Indian horoscope - Vedic astrology, jyotish online. Planets in houses

>> Jupiter in the 11th house

Persons who were born in Jupiter in the 11th house, the goals set for themselves are achieved with maximum results and minimal effort.

Sociable, cheerful, with many acquaintances and friends whom he is always ready to help - all this is given by Jupiter in the 11th House. Work in large organizations, clubs or groups will be successful. Friendship in his life is not just like that. Developed intuition helps with everything. Often an avid and devoted family man in big family. He derives great benefit from travel.

Communication with a person with Jupiter in the 11th house

These people are lucky and inventive, showing themselves in scientific activity and organizational steps. In the worst case scenario, you may develop a habit of letting your loved ones down, taking their feelings for granted, and making friends for profit. In any case, friends are often made among outstanding people, and they are noble and loyal. Thanks to Jupiter, such people have a good reputation and are in good standing with others. Marriage partners love children and are fertile. All desires and hopes are destined to come true thanks to others and their patronage. They prefer to make friends with influential and respectable people.

Character of a person with Jupiter in the 11th house

If the planet is seriously damaged, then such people do not play life by the rules, and everything planned is upset. In such cases, personal contacts do not bring anything useful, and plans are not implemented. Such people are often surrounded by patrons, sponsors and various well-wishers. They are patronized by spiritual, political or other high-ranking personalities who involuntarily guide them on the right path.

Co-authorship and various types cooperation always brings success. Early marriages and premature interest in sexual relationships are inevitable. These are always successful diplomats, administrators, leaders, talented researchers and famous politicians.

The 11th house corresponds to the air sign and is therefore called the house of kama (desire).

Desires, ambitions, opportunities, friends, elder brother, benefits, wealth, paternal uncle, legs and ankles are all indicators of the 11th house.

The 11th house is the ruler of income and benefits coming in various ways. It differs significantly from the 2nd house in that it indicates unexpected financial benefits and special ways of receiving them. For example, Jupiter in the 11th house can bring money through astrology or spiritual pursuits. Mercury can generate income through writing or lecturing. These sources of income may exist outside of your main job or career.

The 11th house governs mainly desires and ambitions and indicates whether they will come true or not. A strong benefic planet in the 11th house speaks of a person who will be successful in virtually any of his undertakings. A debilitated planet in the 11th house can indicate constant and insatiable desires.

Elder relatives (brothers and sisters) are also known from the position of this house.

Karaka, or indicator, of the 11th house is Jupiter.

The lord of the 11th house is located:

In the 1st house.

Wealth, many favorable opportunities, fulfillment of desires and ambitions, birth into a rich family, good friends, happiness and benefits from older relatives, health, happiness, prosperity.

In the 2nd house.

Wealth, obtaining wealth from several various sources, older relatives can help in making money, home happiness, income from banking or usury, successful financial dealings with friends, intelligence, learning, good speech, wonderful imagination.

In the 3rd house.

The owner of a Kama house in another Kama house brings with him the fulfillment of all desires and ambitions. A person can receive money from investments or activities in music, dance or drama. Income from relatives and from literary pursuits, exciting adventures, courage, happy friendships.

In the 4th house.

Income from real estate or farming, wealth from mother or maternal relatives, acquisition of houses and land, pilgrimages to holy places, good education, academic degree, a lot of comfort, good friends.

In the 5th house.

This is a very good position that gives wealth from investment. Income and happiness from children, successful children, intelligence and learning, income through sports or art, wealthy older relatives, ambitions and desires fulfilled, many favorable opportunities, unexpected financial gains, success in risky ventures.

In the 6th house.

Desires are fulfilled with difficulty, lack of financial benefits, few favorable opportunities, no happiness and income from older relatives, troubles from enemies, problems with friends, there may be income from medical institutions or health-related activities.

In the 7th house.

The owner of the Kama house in another Kama house fulfills all desires and ambitions, gives strong passions, strong desires, spouse is rich or influential, spouse helps in obtaining wealth, happy marriage.

In the 8th house.

Many financial losses, few favorable opportunities, wishes not fulfilled, no happiness from older relatives, older relatives die early or their lives are difficult, few friends, bad friends, income from a marriage partner, good alimony, income from insurance companies or wills.

In the 9th house.

Wealth, luck, desires and ambitions being fulfilled, receiving father's wealth, father is rich and will live long, happiness from older relatives, religiosity or spirituality, happiness from friends, spiritual friends.

