Cardinal tau square in natal. House of Fear: mental disorders in the natal chart

A tau square in astrology is a configuration of aspects formed by the opposition between two planets and two squares to a third planet. Traditionally, the tau square is considered a tense but very effective configuration in astrology.

Tau square in astrology

The energy of the opposition is realized through the third planet - standing at the top of the tau square. This sets a certain impulse, provokes unpredictable, often crisis situations - like a planet standing at the top of a configuration. In any case, a person has to react to them and solve the problem. The most difficult thing about this configuration is that you cannot get used to the action of the tau square, since its action is sudden.

I would compare a person to a tau square natal chart with a frog drowning in milk - remember, from a children's fairy tale? No, not the one who drowned, but the other one - who churned milk into butter and remained alive only thanks to her perseverance.

The nature of the planets in the configuration is also of great importance: favorably located, strong planets soften crises, weak, unfavorable planets strengthen them, bringing severe trials into life.

I offer an example of a description of such a configuration:

Tau square in the natal chart, composed of planets located in the signs of the fixed cross:

  • opposition Mercury in Scorpio (ruled by Pluto) and Mars retrograde in Taurus (ruled by Venus, in exile)
  • two quadratures: From Mars and Mercury to Jupiter in Aquarius (ruled by Uranus) at the top of the configuration.

At the top of the tau square is Jupiter in Aquarius, ruled by Uranus.

Mercury in Scorpio brings a deep, inquisitive mind, criticality, skepticism, as well as secrecy and suspicion. The owner of such Mercury is not inclined to take anyone’s word for it.

He trusts only verified facts, proven scientific research and your intuition. He has a sharp tongue and is not shy about harsh expressions.

Mars in Taurus is essentially weakened: it is in the sign of its expulsion, and also in retrograde motion. A person prefers to spend energy sparingly and is passive in his actions.

Pressure here replaces stubbornness, and persistence replaces rudeness and unceremoniousness. But such a person is adamant in his decisions and prefers to consistently plan his actions.

However, he almost never has enough enthusiasm to complete what he started, so his words often diverge from his deeds. In addition, a man with retro-Mars in Taurus is not always as confident as he wants to appear.

Jupiter at the apex of the tau square

The energy of planets standing in opposition to each other is concentrated in the planet located at its apex and manifests itself through its properties - this is Jupiter in Aquarius. The tension between planets in opposition operates continuously, serving as a constant stimulus to action in relation to the planet at the top.

Jupiter in Aquarius gives an interest in philosophy, occult sciences, astrology and new progressive concepts. In the character of a person with Jupiter at the top of the tau square, one can assume self-confidence, a tendency to overestimate one’s strengths, authoritarianism, hot temper and a tendency to adventure.

Indeed, the tau square in the natal chart generates hard energy and brings crisis situations into life. However, for the person whose chart I am describing, this configuration is very important.

It is significant because it forces the native to act. A native with a tau square in a fixed cross acts slowly but consistently, striving to complete what he starts. Thanks to this configuration, a person methodically achieves his goals.

Do you have any questions about working out the tau square? Write them by email or in the comments to the article. I wish you good luck!

In many maps you will immediately (or if you look closely) see closed figures from aspects. The question always arises: what does this or that figure in my map mean? Now I will try to give you a clue.
I want to talk about triangles. The presence of such a figure in the chart gives a person who sees opportunities and strives to use them. He has a desire to move, as if he is always a little in the future. He generates ideas, but is in no hurry to implement them. People of the triangular type can be in relationships if they are constantly developing; if development stops, he becomes bored.

1) Tau square

Represents an isosceles right triangle(opposition(180)+square(90)+square(90)) Tense configuration.
Many people consider it destructive, but this is not always the case. The opposition in this configuration gives a powerful permanent source energy, and squares on the third planet give realization. Quadrature manifests itself acutely from time to time, but tau-square as a whole manifests itself constantly. The figure can cause harm if the energy does not have an outlet, so this position of the planets requires implementation. It is very difficult for the owner of such a figure in the natal chart to turn away from his path, which can be dangerous if the path is chosen incorrectly.
It is very important to use all edges of the tau square; there should be no distortions along it, otherwise all three areas will suffer. And also, having unraveled the secret of your tau-square, you can learn to “launch” it into different sides, manage it, and therefore manage your life. This is very good tool, which is worth learning how to use, no matter how difficult it may be.
In the example tau square chart we see a tau square involving the Moon, Mercury and Pluto. The Moon is in Leo in the 7th house, Pluto is in Sagittarius in the 10th, Mercury in Pisces in the 1st. A conflict of bright emotions, the desire to shine in relationships and external modesty, romance, blurriness. The way out is in the desire to show his superiority, a person tries to demonstrate his strength, to dominate, which either scares others or looks ridiculous.
How to direct this tau square so that no harm is done?
Thanks to his personal charm and ability to present himself (thanks to Leo and Pisces, he can be both the king of the party and the ultimate romantic) to achieve victories in life, career heights, and achieve the leadership he desires (Pluto is at 10 and rules 10).

