How to pump up your pectoral muscles at home. Exercises for the pectoral muscles for men at home

If you don't have time and money for the gym? Then find out in 5 minutes how to pump up pectoral muscles without leaving home, spending only 20 minutes 2 times a week.

Contents of the article:

The question of how to pump up your breasts at home in 1 month is very controversial and relevant for many. Opponents of training at home focus their arguments on the lack of professional equipment, the presence of a large number of factors distracting attention from the training process, etc. Let's see if it's possible to build muscle mass in your chest at home.

It should be admitted that many athletes started with home training. There can be many reasons for this, and we will not dwell on them. But let us repeat that many athletes who later became famous began their sports career at home. Of course, they then continued the training in the gym, but the foundation was laid precisely at home.

Home chest training

There are muscles in the human body that respond quite well to training at home, but some require a lot of effort to develop. Small muscle groups, such as arms or forearms, are best trained at home. In turn, with large groups, say, legs, everything is more complicated.

As you know, for the growth of muscle tissue it is necessary constant growth working weight. If this does not happen, then you cannot expect muscle growth. But this is theoretical, but in practice, with home training, a person will have serious problems with the possibility of installing large scales. It should be remembered that the load must increase constantly.

In the gym similar problems cannot be, since we have them in stock sports equipment, on which you can attach any required weight. At home, you can only have dumbbells and weights, and in the best case, also a barbell.

This is exactly the problem that needs to be solved - you must be able to adjust the working weight from moderate to extremely heavy. Today we will consider only training in limited conditions. Of course, someone can create their own training room, but in this case everything is much simpler. We are talking only about those people who do not have such opportunities.

So, for a complete home training of the chest muscles, you should have several types sports equipment:

  • Set dumbbells from 25 to 40 kilograms;
  • Bars;
  • A bench, preferably adjustable.
The main thing on this list is the presence of stacked dumbbells. Only thanks to them you can perform the dumbbell bench press, which is an alternative to the Olympic press.

Technique for performing chest exercises

Now we will consider the technical issue of performing all possible exercises at home to develop the chest muscles. Let's start with the dumbbell press.

Dumbbell bench press

From a technical point of view, the dumbbell press is a more complex movement compared to the barbell press. You should use less weight overall since dumbbell bench presses require more energy. In addition to the main muscles, quite a lot of muscles are involved in the work large number stabilizing muscles, which is the main reason for the higher technical complexity.

Take sports equipment in your hands and straighten your body, while the dumbbells should be located on the sides. Then rest the edge of the dumbbells on the front of your thigh, slightly above the knee joint.

Sit on a bench (the apparatuses are placed on your hips) and lean back with a powerful movement, while simultaneously pushing the apparatuses with your knee joints. After this, spread your elbow joints to the sides, forming a cross. Inhale and squeeze the exercise equipment upward, exhaling the air. Pause in the upper position of the trajectory, and then begin to lower your arms while inhaling.


Dips work a large number of muscles and are an excellent compound exercise. As your strength increases, you will have to use weights to increase the working weight. Exhale should be done during the upward movement (at the moment of applying effort), and inhale during the reverse movement.

The wider your arms are, the more active your triceps will be in the exercise. Also, the load on these muscles can be increased if you do not extend the elbow joints in the highest position. If you want to use your pectoral muscles as much as possible, lean your body forward. The stronger the slope, the greater the load on the chest muscles.

Dumbbell fly in a lying position

This exercise uses significantly fewer muscles compared to any type of bench press. It is intended only for the chest muscles, but using heavy weights is very difficult. When you are in the lowest position of the trajectory (muscles are stretched), you should pause.

Half-over with dumbbells

Like the previous movement, the half-over is designed for polishing and stretching muscles, but it is less effective for gaining mass. It is especially useful for young athletes who have not yet reached the age of 25.

Sample Chest Workout Program

It should be said right away that as the main exercise you should choose one of the first two exercises, which were discussed at the beginning of the article. You should also choose a working weight of sports equipment so that you can reach failure within the range of 6 to 12 repetitions. Before performing the main sets, you should perform one or two warm-up sets with light weights. The number of repetitions should be in the range from 15 to 20.

