Dumplings with potatoes. Dough recipe for dumplings with potatoes: cooking options and useful tips

Despite large selection semi-finished products, it is impossible to find home-made dumplings with potatoes among them. Only at home you can make elastic thin dough, juicy filling made from natural products and get a dish that adults and children will enjoy with pleasure. In addition, you can take the time, prepare several servings, freeze, and boil before eating, serving with sauce or homemade sour cream. A selection of recipes will help you create delicious, hearty dumplings with potatoes for the whole family.

Dough for dumplings with potatoes: preparation options

Almost every housewife has her own recipe for making dumpling dough. The differences in them are small, at first glance, since most often the standard products used for this are flour, salt, egg and liquid. However, by replacing one or another product during cooking, you can end up with a completely different base for dumplings.

Masters claim that regardless of the ingredients included in the dough, in the end it should be fresh, elastic and elastic. It’s easy to work with a good base, because it doesn’t stick to your hands, sticks together easily, and holds its shape perfectly. At the same time, it is important to ensure that the dough is not too tight, otherwise after cooking it will be hard and unpleasant in taste.

Some chefs know one little trick - to prevent the dough from sticking to your hands and at the same time not being tight, you need to add a little sunflower oil to it.

Most often, the dough for dumplings with potatoes is kneaded in water. The liquid can be warm, hot, or icy. Often used mineral water– carbonated or without gas.

To prepare elastic dough you should take:

  • flour – 600 g;
  • water – 200 ml;
  • egg – 1 pc. (if the dough is lean, then this ingredient should be excluded);
  • table salt – 1 tsp. without slide;
  • vegetable oil – 15 ml

The dough will be tender and elastic if you replace the water in it with milk. For those watching their figure, you need to use milk with a low fat content or dilute it with water in equal proportions. Dairy product Can be used cold, heated or hot.

To prepare the dough you should prepare:

  • flour – 700 g;
  • milk – 250 ml;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • sunflower or olive oil – 20 ml;
  • salt - a pinch.

You can get a thin, elastic, melt-in-your-mouth dough if you knead it with whey. It’s good to take a homemade product (inexpensive and high quality). If it is not possible to purchase whey, you can replace it with kefir.

To prepare the whey dough, you need to take:

  • flour – about 1 kg (depending on the number of servings);
  • whey – 0.5 l;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • salt – 1 tsp.

You can prepare dough with an ideal structure that will not tear or break using boiling water.

This base for dumplings is called “choux” and is prepared from:

  • wheat flour - 4 tbsp.;
  • boiling water – 250 ml;
  • vegetable oil – 30 ml;
  • salt – 1 tsp. no slide.

The dough preparation stage, regardless of the ingredients used, is always the same. First, premium flour is sifted into a deep bowl, then a hole is made in it, an egg and salt are driven in. Gently mix everything with a fork and pour in the required amount of liquid. The dough is gradually kneaded, which in the end should not stick to your hands, spread, or have lumps. Before making dumplings, the dough should be set aside for 30 minutes to rest - in the refrigerator or on the table, covered with plastic.

The most delicious fillings

The main product for filling dumplings is potatoes - boiled or mashed. But since this product goes well with many vegetables, meat, and mushrooms, the traditional version can be diversified with other components, improving the taste ready-made dish.

Classic dumplings with potatoes

A high-calorie, but homemade and favorite dish for many, with cracklings and sour cream - dumplings with potatoes are prepared from inexpensive products and are suitable as lunch.

Ingredients you will need:

  • potato tubers (well suited for mashed potatoes, quickly boiling varieties with excellent taste, such as “Riviera”, “Impala”, etc.) – 6 pcs.;
  • sifted flour – 600 g;
  • mineral water – 250 ml;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • lard – 1-2 pieces.

It’s better to start by preparing the filling, which should cool slightly by the time the dough is prepared. To do this, peel the potatoes, add water, and boil them like puree. Afterwards, the potatoes are crushed with a masher and seasoned with oil. Its consistency should not be too liquid, otherwise it will be impossible to work with it.

While the potatoes are cooling, prepare the dough according to the recipe, roll it out, divide it into small circles and fill it with filling. Dumplings are boiled in salted boiling water (until they float), placed in a deep container, seasoned with cracklings, fried onions, sour cream, herbs and served.

With bow

The dumplings will be truly homemade if you add a little fried onion to the potato filling.

