Treatment for rickets in goslings. How to treat goslings for various diseases

Geese are a bird with strong immunity, but sometimes diseases become a real disaster for farmers who breed them. Diseases of geese and their treatment are a troublesome undertaking. What are they, what is the reason, how to deal with them and prevent their occurrence?

Geese have strong immunity

Diseases of geese are a very broad category, it includes ailments acquired as a result of improper care that are not contagious. There are those caused by bacteria and microorganisms, injuries or poisoning. But we must understand that main task the farmer - prevention, then the goose population will only grow, the young animals are healthy and cheerful, and losses are minimal.

Non-communicable diseases


When geese are raised in indoors If vitamin D is not present in the diet or is not enough, then the development of rickets is inevitable. It is easy to recognize by its signs:

  • poor growth in young animals;
  • the bird develops weakness;
  • females lay soft-shelled eggs;
  • the legs are bent at the joints;
  • the beak becomes soft.

It's easy to avoid this:

  • even on a sunny, frosty day, adult geese should be allowed out for a walk;
  • The presence of fish oil is mandatory in the diet, especially for the younger generation;
  • add concentrated vitamin D to food;
  • yeast also helps get rid of this scourge.

Walking is a good prevention of rickets


When food lacks vitamins and microelements, birds react to their deficiency very actively:

  • fertility decreases sharply;
  • the number of eggs is reduced, many of them are unfertilized;
  • embryo development stops;
  • the hatched chicks have crooked legs;
  • young animals do not experience weight gain;
  • no appetite; With hypovitaminosis, chicks may die.

Treatment and prevention are:

  • food should be varied and enriched with vitamins;
  • it is important to increase the amount of consumption of fresh grass, and in winter, grass flour;
  • fish oil also helps to improve the condition during these periods.


Sometimes liquid stool indicates a lack of B vitamins, this can be determined by the symptoms:

  • the bird's feathers are ruffled;
  • the neck arches convulsively;
  • growth stops;
  • in severe cases, paralysis cannot be ruled out.

If you have diarrhea, you need to increase your intake of fresh greens.

It is unacceptable to bring it to this point, but if it does happen, then:

  • sprouted grains should be given more often;
  • increase your consumption of greens;
  • add vitamin B to the feed;
  • Wheat bran will help correct the situation.


This is the name of the disease when the mucous membrane of the cloaca becomes inflamed. It manifests itself when the geese menu lacks a sufficient amount of minerals and a complex of vitamins: E, A, D. It can be identified by a peculiar protrusion of the anus, often ulcers and cracks form on it. You can cure a bird:

  • increasing the amount of vitamins;
  • adding bone meal to food;
  • carrots and grass;
  • giving the bird the opportunity to walk and swim.

It is also necessary to treat the mucous membrane: first it is cleansed of pus, feces and films accumulated there. Then treat with iodine solution and lubricate with zinc ointment. The use of ointments containing antibiotics is allowed.

Geese need access to water


When there are a lot of geese in a flock, but there is not enough space in the house, it is too humid, in addition it is poorly ventilated, the lighting is too bright, then the development of this phenomenon is quite likely. It can be caused by a lack of protein in the body, this especially affects the development of young animals, their intensive growth provokes a deficiency. How it manifests itself:

  • the bird constantly cleans its ruffled feathers, lubricating them with fat;
  • further, they become brittle, the back remains bare, and wounds form in this place;
  • chicks are observed to pull out the down and feathers of their relatives, the weakest ones may die.

To avoid this, the poultry house should not be overcrowded, damp or excessively dry; the birds should be allowed to walk and splash in the water. If pecked individuals are detected, they must be isolated.

For preventive purposes, milk and eggs, cottage cheese, whey, bran should be added to the diet of young geese. mineral supplements, grass.

Geese need space

Esophageal blockage

This disease is predominantly of young animals. It develops as a result of regularly eating dry food with a lack of fluid, sometimes starvation leads to this. In case of complications, symptoms are observed:

  • excessive worry;
  • weakness;
  • dyspnea;
  • the beak is constantly slightly open;
  • the bird walks staggering;
  • Sometimes people die from suffocation.

Will not allow this condition to occur:

  • constant access to water;
  • availability of wet food.

In order not to lose your sick ward, you need to pour about 50 g into his throat vegetable oil, and after a while, gently pressing on the esophagus, squeeze the contents out.

Sunflower oil is a natural cure for esophageal blockage

This disease is also called “subcutaneous fold”, its nature is single, it usually affects middle-aged geese with a large, so-called wallet. It appears more often in the off-season, when the lack sun rays and vitamins leads to prolapse of the tongue between the jaws.

