The easiest way to bewitch a guy. Various love spells at home

Love is not always mutual; girls often suffer from unrequited feelings. For them, life without a loved one resembles a continuous series of gray everyday life, and meetings with a lover are pleasing to the eye, but cut to the heart, emphasizing that they are not together. You are not knights, you won’t conquer anyone on horseback with a sword, but you don’t need to give up. As long as love magic exists, hope dies last.

A love spell will help you return your old love

It is important to understand how to bewitch a guy, how to do it yourself and not turn to fortune tellers and witches. Before casting a love spell and reading the corresponding prayers and conspiracies, carefully weigh the pros and cons. Before casting a love spell on a guy, think about whether you really need the guy you like, and consider all the consequences of the spells.

Home love spells

  1. Love spell on a guy for wine. Pour red wine into a glass and whisper a prayer over it:

    “The powers of heaven! Angelic powers! Give, give me unearthly charms! With them I (the servant of God) want to forever bind my beloved (name). Let the wine, as soon as it pours into the glass, heat up all his blood and instill love in him for me!”

    After prayer, drink wine, you need to do this with your eyes closed.

  2. A love spell for a guy's love can be made using a magnet. Take a magnet and two parts that are magnetic. Project your image onto one thing, and mentally transfer the image of your lover onto the second. Attract two things-images with a magnet, imagine your relationship. Wait, over time, the “charged” talismans will begin to act, and the guy will pay attention to you.
  3. Love spell on a guy for milk. Read the spell over a cup of milk:

    "God help me, servant of God ( given name). Inspire, O God, my beloved to love me. Let him be as unable to live without me as a baby without milk! Amen!"

    Afterwards, drink milk and go to bed. Do the ritual with prayer every day for one week.

  4. You can bewitch a guy using a thread. This is a symbolic love spell with elements of fortune telling. It's easy to do. Take a ball of thread and, winding the thread around your finger, read the words of the prayer:

    “As a thread spins and twists, so you, servant of God (name), languish and spin around me, reach out to my body. Just as a man of God prays to an icon, so pray to me, yearn for me, miss me, know no peace without me. My words are strong. From now on and forever. Amen".

    After finishing the words, wind the thread back onto the ball. If the thread gets tangled, quarrels and trials await in the relationship; if it winds smoothly, your lover will soon reciprocate your feelings. A broken thread warns that nothing good will come of the relationship, and you’d better not cast a love spell on a guy’s love.

Charmed water will help you get your boyfriend back

To attract the attention of your lover, you can cast a love spell on water. Pour water (compote) into a deep bowl, look at your reflection in the water and read:

“My dear (name), I miss you. Let melancholy go into the wild little head, into the black eyebrows, into the red lips, into the white teeth, into the hot blood, into the hot heart, go into the steel bone, so that you yearn, grieve, every minute, every second. Amen".

Leave the water on the window overnight so that the spoken words have an effect on drinking. Invite your lover over and give him some or all of the contents to drink. The plot is suitable for you if you and your boyfriend are in good relations. If you rarely see him and do not have mutual friends, it is unlikely that you will be able to give him the enchanted water to drink.

Love spells for a guy from a photo

The photograph not only depicts the image of a person, but also his energy. Casting a love spell on a guy from a photograph has been known for a long time; in white magic it occupies a central place among love rituals.

The ritual must be performed after sunset

Do the ritual with photographs at the table after sunset. To carry it out, you will need two photos – yours and your lover’s. Place photos face up. Imagine that you are a happy couple together. Turn the photo over and write your name and date of birth on the guy’s photo, and leave your lover’s details on your photo. Place the photos facing each other, and sew the corners of the photos with red thread. While you sew, you need to read the plot:

“I knit the servant of God (name) with the servant of God (name) with unbreakable bonds, amen.”

After the plot, break the thread and tie three knots on it. This must be done from all four corners. Place the pictures in a white envelope without any inscriptions and glue them together with a candle. Keep the enchanted photographs at home and carefully hide them from prying eyes.

When choosing photos, give preference to photos in which you will be shot along the chest line so that the hearts are “present” in the image. When stitching photos, be careful not to hit any body parts with the needle. Do the ritual on the waxing moon.

Love spell from Thursday to Friday

From Thursday to Friday, not only do you have prophetic dreams, but also magical actions are directly related to reality; they will help you understand how to bewitch a boy. A love spell from Thursday to Friday can be made for girls whose lovers are at a distance.

For the ritual you need to choose one wax candle

For this plot, stock up on wax candles, a large mirror and your lover’s belongings. Using a sharp object, write on the candles the name of the chosen one whose attention you want to attract. Light a candle and go to the mirror, read these words:

“Fate’s fire, hear me! Let my love fly to him! Fire! Do no harm! You are my friend. Strengthen my union with my beloved!”

Turn away from the candle and read the spell three times (in a whisper):

“If there is a wall between us, destroy it!”

Turn to the candle and say:

“I sacrifice myself to you. Will you make your wish come true? I'm leaving now!"

After prayer, leave the room for a day to love desire embodied.

What does the effectiveness of a love spell depend on?

For greater effectiveness, cast a love spell on a guy while the moon is waxing. Pay attention to your appearance: Nothing should hinder your energy and thoughts.

Hair is the main source of energy movement. You need to read conspiracies with your hair down, so that there are no hairpins or elastic bands in your hair. For prayer to have a beneficial effect on your relationship, you need to not just know each other, but at least communicate and meet in the same company. It's pointless to cast love spells on a guy you've seen once in your life and don't communicate with him at all.

For a love spell to work on a guy’s love, it must be done on the right day. In magic, days are divided into women's days(Wednesday, Friday, Saturday) and men's days(Monday, Tuesday, Thursday). You can't do love spells on Sunday. To attract the attention of a man, you need to read charming prayers on men's day. It is important to remember all the features of the rituals; this will help you understand how to bewitch a boy.

Think a hundred times, read once

The point is not only how to bewitch a guy, but also whether it is worth doing. Love spells have magical powers and must be done carefully. The impact of conspiracies occurs at the mental-energetic level.

Love spells are divided into two types: black and white. Among the attributes of black conspiracies are calls for a person to dry out, suffer, and lose interest in life. Making black love spells is highly undesirable. There are no such spells in white love spells; they are aimed at increasing interest in your personality.

The negative consequences of white love spells are minimal; there are no negative changes in the individual’s consciousness. White conspiracies have the power of attracting thoughts; such conspiracies cannot do anything bad to the person you want to bewitch. The main condition is to cast a love spell on a guy with pure and good intentions, without cursing him or calling him to suffer.