In the 10th house.

A successful career, there will be many favorable opportunities in the career, doing good deeds, pilgrimages to holy places, wealth, a lot of comfort, the elder brother may be connected in some way with the person's career.

In the 11th house.

Planet in swakshetra ( own home). Wealth is achieved easily, desires and ambitions are fulfilled, many favorable financial opportunities, happiness and income from older relatives, a lot of comfort, strong and successful older relatives, many friends, benefits from friends.

In the 12th house.

There are many financial losses, few favorable opportunities, wishes are not fulfilled, there is no happiness from older relatives, older relatives may die early, or their life will be difficult. There may be losses, debts and expenses due to older relatives, few friends, bad friends, good sex life.

Planets in the 11th house

Since the 11th house corresponds to an air sign, it is considered the house of kama or desire. Mainly, it rules high goals and ambitions. Therefore, the 11th house is a key factor in the fulfillment of both major life goals and daily desires. This house also rules income and gains and thus detects sudden financial changes and wealth coming from quick ventures, unexpected opportunities or side jobs. And of course, any planet in this house will better or worse aspect the 5th house, which rules investments and speculation.

Also, the 11th house is an indicator of favorable opportunities, which are mainly the reason for the fulfillment of a person’s desires. If the house is very well strengthened, one can expect an abundance of favorable opportunities. Any planet in the 11th house - the upachaya house, except for its affliction, gives good results regarding most basic tasks at home. Also, the indicators of any planet in the 11th house become stronger and stronger over time.

From the analysis of the position of the 11th house, one can judge about friends, paternal uncle and older relatives (brothers and sisters). If the house is extremely affected, the older relatives will suffer a lot or not at all.

Although music, dance and drama are ruled by the 3rd house, many Indian astrologers see a connection between the 11th house and activities related to the fine arts. However, it is not entirely clear why. Also, Indian scriptures often refer to the affairs of the 11th house as happiness in marriage, since the 11th house is considered the fifth house (love affairs) from the 7th house of the horoscope. Since the 11th house rules desires, if it is extremely strong, it may indicate a person whose desires are constant and insatiable.

Karaka of the 11th house is Jupiter. A final conclusion about the affairs of the 11th house should not be made without considering the karaka of the house and its lord.

Ravi – Sun in 11th house

Sun in the 11th house as a malefic in the upachaya house produces superior results in terms of success and material gains. The person will be rich and achieve his goals and ambitions. He will be highly principled, virtuous and very honest. He will be strong and reach a high position. A person is very interested in wealth and can achieve it in many different ways. Easily ahead of his enemies and rivals. He will have many strong or significant friends and may receive help from the government. There will be an abundance of favorable opportunities, investments and speculations will be successful. There may be few children or there may be difficulties with them due to the Sun aspect on the 5th house. This position favors the father's wealth and good relations with him. Since the 11th house is a growing house, the authority of the individual, his self-confidence and strength are constantly increasing.

UCHA AND SVAKSHETRA (exaltation and own sign). If the Sun is in Aries or Leo in the 11th house, the above benefits increase. The person will gain immense wealth through income from various sources. He will be strong and reach a very high status. He will have huge ambitions, which he will realize throughout his life. His elder relatives are strong and prosperous, and the person will benefit from relationships with them. There will also be benefits from the uncle. There will be many distinguished friends and many favorable opportunities.

NICHA (fall). If the Sun is in Libra in the 11th house, the person's dreams and desires will not be fulfilled. Or his desires will be insatiable. He may be poor and will have to work hard. There may be financial troubles, investments and speculations will fail. The person will be powerless and unable to achieve a good position or high status. His friends will be weak, sickly, or below his level. Older relatives may have hard life or early death. Or the relationship with them will be completely upset. Opportunities are rare. There is no happiness and benefits from a paternal uncle.

Chandra – Moon in the 11th house

GROWING MOON. If the waxing Moon is in the 11th house, the person will have important and far-reaching plans and goals, which he is very likely to realize. His ambitions relate to activities related to the public, as well as achieving enormous wealth. The person will have many wonderful and successful friends, especially women. Since the Moon aspects the 5th house, the person will be very intelligent and will have many beautiful children with whom he will get along well. His financial speculations will be successful. A bright Moon in the house of income and benefits is one of the best positions for wealth and therefore the native will be very prosperous and may have his own land, buildings, vehicles and other luxuries. Will receive income from several different sources. His elder relatives will be especially gifted or famous, and relations with them will be good. Opportunities will constantly arise, especially related to financial matters. A person will never lose sight of his far-reaching plans, and his activities will be based on these plans. He will receive help from his paternal uncle.