To prepare the filling you should take:

  • potatoes – 1 kg;
  • white onion – 1-2 pcs.;
  • sunflower oil – 50 ml;
  • salt and ground black pepper.

The potatoes are boiled in salted water until tender and crushed into puree. Onions fried in a frying pan are added to it, everything is mixed and used to prepare the filling. If desired, you can add a little finely chopped dill to the puree.

With added mushrooms

Autumn is mushroom time. It is then that you can collect various mushrooms from forest clearings, drying them later, freezing them after pre-cooking, or canned. Fragrant, they will decorate and complement the taste of any dish. Dumplings would be appropriate during Lent and on the table of people who have given up meat.

Ingredients you should take:

  • potatoes – 800 g;
  • mushrooms (any kind - champignons, chanterelles, oyster mushrooms) - 350 g;
  • a large onion or several small ones;
  • sunflower oil and butter;
  • salt.

The potatoes are boiled, the mushrooms are fried separately with onions in vegetable oil. Before frying, they should be chopped finely, but taking into account their reduction during processing. The finished potatoes are chopped, seasoned with butter and mixed with mushrooms.

The dough for dumplings with potatoes and mushrooms should not be rolled out too thin so that it does not tear. It is better to prepare the base using kefir or whey.

How to cook with raw potatoes?

You can quickly and easily make dumplings using raw potatoes as a filling. To do this, you need to peel several tubers, chop them, pass them through a meat grinder and season with salt. If desired, you can add a little onion and minced meat.

In this case, the dumpling dough is prepared before the filling, using water or milk. Boiled finished goods in salted water, served with adjika or sour cream.

With cabbage

To prepare the filling, you can use sauerkraut or raw cabbage.

Additionally you need to take:

  • carrot;
  • tomato paste – 1 tbsp;
  • salt and spices;
  • bay leaf;
  • water;
  • sunflower oil.

Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry finely chopped onion, grated carrots and cabbage in it one by one. If used sauerkraut, then you don’t need to add carrots and onions - usually these ingredients are fermented together with cabbage.

Add to browned vegetables tomato paste, diluted with water, bay leaf and everything is stewed under the lid until cooked. The cabbage needs to be stirred periodically to prevent it from burning. Salt and pepper are added to the finished filling. Once cooled, it can be used as a filling for dumplings.

With cheese

To prepare the filling you should stock up on:

  • potatoes – 1 kg;
  • onions – 1-3 pcs. (depending on size);
  • processed cheese – 2 packages;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt.

Potato tubers are peeled, boiled in salted water and crushed with a potato masher. The onion is fried in a frying pan, after which half of it is mixed with the puree, and the rest is left to season the finished dish. Processed cheese grated and mixed with potatoes. To make it easier to grate, you need to first keep the cheese in the freezer.

With chicken fillet

To prepare the filling, you should take:

  • potato tubers – 500 g;
  • chicken fillet – 0.5 kg;
  • butter;
  • salt and spices to taste.

Boil potatoes and meat in separate containers, chop them using food processor, then connect. Add salt, pepper, stir, cool and use as a filling for minced meat.

Recipe for lazy dumplings

Lazy dumplings – ideal option for those who don’t want to spend a long time fiddling with the dough. This dish is known to many peoples, only under different names - dumplings, dumplings, etc. These dumplings taste identical to the classic ones, served with sour cream sauce and herbs.

To prepare the dish you will need flour, egg, salt and potatoes.

Lazy dumplings are prepared in stages:

  1. The potatoes are peeled and boiled in salted water until tender.
  2. Flour is gradually introduced into the prepared puree. If the mass is too thick, you can dilute it with milk.
  3. Steep but elastic dough should be rolled into sausages, divided into small pieces with a knife, given any shape and boiled in salted water.

Cooking time - no more than 35 minutes, calorie content - 160/100 g. Dumplings can be served with cracklings, herbs or sour cream sauce.

In a slow cooker

You can prepare dumplings using the miracle technique using any filling and dough as a basis. If possible, it is better to prepare the base for them using a bread maker. Then the dough will have the perfect consistency, smooth and elastic. To do this, all the components are placed on the base into a bowl and cooked in the “Dumplings” mode. Ready dough removed, covered with a napkin and infused for 12 minutes.

Meanwhile, the potatoes are boiled, crushed into puree, and combined with fried onions or butter. Roll out layers of dough, cut out circles, fill them and form dumplings.

