Houses with a garage from Alfaplan are profitable and convenient. Finished projects of houses with a garage Drawing of a house with a garage

Architectural projects country cottages It is impossible to imagine without a garage in it. This section contains best projects guest houses Z500. They are distinguished by comfortable layouts of guest houses, solutions that help save money during construction guest house, and further low costs of home maintenance.

Although developers cannot always decide which garage costs less - one combined with a house or a separate one. But besides the issue of price, you also need to take into account individual needs a separate developer. It is important to note that the layout of a house with a garage for 1 car provides homeowners with greater comfort and benefits than designs of houses with a detached garage. But this condition is only feasible if competent design and professional calculation of the structures have been carried out. It is also better to trust the design of house projects with a garage for 1 car to specialists.

Scheme of a house with a garage for 1 car. Why choose a house plan with a garage?

Projects of houses with a garage for 1 car, photos, drawings, sketches and videos of which can be viewed in this section, are attractive because:

  • A ready-made cottage with a garage for 1 car is very convenient when there is a need to unload large items. In addition, the layout of houses with a garage for 1 car allows you to get rid of unpleasant runs to the garage in unfavorable weather.
  • The construction of private houses with a garage allows you to save money. The savings are due to the fact that by combining a garage with a house, there is no need to build one wall and a supporting foundation. When the garage is completely built into the house, you can save on the roof. At the same time, for laying the walls of a garage, you can buy simpler and cheaper building materials than for the main residential building. Designs of houses with a built-in or attached garage and on a single network of engineering systems allow you to significantly save money.

Standard project plans for houses with a garage for 1 car: important points when building a private house

When building a house with a garage for 1 car, it is important for developers to consider the following aspects:

  • If the developer liked the design of the house, which does not have a garage, it is highly not recommended for him to implement this idea with a garage on his own. After all, a garage project is quite complex and necessarily meets increased reliability requirements, and also takes into account a lot of nuances and constructive solutions to combine a house with a garage. When creating heating system in a house with a garage, designers take into account the heat loss of the building through the garage. To prevent gasoline combustion products from entering the house through the garage, it is necessary to design ventilation system. In order for the garage to look harmonious against the general background of the image of the house, it is necessary to correctly calculate the dimensions of the garage, right choice roof and its angle of inclination.
  • Before embarking on a project for a house with a 1-car garage, the developer is advised to assess the funds required for it. Foundation and earthworks are quite expensive, the costs of which amount to a third of the total estimate for the construction of the structure. Using a garage can be better and more comfortable if you use an additional snow melting system in the driveway and make its inclination angle optimal (within 12°).
  • The developer needs to be prepared for the fact that a garage combined with a house takes up large area, especially if the garage is attached to the side. To implement such a project you need a good wide area. On a wide plot with shallow depth, houses with garages look more compact.

The catalog of house projects with a 1-car garage also includes new projects for 2018.

Projects of houses with a garage: documentation composition

When purchasing a house project with 1 garage from our company, the client is provided with all project documentation, which includes 5 sections: engineering, which consists of 3 parts (electricity, water supply, heating and ventilation wiring), structural and architectural. This page contains one of the design options for such a house.

Engineering sections of project documentation are available for an additional fee.

Example of design documentation for a Z500 house

Each of our house projects with a garage for 1 car is protected by copyright, which also ensures your legal security when implementing a house project from the Z500 company. The certificate presented below confirms that our company is the official representative of the international architectural bureau Z500 Ltd.

We wish you to find in our collection a house plan with a garage that meets your requirements!

As the classic once said Russian literature: housing issue spoiled Muscovites and turned out to be wrong. The housing problem has plagued not only residents of the capital, but everyone in general. A roof over your head is something a person cannot do without. In our Fatherland, every person strives to acquire own apartment or your own home, rightly believing that living in a rented apartment is extremely short-sighted, since you have to pay for it almost the same as for a mortgage.

At the same time, having paid for a mortgage for 10-15 years, a person receives ownership of 2-3 rooms with a kitchen and a bathroom and a peaceful old age in the future, and after living for 15 years in a rented apartment, he simply loses these fifteen years.

Having your own apartment is, of course, good, but living in concrete box Not everyone likes it, especially if this life takes place in a large metropolis.

Therefore, every year the number of people seeking to move to permanent place residence in the suburbs. Buy six hundred square meters of land there and build own house with a garage, a bathhouse and other delights of rural life with city amenities.

Legalize the future garage

Of course, this has its problems. No one will allow you to build something just because you saw a photo of a house with a garage on the Internet and you wanted to have one. The tricksters who still succeed are periodically forced to demolish their illegal buildings. In order not to fall under the skating rink of justice, it is necessary, first of all, to legalize the construction.

Legalizing such construction means obtaining permission from local authorities. It can only be issued to the owner land plot, on which he (the owner) is going to build a house with an attic and a garage.