WANING MOON. If the waning Moon is in the 11th house, the results are similar to those listed above, but not as beneficial. A person will strive to make his dream come true, but there is no certainty that he will succeed. He really wants to get rich, but he will not be very lucky in this, although he may have a good financial position. He may have many friends, but they will not be as prosperous as when the Moon is bright. And in friendship with them there will be more unpleasant accidents. There may be close relationships with older relatives, but there will not be much benefit from them.

UCHA AND SVAKSHETRA (exaltation and own sign). If the Moon is in Taurus or Cancer in the 11th house, the benefits described in the subsection “Waxing Moon” are multiplied. The person will enjoy immense wealth. His elder relatives may be famous or very gifted, and the person may receive great benefits from them. He will be very successful both in realizing his lofty goals and in realizing his everyday desires. His financial speculations will be extremely profitable and he will have wonderful children. He will be highly intelligent. He will have many good friends. If the Moon is waning, the benefits are proportionately reduced, but still remain positive.

NICHA (fall). If Moon is in Scorpio in the 11th house, the person suffers due to his elder relatives. Their relationships are damaged, or their relatives' lives are difficult, or they will die early. The person will have few favorable opportunities and will have to work hard for his well-being. There may be a difficult period in his life when he strives to make his main dream come true. Desires are fulfilled with difficulty; there will be no help from the maternal uncle. A person may be friends with those who are below his level or whose lives are very difficult. There will be sudden troubles in friendship. The person himself may have intense and insatiable desires.

Kuja – Mars in the 11th house

Mars indicators flourish in the 11th house. The person will be strong, brave and very ambitious. An abundance of favorable opportunities awaits him in life, and therefore he will be quite rich. He will achieve his lofty goals, fulfill his desires and may own his own land or buildings. He will have strong and influential friends. However, there may be difficulties in dealing with them. And if Mars is afflicted, friendships will be extremely unbalanced. Mars in the 11th house is not beneficial for relationships with elder relatives or paternal uncle. Their lives may be unsuccessful to some extent. The person himself will be talented in handmade, mechanics, technical fields and in all types repair work. May have additional income in one of these areas. Although the person's speculations will be successful, other affairs of the 5th house will be damaged due to the malefic aspect of Mars on this house. Possible difficulties with children, disorders in love affairs, reckless actions or hot temperament. Women can have abortions and miscarriages.

UCHA AND SVAKSHETRA (exaltation and own sign). If Mars is in Capricorn, Aries or Scorpio in the 11th house, the person will have extreme ambitions, which he will certainly realize. He will be very rich, strong and successful. Will enjoy social life and have many extraordinary friends. His older relatives may be famous, successful and long-lived. The person may be associated with the military field or occupy a leadership position. There will be an abundance of favorable opportunities in his life and he will receive many benefits from his paternal uncle who may be strong and successful.

NICHA (fall). If Mars is in Cancer in the 11th house, the person will suffer a lot because of his elder relatives or there will be no relatives at all. If there is an older brother or sister, then their life may be difficult or they will die early, or the relationship with them will be tense and filled with disputes. A person will not be able to realize his main goals and ambitions in life, or he may be completely deprived of such goals. The person will be weak and no favorable opportunities will appear in his life. His friends may be below his level, from low strata of society, or will be weak in character. There may be tension or arguments in friendships.

Buddha - Mercury in the 11th house

If Mercury is in the 11th house without any malefic aspects, the person will be rich and very successful in his financial enterprises. He will easily translate his desires and goals into reality. This position is excellent for intellect and mind as Mercury is well placed in the 11th house and simultaneously aspects the 5th house. Therefore, a person will be intelligent, deeply knowledgeable and learned. Will be friends with smart and sophisticated people. There will be many favorable opportunities in his life and his speculations will be profitable. The person will receive help from older relatives who may have an intellectual nature. He will also be satisfied good relations with his uncle. May have a variety of additional sources of income, most likely in business or commerce. This is a great position for scientists, engineers, mathematicians, etc. If Mercury is afflicted, it loses its benefic status and the results are reversed.