Tau square in cardinal signs gives a person who acts immediately, without thinking. He is strong and reliable, but tends to interfere in other people's affairs.

Tau square in fixed signs gives a person thoroughness and methodicalness. Before getting down to business, such a person will get to the bottom of the task.

Tau square in mutable signs pushes people to work with their indecision through communication with people.
Holders of tau square need to monitor transits, since the planet rising fourth (in opposition to the planet at the apex) right angle) provokes important events.

The nature of a person’s reaction to an event depends on the planet that forms the square. If this:
Sun- rushes headlong into a situation,
Moon- subject to momentary moods,
Mercury- reacts calmly and rationally,
Venus- strives to benefit from any situation, and if effort is required, can retreat,
Mars- a lot of energy to solve problems, but lack of restraint can ruin everything,
Jupiter- can react differently, a tendency towards adventurism,
Saturn- caution and patience help to cope with the situation,
Uranus- the desire to “cut from the shoulder”, to do everything in one’s own way,
Neptune- strong imagination and intuition, but can see the situation incorrectly, deceive himself,
Pluto- strives to transform a personal situation into a public one, and fights in defense of humanity, but this can bring deep disappointment;
Chiron- seeks to avoid situations in which his incompetence may be revealed.
Sometimes transits to other planets in tau square have the greatest impact, it depends on the level of elaboration, be careful.

2) Grand trigon

It is an equilateral triangle (trigon(120)*3). Harmonious configuration.
This figure is also ambiguous; Many people consider the grand trine to be happy, but this is not entirely true. The grand trine is an aspect of luck, great opportunities, but poor implementation. Such a person does not need much, he is not drawn to grab stars from the sky, and success itself floats into his hands. A grand trine can give dizzying success if there is a lot of tension in the chart (many squares or oppositions or eats a tau square), because when a person constantly strives for new heights, this encourages him to use his chart to the maximum.
Grand trine - aspect of stability. Its owner, like a cat, always lands on four paws. Everything is always given to him right away, but when it comes to serious achievements, it’s as if something is stopping the person. Lack of tension can lead to lack of will.
In the example chart, a grand trine combines Mars (and Chiron) in Aries in the 12th house with the Moon in Sagittarius in the 7th house and Neptune in Leo in the 4th house. In addition to the grand trine, there is enough tension in the chart, which speaks not only of talent, but also of willpower. A sensual person, loves passionately, bright and attractive. Maintains a festive atmosphere at home and is active. Can stand up for himself, but is not the first to get into a fight (Mars at 12). The figure promises success in typical “fiery” matters - creativity, sports, personal growth.

Grand trine in signs of the element of fire gives a person a self-confident, physically active enthusiast with pronounced abilities. Active in society, selective in tastes. A good organizer, can inspire and guide others. Often becomes a celebrity (from the main “ringleader” in the company to a screen star).

Grand trine in earth signs rewards the owner with sensitivity to material well-being and the ability to see reality in a broad perspective. It is important for him to have a strong position in society.

Grand trine in air signs generates inspiration in a person, makes him an intellectual, an individualist with pronounced creative abilities. A person is able to influence others with the power of thought. However, he really does not like manual labor and it is difficult for him to stay in one place for a long time.

Grand trine in water signs Gives creativity and high sensitivity. Its owner subtly feels those around him, strives to help, calm, and reconcile. He needs to feel needed, otherwise an inferiority complex develops and the person suffers.

3) Bisextile.

