How to grow strawberries indoors. Strawberries all year round - vitamins for the body, activity for the soul, income for the family

The tasty and juicy strawberry is a delicacy for many people. Gardeners easily grow it in their gardens. The variety of varieties and methods of propagation, the possibility of harvesting several crops at once, have made this crop very popular in our area. This article will talk about growing strawberries at home. After all, you can only enjoy berries from the garden in the summer, and in the cold months you have to be content with imported strawberries, which are not cheap. There is only one way out - try to grow it yourself.

Preparation of conditions and characteristics of cultivation

It’s not enough to choose the right variety and growing method. It is necessary to create a culture suitable conditions. If they are not there, the seedlings will become weak and will not be able to grow and bear fruit well. Using seedlings, you can grow bushes at home in the following ways:

Is it possible to grow strawberries in an apartment, and which method is better to choose? It all depends on the purpose of the planting. If you want to use the berries for sale, spacious boxes or plastic bags are suitable. However, they take up space, so growing berries in a small apartment will be problematic. If conditions allow, after some time you can get big harvest and at home.

You can grow strawberries for yourself in ordinary flower pots. In this case, it will not be possible to achieve a significant amount of fruit. But you won’t need to spend a lot of time on care.

Any growing method requires suitable conditions. You will have to maintain not only the temperature, but also certain lighting, as well as other parameters. If all conditions are met, the seedlings will delight their owners with juicy berries.


Strawberries love light very much. This applies to spacious dacha plots and small apartments. Daylight hours should last at least 14 hours. Since this is not always possible, it is recommended to arrange additional lighting sources. In this case, the light of the lamp should be natural and very close to natural sunlight.

Strawberries require good air circulation. This is not difficult to do: just open the window periodically.

With temperature everything is even simpler. Usually, city apartments are warm in winter; the thermometer does not drop below 18 degrees. The bushes will grow well at temperatures up to 20 degrees. This ideal condition for growing plants in an apartment. If the room suddenly becomes hot, you should open the window. This will also ensure air circulation.

Difficult to obtain good harvest without the required substrate. It is better to use a mixture of peat and perlite as soil. You can buy such soil in a special store.

If there is no such thing on sale, a simpler mixture with fertilizers will do. But the quality is worse. For strawberries, it is better to choose the first option.

You can buy ready-made seedlings or try growing seedlings from seeds. It’s better, of course, to choose a ready-made one, it will save time. However, this method will be more expensive. Harvesting from seeds will require effort and time, but will be cheaper.

Variety selection

A great variety of varieties of homemade strawberries are divided into two main types: bush and hanging. The berry is also remontant and has one-time fruiting. The first allows you to get harvests all year round. Its berries differ slightly in taste, color and shape.

Many people who want to grow strawberries at home prefer the remontant variety.

At good conditions and care, the bushes can bear fruit all year round. At the same time, they are less dependent on light.

A remontant hanging variety is perfect for an apartment. It does not require bright lighting. The bushes can begin to produce berries within 60 days. The popular varieties “Geneva”, “Home Delicacy”, and “Queen Elizabeth” are distinguished by their good yield and unpretentiousness. The latter can also be grown in a summer cottage.

Substrate preparation

It is better to buy such a mixture in a store. Suitable for universal use, suitable for both fruits and vegetables. But you can prepare the soil yourself. To do this, you should take humus, forest soil, sand. Mix everything well. The land should not be too poor.

The soil should be loose and moist. This important conditions, which affect the yield and condition of seedlings. The substrate should not be covered with a crust, as it will complicate the process of air access to the roots. Gardeners do not recommend taking soil for planting from the garden: it can be damaged by nematodes. If there are no other options, it is worth cultivating the soil well before planting. It needs to be steamed, which will kill all pests, and then watered with a solution of potassium permanganate.

After thoroughly treating the soil, you can begin planting. The plant does not tolerate stagnation of moisture, this has a bad effect on the roots. Therefore, it is necessary to pour crushed brick or small expanded clay onto the bottom of the pot. Now the seedlings can be placed in the soil.


How to plant strawberries at home? First you need to select the shoots. It is not necessary to buy seedlings; they can be taken from the garden. Many remontant varieties take root well and grow on the windowsill.