It is also accompanied by inflammation of the mucous membrane. The phenomenon is chronic, does not develop immediately, and is difficult to treat.

Most often, pathology is detected in farms related to the enrichment of feed with microelements, carelessly, sometimes depending on the breed and heredity of the bird. Its development is chronic and occurs progressively:

  • the oral mucosa becomes red and inflamed;
  • further, swelling and painful sensations appear,
  • this causes excessive secretion of saliva and mucus;
  • It is difficult for the bird to eat, and it loses weight;
  • geese reduce the number of eggs laid;
  • A diverticulum forms.

Mostly individuals with symptoms appear are slaughtered. But sometimes, if the producer is valuable to the farm, they treat: oral cavity they are treated with potassium permanganate, some use the method of stitching the purse, in the place of the formed protrusion, after the operation the walls grow together, the remaining part dies and falls off.

For preventive purposes, the diet should be designed so that there is no shortage of nutrients and minerals.

Stomatitis in a goose


Sometimes you can observe eversion of the limbs or thickening of the heel in hatched chicks. These problems occur when the diet lacks choline and manganese. It is very difficult for such chicks to move, they constantly fall, and they grow very slowly. With a severe lack of substances in the female, the development of embryos stops.

To avoid the loss of young animals, it is necessary to organize high-quality nutrition for laying hens and begin feeding with vitamin complexes from the first days after hatching.

Goiter Qatar

A disease in adult birds that develops when the owner does not monitor the quality of the feed. In this case, the crop becomes inflated, and the bird loses activity and sits ruffled. Treatment consists of:

  • soldering the solution hydrochloric acid (5%);
  • frequent light massaging of the goiter.


This occurs when geese eat moldy food, poisonous plants, due to accidental ingestion of fertilizers and poisons.

When the poisoning is severe, the disease develops rapidly and it is very difficult to do anything, and the bird dies.

But this does not always happen, and the livestock can be saved. When suddenly appears:

  • causeless anxiety;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • the bird drinks a lot;
  • rapid breathing;
  • In case of food poisoning, suffocation is added to the symptoms.

It is important to start treatment immediately. Immediately introduce the adsorbent, this activated carbon, organize plenty of drinking, vinegar is added to it, herbal decoctions, castor oil, vodka are suitable at home.

Activated carbon - first aid for poisoning

Diseases of the genital organs

Oviduct prolapse

This may happen:

  • when the goose lays eggs that are too large;
  • with inflammation of the cloaca and oviductal tract;
  • frequent diarrhea or constipation.

The prolapsed organ is washed with cool water, then treated with a solution of potassium permanganate or alum and inserted into the anus. After the procedure, a small piece of ice is placed there. It is necessary to watch the goose; it often happens that it is not easy for her to lay an egg, so she needs help. Manipulations to remove the egg are carried out with clean hands, well lubricated with Vaseline.

Another option: vegetable oil is injected into the cloaca, the shell is carefully destroyed and removed in parts.

Yolk peritonitis

It affects only geese during the laying period. When the yolk mass penetrates the intestines, inflammation develops there. Accompanied by severe pain, an increase in the size of the abdomen, and an increase in temperature. This situation may arise due to inflammation of the peritoneum, which is caused by the following factors:

  • excess protein content in food:
  • blow, fright of the female;
  • lack of vitamins.

Only geese get peritonitis

It is difficult to combat this type of disease in geese, because its causes are diverse, and effective methods not found yet. To eliminate provoking factors it is recommended:

  • do not allow excessive crowding;
  • availability of sufficient nutrition;
  • cleanliness in places of detention.

Infectious diseases


It is also called paratyphoid. It is caused by Salmonella and is extremely contagious. Infection occurs through the air or feces of an infected bird. The disease develops under the following conditions:

  • high density of geese;
  • poor living conditions;
  • the presence of vitamin deficiency;
  • stuffiness and overheating.

The disease can be recognized by its symptoms:

  • wings drooped;
  • reluctance to move;
  • lack of appetite;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • strong thirst;
  • the bird is gradually losing weight.

If adult geese tolerate the disease relatively easily, it develops into a chronic form, they become carriers of microorganisms and continue to spread the infection.

In small goslings, the disease is acute, and it is not always possible to save the bulk, especially when treatment is not carried out on time. Traditionally, furazolidone is used, as well as antibiotics: tetracycline, oxytetracycline, biomycin.

Vaccinations, treatment of poultry houses, and vitamin therapy are used as preventive measures.

Adult geese easily tolerate diseases, and they become chronic.

