Hot shower for your indoor plants. Hot shower for indoor plants - procedure, benefits and harms Two things that must be done strictly

Good afternoon, friends!

My story today is about caring for flowers and probably a little-known procedure.

Hot shower For indoor plants – a great awakening from hibernation. But not only that. After all, indoor plants require attention and... Plant leaves have pores through which they breathe. Dust settling on the leaves clogs the pores and interferes with breathing. The plant can get sick, so to keep indoor plants beautiful and healthy, you need to give them a hot shower once a month!

How to make a hot shower for flowers

We are talking about a hot shower, and not about spraying warm water. I’ll tell you right away how to do it correctly.

  1. First of all, plants in pots need to be watered, Dry plants should not be put directly into the shower !
  2. Half an hour after watering, place it in the bathtub, slightly tilt the pot with one hand, and water the plants from the shower with the other hot water within 20-30 seconds. The water temperature is 50-70 degrees, as much as your hand can tolerate. The movement should not be directed, but sliding back and forth and very fast. We scald everything: the pot, the soil, the stem, the leaves on both sides.
  3. We leave the flowers in the bathroom for several hours to allow the water to drain. It’s better to leave it overnight, let it breathe some humid air.
  4. Then you can put the flowers in or even in a new place - after this procedure they easily survive the move.

After showering, plants can be left without watering for ten days.

The benefits of hot showers for plants

After a hot shower:

  • the falling and yellowing of leaves stops;
  • drying of the tips and spotting of the leaves stops;
  • New leaves quickly appear and unexpanded ones straighten;
  • plants quickly recover from stress.

Of course, you may not feel any visible benefit from one procedure. This needs to be done regularly, but no more than once a month . And then you can stop spraying the plants.

Spraying with a solution of hydrogen peroxide gives almost the same effect. Read here, including other homemade flower fertilizers.


As with many treatment methods, here too there are contraindications. Hot showers should not be taken:

  • For flowering plants, it is better to simply spray the leaves with hot water from a spray bottle (bypassing the flowers)
  • Transplanted plants can only be sprayed with warm water until they take root.
  • plants with pubescent leaves, such as Saintpaulias, gloxinias, begonias, geraniums. They should not be moistened with water at all; they may die from excess moisture.


I will give reviews from flower growers that I read on the forum on the topic “ Hot shower for plants»:

- Svetlana: I give my houseplants a hot shower once a month and they love it! And calathea, and spathiphyllum, and ficus are simply transformed!

— Alina: Two days ago I gave a hot shower to a dying man. He simply died. The leaves hung like rags. And nothing helped: neither replanting nor root removal. 5 hours after the shower, the leaves stood like young ones! And today, for the first time in 1.5 years, the first bud appeared! I'm happy!

— Oksana: My plants love hot showers. I see that if a plant stands and does not produce new leaves for a long time, I give it a hot shower. After a few days, new leaves appear.

- Natalia: My ficus began to wither, and after a hot shower I can already see the young leaves.

— Zhanna: After a hot shower, my Decembrist threw out so many buds that I lost count. A hot shower is a MIRACLE!

- Love: I saved many of my flowers with a hot shower - the begonia did not grow at all, and after the hot shower it even bloomed, one rose froze and then the hot shower helped - I’m waiting for the flowering. Then I gave all my flowers a hot shower and, apparently, they were happy!

I also want to note that spraying with a spray bottle does not give the same effect as a hot shower. The spray bottle sprays water into very fine droplets, which cool in the air. And when you arrange a shower, you get a steam room in the bathroom, the leaves are washed, they gain moisture, and when you take them out of there, they are like cucumbers.

Anyway hot shower for indoor plants like it, they love care. It definitely won’t be too much!

This is a great awakening from winter hibernation.

Typically, a hot shower is used once a month. More often it is not worth it, so as not to wash it out of the soil. nutrients(if more often, then only by covering the ground). It is better to carry out the procedure in the evening to leave the plants in the bathroom overnight.

