ejector stations. How to make an ejector for a pumping station with your own hands: a detailed guide

Almost anywhere private house or the cottage can be equipped autonomous water supply from a well or well. As a rule, a pump is used to pump water. If the depth of the aquifer is less than 7 meters, then there will be no problems with the choice of the pump. You can choose any unit of suitable power and performance. However, such products will not be able to lift water from deeper hydraulic structures. To lift water from a great depth, it is necessary to use an ejector for a pumping station.

To understand what is needed pumping ejector, imagine that with our own hands we will improve the usual submersible pump for lifting water from great depths. Certain restrictions for the operation of a conventional pumping station will be created by water pressure, atmospheric pressure and the strength of the structural parts of the pump. During the rework, a conventional submersible pump will become much heavier, its dimensions will increase. As a result, such a unit will become simply difficult to operate. In addition, the amount of electricity consumed will increase significantly.

To avoid such problems, it is necessary with the help of additional parts to facilitate the pumping of water to a considerable height. It is the ejector that pushes the water towards the surface and facilitates its rise. This is a fairly simple device that you can install yourself.

Principle of operation

To understand what an ejector is and to find out its principle of operation, it is necessary to study the purpose of the main components of the device. It consists of the following structural parts:

  • A tube with a narrow end, called a nozzle. Water flowing through the nozzle acquires a large acceleration and exits this device at high speed. What is it for? The thing is that the flow of water at high speed does not exert so much pressure on the surrounding planes.
  • mixing device. Water from the nozzle enters this device. Here, a significant discharge of the entire volume of liquid occurs.
  • suction tank. Under the influence of vacuum in the mixer, water from the well begins to flow into the suction chamber. After that, the mixed fluid flow enters the next element - the diffuser.
  • diffuser. From this part of the structure, the liquid moves further along the pipeline.

The ejector can be installed by hand. It is mounted in a pipeline laid from the well to the pumping device. The principle of operation of the unit is such that part of the liquid raised to the surface falls back into the hydraulic structure to the ejector. Thus, a recirculation line is formed. In the course of such work, water escapes from the nozzle at a powerful speed and takes away part of the liquid from the well, creating additional vacuum in the pipes. Thanks to this principle of operation, pumping equipment spends much less power on lifting water from great depths.

To regulate the volume of liquid returning back to the system, a special valve is installed on the recirculation line. Thanks to him, you can regulate the efficiency of the entire system.

It is important to know: part of the water that is not used in the recycling system goes to the consumer. It is by these volumes that the productivity of pumping equipment is judged.

Advantages of ejector type pumps:

  • there is no need to choose a unit with a powerful engine;
  • the pumping part will not be so massive;
  • this will ensure less electricity consumption and long-term operation of pumping equipment;
  • thanks to the ejector, the start-up of all pumping equipment is facilitated, since a small amount of water creates a sufficient vacuum in the pipes.

Features and types of design

The ejector type pump is of two types:

  • with an external location of the ejector;
  • with an internal (built-in) location of the ejector.

The choice of one or another type of ejector layout is determined by the requirements that apply to pumping equipment. To suck air from different containers, another type of such units is used - an air ejector. It has a slightly different principle of operation. In our article, we will study devices for facilitating the pumping of water.

Internal ejector

Pumping equipment with a built-in ejector has a more compact size. In addition, the creation of fluid pressure and its intake for recirculation occurs inside the pumping equipment. This pump uses a more powerful motor that can recirculate the liquid.

The advantages of such a constructive solution:

  • the unit is not sensitive to heavy impurities in the water (silt and sand);
  • the water entering the equipment does not need to be filtered;
  • the device is suitable for lifting water from a depth of not more than 8 m;
  • such pumping equipment provides sufficient liquid pressure for domestic needs.

Among the shortcomings, it is worth noting the following:

  • this pump makes a lot of noise during operation;
  • for the installation of such a unit, it is better to choose a place away from home and build a special room.

External ejector

For execution outdoor installation ejector next to the pumping equipment, it is necessary to equip a tank into which it is worth drawing water. In this tank, a working pressure and the necessary vacuum will be created to facilitate the operation of pumping equipment. The ejector device itself is connected to that part of the pipeline that is immersed in the well. In this regard, there are restrictions on the diameter of the pipeline.