And now the complex itself:

  • Dips - 3 to 4 sets with 6–12 repetitions;
  • Dumbbell bench press - perform 3-4 sets of 6-12 repetitions each;
  • Dumbbell flyes - 3 sets of 10–12 repetitions;
  • Half-over with dumbbells - three sets of 10-12 repetitions.
In conclusion, I would like to say that the muscles do not care where you train them. Provide them with a progressive load and use the set of exercises suggested above. This is the answer to the question of how to pump up your breasts at home.

For more information on how to pump up your breasts at home, see here:

It is the pectoral muscles that make an athlete stand out from the crowd. Large pecs - business card bodybuilder Without the development of this muscle group, the physical shape of the body does not look harmonious enough. When developing these muscles, you need to follow all the rules of training, nutrition and rest. It is worth understanding that it is quite large and it takes four days to recover. Therefore, training your chest 1 – 2 days a week will be enough. It is important to approach training correctly, and to do this, you need to understand its structure.

The pectoral muscles consist of:

  • pectoralis major muscle;
  • pectoralis minor muscle.

The pectoralis major attaches to the humerus, starting from the collarbone to the sternum. This muscle brings the arms to the middle of the body, therefore, to develop it, you need to perform barbell and dumbbell presses and push-ups.

Despite the fact that the muscle is not divided into bundles, by training the muscle fibers extending from the collarbone, you can develop the upper chest to a greater extent. And by developing the sternum, you can train the lower part; there are certain exercises for this.

The pectoralis minor is located under the major muscle and has a triangular shape. It is attached from the shoulder joint, starting from the 3rd, 4th, 5th ribs. Its function is to move the shoulder blades. The “Pullover” exercise works well for the small one.

Conventionally, the pectorals are divided into upper, lower and middle, due to their uneven development.

What is needed for muscle growth

First of all, an optimal load is necessary. For full recovery, it is necessary to train the group no more than twice a week. 3-4 exercises are enough; more can lead to overwork. The number of repetitions that help increase muscle mass starts from 8 to 12 repetitions. Do not exceed the amount, as more quantity develops endurance, not mass growth. To develop strength, 4–8 repetitions are needed.

It is almost impossible to isolate the work of the pectorals, without including synergists (helper muscles). Additionally, the work includes: triceps, serratus anterior, coracobrachialis, ulnaris, and anterior delta. Therefore, it is important to correctly design a training program, taking into account the load on the synergists.

For example, you shouldn’t do 4 triceps exercises in your chest workout, since you’ve already worked on chest exercises. For muscle growth, stretching it is important. Stretching will help relax the muscle and return it from a state of contraction and tightness to a normal physiological state. And by contracting and stretching, you can achieve rapid weight gain.

Necessary equipment for training

Review necessary equipment we will start with the best option that will give the maximum gain. And below you will find ways to train your chest with simpler equipment or without it at all.

The horizontal bench press of a barbell or dumbbell can rightfully be considered the king. Accordingly, you need a bench for bench presses with racks on which the bar and weight plates are placed required weight and dumbbells. To develop all parts of the chest, you need a bench with a changing angle. If training takes place in the gym, you cannot bypass the combination of the upper blocks in the Crossover and the uneven bars. The exercises must be performed “to muscle failure”, that is, the last repetition is performed with all your strength, and it is impossible to perform it one more time.

The best exercises for chest development

Strengthening the upper pectoral muscles

Bench press at a 45 degree angle

In addition to the pectoralis major, especially the upper part, the exercise trains the triceps, front deltoids, serratus anterior muscles.

  1. We sit on an inclined bench, take the bar with a wide grip, raise the barbell above the level of the shoulder joints;
  2. Inhale: lower the bar to the collarbone without touching, elbows look at the floor, the chest is rounded, the ribs rise;
  3. Exhale: holding chest rounded, press the barbell up using the chest muscles. The chest is constantly in a “wheel” and does not fall in. Perform 8 – 12 times in 3-4 approaches.

Incline Dumbbell Press

Work includes: upper pectorals, triceps brachii, anterior deltoids, serratus anterior muscles.