You can’t run away from fate, so think about it: if a guy doesn’t reciprocate your feelings, maybe it’s not destined? After a while, you may meet and fall in love with someone else, but the imprints of the conspiracy will remain on the bewitched guy.

Beware of black magic spells. The consequences of a black love spell can be lethargy, craving for bad habits, nervousness, irritability, thoughtfulness and naivety. If it happens that you meet someone else, read the lapel from the bewitched guy, give him a chance to be happy.

Remember, love spells and conspiracies are a chance for love, they are not a 100% guarantee of a happy life together.

The most full description in every detail - how to effectively bewitch a guy at home with a fairly strong and safe magical effect.

A love spell for a person caused by magic is called a love spell. If a love spell is made accurately and without errors, then it immediately has certain effects on feelings, thoughts, and physical attraction. Sometimes the effect of a love spell cannot even be distinguished from true love, because the attraction between two people is very similar to natural feelings.

Sometimes a love spell is so powerful that the feelings cannot even be distinguished from true love

There are three types of love spells:

  • white, which is carried out by calling on holy powers or God, using icons, church candles;
  • black, which can be made by appealing to demons or devils. A black love spell will have good result only if you are vigilant and focused on the rules for its implementation;
  • neutral, which is based on a request to spirits or elements. Even beginners can perform such a love spell on their own, because this is the easiest, but also effective type.

There are many different love spells. These are the fastest and most effective ways to cast a love spell at home for a guy or girl.

How to quickly bewitch your ex-husband?

This instant love spell only works on ex-husband, that is, it simply will not work on other men, especially married men. And if he is the father of your child, then the result will please you very much.

There is a love spell that works instantly

In order to make a love spell, you will need your loved one's hair and an ordinary candle. Main feature This love spell is that it needs to be performed on the waning moon, otherwise it won’t work. After sunset, you should light a candle and set fire to your hair, saying this effective plot:

“Dear and beloved, love me again. I conjure with fire and love.”

Then wait until the hair burns. This is the fastest love spell, so already in the first three days you will see its magical effects on ex-spouse. But keep in mind that there is no antidote to it, since this is a rather strong love spell.

Love a guy using his photo

This ritual should be performed at home. No matter what distance your lover is, because such a love spell is so strong that it will work even if he is in another part of the world.

To cast a love spell, you must have two church candles and his photo. During the full moon, holding a photo of your loved one in your hands, light the candles. Look, without looking up, straight into his eyes, right in the photo, and say the following words seven times in a row:

“As I yearn for the servant of God (name) for my beloved servant of God (name), so let him yearn and miss me alone. May it be so forever and ever. Amen!".

Then burn the photo and throw the ashes out the window. This is a very quick love spell for a guy, but after just seven days he will feel very much love for you.

After the ceremony, burn the photo and throw the ashes out of the window.

An effective method of casting a love spell on a girl

For such a ritual at home, you will need a photo of your girl whom you want to bewitch. With her photo on the floor, step on her face in the photo with your heel. Read the next one effective conspiracy three times:

“Just as my heel, the servant of God (name), presses heavily on you, and your heart is heavy, so let you be strongly drawn to me, the servant of God (name). Amen!".

This love spell needs to be performed for three days.

For the ritual you will need a photo of your girlfriend

How to bewitch a girl with salt?

Another effective way to cast a love spell on a girl at home - use salt. You should pour a pinch of salt into a small bag or pour it onto a plate and say the following spell:

“I’ll get up in the morning, go from door to door without crossing myself, from aisle to aisle without blessing, into an open field and onto the damn sea. There is an iron hut on the damn sea, in that hut there is a stone bridge, under the bridge there are marble pillars, on the pillars there are twelve devils, three of them are my older brothers. I will go closer to them and bow lower: “You are my elder brothers, do me a service, twist and dry the girl (name), so that she drinks - does not get drunk, walks - does not go around, eats - does not overeat, loves - does not forget, All twelve veins, thirty veins, forty joints, seventy joints and a shameful place dried up for her about me.” Amen. Amen. Amen".

After you have made a spell for salt, you need to collect it in a bag

You should make a salt spell in the morning, after which you should carry it in a bag around your neck all day.

Add the charmed salt to the food of the girl you want to attach love to you. This must be done the next day and it is important that she eats everything, otherwise this quick love spell will be wasted.

Effective love spell for a loved one

This quick love spell should be performed at home. This is not a black love spell, so you can get by with just a prayer on a photo of your loved one.

For this ritual, the actions of the moon or other magical things are absolutely not important. You just need to wash yourself very well. Then, picking up a photograph of the man you want to make a verdict on, say the prayer:

“With pure thoughts and bright thoughts, kind words, with clean hands, loving eyes, I ask you, angel Gopoloya, you know everything, you see everything, look what is in the soul of my beloved, look into his clear eyes, read his thoughts. Help me, Gopoloya, as you help all lovers, let your beloved love me, let him worry about me, let him be jealous of me, let him love me alone and desire me alone. Help me Gopoloya, for you alone know how hard it is for me without him.”

You will be able to see the effective and quick results yourself.

For this ritual you need to look at a photograph of the object of desire

Love spell on someone else's husband using an amulet

In order to cast a love spell on a married man, you need to make an amulet. It has the attractive power of love. To make such an amulet at home, cut out two identical circles from the same sheet of paper, and a third from foil.

On the first two, write your name and date of birth and your loved one, and put a circle of foil between them. It is important that the names face the same direction. Then, carefully pierce with a gypsy needle, forming a small hole. This is necessary in order to insert a red woolen thread, tying three knots at the end. While tying, pronounce these words, which have a very strong effect on married man:

“I unite soul and body, fate and life, thoughts and heart (name) with (name).”

Hide this amulet in a secret place and do not show it to anyone. The amulet will help you find the love of a married man.

To cast a love spell on a married man, you need to make an amulet

Black love spell on blood

During the waxing moon, perform this black love spell at home yourself. To do this, place a red candle on the table, next to the window, and next to you a flower that has been growing in your home for a long time. If the ritual is performed incorrectly, all the strong negativity will fall on the plant, and you will be protected. You need to light a candle, break off a leaf from a flower, burn it with a candle, read the effective plot until there are no ashes left:

“I am giving you over to be sacrificed, to be slaughtered, to receive retribution for the black love spell. So be it."

Throw the resulting ashes onto a plate. Hold the photo of your lover in your right hand and, looking at his face, direct your love to the desire to induce his feelings for you. It won’t take much time; it’s better to have a strong and quick impulse. At this time you need to inject index finger left hand and attach it to the photo of your loved one. By swiping your finger from bottom to top, the black love spell will completely connect all the energy of your lover to your blood.

Throw the resulting ashes onto a plate after the ceremony.

