Preparing the spray gun for work. Spray gun breakdown: do-it-yourself repairs Air goes into the spray gun tank

And what should be the imprint of the paint torch for correct, uniform spraying of paint. What to do if the shape of the torch does not correspond to the standard?

Today you will find out

Let us remind you that with full serviceability and correct adjustment spray gun, the spray torch should leave a trace of evenly applied paint on the tested surface, shaped like an elongated ellipse or rectangle with rounded edges. Its sides are smooth, without any depressions or protrusions, and the paint and varnish material is evenly distributed over the entire area of ​​the print.

If the spraying process does not proceed correctly and deviations are observed in the shape of the torch imprint, first of all, do not panic - often the reasons for this are very trivial, for example, an unbalanced ratio of air supply to paint, or incorrectly selected. Of course, there may be more serious reasons, for example, clogging, damage or wear of the spray gun parts (air cap, nozzle, needle).

In any case, diagnosing the causes should always start small - perhaps a simple additional thinning of the paint or cleaning the spray gun will save you from buying a new air cap or nozzle.

Let's look at the most common deviations of the paint spray from the norm and figure out what measures need to be taken to eliminate them.

Figure Eight and Double Eight Forms

A strong narrowing of the torch in the center occurs, as a rule, due to insufficient paint supply or too high pressure spraying. For the same reasons, the torch can take the shape of a “double eight”. Such flame defects are more likely to occur when working with low-viscosity, low-solids materials than with high-viscosity materials.

The solution to this kind of problem can be to increase the supply of material using the appropriate regulator on the body of the spray gun or reduce the pressure at the inlet.

Excess paint in the center or at the edges

Most often, the cause of this type of defect is too strong a supply of material. And here there is interesting feature: if in the sprayers of the conventional system, with an excessive supply of paint, an excess of paint will be observed in the central part of the print, then on the guns of the HVLP and LVLP systems, the material tends to be redistributed closer to the edges. Try reducing the paint supply and repeat the spray test.

An excess of material in the center of the torch can also be caused by too high paint viscosity or low inlet pressure. So be sure to check the viscosity of the paint material and install it at the inlet of the spray gun.

"Pear-shaped" or "banana-shaped"

A pear-shaped print with a thickening at the top or bottom is most likely caused by a clogged or damaged air cap, nozzle or air passages. For the same reason, a displacement of the paintwork material to the left or to the right (“banana-shaped profile”) may be observed.

Here it is important for us to understand what exactly is clogged. To determine this, rotate the air cap 180° and repeat the “spray test”. If the print is also upside down, then the air cap is at fault. Remove it and wash with solvent (see poster at the bottom of the article). If the shape of the print has not changed, the reason is a clogged or damaged nozzle.

It is better to clean the air cap and nozzle with special brushes and needles, which are sold in separate kits specifically for washing the spray gun.

If such accessories are not available, you can use some soft brush and wooden stick(exclusively wooden!), sharpened to fit the small holes of the air cap, or with a toothpick.

Do not under any circumstances use the spray gun for cleaning. metal objects(brushes, paper clips). They can damage the head and nozzle!

Pulsating or trembling torch

If the torch vibrates, the jet becomes intermittent and unstable, and the paint and varnish material bubbles in the tank, there may be several reasons. As always, let's start small.

First of all, we note that such instability of the torch is often found on pistols with a lower tank. If you are working with such a pistol, it may be insufficient quantities paint in the tank or the sprayer is tilted too far, resulting in the paint pick-up tube not being immersed in the paint material and it not flowing properly. Add paint to the tank or rotate the paint pick-up tube 180° and spraying will proceed correctly again.

On guns with an upper reservoir, the jet may also lose stability when tilted at a large angle (for example, when painting various hard to reach places), so try not to tilt the sprayer too much in such cases.

Also pay attention to the vent hole in the tank cap - it may simply be clogged. Clean it and the torch will stabilize again.

However, there may be more serious reasons. For example, a poorly tightened or damaged nozzle at the base. Unscrew it and check the threads for damage and “stuck” turns. If the nozzle is ok, just tighten it well.