  1. We sit on a bench at an angle of 45 degrees, rounding our chest, maintaining this state constantly. Raise the dumbbells above the shoulder joints;
  2. Inhale: lower the dumbbells, spreading your elbows to the sides to shoulder level, stretching the pectoral muscles;
  3. Exhale: using chest pressure, press the dumbbells over your shoulders, straightening your elbows. Perform 8 – 12 times in 3 – 4 approaches.

Army press

Despite the fact that the exercise is designed to develop the anterior deltoids, the upper pectoral muscles are also included in the work.

  1. When performing the exercise while standing, it is important to watch your body, without leaning back or arching your lower back;
  2. We determine the grip, palms slightly wider than the shoulder joints, forearms perpendicular to the floor. We place the bar on the collarbones, but do not touch it;
  3. Exhale: press the barbell above your head, straightening your elbows;
  4. Inhale: slowly lower the barbell onto your collarbones to the starting position. Perform 8 – 12 times in 3 – 4 approaches.

How to pump up your lower chest

Bench press with incline

This type of bench press develops bottom part the pectoralis major muscle, as well as the triceps brachii (long and medial heads).

  1. We sit on a bench with our head down, the barbell above eye level, and grab the bar with a wide grip so that our forearms are perpendicular to the floor;
  2. Inhale: lower the bar to the bottom of the ribs, rounding the sternum;
  3. Exhale: using the chest, squeezes the barbell to the starting position. Repeat the press 8 – 12 times for 3 – 4 approaches.


This exercise develops the lower pectoralis major muscle, as well as the triceps and anterior deltoid muscles.

  1. We place our palms on the bars under the shoulder joints, the distance between the bars is slightly wider than the shoulders.
  2. Inhale: bending your elbows, lower yourself down, forming a 90-degree angle at your elbows;
  3. Exhale: using chest and triceps strength, push up on your hands, straighten your arms and return to the starting position. Repeat 8 – 12 push-ups in 3 – 4 sets.

Basic chest workout on parallel bars!

How to pump up your pectoral muscles at home

What can you use for training at home? If you have a bench press, barbell and dumbbells at home, you can do a full workout.

Dumbbell training program

The simplest equipment that will help you train beautiful muscles is dumbbells and a bench. This is the minimum without which training for such large muscles will not work. Moreover, the dumbbells must be of sufficient weight to perform the load “to failure” from 8 to 12 repetitions. You can perform the specified complex for training with dumbbells. In one such workout, all parts of the pectoralis major muscle will be loaded. It is important not to forget about rest, to train no more than two days a week.

In addition to developing the bottom and top, it is necessary to pay attention to the middle of the pecs, this will give the correct outline. This can be achieved using exercises with dumbbells, which develop muscles well, as they require additional effort for balance and stability of the technique.

Dumbbell bench press

  1. We sit on a bench, slightly raising the sternum and tearing off the lower back;
  2. Dumbbells above the shoulders, without turning the hands, elbows turned to the sides;
  3. Inhale: lower the dumbbells at shoulder level;
  4. Exhale: press the dumbbells to the starting position without lowering the chest. Perform the bench press 8 – 12 times for 3 – 4 approaches.

Incline Dumbbell Flyes

This exercise involves an isolating load, during which the muscle is stretched. When working on an angled bench, the upper pectoral muscles are involved.

  1. Set the bench at an angle of 45 degrees;
  2. Lying on a bench, we round the chest, maintaining the position throughout the entire exercise. Place the dumbbells above your shoulders, bending your elbows slightly and turning them slightly to the sides;
  3. Inhale: spread the dumbbells to the sides, holding the angle at the elbows, feeling the stretch;
  4. Exhale: bring the dumbbells to the middle of the body to the starting position. Perform wiring 8 – 12 times in 3 – 4 approaches.

Pullover with dumbbells

The dumbbell row from behind the head while lying down is performed not only with the help of the pectoralis major, but also the latissimus dorsi, teres major, pectoralis minor, serratus anterior muscles, and the long head of the triceps brachii.