Many girls use this spell to make the result even stronger:

“The blood leaves my body, my love transfers to you (name). Just as blood nourishes me, so the power of love ignites passion in you. Let you strive for me - You cannot distance yourself from attraction and thoughts. Now you have to think, to suffer with love, to have feelings for me, but not to know peace. You only think about me - you dream, In dreams and in reality you call me to you. Both now and forever. So be it."

After reading the magic words, release your finger from the image and look at your loved one again, but this time with confidence that the ritual will give a positive result. Then burn his photo with a candle and pour the resulting ashes onto a saucer. Stir the ashes until smooth with a wooden stick. One part should be buried in the ground of the flower, the other should be poured onto the threshold of your loved one. It is important that at least one particle gets to him.

This is a very effective and easy to perform black love spell. Very soon all his loving actions will be directed in your direction. And if you can get by with a white conspiracy, do it. Since any black sentence has its consequences.

Even an easy-to-perform black love spell carries consequences in any case.

How to quickly make a love spell for a guy at a distance?

This love spell is well suited for doing it at home. To bewitch a guy from a distance, you will need two small mirrors. You need to place them on the windowsill of a house with a wide open window at a parallel distance so that one mirror reflects the image of the other. You need to sit in front of the mirrors on a chair barefoot, and the girl’s hair should be loose.

Then, picking up a candle, watch its flame, but do not look in the mirror. After the candle begins to melt, take it in your right hand. Extending the palm of your left hand, begin dripping wax. At this time, think about your beloved, imagine his presence next to you. When a sufficient amount of wax has formed in your hand, you need to smear it on one mirror and read an effective spell:

“I wash my naughty darling (name of target), Instead of soap, my tears are clean, Instead of a towel, my long hair, He doesn’t need another love when mine is so big, Four rivals will leave on all sides, I’ll stay with you alone, I’ll be alone . As a candle silently drips, so love will flare up in you, As you remember me, you will come, as you see, you will stay. Strangers’ eyes don’t see you, tongues don’t speak, lips don’t kiss, only you hear me, only me you love, only with me, dear (name of your loved one), you will be forever. I condemn you to love, I bind you to me. You will soon be near me, you will call me, you will hold me in your heart, you will be faithful, you will be honest, you will leave my image forever in your blood. Let what has been said come to pass.”

Use mirrors to perform the ritual.

Then lean the mirrors against each other and wrap them in your home-worn nightgown. Having put everything on the floor, stand barefoot and say another strong spell:

“I conjure without blood, without pain I command that (name of target) will come to me and stay with me.”

Break the package of mirrors with a chair and place it on the window sill. When you wake up in the morning, you need to take it to the long distance away from you, preferably into the forest. Burying the package under the old one large tree, leave and don't look around. This instant love spell always gave excellent results.

These spells at home will take you some time, but the result will be so strong that it is worth it.

How to quickly bewitch a guy at home?

There may be many situations in life when the question may arise of how to bewitch a guy at home. Usually, those girls who are faced with unrequited love seek to use various magical rituals. But at the same time, you should always remember that a love spell, if carried out carelessly, can harm not only the guy being bewitched, but also the girl.

Rules for conducting love spells

To bewitch a guy, you need to read a love spell at home with confidence that you are right. There should not be the slightest doubt in your soul. You need to prepare for a love spell in advance. You need to stop taking it a few days before alcoholic drinks and try to conserve your own energy. This means you should try to be in a balanced state and not waste energy on negative emotions.

To bewitch a guy, you need to read a love spell at home in a separate room. It is necessary to create a special magical atmosphere in it. Of course, you should first remove it and take out unnecessary things from it, since clutter can significantly reduce the energy message. It is also important to pay attention to your appearance: you need to remove your jewelry and let your hair down. It is advisable to carry out the ceremony in loose clothing in light shades.

Before choosing the most suitable love spell ritual, you must first understand yourself. To do this, you need to retire, focusing on the image of the person you plan to bewitch.

  • Do you want to build serious relationship with your chosen one and perhaps even a family in the future.
  • You are not afraid that the love spell will enhance your own feelings.
  • Will your attitude towards your loved one change if his character changes, because this often happens after using magic.
  • You are absolutely sure that your actions are not destroying other people's relationships.

If you clearly answer “Yes” to all the questions, then you can easily begin choosing a love spell ritual. Otherwise, it is better not to use magic, but to try to attract the attention of the person you like in other ways.

Requirements for pronouncing magic words

Of course, it is better to pronounce a love spell from memory. But if it happens that the text is too long, then it is allowed to read it from a sheet of paper, which should be neatly designed and look like an additional attribute of the ritual. It is better to write love words on a white sheet of paper in beautiful, clear handwriting. Before starting the ceremony, you must read it several times magic words, this will allow you not to get lost during the ritual, which is very important.

The voice should sound commanding when pronouncing magic words. There should be no begging or pleading notes in the intonation. All instructions for a particular ritual must be followed. During the ritual, you need to think only about the goal; there should be no extraneous thoughts in your head. Any negative thoughts can reduce the energy message, and sometimes harm the participants in the magical action.

Effective simple rituals

To bewitch a guy without consequences at home, you must be sure that your love for him is sincere and strong. Using love spells for personal gain is strictly prohibited. The girl must understand that if she is going to bewitch a guy at home, then she must first carefully study all the conditions of the ritual. If a mistake is made, then the love spell can harm not only the chosen one, but also yourself.

Often the question of how to bewitch a guy at home arises among people who have no experience or have not used magic at all to solve certain problems in real life. In such cases, preference should be given to simple rituals. Despite their simplicity, such rituals are very effective, but at the same time you must believe in yourself, in your natural abilities through the power of magic.

Affordable ritual with an Orthodox icon

The peculiarity of this ritual is its simplicity of execution. Unfortunately, you will need to wait longer for the results of such a ritual. long time, but its important advantage is that this love spell cannot harm either the guy being bewitched or the performer.

For a love spell you need to have:

  • Orthodox icon;
  • Church candle;
  • A little incense.

Having retired in the evening in a separate room, place an icon on the table, light a candle in front of it and focus on the image of your loved one. Once this has been done, light the incense from the candle flame.

Short ritual with a note

This love spell ritual is very simple to perform, but it requires increased concentration of the performer. It is safe to say that the positive result of the impact depends on the power of the performer’s energy message.

For the ritual you need to have a photo of your beloved guy, a sheet of white paper, a pen and a red wax candle. It is desirable that the photograph of the person being bewitched is fresh and the eyes of the chosen one are clearly visible on it.

Having retired to a quiet room at a late evening hour, you need to put on the table a photograph of the person you plan to bewitch, and place and light a candle next to him.