The problem may also be with the spray gun needle - it is severely worn, clogged with dried paint residues, or is not fastened tightly enough. First, remove it and clean it if necessary. Lubricate the needle mounting oil seal with a special silicone-free (necessarily silicone-free!) lubricant. Sometimes such lubricant comes with the spray gun. Also lubricate the paint needle spring. If this does not help, replace the oil seal and tighten the fastening screw, but do not overtighten it, so as not to disrupt the free movement of the needle.

The cause may also be clogged paint supply channels. Thoroughly rinse the channels with a soft brush with the needle, air cap and nozzle removed, then blow off the spray gun with compressed air.

As you can see, in most cases the reasons for the irregular shape of the torch are easily eliminated. It is enough to correctly configure the spray gun and select the desired viscosity of the paintwork material. Also, do not forget to promptly and carefully care for your spray gun, respect and love it, and it will reciprocate your feelings.

(17.05.13) Inessa
Hello! There is no paint supply to the spray gun. What to do?

Hello, Inessa. The reasons for the lack of paint composition in the spray gun may be related to both the device itself and the material used. In addition, this process can be affected by improper use of the gun.

Each individual brand of device has its own instructions for setting the correct paintwork, in particular, the supplied air pressure and paint composition. You must strictly follow the instructions supplied with the device itself. During operation, the user begins to “feel” the device and adjust it, relying only on trial and error. Here are the most common reasons for the lack of yield of coloring material:

  • Nozzle clogged
  • Presence of large inclusions in the paint composition
  • Mesh damage
  • Blocking the paint channel
  • Blocking the air intake channel
  • Needle damage
  • Factory defect of the device

If you are working with a spray gun for the first time after purchasing it and have not properly checked it in the store, there may be a manufacturing defect. Although this happens rarely. You can replace the spray gun if you have kept the warranty card and receipt.

Popular breakdowns and repair methods

But, most likely, the reason is not a factory defect, but the inexperience of the user. Try adjusting the device using the adjusting screw. Attach a small sheet of whatman paper to the wall and try to improvise with paint, gradually opening the screw. Adjust the supply of paintwork materials without squeezing the trigger of the gun. The screw creates barriers to the movement of the needle and does not allow it to open the outlet for the paint composition.

If adjusting the pressure supply does not change the situation, you need to check whether the needle is dirty. Try cleaning the needle and nozzle, repeat the test on whatman paper. If the reason is a damaged mesh, it must be replaced.

Sometimes the spray gun refuses to work when full opening outlet for the paint composition. This may mean that you may be using a substance that is too viscous. If large lumps are visible in the mass, grind paint composition, then strain on a vibrating sieve. Try applying paint to the Whatman paper in the new consistency, adjusting the pressure with the screw.

Also check the condition of the air supply. After pouring paint into the tank and connecting to the air line, gradually add air pressure. In parallel with the increase in pressure, make periodic short “sprays” onto whatman paper.

Carefully read all instructions for storage and maintenance of the device of a particular brand. Try to wash all specified elements of the device immediately after use. Use materials recommended by your spray gun manufacturer.

It is difficult to convey the unpleasant emotions that overwhelm the owners of expensive perfumes when some problems arise with the bottle. The most common problems are the spray leaking or the spray bottle not working. Is it possible to repair the atomizer and save valuable perfume? What to do if the perfume doesn't spray? Do not rush to get upset, we will tell you a few secrets on how to restore the functionality of the bottle.

Why doesn't my perfume sprayer work?

There are several reasons that can cause a spray bottle to break down. The most common are the following:

  • clogged holes in the spray nozzle or spray tube;
  • sticking or displacement of the ball inside the mechanism;
  • air entering the tube, which takes the perfume from the bottle.

Don't fall into despair and throw away your favorite perfume. For any of these problems there is the right decision. There are several ways to fix perfume if it doesn't spray. So let's try to fix the spray gun ourselves.

Clogged spray holes

The most common reason why a perfume atomizer does not work is that it is clogged. Most often it occurs in perfumes that are already several years old. The components of the aromatic liquid, passing through the spray nozzle, can settle inside. This oily substance eventually clogs the narrow opening of the spray.

