Creative work of students on the topic: Turning.

If earlier the profession of a turner was popular, now young people often prefer office work, while the amount of “office plankton” is already going through the roof. Turner is a truly in-demand profession today. The branches of mechanical engineering, defense industry, aircraft and shipbuilding are expanding their horizons every day, so professional hands will always be needed. Analyzing the average wages turner, we can say that this work is paid decently. Employers are ready to allocate from 30 to 60 thousand rubles per month. Of course, the salary depends on the skills and category of the worker.

The ranks of turners are a kind of skill level of the employee, which is reflected in the salary. The more experience an employee has, the more knowledge and skills he has mastered, the higher the rank, but first things first.

What does the job involve?

The main task is to process parts and products during rotation. By cutting, a professional will be able to process different materials. On turning equipment the worker must be able not only to drill parts, but also to calibrate or countersink them. Various drawings of future parts, which he must be able to read correctly, help him complete his tasks. During the work process, the turner must follow all safety requirements, since parts after turning can heat up to seven hundred degrees Celsius.

Why is it important to raise the level?

The ranks of turners are a direct reflection of their knowledge and skills. Today, professional turners who have a rank higher than third are highly valued by various industries. But salaries, for example, of the 3rd category in the engineering and defense sectors will differ significantly in size. The defense industry is considered one of the highest paying, but how can you increase your rank?

The profession of "turner" is technical work, which is based on the study of the properties of metals, their cutting and reading drawings. The turner receives the first rank in educational institution, but at this stage he masters only the theory. To receive the second rank, he must undergo an additional three months of training and practice working on the machine. After one year, a turner of the second category has the right to be promoted to the third, and he must be able to produce parts with greater complexity. You can also raise the rank to fourth after a year. If all exams are passed, then only after two years of study can you begin to obtain the 5th category. The details at this stage correspond to high complexity. If there is a desire to increase the rank to sixth, it will take another three years.

All this training can be provided through advanced training courses that can be provided by the employer. The higher the ranks of turners, the higher their wages. The minimum that needs to be mastered is secondary specialized education. A turner is not an easy profession; it is a job that requires a good eye, excellent fine motor skills, and good mathematical knowledge.

Personal qualities

First of all, it is worth understanding that a turner is a very hardy person, since he has to be on his feet for a long time. Even with high temperatures He must not take off his protective clothing in the workshop. In addition, not everyone can master the skills of a turner. A professional turner must have the following qualities:

  • responsibility;
  • patience;
  • organization;
  • technical thinking;
  • sustained attention to detail;
  • high concentration;
  • good imagination.

If a person has such qualities, then it will be very easy for him to master the basics of turning. Also, a true professional in this profession must have a good memory, sharp eyesight and an accurate eye.

Turner's place of work

The main task of a turner during work is to comply with all safety requirements. Work performed on lathes has a high risk of injury, so labor protection for this profession is a fairly important nuance.

The turner's workplace consists of the machine itself, as well as auxiliary lifting and transport equipment, such as various trolleys or electric hoists. For comfortable work you must have:

  • various racks for organizing the workplace;
  • appropriate tools;
  • technological devices for the manufacture of parts;
  • reception table;
  • tool cabinet;
  • various devices of narrow specialization, etc.

What categories of turners are there?

Many people think that turning is a universal profession, but this is far from the case. There are workers who have a narrow specialization. Of course, the highest wages are received by those who are considered a universal worker, able to produce parts with various processing and from different materials. Often this is a real professional who has extensively mastered the profession of a turner. Such specialists undergo training in various fields.

Now there is one classification by which one can determine the narrow focus of an employee, namely:

  • turner-borer (works on boring machines);
  • turner-miller (processing flat and complex surfaces, round and threaded holes);
  • rotary turner (processes parts during rotation at different angles);
  • generalist (produces single parts that are difficult to process).

A universal turner is one of the highest paid categories, since this specialist must be able not only to produce parts according to drawings, but also to repair machines.