Advantages of a remote ejector:

  • thanks to this design, it is possible to raise water from a considerable depth (up to 50 m);
  • it is possible to reduce the noise from the operation of pumping equipment;
  • such a design can be placed right in the basement of the house;
  • without reducing the efficiency of the pumping station, the ejector can be placed at a distance of 20-40 m from the well;
  • thanks to everything necessary equipment located in one place, it is easier to carry out repairs and commissioning works which contributes to a longer service life of the entire system.

Disadvantages of the external location of the ejector device:

  • system performance is reduced by 30-35 percent;
  • restrictions in the choice of pipeline diameter.

How to connect?

As a rule, the installation of pumping equipment with a built-in ejector is no different from the traditional installation of a conventional pump. To do this, it is enough to connect the inlet pipe of the pump to the pipeline coming from the well. A pressure line is also being equipped, a hydraulic accumulator and the necessary automation are being installed.

In systems with an external location of the ejector, the equipment is connected in the following sequence:

  1. To ensure recirculation, it is necessary to lay an additional pipeline from the inlet pipe of the ejector device to the pressure line of the pumping equipment.
  2. A branch pipe with a check valve is connected to the inlet of the ejector, on which a coarse filter is installed for pumping fluid from the hydraulic structure.

If required, a control valve is installed in the recirculation pipeline. Such an additional device is simply necessary for wells in which the water level is above the calculated liquid level for pumping equipment. Thanks to this valve, it is possible to reduce the pressure in the ejector and cause a rise in pressure in the water supply system. Some models are equipped with a built-in control valve.

Worth knowing: usually the method of adjustment and the location of the valve are specified in the instructions attached to the unit.

Homeowners and country houses quite often faced with a common problem - deep ground water. Conventional pumping equipment located on the surface is not always able to raise water to the surface, so ejector pumping stations must be used. These devices are much more efficient and allow you to get water from depths of no more than 50 meters, and then pump it for the needs of users.

To know everything technical specifications, as well as specific details correct use such equipment, you just need to carefully read this article, where there are answers to almost all questions that arise when installing similar equipment.

The ejector is a rather small in size, but very effective device that has simple design, so some users make it themselves. This is especially effective when the farm already has a pumping station with a powerful pump. various types. With an ejector, the equipment allows without special efforts pump out clean water from a depth of 25 to 40 meters or more.

Using such additional equipment, each user saves cash that would have been spent on the purchase of expensive equipment. If you do not yet have a similar station, but only dug a well, then immediately purchase a product equipped with an ejector.

Principle of operation

The design of the ejector consists of the following elements:

  • suction chamber;
  • node where mixing takes place;
  • diffuser;
  • nozzle in the narrowest part.

The last detail is a branch pipe with a strongly narrowed end, due to this, the liquid receives additional acceleration and is released from the device at high speed.

According to Bernoulli's law, such a flow exerts a slight pressure on its environment, then it enters the mixer, where a significant vacuum is created, due to which additional volumes of water begin to flow from the suction chamber. Having united into a single stream, the liquid through the diffuser enters further into the pipeline.

In a similar design, the kinetic energy of a flow moving at a high speed is transferred to media that have a much lower speed, while new volumes of fluid are captured and transferred from the well through the pipeline to the distribution point of the water flow throughout the area. The pumping station with a remote ejector is equipped with two pipes: for injection and recirculation.

A similar design will allow the user to use less energy, and to control the amount of return flows, it is necessary to install a valve in the recirculation line, which will allow you to adjust the efficiency of the entire system to the desired level. Excess water is supplied to the consumer for his needs, the amount of incoming moisture per unit time determines the performance of the entire system.

By using less electric motor power for the pump, the user saves energy. In addition, the ejector greatly facilitates the initial start-up of the entire system, because with a very small amount of water, it creates the necessary vacuum in the pipeline and performs the first water intake, eliminating idle operation of all equipment.


Pumping stations equipped with such original devices are available in two types:

  1. The ejector is inside the structure. The whole design has a very compact size, the vacuum is created artificially, the recirculation line is located inside the product. For effective work required Electrical engine high power so that the pump works on high speed, creating the desired suction power.

    Advantages of this design:

    • the product is less sensitive to foreign impurities that may be in the water;
    • at the same time, the liquid supplied for the needs of the user does not need to be additionally filtered;
    • the station provides the required amount of pressure for all household needs of the consumer - you can water the site and use the water inside the house at the same time.

