Articles about countries and travel. What can and cannot be carried in hand luggage and airplane luggage

AND interesting articles this is the basis of any guidebook that contains how articles about tourism, so travel articles. In this case, a separate section of the guidebook may include articles about vacation.

Popular articles for a travel magazine or guide

When planning this or that trip for the upcoming next vacation, many of us begin to leaf through numerous publications devoted to tourism, which contain not only articles about certain attractions of some exotic resort, but also colorful, numerous illustrations of these places.

Moreover, in addition to purely educational information, these materials contain more useful information about holidays in one or another country in the world. In particular, these articles contain information about the climate and weather of this region, the peculiarities of the customs regime and the need for mandatory visit one or another remarkable place in one or another city.

As a rule, all these thematic magazines and guidebooks are published quite regularly. Since in the world of tourism not only exchange rates and seasons change, but also travel agencies offer their potential clients new and more interesting and exciting routes. So, what are the most interesting articles these are articles posted in latest issues one or another publication.

It is worth noting that with the advent of such a type of communication as the Internet, printed travel publications are beginning to gradually lose their leading positions, giving way to more efficient and voluminous online publications. And to familiarize yourself with the content of these online publications, it is enough to have a computer connected to the Internet or a modern smartphone with wireless access to the World Wide Web.

Articles about tourism

However, in lately in the materials posted in these specialized publications, a certain problem has emerged, related not to the quantity of materials posted, but to their quality. After all, previously almost everything articles about tourism wrote by those who actually visited certain exotic or interesting places on our Planet.

Today, a significant part of the authors of such materials are journalists who write these articles, familiar with the same island of Tahiti, only based on information posted on the same Internet. But this is not the biggest sin of many travel publications, because the main thing is that they read it.

Travel articles

With time and development tourism business, when trips to almost any point on the globe have become almost commonplace, mainly depending on the size of the allocated budget, concepts such as tourism and travel have somehow leveled off in their meaning and turned into synonyms. Which equate this or that method of moving in space with the aim of receiving some kind of pleasure from what he sees.

However, as some say travel articles“tourism” and “travel” are somewhat different things. Namely, in the sense that almost all travelers, going to distant and little-explored countries, set the goal of their trip to learn something new, not only for themselves, but also for a wider audience, especially if this concerns any scientific discovery or phenomena.

Articles about holidays

But, despite all sorts of tricks from marketers, from the tourism business, when going on any trip, we, first of all, go to take a break from the everyday routine of home life and stressful work in the office or industrial enterprise. Although, any articles about holidays, As a rule, for some reason they don’t write about this.

Do you like reading articles and news about tourism? Then you have come to the right page, our dear tourist users!

What will I see and read here?

We try to keep track of what is happening in tourism, what articles can help you on your trip, or which will simply be interesting to read and learn something new about the country you are going to travel to in the coming dates or later. A section in which you will find a lot of useful information!

Why are these articles needed?

Imagine, for example, you want to go on a sightseeing tour and want to find out more information before the trip in order to understand for yourself which specific city to go to, what to see, where to go. Here a whole universe with useful articles will be revealed to you, which you can exchange with your friends - a link, or publish in your social media so that others can read what you liked.

Which country might interest you?

Türkiye, Thailand, Vietnam, Tunisia, India, Cyprus, Russia, Greece? Or maybe another country? You will find everything useful about this here!

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For a copywriter of an article about tourism - good way make money, because this topic is considered one of the most popular among webmasters and website owners. Therefore, the author must know all the intricacies of writing such texts.

The answer to this question “lies” on the surface, but we still need to say a little about customers. Like any other business, the travel industry today is widely represented on the Internet. Sites distributing travel packages to warm countries and other unique corners of the planet are multiplying online even faster than sites talking about repairs and construction.

And the first customers of such texts are travel agencies. Articles about tourism are selling like hot cakes at the market, especially as the holiday season approaches. But it cannot be said that there is any seasonal differentiation.