On a piece of paper you need to write the spell words legibly:

During this action, other magic words are spoken:

The ashes must be carefully collected and the photograph hidden. Soon the bewitched guy will begin to show you signs of attention.

Using photography

This love spell can be very powerful, but only if you can pronounce the magic words correctly and concentrate to carry out a strong energy message. The photograph used in the ceremony must be fresh. But at the same time it can be printed in any way, for example, on a computer. It is advisable that your loved one be printed in the photo. full height. You cannot use a blurry photo in the ritual.

Before pronouncing magic words, you need to organize an energy channel with your chosen one. To do this, you need to sit in silence for a while, peering at the photo of your chosen one. You need to use all your imagination and imagine happy pictures of life together with your chosen one. It’s very good if you remember the phrases that your chosen one uses in his speech and his witty jokes. Thus, you will establish an energy channel through which you will influence your lover, that is, you will be able to bewitch a guy without consequences at home.

When you feel complete separation from the outside world, then say the following words:

The words of this conspiracy must be pronounced clearly, without hesitation, being aware of each phrase. The entire love spell should be imbued with your confidence that the magical action will achieve its goal.

Various love spells at home

The question of how to bewitch a guy at home can be answered in different ways. You can use a variety of methods. For example, influence your chosen one from a distance by strengthening your energetic love message using various methods.

With a glass of wine

So, you can use a glass of strong wine for this. A magic spell should first be whispered over it with deep feeling.

Next, you need to gently but thoroughly shake the wine in the glass, and then drink it with your eyes closed in small sips. After this, you need to immediately go to bed with thoughts about your loved one. It’s very good if you dream about your chosen one that night, this will be evidence that the influence was successful.

You can use milk instead of wine. You need to drink it for several days in a row before going to bed, until you notice the first signs of attention from your loved one.

Milk must be poured into very beautiful glass and say these words:

With sunflower seeds

To bewitch a guy, you can sprinkle it outside on the windowsill. own room sunflower seeds. After the pigeons arrive and begin to peck the seeds, you should put off household chores.

And quickly say these words:

You need to perform this love spell every day. A little time will pass and the guy you like will begin to show you signs of attention. After this, you should stop using magic, as it will be better if the relationship develops naturally.

With a walnut in the distance

If the guy you really like is very far away, then you should not despair. After all, with the help of magic you can awaken love in the soul of your chosen one at a distance, the main thing is to really want it. To do this you need to split it into two halves. walnut. You should make a hole in it and thread a scarlet thread through it. After this, you need to fill the basin with water and lower an improvised boat into it. You should wind the thread around your finger, imagining the image of your loved one.

As you do this, say the following words:

It is important, when choosing a ritual, to approach it from a rational position. It should not be complex and confusing, as this will prevent you from focusing on the goal. It is important, before starting the ritual, to carefully study its rules and understand the smallest subtleties.

How to bewitch a guy at home without harming him?

Love, especially unrequited love, can very often become the reason love spell. However, it is worth remembering that any ritual performed incorrectly can do more harm than good, both to the subject of the divination and to the person doing the divination.

Let's consider what types of love spells there are and what is the best thing to do to stay with your loved one forever.

How to bewitch a guy at home? How to bewitch your ex-boyfriend?

There are several most simple ways love spells that will help you easily bewitch the object of desire without special effort. These include a number of ancient rituals.

The person performing the love spell needs to sit in front of the mirror at night and begin to braid his hair, visualizing the image of his beloved. At the same time, the phrase is repeated to yourself: “I want to be with my beloved (name).”

Then you need to go to bed with your hair braided. The braid cannot be unraveled until the beloved begins to show signs of attention.

Buy church incense. On the night in front of the icon, burn it, saying: “As incense melts and burns, so let (name)’s heart burn with eternal love for me.”

You need to take honey, water and several candles (3 pieces). The ritual takes place at midnight in the forest at full moon. The right hand is tied with white cloth, and the left with black. Before each turn of the fabric, drink a sip of water with honey.

After this, in the forest, using candles, they create a triangle around themselves and light all the candles with one match. After this they say: “Being far away, know how difficult it is for me. Light up like these candles, if you’re near me, I’ll reciprocate.”

These methods are considered the simplest, but less effective. If a stronger attachment is needed, you should turn to love spells using candles and blood. In this white magic can't help. All the love spells presented below are objects of black magic, so you need to do everything extremely correctly so that the one you like and the spellcaster himself do not suffer.

Classic love spells

Classic love spells in black magic include love spells based on photos, with candles, with a comb, on cards and on dice.

Love spell on candles

The girl should purchase candles and decorative lamps made of natural wax. If you take black candles, the ritual will be completely saturated with black magic. In addition, you will need a new tablecloth. pink color, foil, red piece of chalk, safety pin.

Before sunset, the table is covered with a new tablecloth, and a heart is drawn on it in the middle with red chalk. Two candles in stands are placed in the center of the picture and the words are said: “Goddess of love, help me, come to the rescue. Light a fire in two hearts and keep it alive. Let our love only grow stronger.”

The candles must burn out. After this, all the melted wax needs to be sealed in foil, pinned with a pin and the guy’s name and yours written on the package. Place the package in an inaccessible hiding place. The result can appear in just one day.

Bewitch your beloved guy. Strong ritual with 40 candles

The ritual uses 40 church candles. Before the ceremony, take each candle in your hands in turn and read the “Our Father” prayer. After this, you need to collect all the candles in your hands and light them, saying the words:

“As they burn day after day, so will the feeling of the servant of God (name) for me, the servant of God (name). Amen!"

The phrase is pronounced 3 times, then all the candles are extinguished with one movement of the hand.

All of the above actions are preparation for the ceremony.

Then, every day at the same time, one lit candle is placed in a saucer. The candle should burn out. Leave the wax in the saucer. The same is done for 40 days with the remaining candles. At the end of the ritual, wax from 40 candles should remain in the saucer. The wax is placed in a white sheet of paper and buried under a young tree. Results may appear within 3 days after the love spell is completed.

Ritual for blood

Many girls like to read books that describe how to bewitch a loved one without harm, and so on. However, a description of the blood ritual is rarely given in them due to the danger of the ritual. The blood ritual is considered the most powerful and inevitable. This ritual should be as a last resort, which is only possible in exceptional cases.

The ritual is performed on the waxing moon at night, preferably at midnight.

For the ritual you will need a needle and a glass of red wine.

You need to pour a full glass of red wine. Pierce ring finger right hand and place an odd number of drops of blood into a glass of wine. At the same time, you need to say the words: “As you drink the wine (name of the guy or man), passion will ignite in you. All thoughts will be about me, day and night, and in dreams.”

A man must drink wine from a glass. Even if he takes just a few sips, the love spell will work.