    Negative qualities:

    • during operation, the equipment creates noise;
    • for installation, it is necessary to equip a place with sound insulation or move the station further from the house.

    The second option does not solve all the problems, because the neighbors will complain about the noise, so soundproofing is needed in this case, plus the cost of insulation - you need to equip a standard caisson.

  2. The ejector is located outside the station - for this, a separate container is installed nearby, where the vacuum necessary for the operation of the entire installation will be created. The ejector is connected to a pipeline leading to a deep well - there are restrictions on the diameter of the connection flange.
    • the design provides raising water from a depth of up to 50 meters;
    • the sound effect is significantly reduced;
    • installation of equipment is located in the basement of the building;
    • distance from the well can be up to 40 m;
    • the entire structure is located in one place, so it is much more convenient to carry out preventive maintenance and repair, such conditions increase the designated service life of all parts.
    • performance decreases;
    • there are small restrictions on the choice of diameter for a common pipeline.


In the case of a built-in ejector, the installation of equipment is not difficult: it is enough to connect the pipeline from the well to the suction inlet, check the hydraulic accumulator and the operation of the automation, which is entrusted with autonomous control of the entire system.

When the ejector outside the station are added additional steps mounting:

  • we lay the recirculation line from the pressure station, and connect the main pipe from the ejector to the suction pipe of the pump;
  • we must connect a check valve to the suction of the ejector so that the liquid does not spill out by gravity when the pump stops, as well as a filter element so that only clean water flows further.

As mentioned earlier, a valve can be inserted into the recirculation line for adjustment, and some designs already have such a device, its placement and adjustment methods are indicated in the operating instructions.

Rating of the best models

  • Ejector type: submersible
  • Suction depth: 30 m
  • Max head: 50 m
  • Productivity: 1752 l/h
  • Motor power: 770W
  • Design:
  • hydraulic tank volume - 20 l
  • exit hole diameter - 1¼ inch (31.8 mm)
  • water temperature - up to 40 °C
  • dry run protection
  • Weight: 17.2 kg
  • Design/Manufacturer: Russia/China
  • great purchase for suburban area or country house
  • works for 5 plus, normal cost

  • plastic thread at the connection point

The model was developed by domestic engineers, but is produced at the factories of the PRC, and therefore there are some flaws: plastic threads on the joints will not last long - you need to change it right away, and these are additional costs.

  • Ejector type: cast iron with anti-corrosion coating
  • Water depth: 27 m
  • Maximum head: 47 m
  • Suction rate: 3,600 l/h
  • Power consumption: 860 W
  • Design:
  • hydraulic tank volume - 18 l
  • exit diameter - 25.4 mm (1 inch)
  • Dimensions / Weight: 327x588x416 mm / 20 kg
  • Country of manufacture: Denmark
  • compact size, quiet operation
  • well-known company makes high-quality equipment
  • not found

This model is designed for private buildings in order to normalize the pressure inside home plumbing with frequent drops, it copes well with pumping water from deep wells.


  • Ejector type: submersible
  • Suction depth: 40 m
  • Max Head: 49m
  • Productivity: 1 500 l/h
  • Motor power: 1.5 kW
  • Design:
  • hydraulic tank volume - 25 l
  • centrifugal pump
  • protection against overheating and dry running
  • automatic water level control
  • Weight: 27 kg
  • Country of manufacture: Speroni APM, Italy
  • high-quality assembly, quiet, but very productive work
  • pumps water from deep wells without tension
  • not found

The model is made of high quality materials, there is an automatic protection of the engine against overloads and operation without water, it is used in household and production systems water supply.

Almost everyone who has ever been directly involved in organizing the arrangement of an autonomously independent water supply periodically encountered problems regarding the insufficient level of water supplied by the suction pump.

In the subject of physics, we definitely know and understand that such a factor as pressure is capable of supplying liquid from a maximum depth of nine meters, but in fact such an indicator is much less, which in reality is about seven, and sometimes five meters of full supply.

The station, which is able to increase the pressure of the water flow, will solve the issue. Specialized equipment designed for such purposes is produced by modern industry, which is part of pumping stations.

Ejector for pumping station

From the article presented to your attention, you will learn in detail about the principles of operation of such specialized equipment as a station with an ejector, as well as all the nuances and aspects regarding their application. Additionally, methods will be considered. possible production similar equipment by your own forces with the appropriate instructions and recommendations, thanks to which you can achieve this goal.

