Flowers on the ceiling with liquid wallpaper. How to apply liquid wallpaper to the ceiling? Application of finishing material

Liquid wallpaper for ceilings is very popular due to the absence of seams, attractive appearance and the ability to be applied to various, even curved surfaces. This is one of the most economical and quality ways decorative finishing.

Using liquid wallpaper you can hide minor defects in the ceiling.

In this article we will look at whether it is possible to apply liquid wallpaper to the ceiling, and what needs to be taken into account when carrying out the work.

Decorative material is a mixture of cellulose, silk or cotton fibers with various additives. Available in the form of dry formulations in hermetically sealed plastic bags.

Depending on the composition they are divided into:

  1. Cellulose compositions made from recycled wood with adhesive components, plasticizers, dyes and decorative additives. The porous structure of the coating increases the thermal insulation properties of the walls, creates protection from noise and helps smooth out small irregularities on the bases.
  2. Cotton blends containing shredded cotton fibers create a warm, soft matte texture. This finish is ideal for decorating children's rooms.
  3. Silk wallpapers are made from natural or artificial silk fibers, and create an expensive beautiful coating with a matte shine. One of the main advantages of the material is its resistance to ultraviolet radiation. This finish does not lose its original color for many years, even in direct sunlight.
  4. Mixed compositions in which cotton and cellulose fibers in various proportions are combined with silk, thereby improving the aesthetic performance properties of the material.

By adding glitter, mica, and crushed mineral additives to the composition, you can achieve various decorative effects and give the premises a unique look.

Application of liquid wallpaper is similar to the installation of thin-layer decorative plaster.

Liquid wallpaper on the ceiling must be applied in strict accordance with the instructions and recommendations on the packaging.

The finishing process includes:

  • preparation of the base;
  • production of decorative mixture;
  • ceiling decoration liquid wallpaper.

Costs special attention pay attention to the preparation of the base, as the quality and durability of the entire finish depends on this.

On loose and uneven surfaces peeling of the decorative mixture may occur.

Ceiling preparation

The base under the coating must be clean, dry, and free of oil contamination.

The old finish must be removed to the base, the seams between the slabs, defects and potholes must be repaired with putty or mortar.

Preparing the ceiling for liquid wallpaper includes filling and priming the surface twice. Concrete contact can be used as a primer.

Putty will create a smooth base white, ensuring high-quality and uniform application of liquid wallpaper on the ceiling, and the primer provides reliable adhesion decorative covering with base.

Calculation of the required amount of wallpaper

The building mixture is prepared simultaneously for the entire room, especially if you are tinting the decorative composition yourself.

The required volume of solution is determined based on the standard consumption specified in the instructions on the packaging of the material, the thickness of the applied layer, and the coverage area.

The average consumption is from 200 to 300 grams per 1 m2 of surface, depending on the thickness of the layer and the texture of the material.

The consumption of the mixture will increase if there are differences and unevenness on the ceiling.

You should not save on material by calculating it according to the minimum standard consumption. If during the work there is not enough mixture, a noticeable seam may remain on the ceiling. In addition, the composition from different batches may differ noticeably in color.

Let's look at how to properly apply liquid wallpaper to the ceiling.

Work must be carried out from secure scaffolding and scaffolding.

Sequence of work:

  1. Pour the dry composition into a deep basin and add water at a temperature of 25-30 degrees. Before diluting the dry mixture with water, shake the bag well to ensure uniformity of the composition and prevent the formation of sticky lumps.
  2. Mix the mixture with your hands until it has a homogeneous plastic consistency and leave for 10-12 hours to swell.
  3. The finished mixture is applied to the ceiling using a spatula in a layer of 2-3 millimeters.
  4. Using a transparent trowel or grater, smooth the solution over the surface, giving the desired texture.

You can apply the coating using a spray gun with a wide nozzle.

This creates a loose, rough coating that can be rolled with a hard roller to create a smooth surface, or textured to create a relief pattern or ornament.

It must be taken into account that porous surface moldings, stucco or ceiling plinth, so they need to be secured in advance.

Required Tools

To complete the work you will need:

  • large container for preparing the mixture;
  • roller or brush for priming and creating relief patterns;
  • trowel or spatula for applying wallpaper to the ceiling;
  • a plastic or plexiglass grater for distributing and smoothing the material;
  • a spray gun and a hopper bucket if you choose mechanized application of liquid wallpaper.