Love spell via phone

There are love spells without the use of candles, blood and other magical paraphernalia. These include a love spell using a phone.

In order to perform a love spell using a phone, you do not need physical contact, which is so important in other love spells.

Despite the fact that in love magic this love spell is viewed quite skeptically, positive aspects it still has it. One of the advantages of a love spell via phone is that it is easier to bewitch the object of desire through a gadget than through physical contact.

This plays an important role when your loved one completely avoids you and will not eat or drink anything with you. In addition, the ritual does not require complex actions; you do not need to buy a lot of candles and other items for the ritual. No need for a specific place and time (forest, river, night, etc.)

If you have often thought about how to quickly bewitch a guy, then this option is for you. The ritual is based on the fact that you need to make a call and say words that have a love spell.

When you call a phone number, you should say the words of the love spell into the receiver:

“I make it so that from now on you will be mine, you will love me...”

In order for love spells over the phone to have a more lasting, powerful effect, they resort to the forces of the elements. To do this, draw butterflies, angels, birds and airplanes on paper and ask the air and wind for help, so that they encourage your chosen one to call you.

They ask the drawn image of an angel for strength: “...put my strength in the thoughts of your loved one, turn his thoughts towards me...”

How to understand that a guy has been bewitched?

The effect of a love spell involves a serious change in a person’s energy fields. In this regard, serious mental disorders may occur. After performing the rituals, completely calm and balanced people can behave very irritably and aggressively.

It is noteworthy that the bewitched person does not feel any love, and all tenderness and manifestations of care look very feigned.

Signs of a love spell in most cases manifest themselves in the absence of sexual desire. Even a man who was previously tireless, after being exposed to witchcraft, will try in every possible way to avoid physical contact.

The bewitched man behaves as if this is not his fault; he will never point to himself as the reason for the decrease in activity, but will make it clear that the woman has ceased to attract him.

Action love divination can be recognized by a sudden craving for alcohol, tobacco or other intoxicating substances, including illegal drugs. A bewitched person develops new bad habits.

The consequences of a love spell often include suicidal behavior. If there is even the slightest risk, the bewitched behave fearlessly and, without unnecessary hesitation, embark on dangerous adventures without the chance of getting any benefits from it.

However, signs of witchcraft rarely include deliberately injuring the body or taking one's own life; By this action you can recognize cemetery love spells or African divination.

How to bewitch a guy without magic?

In most cases, divination without magic involves suggestion at the level of energy fields. Perhaps the young man will pay attention to you simply because he liked you. However, as you know, all thoughts are material. If you think only about love for one man, it is quite possible that it will actually arise.

A magazine suddenly falling to the floor brought Marina out of the amoebic state in which she had been since Alexei left. Immediately her gaze was drawn to the title of the opened spread: “How to bewitch a man.” There are no coincidences, the girl thought, and began to read the text with interest.

How to bewitch your husband without consequences

Family life is full of surprises: both happy and unpleasant, which can lead to the collapse of a relationship. Unfortunately, the latter happens quite often. Those who find themselves in a situation where a loved one has left often look for how to get him back.

Few people decide to use magic: they figure out how to bewitch a man and perform a love spell ritual.

Rituals performed thoughtlessly, unnecessarily and without proper preparation can lead to irreversible consequences for you and loved ones, even for future children.

Love magic is based on a sincere, all-consuming feeling. If a girl is ready to give her heart for her beloved, then the love spell will work.

  • Before starting the ritual, concentrate on the image of your loved one. Thoughts should be in the area of ​​future relationships and focus on love for him.
  • Perform the ceremony alone, in plain clothes - a shirt, a combination; the face should be washed (without makeup), hair down, feet bare.
  • The sacrament is performed on the waxing, waxing moon (unless otherwise specified in the chosen ritual).
  • Do not use magic on church holidays or on Sundays.
  • The attributes of the ritual - candles - are lit with a match or torch, and extinguished with your fingers or a knife purchased in advance for the action.
  • In order for the success of the love spell to take hold faster, you must have access to the man’s social circle. Appear in front of him more often, let him feel your presence.
  • If you try to bewitch your lover as soon as possible, you need to simultaneously carry out rituals to destroy his relationship with his wife (cooling or turning away).
  • Do not share with others about the witchcraft method used, since the spell can be destroyed (a channel for the release of the energy spent on the love spell will open).
  • Items used in the ritual should not fall into the wrong hands - hide them in a safe nook or throw them away in a deserted wasteland (except for those that are supposed to be given to the object of influence).

Try to follow the above when working on the problem of “how to bewitch a man”, and the negative consequences of your actions will be minimal.

There are a great many homemade love spells. The most powerful rituals always involve the use magic items- candles, photographs, icons, things of the bewitched man.

Tangle of destinies

With the help of a couple of church candles and a photo, you will bewitch your loved one even from a distance.

Weave two wax candles, saying the magic lines:

“Just as both candles are intertwined, so our destinies - the servant of God (name yourself) and the servant of God (name of the chosen one) - are united. The candles are retinue, which means you and I are retinue.”

Now light a double candle in front of the image of your beloved and say nine times:

“I don’t light a candle, but your soul, servant of God (name of the chosen one), so that your heart burns for me, servant of God (name). My words on the key-lock. Amen."

Water will tell you how to bewitch your lover

Married people with mistresses should beware of leaving their things with them. Even a shirt can become a means love connection. Here's how it's done:

In the evening, the girl fills a bucket of spring water, throws a silver ring into it and leaves the container by the bed overnight. This way the water is charged. Early in the morning (before sunrise), the girl takes the product out of the bucket with her left hand, puts on her lover’s shirt (not washed) and, standing barefoot on the ground, douses herself from the bucket, saying:

“Your shirt, servant of God (says his name), is on me, your sweetheart, servant of God (says his name). So your love is on me. I water myself with water, forever and ever being bewitched by my sweetheart. I will forever be with my beloved, only love him alone. Silver water will spill, my words will come true. Amen."

The homewrecker does not take off her shirt until it is dry.

Cat and candles - mine forever

We learned how to bewitch a married man. And here is the method that Marina chose when wondering how to bewitch her ex-husband.

Grab a pair large candles(white and red). Comb the cat thoroughly so that the hair remains on the comb, lock yourself in the room (no need to take the cat), light the candles, placing them on the table. Place a small saucer nearby. Write your names (yours and your spouse’s) on a piece of red paper.

Place the collected wool on top of the leaf and fold it in half twice. Bring the paper to both candles so that it simultaneously lights up from their flames. Place the burning leaf on a saucer and say:

“As a piece of paper burns, so let the heart of my beloved husband (say his name) burn.”