Drawing conclusions

The profession of "turner" is based on metalworking, so a specialist in this field must know various physical and chemical features materials. In addition, he is a universal specialist who can always find work in assembly plants, construction, repair plants, the automotive industry, and the defense sector.

P.M. Denezhny, G.M. Stiskin, I.E. Thor


Third edition, revised

Approved by the Academic Council of the USSR State Committee for Vocational Education as a teaching aid for secondary vocational schools

Moscow " graduate School» 1979

UDC 621.941.1

Denezhny P.M. etc. Turning: Tutorial for secondary vocational schools / P.M. Denezhny, G.M. Stiskin, I.E. Thor. - 3rd edition, revised. - M.: Higher School, 1979. - 199 p., ill. - (Vocational education. Cutting).

The book describes the operating principle of lathes, the 16K20 serial machine, and turning techniques; information is provided on the organization of the turner's workplace, on the construction of the technological process of turning, the choice of cutting mode, tools and devices, the economical processing of standard parts, ways to increase labor productivity and product quality are shown, and safety issues when working on lathes are considered.

Introduction (3).

Part one. BASICS OF TURNING (4).

Chapter 1. Basic information about turning (4).

Chapter 2. Processing of external cylindrical surfaces (15).

Chapter 3. Technological process of turning (36).

Chapter 4. Machining of cylindrical holes (42).

Chapter 5. Technological process for manufacturing parts such as bushings (61).

Chapter 6. Thread cutting with dies and taps (64).

Chapter 7. Machining of conical surfaces (73).

Part two. LATHES (80).

Chapter 8. Typical mechanisms of machine tools (80).

Chapter 9 General overview lathes (86).

Chapter 10. Screw-cutting lathe 16K20 (89).

Chapter 11. Basics of rational operation of lathes (107).


Chapter 12. Processing of shaped surfaces (112).

Chapter 13. Surface finishing (120).

Chapter 14. Threading with cutters (124).

Chapter 15. Technological issues of processing complex surfaces (136).

Chapter 16. Processing of workpieces with complex installation (139).


Chapter 17. Physical foundations of the metal cutting process (148).

Chapter 18. Turning tools (155).

Chapter 19. Basic laws of the process of cutting metals during turning (162).


Chapter 20. Technological processes for turning blanks of some standard parts (171).

Chapter 21. Ways to increase labor productivity in turning (177).

Chapter 22. Lathe group machines (184).

Chapter 23. Safety precautions when working on a lathe (188).

Applications (192).

Literature (196).

Pyotr Moiseevich Denezhny, Grigory Moiseevich Stiskin, Ivan Efimovich Tkhor


Artist I.N. Veselov-Novitsky

Another processing of this book in djvu format -

The book discusses the technology of processing parts on lathes; provides information about equipment, tools, devices and the selection of the most rational cutting modes; issues of mechanization and automation of parts processing on lathes, as well as safety issues when working on these machines are covered; examples of the work of innovative turners are given.
The book is intended as a textbook for training turners in urban vocational schools and can be used in the network of individual and team training at industrial enterprises.

The most common method of processing materials by cutting is processing on lathes. Lathes process parts that primarily have the shape of rotating bodies (rollers, mandrels, bushings, blanks for gears, etc.). In the manufacture of such parts, it is necessary to process cylindrical, conical, shaped surfaces, cut threads, grind grooves, process end surfaces, drill, countersink and ream holes, etc. When performing these works, the turner has to use a wide variety of cutting tools: cutters, drills, countersinks, reamers, taps, dies, etc.

TYPES OF LATHES. Lathes constitute the largest group of metal-cutting machines in machine-building plants and are very diverse in size and type. The main dimensions of lathes are: the largest permissible diameter of the workpiece being processed above the bed, or the height of the centers above the bed; distance between centers, i.e. a distance equal to the longest length of the part that can be installed on a given machine.