Finishing ceilings with liquid wallpaper is not difficult. The main thing is to correctly select and prepare the composition, prepare the base well and apply the decorative coating correctly.

Today there is huge selection finishing materials that are suitable for application to ceilings. Among them, liquid wallpaper that recently appeared on the market should be highlighted.

In this article we will try to understand how to apply liquid wallpaper to the ceiling and find out their properties and qualities.

Let's immediately list the advantages of such ceilings:

  1. This material is not like all others used in finishing works. First of all, it is distinguished by absolute naturalness, due to which the material does not emit toxic gases when dried.
  2. They also do not absorb dust and have antistatic properties. This is due, first of all, to the absence of synthetic fillers.
  3. Liquid wallpaper applied to the ceiling is a good sound insulator. In an apartment this is not unimportant. The microporous structure allows the coating to conduct steam - “breathe”.
  4. Also, this material is not capricious, it is easy to care for.

Types of ceiling liquid wallpaper

Despite the apparent diversity, liquid wallpaper for the ceiling is divided into three types:

  • Silk.
  • Cellulose.
  • Silk-cellulose.

Silk liquid wallpaper

They are made entirely of silk fiber. Thanks to this, they are highly resistant to ultraviolet radiation. They have high decorative qualities. A ceiling made of liquid wallpaper of this type will remain in its original form for a long time. They do not fade or change color. Their main disadvantage is their high price.

Cellulose liquid wallpaper

The filler is cellulose fiber. The least durable ones. They fade quite quickly in the sun. Decorative properties are at a low level. Therefore, a ceiling made of liquid wallpaper of this type will feel best in hallways and bathrooms.

The cost is the lowest.

Cellulose-silk liquid wallpaper

This is a compromise between price and quality. Consist of a mixture of silk fibers and cellulose. They are resistant to ultraviolet radiation. Unlike cellulose wallpaper, they do not lose their original appearance so quickly. These liquid wallpaper ceilings are perfect for children's rooms and bedrooms.

To apply liquid ceiling wallpaper, we will need:

  • Spatula.
  • Primer.
  • Various rollers.
  • Hard brush.
  • Drill with stirring attachment.

Technology for covering ceilings with liquid wallpaper

Before describing the technological features, let's compare classic and liquid wallpapers.

Paper wallpaper: The application technology seems simple at first glance. However, they require painstaking marking of rolls, joining of patterns, and careful cutting.

Liquid wallpaper: The technology of application to the ceiling is free from the above-mentioned disadvantages. They are quite easy to apply; some skills will only be required when creating panels.

This type of finishing materials perfectly masks various small irregularities and cracks of the surface to which they are applied, but, like all finishing materials, they require careful preparation.

The technology itself consists of three main stages:

  1. Preparatory stage.
  2. Breeding liquid wallpaper.
  3. Application to the ceiling.

Preparatory stage

  1. First of all, you should remove the old ceiling finish. The set of materials required for this depends on the type of old coating. For example, old oil paint or the enamel can be removed using a special remover. Water-based or acrylic coatings there is no need to completely remove it. It is enough to remove loose and peeling areas with a spatula or a metal brush.
  2. It is also necessary to fill all large cracks.
  3. Only after this a liquid primer is applied. It will ensure high adhesion between the ceiling material and the finishing coating. This completes the preparation of the ceiling for liquid wallpaper.

Tip: if your ceiling has significant unevenness, then it makes sense to level it with drywall. This is much cheaper and easier than stretching out the plane with a thick layer of plaster.

We gain knowledge on how to apply liquid wallpaper - video: panels on the ceiling, drawings on the walls.

Breeding liquid wallpaper

Liquid wallpapers on the market come in several different types:

  1. The last type of liquid wallpaper is also supplied dry. However, they require the separate addition of mineral dyes and texture additives. Wallpaper is completely ready for use. They are supplied in plastic buckets, in the form of a paste and already tinted.
  2. Dry liquid wallpaper. It is a dry bulk mixture. Before application, they are mixed with water according to the instructions. As a rule, they already contain mineral dyes and various texture fillers.

  1. The last type of liquid wallpaper is also supplied dry. However, they require the separate addition of mineral dyes and texture additives.