UCHA AND SVAKSHETRA (exaltation and own sign). If Mercury is in Virgo or Gemini in the 11th house, the above benefits are multiplied. A person will get wealth very easily. He will have many different sources of income and will be very successful in his financial speculations. He will have excellent relationships with older relatives who may be successful, famous or very intelligent. The person is intelligent, wise and deeply knowledgeable. His desires, goals and dreams will be realized. It may be related to training or educational activities. An abundance of favorable opportunities awaits him in life.

NICHA (fall). If Mercury is in Pisces in the 11th house, the person will suffer due to elder relatives. Relationships with them may be damaged, the brother or sister may be mentally unstable, or his life will be difficult, or he will die early. A person does not realize his goals and desires in life. Will not receive happiness from friends or will be friends with individuals below him in terms of development. There may be losses or sudden financial crashes due to speculation. There will be very few favorable opportunities and the person will have to work hard for his well-being. There will be no help from the paternal uncle. A person may be haunted by constant insatiable desires.

Guru – Jupiter in the 11th house

Jupiter in the 11th house is one of the best positions of the planet regarding wealth and success of all enterprises. Everything that a person touches turns into gold. He will be very rich. His endeavors succeed easily and quickly, and he can acquire wealth in any way he wishes. Opportunities are constant and enduring. From the 11th house, Jupiter aspects the 3rd house, which mainly rules efforts and desires. It also aspects the 5th and 7th houses - and the latter is the house of kama (desire). Therefore, a person realizes his highest goals and everyday desires. Will be very successful in friends, connections and social activities. He will have deeply knowledgeable, spiritual or rich friends. Mainly he will be friends with people higher than him in social or financial status or intellectual level. Will get along very well with older relatives who will be successful or especially gifted. They may be deeply knowledgeable, religious or spiritual people. The person himself may have side incomes from astrology, teaching and honest investments. There will be benefits from the paternal uncle who will be prosperous. The ambitions and dreams of an individual are extremely significant and therefore have a huge impact on society. Although this position is very favorable for material desires, the main goals of the individual may relate to religion, spirituality or higher knowledge. Some Indian scriptures declare that a person will have few children, since Jupiter rules children, and benefic planets do not increase in upachaya houses. However, Jupiter in the 11th house aspects the 5th house, which is beneficial for the indicator of children. Therefore, there is no agreement among the sages on this issue. The person will definitely be quite smart. He will also love music, dance and drama as the 3rd house receives a benefic aspect from Jupiter.

UCHA AND SVAKSHETRA (exaltation and own sign). If Jupiter is in Cancer, Sagittarius or Pisces in the 11th house, the person will be truly lucky. The benefits listed above are multiplied. A person will set goals of exceptional importance and achieve them. He will have wonderful friends and a rich life social life. There will be an abundance of favorable opportunities and he will be very rich. Will receive help from older relatives and from his paternal uncle. The person will be very intelligent, virtuous and spiritual. He will have wonderful, successful children whom he will adore. Will be successful in almost all of his undertakings without delay or delay. His speculation will be extremely profitable.

NICHA (fall). If Jupiter is in Capricorn in the 11th house, the person may have unrealistic goals and ambitions that he will never realize. The life of older relatives is greatly spoiled, as is the relationship with them. A person must work hard to ensure his well-being and may not be able to realize even his usual desires. Relationships with friends are unbalanced. Very little help from paternal uncle. This position, as well as any debilitated planet in the 11th house, can make life bitter and tiresome.

Shukra – Venus in the 11th house

If Venus is in the 11th house, the person will be very lucky in realizing his goals and ambitions. There will be an abundance of favorable opportunities and he will gain wealth without any effort. Will be very successful in any financial speculation. He will have many friends, especially women, and an exciting social life. The person will receive benefits and satisfaction from friendly relations with older relatives. The same applies to the paternal uncle. One of them may be very artistic and successful. The person himself may have a strong love for music, dance, or drama, and his highest goals may relate to one of these areas. Due to the benefic aspect of Venus on the 5th house, the person will be very intelligent and knowledgeable. He will also be happy with his children. Will enjoy beautiful decorations, comfort and luxury. Maybe, if he wishes, he can increase his income through activities related to art, sweets, jewelry, cosmetics and other areas ruled by Venus. Venus in the 11th house is a very good position, which improves the entire horoscope as a whole in the direction of wealth, happiness and easier life.