Have you fallen in love, but the guy or girl doesn't notice you? If you are not afraid of the consequences of a love spell, perform a magical ritual. Nowadays, in order to bewitch a person, you don’t have to see him every day. You can perform the ceremony in absentia, using information from a social network, i.e. via the Internet.

You can bewitch a guy simply on the Internet, without leaving your home.

Love spell on the Internet

How to use the Internet

To bewitch another person, you need to know his personal data. Most often, the ceremony requires a photograph. If you are not in close contact with his family, then getting his picture is not so easy, because not everyone will agree to pose for someone they know. It was like that before.

But now, thanks to the Internet, we can choose any photo on a social network. If you know a person’s first and last name, his age, the city where he lives, you can easily find him on VKontakte. Thanks to the Internet, we can choose the photo we need and perform a ritual with it, even in absentia.

Rules for the ceremony

You can bewitch on the Internet, but here it is important to comply with a number of conditions. Magic has enormous power, but it cannot bind a person to you who does not suspect that you exist. You can perform rituals with photographs of stars, but you will not be able to bewitch them, because... It is important to comply with a number of conditions:

  1. You should see the man you want to bewitch (or the girl) from time to time.
  2. You cannot perform a ritual if a person is angry or offended with you.
  3. Something must connect you. It is not necessary to have a sexual relationship, let it be friendship or constant conversations, communication on the Internet.
  4. Personal acquaintance is important, because if someone else’s photo is posted on a social network, or a pseudonym is used, they are not suitable for the ceremony.

Rituals must be performed on the waxing moon

All rituals are performed on the waxing moon. Or wait until the full moon. If you use a photo of your chosen one, choose a fresh one that is no more than a year old. You need one where he is alone, there are no animals or people nearby. The photo is clear, you can see the eyes and face.


Before you bewitch a guy or girl on the Internet, read about the consequences of the ritual so that they do not become an unpleasant surprise for you. By casting a spell, you influence the will of another person. You are changing his fate, and both you and he will have to pay for it.

  1. Change in appearance. You fell in love with a guy or girl not only because of his character, you were also attracted to his appearance. Be prepared for it to change. His hair will begin to fall out, his hair will become brittle, his face will have a yellowish tint.
  2. Health problems. First at a person will disappear appetite, it will be quenched, and digestive problems will begin. Then all this will develop into serious illnesses. And, importantly, medicine will not be able to help him. A person will fade before our eyes, but neither medicine nor treatment will save him.
  3. Mental illnesses. Your chosen one will change, become nervous and inadequate, his mood will constantly change. If you used black magic, the victim will end up in a psychiatric clinic.
  4. Behavior changes. The other person will not only have warm feelings for you, he will become obsessed with you, you will become an idol for him. Such adoration may get boring for you, especially since this is no longer the same person you fell in love with, because... the love spell changed his character.

As a result of a love spell, a man may experience serious problems with health

If you are not afraid of the consequences, you are confident in your choice, you can bewitch another person. But remember that the consequences of a love spell affect not only the victim, but also you, your family, and your future children.

How to perform the ritual

If you decide to bewitch a guy or girl over the Internet, choose the ritual you like.

Simple ritual

“Without me there is sadness, with me there is joy. Without me there is salt, with me there is sweetness. You and I are together forever. You and I are one family. You and I are your love."

Ritual with a magnet

Prepare a small magnet and two identical objects made of metal. Sit in front of the monitor and find your chosen one on a social network. Look at his photo and mentally imagine how you transfer his image from a computer monitor or phone screen to a metal plate. Mentally transfer your image to the second plate in the same way. Connect the 2 plates with a magnet. Put it all in a safe place where no one can touch it.

Love spell with photo

To bewitch, select a photo of a guy or girl and print it, just like your photo.

To perform the ritual, you need to know the man’s date of birth.

Light a candle in the evening. Go to his social media page and check it out. full name chosen one and his date of birth. Copy them into a photograph, with reverse side. Then write your name and date of birth on your photo. Turn the pictures towards each other, connect them and sew along the edges with red thread. Try not to touch the face and chest of the images. Repeat at the same time:

“I knit the servant of God, (boyfriend’s name), with the servant of God, (your name), in unbreakable bonds forever and ever. Amen".

At the end you need to tie three knots. Place the photos in an envelope and hide them.

Love spell with candles and photo

This is a serious ritual that requires a photograph of the victim. You will find the photo on one of the social networks. Find correct photo and print it out. Collect holy water, buy wax candles in advance (choose candles of a certain color: black and red) and a red thread.

Choose the night of Friday, the time of the waxing moon (fourth day). Wait until midnight. Light the prepared candles. Take a photo of your chosen one in your hands. Wrap it with red thread. Tie a knot at the end. Then drip red wax or black wax onto it, while simultaneously saying the cherished words. In total you will get 18 drops (9 red and 9 black).

“How she enveloped you, entangled you with her charms! So you got caught in my net like a fish! You won’t be able to sleep or eat without my hot caresses! You will lose and forget your current girlfriend! And you will be mine forever!”

Then extinguish the candles by lowering them into a glass into which you have poured holy water. Put the photo under your bed, no one should see it there. After some time, the guy or girl will feel intense passion for you.

With photo on the monitor

Turn on the computer at 12 o'clock at night. Buy two red candles in advance. At night, light them and place them near the monitor, on both sides. Find a suitable photo of a guy or girl on a social network.

For a love spell you will need two red candles

Sit comfortably and imagine that the man is already next to you, you have managed to bewitch him. You sit next to each other, talk, hold hands, laugh. The clearer the imaginary picture, the better. When the feeling of internal discomfort disappears, you relax, take deep breaths 3 times, and then say 3 times:

“I look at you as you look at me. As we admire, so we have mercy. It will be as I want!”

Then blow out the candles and go to bed. You can't talk until the morning. If at night, in a dream, you see the person you wanted to bewitch, the spell worked, he will soon pay attention to you.

Bewitch via social network

Using this ritual, you can bewitch a guy or girl if you use a computer monitor, or force him to call if you perform the ritual with a mobile phone. You cannot read the plot during critical days or get angry at the moment when you pronounce these words. Otherwise, the love spell will turn black, and this will affect both you and the victim.

Sit in front of the monitor screen, go to social network. Position your computer screen so that only you can see it. Select the right photo guy or girl and turn it around so that his face fills the entire screen. Position your hands correctly: on both sides of the monitor, but do not touch it. Say these words:

“Like two banks of a river,

Like everyone has two hands,

How the warmth of your palms melts the snow,

How every heartbeat makes a century;

So my words are not empty, not stupid,

And you can hear it among the noise and silence.

My words are: Remember me!

Remember me! Remember me!

When you hear, you will follow them,

You will find my image in your heart.

You will find it, you will love it, you will be mine.