Let's start diluting liquid wallpaper:

  1. Take a plastic container of a suitable size and pour water into it. The proportions are observed as indicated on the packaging by the manufacturer. Next, the mixture is thoroughly stirred. After which it is left for 12 hours for further swelling.
  2. After 12 hours, the mixture is mixed again and another 0.5-1 liter of water is added to it.

Ceiling covering

Finishing the ceiling with liquid wallpaper can be done in two ways:

  • Manual.
  • Mechanized.

Let's look at each of them in more detail:

  1. At manual way, liquid wallpaper on the ceiling, applied with a textured roller, spatula or stiff brush. The thickness of the applied layer is 3-5 mm. When applied with a spatula, we get smooth surface. Texture can be added five hours after application using a structural roller. It must be thoroughly moistened with water. In addition, liquid wallpaper can be immediately applied with a structural roller, thereby simplifying your work.
  2. Mechanized application is carried out using a spray gun. This will significantly speed up the work. Apply the required texture using a roller.
  3. The final stage will be drying. In most cases it lasts 48 hours. During this time, the coating must not be subjected to mechanical stress.

Many readers will probably be interested in the question: is it possible to apply liquid wallpaper to the ceiling in bathrooms?

The answer to this question is clear: yes, it is possible, but it is necessary to protect them from exposure to water, acrylic varnish. It is applied in three layers, drying between layers is 1-2 hours.

Remember: liquid wallpaper cannot be cheap. And high-quality liquid wallpaper will please the eye for many years.

The topic of today's article is liquid wallpaper on the ceiling, live photos in the interior, as well as a description of the material and instructions for applying it yourself.

What is liquid wallpaper made of?

Some people believe that liquid wallpaper is plaster, just of a rather non-standard appearance. In fact, this is almost true, but this “plaster” does not contain the main component – ​​sand.

Liquid wallpaper is a mixture of binders, adhesive substances and plasticizers (mainly cellulose) and decorative filler, mainly of natural origin. For example: silk fibers, glitter powder, mica particles, and dyes.

In dry form, it is an ordinary building mixture that must be diluted with water until the required consistency is obtained. Then the mixture is applied to the walls using a spatula. Almost everyone can cope with this, because, unlike natural plaster, this fibrous mixture is more pliable and less capricious.

The result is a coating that feels like fabric wallpaper, has a structure, but is completely devoid of seams.

What types of liquid wallpaper are there?

There are two main types: professional mixtures and amateur ones. The first ones are without dye, but they are much more affordable. But the master needs to know exactly how much paint to add to the mixture.

The second option is completely ready for use, has a specified color. That is, just add water.

In addition to this division, liquid wallpaper differs in the types of main filler:

  • Cotton
  • Cellulose
  • Blend of silk and cellulose

That is, the more natural the material, the more expensive these coatings are. Silk ones are the most expensive, but they are worth spending money on. This is a fairly durable coating and the cotton version is much inferior to it.

Cellulose mixed with silk is an alternative option, it is more affordable, has all the advantages of natural fillers, but is not a completely natural substance. However, this option is no worse and can also be considered an environmentally friendly solution.

What are the advantages of liquid wallpaper for the ceiling over paper wallpaper?

Liquid wallpaper has many advantages over conventional coatings, such as wallpaper and simple putty.

Firstly, they look much more interesting, and secondly, finishing the ceiling with liquid wallpaper is possible on any plane, even convex. They are very suitable for multi-tiered ceilings and places with corners that are very difficult to trim with paper without getting bends, distortions and other defects.

The coating looks solid, cast and completely smooth.

But these are all only external advantages. There are also practical ones.

But that's not all. Liquid wallpaper good from an environmental point of view. They are hypoallergenic and suitable for people who have reactions to chemicals and dust.

What can you say about the cons? Yes, they don’t exist; in fact, it’s difficult to come up with something. The only thing is that the colors are very much for everyone. But, if you are satisfied with just such effects, then don’t look for shortcomings, there are none.

With great difficulty, the disadvantages include long term hardening, about two days. But... What's the difference? What's the hurry?

Options for using liquid wallpaper on the ceiling

Now, let's move on to the practical part and see how you can use this material on the ceiling. The scope for imagination here is simply unlimited. Not only can you play with the difference in textures, you can also make drawings with them! Look at this photo, this is how it looks in the interior.

The rose is made from one type of mixture, and the background is made from another. And most importantly, almost everyone can do all this with their own hands.