  1. Lying down, place your feet with emphasis on the bench, two hands clasp the top of the dumbbell;
  2. Rounding the chest, lifting the lower back from the bench, we maintain the position;
  3. Place the dumbbell on outstretched arms, elbows slightly bent;
  4. Inhale: lower your hands behind your head, stretching your chest;
  5. Exhale: using the efforts of the pectoral muscles, we return the dumbbell to its original position. We perform 3–4 approaches 8–12 times.

How to pump up your chest without iron using push-ups

As already mentioned, for high-quality and effective training it is necessary: ​​the number of repetitions is no more than 12, work “to failure” with maximum weight. Naturally, by doing 12 push-ups, you will not get optimal load for muscle growth.

With each workout, the muscles become stronger, so they can perform more and more repetitions to feel tired. And this is already work on the development of endurance, in which the muscles do not increase in volume; in this regime, fat is rapidly burned. And if you eat improperly, your muscles can also burn. Therefore, push-up exercises will help strengthen the pectoral muscles, but they will not be enough for growth.

Push-up program for chest muscles

  1. Dips. As you get used to the load, you can add weight using a special belt and free equipment (dumbbells, weights). Perform no more than 12 repetitions of 4 sets.
  2. Triceps push-ups with your back to the bench. Additional muscles in the exercise are the pectoralis major. For greater difficulty, you can put weights on the bird and perform the exercise 12 times. Palms under shoulders on a bench, feet on a bench located parallel. As you inhale, bend your elbows, lowering your body below the bench. As we exhale, we do push-ups.
  3. Push-ups from the floor.

  • to develop the upper chest, place the feet on a hill;

  • to develop the lower part, place the palms on a hill;

  • to develop the outer part of the pectorals, place your palms wide;

  • to develop the internal part, place your palms narrowly.

To improve your push-up results, you can use additional weight, such as placing a weight plate on your back or using a resistance band, like in the video above.

Nutrition for muscle growth

For high-quality growth, you need 4 grams of carbohydrates per kilogram of weight, 3 grams of protein and 2 grams of fat. Deficiency of not only proteins ( building material), but also carbohydrates (fuel for muscles), will not allow you to increase in volume.

Example menu

  • Breakfast: Oatmeal with honey or dried fruits, cottage cheese;
  • Snack: toast with low-fat cheese;
  • Lunch: rice or buckwheat porridge, baked chicken fillet;
  • Afternoon snack: boiled eggs, cottage cheese, fruit;
  • Dinner: Meat or fish with vegetables;
  • Late dinner: fermented milk products.

Sports nutrition

If there is not enough time for preparation, or you do not have time to eat food in time after training, a gainer and protein will be your salvation. These supplements serve to provide additional protein and carbohydrates to the body. A carbohydrate drink (gainer) will be an excellent meal replacement after workouts.

Most effective training chest requires sports equipment: benches, barbells, dumbbells and various exercise equipment. All this is a must-have in every gym. Those who for some reason do not have the opportunity to visit the gym will be interested in learning how to pump up their pectoral muscles at home.

The pectoral (pectoral) muscles consist of the following symmetrical groups, each of which includes:

The major and minor muscles provide adduction and flexion of the arms at the shoulder joint, as well as partial rotation of the arms inward. The chest is conventionally divided into upper, middle and lower sections. They also highlight the internal part, which can be pumped separately. The middle part works actively during any exercise, and the lower and, especially, the upper parts require accentuated load. Chest training is very energy intensive, so it can be used to burn excess fat tissue.

A busy work schedule, business trips, inconvenient location of the gym, reluctance to work out in a group and a number of other arguments may become reasons not to visit the gym, but should not become reasons to give up a beautiful and strong figure. You can practice at home with no less success. What matters more is not the place of training, but the diligence and determination of the athlete.

Training mode

To the question of how many times a week you need to pump up your pectoral muscles, the answer is simple: you can’t train every day. Any chest strength exercise done every day can be harmful beautiful figure. During training, muscles actively work and receive many microtraumas, after which time is needed to restore muscle fibers, produce protein, which will form a new one. muscle mass. Systematic overload of the pectoral muscles will not give good results.