The main thing is that the pot must have drainage and light soil so that the hot water does not stagnate. If the pot does not have a drainage hole, do not use hot water, or even water that feels warm to you. For plants without drainage, showering is only possible with cool water (like rain).

However, as a rule, all indoor plants are planted in pots with drainage holes, so there is no problem using hot water.

Half an hour before the procedure, be sure to water the plant generously. This can be done already in the bathroom. Let it sit after watering, and then wash it properly!

A hot shower can be arranged just for the trunk and foliage, covering the ground with a bag, or fully, spilling the soil too.

Hot water removes all excess salts from the substrate, so this is real salvation, if you notice that the soil is covered with a salt crust, or if you realize that you have “overfed” the plant with fertilizers.

How hot is it?

Almost the same as for myself. The water should not burn your hand. Consider that you are preparing a shower for yourself: this temperature will also suit the plant. Hot, nice shower!

The first procedures for indoor plants with a hot shower are best carried out at a water temperature of about 35-38 0 C, and then from time to time you can increase the temperature by about 5 more degrees. But your hand should tolerate it well. Otherwise, there is a risk of scalding the roots.

The jet should not be too powerful.

For how long and what to do then?

For small plants - about 10-15 seconds, adult plants up to 30 seconds, large plants (if you can bring them into the bath) longer.

Scald everything: pot, soil, stem, leaves on both sides. This is the most effective.

Best collected in the bath a whole group of plants, rinse them all well, and close the bath with a curtain, arranging the most efficient steam bath. This great way plant resuscitation.

By the way: A couple of drops of dish soap will not only clean the foliage even better, but will also keep any insects at bay... away from your plants. Prepare a container for several liters of hot water, add a couple of drops of the product, shake, wipe and rinse the leaves at the very end of the procedure. No need to rinse off.

After a shower, leave the plant in the bathroom for at least three hours, removing the trays to drain excess water. To prevent the plant from catching a cold, it is better to close the door to the bathtub. After a few hours, open the door, let the plant stand in the bath a little longer, and then you can take it out to its usual place. It is not advisable to place it on a cold windowsill (only when the plant and pot have completely cooled down). Protect from drafts during the first days.

After this procedure, you may not need to water the plant for even two weeks, but it all depends on the size of the pot and the dryness of the air.

After the soil has completely dried, you can feed the plant during the next watering. complex fertilizer so that the soil is not depleted.

If the plant is affected by pests, first wash the leaves (covering the soil so as not to introduce pests into it), and only then take a hot shower. After the procedure, it is advisable to wash the leaves and trunk green soap for plants.

Benefits of the procedure

A hot shower acts on plants in much the same way as it does on ourselves, removing stress state. The plants' leaves unfurl, new shoots and leaves appear, and the wilting and falling of leaves stops. Growth increases, the tips stop drying, the leaves stop turning yellow, and spotting goes away.

If you regularly perform this procedure, You can forget about spraying.

The root system begins to actively grow and strengthen.

This plant needs resuscitation.

A hot shower works real miracles!

What plants benefit from hot showers?

All plants with large leaves, all moisture-loving, tropical, bromeliads.

It is especially useful for weakened plants, with a long absence of flowering, for rehabilitation, as an aid during pest control.

Gardenia, spathiphyllum, aglaonema, dracaena, arrowroot, guzmania, syngonium, fittonia, calathea, ferns, dieffenbachia, hamidorea, ficus, stromanta, ivy, anthurium and many other plants respond well to a hot shower.


For flowering plants, we do not use a hot shower, but spray with hot water (without touching the flowers). But it is not so effective, because the steam room effect is not obtained. It is better to let the plant bloom, and only then arrange hot procedures (and it is also advisable to do it before flowering).

Do not use after transplantation, only when the plant has taken root.

Do not use on plants with velvety, pubescent leaves (Saintpaulias, Gloxinias, Begonias).

Use caution on plants with young leaves so as not to cause burns. For tender leaves, make the water less hot.

In autumn and winter, you should not put cacti and succulents in the shower. In general, these plants do not need to be watered in winter.

