreboard, chipboard, MDF, plasterboard or other material - depends on the scope of its potential application. Depending on the requirements imposed on the material by operating conditions. The size of your budget also influences your choice.

RUB 1,450

  • 700 rub

  • RUB 2,500

  • 260 rub.

  • RUB 4,800

  • RUB 2,300

  • RUB 1,400

  • 3,000 rub.

  • RUB 2,590

  • RUB 2,000 RUB 2,200

  • Modern repairs often involve leveling surfaces. This can be done using a wet or dry method, the latter of which involves e.g. use of chipboard. In order to choose which material for quick leveling use, you should know the pros and cons of each of them.

    To obtain a more rigid and durable structure, it is better to use plywood.

    Tools and materials

    • hacksaw;
    • nails;
    • hammer;
    • logs;
    • plywood;
    • level;
    • jigsaw

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    Chipboard, plywood and OSB

    Chipboard is a composite sheet material, made by pressing small wood particles, this process occurs when high temperatures, and shavings mixed with a binder that are of non-mineral origin are used.

    If you are laying chipboard on the floor, you should take into account the need pre-treatment material that can damage the already vulnerable corners and ends of the slabs. This is due to the fact that pieces of glued shavings easily break off, unlike plywood. The process is complicated by the need not to damage the coating and ensure reliable fastening.

    Despite the fact that chipboard contains wood, the material cannot be called completely environmentally friendly, since the boards contain synthetic resins and formaldehyde. However, by laying chipboard on the floor, you get a guarantee of ease of installation and economical material consumption. In addition, these slabs are available, which quite often acts as a decisive factor when choosing this method alignment.

    The difference between chipboard and plywood is that the latter material is a board made of layers of wood.

    Before laying chipboard on the floor, it must be treated with drying oil or an antiseptic.

    This material is made by gluing prepared veneer. As a rule, the number of veneer layers is odd and the minimum can be 3. In order to ensure the greatest strength, veneer layers for plywood are applied in such a way that the fibers are located perpendicular to the previous sheet.

    You can also use OSB for the floor, which is an oriented strand board. This is a relatively new development in the field of deeper processing of wood, which has made it possible to obtain a material that has unique physical and mechanical characteristics.

    OSB combines best qualities, which natural wood has, in addition, these boards do not have the disadvantages that chipboard or plywood have. To obtain OSB, high-tech methods of processing raw materials are used. If we consider OSB board in cross section, you can see 3 layers, each of which consists of chips with a length equal to the limit of 4-8 cm.

    The position of the chips plays a role in the OSB structure main role. The middle layer in its structure contains chips that are elongated transversely in relation to the other layers, and in the structure outer layers contains chips located along the length of the slab.

    Layers of this material are pressed under significant pressure during the manufacturing process, and to increase the binding effect, the raw materials are impregnated with waterproof resins. This makes it possible to obtain a material with a uniform layer structure, in which delamination and voids are excluded. This distinguishes OSB from the materials described above.

    When choosing the material with which you intend to lay the floor as a rough covering, you should first decide what is your priority - cost, quality or ease of installation. If you want to save money, then you should choose chipboard, its cost is lower compared to the other materials under consideration, however, its installation will be more labor-intensive, since the coating will have to be carefully protected from moisture penetration, which can cause swelling and subsequent destruction of the chipboard.

    Alternative, but of higher quality and expensive material, in comparison with chipboard, OSB acts. This material does not have a wax coating, is excellent for laying on a base using glue and has a tongue-and-groove locking system.

    Plywood can cope with heavy loads if the floor arrangement requires it. If you intend to cover the floor with this material, then it is necessary to use one that has water-resistant characteristics and a thickness of at least 6 mm.

    It is worth considering that the cheapness of chipboard may seem deceptive, because such floors, not sufficiently protected from moisture, can become wet and completely collapse, which can happen even to painted floors. chipboard option. This will entail the need to change the coating after 1-1.5 years.

    Advantages of chipboard:

    • ease of installation;
    • economical material consumption;
    • insignificant cost.