Moreover, the documents you receive must clearly state that in addition to a house with an attic, you are also going to build a garage. It is better to discuss all these nuances in advance so as not to return to them every time you want to build some kind of extension next to the house.

Country house options

The simplest and cheapest option country house is wooden building. It holds heat well, is environmentally friendly and, as a result, does not have any harmful effects on human health.

But if you want to build housing for several generations of your family, then it is still better to build it from brick. A brick house will last for hundreds of years and, importantly, it will never burn down, that is, it is practically not afraid of fires.

Before starting construction, you need to develop a project for the future building or simply look for something suitable on the Internet, for example, study the designs of houses with a garage and choose the one that suits you.

In general, this approach to construction is the most rational, since it saves time and money. After all, not every one of us is able to create our own project, therefore, we will still have to order it from someone.

The person you order it from will do just that, find the project on the Internet and sell it to you as his own. Of course, there is always a chance that you will run into an honest person, and he will conscientiously work off the money he received from you. When choosing a project for your future home, you need to decide on the location of the future storage location for your car.

Garage placement

It can be placed in the basement or basement under living spaces. It can be attached directly to the house on the same foundation. However, if the area of ​​the land allows, it is best to build a box for the car a little to the side. This placement of this building has undeniable advantages and will cost no more, and maybe even cheaper than the first two options.

As a rule, even wealthy people are strapped for money and are forced to count every ruble, so when they talk about suburban housing, they mean one-story house with a garage built slightly away from the main building. The fact is that building them on the same foundation as the house or, for example, in the basement is, of course, tempting, but also somewhat fraught.

House and garage on the same foundation

If you are making a foundation brick house, then it must be powerful enough to withstand the load of a large building. At the same time, a garage is relatively small room, whose height rarely exceeds two meters.

The thickness of the garage walls is also practically half the thickness of the walls of the main building. It follows from this that the load on the same foundation in its different parts will not be uniform, which means that a crack may form over time at the junction of the house and the garage.

Of course, you can do without a crack if you combine them with a common armored belt; in this case, the difference in loads on the foundation affects noticeably less and does not in any way affect appearance Houses.

Installing an armored belt is quite a labor-intensive task, but this is not its only drawback. Because they will be connected common wall, then it is very likely that your living space will constantly smell like a garage.

This nuisance can also be eliminated if done between the living space and the garage double doors. Most in a reliable way To avoid the penetration of odors from the garage into the living space, it is necessary to arrange another ventilated room between them, for example, a boiler room.

In general, such a house layout is quite justified if it has reliable system ventilation, which can be either natural or forced.

Garage on the ground floor

Good ventilation won’t hurt in any case, because in addition to the attached garage, there will probably also be a bathroom inside the house, so why not put it on the same foundation as the house.

The second option for a garage located in the basement also has a right to exist. However, perhaps its only advantage is that the car, standing practically under your nose, will always be at hand.

Such a project has many more disadvantages than advantages. The very first of them is price. It will be quite expensive both in terms of money and labor costs. There are other equally significant disadvantages to the idea of ​​keeping your car in the basement.

The first of them, so to speak: environmental - fumes from fuels and lubricants will inevitably reach the upper floors.

Life in such conditions will become uncomfortable and will lose all the charm of existence in rural areas. Any bad weather, rain, for example, will lead to flooding, and it will be very difficult to avoid this.

However, numerous projects two-story houses with a garage on the ground floor indicate that this idea is very popular among the people. This is understandable, since in this case you will have not just a roof over your head, but the roof of a house with a garage.

Garage at the side of the house

To be fair, it must be said that the projects one-story houses with a garage are no less popular. Especially in cases where the garage is not located under the same roof as the house, but is placed a little further away.

The fact is that when you combine a house and a garage into one whole, this whole thing should look like this, that is, both buildings should be brick.

If the place where the car is stored is located to the side, then it can be made of either wood or metal, and this gives the owner free hands and allows for significant savings.

A metal structure will be much cheaper than a brick structure. The same can be said about a wooden garage, which has both its disadvantages and a number of advantages.

Among the disadvantages of a wooden garage, the main one is that it is built from flammable material. As for the advantages, there are a lot of them. The main one is the low price. Wooden garage in a private house - this is best option, for middle-income Russians.

Photos of houses with a garage

He prefers house designs with a garage under one roof large number customers, in comparison with supporters of a separate building. It is more economical, and there is no need to provide separate communications. On this page of our catalog you will find variations from various materials- from foam blocks, bricks, timber or aerated concrete.

Garages on the same foundation as a suburban or country house can be divided into two types.

  1. Built-in- usually located on the first or basement floor. In the latter case, an inclined ramp and special protection against icing and flooding are required. To prevent extraneous noise and odors from penetrating into living spaces, forced ventilation is required.
  2. Attached- as a rule, there are no rooms above them, but a powerful outer wall provides sufficient protection against the penetration of unwanted fumes. More often they have a separate entrance from the street, but sometimes also an internal one - then a vestibule with double doors is installed.