Viral enteritis

Enteritis affects the stomach, intestines and liver, this is very dangerous especially for recently hatched chicks. The source is sick birds, contaminated water and feed, equipment with waste. Symptoms:

  • behavior suppression;
  • inactivity;
  • chicks huddle together;
  • yawn;
  • sometimes young animals experience conjunctivitis and nasal discharge;
  • refusal of food;
  • legs become weak;
  • liquid stool with blood.

Those geese that have suffered from enteritis continue to carry the virus for several years and infect their offspring even at the stage of egg formation. Treatment is carried out using a double vaccination method.

Pasteurellosis or cholera

This infection is spread by the bacterium Pasteurella. Young, insufficiently strong goslings are most susceptible to it.

It is carried by sick birds and rodents, and enters the body through the air, contaminated water and food.

In cool and damp weather, this disease reaches its peak.

Pasteurellosis can enter the body through food and air.

It is easy to recognize a sick bird:

  • her condition is depressed;
  • feathers stick out;
  • hides his head under his wing;
  • no appetite;
  • thirst;
  • foamy mucus oozes from the beak;
  • breathes with wheezing;
  • diarrhea mixed with blood;
  • some fall from weakness;
  • convulsions and death of the bird are possible.

Treated with antibiotics and sulfonamides. Vaccinations are used as preventive measures. The premises must be cleaned and disinfected regularly.


If the goslings have:

  • foamy stool;
  • depression;
  • loss of appetite;
  • thirst;
  • the temperature is elevated.

Colicobacteriosis in goose can occur due to lack of water

This diagnosis cannot be excluded. Provoking factors dangerous infection usually are:

  • poor living conditions;
  • lack of ventilation;
  • poor quality nutrition;
  • lack of water.

Here all infected livestock will have to be destroyed, and the premises must be thoroughly disinfected with chlorine or formaldehyde. The surviving individuals are given a solution of furatsilin for therapeutic and preventive purposes.

Among the antibiotics, neomycin is used, for every kilogram of weight, 50 g of the drug is mixed into the feed. The duration of treatment is from a week to 10 days. It is allowed to give chloramphenicol 30 mg or biomycin 20 g.

Prevention begins from the first days of the young animals, fed with a propionic acidophilus culture (water 10 ml, drug 1 ml).


The causative agent is streptococcal, staphylococcal infection, Proteus, males usually suffer, they become infected during mating periods or through contaminated litter. The duration of infection development is from 30 to 45 days, during which time the bird’s weight decreases.

Then the symptoms become more pronounced:

  • in females the cloaca takes on a red tint;
  • ulcers and crusts form;
  • the affected areas are swollen;
  • ganders suffer from inflammation, which spreads to the penis, causing it to become bent and even fall out of the cloaca.

These animals are discarded, the rest are carefully examined, and the equipment and premises are disinfected.

A sick goose is culled

Various insects live on the skin of geese; down-eaters pose a particular danger. They can cause great concern to the bird: their presence negatively affects the general condition of the bird, development slows down, and females infected with the bird eater lay much fewer eggs. To prevent the spread of insects, the room is disinfected and the body is covered with special ointments.

You can offer geese ash baths; they are non-toxic, and pereaters do not like an alkaline environment.


Worms live in dirty water


If a bird splashes in a pond, when it eats frogs, tadpoles, and various mollusks, trematodes and echinostomatodes may appear in their stomachs.

Signs of their presence:

  • depressed state;
  • weakness;
  • decreased appetite;
  • diarrhea.

The drugs fenasal and bithionol are used as treatment. Infected individuals are removed after consumption medicines quarantine is extended for another 3 days.

If suspicious symptoms appear in the poultry house, in order to diagnose the disease and preserve the young stock, the most the right way- Call a veterinarian.

Only a professional can accurately identify geese diseases and prescribe the correct treatment. The farmer is required to feed his charges well, to provide comfortable conditions residence, constant walking, timely vaccinations, then bird diseases will be avoided, and the work will delight you with the result.

Geese diseases are a very difficult problem for farmers.

Various diseases have a very bad effect on the number of geese in the herd, and also cause both material and aesthetic harm. All knowledgeable farmers know that it is better to prevent a disease than to count losses as a result.

Geese, compared to other poultry, are most susceptible to various diseases.

Almost all poultry farmers take preventative measures to protect against diseases.

In this topic we will touch on many diseases of geese, describe them, talk about treatment and preventive measures. The main thing is to love your pet birds, to know everything about your pets.

Viral diseases are very dangerous for geese. Birds have a very bad influence low temperature there is a draft in the poultry house. That eventually geese develop colds and inflammation.

Poultry are also adversely affected by poor and untimely feeding, dirty water, dampness in the poultry house where they are kept, the presence of birds of all ages in one poultry house and many other factors.