UCHA AND SVAKSHETRA (exaltation and own sign). If Venus is in Pisces, Taurus or Libra in the 11th house, the above benefits are multiplied. The person will be extremely rich and will fulfill his highest dreams. Will receive wealth suddenly and effortlessly. His older relatives may be handsome or famous. The person will have famous friends and a busy social life. There will be enormous talent in one of the fields of high art, and he will life goal may relate to this area of ​​art.

NICHA (fall). If Venus is in Virgo in the 11th house, the person may never realize his lofty goals. He will suffer because of older relatives, whose lives may be difficult or who will die early. There will be few favorable opportunities and the person will have to create through his own perseverance. There will be few friends and difficulties with them. This position does not favor wealth, luxury and comfort.

Shani - Saturn in the 11th house

Saturn is greatly enhanced by its position in the 11th house. Therefore, a person will live long, be wise, mature and strong. He will have leadership abilities and will wield enormous power. May be associated with the government and receive assistance from eminent persons and authority figures. He will have many influential, strong or spiritual friends. Since a malefic planet in an upachaya house gives good results, the native will be rich, respected and influential. May own land and houses. This position is unfavorable for the indicator of older relatives, and therefore there may be suffering due to them. The same applies to the paternal uncle. Since Saturn aspects the 5th house, the number of children decreases and certain Indian scriptures declare that the native will have incomplete education due to this aspect. The person will probably have far-reaching plans and high ambitions and will be successful and persistent in their implementation, but this will take time. Even though Saturn aspects the 5th house, speculation will be successful as the 11th house rules income and benefits. But in such activities a person can be conservative and cautious.

UCHA AND SVAKSHETRA (exaltation and own sign). If Saturn is in Libra, Capricorn or Aquarius in the 11th house, the above benefits are multiplied. The person will be unusually rich and strong. He will be a leader and will be able to achieve great political success. He will make his dreams come true and they can positively impact a huge section of society. Will receive help from older relatives who may be strong and successful. The person will live to a very old age and will be very successful. At 36 there can be a significant increase in status and wealth. There will be many benefits from the paternal uncle and many strong, prosperous, noble or spiritual friends.

NICHA (fall). If Saturn is in Aries in the 11th house, the person will suffer due to elder relatives whose life may be difficult or they may die early. The person may not have older brothers or sisters. There will be very few favorable opportunities and he will have to work hard to ensure his well-being. He will not be able to realize his dreams in life. Will have little or no power. Life expectancy is decreasing. A person can be friends with people below him in level or with those whose lives are very difficult.

Rahu – northern lunar node in the 11th house

Rahu in the 11th house is a superior position giving wealth, benefits and income. People will respect the person, and he will have strong and influential friends. There will be many favorable opportunities for financial income. High goals and strong ambitions that he is likely to implement. There may be difficulties in relationships with older relatives. Indian scriptures state that a person will have few children or will have difficulties with them because if Rahu is in the 11th house, then Ketu occupies the 5th house.

UCHA (exaltation). If Rahu is in Gemini or Virgo in the 11th house (either stationary or direct), the benefits described above are multiplied. The person will receive great wealth and will enjoy an abundance of luxuries. He will have wonderful friends who will be strong and successful. Friends can be spiritual. Elder relatives will be gifted or famous, the person will receive a lot of happiness and benefits from them.

Ketu - south lunar node in the 11th house

If Ketu is in the 11th house, the person will be successful in his undertakings and lucky in acquiring wealth. There may be strange friends or difficulties with them. Indian scriptures state that the person will have many excellent qualities and will be learned and rich.

UCHA (exaltation). If Ketu is in Virgo or Gemini in the 11th house (either stationary or direct), the person is wealthy and is constantly provided with favorable opportunities. He will have many wonderful friends, some of them may be of an ascetic or spiritual nature. The person will receive help from older relatives who will be gifted or successful.



A person who has Jupiter in the 11th house of the horoscope will be learned, rich and will have great financial profits. In his 32nd year of life he will acquire horses ( vehicles) and will become widely known. When Jupiter is conjunct with benefic or malefic planets, the native of the horoscope will be very fortunate to acquire elephants as a means of transportation. In the case of Jupiter conjunct the Moon, one should expect large financial gains without much effort.