You need to prepare the bushes in the fall. They should be removed from the ground and placed in a separate container. Saplings sprinkle with earth and keep in a cool place for 14 days. This provides the strawberries with peace. After this, the plants can be planted in other containers. Root system should be half in the ground.

Excessively long roots of plants are cut off. In order for the bushes to take root better, it is necessary to dip them in a pre-prepared solution. For this you should take a heteroauxin tablet and 5 liters of water. Dissolve the tablet in water and place the roots there. This mixture can be watered after planting.

You should choose only high-quality seedlings. It is not recommended to purchase it from unknown sellers. And you definitely shouldn’t order it online.

Instead of seedlings, you can purchase seeds. Growing them will require perseverance and patience, although breeders have now developed new, more resistant and unpretentious varieties. 4 months after germination, ovaries form.

In order for the seeds to germinate, you should use well-moistened soil. Sowing seeds is not difficult: just sprinkle them with a layer of soil, and then tamp them down a little and cover them with film. After the shoots emerge, this film is removed and the pots are placed on warm southern windows.

Sowing strawberries - video

After some time, leaves begin to appear. Once they become large, the tiny seedling is transplanted into a larger container. In order for the bush to grow fully and bear fruit well, you should select a container with a volume of at least 3 liters.

Strawberry care

It is not enough to create suitable conditions and choose the right variety. Without proper care, strawberries will not bear fruit.

When the bushes begin to grow well, mustaches form. To prevent them from interfering, they should be tied up. To do this, a nylon mesh is made on the window. The mustache is a great opportunity to propagate strawberries and get seedlings. To propagate berries in this way, you should root the rosette and then separate it from the mother bush.

The first berries may be affected spider mite or gray rot. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the fruits during this period. If alarming signs are detected, you should prepare an infusion of garlic and treat the plants with it. You need to take two fresh cloves of garlic, crush them, and then add water and leave. After this, the infusion is filtered and the bushes are sprayed with it.

If you properly care for the berries and create conditions for them, you will soon be able to enjoy the first harvest. Gardeners often grow fruits at home for sale.

How to pollinate?

Pollination plays an important role in fruit formation. At home, the plant cannot pollinate naturally, so you need to help it with this. There are two ways to do this.

  1. Using a fan. He is directed towards the flowers. It's better to do this in the morning.
  2. Manually. To do this, take a soft paint brush and carefully pollinate the flowers with it. This activity is tedious and requires patience and attention. But this method is more effective: every flower will be pollinated.

The choice of method depends on desire. The first method is simple and convenient and does not take time. But whether all the flowers can be pollinated is unknown. In the second case, the efficiency is higher.

Those who have already tried growing strawberries on a windowsill share their tips:

  • It is more convenient to use remontant varieties. With proper care, they bear fruit all year round and are unpretentious.
  • To get a good harvest from seeds, you need to choose them wisely. The largest ones should be placed in the refrigerator, wrapped in a damp towel in advance. This will harden the seeds and they will germinate better.
  • Bushes should be planted in early spring or in August-September.
  • The drainage layer will protect against stagnation of water.
  • It is prohibited to keep boxes, bags or pots of strawberries on a cold balcony.

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Every second gardener or just a lover of house plants dreams of growing not only beautiful, but also useful plant. And almost every housewife would not mind strawberries being such a crop. This is also beautiful - a flowering plant emits a pleasant aroma, has beautiful view, and it is possible.

General concept of remontant strawberries

To enjoy all year round delicious berries you need to know what species and varieties are required for propagation. We have already written in detail about this earlier.

Homemade strawberries all year round are quite possible if everything is organized correctly.

Experienced gardeners use for similar purposes exclusively remontant varieties , however, you should know which varieties are capable of bearing fruit continuously, and which ones - only two harvests.

Is it possible to grow strawberries on a windowsill?

Remontant crops differ from the usual type not only in that they are able to bear fruit several times during the warm season, but also in the length of daylight hours. Conventional crops, as a rule, are characterized by ripening under short daylight hours, that is, they ripen even in the dark, if the temperature allows.

The strawberries have bloomed on the windowsill, we are waiting for the first berries.