To avoid diseases, it is necessary to feed geese a nutritious diet, which contains the vitamins and microelements necessary for their body.

Harmful impurities or sour feed should not be allowed to form in bird feeders, as gastrointestinal diseases may occur.

Must always work properly in the poultry house ventilation system to avoid either overheating or cooling the room.

Poor nutrition and poor quality feed affect poultry productivity.

It is necessary to let geese outside every day. The sun's rays have a very good effect on their body.

Separate content is important different ages birds. This factor is one of the preventive measures for geese.

Non-communicable diseases

Avitaminosis. The disease occurs when there is a lack of vitamins.

Symptoms of the disease are the fertility of geese, short stature, possible death of young birds, lack of appetite, and decreased egg production.

Treatment and preventive measures for the disease are as follows: you need to buy good food rich in vitamins, add fresh herbs, fish oil, grass meal and more to the diet.

Rickets. The disease occurs with low intake of vitamin D, as well as with little exposure to sunlight on birds.

Symptoms of the disease: poor growth, weakness, softening of bones, thin shells of eggs, softening of the beak.

To treat and prevent the disease, it is necessary to add fish oil, yeast, and a preparation containing vitamin D to the birds’ diet, and let the geese go outside in sunny weather.

Diarrhea. The cause of the disease is a lack of vitamin B.

Symptoms of the disease are: neck spasm, paralysis, stunted growth, ruffled feathers.

To treat and prevent the disease, it is necessary to add vitamin B, sprouted grains, fresh herbs, wheat bran and other nutritional elements to the geese’s diet.

Cloacitis or another name for inflammation of the mucous membrane of the cloaca. The cause of the disease is a lack of vitamins A, D, E and minerals.

Symptoms of the disease are: protrusion of the mucous membrane of the cloaca, on which cracks and ulcers may appear.

To treat and prevent the disease, it is necessary to increase the daily intake of vitamins, add carrots, fresh herbs, and bone meal to the diet. Let the geese out into the street, and also provide the opportunity for water bathing.

For treatment, it is necessary to clean the mucous membrane of the cloaca from pus and films with an iodine solution, and then lubricate it with zinc ointment. It is possible to even use an ointment containing antibiotics: streptomycin and penicillin.

Cannibalism. The cause of this disease is bright lighting, high density among geese, lack of protein in the bird’s body, minerals and vitamins, high or low humidity indoors, insufficient ventilation.

Symptoms of the disease are: ruffled feathers, which the bird begins to clean, lubricate with fat, subsequently the feathers break, and the back is exposed and blood appears.

To treat and prevent the disease, it is necessary to provide birds with a sufficient dose of protein, vitamins and minerals, and give birds fresh herbs.

Esophageal blockage. This disease is most often observed in young geese. The reason is feeding the poultry with dry food, the complete absence of wet food in the diet, low water consumption, and sometimes even starvation.

Symptoms of the disease are: birds behave restlessly, shortness of breath appears, the mouth is constantly open, weakness and unsteadiness in gait. Sometimes geese die from suffocation.

To treat and prevent the disease, it is necessary to add wet food to the daily diet and provide the bird with water.

You cannot feed geese dry food all the time. To prevent the bird from dying, about 50 grams of vegetable oil is injected into the esophagus, after which the contents of the esophagus are carefully squeezed out through the mouth.

Stomatitis or “lost tongue”. Geese that have a subcutaneous fold are most susceptible. The disease is not widespread.

The disease manifests itself most often in birds kept on personal plots, where in the diet of geese there are vitamins and microelements. The peak of the disease occurs either in spring or autumn.

Symptoms of the disease are: inflammation of the mucous membrane, prolapse of the tongue between the jaws, and the formation of a diverticulum. The disease takes a very long time to develop and is chronic.

First, there is slight redness in the mouth, slight swelling and soreness, and the appearance of more saliva and mucus. Poor feed consumption and weight loss in poultry, decreased egg production.

To prevent and treat the disease, it is necessary to monitor the correct and timely nutrition of geese. It is necessary to provide geese with sufficient vitamins and minerals.

In case of illness, it is necessary to treat the oral cavity of geese with a solution of potassium permanganate. But it also happens that poultry farmers are cut down.

Goiter Qatar. The disease most often occurs in older geese. Occurs due to feeding geese with spoiled food.

Symptoms of the disease are: swelling of the crop, geese sitting with a ruffled appearance.

Treatment and prevention of the disease lies in massaging the goiter; it is necessary to give the birds a five percent solution of hydrochloric acid to drink. Do not feed geese spoiled food.