Jupiter will bring great benefits to a person if he is in the 1lth house of the horoscope. Sutra 52 states that in case of conjunction with a benefic or malefic planet, the owner of the horoscope will become prosperous. Bhrigu Muni is of the opinion that, being the most powerful of favorable planets, Jupiter, being in the 11th house in conjunction, enhances the good qualities of other planets and neutralizes the influence of malefics, since even they in the upachaya house give good results. Bhrigu Muni writes that the result of these combinations will be the acquisition of elephants as means of transportation, which in our time should be considered as the acquisition of prestigious and expensive models cars. This is especially true if Jupiter is connected to Venus - an indicator of means of transportation.

Dhana yogas, yogas of wealth, are formed in cases of Aquarius ascendant (Jupiter in Sagittarius in the 11th house as the lord of the 2nd and 11th houses) and Virgo ascendant (Jupiter is exalted in Cancer as the lord of the 4th and 7th houses ). Influencing from the 11th house to the 5th house, Jupiter brings happiness in children.

Other opinions:

"Brihat Jataka"- the owner of the horoscope will be successful and lucky.

"Phaladipika"- wealth, fearlessness, a small number of children, long life and the availability of means of transportation.

"Saravali"- A person who has Jupiter placed in the 11th house of the horoscope will have huge financial gains, servants and vehicles. He will be noble, but will not receive high education and will have few children.

"Chamatkar-chintamani"- The owner of the horoscope will have things made of gold and silver, spend money not on luxury items, but for the benefit of others. He will be reasonable and will become a support for his father.


The position of Jupiter in the 11th house is considered very favorable by all authorities. Opinion of "Phaladipika" and "Saravali" in relation to children are doubtful, since from the 11th house Jupiter will have a beneficial effect on the house of children. Here's a note "Saravali" about low education is fair and logical, since the 11th house is the eighth to the 4th house, an indicator of academic education, and Jupiter, as jnana-karaka, an indicator of knowledge, being in the 11th house gives mind, intelligence, rationality and wisdom (influence on the 5th house), but also obstacles in obtaining academic education.

Achieving goals through friendships and group activities. You have many friends who are generous and ready to help.
You will be lucky in working with teams, organizations - those who share your ideals. You will achieve more if you join forces with others - in clubs, public organizations or associations. Social improvement or helping those around you is very important to you.

B. Israelite. Planets in houses

Gives the strength of faith in better life. People with this position of Jupiter are pillars of public opinion, renovators of culture. They place great social expectations on their children and have an intellectual connection with them.
V person has strong, generous friends and patrons. His idea of ideal society- complete abundance, flourishing of culture, all cultural institutions, victory of goodness and justice.
Great possibilities in forecasting. If Jupiter is not affected, then the forecast is reliable.

Francis Sakoyan. Planets in houses

If there are no problems or grief with friends, then they simply do not exist.
This person in the group attracts attention; sometimes it even seems that he takes up twice as much space as the average team member.
With Jupiter slightly affected, this person is the common hope: he always manages to find a way out of a difficult situation within the group, new ways of its expansion, sources of income, internal strength and enthusiasm. He is characterized by broad views on the problems of the group, generosity, and condescension towards his comrades. On the other hand, he is haunted by the feeling that he is somehow higher and better than other members of the group.
With harmonious Jupiter, this is expressed in cordial condescension, and usually does not cause a sharp protest.
The defeat of Jupiter in the absence of elaboration gives emphasized arrogance, self-affirmation at the expense of comrades and attributing all successes to oneself, and the blame for defeat to others.
The development follows the path of awareness of one’s capabilities and personal duty to the team, which are much higher than a person initially thinks (in particular, more than the average member of the team) and responsible work in the group. This person can see the distant goals of the group and form its ideals, enjoying greater authority and even greater love from the team, but they must be honestly earned, and not demanded in advance. The same applies to relationships with friends, of which there will be many, perhaps even too many. A person needs to understand that friends are not only his entertainment and joy, but also his duty, as well as a channel through which, provided he has the right relationship with them, happiness and additional opportunities flow.

Indubala. Planets in houses. (Indian tradition)

Money comes easily to these people. Their words are listened to, their children bring them happiness, they have a chance to hear individuals who have achieved self-realization. They keep money in banks and are quite prudent in this regard. Classical texts note that such people are fearless and long-lived.