Differences among varieties

Remontant crops are divided into ripening long daylight hours and neutral daylight hours - DSD and NSD.

Repairers of DSD are able to develop and lay buds only in the presence of prolonged lighting - produce crops twice a season . In this case, as a rule, the second harvest is distinguished by larger fruits and a higher overall yield level. However, in this case, this species is not particularly hardy, as a result of which many bushes die after the season - dry out.

NSD repairers are characterized by stronger endurance, fruiting is characterized by continuity and does not depend on the length of daylight hours. If favorable conditions are created, they are capable of producing a high level of yield for about ten months in a row. If grown at room temperature, with sufficient light provided, they are also not affected by weather conditions and climate.

Classification of varieties

If you decide to grow strawberries on a windowsill, you should ask the store what type of seedlings they are and what they are called.

The main popular names of NSD repairmen:

  • Queen Elizabeth;
  • Queen Elizabeth II;
  • Roman F1;
  • Tristar;
  • Brighton.

Queen Elizabeth

It is believed that Queen Elizabeth is a long day ripening species, however, many gardeners still prefer to grow it in an apartment due to large sizes berries and high taste indicators.

The main advantages of the variety:

  • large whisker formation for breeding;
  • size of berries – 50 grams;
  • beautiful flower stalks - a nice decoration on the window;
  • pleasant aroma;
  • long-term storage in fresh and processed form.

In most cases, the first Elizabeth is raised in the house by those owners who are satisfied with this strawberry productivity period due to busyness. The remaining varieties are bright representatives of their species, distinguished by regular fruiting, pleasant aroma, beautiful peduncles, high level endurance.

Rules for planting strawberries at home

When choosing a variety, you should take into account that the plant will live in the selected container for about three years, since it reduces immunity and productivity, lengthens the adaptation period.

In order not to replant strawberries again, you need to immediately choose a larger pot.

In addition, adult seedlings may well die due to the fact that they are not able to adapt to new conditions as much as possible.

For one bush you can use a container with a volume no more than three liters . The flowerpot should be wide and medium in height - at least twenty centimeters. Can be used balcony boxes For group planting. Depending on the size of the box, the number of seedlings is calculated. If the approximate volume of the container is from ten to fifteen liters - four bushes, the distance between them is twenty-five centimeters.

Preparing the container

The container for seedlings must be properly prepared.

  • Holes should be cut at the bottom of the pot or box to drain excess water, and the bottom of the container should be filled with a drainage mixture - expanded clay, pebbles, broken bricks or pebbles.
  • As a substrate you can use universal ready mixture from the store, which is used for indoor plants.
  • But it is also permissible to use a mixture prepared independently - forest soil, humus, humus, peat, sand .
  • The dose is selected at the rate of two parts to one part.

Planting a seedling


  • It is recommended to feed approximately once every fourteen days .
  • The frequency and amount of fertilizing will depend on the condition of the seedlings, stage of development, and time of year.

It should be remembered that there is a so-called “dead period” when the plant rests - does not bloom, does not bear fruit, and does not throw out shoots. At this time, all functions of the culture freeze - the plant thus rests - no fertilizing or fertilizing should be applied . Can be used monofertilizer , or perhaps a complex consisting of several substances.

Growing algorithm

Planting usually begins in July.

Approximately in the second week after transplanting the seedlings, new leaves should appear.

This is due to the adaptation period - so that the seedlings can adapt by winter and show results in the spring. Planted in a large pot, it can be placed on the balcony, on the sunny side - on the south or south-east side of the balcony.

The appearance of the results - the first additional leaves - is expected on eleventh day . If young leaves appear, the plant is firmly rooted and established. At the same time, the old leaves gradually die and fall off. On the thirtieth day, you can expect the emergence of the first ears of peduncles, which should be removed so that the second flowering will bring better results.


Approximately the thirty-seventh day - flower stalks open.

The first flowers appear on bushes planted more than a month ago.

First, several openings appear - approximately from two to four inflorescences . The duration of flowering varies within three days, then the petals fall off and the first fruits set.

The conditional end of flowering, if the strawberry belongs to the period of long daylight ripening, occurs approximately on the fifty-second day after planting.

We help flowers pollinate.