All lathes according to the height of the centers above the bed can be divided into:
small machines - with center heights up to 150 mm; medium machines - with a center height of 150-300 mm; large machines - with a center height of more than 300 mm. The distance between centers for small machines is no more than 750 mm, for medium ones 750, 1000 and 1500 mm, for large ones from 1500 mm.

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Download the book Turning, B. E. Brushtein, V. I. Dementyev, 1967 -, fast and free download.

  • Cleaning 2.0, Basic concepts and technologies, Moskalenko S.V., 2017

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The profession of a turner is the most common in mechanical engineering. Turning is a type of manufacturing of parts by cutting, carried out on lathes with the interaction of a rotating workpiece and a progressively moving cutting tool. Therefore, the product of a turner’s labor are parts that have the shape of bodies of revolution: cylinders, cones, parts with complex shaped surfaces, parts with holes, grooves, internal and external thread. Parts can be small in size - from a few millimeters to huge, multi-ton.

Lathes are adapted for various parts and operations. Accordingly, in the profession of a turner there are groups of specialties:lathe-borer, carousel turner, revolver turner, backturner, lathe operator, automatic turner etc. All-round turnerworks on a universal screw-cutting lathe, which allows performing all types of turning operations. This is usually the most experienced worker performing the job. unique products. In addition to the machine, the turner uses various instruments: cutting - cutters, dies, taps, drills, control and measuring - calipers, micrometers, gauges, etc.; devices for fastening the cutter and the workpiece.

"Evolution" of the profession

Lathes were invented and used in ancient times. They were very simple in design, not very perfect in operation and were initially manual, and later foot drive. The machine consisted of two established centers, between which a workpiece made of wood, bone or horn was clamped. A slave or apprentice rotated the workpiece one or several turns in one direction, then in the other. The master held the cutter in his hands and, pressing it into in the right place to the workpiece, removed the chips, giving the workpiece the required shape.These lathes were mainly used for machining wooden products. The need for machining accelerated the development of lathes, although this development occurred very slowly. Priority in the development of lathes belongs to Russian technicians.

Andrei Konstantinovich Nartov was born in Moscow on March 28, 1693. He was one of the genius inventors noticed and brought onto the broad road by Peter I. During his not too long life, he invented and built more than thirty machines of his own different profiles, which had no equal in the world. In the 17th century, lathes appeared, in which the workpiece was no longer driven by the muscular power of the turner, but with the help of a water wheel, but the cutter, as before, was held in the hand of the turner. At the beginning of the 18th century. lathes were increasingly used for cutting metals rather than wood, and therefore the problem of rigidly fastening the cutter and moving it along the table surface being processed was very relevant. And for the first time, the problem of a self-propelled caliper was successfully solved in A.K.’s copying machine. Nartov in 1712 K end of the 19th century century, an electrically driven lathe was manufactured, which was taken as the basis for modern equipment.…

Profession today

Today, modern automated lathes make the turner's work easier. Turnerbegins work by receiving a task, reading a drawing, and making calculations. He selects the tool, places the workpiece on the machine, sets the machine to the selected cutting mode and carries out the processing. The finished part is checked for size and surface cleanliness. The machine has a manual and automatic mode. In the first case, the turner is required to have precisely coordinated hand movements when controlling the cutting tool.. This profession requires maximum attention, enormous strength, and also takes a lot of time.. A lathe operator performs operations on a lathe for processing and boring various surfaces, end planes, as well as threading, drilling, countersinking, calibration, using metal and other materials as workpieces. Determines or clarifies the speed and depth of cutting, selects a cutting tool taking into account the properties of the material and the configuration of the cutter, secures (sets) it, and regulates the processing process. Ensures that the part corresponds to the dimensions specified in the drawing, the specified cleanliness and accuracy.

It is impossible to imagine modern industry without metalworking equipment. Lathes are used for various turning operations: processing and turning the surfaces of parts, cutting teeth, grinding and drilling holes. They develop and produce a large range of universal lathes various configurations, which allows you to satisfy any needs in the field of manufacturing and processing of parts. The metalworking and metal-cutting equipment they offer meets all modern requirements safety, maintain ease of operation and are distinguished by advanced solutions in design and layout.