What to do if the perfume stops spraying as a result of a blockage? To resolve this problem, you need to do the following:

  • remove the spray button;
  • soak it in alcohol, cologne or hot water to dissolve the blockage;
  • clean the holes in the spray with a very thin needle;
  • clean the tube pin with a wooden toothpick;
  • Thoroughly blow out the mechanism or flush it several times.

After the cleaning procedure, you can return the nozzle to its place and check the operation of the sprayer. If it doesn't work well enough, repeat the cleansing process.

Ball sticking inside the dispenser

Another reason for the spray bottle to not work may be the sticking of a tiny ball located inside. This small part can get stuck and block the flow of perfume into the opening of the atomizer. Let's see what to do if eau de toilette doesn't splash.

In this case, you can use the following effective method:

  • place the perfume in the freezer for 1-2 hours;
  • then check the operation of the sprayer.

It often happens that minus temperature has a positive effect on the ball. As a result, the sprayer begins to work obediently.

Air getting into the tube

If the perfume does not spray, there may be air in the spray tube. To restore the functions of the bottle you need to:

  • remove the sprayer by pulling it up. Below it is a short plastic pin;
  • turn the bottle over and place it on a hard surface;
  • Gently press the pin to the surface so that it is pressed into the bottle. Repeat several times if necessary;
  • a few drops of perfume will flow out, but the air bubble should leave the tube;
  • then put the spray bottle back on.

If all restoration work is unsuccessful, the sprayer may have broken completely. Then it is better to replace it by removing it from another used bottle.

Backup options for saving perfume

If there are no positive results after the steps taken, it is better to forget about the beautiful bottle and try to extract your favorite scent. What to do when the perfume spray bottle is completely broken? In this case, you will have to do the following:

  • remove the valve part of the spray using pliers or a can opener;
  • pour the perfume into a special atomizer or other bottle.

For those who don't know. An atomizer is a glass or plastic container with a screw-on atomizer. It can have different volumes from 5 to 100 ml. The atomizer can be purchased at any perfume department that sells perfume on tap.

If you can’t remove the valve and the dispenser is irreparably broken, you can use another option:

  • take any jar, wash well with water, wipe dry, rinse with alcohol;
  • place the inverted perfume into the container, having first removed the atomizer;
  • Press the tube to the bottom of the jar to release a strong stream of perfume;
  • then collect the contents with a syringe and pour into the atomizer.

Well, that's it. We wish you success. We hope that our own experience will help revive your bottle.

Application of compositions consisting of varnish and paint is the main function for which an electric spray gun is responsible. The use of such a tool can improve the quality of painting and reduce labor costs.

There are two types of such devices: manual and powered. electrical network. They operate using airless, pneumatic or mixed spray technology.

For treating surfaces with compositions consisting of water with chalk or water with lime, it is used

The main advantages of its application are the carbide nozzle for spraying; corrosion-resistant coating of parts; compactness; ease of maintenance; insignificant mass; probability of operation regardless of energy sources with outside; taking solution from any volume; spray without droplets.

Electric type paint sprayer is more popular nowadays. Its use can significantly improve the quality of work performed and at the same time reduce time consumption to a minimum. It must be remembered that you can use an electric spray gun only after preliminary preparation surfaces for painting.

Before starting work, all rooms must be cleared of debris, dirt, and every wet area of ​​the plaster must be dried. The surface of the plaster with roughness must be smoothed, and all cracks must be sealed with mortar. Wood surfaces must be free of chips, cracks and other defects. Metal surfaces should be cleaned of rust. To operate your electric paint sprayer successfully, all of these conditions must be met. Depending on the application, one or two layers are applied.

Elements of a pump with a piston structure are mounted in a cylindrical body. The latter includes a cylinder, a rod, a cuff with a handle for the drive. O-rings are required to provide a better seal between the housing parts and the pump cover. The fishing rod is divided into two parts, allowing you to adjust its length. The sprayer is equipped with a rotation so that it is possible to change the projection of the torch to the axial rod.

The meaning of the operation of such a device is based on lowering a suction hose with a filter into it, while the rod handle operates to suction the paint composition from the container.