Represents isosceles triangle(trine (120) + sextile (60) + sextile (60)). Harmonious configuration.
Unlike triangles that capture the center of a circle or rely on opposition, bisextile covers a specific area of ​​​​life. Bisextile is a very successful configuration. A trine gives inherent abilities, and sextiles are a good embodiment of them. Unlike the grand trine, it does not give internal stability, but specific results, so a person with bisextile looks happier from the outside. This figure is a shock absorber and gives good luck; its owner can turn even unsuccessful situations into successful ones.
However, in the worst case, bisextile can spoil the owner, make him lazy, and also limit his growth - since bisextile finds a solution to the problem too quickly and easily.
If all vertices have bisextiles higher planets or Saturn, such a bisextile is called the “Shield of Fate”, and it allows the owner to get out of the most unfavorable situations safely (only if its owner himself did not cause the situation).
In the example, the bisextile connects the Moon in Virgo in the 6th house, Pluto in Scorpio in the 7th and Mercury in Capricorn in the 10th. The owner is calculating, has a cool head and knows how to use human resources, which allows him to build a good career. He has a stable psyche, good health, and he good psychologist. Can work well in extreme professions(for example, a rescuer from the Ministry of Emergency Situations).

As you know, this configuration looks like a triangle with a right angle, and can combine the signs of only one cross, so its interpretation begins not with the participating planets, but with the cross:

Many people fear the T-square like fire, considering it the most difficult and painful figure. But, believe me, it can be much worse, for example, a bisextile, a sail or a large trigon, which contained damaged elements 6/8/12. Conservatives will laugh in my face - what are you talking about, girl, these beautiful harmonious figures, on the contrary, will smooth out any shortcoming or risk, turning it into talents and freebies. Indeed, they will certainly smooth it out if adequate elements are involved, and if the listed ones are involved, then this is a real mirage in the desert - a person chooses life according to trines and sextiles, because it is much easier than struggling, straining and working, but with the participation of malefactors it turns out that instead of an oasis, the native chose an irreversible (the figures are closed) disaster, and since the distillation of energies in such a figure is harmonious, then negative events happen quickly and easily. For example, the formula for widowhood: an oblique sail or bisextile with a base of 7-9/12 by 8. And no one would have thought that such an abomination could be hidden in the most harmonious chart. Against this background, t-squares sometimes look much more promising, but only on the condition that we use and work on them as nothing other than our profession. Yes, yes, you heard right, t-squares can and should be implemented, but only in your work. Because only at work we can be so stressed. And if its capabilities are used in career advancement, the t-square can take you to unprecedented heights. Especially if his planets have support and harmonious aspects, because everything is good in moderation, both tension and harmony.

Thus, when asked about profession, the first thing I look at is not the houses of work, but the t-squares, especially if their planets are associated with the 2nd, 6th and 10th houses. They are the ones who talk about the main area of ​​employment and the functions performed in the process of work stress. In synthesis with the zones, signs and formulas of the houses of work, a very accurate picture is obtained. Plus, by advising you to choose a field of activity according to the t-square or even just a square, you relieve a person from other problems that this figure can bring, and draw its energy into a constructive direction. To do correct conclusion, you will also need to know well the professions that crosses are associated with:
1. Cardinal = startupers, entrepreneurs, pioneers, idea developers, creators (many of them are photographers, artists, designers, for example), and as a result, they are frequent guests in the media, and they are simply not shy about showing themselves.
2. Fixed = any profession that requires physical exertion (from a waiter, dancer, sailor to lifeguard and cook), or perseverance, as well as professions related to politics and power (civil servants), finance, hierarchies and structures
3. Mutable = professions ending in ist, such as lawyer, linguist, journalist, logistician, tourism (business), economist (accounting), parodist (cosplay) and also teachers, doctors, psychologists and all sorts of creative professions, freelance professions, such as operators

Next, you will need to consider the basis of the t-square as a functional, starting with the value of the sign axis (here are the most basic ones, but can be supplemented):
— Aries-Libra: diplomacy, contracts, work with key clients, consultation, creation, “chief ..”
— Taurus-Scorpio: insurance, finance, crisis management, state apparatus (pension fund), tax, audit, working with money/potential client property, leasing, notary services, security, security, politics, physical activity etc.
— Gemini-Sagittarius: logistics, IT, sales, communications, mediation, teaching
– Cancer-Capricorn: construction, security, artistic professions (photographers often)
— Leo-Aquarius: IT, engineering, modern technologies, creativity, public affairs, stage, forecasting
- Virgo-Pisces: teaching, cleaning, schematization, service, closed/secret organizations, doctors, army

Apply the functions of the base planets to the sphere. Moreover, it is worth considering their opposition as a function of combating. The near planet, with the help of its functions, fights the distant one.
And finally the top will have the final say.