Enteritis. Most often, the disease manifests itself in young geese. Appears with poor food and dirty water.

Symptoms of the disease: inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.

During treatment, it is necessary to give goslings water with biomycin hydrochloride, as well as a solution of potassium permanganate.

During prevention, it is necessary to monitor the birds' diet.

Diseases of the genital organs

Yolk peritonitis. The disease occurs only in females. The causes of the disease can be rough handling, fear, or the presence of large amounts of protein in food.

Symptoms of the disease are: inflammation of the peritoneum and intestinal loops. The disease is very difficult to treat, and sometimes is not cured at all due to poor understanding of the disease. Treatment methods have not been developed.

Prevention of the disease consists of treating and cleaning the premises, proper nutrition geese, maintaining the density of geese in a certain area.

Prolapse of the oviduct. The disease occurs as a result of laying large eggs, or eggs in which two yolks are formed.

Symptoms of the disease include inflammation of the oviduct, diarrhea or constipation.

Treatment of the disease consists of flushing the oviduct cold water, then in a solution of alum or potassium permanganate, and then with special care put it into the cloaca.

Then you need to put a small piece of ice in there. Sometimes the female cannot lay an egg for several days; to do this, you need to carefully remove the egg with your hands lubricated with Vaseline.

Or first introduce oil into the oviduct, then carefully break the egg shell and remove everything completely from the oviduct.

Infectious diseases

Aspergillosis. The cause of the disease is inhalation mold. This fungus is found in soil, manure, dirty water, and litter.

Symptoms of the disease: the fungus, once in the respiratory tract, begins to grow. As it grows, it begins to secrete toxic substances that poison the body. Sometimes the disease develops chronically, and sometimes it manifests itself very quickly.

Geese lose weight with poor appetite, become lethargic, have poor breathing, and become thirsty. Sometimes young geese get sick and become carriers of the fungus. It happens that geese die very quickly.

Treating geese is very difficult and sometimes impossible.

Prevention of the disease involves the use of mold-free feed and the use of rotten litter. Ventilate the room, avoid excessive humidity, clean the room, and prevent geese from crowding together.

Disinfection against mold formation can be carried out with solutions of formalin and copper sulfate. Sometimes a chloramine solution can be added to birds' drinking water for ten days.

Salmonellosis or paratyphoid fever. The disease is highly contagious and is caused by Salmonella. This disease appears in very young goslings.

Infection occurs through the air and the gastrointestinal tract. The causes of the disease are vitamin deficiency, excessive overheating, poor poultry management, and high density between birds.

Symptoms of the disease are: lethargy, immobility, drooping wings, poor appetite, thirst, conjunctivitis, flow of tears. Sometimes there is exhaustion of the body and short stature.

In adult birds the disease is chronic, but in small birds it is very rapid and acute. If a bird gets sick from the disease, salmonella still remains alive in its body.

Treatment of the disease involves the use of furazalidone drugs, as well as antibiotics biomycin, tetracycline, oxycitracycline.

To prevent the disease, the following measures include isolating sick birds; it is also necessary to monitor the cleanliness and hygiene of the premises and vaccinate the birds.

Colibacillosis. The disease is infectious with manifestations of toxicosis. Most often young birds turn white. The causes of the disease are dampness in the poultry house, poor ventilation, poor nutrition, overheating, low water consumption.

Symptoms of the disease include: increased body temperature, thirst, loss of appetite, greenish foamy stool.

Treatment and preventive measures diseases require the use of furatsilin solution. All sick birds must be killed. The room must be thoroughly disinfected.

Pasteurellosis or cholera. The disease is infectious, caused by Pasteurella bacteria. The causes and causative agents of the disease are sick birds, small rodents, poor living conditions, and unfavorable weather. Young geese get sick the most.

The disease is transmitted by airborne droplets, food and drinking water. The disease mainly manifests itself in the autumn or spring season.

Symptoms of the disease are: the bird holds its head under its wing, the bird sits hunched over, depression, weakness, poor appetite, thirst, foamy mucus leaking from the beak, wheezing is heard when breathing, bloody diarrhea, fever, convulsions, and often the bird dies.

The disease must be treated with antibiotics and sulfa drugs.

To prevent the disease, birds need to be vaccinated. Clean and disinfect the room.

Echinostomatiasis. The cause of the disease is the occurrence of trematodes and echinostomatodes in the stomach of poultry. They occur in the stomach when consuming tadpoles, mollusks and frogs.

Symptoms of the disease include: poor condition of geese, diarrhea, weakness, loss of appetite.

Treatment is carried out with phenosal and bithionol.