    Disadvantages of chipboard:

    • the need for careful processing due to the likelihood of damage to the material and the occurrence of chips on it;
    • not so much environmentally friendly material due to the content of synthetic resins and formaldehyde;
    • flammability;
    • the need to carefully protect the material from water penetration during the installation process.

    Advantages of plywood:

    • material strength;
    • naturalness;
    • Can be used even in wet conditions;
    • ease of installation.

    Cons of plywood:

    • high cost;
    • flammability;
    • With a certain production technology, harmful substances may be added to the material.

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    Comparison of chipboard and plywood

    • plywood has a higher cost compared to chipboard;
    • plywood is made of veneer, and chipboard is made of chips, which makes the latter material more vulnerable to mechanical stress and moisture;
    • Chipboard involves more labor-intensive installation compared to plywood, since the latter option does not require careful protection from moisture;
    • plywood may contain or be devoid of harmful phenolic compounds, while chipboard in any case contains resins that are harmful to human health.

    Plywood and MDF boards are two popular options for finishing. Whenever an issue is resolved wooden furniture for your home, you need to decide what basic material will be used.

    There are various materials on the market, the most common of which are wood of various species, plywood, laminated chipboard and MDF.

    Wood is an expensive material and is used for high quality furniture. Laminate boards have a very limited selection of colors and patterns.

    The most commonly used materials for making furniture for home and office are plywood and MDF. Even though MDF is a relatively new product compared to plywood, it has captured a huge market and is now preferred over plywood.


    Wood has been used to make furniture since ancient times, but it was a time when wood was available in abundance, and as wood scarcity increased, plywood was invented for those who could not afford teak, walnut or mahogany furniture. Plywood is made from wood, but every piece of wood is used to minimize wood loss. Plywood has many advantages, such as a variety of sizes and thicknesses. It can easily be covered with paint or laminate in any color or pattern. Plywood production minimizes wood waste, but does not eliminate it.


    MDF is an abbreviation for medium density fibreboard. Since the shortage of wood prompted the invention of plywood, MDF is another product that was invented as a wood substitute. MDF is made up of small pieces of wood that are broken down into wood fibers and then compressed into hydraulic press at very high blood pressure in the form of a board. MDF boards are manufactured in various thicknesses so that they can be easily used in various industries. These slabs are very smooth surface and the furniture they make is of very high quality in terms of attractiveness. MDF can be easily covered with laminate various forms and colors or dyed according to your choice. MDF boards are made from wood fibres, hence they have very little screw-driving capacity.

    Both plywood and MDF are made from wood and are used to make furniture for the home and office. Both of these products are widely used by furniture manufacturers around the world and provide flexible handling. The main difference is that plywood is made from solid wood, while MDF is made from wood fibers. Plywood available in large sizes than MDF boards. Plywood is much better for nailing and threading than MDF. For MDF fastenings a specific technique is used, and the plywood can simply be nailed or screwed into place. MDF has a better surface for making furniture than plywood.


    1. Plywood is made from solid wood, while MDF is made from wood fibers.

    2. There is wood loss in the production of plywood, and wood loss is zero when MDF production It is also made by mixing different wood fibers.

    3. Plywood comes in larger sizes than MDF boards. But MDF is more attractive and you can paint it any color you want.

    4. Plywood can simply be nailed down with nails or self-tapping screws; when making furniture from MDF, a certain fastening technique is required.

    5. Furniture made from plywood is stronger than furniture made from MDF.

    All over the world, MDF is rapidly replacing plywood in furniture industry. The shortage of wood in the coming years will be completely eliminated by plywood and MDF boards. The biggest advantage is that in the production of MDF there is zero wood waste, and you can also mix wood fibers from different species, whereas plywood is made from one species and at a time. Both plywood and MDF are used in furniture, but MDF is now mainly used for furniture, and plywood is used as packaging material as it is stronger than MDF boards. MDF is an environmentally friendly product; if you care about the environment, it is better to choose MDF for making furniture rather than plywood.