If the muscles continue to be very sore, training should be postponed until the discomfort stops. That is why the optimal amount is one or two workouts per week. The total number of approaches for all chest exercises should be from 4 to 8. For beginners, one or two exercises of 2-3 approaches will be enough.


It is quite enough to do push-ups regularly to pump up your pectoral muscles. Essentially, this is a variation of the bench press and here it is also possible to shift the load to the upper or lower chest by changing the angle of the body. It's no secret that Push-ups are an excellent general development exercise.. Not only the pectoral muscles are worked, but also the deltoids and triceps muscles of the arms, ensuring proportional development of the upper body. Additionally, the abdominal muscles contract, and in a static position the muscles of the legs and back are activated.

You can limit yourself to just push-ups if you want to pump up your chest at home, but there is no desire or time to do other exercises. The effect, although small, will still be felt after just a few weeks of regular training.

Narrow push-ups

Close-grip push-ups can be used to develop strength and work the inner chest. Starting position in in this case, as with regular push-ups, but you need to place your hands in such a way that the fingers of one hand slightly touch the fingers of the other. When performing, you need to lower yourself until your chest touches your hands, and before moving up, take a second pause.

Push-ups on stools

More effective way The way to pump up your pectoral muscles with push-ups is as follows. You need to place 2 stools approximately shoulder width apart. Take the starting position, as when doing push-ups, only place your hands on stools and your feet on another elevation, for example, a sofa or chair. Place your palms slightly wider than your shoulders.

Going as low as possible between the stools, perform 3-4 sets of 10-12 push-ups. Breaks between approaches should be approximately 2-3 minutes. If the exercise is too easy, do not increase the number of repetitions; it is better to use additional weights. For this you can use, for example, a backpack with books.

Forward Bend Push-Ups

The essence of the exercise is to place your legs above the level of your head. To do this, focus on your outstretched arms, placing them shoulder-width apart. Place your feet on a stool, sofa or other accessible elevation. This exercise targets the upper chest, as well as the triceps and deltoids.

As for how to pump your chest correctly, when doing push-ups from the floor, try to spread your elbows to the sides to provide more load to the chest muscles and not to the triceps. This way, you can pump up your chest faster with push-ups.

  • As you inhale, slowly lower your arms until your elbows touch the floor.
  • After pausing, while exhaling, raise your arms with dumbbells to the starting position.
    • Try to spread your elbows to the sides to maximize the use of your pectoral muscles.
    • You should lower your arms slowly so as not to hit your elbows on the floor.

    Finally, I would like to note that the right decision would be the purchase of a folding athletic bench. This will allow you to perform isolated exercises with dumbbells and will help you pump up your chest more effectively at home. You can even buy such a bench in an online store.

    The article examines the basic exercises for pumping up the chest muscles. It is possible to perform exercises to strengthen muscles both at home and in the gym. By doing simple exercises 3 times a week, you will see results within a month. Maximum result can be achieved if you do 4 sets of 7-12 repetitions with regular training.

    • Exercises to pump up the pectoral muscles at home
    • Exercises to pump up the pectoral muscles in the gym
    • How to quickly pump up your pectoral muscles
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    • Video

    Exercises to pump up the pectoral muscles at home

    Modern men often do not have enough time to visit the gym, but this is not a reason to sit idly by. It is possible to pump up your pectoral muscles at home, the main thing is the right approach. What should it be like? Let's take a closer look.
    The pectoral muscles are involved in many movements of a man. This is the so-called muscular support of the arms, so the strength of the arms lies, among other things, in the effectiveness of the pectoral muscles. When extending your arms straight in front of you (in fact, when hitting straight), the pectoral muscles do exactly half the work, 30 percent adds triceps, 20 percent deltoids. The pectoral muscles are also used during other strength exercises: pull-ups and flips on the bar, push-ups, push-ups.

    Those. The chest muscles are one of the most important muscles in a man. Therefore, you need to approach their development correctly.