Water supply station with ejector

Device. Operating principle

An ejector is essentially a device that transfers energy from one medium that is more mobile to another that is less mobile. In the narrowing sections of the unit, a special zone of lower pressure is formed, which thus provokes the suction of an additional medium. Thus, there is a possibility of movement and removal from the suction points, due to the interaction of the original environment.

Units equipped with an internal format ejector are intended directly for specialized pumping of liquids from a relatively shallow type of wells, the depth of which does not exceed eight meters, as well as various specialized storage tanks or reservoirs.

Directly distinctive feature such an interaction is precisely to capture the liquid that is located at a lower level from the nozzle. Based on this, a preliminary filling of the unit with water will be required. The working wheel will pump the liquid, which will redirect it to the ejector, as a result of which an ejecting jet will be formed.

It will move along a specialized tube and accelerate. Naturally, the pressure will decrease. Due to this effect, it will also decrease inside the suction chamber.

One of the varieties of such surface units is a pumping station with an ejector. They differ in that the external element is immersed in a water supply source. As a rule, the scope of such devices is similar to their counterparts. A definite difference lies in the different depths of use and application.

Pumping station with remote ejector


A fairly simple device-unit is quite possible to manufacture by independent forces. Which will require some details, such as a tee of a specialized diameter and a fitting that will be located inside it. The correct length ratio must be observed, which should not be more or less, which will not allow such a device to function normally. For fastening, you will need a special adapter equipped with corners, which will allow you to form the desired turn.

The creation process provides for several specific points, which includes the process of preparing the required fitting itself. Part of a special 6-sided sample should be turned, which will make it possible to place a special cone from it, having a base smaller than the external thread in diameter. After that, the deformed part should be corrected with a specialized thread-cutting tool.

The fitting must be screwed into the tee piece until it stops. Be extremely careful when connecting the length ratio, which is quite an important factor. Be sure to seal the connection with any available sealant.

Check the ratio of manufactured parts, and then a specialized adapter should be organized from pre-prepared samples, which is designed to be equipped on a pipe.

A well-assembled station will provide a fairly long and trouble-free operation, thanks to its simple constructiveness, but, of course, you must be extremely precise in manufacturing. If you don’t really want to engage in such manufacturing, then you can simply purchase it in specialized stores, where there is always a pumping station for free sale.

Stations with a built-in ejector - how to use

The station is used in order to increase the pressure, which will also eliminate the possibility of premature failure of the unit that provides the supply, since idling may occur. The presence of such an element in the system will exclude it, which is why it is recommended for mandatory integration into the system, regardless of the possible depth of the source.

Timely equipping the station with an ejector will save you from additional costs and possible nerves in case of a possible failure of more expensive system equipment, which it will simply prevent, providing full and uninterrupted functionality for a long time.

Consumption ecology.Usadba:The ejector is a simple but very useful device. It's comfortable and useful way improve the performance of pumping equipment in a private house.

Deep aquifer is a common problem that many owners are familiar with. land plots. Conventional surface pumping equipment either cannot provide the house with water at all, or supplies it to the system too slowly and with weak pressure. An excellent way out of this situation can be an ejector for a water supply pumping station.

How it works

The deeper the water is, the more difficult it is to raise it to the surface. In practice, if the depth of the well is more than seven meters, the surface pump can hardly cope with its tasks. Of course, for very deep wells, it is more appropriate to purchase a high-performance submersible pump. But with the help of an ejector, it is possible to improve the performance of a surface pump to an acceptable level and at a much lower cost.

This diagram allows you to get an idea of ​​​​the device and the principle of operation of the ejector for a pumping station. The accelerated reverse flow creates an area of ​​low pressure and transfers kinetic energy to the main water flow

The ejector is a small but very effective device. This assembly has a relatively simple design, it can even be made independently from improvised materials. The principle of operation is based on giving the water flow an additional acceleration, which will increase the amount of water coming from the source per unit of time.

This solution is especially convenient for those who are going to install or have already installed a pumping station with a surface pump. The ejector will increase the depth of water intake up to 20-40 meters. It should also be noted that the purchase of more powerful pumping equipment will lead to a noticeable increase in electricity consumption. In this sense, the ejector will bring noticeable benefits.