Screw-cutting lathes are a unique class of metal-cutting equipment; They are used for turning and screw-cutting work on ferrous and non-ferrous metals. Screw-cutting lathes are used for cutting spindles, sleeves, axles and other parts. Metal-cutting equipment of this type is ideal for small-scale and individual production. Screw-cutting lathes from SVSZ are easy to use, highly efficient and do not produce much noise.

Not a single modern metalworking enterprise can do without universal CNC lathes. CNC lathes are a computerized system of metal cutting machines that can completely control the process of making parts. This class of metalworking machines eliminates the possibility of making mistakes and minimizes human effort during the work process. CNC lathes can operate in automatic and semi-automatic cycles when turning parts.

For small batch production industrial enterprises and in individual workshops, SAMAT screw-cutting lathes are most often used. SAMAT universal lathes have a high accuracy class according to GOST 8-77 and can perform all kinds of turning operations, including the ability to cut various types thread. The new product in the series of screw-cutting lathes, the SAMAT 400 S/S, performs particularly precise technological operations using traditional and wear-resistant composite cutting tools.

Universal lathe "Vector 400SC" with adaptive system does not require management special skills in programming, easy to use and makes it possible to work with microcycles in a wide range without mechanical adjustments.

Unlike conventional lathes, turning machining centers are multi-functional and are used by large enterprises for mass production of parts. This high-tech metalworking equipment is designed for dynamic, high-performance machining of complex parts made from structural materials. A high-precision turning center is used to change the positioning of the cutting tool on universal CNC lathes. The turning processing center from JSC SVSZ is distinguished by high-speed cutting, accuracy and reliability.

Twenty-first century - century high technology. With the creation of artificial intelligence, lathes have reached new level development, thanks to the introduction into the machine software, product quality and productivity have increased.