As with tourism, articles diverge with enviable consistency. It’s just that sometimes there are some surges in purchasing activity. This is normal, and every copywriter understands how and when to sell articles on a certain topic.

In addition to travel companies, owners of thematic websites that make money on affiliate programs also buy articles about tourism. Having found a good client, you can make good money in this area.

To order or for sale: which texts are better to write?

A little needs to be said about how best to sell articles about tourism: write them for a regular client or put them up for free sale. There are pros and cons here, on both sides.

  1. It has its own snags. But still, it is better to write articles about tourism specifically for those people who know what they need. But often such clients have very limited orders; you can look for offers on various copywriting exchanges.
  2. In turn, you don’t have to bother and write at least 200 articles about various countries, putting them in the store. There is no need to search for orders and waste time on it. But as a result, not all articles will sell.

We need a “golden” mean. This is a nuance that exists in any job. You can make good money by combining regular clients with writing “free” texts. But you need to understand how to work correctly in this direction?

What you need to know: 3 types of information articles

The effect of seasonality on articles on tourism topics

A little needs to be said about this. There are moments of surge in consumer activity in all directions. Articles about tourism were not left out either. Here, unlike articles on construction topics, there is some variation in seasonality.

According to my observations, texts are divided into three main areas:

  • Summer vacation. In this line, texts about countries where you can relax not only in summer are in demand. Crimea, Sochi, Turkey, Resorts Krasnodar region and much more.
  • Wellness directions. This line includes texts about tourism in countries where you can relax with health benefits. Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Caucasian mineral waters and much more.
  • Winter holidays and extreme tourism. These are destinations for lovers of active pastime. Various ski resorts, tourist centers, rock climbing and other extreme destinations.
  • Cuisines of the world. Many people view travel as a “celebration of the belly” and give preference to destinations with the best cuisine.
  • Unusual places. Such tours are also gaining popularity. Beer tours in the Czech Republic, Rabbit towns in Latvia and much more.

Just a note. You can write articles about tourism in any direction, but you need to understand that texts about more famous resorts sell better. For example, in New Zealand there is a unique town called Hobbiton. The tourist complex is designed according to the type of the famous trilogy “The Lord of the Rings”. Do you agree - this is a resort for everyone?

This is definitely a narrow area of ​​articles for the tourism topic. Therefore, such texts will be difficult to sell in the open market. Although “the old woman can make a mess.”

Subtleties of writing articles on tourism topics

I’ll digress a little and add some positive and negative aspects writing texts for free sale and for regular clients. Working with technical specifications, you clearly understand what you need to write about using keywords. For sales, you don’t have to limit yourself and give free rein to your imagination, taking the reader to the farthest corners of tourist destinations. However, you always need to have a sober mind and not make ridiculous mistakes.

The first inaccuracies made by those who first took up writing an article about tourism are the use of slang words in describing attractions. Cool, super, I advise, I recommend and other banal praises, they kill the text.

You need to feel the line between emotions for the text to be truly meaningful and interesting. At the same time, personal emotions are important, but only within the limits of what is decent. For example, compare three texts about the VDNH station in Moscow:

  • The whole family had an exciting time at VDNKh. Large territory with various entertainment and pavilions. Beautiful fountains and exciting attractions. We had a great time, we had a good time. I recommend it to everyone.

Bad example. Lots of empty emotions.

  • VDNKh station in Moscow is a large corner of culture that all guests of the capital should visit. Unique cultural monuments are located on a huge area. Exhibition pavilions will tell about the achievements of the Soviet people in agriculture. Walking areas and attractions will be of interest to children, and the modern Oceanarium will not leave visitors of any age indifferent.

This is a more current option. I didn’t get carried away and paint. But I think the direction is clear.

Putting the right emphasis in the text

It is simply impossible to cover a large geography in an article about tourism. Even if you write about the small resort town in Spain “Albarracin”, it is impossible to fully cover its attractions, even though only a little over 1000 people live in it.