It's easier to show than to tell, look at the cards and read:
1. John Lennon preached the ideas of equality and brotherhood of people, peace, freedom. This made him an idol of the hippies and one of the most significant public figures 1960s-1970s. Fought against oppression and dictatorship: Moon in Aquarius 180 Pluto, through voice, singing, music: Mercury in a water sign at the top of the t-square.

2. Zinedine Zidane is a famous football player, and later a coach: first as a player (sun) midfielder (cancer) against the opposing team (Jupiter), and then as a coach (himself in the role of Jupiter) over the players (sun). Pluto cusp at 5 in Virgo = physically strenuous activity as work-play. (click on the picture to enlarge)

3. Tony Blair - former Prime Minister of England (Chiron diplomat at 9 in the difficult zone at the top), leader of the Labor Party. While I was climbing career ladder, also wrote a column for the Times (Mercury is involved in the t-square, in addition to the diplomat Venus). The Aries-Libra diplomacy axis is at the base. But the most interesting thing is that the program of social transformation of the “New Labour” was aimed at ensuring and maintaining social justice and stability of British society (Venus).

(click on the picture to enlarge)

The theoretical basis for the modernization of the country was the concept of the “Third Way”, developed by Tony Blair’s chief adviser Anthony Giddens. The “third way,” according to Blair, is a search for an alternative, a compromise and a combination of two elements: a market economy and universal social justice, combined with increased attention to the human factor. One of the main vectors in the social policy of “New Labour” was a gender program, based which lay the need for equality in society, which would contribute to sustainable democratic development. Labor focused its attention on the problem of women's employment and the problem of gender inequality in the labor market, which is most manifested in the gap in wages between the male and female population (in 1997, women's hourly earnings were 80.2% of men's hourly earnings, and in 2004 they rose to 82%). An excellent demonstration of the struggle of Venus in Aries against the opposition of the limiter Saturn in Libra (restriction of women's rights).

Try to analyze your t-squares in terms of their participation in your professional activities.

P.S.: while researching t-squares, I was finally convinced that the logic of their interpretation also applies to tau-squares with nodes (previously.

Interesting thoughts by K. Rushman on Tau-Squares:

Tau squares as drivers

Tau squares are without a doubt the drivers. One day I spent

following and discovered that a significant proportion of successful people have Tau-

squares. Here's how they work in different modalities.

Cardinal Tau Square creates a feeling that rises from the depths of the soul

and prompts: “I must act. I have to go first. I must become human

com. I need to do something." This is intrinsic motivation and I believe that clients with

With this aspect, they are born zodiac entrepreneurs. They -

trendsetters, they are active pioneers, and this guides them. I always re-

I recommend that they open their own business. Often they already have their own business and are thinking about

to open it, have been doing it or want to do it. There is an entrepreneur in their souls

body vein. Many of them tell me: “Oh, I started my own business, which

When I was ten years old, it was my first lemonade stand, and I always loved it.

was interested in business." This is how cardinal T-square people operate. If they

If they don’t have their own businesses, they will become leaders in some other area of ​​their lives.

Often they remain employed in a corporate structure only if they are

are promoted to management positions and receive promotions. Being on your own

nature by people who do not require outside support when they begin their

Case in point, cardinal people do well in sales. And again, even if they work

melt for someone else, they feel as if they are the first persons

because it is they who “call the tune” and enjoy the right to accept the most important

People with fixed Tau square- minions of the Zodiac. These are the people who are all

where they bring their undertakings to completion. For example, if they go to college, then they don't

will leave it until they receive a higher academic degree. They are focused on

achieving their goals, and if these goals are good, then they will succeed. Whenever I

Whenever I consult a person with a fixed T-square, I always say:

"You can do anything and become anything if you focus

on this task. Set a goal for yourself because you have every reason and strength

reach it. And you will work your way through any difficulties, because

From early childhood you know that there are obstacles, obstacles and obstacles. However, you

you also know how to overcome them.” I observed this with my paska, who has pain

shoy fixed Tau square. Pluto was involved in it, and this inspired me

serious concern. I thought: “What will happen to him?” He's already graduated from college and

worked in the banking industry, but decided to continue his education. He got his diploma

M.D. and then went to law school. He worked very hard and took

place among the top 2% of students in your group.