The container for steaming is greased with oil and the finished products are laid out in it so that there is a little space between them. The bowl is filled with water (about 600 ml), a container is placed in it, covered with a lid, and the dumplings are cooked in the “Steam” mode. Cooking time – no more than 20 minutes.

How to make dumplings and how long to cook them

There are several ways to make dumplings:

  1. The dough is kneaded, “sausages” are formed from it, which are then divided into small pieces with a knife. They are rolled in flour, flattened a little and rolled out with a rolling pin.
  2. On a table sprinkled with flour, the dough is rolled out into a large circle. In it, a glass, a glass or any other suitable form Circles are cut out and filled with filling. After filling, the dough is folded in half, its edges are pinched with a pigtail, in the usual way or with a special device.

How long to cook the dumplings will depend on what they are cooked in. On the stove in a saucepan with hot water the dish is prepared in a few minutes. You can know when it is ready when the dumplings float to the surface. In a slow cooker, the cooking time is 15-20 minutes. Semi-finished products take a little longer to cook than homemade dough products.

2 years ago


Recipe for delicious dumplings with potatoes. I would like to offer three options for sculpting dumplings - classic, triangular and square shape. Choose for yourself suitable option. After spending a little time, you will prepare dumplings for the whole family. It is better to eat fresh dumplings that are just made; they are tender and incredibly tasty. But if you have any left over, you can freeze them. Dumplings with potatoes are one of the traditional dishes. Therefore, be sure to prepare for Christmas delicious dumplings with potatoes. Still, homemade dumplings are a completely different matter - both the dough and the filling are delicious.

What is needed:

for test

  • 150 ml milk
  • 1 egg
  • 300 g flour
  • pinch of salt
  • 1/2 tsp sugar

for filling

  • 4-5 potatoes
  • bay leaf
  • large onion
  • vegetable oil

Dumplings with potatoes and onions

Details on how to make dumplings with potatoes

First you need to prepare the filling: Boil the potatoes with bay leaves to make them more flavorful. After cooking, remove the bay leaf and drain all the water. Dry the potatoes a little (just leave them uncovered for a few minutes) and then mash them. Fry the onion in vegetable oil. Mix mashed potatoes with fried onions and leave. Let it cool down.

Now how to prepare dough for dumplings with potatoes step by step.

The milk for the dough needs to be heated, it should be slightly warm. Add a pinch of salt, sugar and a beaten egg to the milk.

Add a few tablespoons of sifted flour and mix until smooth.

Now add the batter to the rest of the sifted flour and mix. When it is already difficult to stir with a spoon, put it on the table and knead the dough with your hands.

It should become homogeneous, elastic and not stick to your hands. Cover the dough with a towel and leave to rest for 20 minutes.

Divide the dough into 3 parts. We will prepare dumplings of different shapes from each part.

Option 1 - classic dumplings

Make a sausage from the dough about 3 cm in diameter. Cut into equal pieces. Roll out each piece into a flat cake approximately 2 mm thick.

Spread the filling and seal the edges.

Option 2 - triangular dumplings

Roll out the second piece of dough to approximately 2 mm thickness. Cut with a curly or simple knife into squares approximately 6 x 6 cm.

Place a ball of filling in the middle of each square and fold the dough in half from corner to corner.

Press down along the edges with your fingers and then use a fork to press down the edges. It is both reliable and beautiful.

If the edges are not sticking well, wet your finger with water and run along the edges.

These are the triangular dumplings we got.

Option 3 - square dumplings

Roll out the third piece of dough to approximately 1.5 mm thick, that is, thinly. Divide into 2 parts.

Place the filling on one part at an equal distance from each other, making sure that there is enough dough to seal the edges.

Cover the top with the second layer of rolled out dough. Press the dough between the filling with the edge of your palm.

Cut into squares, trim off excess dough. In this option, until you get the hang of it, there may be a lot of waste. But it's not scary. The remaining pieces can be combined and rolled out again.

Press the edges of the square dumplings with a fork on all sides.

That's what we got three varieties of dumplings . I would like to note that we made the most triangular dumplings. This amount of dough makes approximately 45-48 dumplings.

If you have any filling left, bake it.