When the painting compound is pumped into the cylinder, the valve slams shut when the rod moves in the opposite direction. As the pressure increases, this composition moves to the fishing rod and, using a trigger, reaches the sprayer, which carries out pollination.

Spray gun for home use

Why doesn't the spray gun work? Many people, most likely, when faced with such a problem, take wrenches, different sizes screwdrivers, disassemble the device and try to figure out what could be the cause of the breakdown, and most importantly, how to put it back together correctly, without the remains of the parts that make up the device.

This article invites you to get acquainted with what types of spray guns there are, the reasons for them frequent breakdowns, and how to troubleshoot problems yourself.

  • Spray gun device

What are the types of spray guns?

Any paint sprayer is a very delicate device and is not suitable for neglect, and breakdowns are not always the reason for the low cost of the tool; this can also happen with a well-known, well-established brand.

Very often the causes of breakdowns can be:

  • Incorrect operation of the spray gun (see How to use a spray gun: advice from professionals).
  • Neglect of basic rules when caring for an instrument.

Before disassembling the spray gun into components and parts, you need to become familiar with the types of these tools.

They may be:

  • Manual (see How to choose a manual spray gun). Such designs with a manual supercharger, in appearance and principle of operation, resemble a conventional pump. Here, pressure is injected into the cavity with paint independently, and then enters the nozzle.

Such a tool is most suitable for spraying liquid white or a water emulsion of liquid consistency, and with a fully inflated tank it will only last for a few minutes of painting, after which you will need to pump up the pump again.

The main disadvantages of this tool:

  • not high working pressure, unable to lift paint of a thicker consistency;
  • low efficiency and efficiency;
  • a rapid drop in the working pressure in the tank, which requires constant pumping.
  • Significant advantages of a spray gun with a manual supercharger - simple design, and not too high a price. This allows any damage to be repaired with electrical tape.

    • Electric.
    Spray gun running on battery

    Tip: An electric spray gun is a specific tool. When choosing it, you must clearly understand for what tasks it will be used.

    Electric spray guns differ in the power of the motor that delivers the paint to the nozzle.

    Repairing an electric spray gun is most often associated with a burnt-out engine, which you are unlikely to be able to repair yourself. Besides the price quality device not too low, and taking risks by performing repairs yourself is not always rational; it is better to pay for repairs to specialists working in the service center.

    • Pneumatic. This is the most professional tool when painting walls (see Painting walls in an apartment: what to use and how to do it). It is the most difficult to repair.

    This device consists entirely of mechanical components. There are no complex electronics here, but it often breaks down due to prolonged or not entirely correct use.

    Advantages of pneumatic tools:

  • the ability to adjust the operating pressure, limited only by the power of the compressor and the size of the device’s receiver;
  • with a pneumatic spray gun you can spray all types of paints, even with a thick consistency, which depends on the settings of the tool;
  • repairing the unit is quite easy to do independently, without the help of specialists;
  • By giving the jet the required configuration, it is possible to adjust the spray pattern.
  • The cost of a pneumatic spray gun varies over a wide range, which allows you to make a choice according to your available funds.

    Spray gun device

    Before repairing any device you must:

    • Get acquainted with its design.
    • Correctly diagnose the problem.
    • Determine the node where the breakdown occurred.

    The spray gun contains:

    • The body of the gun, with a handle, a barrel for paint, and a trigger for feeding the mixture.
    • Solution injection mechanism, which is equipped with a nozzle and an adjusting bolt.
    • Spray regulator.
    • Air supply regulator.

    The injection mechanism consists of several components:

    • A needle that opens and closes the hole for supplying air and coloring composition.
    • The regulator bolt, when it is turned, paint consumption is controlled.
    • A locking nut used to hold the needle.
    • The sealing ring and the hole in it allow air to be evenly distributed around the circumference of the nozzle.
    • Spray nuts, the part has one hole in the center and two small ones at the edges, which allows you to adjust the size of the “torch”.

    Tip: Each product comes with detailed instructions, in which the tool is shown in section. Before work, you should carefully study the design so that after repair there are no “extra” parts left.