People with mutable Tau squares also have energy that allows them

achieve their intended goals, but often this happens thanks to their conscientiousness

strength and perseverance. These people are very meticulous and neat. They have high

creativity and flexibility. I noticed that they often turn out to be children of al-

coholics or that someone in their environment was somehow associated with medicinal

drugs, drugs or control overweight(usually we are talking about someone from

parents, brothers or sisters). A child with a mutable T-square is often heroic

becomes a person from a dysfunctional family. Such people often grow up in single-parent families,

where they have to take on many responsibilities from early childhood.

Parents with a mutable child should show increased attention

attitude towards those with whom he is friends, and make sure that no negative influence is exerted on him

influence. Mutable children often become the same as their environment. They are - hame-

leons that absorb energy and reflect it into environment. Positive

The side of mutable Tau squares is the frequent desire for self-improvement.

nyu, significant creative inclinations, they are amazingly versatile. It's important to remember

that all Tau-squares are pronounced drivers of either good or evil.

If several planets form a closed aspect picture, especially from identical aspects, then as a result of the resonant overlay of thematic houses, the influence of each aspect significantly increases. This condition is met if the sum of the aspect values ​​is equal to 360 degrees: 120 +120 + 120; 120 + 60 + 120 + 60; 90 + 90 + 90 + 90 etc.

In this case, we can talk about the independent influence of the configuration itself, just as in chemistry we can study separately the properties of oxygen and hydrogen, but their compound, water, has its own properties. In order to determine how this or that configuration will manifest itself, you can use the same method that was used for aspects - write down in which thematic houses the planets forming the configuration are located.

Configuration "grand trine" formed by three trigons. One of its main manifestations is to protect the native from the vicissitudes of fate. In his book “The Way of the Yogi,” Yogananda writes that since childhood, his prayers addressed to the feminine principle of the universe have always given a strong result. In his youth, he could go to a foreign city completely without money and return from it with gifts and impressions of meeting interesting and spiritual people. Later, he leaves India for America, which is completely foreign to him, and this phenomenon manifests itself again. All these are manifestations of the "grand trine" formed by the Moon, Venus and Jupiter. These same planets form a “grand trine” in the horoscope of Alan Chumak, who gained nationwide fame (Venus, Jupiter) thanks to his ability to charge water (Moon). To protect its owner, the “grand trine” can even “cancel” the action of not only legal, but also physical laws. On May 4, 1908, Sri Aurobindo, an outstanding Indian philosopher, poet and creator of integral yoga, was arrested by British authorities in connection with his involvement in the Indian national liberation movement. On May 5, 1909, he was acquitted and released. He owed his life to two unforeseen events. One of the prisoner informers, whose testimony in court about Sri Aurobindo's participation in the underground movement would have meant a death sentence in court, was mysteriously shot dead in his own cell. Then came the day of judgment; As everyone sat awaiting the death sentence, Sri Aurobindo's lawyer was suddenly seized by an epiphany that spread throughout the room and shocked the jury: "Long after his death and departure, his words will echo again and again, not only in India, but throughout far away from it. Therefore, I affirm that a person such as this stands not only before the barrier of this court - he stands before the Supreme Court of History."

As a rule, the “grand trine” indicates a person’s talent, his ability to leave a mark in people’s memory, but if it is isolated from the rest of the aspect picture of the horoscope, it can make the native a darling of fate, who has no incentive to develop, comprehend and master new things, deprived of the opportunity develop a strong will due to the lack of obstacles to overcome.

At the psychological level, the "grand trine" symbolizes the classical defense mechanisms self-sufficient behavior is most clearly manifested if the Sun or Moon is included in it. Very often, this defense works against relationships that a person so desperately needs, but which he is not ready to face. If the Sun or Moon are not included in the grand trine, then these compensation mechanisms function outside of conscious or emotional control (a person full of optimism during the day who is gloomy and cries alone at night).