First berries

At the same time, the first berries have increased in size, and the flower stalks bloom and fade in turn.

It is necessary to monitor the stems due to the fact that the first berries are extremely large - the stems can break.

To prevent this phenomenon, you can place a fabric roller or foam rubber under the stems. And you should also remember about systematic watering as needed. The first sampling of ripened berries usually occurs on the sixty-first day, if all measures of correct agricultural technology are followed.

Deformed berries appear when the peduncles are insufficiently pollinated.

Fruiting all year round

For winter fruiting, strawberries need additional lighting, which will increase the length of the day to approximately twelve hours.

Additional lighting for homemade strawberries.

Temperature conditions are maintained at twenty degrees Celsius . If for indoor growing If the DSD variety is used, it is worth remembering that the duration of active productivity of this species is two or three years.

If you decide to grow NSD remontants, you need to be prepared for the fact that a decline in productivity may occur within a year, and then you will need to replant and breed young seedlings.

Video on how to plant strawberries from seeds at home

  • Variety selection
  • Substrate preparation
  • Landing
  • Sowing strawberries - video
  • Strawberry care
  • How to pollinate?
  • Tips for beginners

The tasty and juicy strawberry is a delicacy for many people. Gardeners easily grow it in their gardens. The variety of varieties and methods of propagation, the possibility of harvesting several crops at once, have made this crop very popular in our area. This article will talk about growing strawberries at home. After all, you can only enjoy berries from the garden in the summer, and in the cold months you have to be content with imported strawberries, which are not cheap. There is only one way out - try to grow it yourself.

Preparation of conditions and characteristics of cultivation

It’s not enough to choose the right variety and growing method. It is necessary to create suitable conditions for the culture. If they are not there, the seedlings will become weak and will not be able to grow and bear fruit well. Using seedlings, you can grow bushes at home in the following ways:

  • in boxes;
  • in flower pots;
  • in packages.

Is it possible to grow strawberries in an apartment, and which method is better to choose? It all depends on the purpose of the planting. If you want to use the berries for sale, spacious boxes or plastic bags are suitable. However, they take up space, so growing berries in a small apartment will be problematic. If conditions allow, after some time you can get a large harvest at home.

You can grow strawberries for yourself in ordinary flower pots. In this case, it will not be possible to achieve a significant amount of fruit. But you won’t need to spend a lot of time on care.

Any growing method requires suitable conditions. You will have to maintain not only the temperature, but also certain lighting, as well as other parameters. If all conditions are met, the seedlings will delight their owners with juicy berries.


Strawberries love light very much. This applies to both spacious dacha plots and small apartments. Daylight hours should last at least 14 hours. Since this is not always possible, it is recommended to arrange additional lighting sources. In this case, the light of the lamp should be natural and very close to natural sunlight.

Strawberries require good air circulation. This is not difficult to do: just open the window periodically.

With temperature everything is even simpler. Usually, city apartments are warm in winter; the thermometer does not drop below 18 degrees. The bushes will grow well at temperatures up to 20 degrees. This is an ideal condition for growing plants in an apartment. If the room suddenly becomes hot, you should open the window. This will also ensure air circulation.

It is difficult to get a good harvest without the right substrate. It is better to use a mixture of peat and perlite as soil. You can buy such soil in a special store.

If there is no such thing on sale, a simpler mixture with fertilizers will do. But the quality is worse. For strawberries, it is better to choose the first option.

You can buy ready-made seedlings or try growing seedlings from seeds. It’s better, of course, to choose a ready-made one, it will save time. However, this method will be more expensive. Harvesting from seeds will require effort and time, but will be cheaper.

Variety selection

A great variety of varieties of homemade strawberries are divided into two main types: bush and hanging. The berry is also remontant and has one-time fruiting. The first allows you to obtain crops all year round. Its berries differ slightly in taste, color and shape.

Many people who want to grow strawberries at home prefer the remontant variety.

Under good conditions and care, the bushes can bear fruit all year round. At the same time, they are less dependent on light.

A remontant hanging variety is perfect for an apartment. It does not require bright lighting. The bushes can begin to produce berries within 60 days. The popular varieties “Geneva”, “Home Delicacy”, and “Queen Elizabeth” are distinguished by their good yield and unpretentiousness. The latter can also be grown in a summer cottage.