The ejector for a surface pump consists of the following elements:

  • suction chamber;
  • mixing unit;
  • diffuser;
  • narrowed nozzle.

The operation of the device is based on the Bernoulli principle. It says that if the speed of the flow increases, an area with low pressure is created around it. In this way, a dilution effect is achieved. Water enters through a nozzle, the diameter of which is smaller than the dimensions of the rest of the structure.

A slight constriction gives a noticeable acceleration to the flow of water. Water enters the mixer chamber, creating an area with reduced pressure inside it. Under the influence of this process, a stream of water enters the mixer through the suction chamber, which is under more high pressure.

Water in the ejector does not come from a well, but from a pump. Those. the ejector must be installed in such a way that part of the water raised by the pump returns to the ejector through the nozzle. The kinetic energy of this accelerated flow will be constantly transferred to the mass of water that is sucked from the source.

The diagram shows the device of an external ejector: 1- tee; 2 - fitting; 3 - adapter for a water pipe; 4, 5, 6 - corners

Thus, a constant acceleration of the flow will be ensured. Pumping equipment will need less energy to transport water to the surface. As a result, its efficiency will increase, as will the depth from which water can be taken.

Part of the water extracted in this way is again sent to the ejector through the recirculation pipe, and the rest enters plumbing system Houses. The presence of an ejector has another "plus". It sucks in water on its own, which additionally insures the pump against idling, i.e. from the “dry running” situation, which is dangerous for all surface pumps.

To regulate the operation of the ejector, use a conventional valve. It is installed on the recirculation pipe, through which water from the pump is directed to the ejector nozzle. Using a tap, the amount of water entering the ejector can be reduced or increased, thereby reducing or increasing the reverse flow rate.

Choice: built-in or external?

Depending on the installation location, remote and built-in ejectors are distinguished. big difference in design features there are no such devices, but the location of the ejector still affects in some way both the installation of the pumping station and its operation. So, built-in ejectors are usually placed inside the pump housing or in close proximity to it.

As a result, the ejector takes up a minimum of space, and it does not have to be installed separately, it is enough to perform the usual installation of a pumping station or the pump itself. In addition, the ejector located in the housing is reliably protected from contamination. Vacuum and reverse water intake is carried out directly in the pump housing. There is no need to install additional filters to protect the ejector from clogging with silt particles or sand.

An external ejector for a pumping station is more difficult to install than an internal model, but this option creates a much lower noise effect.

However, it should be remembered that maximum efficiency such a model demonstrates at shallow depths, up to 10 meters. Pumps with a built-in ejector are designed for such relatively shallow sources, their advantage is that they provide an excellent head of incoming water.

As a result, these characteristics are enough to use water not only for domestic needs, but also for irrigation or other business operations. One more problem - elevated level noise, since the sound effect of water passing through the ejector is added to the vibration of a running pump.

If a decision is made to install a pump with a built-in ejector, then you will have to take care of sound insulation especially carefully. Pumps or pumping stations with a built-in ejector are recommended to be installed outside the house, for example, in a separate building or in a well caisson. The electric motor for a pump with an ejector must be more powerful than for a similar non-ejector model.

A remote or external ejector is installed at some distance from the pump, and this distance can be quite significant: 20-40 meters, some experts even consider 50 meters acceptable. Thus, a remote ejector can be placed directly in a water source, for example, in a well.

The external ejector not only increases the performance of the pump, but is designed to increase the depth of water intake from the source, which can reach 20-45 m

Of course, the noise from the operation of an ejector installed deep underground will no longer disturb the residents of the house. However, this type of device should be connected to the system using a recirculation pipe, through which water will return to the ejector. The greater the installation depth of the device, the longer the pipe will have to be lowered into the well or well.

It is better to provide for the presence of another pipe in the well at the design stage of the device. Connecting a remote ejector also provides for the installation of a separate storage tank, from which water will be taken for recirculation.

Such a tank allows you to reduce the load on the surface pump, saving some amount of energy. It is worth noting that the efficiency of the external ejector is somewhat lower than that of the models built into the pump, however, the ability to significantly increase the depth of the intake forces one to come to terms with this drawback.

When using an external ejector, there is no need to place the pumping station directly next to the water source. It is quite possible to install it in the basement of a residential building. The distance to the source can vary within 20-40 meters, this will not affect the performance of pumping equipment.