Place a wide pan of water on the fire. Bring to a boil. Season with salt and you can add a little vegetable oil so that the dumplings do not stick together during cooking. For 3 liters of water, 1 tablespoon of oil. When placing dumplings in boiling water, stir the water, creating a water cycle. This is necessary so that the dumplings do not stick to the bottom of the pan.

How long does it take to cook dumplings with potatoes? After the dumplings float, reduce the heat and cook for 5 minutes.

Remove with a slotted spoon and place on a plate.

Serve with sour cream and fried onions.


2017, . All rights reserved.

Dumplings are one of the most famous dishes of Slavic cuisine. Ukrainian chefs undoubtedly achieved the highest skill here, but delicious recipes can be found in both Russian and Belarusian cuisines. In this article we will talk about dumplings with potatoes, a popular and very delicious dish. Below are the simplest and available recipes dough, fillings, and cooking methods.

Delicious classic dumplings with potatoes and onions

The good thing about classic dumplings is that they require a minimal set of ingredients. They are delicious hot or cold, as a second course on the lunch menu or as a main course during dinner.



  • Wheat flour, highest grade – 500 gr.
  • Drinking cold water– from 2/3 to 1 tbsp.
  • Salt (to the hostess’s taste).


  • Potatoes – 800 gr.
  • Onions – 1 pc.
  • Vegetable or butter.
  • Hot black pepper, salt.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Wash the potatoes thoroughly, boil in their skins until tender (40–45 minutes) in salted water.
  2. Peel the onions, rinse under running water. It needs to be finely chopped and fried in vegetable oil until golden brown (it is important not to overcook).
  3. Peel the cooled potatoes and prepare mashed potatoes. Add onion and butter (for lean dumplings - vegetable, for regular dumplings - butter). The filling is ready.
  4. Preparing dough is a complicated matter, but only at first glance. Sift the flour into a deep container (bowl) so that it is saturated with air, add salt.
  5. Make a well in the center, add salt and cooled water. Then knead the dough and roll it into a ball.
  6. Transfer the dough to another container, cover with cling film to prevent it from drying out, and place in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes.
  7. Next, it should be divided into two parts, one should be left under the film ( kitchen towel), roll the second into a thin layer.
  8. Take an ordinary glass, use it to make circles, collect the dough scraps, they will be useful for the next portion.
  9. Place the filling on each circle, pinch the edges, as you practice they will turn out more and more beautiful. Ready-made products should be laid out on a flat surface (cutting board, large dish or tray) lightly sprinkled with flour.
  10. If you get a lot of dumplings, some can be removed freezer, they are well stored. Cook the rest: throw into boiling salted water in small portions for 5-7 minutes, spread with a slotted spoon on a dish in one layer.
  11. The dish is ready, all that remains is to serve it beautifully on the table - pour it over with butter or rich sour cream, and sprinkle it with herbs!

With potatoes and mushrooms - photo recipe step by step

There is probably not a single person who has never eaten dumplings with potatoes. They are good because you can diversify their taste by adding mushrooms to mashed potatoes. Moreover, you can use both fresh and canned mushrooms.

Dumplings are cooked for only 5-7 minutes, so the filling for them is made from completely ready-to-eat products. This is especially true for mushrooms. Fresh mushrooms first fry in a frying pan with onions, bringing to full readiness and then combined with mashed potatoes. The exception is forest mushrooms, which are also recommended to be boiled before frying.

Canned mushrooms are added to already sauteed onions, heated together to get rid of the liquid, and then also combined with mashed potatoes. Can also be used salted mushrooms. But before you combine the mushrooms with onions, you need to soak them well to remove excess salt.

For potato filling, onions are sautéed in margarine, butter or ghee. That is, on the fat that thickens as it cools. But vegetable oil can make the filling liquid, especially if the liquid has not been completely drained from the potatoes.

Cooking time: 1 hour 40 minutes

Quantity: 6 servings


  • Flour: 12-13 tbsp. l.
  • Egg: 1 pc.
  • Cold water: 1 tbsp.
  • Potatoes: 500 g
  • Bow: 2 pcs.
  • Salt:
  • Ground black pepper:
  • Margarine: 50 g
  • Canned mushrooms: 200 g
  • Butter: 90-100 g
  • Fresh herbs:

Cooking instructions

How to cook a dish with raw potatoes



  • Flour – 500-600 gr.
  • Drinking water – 1 tbsp.
  • Eggs – 1 pc.
  • Vegetable oil – 1-2 tbsp. l.
  • Salt - to taste.