Preface to the sixth edition
Section one. Brief information about turning
Chapter I. Basic concepts about the design of a screw-cutting lathe
§ 1. Purpose of lathes
§ 2. Types of lathes
§ 3. Main components of a screw-cutting lathe
§ 4. Bed
§ 5. Headstock
§ 6. Feeding mechanisms
§ 7. Support
§ 8. Apron
§ 9. Tailstock
§ 10. Rules for caring for a lathe
Chapter II. Basics of the metal cutting process
§ 1. Cutting elements when processing on lathes
§ 2. The process of chip formation
§ 3. Cutting fluids
§ 4. Materials used for the manufacture of cutters and other cutting tools
§ 5. Turning tools
§ 6. Sharpening of cutters
Chapter III. Safety Brief
§ 1. Importance of safety precautions
§ 2. Safety precautions in machine shops
§ 3. Rules fire safety
Chapter IV. Turning external cylindrical surfaces
§ 1. Cutters for longitudinal turning
§ 2. Installation and fastening of the cutter
§ 3. Installation and fastening of parts in centers
§ 4. Installation and fastening of parts in cartridges
§ 5. Screwing and screwing down jaw chucks
§ 6. Techniques for turning smooth cylindrical surfaces
§ 7. Techniques for turning cylindrical surfaces with ledges
§ 8. Elements of cutting mode during turning
§ 9. Care of the cutter
§ 10. Measuring parts when turning cylindrical surfaces
§ 11. Defects when turning cylindrical surfaces and measures to prevent it
§ 12. Safety precautions when turning cylindrical surfaces
Chapter V. Processing of end surfaces and ledges
§ 1. Cutters used in processing end surfaces and ledges, and their installation
§ 2. Techniques for cutting end surfaces and ledges
§ 3. Techniques for measuring end surfaces and ledges
§ 4. Safety precautions when cutting end surfaces and ledges
§ 5. Defects when cutting end surfaces and ledges and measures to prevent it
Chapter VI. External Grooving and Cutting
§ 1. Cutters for turning grooves and cutting, their installation
§ 2. Techniques for turning grooves and cutting
§ 3. Measuring grooves
§ 4. Defects when turning grooves and cutting and measures to prevent it
Chapter VII. Drilling and reaming of cylindrical holes
§ 1. Drills
§ 2. Sharpening twist drills
§ 3. Fastening drills
§ 4. Drilling techniques
§ 5 Elements of the cutting mode when drilling
§ 6. Reaming
§ 7. Design features of some types of drills
§ 8. Replacing manual feed with mechanical
§ 9. Defects during drilling and measures to prevent it
Chapter VIII. Centering
§ 1. Purpose and forms center holes
§ 2. Marking the center holes
§ 3. Centering techniques
§ 4. Defects during alignment and measures to prevent it
Chapter IX. Countersinking, reaming and boring of cylindrical holes. Turning internal grooves
§ 1. Countersinking of cylindrical holes
§ 2. Development of cylindrical holes
§ 3. Boring of cylindrical holes
§ 4. Techniques for boring through and blind cylindrical holes
§ 5. Defects in the processing of cylindrical holes and measures to prevent it
§ 6. Techniques for cutting internal end surfaces and turning internal grooves
§ 7. Measurement of cylindrical holes, internal grooves and recesses
Chapter X. Turning of simple parts
§ 1. Turning of the pin
§ 2. Turning of smooth and stepped shafts
Chapter XI. Basic principles of construction technological processes processing parts on lathes
§ 1. The concept of technological and production processes
§ 2. Elements of the technological process
§ 3. Types of production in mechanical engineering
§ 4. Principles of development of the technological process of mechanical processing
§ 5. The concept of installation bases and their choice
Section two. Processing of conical surfaces. Grinding of shaped surfaces. Surface finishing. Triangular thread cutting
Chapter XII. Machining of conical surfaces
§ 1. The concept of a cone and its elements
§ 2. Methods for obtaining conical surfaces
§ 3. Grinding of conical surfaces by transverse displacement of the tailstock body
§ 4. Grinding conical surfaces by turning the upper part of the caliper
§ 5. Processing of conical surfaces using a conical ruler
§ 6. Processing of conical surfaces with a wide cutter
§ 7. Boring and reaming of conical holes
§ 8. Measurement of conical surfaces
§ 9. Defects in the processing of conical surfaces and measures to prevent it
Chapter XIII. Turning shaped surfaces
§ 1. Shaped cutters, their installation and operation
§ 2. Grinding of shaped surfaces with passing cutters
§ 3. Processing of shaped surfaces using a copier
§ 4. Defects when turning shaped surfaces and measures to prevent it
Chapter XIV. Surface finishing
§ 1. Roughness of the machined surface
§ 2. Fine turning
§ 3. Finishing or lapping
§ 4. Rolling the surface with a roller
§ 5. Rolling
Chapter XV. Threading
§ 1. General information about threads
§ 2. Types of threads and their purpose
§ 3. Thread measurement and control
§ 4. Cutting triangular threads with dies