And to become like this and be called mine,

Write me a message, contact me!

Until you write, don’t sit or stand!

Don't sleep, don't eat, don't drink,

Because I'm waiting for your news!

Write, because there is no other way!

Because you should be mine!”

After reading the plot, your loved one will contact you. If the love spell doesn't work, then you either did something wrong, or you don't have a magical gift.

Every person wants to love and be loved. However, it often happens that sublime feelings turn out to be one-sided, and a loved one turns out to be distant and alien. But, as they say, hopeless situations No. In this article I would like to talk about how to bewitch a man.


What is worth remembering if a lady wants to tie a guy to her? So, first of all, this intention should be as serious as possible. After all, if everything is done correctly (read a spell or perform a ritual), the guy will really come to the lady with a great desire to be together. And then there will be no return. After all, if a woman binds a man to herself, she also becomes attached herself; this action is not one-sided. You definitely need to remember this.

Why is this necessary?

Why do women sometimes want to bewitch someone they like? The reasons can be very varied, but most often they are as follows:

  1. Loneliness. A woman just wants to see next to her strong man who will be her support in life.
  2. Revenge. Often ladies bewitch guys just to annoy their ex-lover. It's not too much good practice, because the consequences of such love spells are most often negative.
  3. Interest. Most often, young girls or even teenagers charm guys out of curiosity. Just to check if this all works.
  4. Unrequited love. Well, the most common reason why women tie men to themselves is unrequited love. A girl is hopelessly in love with a guy who is not even going to show her any attention. And then the decision comes to change everything radically with the help of a love spell.

And this is not a complete list of all the reasons that ladies can be guided by. However, it is always worth remembering: a love spell is not a joke, but a serious influence on a person’s life and destiny.


There are several ways to bewitch the man you love.

  1. Independent work. In this case, all actions are carried out by the lady herself. However, there are certain dangers here: you need to be absolutely sure that the love spell is real. Otherwise, with incorrect conspiracies or rituals, you can cause a lot of grief, and first of all to yourself.
  2. Contacting specialists. If a girl wants to bewitch a man, it is best for her to turn to a magician or fortune teller. In this case, the result will be one hundred percent and negative developments can be avoided (however, if the fortune teller is not a charlatan).

If a woman is looking for ways to bewitch a man, she must know and follow a few simple but important rules:

  1. It is important to remember: the church condemns such actions. Therefore, if a person is a deeply religious person, you need to think carefully before casting a love spell.
  2. It is strictly forbidden to perform love spells for the sake of interest or idle curiosity. A woman should be motivated only by love.
  3. Any magical rituals cannot be done to harm or out of spite. They have retroactive effect, the so-called rollback.
  4. If the love spell is carried out independently, you need to be sure of its correctness. If a lady turns to a fortune teller, you also need to make sure whether she is a real magician.
  5. To prevent the love spell from having retroactive effect, you must first install protection.


What a woman who is going to bewitch a man should remember:

  1. Love spells must be carried out completely alone (exception: the object of adoration is behind a wall or in another room).
  2. A love spell must always be kept secret, otherwise it will lose its power and may even cause harm.
  3. All ceremonies, rituals and conspiracies must be carried out exactly as stated. You cannot change the words in prayers, and the order of actions in rituals. This can lead to irreversible negative consequences.
  4. During the ritual, the lady's appearance is important. In most cases, love spells must be cast while wearing dark clothing or naked, without jewelry or makeup.
  5. Love spells cast during the waxing moon are especially powerful.
  6. Before performing rituals or ceremonies, including love spells, you need to fast for several days (including giving up intimate relationships).
  7. In the place where the love spell will be activated, you need to have several icons. You also need to know a couple of prayers, including the “Our Father.” Yes, just in case.
  8. You need to be able to close any conspiracy, including a love spell. For this, the following words are most often used: “Amen”, “Key-lock to these words”, “Truly”, “Key, lock, tongue”.

About the place

  1. If a woman wants to bind a man with a love spell, the windows need to be opened.
  2. If spirits are called upon to help during a love spell, the windows, on the contrary, are tightly closed. It is better if the room is dark.
  3. If the goal of a love spell is to return a loved one, to take him away from a rival, the plot or ritual is best carried out at or before sunrise.
  4. If, with the help of a love spell or ritual, a woman is going to adjust her future, it is best to carry it out at sunset or after it.

Love spell 1. With a photo

So, it's time to give some examples of the most different love spells that women can take advantage of. First of all, I would like to tell you how to bewitch a man from a photo. In addition to a photograph of your beloved, the ritual will require several dried violet violet flowers, as well as red and green candles. First you need to light the candles and look at them for a while, thinking about your loved one. Next, you need to grind the dried flowers into powder and, looking at the photo, say the words of the conspiracy:

  • “The candles burn and melt, but the love of the servant of God (name) only grows for me, the servant of God (name), like flowers grow in the spring. This love grows, ignites and is approved by higher powers. Amen".

After the spoken words, you need to burn the photo of your loved one, and mix the ashes with powdered violets. Next, you need to make sure that the mixture somehow gets to your loved one. You can put it in his pockets, accidentally pour it on his body (on his head, hands or face), or mix it well into his loved one’s food. However, you need to be careful, this ashes should only touch the person at whom the ritual is directed.

Love spell 2. Water

Let's look further at how to bewitch a married man (however, love spells aimed at men work the same with both married and single guys). To do this, in the evening you need to fill a full bucket of clean spring water, and throw a simple silver ring (without a pebble) at the bottom. At sunrise, you need to turn the ring counterclockwise with your left hand at the bottom of the bucket, saying:

  • Dear, beloved, servant of God (name),
    As the dew falls, so will my beloved find me, the servant of God (name).
    Gets screwed, gets screwed, gets lost, falls in love,
    My word is strong and unfailing forever and ever. Amen.

Next, you need to throw the water from the bucket through the window onto the street (it is important to do everything before the dew falls). If the grass is irrigated on this day, the spell will definitely work. Now the main thing for a girl is to catch the guy’s eye as early as possible.

Love spell 3. Water and sweetheart's shirt

The next tip on how to bewitch a married man: you need to fill a bucket of clean spring water in the evening and throw the simplest silver ring at the bottom. Let it all stand until the morning in the place where the girl sleeps. In the morning before sunrise, you need to take the ring out of the bucket with your left hand, put on your loved one’s worn shirt and, standing barefoot on the ground, pour a bucket of water over yourself, saying the following words:

  • Like the shirt of God’s servant (name) on me, God’s servant (name),
    So his love is on me,
    I shower myself with water and cling to my sweetheart forever.
    I will be with my beloved forever, I will only love him alone.
    This water will spill, my words will come true. Amen.