Prevention of the disease consists of using clean water bodies for birds. After treatment, they are quarantined for about three days.

Symptoms of the disease are: decreased egg production and poor development of the bird.

Treatment consists of disinfestation.

Prevention consists of lubricating the birds' skin with ointments.

Worms. The causes of the disease are unclean water and feed.

Symptoms of the disease: decreased immunity of the bird, as well as sudden weight loss.

Treatment of the disease is very difficult, it is better to prevent it

Disease prevention includes activities such as cleaning and disinfection of the poultry house.

Poisoning of birds

Poultry poisoning is caused by eating poisonous plants, moldy feed, accidental consumption of poisons and fertilizers.

It can occur very quickly or chronically. It happens that a bird dies very quickly from poisoning.

Symptoms include diarrhea, convulsions, vomiting, thirst and restlessness in the bird.

Poisoning occurs due to insufficiently thorough disinfection. For treatment, vinegar is added to the water and the bird is given water. And the eyes are washed with water.

There are feed poisonings. With such poisoning, saliva flows, rapid breathing, suffocation and convulsions occur.

You can treat poultry using herbal decoctions, vegetable oil, vodka, and sometimes it’s enough to just pour cold water on the geese.

During prevention, you need to ensure that the bird does not eat beets or potatoes.

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Diseases of goslings cause great damage to the farm, and their treatment must be carried out in a timely manner. Otherwise, the young animals will lag behind in development and growth, or there is a risk of losing the livestock altogether. To prevent such consequences, it is necessary to carry out and properly care for the goslings.

Causes of diseases

Diseases of goslings and their treatment

Let's look at some diseases and methods to combat them.

Viral enteritis is a disease characterized by damage to the intestines, cardiac system, and liver. This disease leads to the death of goslings up to 95% of the total number. They become infected through food, water, air, and the virus is transmitted from one bird to another.

Symptoms of diseases and preventive measures

The depressed appearance of the goslings, half-closed eyes, trembling, yawning, and lack of appetite indicate malaise. Sick birds huddle together and mostly sleep; they develop and experience stunted growth.

To prevent this disease, goslings must be vaccinated both adults (one and a half months before the start of laying eggs) and young animals (up to 28 days old). After a couple of weeks you need to repeat the procedure.

Cholera or pasteurellosis is characterized by high poultry mortality, when, during a particularly acute course of the disease, seemingly healthy goslings suddenly die. The sources of infection are the same as in the case described above.

Symptoms of this disease in goslings and their treatment

Lethargic state of the bird, secretion of mucus or foam from the nasal openings and beak, temperature up to 43 degrees, diarrhea of ​​gray, yellow or green color, thirst and lack of appetite. All this entails the death of the bird. This disease can also take a chronic form, then adult geese begin to limp and their wings droop.

In order to prevent the development of the disease, it is necessary to vaccinate, and if the goslings do get sick, then those with symptoms will have to be slaughtered, and the rest are prescribed antibiotics and biomycin for prevention.

Ticks (Persian, chicken);

Bugs (mostly bedbugs);

These are not all the diseases to which geese are susceptible. Many of them lead to 100% death of birds, but it is important to prevent them. Only then will it be possible to preserve the livestock or completely avoid the disease of the goslings, and their treatment will be more effective if the above conditions of keeping and feeding regime are observed.

Goose bumps (in medicine, follicular hyperkeratosis) are small white pimples that appear involuntarily on the skin from cold or during strong psycho-emotional arousal. Usually in such cases they say “goosebumps” or “hair on end.” Occurs anywhere on the body.

This condition can occur temporarily, but sometimes it accompanies a person constantly, which brings significant discomfort, especially to women. In this case, some cosmetic manipulations are required, which can be carried out both in a medical office and at home.

Why does goose bumps appear and what are the reasons for its appearance? This phenomenon received its name due to its external resemblance to the skin of a plucked goose. This process is controlled from the spinal cord.

But if this condition accompanies a person constantly, one should consider more carefully the possible triggers. factors.

  1. Deficiency of vitamins A, C, E. If goose bumps constantly appear on the hands, then the cause should be sought in an unbalanced diet.
  2. Metabolic problems leading to dry skin. Then the pores become clogged with keratin and follicular hyperkeratosis occurs.
  3. Heredity. This reason is the least common, but if such a condition is inherited by a person, then it is quite difficult to get rid of it; you can only reduce its manifestation.

Goose bumps can quite significantly spoil the life of its owner, especially for young women who are forced to hide this defect with any possible ways from prying eyes.

The reasons for this have already been indicated. Now the question is how to get rid of this. This problem is solved comprehensively.