§ 5. Cutting triangular threads with taps
§ 6. Threading with cutters
§ 7. Threaded dies
§ 8. Setting up a screw-cutting lathe for thread cutting
§ 9. Examples of counting replaceable gears
§ 10. Techniques for cutting threads with cutters
§ 11. High-performance thread cutting methods
§ 12. Defects when cutting threads with cutters and measures to prevent it
Section three. Lathes. Mechanization and automation of parts processing processes on lathes
Chapter XVI. Construction of lathes
§ 1. Brief historical overview development lathe
§ 2. Main types of turning machines
§ 3. Symbol lathes
§ 4. Main characteristics of domestically produced screw-cutting lathes
§ 5. Drives of lathes
§ 6. Kinematic diagram machine
§ 7. Mechanisms of gearboxes and feeds
§ 8. Support of a screw-cutting lathe
§ 9. Apron
§ 10. Screw-cutting lathe model 1K62
§ 11. Lathes
Chapter XVII. Checking a screw-cutting lathe for accuracy
§ 1. Tool for checking machine tools for accuracy
§ 2. Basic methods for checking a lathe
Chapter XVIII. Mechanization and automation of parts processing processes on lathes
§ 1. Devices that mechanize the processing process on lathes
§ 2. Devices that automate the processing process on lathes
§ 3. Computer controlled machines
§ 4. Automatic lines
Section four. Fundamentals of the study of metal cutting
Chapter XIX. General information about cutting
§ 1. Brief historical overview
§ 2. Materials used for the manufacture of cutting tools
§ 3. Cutter angles
§ 4. Installation of the cutter
Chapter XX. Basic cutting processes
§ 1. The process of chip formation
§ 2. Basic information about the forces acting on the cutter
§ 3. Heat of cutting
§ 4. Durability of the cutter
§ 5. Tool cooling
§ 6. Influence of various factors on the choice of cutting speed
Section five. High-performance metal cutting. Selection of the most advantageous cutting conditions
Chapter XXI. High-performance metal cutting
§ 1. The essence of high-speed cutting of metals
§ 2. Geometry of cutters for high-speed cutting
§ 3. Modern designs of high-performance cutters
§ 4. Requirements for high-speed turning machines
§ 5. Devices used for high-speed cutting
§ 6. Devices for removing chips
§ 7. Problems with high-speed turning
§ 8. Basic rules for working with cutters equipped with hard alloy plates
Chapter XXII. Selection of the most advantageous cutting conditions
§ 1. The concept of labor productivity
§ 2. The concept of power during turning
§ 3. Torque
§ 4. Passport of the lathe
§ 5. Selection of the most advantageous cutting conditions
Section six. Complex turning work
Chapter XXIII. Cutting rectangular and trapezoidal threads
§ 1. General information about threads for transmitting motion
§ 2. Cutting rectangular and trapezoidal threads
§ 3. Methods for cutting multi-start threads
§ 4. Division of multi-start threads into starts
§ 5. High-performance methods for cutting multi-start threads
§ 6. Basic information about thread cutting with rotating cutters
Chapter XXIV. Turning of parts with complex installation
§ 1. Processing of parts in steady rests
§ 2. Processing of parts on the faceplate
§ 3. Processing of parts on squares
§ 4. Processing of parts on mandrels
§ 5. Processing of eccentric parts
Section seven. Organization of the workplace and work of a turner. Technological process of processing parts on lathes
Chapter XXV. Organization of the workplace and work of a turner
§ 1. Organization of the turner’s workplace
§ 2. Layout of the turner’s workplace
§ 3. Order and cleanliness in the workplace
§ 4. Organization of labor in the workplace
§ 5. Multi-machine work
Chapter XXVI. Rational methods turning
§ 1. Technological techniques used by innovative turners
§ 2. Reduction of main (machine) time
§ 3. Reducing auxiliary time
§ 4. Complex method reduction of piece time
Chapter XXVII. Technological process of processing parts on machines
§ 1. General information about the development of the technological process for processing parts
§ 2. The procedure for drawing up the technological process for processing parts
§ 3. Method of group processing of parts
§ 4. Maps of the technological process of processing parts on machine tools
§ 5. Technological discipline
Chapter XXVIII. Technological processes for processing parts on lathes
§ 1. Technological process of turning bushings
§ 2. Technological process of turning discs
§ 3. Technological process of turning cups
Chapter XXIX. Examples of drawing up technological processes for processing parts on lathes
§ 1. Processing of a stepped roller
§ 2. Processing of the pressure nut
Appendix I. Data sheet for screw-cutting lathe model 1K12
Appendix II. Transition classifier
Appendix III. Machining Operation Card
Appendix IV. Technological map machining step roller
Appendix V. Technological map of machining of the pressure nut