Ejector mounting procedure

As already mentioned, installing an ejector built into the pump does not cause any particular problems, since the device is already in the device case. The surface pump is simply connected to the water supply hose on one side, and to the plumbing system on the other side.

If it is used as part of a pumping station, then the pump is connected to a hydraulic accumulator through a special fitting for five outlets. In addition, the pump will need to be connected to the contacts of the pressure switch to ensure it automatic switch on and shutdown.

Before turning on the surface pump, it must be filled with water through the filling hole provided for this. Do not turn on such equipment without water, it can burn out. If the pump is installed correctly, the ejector will work without interruption.

But the installation of a remote ejector is carried out for more complex scheme. First you will need to install a pipe that will provide a return flow of water from the drive to the ejector. A non-return valve is installed on the suction section of the ejector. Behind it should be a mesh filter that will protect the device from clogging.

A control valve must be installed on top of the recirculation pipe to regulate the amount of water that is sent to the ejector. This node is not mandatory, but can significantly improve the situation with the water pressure in the house. How less water will return to the ejector, the more it will remain for the plumbing system of the house.

Thus, you can influence the pressure of water in the water supply. If it is insufficient, slightly tighten the adjusting valve on the return line. If the pressure is too high and creates an unnecessary load on the plumbing system, it makes sense to send more water to the ejector in order to increase the efficiency of the pumping equipment.

Some industrial models of ejectors are already equipped with such an adjustment system. The instructions that come with the device usually describe in detail the procedure for setting up the operation of the ejector.

Connecting a homemade ejector

The built-in ejector is usually purchased at the same time as the pump, but the external model is very often made by hand. It will be useful to consider the process of creating and connecting such a device. In order to make an ejector, you will need parts such as a tee with internal threaded connections, a fitting, fittings, bends, couplings, etc. Assemble the device as follows:

  1. connect lower part tee with a fitting so that the outlet pipe is at the top, and the fitting with a smaller diameter is inside the ejector.
  2. Then you need to refine the design by sawing off the narrow part of the fitting if it protrudes from the tee.
  3. If the fitting turned out to be too short, it is increased using a polymer tube.
  4. An adapter with an external thread is screwed onto the upper side of the tee.
  5. A PVC water pipe is attached to the other end of the adapter using a fitting.
  6. Now, to the bottom side of the tee, into which a narrow fitting is already inserted, a bend in the form of a corner should be attached.
  7. A pipe is connected to this outlet, through which the return flow of water to the ejector will flow.
  8. Another corner is attached to the side branch pipe of the tee.
  9. A pipe is attached to this corner using a collet clamp, water from a well, well, etc. will be sucked through it.

The distance between the edge of the tee and the fitting should be approximately 2-3 mm. This will create a vacuum region with necessary characteristics. A compression nut is used to secure the recirculation pipe.

It turns out that two elements are simultaneously attached to the internal thread of the lower branch pipe of the tee. One of them (fitting) is inside the tee, and the second (corner) is outside. In order for both of them to fit on the same threaded connection, cut off part of the thread of the fitting.

Of course, all threaded connections must be sealed and sealed. Most often, FUM tape is used for this. Sometimes, to connect the ejector to the pumping station, not metal-plastic pipes are used, but polyethylene structures. For their installation, special crimp elements should be used, and collet clamps, which are good for metal-plastic, will not work in this situation.

All threaded connections of the ejector should be carefully sealed and sealed, for example, using FUM tape or other suitable material.

You should think about in advance which pipes will be used to connect the remote ejector. Polyethylene structures bend well when heated, which makes it possible to do without corners when connecting an ejector. The pipe is simply bent in the right place and at the right angle, and then attached to the ejector.

So, the device has three outlets, to each of which a corresponding pipe should be connected. First, a pipe is usually installed through which water will be drawn from the source. She joins the side exit from the ejector.

At the end of this pipe, a check valve is installed without fail, as well as a strainer. This pipe must be long enough to go deep underwater. But you should not take water from the very bottom of the source, as this can lead to clogging of the ejector, even despite the presence of a filter.

You can then connect the pipe to the lower end of the ejector, which has a narrowed fitting. This is a pipeline through which water is recirculated. The other end of this pipe should be connected to a container from which water will be taken to create a reverse flow.