Choice building materials and architectural solutions are not limited by anything. The photo in the catalog shows, for example, projects of cottages with a garage and a terrace. Among our offers there are both inexpensive budget options, and multi-storey buildings with an entertainment and sports complex.

Examples of cottages with a garage complex

  • Ready-made project of a modern brick house with garage and veranda in American style — № 33-54. Total area is 325 m2, dimensions 11×12 m. The basement floor has an additional furnace room, billiard room, and sauna. Reinforced concrete floors provide the necessary strength of a 3-story building.
  • Typical frame-type projects, made of sip panels with wooden beams presented in photo No. 70-56 (high-tech), No. 13-18 (Russian country). An example of a 2-story building of medium size and area with a garage extension - No. 12-03 (225 m2). Small-sized building made of Scandinavian type timber - No. 10-50 (148 m2).
  • Project of an original private house on monolithic foundation shown below. Despite the presence of a basement, they are located on the ground floor, and access to the premises is possible from three sides: from the living room, lounge and terrace. The unusually shaped building in Art Nouveau style features complex engineering systems and non-trivial internal layout.

Our architectural bureau offers more than 800 ready-made options. Among them you can find both a simple one with a canopy - for a summer house, and complex built-in structures, including for a duplex or townhouse with a garage for several cars.

Projects of houses with a garage are becoming more relevant than ever. They are performing convenient solution, since they combine living space and shelter for a car under one roof. The difference between them lies in the style, size and shape of the houses, as well as the number of garages; they are united by the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe layout of living space and utility room. The implementation of the plan is to maintain the proportions of the structure.

Options for house designs with a garage

The external design of buildings with one or two garage parking spaces is chosen by the future owner, but experienced specialists can suggest the layout. If it was planned to build a cottage with several floors, then best solution than to choose one of standard projects cannot be found, especially popular are varieties with a residential attic; its continuation can be above the garage.

The finished project of an atypical house with a garage complex can come with extensive terraces or balconies.

  • wide areas allow you to install large houses with an attached garage.

The convenience of houses with a garage is beyond doubt; with such a utility room you can unload your home from large items and not have to run from one building to another in frosty weather. The combined design allows the building to be compactly located on any site:

  • on narrow plots of land it is worth considering options with internal garage;
  • wide plots allow you to install large houses with an attached garage.

In the photo it is suggested to consider different location garage areas:

  • attached option, which has a common wall with the main building;
  • the built-in garage area has several common walls and overlap.

The size of the buildings can be provided for two or three cars.

Advantages and Disadvantages

By choosing a cottage project with a garage from the Domamo catalog, you can subsequently enjoy many positive aspects:

  • the combined project allows the car and its owner to remain in comfortable conditions in any weather;
  • in the garage you can organize a warehouse for rarely used items or a boiler room;
  • spend less building materials;
  • Communications can be laid inside the garage.

The disadvantages of the combined option include the possibility of exhaust gases entering and unpleasant odors inside the house.

Projects of houses with a garage are in constant demand among developers. After all, imagine life modern man Without a car, and even living outside the city, it’s simply not possible. That is why the presence of a garage in a house project is an important factor when purchasing. Naturally, you can order a garage project separately. But a garage in the house is much more convenient. And most importantly, it will cost less than a separate

The house and garage are planned so that the car can be accessed not only from the street, but also directly from the residential area. There is no need to go outside in bad weather. As a rule, the entrance to the garage is located from the kitchen or hallway. There is another positive point in this arrangement: if you brought, say, groceries from the store, then transferring them directly to the kitchen is very convenient.

Projects of houses with a garage for the whole family

It must be remembered that a garage for a modern car must be at least 18 m2. In this case, it is advisable to maintain all the distances recommended by experts: from the wall to the car - 50 cm, on the left and right - 70 cm, at the back you can limit it to 20 cm. Usually the project provides for a gate with an entrance shifted to the left. This is done to make it more comfortable to get out of the car. Then on the right side of the garage you can place racks with tools and car parts. Standard width gate - 2.5 m. The height is designed so that an adult can pass - 1.8-2.0 meters.

In order for the garage to be comfortable, the room must be properly designed. It is necessary to provide convenient access to the shelving and think not only about electric, but also about natural lighting. It would be nice to provide a sufficient number of sockets into which it will be possible, if necessary, to turn on power tools, and in the cold season - a heater. And if you plan to use more serious electrical equipment, then take care in advance to install an outlet designed for three-phase current.

By the way, a heater may not be needed if you plan to heat the garage. Moreover, connect it to common system Heating a house is quite simple. And, in addition, in the garage you can set up an additional workshop or storage room for equipment.

And for those customers who have two cars per family, our company can offer a house project with a garage designed for two cars. This choice will allow you to solve your car parking problems once and for all, and will save you from searching for a suitable place for a garage for a second car.