Alcohol tinctures

If the plant is small and you have the time and patience, use a damp cotton swab with diluted alcohol (for smooth, hairless leaves only!) to wipe the plant to clean the leaves. This will also help remove spider mite, which lives, as a rule, on the underside of leaves, and not on top. This is an option if you don't want or can't have a shower.

Instead of pure alcohol, you can buy alcohol tincture of eucalyptus, calendula, etc. at the pharmacy, this is also and additional protection from pests.

And remember: Houseplants can help increase your vitality and give you a feeling of extra energy. Plants can have a positive effect on your mental health, help improve family relationships, give you an idea of ​​more high quality life. Take care of them, they are worth it! Plus, they never go out of style and can live with you for a lifetime!

Good afternoon, friends!

My story today is about caring for flowers and probably a little-known procedure.

– a great awakening from hibernation. But not only that. After all, indoor plants require attention and care. Plant leaves have pores through which they breathe. Dust settling on the leaves clogs the pores and interferes with breathing. The plant can get sick, so to keep indoor plants beautiful and healthy, you need to give them a hot shower once a month!

How to make a hot shower for flowers

We are talking about a hot shower, and not about spraying with warm water. I’ll tell you right away how to do it correctly.

  • First of all, plants in pots need to be watered; dry plants should not be sent straight into the shower!
  • Half an hour after watering, place it in the bathtub, slightly tilt the pot with one hand, and water the plants with hot water from the shower for 20-30 seconds with the other. The water temperature is 50-70 degrees, as much as your hand can tolerate. The movement should not be directed, but sliding back and forth and very fast. We scald everything: the pot, the soil, the stem, the leaves on both sides.
  • Leave in the bathroom for several hours to allow the water to drain. It’s better to leave it overnight, let it breathe some humid air.
  • Then you can put the flowers in their place or even in a new place - after this procedure they can easily survive the move.
  • After showering, plants can be left without watering for ten days.

    The benefits of hot showers for plants

    After a hot shower:

    • the falling and yellowing of leaves stops;
    • drying of the tips and spotting of the leaves stops;
    • New leaves quickly appear and unexpanded ones straighten;
    • plants quickly recover from stress.

    Of course, you may not feel any visible benefit from one procedure. This should be done regularly, but not more than once a month. And then you can stop spraying the plants.

    Spraying with a solution of hydrogen peroxide gives almost the same effect.


    As with many treatment methods, there are contraindications. Hot showers should not be taken:

    • For flowering plants, it is better to simply spray the leaves with hot water from a spray bottle (bypassing the flowers)
    • Transplanted plants can only be sprayed with warm water until they take root.
    • plants with pubescent leaves, such as Saintpaulias, gloxinias, begonias, geraniums. They should not be moistened with water at all; they may die from excess moisture.


    I will give reviews from flower growers that I read on the forum on the topic “Hot shower for plants”:

    Svetlana: I give my houseplants a hot shower once a month and they love it! And calathea, and spathiphyllum, and ficus are simply transformed!

    Alina: Two days ago I gave a dying spathiphyllum a hot shower. He simply died. The leaves hung like rags. And nothing helped: neither replanting nor root removal. 5 hours after the shower, the leaves stood like young ones! And today, for the first time in 1.5 years, the first bud appeared! I'm happy!

    Oksana: My plants like hot showers. I see that if a plant stands and does not produce new leaves for a long time, I give it a hot shower. After a few days, new leaves appear.

    Natalya: My ficus began to wither, and after a hot shower I can already see young leaves.

    Zhanna: After a hot shower, my Decembrist threw away so many buds that I lost count. A hot shower is a MIRACLE!

    Love: I saved many of my flowers with a hot shower - they didn’t grow at all, but after the hot shower they even bloomed, one rose froze and then the hot shower helped - I’m waiting for the flowering. Then I gave all my flowers a hot shower and, apparently, they were happy!