    Spray gun device

    How to diagnose the device and possible breakdowns

    The table shows the main breakdowns of the spray gun and the reasons leading to this:

    Name of the malfunction Causes of the breakdown Spray torch oval shape and does not respond to changes in the position of the adjusting bolt

    • The shutoff valve in the adjustment unit has broken off. This problem often occurs with instruments low quality.
    • The side holes in the supply nozzle are clogged.
    • The sealing rubber in the control unit needs to be replaced.
    The paint flow is uneven and spits out in chunks
    • The consistency of the paint is too thick and is not intended for this type of spray gun.
    • There is an accumulation of condensate in the air hoses; it needs to be drained. This occurs very often during the cold season.
    • The holes in the outlet nozzle are clogged.
    • The paint container has accumulated large number solid particles that do not pass through the needle. You should drain the composition, rinse the instrument thoroughly and pour in a new composition, but passed through a sieve.
    The trigger does not return to the reverse position when released
    • The piston located on the feed needle is ignited. The instrument is disassembled and thoroughly washed, and the spraying is repeated.
    • The spring located under the bolt that adjusts the feed needle has sagged.
    • Due to rust, the moving mechanisms of the trigger stopped moving.
    • The rubber seal located on the needle has dried out and the piston has moved from its place.
    Paint drips from the nozzle when it is closed
    • The needle became sharp and stopped blocking the nozzle.
    • The sagging spring does not press the needle.
    • Solid particles have entered the unit and interfere with the correct movement of the needle.
    • The trigger does not recline to the desired position.
    The spray pattern constantly changes direction
    • The hole in the nozzle is clogged.
    • There are clots or foreign objects in the feed mechanism or ink tank.
    • The bolt that adjusts the torch has broken.
    The spray gun does not spray paint after pressing the trigger.
    • The needle is not moved by the trigger mechanism.
    • Clumps of paint or foreign objects the feed unit is clogged.
    • Very thick paint

    Tip: Typically a repair kit for such a tool consists of several bolts and sealing rubber bands, which come complete with it, but in the absence of parts, you should immediately purchase several rubber seals, which quite often deteriorate.

    How to maintain and repair a spray gun

    For example, a low-pressure pneumatic spray gun is taken. The main problem with many units is the use alkyd paints. After finishing work, the sprayer must be cleaned and rinsed well.

    Otherwise gun:

    • It will get clogged.
    • It will spray unevenly.

    Advice: All elements for spray guns should be cleaned and washed - they are all practically “overgrown” with paint, the layers of which must be washed off with solvent or gasoline.

    When servicing the spray gun:

    • The most problems arise with the valve drying to the cylinder, as a result of which it cannot be moved. The use of solvents in this case weakens the dried coating layer and allows the unit to be cleaned. All actions are done very carefully so as not to damage such a small part.
    • The injectors and nozzle become clogged no less than the valve. In this case, the main part of the assembly is the needle, which participates in the formation of the torch and determines the quality painting work. To clean such small parts, use a brush with a solvent. Here everything must be done very carefully, as can be seen in the photo, in order to prevent the formation of scratches in the nozzle itself, which can cause the paintwork to settle in the grooves and lead to distortion of the torch shape.

    How to Clean the Nozzle
    • When cleaning equipment, it is better to use specially designed SATA needles and brushes that do not scratch the nozzle.
    • If the moisture separator for the spray gun, which is a filter for the tool and paintwork materials pass through it, is very clogged, then it can be cleaned with the same tools and materials as the nozzle.
    • It is very important to use paint and varnish materials, arriving at the spray nozzle, without lumps, for which the paint container must always be clean. This is due to the fact that the paint that has hardened on its walls will peel off, and then mix with the liquid and get into the conductive parts.
    • If there is a pressure gauge for the spray gun and a pressure regulator, they must be cleaned of dried layers of paint, which can lead to malfunctions in their operation and, therefore, to poor-quality finishing.

    After all the cleaning activities have been completed, the sprayer must be reassembled in the same order as disassembly, but after the components and parts have completely dried. You can dry them with a hairdryer. Rubbing elements, including the gun trigger rod and needles, must be lubricated with silicone-free lubricant.

    Correct operation Any spray gun will make a good, inexpensive, reliable assistant when carrying out repairs in the house, and the video will tell you how to do it correctly.