  • Raw potatoes – 500 gr.
  • Onions – 1 pc. (or pen).
  • Seasonings according to taste and salt.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Since in this recipe If the potatoes are taken raw, then start preparing the dish by kneading the dough. The recipe is classic, the technology is the same - sift premium wheat flour through a sieve, mix with salt.
  2. Pour the egg, water and oil into the well (it is needed to make the dough more elastic and stick to your hands). Knead the dough, cool for better rolling.
  3. For the filling, peel the potatoes, grate them, and place in a colander (sieve). It is very important to remove as much moisture as possible from the potatoes, then the products will not fall apart and the filling will have a fairly dense consistency.
  4. After this, add onion, fried until golden brown, salt and seasonings to the potato mixture, mix well. You can start “assembling” the dumplings.
  5. Take a piece of dough, roll it out, and use a glass container to make circles. On each one, carefully place the filling in a mound and pinch the edges. You can use special devices for making dumplings, then the edges will be tightly pinched and look aesthetically pleasing.
  6. Boil dumplings with raw filling in hot salted water; the cooking time will be longer than in classic recipe, since the filling is raw – 10-12 minutes.
  7. Dumplings laid out on a plate, sprinkled with green onions and dill, evoke only admiration!

With potatoes and lard



  • Flour (wheat) – 2-2.5 tbsp.
  • Cold drinking water– 0.5 tbsp.
  • Salt.
  • Eggs – 1 pc.


  • Potatoes – 5-6 pcs. medium size.
  • Lard – 100-150 gr. (bacon with thin layers of meat is especially good).
  • Onions – 1 pc.
  • Pepper (or any seasonings to the hostess’s taste), salt.


  • Butter – 2-3 tbsp. l.
  • Herbal salt.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Kneading the dough in the classic way, first mix the flour with salt, then combine it with the egg and water. The dough should be quite stiff, but elastic; keep it in a cold place for half an hour.
  2. Preparing the filling should also not cause any difficulties - boil the potatoes (in their skins) with salt, peel them, and prepare mashed potatoes.
  3. Cut lard (or bacon) into small cubes. Fry the cubes in a frying pan, add finely chopped onion at the end of frying.
  4. Cool, mix with puree, add salt and sprinkle with seasonings.
  5. Make dumplings - cut out circles from the rolled out dough, place the filling on them, then start forming crescents. Pinch the edges especially carefully so that the filling does not escape during cooking.
  6. Cook very quickly, 2 minutes after floating.
  7. Prepare the topping: melt the butter, add a little herbal salt.
  8. The dish, firstly, looks amazing, and secondly, it has an incomparable aroma that will immediately attract everyone in the household to the table!

With meat

Someone might say, these are dumplings, and they would be mistaken. The main difference between dumplings and dumplings is that in the first dish the filling is placed raw, in the second it is already prepared. You can use, for example, the following simple and tasty recipe.



  • Wheat flour (high grade, naturally) – 3.5 tbsp.
  • Drinking water, if necessary, passed through a filter - 200 ml. (1 tbsp.).
  • Salt.


  • Boiled beef – 400 gr.
  • Boiled potatoes - 400 gr.
  • Onions – 1 – 2 pcs.
  • Carrots (medium) – 1 pc.
  • Salt, seasonings.
  • Butter – 30-40 gr.
  • Sunflower oil – 2 tbsp. l.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. The best place to start cooking is with the filling. Cook the beef with salt and a mixture of spices until cooked. Boil the potatoes and mash them into a puree.
  2. While the meat and potatoes are cooking, you can start kneading the dough. To do this, dissolve the salt in water in a kneading container, add flour and begin the kneading process. The resulting dough will be elastic and stick well to your hands. Dust the mixture with flour and leave for a while.
  3. Remove the finished beef from the broth, cool, cut into small pieces and grind in a blender, combine with puree.
  4. Wash the onions and carrots, peel and grate (the onions can be chopped). Fry the vegetables in oil (vegetable) until a pleasant golden hue.
  5. Salt, sprinkle with seasonings, combine with chopped filling.
  6. Make circles from the dough, place the filling on each of them, and top with a small piece of butter. Then the filling will turn out very juicy. Pinch the ends, you can connect the tails (like dumplings).
  7. The cooking process lasts 5 minutes in boiling water, to which you must add salt and, if desired, aromatic herbs and spices.
  8. Serve the dish with broth or sour cream, as your family prefers; a sprig of dill or parsley will add flavor and set the mood!

