Mandarin ducks are a powerful talisman of love in Feng Shui. Dictionary of symbols

From early childhood we all begin to dream big and strong family, which we will definitely create as soon as we become adults. The girls fly in the clouds and imagine how one day a prince will come to them on a snow-white horse. In turn, the boys dream about how they will become fearless and brave men, find their beauty and protect her from all the troubles that you can imagine.

Growing up, our dreams do not change. Everyone strives to find a soul mate, give birth to many children and live in harmony. However, there are fewer and fewer happy and strong unions. Statistics show that most marriages fail in the first years of family life. Is there a way to maintain harmony in a relationship? Of course there is! This is what our conversation will be about.

Mandarin ducks (feng shui meaning)

Every modern man, you've probably heard about Taoist practice, which is better known as Feng Shui. Using the knowledge of Eastern sages, it becomes possible not only to find a suitable place to build a house and properly equip it, but also to create an atmosphere conducive to life. A positive effect can be achieved, for example, if you purchase the “Mandarin Duck” talisman. In Feng Shui, they symbolize the inviolability of family ties, and are also capable of returning former passion and romantic notes to the lives of two loving hearts.

This pair of exotic ducks will come in handy even in a house where a single person lives. They have the power to restore the vital energy of their owner and attract new romantic relationships into his life.

A little history

In Feng Shui, Mandarin Ducks have long history, which has its roots in the Middle Ages. These unusual birds, distinguished by their bright plumage, have always been mandatory attribute in the house of influential people. They were the first to greet high-ranking guests, in front of whom they showed off their unusual attire.

It is worth noting that they deserved such attention not only thanks to their amazing appearance, but also manners. These ducks remain faithful to one partner throughout their lives. They are never separated, and when one individual dies, the second dies of melancholy. That is why the Feng Shui talisman “Mandarin Ducks” is considered in the East to be an excellent gift for newlyweds, symbolizing fidelity and great love.


There is a very beautiful legend about exotic ducks in China. In ancient times, there lived a noble man who had been married for a long time to beautiful woman. However, one day he realized that he had stopped loving his wife and no longer wanted to share the same bed with her. Thinking about how to tell his wife that they needed to separate, the man went to a local pond. Arriving at the pond, he saw a pair of mandarin ducks swimming gracefully, showing tenderness to each other. Watching the birds, the man forgot about everything in the world and plunged into his own memories. Pictures flashed before his eyes in which he was in a hurry on his first date with his future wife, kissed her for the first time, swore fidelity and boundless love.

Unexpectedly, the man realized that he had almost committed the biggest stupidity of his life. He returned home and lived with his wife for the rest of his life, loving her until his last breath.

Feng Shui "Mandarin ducks": placement

As a rule, this talisman is installed in the southwestern part of the apartment or house. It is in this area that the zone of marriage and love is located, which must be activated and nourished with positive energy, attracting romance and harmony into your union.

If a person is poorly oriented in the cardinal directions and does not understand where to place the Mandarin Ducks, Feng Shui recommends placing them near a place of constant attention. For example, you can install a talisman near your favorite indoor plant or aquarium.

Who did you help?

Reviews of Feng Shui “Mandarin Ducks” are extremely positive. Studying them, it becomes clear that the talisman often helps married couples overcome the deepest crisis in relationships. There are many known cases when the image of mandarin ducks helped its owner find true love. If you suffer from loneliness, and nothing is going well in your personal life, you urgently need to acquire an oriental talisman. Its effect can enhance even the usual image of these amazing ducks, for example, in the form of a picture or desktop background on your computer.

Choosing a mascot

When purchasing figurines, you must follow the following recommendations:

  • The color of tangerines should be as realistic as possible. The most strong talismans Ducks that are colored bright orange are considered.
  • The material from which the figurine is made must necessarily contain the energy of the earth, for example, it must be equipped with stones such as carnelian or tiger's eye.
  • Trust your gut instinct. If you liked the talisman and you feel what it will bring maximum benefit- buy it.