It also looks interesting when liquid wallpaper is combined with a smooth, painted surface. Let's say you can decorate the box around the perimeter of the room smooth, but make the inside textured.

It looks no worse than suspended ceiling! And what’s good is that the application technology is simple, but the appearance is very solid. The main thing here is to choose the color well.

You don’t have to mix textures, but create contrasts only with liquid wallpaper.

I would like to note that it would be very nice to duplicate the volumetric texture of the ceiling somewhere on the walls. For example, decorate columns or arches with liquid wallpaper. Then the ceiling will look very organic.

Technology of applying liquid wallpaper step by step

You already know what liquid wallpaper is and what it looks like. Now let's look at how exactly to use them and where to start finishing.

1. The ceiling needs to be prepared. There is no need to heavily smooth the surface of the putty, but the level must be leveled as well as possible. Although, it must be admitted that the colorful and variegated colors of liquid wallpaper visually even out minor defects.

2. Buy a primer and go over the ceiling. This is a mandatory step that cannot be avoided. If you do not use a primer mixture, then the putty particles will not allow the liquid wallpaper to adhere well to the surface.

You can dilute the primer, or you can apply it directly to pure form. It all depends on the volume of your ceiling. If one container is enough for the entire surface, then you don’t have to dilute it, but if not, then it’s better to dilute it with water in order to save money.

But here, again, everything depends on the initial layer of putty. If he is fat then better soil Do not dilute, because otherwise there will be a slight absorption.

Do not use Ceresit ST17 primer, as it produces a slight yellow tint that may appear on a colored background.

3. Place liquid wallpaper as written in the instructions. In general, in principle, it is better not to rely on the instructions, but to add water gradually stirring. The consistency should be approximately the same as thick plaster.

An important point: first pour the dry mixture into the container, and then add water. Once the mixture reaches the desired consistency, add a little more and leave to swell for 15-20 minutes.

4. Take large spatula, made of plexiglass or stainless steel. Apply the mixture onto it with a second spatula. Then treat the surface of the ceiling, being sure not to press too hard.
The layer should not be excessively thin, let it be voluminous and at least 2 mm thick.

5. Try to immediately avoid unevenness between the new portion of liquid wallpaper and the previously applied mixture. Smooth out these places immediately, do not leave them for later.

6. When you completely cover the ceiling, look critically and find differences and shortcomings. The mixture will still be quite plastic, so it needs to be leveled right away.

7. Leave the ceiling to dry for approximately 48 hours. It is advisable not to create drafts, because this can cause cracking of the surface.

That's all the technology is. As you can see, it is elementary, but the design of the ceiling at the exit is very original.

In conclusion, we can say one thing: the material is good, the reviews online are positive, so take it boldly and act!

December 12, 2016
Specialization: master in construction plasterboard structures, finishing work and installation floor coverings. Installation of door and window units, finishing of facades, installation of electrical, plumbing and heating - I can give detailed advice on all types of work.

In this review, we will figure out whether it is possible to apply liquid wallpaper to the ceiling, and what nuances need to be taken into account when carrying out the work. You do not need to involve specialists in the work and pay significant amounts. Just read the article and follow simple recommendations to achieve a good result.

Workflow Description

In order for anyone to easily understand the technology, the process is divided into 3 main parts:

  • Ceiling preparation;
  • Preparation of the composition;
  • Application to the surface.

Each stage will be described in detail below. You need to perform simple steps in order. None special skills and no equipment needed.

Stage 1 - preparation

Without proper preparation Do not apply liquid wallpaper. This part of the work consists of the following actions:

  • If there is an old coating on the ceiling, it should be removed. The old wallpaper is soaked and separated, the whitewash is removed using a scraper. If the surface was painted with water-based emulsion and it holds well, then it is not necessary to remove the composition;

  • If there are pockets of mold on the ceiling, it is necessary to treat all the pockets antiseptic solution. The composition must be applied 2-3 times so that it penetrates as deeply as possible and kills the fungus not only outside, but also inside the materials;
  • The surface is inspected to determine whether there is damage or cracks. If some areas of plaster and putty are cracked, they should be removed. All problem areas are sealed with putty, it is applied so that the surface is smooth;

  • If there is no noticeable damage to the surface, it still needs to be checked with a rule or level. If the plane is uneven, then it must be completely leveled;

Minor scratches and damage are allowed on the surface. All minor irregularities can be eliminated with liquid wallpaper without any problems. The main thing is to eliminate large irregularities.