Peeling. The effect will not be noticeable immediately, but only after ten procedures. It should be used once every two to three days. For peeling the skin of the arms, from the hands to the shoulders, it is advisable to use coconut and orange pulp. This eliminates the manifestation goose bumps, and also cleanses and nourishes your skin with moisture.

Wraps. An excellent procedure, especially with seaweed, which saturates the skin with various microelements and provides the main healing effect. You can diversify this procedure by using cranberries, chocolate, and honey for wrapping. This can be done not only in the salon, but also at home.

Drug treatment is prescribed when you are diagnosed with metabolic problems or a deficiency of a certain vitamin. Naturally, you need to consult a doctor. Treatment must be combined with other types of procedures.

Daily hygiene procedures are the most natural and effective treatment. Here the choice of products is more than wide: balms, lotions, gels, tonics, etc. Remember the need for a morning and evening contrast shower. You should finish your shower by lubricating your skin with moisturizer.

In the case when the cause of goose bumps, according to test results, is a disease internal organs, treatment must be comprehensive and eliminate, first of all, the cause of the disease and then its consequences.

For example, for hyperkeratosis, it is necessary to prescribe therapeutic diet, replenishing the lack of vitamins, coupled with fruit peelings that actively cleanse the skin of keratin. With this approach, the underlying cause is guaranteed to be eliminated, the normal condition of the skin is restored, and goose bumps disappear.

Goose bumps on the buttocks

This is a special topic and a separate conversation. Only women suffering from hyperkeratosis can understand it. They are deprived of the opportunity to wear open swimsuits or short shorts.

Treatment is best done under the supervision of a specialist.

  • Vacuum and anti-cellulite massages will have a very good effect.
  • Baths and saunas are useful, as hot steam expands the pores, resulting in the release of toxins, improved blood circulation, and the skin becomes softer. With a weekly visit to the bathhouse, a positive effect is guaranteed.
  • Diet is important. More vegetables and foods with vitamins A, B, C, E, citrus fruits, carrots, spinach, grapes and dairy products.

Compliance with these simple rules will help get rid of goose bumps forever.

Geese, along with chickens, are the most common birds in household. Among all the conditions that the owner must provide for domestic geese, special place should take measures to prevent many diseases that pose a significant threat to these birds. Some diseases may be incurable, which entails considerable losses for the owner.

In most cases, the cause of the development of any disease in geese is a poor-quality or inadequate diet, poor living conditions (drafts or dampness in the poultry house). If you provide all the flock with feed with a high content of useful microelements, fresh water, maintain an optimal microclimate in the poultry house, regularly clean the area and change the litter, and disinfect care equipment, this will help to avoid the development of many diseases among the poultry population.

Prevention and types of diseases

Of all poultry, geese are the most exposed various kinds diseases. Before moving the goslings into the poultry house, the room should be treated with a disinfectant solution, and all walls and ceilings should be whitewashed with lime. To provide the chicks with good immunity, they need to be fed a weak solution of potassium permanganate with glucose. For the right choice dosage of the solution, you must call a veterinarian who will consult the owner.

All diseases of geese are divided into two main groups:

Contagious diseases

  1. Enteritis of viral origin

A disease that occurs with damage to the abdominal organs, including the stomach and liver. It poses a great threat to young birds, as it often leads to their mass mortality, especially at the age of several days. The source of the spread of the virus is sick birds, feeders, drinking bowls and care equipment contaminated by them.

Symptoms: enteritis is manifested by a change general condition a sick goose: it becomes lethargic, refuses food, and constantly yawns. A characteristic feature Diarrhea is considered to be liquid droppings, with clear signs of blood.

Treatment: the fight against viral enteritis consists of twice vaccinating sick geese. Drugs for treatment and prevention are prepared from the blood of birds that have already recovered from the disease, which contains antibodies.

  1. Salmonellosis

Salmonellosis also poses a threat to humans, causing severe poisoning.

Symptoms: the sick bird appears lethargic, refuses to feed, and has constant diarrhea. In some cases, the disease can be hidden, which complicates timely diagnosis.

Treatment: salmonellosis is very difficult to treat, and after it the bird is still quite long time remains a carrier of the pathogen. In most cases, owners do not take risks; they isolate and dispose of all sick geese. All relatively healthy birds undergo a preventive course of treatment antibacterial drugs, which must be prescribed by a veterinarian.

  1. Pasteurellosis (cholera)

The disease is of infectious origin, which has a very high mortality rate among geese, and is easily spread in the poultry house by contact. The course can be acute or chronic. Young goslings that hatch from the eggs of sick individuals are carriers of bacteria from birth.