How to cook dumplings with potatoes and cabbage

The classic recipe for stuffing with boiled potatoes can be slightly modified by adding cabbage and get an absolutely amazing result.



  • Wheat flour – 500 gr.
  • Chicken eggs – 2 pcs.
  • Water – 200 ml.
  • Salt.


  • Potatoes – 0.5 kg.
  • Carrots – 1-2 pcs.
  • Cabbage – 300 gr.
  • Onions (to taste)
  • Salt, butter, seasonings.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Kneading the dough is classic: make a well in the flour (pre-sift), into which put the remaining ingredients (salt and eggs), pour in the water. Roll out, put in a bag or cover with film, and put in a cool place for a while.
  2. The filling is also prepared in the classic way: first boil the potatoes and puree them. Finally add butter.
  3. Chop cabbage, peeled, washed carrots, you can use a beet grater. Stew vegetables in vegetable oil. Mix with mashed potatoes, add salt and seasonings.
  4. Make dumplings, carefully lower them in portions into salted water (the cooking process proceeds very quickly, 1-2 minutes after rising).
  5. How to serve the dish depends on the imagination of the hostess - it is advisable to pour butter (melted), garnish with herbs, or fry bacon and onions.

Recipe for a dish with potatoes and cheese

The following recipe is for those housewives whose household cannot imagine life without cheese and require it to be added to all dishes. Cheese and potatoes give the dumplings a piquant taste, while the dough recipe is no different from the classic version.



  • Flour (premium grade, wheat) – 2.5 tbsp.
  • Egg – 1 pc.
  • Chilled water – 0.5 tbsp.
  • Salt.


  • Boiled potatoes – 600 gr.
  • Cheese – 150 gr.
  • Onion – 2 pcs.
  • Oil – 3 tbsp. l.
  • Salt and pepper to taste.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Sift the flour into a large container, beat the egg separately with salt and water, pour the mixture into the flour, knead into a firm, elastic dough. Leave on kitchen table for 30 minutes, it will “rest”.
  2. Start preparing the filling - chop the boiled and cooled potatoes, mix with grated cheese, salt and spices. You can add fried onions.
  3. The preparation of the dumplings themselves is classic: roll out the dough into a thin layer, make circles using a glass (cup), lay out the filling.
  4. Connect the edges - press or pinch tightly, or use special clamps. Cook in salted boiling water for 5 minutes, carefully remove.
  5. Use a slotted spoon to transfer the finished dumplings to a large dish and garnish with herbs. Serve the sour cream separately and have a real feast.

Recipe for lazy dumplings with potatoes

The following recipe is for very busy mothers, bachelors and people who love to cook delicious but very simple dishes.


  • Potatoes – 5-6 pcs.
  • Egg – 1 pc.
  • Flour – 150-250 gr.
  • Salt.
  • Greens, sour cream when serving.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Peel the potatoes, wash them, boil them. Mash into a puree, mix with salt and egg, then add flour little by little and knead the dough.
  2. Roll out the chilled dough into a sausage, cut it into bars, 1-2 cm thick, throw into boiling salted water. Transfer to a plate with a slotted spoon.

Lazy dumplings are especially good if served with sour cream and herbs.

Water test recipe

Dough for dumplings different recipes not too different from each other. Most often, ordinary drinking water, chilled or iced, is taken as the liquid component. Here is one such recipe.



  • Filtered water – ¾ tbsp.
  • Premium flour – 2 tbsp.
  • Egg – 1 pc.
  • A pinch of salt.


  • Potatoes – 5-6 pcs. (cooked).
  • Seasonings, butter, salt.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. The dough is kneaded very quickly while the water is cold, then it will turn out elastic, will come off your hands well, and will mold well.
  2. To prepare the filling, the potatoes must first be boiled until tender. Then mash it into a puree; it will taste better when you add butter and seasonings.
  3. Form dumplings, boil them in salted water and quickly remove from it with a slotted spoon.

A minimum of ingredients and a maximum of taste are the two main characteristics of this wonderful dish.

Step 1: prepare the onion.