No Monster. Planets in houses

Achieving goals through friendships and group activities. Often - members of societies, commissions, initiatives of a humanistic and educational nature. With bad aspects, the motive for friendship and participation in humanistic activities may be personal gain.

Bill Herbst. Horoscope Houses

Participation in group life. Your social sensitivity is so spontaneous that groups around you want to get you to join them. Often they come to you, rather than you coming to them. Opportunities like these are not easy for you to pursue because they challenge you to earn recognition and approval and take advantage of the chance to expand your social horizons. In fact, the real pitfall is thinking that if you have been called to join a group before, you will be called in the future. Don't miss these real opportunities.
Appropriate behavior. The instinct for appropriate behavior is given to you by nature, it is almost like a sixth sense. You seem to instinctively know how to act in almost any social setting. You're interested in what other people think, but probably not too interested. In your best case scenario, criticism will slip off like a duck's back, but beware of the trap of complacency. Everyone squints their eyes in complacency from time to time, and you are no exception, so you patiently endure inappropriate behavior or indelicacy that sometimes brings you suffering. The goal is to let your gentle social sense make the lives of others more comfortable and thus strengthen your position in the group.
Friendship, social circle. You make friends easily. You understand and accept people, which allows you to be good friend, and you hope that other people will be similarly understanding and accepting of you. Are you ready to be friendly even in difficult situation, and this is transmitted to people, who, in turn, respond in kind. But this only happens in cases where they are sure that you are revealing your best qualities. Your social circle is a barometer. If it is large and full of life, it means you are successfully working with your natal Saturn (typo? Jupiter?). If it is weak, or you are in isolation, then you have fallen into a trap. Either you ignore your Saturn(?), that is, you do not make enough effort to maintain friendly contacts, or you work so hard at solving Saturnian(?) mysteries that you have no energy left to feed yourself with pleasures. Relax and enjoy your friendship.
Collaborative creativity. You repeatedly find yourself involved in work creative organizations. By being able to anticipate the flow of group thought, you influence creative results, and at the same time you are recognized as an invaluable source of insight for the group. Guiding the entire creative process is enjoyable and makes you happy. Your creative role is to be a source of enthusiasm for the group, to reveal development prospects for it, and to renew the life of the group.
Accepting love. The feeling of being loved is based on other people's positive vision of you. First of all, this relates to your wisdom. When your wisdom is recognized by others, you feel loved. However, if you are treated like an ordinary person, then you do not recognize the presence of love, even if it exists. You want your ego to be stroked. When your lover admires your spontaneous expression, you feel that he or she loves you. If the relationship is strained or limits you, then this feeling disappears. When relationships with people expand the circle social contacts, you feel loved. If possessive interests are strongly manifested in these relationships, then the feeling of increasing isolation destroys love. When your integrity is not questioned, then you are in the flow of love. However, any mistrust or accusation regarding the purity of our motives or actions causes resentment. You don't like being tested. The task is to find a person who shares your vision of optimism and free self-expression, and after you are rewarded with recognition, remain faithful to your lover.

Planets in the 11th house of the horoscope

The eleventh house of the horoscope - reflects the role of a person in teams or groups, the participation of an individual in collective work and the attitude towards such interaction. In other words, the 11th house of the horoscope is responsible for a person’s social life, support from others and his place in society.

This house symbolizes how the individual manifests himself, how he relates himself to the collective mind. The system of values ​​of a particular individual related to society and his role in it depends on it.

The 11th house of the horoscope is especially important for politicians and public figures, those whose career depends precisely on the ability to successfully interact with society.

This house corresponds to the sign of Aquarius and symbolizes various shapes cooperation: charity groups, theater troupes, literary circles, associations of astrologers, mediums, and so on. In addition, the 11th house is associated with computer technologies- working on the network.

Astrological secrets of the planets

Sun in the 11th house of the horoscope

The Sun in the eleventh house is responsible for a person’s success in society, the gift of attracting glances, winning people’s favor, their faith, and the ability to acquire and keep true friends. Many positive moments in the life of the “owner” of the planet in natal chart connected precisely with their faith and support.

Grandiose plans and never-ending optimism attract allies, however, one should not forget that the excessive power characteristic of such people can alienate even the most devoted followers. The Sun in the 11th house creates idealists, always striving for the unattainable, but beautiful - this attracts them.