The third pipe is a regular water main. At one end it is mounted on the upper branch pipe of the ejector, and the other end is attached to the surface pump. It should be remembered that the diameter of the pipe through which water is taken from the source must exceed the dimensions of the pipe through which water is supplied to the ejector.

If the filing is used inch pipe, then for suction it is recommended to take a pipe a quarter of an inch more. After all connections are made, the ejector is lowered into the water. Before starting the system for the first time, it must be filled with water. The pump is poured through a special hole. The pipes leading to the ejector must also be filled with water.

The initial start-up of the pumping station is recommended to be carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. Pour water into the pump through a special hole.
  2. Turn off the tap through which water flows from the pumping station to the water supply system.
  3. Turn on the pump for about 10-20 seconds and turn it off immediately.
  4. Open the valve and bleed some of the air from the system.
  5. Repeat the pump on/off cycle in combination with air bleeding until the pipes are filled with water.
  6. Switch on the pump again.
  7. Wait until the accumulator is full and automatic shutdown pump.
  8. Open any faucet.
  9. Wait until the water flows out of the accumulator and the pump turns on automatically.

If no water came out when starting the system with an ejector, it is possible that air is somehow leaking into the pipes, or the initial filling with water was not performed correctly. It makes sense to check the presence and condition of the check valve. If it is not there, the water will simply pour into the well, and the pipes will remain empty.

These points should also be taken into account when using a pumping station with an ejector, which is started up after a long period of storage. check valve, the integrity of the pipes and the tightness of the connections is best checked immediately.

If everything is in order, and water does not flow, you need to check the voltage supplied to the pumping station. If it is too low, the pump simply cannot operate at full capacity. You should establish a normal power supply to the equipment, and the problem will disappear.

If an ejector is needed to improve the water pressure in the system, and not to increase the depth of water intake, you can use the homemade ejector model described above. But it does not need to be immersed in water, it can be placed in a convenient place near the surface pump. In this case, the ejector will work in much the same way as the built-in industrial production model.

Useful video on ejectors

This video discusses in detail the issue of suction depth of a surface pump and options for solving the problem using an ejector:

The principle of operation of the ejector is clearly demonstrated here:

The ejector is a simple but very useful device. This is a convenient and useful way to improve the performance of pumping equipment in a private home. But the installation of the ejector, especially the remote model, must be done correctly, this is the only way to ensure a noticeable increase in water pressure. published

A deep well is an excellent engineering solution for providing water to a residential private house. Water extracted from the deep layers of the soil, usually good taste and good for human health chemical composition . Exceptions to these rules are quite rare.

Having checked the quality of life-giving moisture in the laboratory of the local sanitary and epidemiological station, the owners immediately set about arranging an autonomous water supply. And here they face a small technical problem. How to ensure the right pressure in the system and at the same time ensure uninterrupted water intake from a depth of more than ten meters?

What is an ejector for?

It is with depths of more than 10 meters that the pump has to work to supply water from drinking wells. And there are two popular ways to solve this problem:

  • Acquisition of a more powerful and expensive unit included in the pumping station kit. The disadvantage of this method is the high cost of plumbing.
  • Collecting an ejector with your own hands and installing it on a cheaper, but powerful enough model.
In any pump, each part of the design is extremely important for quality work of the equipment as a whole.

However, for lifting moisture from depths greater than 7-10 meters, a small device called an ejector is crucial.

The ejector is a chamber-type structure designed to create a vacuum and facilitate (accelerate) the rise to the surface of the water. Manufacturers mount such a chamber inside the pump or take it outside, thereby reducing the noise of the unit.

The principle of operation of the design is to install a branch pipe of a smaller diameter on the supply pipeline. Water in a narrow space is forced to move at a higher speed, creating a rarefaction area, which attracts the water flow like a magnet and accelerates its further movement through the water supply system.

The branch pipe has a T-shape. On the right side of the device is a diffuser for mixing flows (normal and accelerated). Water enters the left side of the pipe, then mixes with the high-speed flow on the right and continues to move through the pipes.

The speed of movement is largely determined by the location of the ejector. The built-in pump is less powerful, but the remote version is the main assistant in raising water from a depth of up to 40 meters. However, it should be borne in mind that built-in ejectors are more efficient in terms of the performance of the entire pumping station.

It follows from this that it is worth installing remote models of ejectors, only having previously assessed the benefits of such a pumping system.