There may be many figurines with mandarin ducks in your home, but you should remember that their number should always remain in pairs. By placing a lonely bird next to those who are in a pair, on an unconscious level you are inviting a third party into your relationship.

Feng Shui “Mandarin Ducks”: reviews

As mentioned above, reviews about this talisman are extremely positive. Almost everyone who listened to the advice of Eastern wisdom and believed in the power of “Mandarin Ducks” achieved the desired result. Someone leaves laudatory reviews on forums and is overjoyed that family life things got better, while others managed to despair and come to terms with loneliness, but everything changed dramatically after purchasing the talisman. It is believed that even ordinary wall panel featuring exotic waterfowl, brings love and harmony to the home. It can be hung in the bedroom where the spouses relax or in another prominent place in the southwestern part of the living space. The panel will not only attract the energy of love, but also decorate the interior with its appearance.

The famous Feng Shui talisman called Mandarin Ducks helps preserve and protect families from adversity, and attract love to those who have not yet found their soul mate.

Where does the name mandarin duck come from?

Once upon a time, mandarins in China were called nobles who had the right to wear delightful multi-colored clothes. The plumage of mandarin ducks is very similar to these bright outfits. This is how the name came about.

Mandarin ducks are beautiful and loyal. They, like swans, create a couple only once in their lives, remaining faithful to each other.

Having created a pair, they become inseparable, and do everything together: fly, swim, produce offspring and raise them. If one of the couple dies, the other may die of melancholy. This is how this symbol of pure and true love appeared in Feng Shui. In China, this talisman is an indispensable gift to newlyweds on their wedding day.

The legend of mandarin ducks according to feng shui

Once upon a time there lived a noble mandarin who had been married for a long time. One day he realized that he no longer loved his wife. I decided to part with her, sending the poor thing to her father's house. But how to tell her about this? One day, while thinking about his problem, he was walking near a pond. Suddenly he noticed a pair of lovely ducks with bright motley plumage. The Mandarin stopped and began to watch them.

The two of them were so happy, in love. And then the nobleman began to remember how he once met his wife, their first dates. He remembered how young, happy, and in love they once were, how amicably and well they lived together later. And suddenly his conscience awoke. He realized that love must be protected, preserved, and not run away from the problem in such a vile way. Enlightened, he returned home. And he didn’t send his wife anywhere. And his relationship with her soon became the same.

And so it has been since then. The Chinese revere the feng shui legend of mandarin ducks, which are able to preserve love between spouses.

  1. You need to choose based on your taste: which mandarin ducks you like, take those.
  2. If you need a love talisman, choose a pair of ducks.
  3. It is desirable that mandarin ducks look natural and have the same plumage color as real birds.
  4. It is desirable that feng shui mandarin ducks be made from natural material, in particular, one that belongs to the element Earth, because it belongs to the southwest, the most suitable sector for this talisman. Mandarin ducks can be made from ceramics, porcelain, semi-precious stones. These talismans made of jade and jasper are valued as especially strong.
  5. When choosing mandarin ducks for your mascot, take a closer look at how they are located in relation to each other.

It will be correct if they sit next to each other on a common stand or touch each other with their wings. There are other options: the birds have their heads turned to one another or sit on the same lotus flower. In a word, the talisman should personify the unity of two lovers with each other. Avoid buying two ducks if they don't seem to have anything in common and are just sitting next to each other.

They should be placed in the southwest - in the sector that is responsible for love relationships. It will be great if they are next to him aquarium fish, electric fountain, plants.

It's also good to put them in the bedroom. To enhance the effect, you can place a marital photo nearby.

You can put it next to this talisman at night. wedding rings so that they are charged with the energy of love, and then transfer this energy to you.

Because the duck floats on the surface, it symbolizes superficiality. It also means talkativeness, as well as deception. U American Indians The duck is a mediator between Heaven and water. For the Chinese and Japanese, it means marital happiness and fidelity, beauty, bliss. and drake mean the union of lovers, mutual attention, fidelity. is identified with the yin sign, the drake with the yang sign. The Egyptians associate it with Isis. For Jews it is a symbol of immortality.