Substrate preparation

It is better to buy such a mixture in a store. Suitable for universal use, suitable for both fruits and vegetables. But you can prepare the soil yourself. To do this, you should take humus, forest soil, sand. Mix everything well. The land should not be too poor.

The soil should be loose and moist. These are important conditions that affect the yield and condition of seedlings. The substrate should not be covered with a crust, as it will complicate the process of air access to the roots. Gardeners do not recommend taking soil for planting from the garden: it can be damaged by nematodes. If there are no other options, it is worth cultivating the soil well before planting. It needs to be steamed, which will kill all pests, and then watered with a solution of potassium permanganate.

After thoroughly treating the soil, you can begin planting. The plant does not tolerate stagnation of moisture, this has a bad effect on the roots. Therefore, it is necessary to pour crushed brick or small expanded clay onto the bottom of the pot. Now the seedlings can be placed in the soil.


How to plant strawberries at home? First you need to select the shoots. It is not necessary to buy seedlings; they can be taken from the garden. Many remontant varieties take root well and grow on the windowsill.

You need to prepare the bushes in the fall. They should be removed from the ground and placed in a separate container. Saplings sprinkle with earth and keep in a cool place for 14 days. This provides the strawberries with peace. After this, the plants can be planted in other containers. The root system should be half in the ground.

Excessively long roots of plants are cut off. In order for the bushes to take root better, it is necessary to dip them in a pre-prepared solution. For this you should take a heteroauxin tablet and 5 liters of water. Dissolve the tablet in water and place the roots there. This mixture can be watered after planting.

You should choose only high-quality seedlings. It is not recommended to purchase it from unknown sellers. And you definitely shouldn’t order it online.

Instead of seedlings, you can purchase seeds. Growing them will require perseverance and patience, although breeders have now developed new, more stable and unpretentious varieties. 4 months after germination, ovaries form.

In order for the seeds to germinate, you should use well-moistened soil. Sowing seeds is not difficult: just sprinkle them with a layer of soil, and then tamp them down a little and cover them with film. After the shoots emerge, this film is removed and the pots are placed on warm southern windows.

Sowing strawberries - video

After some time, leaves begin to appear. Once they become large, the tiny seedling is transplanted into a larger container. In order for the bush to grow fully and bear fruit well, you should select a container with a volume of at least 3 liters.

Strawberry care

It is not enough to create suitable conditions and choose the right variety. Without proper care, strawberries will not bear fruit.

When the bushes begin to grow well, mustaches form. To prevent them from interfering, they should be tied up. To do this, a nylon mesh is made on the window. The mustache is a great opportunity to propagate strawberries and get seedlings. To propagate berries in this way, you should root the rosette and then separate it from the mother bush.

The first berries may be affected by spider mites or gray rot. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the fruits during this period. If alarming signs are detected, you should prepare an infusion of garlic and treat the plants with it. You need to take two fresh cloves of garlic, crush them, and then add water and leave. After this, the infusion is filtered and the bushes are sprayed with it.

If you properly care for the berries and create conditions for them, you will soon be able to enjoy the first harvest. Gardeners often grow fruits at home for sale.

How to pollinate?

Pollination plays an important role in fruit formation. At home, the plant cannot pollinate naturally, so you need to help it with this. There are two ways to do this.

  1. Using a fan. He is directed towards the flowers. It's better to do this in the morning.
  2. Manually. To do this, take a soft paint brush and carefully pollinate the flowers with it. This activity is tedious and requires patience and attention. But this method is more effective: every flower will be pollinated.

The choice of method depends on desire. The first method is simple and convenient and does not take time. But whether all the flowers can be pollinated is unknown. In the second case, the efficiency is higher.

Those who have already tried growing strawberries on a windowsill share their tips:

  • It is more convenient to use remontant varieties. With proper care, they bear fruit all year round and are unpretentious.
  • To get a good harvest from seeds, you need to choose them wisely. The largest ones should be placed in the refrigerator, wrapped in a damp towel in advance. This will harden the seeds and they will germinate better.
  • Bushes should be planted in early spring or in August-September.
  • The drainage layer will protect against stagnation of water.
  • It is prohibited to keep boxes, bags or pots of strawberries on a cold balcony.