Using a knife, peel the onion and immediately after that rinse it under running water. On a cutting board, chop the ingredient into small squares, the size no more than 5 millimeters. Place a frying pan with a small amount of vegetable oil on high heat. When the oil starts to heat up, turn the heat down to a little less than medium and put the chopped onion in a container. With constant stirring with a wooden spatula, fry the vegetable until golden brown. Afterwards, turn off the burner and set the pan aside.

Step 2: prepare the potatoes.

Using a knife, peel the potatoes and then rinse the ingredient well under running water. warm water. Using a knife, cut the vegetable into small pieces on a cutting board. Place the ingredient in a medium saucepan and fill everything with water so that the liquid completely covers the potato pieces. Place the container on medium heat and cook 25-30 minutes potatoes with the lid closed. After the water boils, add a few pinches of salt to help the potatoes boil better. Attention: The cooking time for the ingredient may vary depending on the quality and type of product. Therefore, check the potatoes with a fork from time to time to ensure they are done. When the component becomes soft, turn off the burner.

Step 3: prepare the filling.

Holding the lid of the pan with oven mitts, drain the water into the sink so that the potatoes remain in the container. Add a piece of butter, milk, and pepper to taste to the boiled ingredient. Using a masher, knead the filling components, making a homogeneous mass. After this, put the fried onions into the pan and mix everything well with a tablespoon. Attention: you can taste the filling for the amount of salt and black pepper and add these components if necessary.

Step 4: prepare the dough.

Using a sieve, sift the flour into a deep bowl so that our dough can breathe later and the dish turns out more tender with a soft dough. Then we make a small depression in the center of the slide with our hands. Let's break it there chicken egg, salt to taste and pour in purified water. Mix the dough ingredients with clean hands. When we have formed a homogeneous mass, transfer it to a prepared table, sprinkled with a small amount of flour. And now we knead the dough with our hands until it begins to lag behind our hands. Attention: The test product should be firm and elastic. After kneading, give the dough a round shape and transfer it back to the bowl. Leave it to brew in a cool place 20-30 minutes. And to prevent the dough from getting chapped, you can wrap the container with cling film.

Step 5: prepare dumplings with boiled potatoes.

After the dough has rested, knead it again several times with your hands on a kitchen table dusted with flour. Using a rolling pin, roll out a dough sheet to a thickness of approximately no more than 5 millimeters. Using a glass, squeeze circles onto the test pancake. Attention: The diameter of the circles can be different depending on the size of the dumplings you want to make. Using a teaspoon, spoon the filling onto each circle. And now you can make dumplings! To do this, we fasten the edges of each circle so as not to touch the filling. We try to press the dough firmly with our fingers so that during the cooking process it does not come apart and the filling does not fall out. We put the formed dumplings aside, and from the remaining dough we roll out the pancake again, again using a glass we squeeze out small circles and lay out the filling, forming new dumplings. And we do this until we run out of dough and filling. Meanwhile, put a saucepan with plain water on high heat. After boiling, add some salt to the water, mix everything well with a tablespoon and turn the heat to medium. Carefully place the dumplings individually into the container and through 2-3 minutes We also carefully mix them with the convex side of a tablespoon. After the water boils again, cook the dish for 6 minutes. Attention: We determine the degree of readiness of the dumplings by how they float to the surface of boiling water. After this, turn off the burner and, holding the container with oven mitts, pour the water with dumplings into a colander. We leave our test dish in this state so that excess liquid drains from it.

Step 6: Serve dumplings with boiled potatoes.

Immediately after the dish is cooked, it must be served in a special deep dish, greased with butter. You can place sour cream and sauce next to the dumplings so that everyone can top the dish with the dressing they prefer. Bon appetit!

- – Important: be sure to choose the highest grade flour and proven brands. After all, it is this product that determines what kind of dumplings you get - will they keep their shape or will they still interact with high temperature will blur and come apart.

- – If you don’t like fried onions, then you can add them raw to the filling. This will not spoil the taste.

- – To prevent the dumplings from sticking together after cooking, they must either be immediately greased with butter or rinsed a couple of times under running water. cold water. In the latter case, before serving, you need to heat them in the microwave and pour melted butter over them.

- – The remaining raw dumplings can be stored in the freezer for an unlimited amount of time on a cutting board dusted with flour and wrapped in cling film.

Dumplings with potatoes are tasty and filling, a truly folk dish. There are many options for preparing dumplings with cabbage, cottage cheese, cherries... but dumplings with potatoes are one of the most popular, due to their inexpensive and available products. Every home has flour, potatoes and onions.