View value Duck in other dictionaries

Duck- duck tamb. duckling; duck; duckling, duckling; utishcha, utchischa, utichishta; in the song duck, Anas bird, domestic bird and wild bird, of which the male is a drake. Our main species (except loons, mergansers,........
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Duck- ducks, w. (translation from French canard). False sensational rumor. The news turned out to be a hoax. Let the duck go. Newspaper duck. He sometimes made up ridiculous stories and let them go. Leskov.
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Duck- - unverified, often false
information. Swallowing a duck means “believing false information.”
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exchange, which cannot pay its
debts and must be publicly recognized as an insolvent debtor.
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1. A waterfowl with a wide flat beak, a short neck and short, widely spaced webbed feet; female drake.........
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Mandarin ducks are birds of extraordinary beauty with very bright plumage. This is an ancient talisman, in Chinese teaching it symbolizes good luck, prosperity, tenderness and marital fidelity. In nature, mandarin ducks choose a mate once and for the rest of their lives.

Residents of China believe that these birds should not be separated. Left alone, they quickly die. Ducks are always paired and symbolize loving and inseparable people.

Types of mandarin ducks

How to choose?

When buying ducks, it is better to opt for those specimens that are made from material that was in the ground. Talismans made of wood, porcelain, quartz, and jade are available for sale. Feng Shui experts advise taking tangerines from jasper. This stone itself has powerful positive energy. How nobler material, the greater the power of the talisman.

It is advisable to buy those mandarins whose plumage resembles real birds. According to Feng Shui, the best ducks are orange in color. You can also choose golden or bronze colored birds. In any case, you should listen to your intuition. Only those tangerines that you especially liked will bring good luck and relieve loneliness.

Where to put mandarin ducks?

Since the natural habitat of ducks is water, it is recommended to place the mascot near water or vegetation. It’s great if they stand near an aquarium, fountain or indoor plants, which the owners especially like.
Mandarin ducks need tender care and attention.

A talisman will be of no use if it collects dust in the closet or takes up space on the nightstand near the door. Correctly installed birds help the inhabitants of the home begin to literally beam with love for each other. Single people become attractive to the opposite sex

The southwestern wing of the house is considered the zone of love and marriage, and tangerines should be placed here. It would be a good idea to choose a suitable place for them in the marital bedroom. To enhance the effect of the talisman, wedding rings or other items related to marriage, such as a certificate of registration or a wedding photograph, are placed next to it.

Alexander, November 8, 2014.

In Feng Shui, there are a considerable number of different figurines, talismans, deities and amulets. There are, among other things, souvenirs known as mandarin duck figurines.

With their help, a person can protect his family from adversity and attract love into his life (if he has not yet found his other half). First, let's talk about why Feng Shui mandarin ducks got their name.

No matter how obvious the analogy with a popular fruit may be, ducks have nothing to do with citrus tangerines. IN ancient China Mandarins were the name given to nobles of very high status. They had a privileged position, as a sign of which they wore luxurious outfits, very brightly decorated. Actually, it was because of these colorful outfits that the ducks got their nickname, since their plumage is in many ways reminiscent of the dress of nobles.

According to Feng Shui in particular, and in China in general, Mandarin ducks are extremely faithful and beautiful creatures(yes, these are real birds, and not just souvenirs), since they, like swans, are monogamous.

They can create a couple only once in their life and for many years remain faithful to their chosen one. When a family of two ducks is created, the partners begin to do absolutely everything together, including raising offspring, swimming, and even taking off synchronously.

If one of the couple dies, then the second may also soon leave the world due to mortal melancholy. So, according to Feng Shui, the mandarin duck talisman is perhaps the most striking symbol of pure fidelity and love until death. This talisman is very widespread in China and is usually given to newlyweds as a wedding gift.