Configuration "tau square" constitutes an opposition and two quadratures. It is found quite often in the horoscopes of people whose life path associated with the need to fight for something or defend one’s interests. An example of such a person is Annie Besant. In her horoscope, the tau square is made up of the Sun, Jupiter and Uranus. Her work in the leadership of the London Theosophical Society (Sun, Uranus) created many enemies for her, but even more followers (Jupiter). "Tau square" is the leading configuration in the horoscopes of the reformist politician Mahatma Gandhi, the founder of psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud, and the innovative astrologer Alfred Witte. Almost all astrologers state that an individual with such a configuration in the natal chart will encounter more difficulties than others. If these obstacles are actively overcome, the individual gains enormous personal power. The internal motivation of this configuration becomes more understandable if we determine the thematic houses involved in it: IV-X - changing existing conditions, concepts, creating new traditions IV-VII - which leads to an impact on the sphere of the social unconscious. VII-X - achievements become public knowledge and receive wide resonance.

Those who refuse to fight "tau square" turns into whiners, pessimists and losers. When analyzing this configuration in detail, pay attention to the sign and house located opposite the corner where the two squares meet (the t-square arrow). Subconscious impulses are focused in this oppositional area, and it is there that a person’s dissatisfaction with fate grows. Determine what fixed stars Arabian points and midpoints are located there, all of these factors will have a direct bearing on intrinsic motivation actions.

If one of the planets forming a “tau square” is in the last degree of any sign (degree of Anareta), then the elaboration of the problems of this configuration can be initiated by a serious crisis.

Configuration "bisextile", consisting of two sextiles and one trine (60°+120°+60°) is sometimes called the triangle of talent in literature. Another name for it is “happiness”. This configuration allows you to avoid life’s difficulties, brings a feeling of lightness, joy, harmony and sometimes allows you to turn even the most crisis situations to your advantage. A planet forming a sextile indicates an area of ​​activity that brings success and satisfaction to a person, and a bisextile arrow indicates temptations (sometimes very fruitful). This configuration is clearly represented by the Sun, Moon and Uranus in the horoscope of astrologer Alan Leo.

Configuration "roof" or “little happiness”, consisting of a sextile and two semi-sextiles (30°+60°+30°), implies help to this person in its evolutionary development, invisible patronage, including financial, interest in secret societies, and at the everyday level - pampers with the little joys of life: true friendship, comfort, a successful find. This configuration, consisting of the Sun, Mars and Venus, can be found in the horoscope of astrologer Karl Perch.

Configuration "iodine" or "finger of fate" formed from a sextile and two quincunxes (150°+60°+150°). Associated with it constant feeling the need for choice, dissatisfaction with what has been achieved. This configuration has been carefully studied by Karl Leisert, Tirza Escobar and Dane Rudhyar. It is believed that the “finger of fate” can be an indicator of alienation in a family, environment or country (in the horoscope of Grigory Rasputin it is formed by Mercury, Saturn and Uranus). Being emotionally tense, a person is internally ready for conflict situations, and they usually don’t keep you waiting. Often it is difficult for people who have such a configuration in their horoscope to find a place in life; changes in fate are not uncommon, psychologically provoked by the native himself: “there is no prophet in his own country...”. If a period of intense struggle for truth ends without serious damage, then soon the constant stress begins to tire, someone begins to seek peace in long journeys; gifted people reap the fruits of creative searches.

This configuration often denotes a strange or unusual fate. It may indicate life proceeding in a certain way for a period of time until suddenly a given configuration intervenes and the individual is forced to abruptly change direction. Often, though not always, a change is prepared, as in the case of an unknown understudy who must replace the leading actor at the opening night (due to the latter's sudden illness or other unforeseen event). The planet to which the “finger of fate” points often symbolizes a life task, the solution of which is necessary for the further growth of a person. “Yod” is not necessarily favorable, in the sense that a sudden intervention in the course of life of this configuration is not always pleasant. The disruptive changes predicted by the configuration take place when a transiting or progressed planet forms a major aspect (especially a conjunction) to the planet at the yod's fingertip. This destruction will be especially acute in matters relating to the house in which the central planet is located.

Configuration "ax" or "devil's finger" formed from a quadrature and two sesquiquadratures (135°+90°+135°). A planet that forms sesquiquadrature aspects to the other two is constantly in a field of emotional tension. It can become a focus of internal contradictions and struggle. “Axe” deprives a person of the opportunity for a comfortable and carefree emotional existence, introducing discord with himself, a feeling of the need to act, to feel “on the edge of an abyss.” Naturally, such a configuration makes a person restless and indicates the complexity of nature. In the horoscope of Emmanuel Kant, it is formed by the Sun, Jupiter and Pluto, which speak of constant dissatisfaction with their creative achievements. The owners of this aspect are usually talented, extraordinary, active people, but their actions bring a lot of anxiety to themselves and their environment, and fame often takes on a scandalous character.