    Don't lift your head up or down. Keep it strictly in line with your spine. Place your hands slightly wider than your shoulders. First, lower yourself to the bottom position, and then with a powerful effort push yourself up to straight arms. In the upper position, statically tighten your chest muscles for a one-two count. Only then lower yourself to the floor. Do not straighten your elbows all the way! Leave them slightly bent. Keep your abs tense. Don't let your belly sag!

    Place a bench in front of you and rest your hands on its edge, slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Bend your arms and lower yourself down until your chest lightly touches the edge of the seat. Push yourself up powerfully.

    This is exactly the same movement as regular push-ups with the difference that your toes do not rest on the floor, but on the surface of the bench.

    The hands should be placed slightly in front of the shoulder line. This will not affect efficiency in any way, but will help balance in the starting position.

    Take a support position with your arms straight. Place something soft under your knees, like a gymnastics mat. Keep your back extremely straight. Do not lift your pelvis up - the torso together with the hips forms a straight line.

    Exercises to pump up the pectoral muscles in the gym

    Take a support position on the parallel bars(or alternatively between two benches). From the starting position, slowly lower yourself down until your elbows reach 90 degrees. (You should feel a good stretch in your triceps.) Using the force of your triceps, press your body up onto your straight arms. To get the most out of your triceps, you should keep your torso completely straight throughout the entire rep (if you're doing dips, don't lean forward or backward). Try to keep your elbows close to your body. Don't move them apart.

    Adjust the height of the Peck-Deck seat or handlebars so that when you grasp the handles, the upper arms are level with the shoulders, and the forearms and elbows are firmly pressed against the support arm pads. Sit up straight and press your back and head against the back of the machine. Place your feet wider than your shoulders so that the feet are strictly under the knees, the angle at the knees is straight. As you inhale, bring your arms together in front of your chest. Exhale when you overcome the most difficult part of the movement. As soon as you bring your elbows as close as possible, pause for 1 - 2 seconds and try to tighten your chest muscles even more. Relax your chest muscles slightly and allow the handles to smoothly move your elbows out until they are in line with your shoulders or slightly behind your back. When you reach the bottom point, stop and bring your elbows together again.

    Lie down on a flat bench with dumbbells in both hands. Place dumbbells on your upper thighs. Point your palms towards each other. Then, use your hips to lift the dumbbells up. Raise them one at a time and hold them in front of you, shoulder-width apart, with your palms facing each other. Press the dumbbells, but not all the way - leave your arms slightly bent. This is your starting position. Fix the angle of your arms(this reduces the load on the biceps), and then, with a wide movement, lower your arms to the sides until you feel a stretch in the pectoral muscles. Perform this movement while inhaling.

    Tip: remember that during movement the bends of the arms remain fixed, only the shoulder joints move. Using the strength of your chest muscles, return your arms to the starting position and exhale. Advice: the reverse movement is carried out along the same trajectory. After a second pause, repeat the movement as many times as necessary.

    Adjust the height of the handles so that they are at shoulder level or slightly lower. Sit up straight and press your back and head against the back of the machine. Place your feet wider than your shoulders so that your feet are directly under your knees. Grab the handles with an overhand grip, shoulder-width apart or slightly wider. This is the starting position. As you inhale, press the handles away from your chest. Exhale when you have completed the most difficult part of the movement or when you have fully straightened your arms. At the top point, pause for a second and smoothly return the handles to their original position. As soon as the handles approach your chest, do not stop immediately pressing the handles away from your chest.

    Earlier articles covered exercises:

    • How to pump up your trapezoid

    How to quickly pump up your pectoral muscles

    • The wider the grip or the distance between the hands in support, the more the outer chest muscles are recruited. Therefore, it is recommended for beginners to take a narrower grip, but not too narrow, because... with a narrow grip, more of the triceps muscles will be involved in the work than the pectoral muscles. The optimal grip or support width is slightly wider than shoulder width.
    • The higher your arms are raised above your head when performing a press or push-up, the more the upper pectoral muscles are activated. In beginners, the upper section is, as a rule, less developed than the lower one, because in everyday life We don’t work much with our hands above our heads, so it’s imperative to include push-ups with your hands resting just above the level of your collarbones in your set of exercises.
    • We clench our hands smoothly and unclench them sharply. A better ratio is to open your hands twice as fast as you close them.
    • Maximum push-up efficiency– in a position where the legs are higher than the head.
    • Watch your breathing, this is very important. Exhale when best effort, inhale at maximum relaxation, i.e., when doing push-ups, inhale as you move down, exhale forcefully as you move up. In general, this rule is true for all strength exercises.
    • Let your muscles rest. With strong physical activity the muscles do not have time to rest during the day, exercise every other day. At the same time, you should not be afraid of muscle pain after training - it will soon go away if you exercise regularly. Muscle pain after exercise is evidence that they are growing.