Moon in the 11th house of the horoscope

The Moon in the eleventh house imparts an unusually attractive, incomparable charm that can attract crowds of fans and admirers. However, you should beware of envious people and unreliable, “fake” friends. At some point, a complete reassessment of values ​​and a change in social circle may occur. The Moon in the 11th house gives you intuition, which helps you get along with others. Such people are very hospitable; they are distinguished by their desire to be friends with families, perhaps generations.

Venus in the 11th house of the horoscope

Venus in the eleventh house leads to sociability, friendliness, philanthropy, and sociality. Such people are always surrounded by attention, they have many friends. They themselves are charming, sophisticated and tactful friends and patrons. Very useful in their lives are broad connections in various fields that arise and only multiply throughout their journey.

The transit of a planet in the 11th house instills a sense of tact and high diplomacy. Venus in the 11th house, unfortunately, often explains the mistaking friendship for love and is the cause of “friendly” marriages.

Mars in the 11th house of the horoscope

Mars in the eleventh house gives birth to real leaders: enterprising, responsible and purposeful. These people are ready to take responsibility, including for others, to help and support. Mars in the 11th house provokes active interactions with others, especially as a leader; the degree of activity is so high that it can develop into obsession.

However, its transit also causes high degree hot temper and conflict. The owner of the planet in the horoscope is a fan of almost military discipline in the team.

Jupiter in the 11th house of the horoscope

Jupiter in the eleventh house brings popularity and favor with influential people. They manage to extract the necessary effects from relationships intuitively. Good-natured idealists, they nevertheless somehow always achieve what they want in life.

Through public organizations capable of exerting a significant influence on many social institutions and the state. Jupiter in the 11th house symbolizes responsiveness, generosity, reliability, but trusting the wrong people can easily lead to abuse of the kindness of the owners of the planet in the horoscope.

Uranus in the 11th house of the horoscope

Uranus in the eleventh house is most clearly manifested in the craving for unusual people, phenomena, extraordinary behavior and communication. Such a person has great intellectual and creative inclinations. Most friendships and other attachments arise suddenly.

Uranus in the 11th house gives the native high ingenuity, especially in achieving goals. However, suddenly emerging connections just as quickly cease to occupy a person, which leads to distance and causes a lot of problems in relationships with already familiar people, misunderstandings and conflicts.

Saturn in the 11th house of the horoscope

Saturn in the eleventh house does not contribute to the large superficial environment of its native. A person gives preference to a narrow circle of reliable, trusted friends. Friendship with the owner of the planet in the horoscope is often built on mutual obligations. He prefers meetings in secluded places, one-on-one.

He will have to fight for his high aspirations, overcoming many obstacles and troubles, however, his natural determination will not allow him to retreat. Saturn in the 11th house gives high self-discipline, which is very helpful in life. Unfortunately, influenced planets can easily become victims of dishonest and selfish people.

Mercury in the 11th house of the horoscope

Mercury in the eleventh house imparts subtle taste and high intelligence. Large quantity acquaintances, as a rule, appears due to flexibility and the ability to adapt to different people.

The owners of the planet in the horoscope love social life, participate in the activities of various groups, clubs and communities. Mercury in the 11th house gives them the talent to find original ways achieving your goals. Such people are also distinguished by cynicism and, often, impracticality.

Neptune in the 11th house of the horoscope

Neptune in the eleventh house awakens qualities such as artistry, sensuality, theatricality and idealism. Such people look for societies similar to themselves, often creating groups, in particular, creative teams. Sensitivity to other people's experiences and idealism often prompt them to engage in humanitarian organizations, as well as public associations related to the future.

Neptune in the 11th house gives an intuitive sense of the needs and wants of others. However, in life there are many treacherous people who want to take advantage of the pure thoughts of such people for their own purposes.

Pluto in the 11th house of the horoscope

Pluto in the eleventh house gives a tendency to reform, the desire to change any situation for the better, to beat it in the most positive way for oneself and especially for loved ones. These people are a powerful vital in the lives of your friends with whom you are closely connected.

The transit of Pluto in the eleventh house means that people take their goals so seriously that determination can sometimes turn into obsession. Pluto in the 11th house also manifests itself in devotion to friends, so strong that separation is very difficult to bear, and the death of a friend leaves indelible emotional wounds.

Video: Planets in the houses of the horoscope