Configuration "dart" formed from a quadrature and two half-squares (45°+90°+45°). She encourages a person to learn real planning instead of idle dreams, gaining financial stability and independence. A person can be let down by intuition; the first impression, as a rule, turns out to be erroneous; he learns from his own experience the truth of the saying “measure seven times, cut once.” This configuration can become a source of irritation, disappointment, and psychological stress, which either push a person to greater efforts or give him a feeling of doom.

Configuration "ship" consists of two quintiles and a biquintile (72°+144°+72°). It symbolizes free will, which helps you find your own path in life, gives you the ability to wait for your finest hour and get involved in the situation in time. This configuration encourages innovation, reform, creativity or adventure.

Configuration "boat", consisting of a quintile and two deciles (36°+72O+36°), allows you to “swim” either with the flow or against it, but with the help of “oars”, the role of which is played by the person’s immediate environment. It makes it possible to freely control the situation through influencing the environment, often through suggestion or merging with the environment. The temptation to use other people to achieve selfish goals is the main temptation of this configuration.

Another rare configuration of creative aspects - the biquintile and two trideciles (108°+144°+108°) allows you to perceive the world in its integrity, create universal models and theories. We find this configuration, consisting of the Moon, Mars and Saturn, in the creator of the astrological holistic paradigm, Dane Rediyar.

Configuration "palm" consists of a quintile and two biquintiles (144°+72°+144°). It allows you to develop based on experience and knowledge and move to a new level. In case of difficulties, a person unconsciously returns to the starting line and finds there unique solution to break the deadlock. The effect of this triangle is purely psychological; it hardly manifests itself at the event level.

Configuration "arcanum" or "loop" consists of two nonagons and a binonagon (40°+80°+40°). It constantly returns a person to the same circle of problems and does not allow him to move on until they are resolved. It sometimes indicates the need to work through deep and hidden complexes in a person’s subconscious, the origins of which lie in a previous incarnation. The arrow of the triangle points to areas where deceptive exits are drawn, but in reality they turn out to be dead ends.

Configuration "lock" or "handcuffs" formed by a nonagon and two half-nonagons (20°+40°+20°). It often isolates a person from that part of life that corresponds to the themes of the planets that make up a given configuration. You need to find the “key” that unlocks the “handcuffs” in order to feel internally free. “Keys” should be looked for in sextiles and trines from each angle of the triangle. The arrow points to the "key" of the wrong "lock".

Configuration "compass" or "plumb line" formed from opposition, quintile and tridecile (72°+180°+108°). It allows a person to approach solutions creatively and inventively everyday problems. But most often it is found among free artists who escape into creativity from an unsettled life.

A triangle consisting of opposition, sextile and trine (60°+180°+120°) represents part of the “sail”. A planet that forms a sextile and a trine to the other two allows you to harmoniously resolve the contradictions of the opposition and direct its energy in a constructive direction.

A very tense triangle is formed from opposition, semi-quadrature and sesquiquadrature (45°+180°+135°). A person with this configuration may try to resolve their contradictions by increasing tension. The philosophy of “might is right” can lead him into extremist circles, anarchist groups or military organizations. The essence of the lesson that he must learn from this organization is that for any force there is an even greater force, you cannot defeat the world and make yourself loved for it. This configuration is represented by the Sun, Venus and Saturn in the horoscope of the Swiss astrologer Ernst Kraft.

Another interesting configuration is the synthetic or dominant triangle, consisting of a trigon, quadrature and quincunx (120°+90°+150°). If the two most powerful planets of this configuration are in square with each other, the native, finding himself in an ambiguous situation (quincunx), immediately “takes the bull by the horns” and solves the problem that has arisen. After this comes a well-deserved rest (trine), but then the situation again gets out of control (quadrature).

If the square is formed by weaker planets, then the native will most likely go the other way - rushing to use the blessings of life (trine) until he encounters troubles (square), not understanding for a long time what happened (quincunx) until he gets to the trine again .