Remote models have not very high efficiency - up to 35%. But they also have obvious advantages in the form of silent operation and the rise of water from great depths.

Experts advise sticking to the following rules:

A weak pump is equipped with a built-in ejector, which increases its efficiency, but allows it to work only with shallow wells. Install such stations in the utility room due to increased noise.

Powerful pumps are equipped with a remote type of ejector. Such systems are designed to supply water from deep wells. pump with storage tank or a hydraulic accumulator can be installed in the house. The ejector is brought into the well.

How to do it yourself

To manufacture the device, you will need available parts in the form of interface elements and fittings:

  • metal tee - serves as the main part;
  • high pressure water conductor in the form of a fitting;
  • bends and couplings - elements for mounting the device and connecting it to the water supply.

To seal all threaded connections FUM tape is used - it is an easy-to-use and plastic sealant made of polymer material vaguely reminiscent of isolation white color.

If the plumbing system is metal-plastic pipes, installation must be done with crimp elements. You do not need to purchase bends if the water pipes are made of cross-linked polyethylene - they easily bend at the desired angle.

Of the tools you will need:

  • plumbing keys;
  • vise;
  • grinder or emery for grinding.

The order of work is as follows:

  • A tee with an internal thread is taken and a fitting is screwed into its lower hole. The outlet pipe of the fitting is located inside the tee. Special attention is given to the dimensions of the fitting - all protruding parts are carefully ground. And short fittings, on the contrary, are built up with tubes. The required size of the part of the fitting protruding from the tee should be no more than three millimeters.
  • An adapter with an external thread is screwed to the top of the tee. It will be located directly above the fitting. External thread used as a means of connecting an adapter to a tee. The opposite end of the adapter is intended for mounting a water pipe using a crimp element (fitting).
  • A branch in the form of a corner is screwed to the lower part of the tee, which already has a fitting, to which a narrow recirculation pipe is subsequently attached using a compression nut.
  • Another corner is screwed into the side hole of the tee, designed to connect the water supply pipe. The pipe is fastened with a collet clamp.
  • After complete assembly, the device is connected to a pre-selected place in the plumbing system, which the owner considers optimal for himself. Mounting near the pump makes the handicraft ejector built-in. And placing it in a well or well will mean that the device works according to the remote principle.

If immersion in water is practiced, three pipes are connected to the device at once:

  • The first sinks to the very bottom, is equipped with a strainer and connects to the side corner on the tee. She will take water and transport it to the ejector.
  • The second one comes from the pumping station and connects to the bottom hole. This pipe is responsible for the occurrence of high-speed flow.
  • The third is output to the plumbing system and is connected to the upper hole of the tee. Already accelerated water flow with increased pressure will move along it.
The second and third pipes are always on the surface, and the third goes into the water.

Operating rules

The service life of a pump or station equipped with an ejector directly depends on compliance with the operating rules.

  • It is necessary to observe the main technical points starting with the installation of the ejector. It is required to correctly correlate the depth of the source and the power of the pump. And already based on these parameters, decide on the installation site of the ejector.
  • It makes no sense to set the built-in type ejector to low powerful pump, which can hardly cope with the rise of water from a deeper well or well. This engineering solution the best choice for water intake from irrigation tanks or shallow wells up to 10 meters.
  • For wells deeper than ten meters, a powerful pump with high performance is required (the ejector can be installed near the well, in a caisson chamber). And to lift water from a depth of 15 to 40 meters, it is necessary to place an ejector inside the well, lowering it into the water.
  • For all surface type pumps, it is extremely important how the external submersible ejector is placed. To save the equipment from failures and extend the service life, the pipes leading to the surface from the ejector must be placed strictly vertically. If this installation rule is not observed, air may enter the pipeline, which will drastically reduce the efficiency of the system, and in the near future will disable the pump.
  • The most productive depth is considered to be up to 20 meters. Although ejectors are traditionally lowered below. However, the efficiency in such a water supply system will not please the owners. With increasing depth, the operation of the pump deteriorates and even the most well-designed ejector is not able to help it.

One of the most interesting and at the same time unknown to the general public polymer is described in the material at the link.

In mandatory Maintenance regular measurement of pressure in the water supply is switched on. If not installed
special sensor, you can use a pressure gauge to measure the pressure in car tires. To do this, the protective cover on the accumulator is unscrewed.