Dumplings with potatoes are made quickly, they turn out tasty and satisfying and satisfy hunger well. We make dumplings especially often during the cold season.

Large and small, crescent shaped or rolled like an ear, dumplings have become a part of our lives. Each family has its own secrets for preparing this tasty and high-calorie dish.

Makes dumplings: for 5-6 people.

Total cooking time: 1 hour.

Preparation time: 20 minutes.

Cooking time: 40 minutes.

To prepare dumplings with potatoes we will need:

Recipe for filling for dumplings with potatoes:

  • potatoes 7-8 medium tubers,
  • large onion 2-3 pcs.,
  • vegetable oil for frying 80-100 gr.,
  • ground pepper 0.5 teaspoon,
  • salt 0.5 teaspoon,
  • melted butter or butter for greasing prepared dumplings

The dough recipe for dumplings is the same as for or

  • premium flour 3 cups (1 cup contains 160 grams of flour),
  • the water is approximately warm 45% –50% of flour weight,
  • egg 1 pc.,
  • salt to taste.

Many people add soda, baking powder, or even yeast to the dough for dumplings, they say for the tenderness of the dough. Yes, it may be more gentle, but why do you, dear reader, need this periodic table in the body. Isn't there enough poison sold on store shelves?

If you want a softer dough, use milk or kefir instead of water.

Utensils for preparing dumplings with potatoes:

A masher for crushing boiled potatoes.

A cauldron or saucepan with a lid for boiling potatoes.

Frying pan for frying onions.

A saucepan for cooking dumplings.

Fine mesh sieve.

2 bowls or small basins 1. for preparing the dough 2. for preparing the filling.

Rolling pin for rolling out flatbreads.

2 cutting boards medium for molded dumplings.

A slotted spoon or colander for removing the finished dumplings.

Dish for ready-made dumplings.

Filling for dumplings with potatoes

  • While the potatoes are cooking, finely chop the onion and fry in vegetable oil until golden brown.

  • Drain the water from the bowl with boiled potatoes.
  • Using a masher, carefully crush the potatoes.

  • Add fried onions to the crushed potatoes.

  • Add crushed potatoes with fried onions and ground black pepper to taste.

  • Mix mashed potatoes with fried onions and spices well with a spoon.

The filling for dumplings with potatoes is ready.

If you want the filling to be more tender and fluffy, you need to add hot milk and 100-120 grams of butter to the crushed potatoes, and then stir with fried onions. But as it shows personal experience, a combination of milk and fried onions, has some unpredictable laxative effect. It's up to you, dear reader.

Dough for dumplings

Dough for dumplings with potatoes, the recipe is the same as for or.

To make the dough soft and tender, you need to use premium wheat flour.

  • Sift the flour through a fine sieve into a bowl. This is necessary in order to remove lumps and enrich the flour with oxygen.
  • Break an egg into the flour, add a pinch of salt and pour 50% of the total amount of water, knead everything well until smooth.
  • Then add water little by little and knead the dough until it becomes medium thick so that the dough becomes elastic and smooth.
  • Place the dough in a plastic bag or wrap it in film for 20-30 minutes so that it “rests” and does not become airy.

How to make dumplings with potatoes
  • Cut off a small piece from the “rested” dough. Place the rest of the dough back into the film.

  • Roll this piece into a sausage about 2.5 cm thick.

  • Using a knife, cut the dough sausage into pieces about 2 cm thick.

  • Roll the cut pieces of dough in flour so that they do not dissipate.

  • Using a rolling pin, roll out pieces of dough into thin circles.

  • Place the potato filling in the middle of the rolled out dough circle.

  • Carefully seal the edges of the dumpling with your fingers.

  • We form the dumpling, it looks like an unfinished dumpling.

  • Sprinkle a cutting board or wide plate with flour and place the dumplings with potatoes on it.

If you won’t cook some of the dumplings with potatoes right away, then after modeling, put them on a board in the freezer. When they have cooled well there, after 7-8 hours they need to be collected from the board into a plastic bag; they can be safely stored in the freezer for 2-3 weeks.

How to cook dumplings
  • Pour water into a saucepan or cauldron halfway.
  • Place over high heat and bring to a boil, salt to taste.
  • Carefully, stirring continuously so that they stick to the bottom, place the dumplings one at a time into the boiling water.