    • Eat more protein foods: nuts, cheese, meat, eggs, beans, as well as fruits and cereals. Try to find time for good rest, because Without rest, muscles will not be able to fully develop.
    • One of the tips was about stretching the pectoral muscles. How to do this? Approach the counter. Stretch one hand to the side and grab the counter with it, and slowly bend your body in the opposite side. The main thing is that it doesn't hurt. Then stretch the muscles on the other side


    The best exercises for the pectoral muscles

    Knee push-ups


    Push-ups on the machine

    Dumbbell fly-down

    Seated chest press


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    Frequently asked questions

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    What burns fat faster: running or lifting? Many people think that lifting weights is much more effective than aerobics. Is this true? Let's find out a little below.

    Hello! Many people wonder how to pump up their breasts at home. This is quite logical, because not everyone has the opportunity to visit gym, some because of complexes, some because of financial capabilities. Well, let me try to answer the question of whether it is possible to pump up your breasts at home.

    As I said, not everyone has the opportunity to go to the gym. I believe that you should always do what is within your “circle of influence”, i.e. don’t sit still and whine, but do what your current position allows you to do. Therefore, I think that home training can be a good solution to start your training.

    In fact, many outstanding athletes began their journey with home workouts, for example, Lou Ferrigno (once one of Schwarzenegger's strongest competitors).

    Naturally, if you want to achieve truly pronounced results, then sooner or later you will have to go to the gym.

    A little about the anatomy of the pectoral muscles

    I won’t torment you with a boring anatomical educational program in best traditions school biology, and I will note the MOST IMPORTANT PRACTICAL POINTS that you need to know when training the pectoral muscles.

    This is the BASIC that you need to know if you want to pump up normal tits.

    The pectoral muscles consist of:

    • Pectoralis Major MUSCLE(m. pectoralis major) – brings the arm to the body, turns it inward (pronation), and the part at the collarbone bends the arm, participates in pulling the body when climbing;
    • Pectoralis Minor MUSCLE(m. pectoralis minor) - during its contraction, it pulls the scapula forward and down;
    • Serratus Anterior Muscle(m. serratus anterior), together with the rhomboid muscle, which is also attached to the medial edge of the scapula, forms a wide muscle loop that covers the body and presses the scapula to it;

    The pectoral (pectoral) muscles are unique to some extent because they are attached at different angles to the sternum and collarbone, FORMING THE LETTER “L”, which is why they need to be trained at different angles.

    Nature has made sure that such large muscles as the chest are not fully activated during certain work in order to save energy, but only partially!

    • Those. when the bench is tilted horizontally, the MIDDLE PART OF THE CHESTS works predominantly.
    • With a positive angle of inclination (upside down), the UPPER PART OF THE CHEST MUSCLES works.
    • When negative, predominantly BOTTOM BREASTS.

    This is very exaggerated, but the main point is that TO PUMP UP YOUR CHEST MUSCLES YOU NEED TO CHANGE THE ANGLE OF THE LOAD ACTING ON THEM.

    Basic rules for growing pectoral muscles

    The pectoral muscles follow the same rules of growth as all other muscles, namely:

    That's all, actually. To grow breasts, you just need to follow these three BASIC rules.

    In order for the body to benefit from muscle growth, it is necessary to give a CONSTANTLY GROWING LOAD. In this case, the body will understand that it needs to grow muscles in order to protect itself from such a load in the future.

    QUALITY RESTORATION must be MANDATORY, because... muscles don't grow during training, they grow during recovery! The quality of it is, the better you will grow.