Growing strawberries on a window is not difficult if you follow the rules of care and create conditions for growth and fruiting. Only then will the berries please you with a good harvest.

Although strawberries are called the “queen of berries,” their “disadvantage” is the same as that of their “subjects” - nature has given them a relatively short time during which they can get a harvest. As a rule, a month, a month and a half at most. This article is about technologies for year-round cultivation of strawberries (and this is quite possible at home).

The specifics of growing and caring for strawberries in a small greenhouse located on the site will not be considered. Although on some sites this is positioned as cultivation all year round, in the author’s opinion, it is only indirectly related to the issue of “at home”, and then only with major reservations.

We will consider only methods for obtaining berries in small quantities, for our own consumption, and not for sale. So there is a difference. If only because you won’t have to develop a business plan, calculate profitability, look for places to sell, and so on, that is, do what is necessary when starting your own business.

Choosing a strawberry variety

If you go through thematic forums, you will find very different opinions. Everyone who has at least once tried to grow strawberries at home advertises what they themselves grew. It makes no sense to list everything, but it makes sense to highlight the most frequently used names of varieties. Perhaps this information will be useful to the reader.

  • "Elizabeth II".
  • "Geneva".
  • “F – SSH1.”
  • "Selva".
  • "Homemade delicacy."

Varieties of this berry are classified according to several parameters. It makes no sense to consider everything, since such information is of interest only to those who want to organize own production strawberries for sale.

Type of fruiting

Remontant varieties are more suitable for growing berries at home. Unlike strawberries, the bush of which bears fruit only once, they produce crops all year round.

Type of strawberry

Ampelous varieties are less demanding on lighting. These are the ones you should choose if you plan to organize natural lighting as the main type, and lighting – only as a necessary addition to increase the duration of daylight hours.

Conclusion - for growing at home (on windowsills, in utility rooms, and so on), ampelous remontant strawberry varieties are more suitable. Some of them are indicated above. They feel great and develop even in small containers - flowerpots, containers, pots.

Choosing a place to grow

There are practically no restrictions on this point. Any free area, even in an apartment, suitable for growing. These can be either outbuildings - a garage, a barn, or loggias (balconies), even indoor window sills.

The main criterion for selecting a location is the ability to create the required conditions for cultivating strawberries with minimal additional costs, which is important from a practical point of view. That is, without any large-scale reconstruction, redevelopment, repairs or other troublesome work.

Although the volume of “production” must also be taken into account. Why are strawberries grown? If you just pamper your household with fresh berries, that’s one thing. But if it is also used for the preparation of jams, preserves, pastries, and various desserts, then the area must be sufficient to grow it in large quantities. It is clear that a couple of window sills in this case are clearly not enough.

Conditions for high strawberry yields


It's better to use store bought. Any mixture for growing flowers and vegetables is suitable. Self-preparation is somewhat difficult, since it is unlikely that it will be possible to accurately maintain the proportions of the recommended components. For those who are confident in their abilities, we can recommend the simplest composition - 1 part each of humus, sand and earth, and forest soil. Even in the fall, taking the required amount from a nearby planting is not a problem. If possible, it is better to prepare soil from a spruce forest - such soil is considered more valuable.

Most gardeners limit themselves to taking soil directly from the plots. But before loading strawberries into containers, they must be processed at home. Experience shows that garden soil is often contaminated. Mainly - root nematode.

What to do with the dacha land?

  • Perform heat treatment. In other words, steam it.
  • Spill with manganese solution. Its average concentration (slightly pinkish) is enough.

The prepared mixture should “stand” a little. Therefore, it is drawn up in advance, about a week before disembarkation.


Nothing new here. Everything is the same as for any indoor plants. Expanded clay and small fractions of pebbles are filled into ⅓ of the container. Bags with drainage are inexpensive (about 45 rubles) and are not in short supply.


This means not only the main one, but also the additional one - lighting. It should be as close as possible to that which ensures the normal level of photosynthesis during strawberry growth in open ground. That is, in relation to a bright, sunny day.

Types of lamps

All of the above are suitable for growing homemade strawberries, but their effectiveness varies.