The Legend of Mandarin Ducks Feng Shui

It is believed that in ancient times there lived a mandarin who had been married for many years. During this time, he and his wife became so bored with each other that one day the nobleman realized: his wife was tired of him, and he no longer felt love. As a result, the mandarin decided to divorce and send his wife back to her father.

But making a decision is one thing, but executing it is another. The nobleman couldn’t just come up and tell his wife that they were getting a divorce, so he went for a walk near his pond. And there he noticed a pair of beautiful ducks with stunningly colorful feathers (to understand how colorful their feathers can be, look at the photo from the Internet).

They swam together, one mandarin duck seemed to be on a leash with the other, while the couple looked extremely tender and gentle.

Looking at these ducks, the mandarin remembered his first dates with his wife, the moment they met and hoped for happy life with each other. He came to understand that it is impossible to escape from problems by destroying relationships, that all difficulties can only be overcome together.

He returned to his wife, beaming with happiness, and did not send her home. On the contrary, their relationship soon improved. And since then, in Feng Shui, mandarin ducks have been considered a symbol of maintaining good relations within a married couple. They helped some people once, which means they can help everyone else who is disappointed.

How to choose a talisman of mandarin ducks?

The most important point in choosing such a figurine is acceptance. Simply put, when choosing souvenirs, don’t listen to anyone but your heart: if you personally like the duck, then you should have it, and if you don’t like it, then don’t take it. You can look at what kind of embroidery is present on the image of the ducks, if they are made of fabric, and what pattern was used for the cross stitch. But in reality, all these details are unimportant.

Regardless of whether the product in front of you is made of wood, or it is a panel with cross stitch (on the Internet you can see in advance which pattern looks best), if you are looking for a love talisman, then by all means choose a pair of ducks, not a single individual , because a lonely duck can also be found on sale, but it will not become a love talisman.

Next, it will be very cool if your talisman looks believable (even depicted using embroidery). That is, you should look for ducks that will be as similar as possible to natural birds, at least in their color.

After studying the figurines and pictures, you will understand that it is quite easy to distinguish a drake from a duck; it has more bright color, and the female’s is more variegated (this is especially noticeable in the photo).

The most the best option It will be if your talisman in the form of mandarin ducks is made of some natural material. More precisely: what belonged to the element of the element “Earth”. And therefore, the most popular ducks are made from porcelain and ceramics, plaster and other semi-precious stones.

The most powerful are mandarin ducks made of jade or jasper. And if you buy a picture, then choose ducks depicted on natural canvas; firstly, such pictures look very harmonious in any interior, and secondly, they work to their fullest.

Another important factor in the process of choosing a picture or mascot: pay attention to exactly how the ducks are positioned in relation to each other. If a couple sits on one common stand, then this is the right talisman.

Another correct option, if the ducks' wings touch each other. In fact, there may be large number options, but the most important thing is that the ducks are somehow connected. For example, they sat on the same lotus flower or looked at each other with their heads turned.

The point is that as soon as you look at this couple in love, you should immediately understand that they are one.

And it’s a completely different matter if the mandarin duck figurines are either not similar to each other or sit separately from each other. Such a symbol will never bring peace within a marital relationship.

The same recommendations can be given to a person who intends to purchase a painting or pictures for each room depicting mandarin ducks. Most often this is a panel where ducks are depicted using cross stitch. They should be depicted as a couple, not just two ducks who have nothing in common with each other.

Where is the best place for mandarin ducks?

The best place in the house where this talisman should be placed is the southwestern sector. The fact is that it is this direction that is responsible for harmonization love relationship in the family. It is very good if there is some contact symbol of water in this place, for example a fountain or an aquarium. Also not a bad option will place mandarin ducks among indoor plants.

A wonderful place to place the talisman is the couple's bedroom. To enhance the effect of the ducks, you can put a photograph next to them where a husband and wife are captured together. You can also place wedding rings near the talisman overnight so that they can “recharge” with love energy. And then give it to their carriers, that is, spouses.