  • To strengthen the surface and improve the adhesion of the decorative coating, a deep penetration primer is used. The composition is prepared as recommended in the instructions, after which it is applied using a roller or brush. The treatment is carried out in 2 layers, if the base absorbs strongly, then it is better to apply even 3 layers. In areas adjacent to the walls, a brush is used for application;

If the ceiling is dark, then in order to prevent the base from showing through from under the coating, I recommend using paint instead of one layer of primer. Or you can initially purchase a composition with a coloring pigment to make the surface light.

Very often, several types of liquid wallpaper are used on the ceiling. You can make a frame around the perimeter, or you can create a real picture. Ceiling preparation in this case includes another type of work:

  • Decide what the ceiling will ultimately look like. It is better to draw a rough sketch of the decorative coating on paper;
  • Measurements are taken on the surface to make initial marks. If the lines are straight, then you can use a level or a tapping cord to outline. Circles are drawn with a pencil and a thread of the required length. Pictures and compositions are drawn either manually or using pre-prepared patterns.

Stage 2 - preparing liquid wallpaper

Those who prepare the composition for the first time very often admit serious mistakes. Because of this, the quality of the mixture decreases and appearance getting worse. To avoid this, follow these simple recommendations:

  • For work, use a container of a suitable size. You can mix several bags at once, the main thing is that the container capacity allows you to do this. We will mix the mixture by hand; if you don’t want to get your hands dirty, buy rubber gloves;

Never mix liquid wallpaper with a mixer or other electrical appliances. This degrades the quality of the composition.

  • Carefully read the instructions from the manufacturer, they are always on the label. Most often there is even a diagram that shows the workflow step by step. The main thing is to clarify required quantity water per package of dry mass;

  • First of all, you need to pour the required amount of water into the container. The temperature of the liquid should be room temperature, do not take hot or cold water, this may ruin the liquid wallpaper;
  • The contents of the package are carefully poured into the container. Mixing begins, the work is done manually, carefully crush all the lumps so that the water saturates the entire composition evenly;

If you add decorative components to the composition (glitter, etc.), then they need to be poured into the water first. This way they will be distributed evenly throughout the mass.

  • If you need to prepare a lot of composition, but do not have a large container, then you can mix the wallpaper in several buckets. After their preparation, the mass is mixed to avoid differences in shades. This can be done even on a piece of polyethylene;
  • Most often, liquid wallpaper should sit for 12 hours. But there is more modern options, which are ready for use within 1-2 hours after mixing;
  • The finished mass is mixed well again, after which you can begin work.

Stage 3 – application process

To do the work yourself, you need a simple set of tools.

The work is carried out in the following order:

  • First of all, you need to check whether the composition fits well on the surface. Liquid wallpaper for the ceiling should stick well; if it falls off, it means there is too little water in the mixture and you need to add it to make the mass more plastic. If there is too much water, then you should leave the composition for half a day or a day so that the excess moisture evaporates;
  • To avoid staining the walls and other elements on the ceiling, you need to cover all junctions with masking tape. Before gluing it, do not forget to wipe the surface from dust;
  • If there are protruding structures on the ceiling, then first of all you need to trim them. The composition is applied to the surface with a grater and distributed over it in a layer of 2 to 4 mm. It is important to cover all areas so that the base does not show through, after which all excess is carefully removed;

  • The composition is applied to the ceiling from any area convenient for you. First, spread it in a thick layer. Then the mass is stretched over the surface so that the layer is uniform. Do not press the iron too hard so as not to deform the fibers or compress them; the coating should have ;

  • The area is approximately square meter checked by light. If there are no significant irregularities on the plane, work continues. If there are irregularities, they are immediately eliminated by adding the mixture or removing its excess;
  • If two or more colors are used on the surface or a drawing is made, then the work is carried out in several stages. First, the main background is applied, after it dries, a different color is used, and so on.

If you do not have time to use up all the mass in one go, then you should place it in a plastic bag. It sets, and the composition retains optimal moisture, it can be used the next day.

Drying of the composition takes about a day, during which time you can open the windows; drafts are not a problem for this type of coating.

Liquid wallpaper for the ceiling– an excellent finishing material, with the help of which an interesting and attractive interior is created. It is an economical method for creating decor on a surface with your own hands.