    During sleep, the body completely reboots and charges the entire system. Hormones necessary for growth and recovery (testosterone, growth hormone, etc.) are released.

    And with proper, balanced, frequent nutrition, the body receives all the necessary “materials” for building new muscles and restoring microtraumas.

    Just imagine that you would use your phone to the limit of its capabilities, but you would constantly charge it only at 50-75%, what would happen? What will happen is that your phone’s battery will die very soon.

    This is what will happen to your body if you do not recover. Imagine, you caused microtrauma to your muscles, the body is trying to restore everything and increase it a little, to warn you, but you simply don’t let it do this, you eat poorly (there is no building material) and you sleep little (you don’t allow hormones to create the background necessary for growth).

    This way you will very quickly fall into a state , and with a high degree of probability you will undermine your health.

    That's all, we increase the load, recover well, feel how the pectoral muscles contract and change the angles of the load. ALL! Now let's move on to equally important issues.

    The main problem when training the pectoral muscles

    I believe that the most basic problem when training the pectoral muscles at home is PROGRESSION OF THE LOAD! Moreover, it must be constantly increased!

    There is no such problem in the gym, because... there is all the necessary equipment: benches that change the inclination, reliable racks, barbells, weight plates of various sizes, a dumbbell row, a crossover, etc. Take it and use it, as they say.

    At home, we most likely have a couple of collapsible dumbbells, chairs, and stools. I don’t even mention such luxury as an inclined bench. YOUR MAIN TASK is to provide yourself with equipment (dumbbells and barbells) on which it would be possible to ADJUST the weight from the lightest to the very heaviest.

    MINIMUM equipment to pump up your pectoral muscles at home

    The very first thing you should have is this COLLAPSIBLE PAIR OF DUMBBELLS(from 5 to 40 kg each)! I have dumbbells at home weighing 20 kg each. This is already catastrophically not enough for me, but when I started, it was more than enough.

    If your dumbbells are too light, you can train slow muscle fibers rather than fast ones. It will be necessary to acidify the muscles at a slow pace with hydrogen ions. Don't be alarmed, it's simple. I talked about this in VERY DETAIL . If you have very small dumbbells (from 10 to 20 kg), THEN A MUST READ!

    You will be able to perform the most important exercises for growing pectoral muscles:

    • VARIOUS PRESSES(basic exercises);
    • WIRINGS(more isolating exercises);
    • PULLOVER(to expand the skeleton, if you are not yet 24-25 years old);

    You can do almost all types of these exercises lying on your back on 2-3 stools. You can place a rolled-up blanket under your shoulder blades to simulate an incline bench.

    If you have some financial resources, then the next very important thing is BAR! They are very cheap, but the exhaust is CRAZY! With the help of them you can pump up not only your chest, but also, for example, triceps, abs, and back (pull-ups). In general, if you have such a thing at home, you will be practically fully equipped!

    If it is not possible to buy parallel bars, then you can adapt to do push-ups between chairs (between the backs or seats with bent knees).

    The third thing that I would like to point out is ADJUSTABLE BENCH! I didn't have that luxury, but if I did, it would certainly enhance the possible progress! Which in itself is great!

    This bench will further expand the range of exercises you can do at home, such as various rows for the latissimus dorsi muscles or dumbbell rows. . There are plenty of options. If there is an opportunity, then it will be just wonderful, if not, we will get out as best we can.

    As I said above, the main things that we will need to train the pectoral muscles at home (in order of importance from top to bottom) are:

    1. Collapsible dumbbells(from 5 to 40 kg).
    2. Bars.
    3. Adjustable bench.

    THE MOST IMPORTANT ONE OF ALL THIS IS COLLAPSIBLE DUMBLESSES! At home, as a rule, we do not have the opportunity to install racks and an Olympic barbell, so we will need to progress the load with the help extra weight on dumbbells.

    How to pump up your breasts at home

    Now I will list the main exercises for the pectoral muscles if you train at home, and also tell you about the main PRACTICAL TIPS when performing these exercises.

    Dumbbell bench press (on stools or bench)