It is necessary to correctly focus on the main directions, not forgetting to mention additional conditions. Let’s say when visiting Moscow everyone wants to get to Red Square. The article needs to talk about the beauty of the Kremlin, without forgetting to mention that it would be nice to walk along the embankment of the Moscow River or take a boat ride.

You seem to highlight the main attractions and recommend other destinations. This is good for those who order texts because the future buyer of the trip will also order additional services in addition to the hotel.

Getting the client to read it

Every copywriter knows about the importance. In texts about tourism, this is an important weapon for a copywriter. The texts can be of different sizes and cover several attractions that the future travel buyer should know about. To do this, you need to use catchy headers correctly:

  • Top 5 places you should visit when purchasing a trip to Rome;
  • How to profitably relax in Crimea;
  • Correct savings or rules for choosing inexpensive hotels in Paris;
  • A fascinating climb to Mount Athos;
  • Inexpensive gifts: what to bring from Greece?

Each heading should accurately define what will be discussed in the article, what tourists will be interested in reading about.

Correct structure of articles about tourism

In fact, you choose the component yourself. It’s easier if you work according to technical specifications. Usually customers describe what they want to see in the text. But there are also those who simply give direction, and the copywriter must independently choose what he will write about. Alternatively, you can send and ask in more detail.

For articles for sale, you can choose the following structure:

  • Introduction. What a place, geographical location.
  • A couple of paragraphs. Interesting facts from the past.
  • Description of attractions. Where to go with children or with your girlfriend.
  • Additional recommendations.

This is one option for the structure of an article about tourism. You can also write unique and interesting texts using the following scheme:

  • Introduction. Brief description resort.
  • Body of the article. Main attractions.
  • Addition. Recommendations for choosing a direction.
  • Focusing on certain points: cultural monuments, etc.
  • Cost of hotels, tickets and excursions.
  • The ending is a definition of why you need to visit this resort.

These are optional structures. Based on them, you can vary the topic of writing. Add something of your own, but only in a way that is interesting to the reader and, when choosing between Crimea and Antalya, he preferred your article about the pearl of the Russian resort. Well this is my digression. You just need to make sure that your article about tourism is the best and attracts tour buyers.

Where can I get materials for articles?

It is clear that a text written on one’s own emotions is always better. But for many reasons, a copywriter simply cannot visit everywhere himself, much less write good articles about it. What to do in such a situation?

There are several options for getting out of this situation. Of course, if you have visited some town, feel free to write a text about tourism from your own experience and sell it in a store. If you have been sent a statement of work asking you to write an article about New Zealand, for a trip for which you need to save for a couple of years, there are several ways out of the situation.

  1. Rewrite of the article. The simplest option. Looking for good text on the Internet and rewrite it making it unique. Working with good client, I would not recommend using this method. You can do a rewrite for sale, and if the text is paid individually at a high rate, there are many other options.
  2. Translation of the article. You can use a translator to remake text from English-language sites. In this case, you will write a unique copyright. The client will be satisfied and you will gain additional information. However, to correctly translate an article, one translator is not enough. It is necessary to have a superficial knowledge of the language yourself.
  3. A lot of information can be gleaned from various communication forums. There are various “talkers” where people boast about their travels. But to write an article about tourism based on short stories, you will have to review a lot of resources.

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Articles about tourism and travel from Tourweek- only useful, reliable and interesting information from the sphere of domestic and international tourism! Your vacation will be complete, and your trip will be exciting and useful if the trip is prepared with information. And articles written by our authors will help you with this.

It is important for any tourist to know what is happening in the world, and primarily in the world of tourism. You will learn about the sights of different countries, world-famous and little-known, but no less interesting. Articles about tourism will tell you about the features various types recreation, as well as about cultural and historical monuments, climate characteristics in different parts of the planet, local morals and customs.

You will also learn what laws apply in different countries, how to apply for visas and passports, how to properly insure yourself while traveling, exchange currency and go through customs procedures.