After this, the girl must walk in her lover’s shirt until it dries.

Love spell 4 (strong). Oven and clay pot

The next piece of advice is how to bewitch a man. So, to do this, in the evening you need to fill a clay pot with clean spring water and throw a simple silver ring at the bottom. Leave everything like this until the morning. In the morning, at dawn, you need to pull out the ring with your left hand, saying:

  • Water-sister, stand in the stove, give me thick steam, boil-boil, attach the servant of God (name) to me, the servant of God (name). Amen.

Next, you need to put the same pot in the oven (or oven), wait until everything boils. Then you need to take everything out, cross the water three times, read the “Our Father” three times and put it in the oven again with the words:

  • The water is boiling and the pot is burning. So the heart of the servant of God (name) burns for me, the servant of God (name). Without me he will not be able to eat, drink, live or sleep. The key-lock in these words. Amen.

After the water boils again, you need to remove it from the oven and let it cool on the windowsill. Then everything merges into darkness glass bottle. Maximum effect the conspiracy will reach when the girl adds this water to her loved one’s drink (alternatively, the guy can be sprinkled with it).

Love spell 5 (strong). Candles

How to bewitch a man from a distance? This is also possible! To do this, you need to stock up on two church candles. Before the ritual itself, they need to be tightly woven together, while saying:

  • Just as these candles are intertwined, so are our destinies, the servant of God (name) and the servant of God (name), intertwined. The candles are retinue and you and I will be retinue.
  • I don’t light a candle, but I light the soul of God’s servant (name), I burn my heart for me, God’s servant (name). The key-lock in these words. Amen.

You need to repeat this nine times, always saying the same words. This plot is good because it does not require absolutely no contact with your loved one.

Love spell 6. On paper

  • As the month of May toils, so the servant of God (name) will toil for the servant of God (name). He will follow her, he will ask to see her. Just as a person cannot live without food and water, so the servant of God (name) cannot live without the servant of God (name) for a minute. Now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

But that's not all. Now the girl must place this note to her beloved, so that it stays with him forever. It’s best to slip it under the lining of a guy’s jacket or jacket (to do this, you can slightly cut the lining at the seam or make a hole in the pocket).

Love spell 7. Towel

I would also like to give another love plot (strong). So, to carry it out you need to invite your beloved man to your house for the first time. After he washes his hands, you need to offer him a specially prepared towel, which must be removed immediately (so that others do not use it). Until the towel is dry, the lady needs to retire to a secluded place (bathroom or other room for the ritual) for a while. First, the towel is tied into a tight knot, then the following words are spoken onto it:

  • My beloved washed his hands and left a mark on the towel. I will twist this towel tightly and pinch the heart of God’s servant (name). This towel is damp, but the soul of my dear servant of God (name) aches. Let the towel dry and sigh for my dear one. No force can untie the towel, they will tie my dear one to me. Amen.

After the spoken words, the towel must be hidden well and never shown to anyone.

Love spell 8. On the comb

It will not be a secret to anyone that hair is a special energy channel for humans. Therefore, you can cast a love spell on your loved one using his own comb and a piece of his hair. You need to collect a little hair from your beloved guy, roll it into a ball and always carry it with you. At the same time, you also need to say the following words to your loved one’s comb:

  • Comb-comb, comb your favorite hair.
    Brother teeth, help, bring your loved one into your arms.
    I will caress and cherish you, and I will greet and treat your beloved.
    Inspire the servant of God (name) to love the servant of God (name).
    Day after day, night after night, let him recognize me, and after a week he comes himself.
    The key-lock in these words. Amen.

After the spoken words, you need to quietly return the comb to your loved one and make sure that he always combs his hair with it. As long as he has her, as long as the conspiracy works.

Signs of a love spell

Having considered enough various options How to bewitch a man at a distance and up close, you also need to say a few words about how you can understand whether a conspiracy or ritual has worked. What will happen to the man? What are the signs of a bewitched man?

  1. Inappropriate behavior. A bewitched man will behave strangely. He will want to be in the field of view of the girl who performed the ritual as often as possible.
  2. A bewitched guy can often rush around, not find a place for himself even in his usual surroundings and surroundings.
  3. A bewitched person is as if hypnotized. He will have no problem fulfilling all the requests and instructions of the one who tied him to himself.
  4. A special indicator: a bewitched guy strives for his new lover in a sexual sense, he develops an obsessive sexual desire in relation to a new object of desire.
  5. Complete idealization. A bewitched person will talk about his new lover as something sublime. At the same time, he loses himself completely, even beginning to speak in the words of his beloved.

Bewitched behavior

How does a bewitched man behave, what new things can be observed in his behavior?

  1. Frequent mood changes.
  2. Fatigue, bad dream, irritability.
  3. Heart pain and sweating are possible.
  4. If a man is morally weak, he can turn to alcohol and drugs for help. Suicidal thoughts may appear.

If relatives or friends are figuring out how to find out if a man is bewitched, you need to pay attention to these indicators. If they are present, there is a huge probability that the guy was energetically influenced using magic.


When figuring out how to bewitch a man, the consequences are what a woman should also think about. It is definitely worth remembering that a love spell is the submission of a person’s will. That is, everything that will happen to a man will not be of his own free will, but of coercion. And this is not good. What else will happen to a person after a love spell is cast on him?

  1. Very often, bewitched men (especially married ones) rush between two women: their wife and their newfound lady love. From this young man it often happens very badly in the moral sense of the word (as a consequence - alcoholism or drug addiction).
  2. Often bewitched guys begin to lose weight, and their health suffers significantly. Everything happens because a conspiracy blocks the natural routes of supply of living energy.
  3. Material problems. Frequent consequences of love spells: complete financial collapse of even the wealthiest men. Everything happens because a bewitched person’s circle of interests is limited exclusively to one person; nothing else interests or excites him.

Therefore, before learning various ways to bewitch a man, the consequences are what you need to think about. After all, a guy who has become a victim of a love plot will never be sincere in his feelings. And this has not yet brought happiness to anyone.

Consequences for girls

If a girl is smart, she will study both how to bewitch a man and the consequences that may affect her. You don’t need to think that a love spell affects only one person. This is a paired activity in which both parties participate. So, women should remember that by tying a man to her, a woman not only blocks the energy supply channels to a guy, she connects him to herself. That is, from the moment the conspiracy is carried out, the woman is the only source of energy supply to her loved one. And this is very draining mentally and fraught various diseases, including fatal ones. Well, of course, you need to remember that everything you do in life will be punished. If a girl decides to take on the role of the Lord God, that is, simply change a person’s fate, higher powers she will definitely be punished for this. And at the same time, quite cruelly, taking it out on what is most precious - children, parents.