  • Absolutely natural material(pulp and paper base), due to which wet wallpaper does not emit harmful gases during drying. It is worth noting that glue, special acrylic elements and dyes are added to modern liquid wallpaper.
  • They do not collect dust and have antistatic properties.
  • Liquid wallpaper is a soundproofing material.
  • Thanks to its microporous structure, the material is considered “breathable”.
  • Easy care.


Before choosing liquid wallpaper, you should consider that modern market you can find 3 types:

  1. Silk

They contain only silk fibers, making them resistant to ultraviolet rays. Have high decorative characteristics. They remain in their original form for quite a long time (do not change color). The main disadvantage is the high cost.

  1. Pulp

They are made entirely of cellulose fiber. Not durable. They have low decorative characteristics and can quickly fade in the sun, so this type of wallpaper is best used in bathrooms and corridors. The cheapest material.

  1. Pulp-silk

According to cost and quality there is some compromise. A mixture of cellulose and silk fibers is used as a filler. Resistant to ultraviolet rays. They do not lose their original appearance for a long time. You can apply this look yourself in bedrooms and children's rooms.

Scope of application

You can apply liquid wallpaper to drywall, paint, plastered surfaces, and concrete. Surfaces such as plastic, wood, metal surface that have not been treated with primer in advance are not suitable for applying the material yourself.

Types of finishing material:

  1. Wallpaper that you can use right away. They are sold in special plastic containers, have the appearance of a paste and a certain color.
  2. Dry wallpaper, which should be properly diluted with water (instructions with proportions are on the packaging). The composition already includes additives and dyes.
  3. Dry type of wallpaper that does not contain fillers and dyes.

Tools needed to finish the base with your own hands:

  • A container where it will be necessary to dilute the material;
  • Trowel for applying the mixture to the paint;
  • Rollers – embossed and foam;
  • Drill with a special attachment;
  • Plastic graters.

Application technology

  1. Preparatory work
  2. First, the old coating is completely removed. The choice of tools required for this is influenced by the type finishing coating. For example, paint can be removed with a special solution (or the paint cannot be removed at all); acrylic bases should not be removed completely; only the exfoliating parts of the base are removed, for which a stiff brush is used.
  3. All cracks in the base should be repaired with putty.
  4. A liquid primer can then be applied to the paint.

It is worth noting that if the surface has uneven surfaces, then drywall can be used to level it. This method is inexpensive and applying liquid wallpaper to drywall is much easier.

  1. How to properly dilute liquid wallpaper with your own hands
  2. First you need to prepare a plastic container and fill it with water. The packaging contains instructions for use with proportions that should be followed. Then you need to thoroughly stir the composition. The resulting mixture is left for 12 hours.
  3. After a while, the resulting composition is mixed again and another 1 liter of liquid is poured into it.

Application to the base

There are two DIY finishing options:

Correctly applied liquid wallpaper with your own hands must be left for 48 hours to dry completely. During this period there should be no mechanical impact on the surface. If the finishing material was applied with your own hands in the bathroom, it should be treated with acrylic varnish in 3 layers.

Creating an Image

With the help of wet wallpaper it is possible to create an original and interesting ceiling. It is worth noting that it is best to create a ceiling with a pattern from silk liquid wallpaper according to the following instructions:

  1. The image is drawn with a pencil onto a pre-prepared base.
  2. Then liquid wallpaper is applied with a layer thickness of no more than 0.2 cm. In this case, it should be applied beyond the boundaries of the image contour by 0.1-0.2 cm.
  3. Using a small spatula, the applied mixture is moved in the opposite direction so that the outline of the image becomes visible.
  4. Next, the applied composition is left to dry. To speed up drying, you can use a household hair dryer.
  5. The thickness of the next layer should be 0.5 cm, while 0.2 cm should be deviated from the previously applied and dried material. Then this layer moves closely to the previously applied composition, for which mechanical action is applied. This creates a clear boundary and different types materials do not mix.
  6. In cases where the outlines of small elements need to be highlighted, you can use a marker. And with the help decorative elements(multi-colored sequins and threads) can further decorate the ceiling.

In conclusion, all liquid wallpapers differ in quality depending on the manufacturer. At the same time, the country of origin is not the main authority, but the popularity of the brand plays an important role. A well-promoted manufacturer will not spoil its reputation due to poor quality material, but small manufacturers are able to lure buyers with a low cost, and the quality of the product is also not high.