Symptoms: A huge danger is posed by the hyperacute course of pasteurellosis, which manifests itself with the sudden death of a goose, after which the birds begin to die, one after another.

First of all, the disease manifests itself in the apathetic state of the sick bird, from whose beak foamy mucus is constantly secreted. The goose can be heard wheezing, which indicates breathing problems. Along with this, they have a digestive system disorder, with frequent liquid bowel movements of yellow or green droppings.

Treatment: in the case of a hyperacute course, no changes are observed in dead birds. In some cases, excess exudate or minor hemorrhages can be found in the heart. This complicates timely diagnosis and does not allow timely treatment to begin.

The best means to combat pasteurellosis are antibiotics and sulfonamides. In addition, the birds are put on a fortified diet and given regular walks.

  1. Aspergillosis

A disease that occurs after the goose’s body is invaded by spores of pathogenic fungi, which live in large numbers in warm straw, grass, etc. After drying such feeds, they form large number dust, and it is with its help that spores infect the body of geese (after inhalation).

Symptoms: the bird looks tired, it is inactive, constantly yawns and sits with its eyes closed. Almost never touches the food.

Treatment: All sick birds must be disposed of, and the poultry house in which they lived is treated with a disinfectant solution. To prevent the development of disease in the poultry house, all feed supplies should be examined for the presence of fungal spores.

  1. Colibacillosis

An infectious disease caused by E. coli that lives in the body of birds. It begins to have a negative effect only on geese with weakened immune systems. In a group increased risk The chicks are in their first days of life.

Symptoms: apathetic state, lack of appetite, severe thirst and frequent bouts of diarrhea.

Most of the herd dies, and the surviving geese are noticeably delayed in development and lose their reproductive ability.

Treatment: Experts strongly do not recommend treating birds yourself. If the first signs of any abnormalities in the behavior or health of geese occur, you should contact a veterinarian. Only an experienced doctor with certain knowledge is able to adequately assess the condition of the bird, make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the necessary treatment.

Non-communicable diseases

  1. Perosis

A disease that affects the ligaments and tendons of the muscles of the limbs, which ultimately leads to free displacement. The main reason for the appearance of young geese is a deficiency of manganese in the diet. Due to a lack of microelements in the body, tubular bones grow more slowly.

Symptoms: this pathology causes thickening and shortening of the tubular bones. The tendons twist the joints and make it difficult (sometimes completely impossible) to walk normally.

Treatment: The disease is chronic and cannot be cured. Sick geese, especially young ones, die from exhaustion and impotence.

  1. Rickets

A disease that develops due to a lack of vitamin D in the body.

Symptoms: general weakness of the goose and slow weight gain. Bones become soft and brittle, even the beak. Such birds lay eggs with very thin shells.

Treatment and prevention: fish oil and pharmacological preparations that contain necessary elements to restore vitamin levels in the body.

All geese should spend as much time outside as possible, especially in sunny weather. After all, under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, vitamin B12 is more actively produced in the body.

  1. Esophageal blockage

A pathology that is characteristic of young geese. The main reason for its appearance is feeding goslings with dry food, a lack of drinking water and in some cases overeating.

Symptoms: The sick bird begins to behave restlessly and is bothered by shortness of breath. The gait becomes unsteady. If you do not take any measures to eliminate the problem, the bird will simply die.

Treatment: You can eliminate blockage of the esophagus at home; simply inject about 50 grams of vegetable oil into the goose’s esophagus, and lightly push it towards the mouth and squeeze it out.

  1. Feather mite

  1. Worms

Almost every pet is susceptible to helminth infection. Geese, which eat about 1 kilogram of green food per day, often become victims of helminthic infestations. Worms pose a great danger to small geese, as they deplete a weak body and lead to the death of the bird.

Treatment: You can start treating helminthic infestations in geese as early as 2-3 weeks or 2 months from their birth. For prevention and treatment, one dose of anthelmintic drugs is sufficient.

If necessary, birds can be given medication twice a year.

  1. Poisoning

Poisoning of geese most often occurs after eating spoiled, rotten or moldy food, poisonous plants, chemicals, etc.

The course of poisoning can be:

  • Acute poisoning– irreversible damage to the internal organs of the goose, which cannot be treated and causes the death of the bird;
  • Chronic poisoning– appears with symptoms in the form of convulsions, vomiting, and agitated behavior. Properly selected methods of treatment for such poisoning are effective in most cases.

Every owner who decides to start a farm must be able to identify diseases in the early stages of their course in order to be able to provide high-quality and timely assistance and avoid large losses. Not last role The housing and feeding conditions created by him also play a role, since the quality of the products obtained from the birds depends on these criteria.