    I also want to note that spraying with a spray bottle does not give the same effect as a hot shower. The spray bottle sprays water into very fine droplets, which cool in the air. And when you arrange a shower, you get a steam room in the bathroom, the leaves are washed, they gain moisture, and when you take them out of there, they are like cucumbers.

    In any case, indoor plants will like a hot shower, they love it. It definitely won’t be too much!

    To appreciate the benefits of a hot shower for house plants, it is enough to remember your feelings during this procedure. The body relaxes, the pores open, the skin breathes. Plant leaves also have pores through which respiration occurs. Moreover, for plants it is the only way breathing. When the pores become clogged, it starts to hurt. To avoid this, it is useful to give the plants a bath day. Moreover, a shower is much more effective than regular wiping in cleaning the leaves and stem.

    plants with boiling water and this should not be done too often. There will be no benefit, and the plant may die.

    Do not carry out this procedure in winter or do it rarely, only when heavily soiled.

    In winter, plants do not need shaking. Most of them are dormant at this time of year, growth slows down, and the flower accumulates strength. A hot shower can awaken it and stimulate growth.

    It would seem that it could be simpler - to wash the flower in the shower. But this procedure has its own rules, which are recommended to be followed so as not to damage the plant. And do not forget that despite the benefits, this should not be done often.

    Some gardeners recommend washing plants in this way once a month, others - once every two months. Sometimes after the first procedure there may be no effect. Do not despair; after several times the plant will definitely respond with gratitude to your care.

    Never wash a dry flower. It needs to be watered and given time to soak in water (about 30 minutes) - otherwise it will simply cook.

    How to carry out the procedure:

    • Place the watered flower in the bath. With one hand, tilt the pot slightly, and with the other, water the flower in a sliding motion.
    • The water should not be too hot. The temperature is approximately 50 degrees. It is not necessary to measure the temperature. Submit your hand. If the hand recognizes the water as hot, but tolerates it, the temperature is sufficient.
    • There is no need to hold the shower from above, directing the stream towards the plant. The water should slide. The plant should be under water for no more than 30 seconds.
    • You can wash everything: pot, soil, stems. But too much water should not get into the soil, so the pot must be tilted.
    • If you are afraid of overfilling, wrap the pot with soil in plastic wrap.
    • After washing, do not place the plant on a cold windowsill. It is better to leave it in the bathroom overnight without opening the door to prevent temperature changes and maintain high humidity.
    • After your shower, you can put the plants on new place. After the procedure, it will handle the move well.

    A hot shower has its contraindications. For example, this procedure cannot be carried out with flowering plants. Delicate flowers may not survive this. If your flower has already bloomed, it is better to spray the leaves with hot water from a spray bottle, being careful not to touch the buds.

    The plant must already be rooted for a hot shower to be beneficial and not harmful. That is, if you have just had it transplanted, refrain from carrying out the procedure for a while.

    Plants with pubescent leaves, such as begonia, gloxinia, may die. In general, it is better not to wet them with water; they do not like excess moisture.

    Let's list plants that will gratefully accept a hot shower.

    Which indoor flowers “love” a hot shower:

    • Gardenia. This is a rather capricious flower. A hot shower will do her good if you do not use it too often and protect the delicate buds from water. This flower does not like heat at all, try not to overdo it with the water temperature.
    • . A hot shower is often used to revive an orchid. Experienced gardeners It is recommended not to exceed the water temperature of 45 degrees. A shower will help if you want to encourage reblooming. Do not shower the plant if it shows signs of rot.
    • . Unpretentious plant, he loves hot showers and tolerates them well. If the flower begins to turn yellow, it means the place is too sunny. Wash it in the shower, and after the procedure put it in a new place.
    • . Dracaenas tend to have dried out yellow leaf tips. Sometimes spraying is not enough, then you can resort to a hot shower procedure. They love humidity, try to leave them in the bathroom longer after a shower, where the air is quite humid.

    A hot shower is an opportunity to improve the condition of plants and give them a great look. At correct implementation it will bring significant benefits.

    More information can be found in the video.