  • Energy saving.
  • Luminescent.
  • Metal halide.
  • Sodium ( high pressure).

We need to dwell on the last type of lamps in more detail. Without delving into the principle of their functioning, it is enough to note that blue and red predominate in their emission spectrum. This is what makes such light as close as possible to sunlight.

For 1 m² of area, with the lamp located at a height of 1 m, a 400 W light bulb is sufficient. The simplest calculations show that the use of products of such power will result in a significant increase in electricity costs. Therefore, it makes sense to install sodium lamps only in cases of production in large volumes. For home cultivation in several containers (pots), it is better to choose a different type of lighting fixture.

Watch the video - growing strawberries using hydroponics:

Light duration

Everything is done in relation to natural conditions. Therefore, you need to calculate that for strawberries the daylight hours should be within 12 hours.


Indoors it should be maintained at 75 (maximum 80)%. Is this always possible? Yes, not everyone will like the feeling of dampness in the room; some people react very painfully. If you grow berries not in a separate room, but in a residential one, on a windowsill, then you should practice methods of artificially increasing humidity in those sectors where containers are installed.

How? For example, place cups of water next to them (natural evaporation increases humidity), and regularly spray in this part of the room.


Strawberries “wake up” in late spring and bear fruit when a stable warm weather. This is what should be taken into account. The recommended temperature range is from 18 to 24 ºС. If this condition is not met, it is necessary to organize artificial heating of the sector in which the containers are located.


Regular. Strawberries are a moisture-loving crop. But you shouldn’t over-moisten the soil, as this is fraught with the development of fungal diseases of the root system.

Top dressing

Eat special compounds, although universal products used for most indoor plants are also suitable. The frequency of application is at least once every 2 weeks.

What to consider:

  • Excess nitrogen in the soil initiates the growth of greenery, which negatively affects the yield.
  • Berries need more iron. If there is enough of it, then they tie well. You can buy a special solution with a high content of this chemical element, but in the absence of it, any piece of hardware that needs to be immersed in the ground will do. For example, a nail, preferably an old, rusty one.

Caring for strawberry tendrils

They grow quite quickly and, intertwining, shade the strawberries. So that she does not lack light, her mustache needs to be “organized.” For example, tighten fishing lines, nylon threads in different directions, around which they will weave.

Plant pollination

At home, we can only talk about artificial ones. The easiest way is with a fan during the flowering period. But there is a nuance here too. The air stream should be “weak”, and how to achieve this is up to you, dear reader. Either use a low power device, or move it away from the strawberries.

Preparation of planting material

The required number of bushes is dug up in the fall, when summer residents thin out the plots, preparing them for wintering. Strawberries are a perennial crop, characterized by states of “sleep” and development. So you need to give her at least a couple of weeks to rest. To do this, the bushes removed from the beds are placed in some container, lightly sprinkled with earth and placed in a dark and cool place. For example, in the cellar.

  • Before disembarking. Long roots shortened so that they do not bend at the landing site. And in order for the culture to easily endure this stress, it is placed in a weak solution of heteroauxin at room temperature for about 3.5 hours. Concentration – per 5 l – 1 tablet of the drug.
  • Landing. After placing the bush in the hole, the soil becomes slightly compacted, and then it is advisable to water it not with water, but with the used solution.

Where can I get strawberry bushes?

Growing it yourself from seeds is a rather complicated process. If you buy, then only at specialized retail outlets, and not at a flea market. The easiest way to get planting material- negotiate with summer residents. Everyone, without exception, thins out their beds in the fall. Where do they put the greens? That's right, they throw it away. So the problem of finding bushes is solved quite simply.

Features of growing in a separate room

The basic requirements remain the same. But there are a number of nuances. Whether or not to erect shelving is at the discretion of the gardener. It is clear that the high-rise design will allow placing a larger number of containers in a limited space. As such, you can use not only boxes, but also bags.

  • Material – polyethylene. Moreover, it must be dense, otherwise such containers will quickly tear. Even better - with reinforcement.
  • When choosing bags, you need to take into account that they should be vertically oriented, or rather, narrow and tall. This will allow them to be installed more densely on 1 “square” of territory.

The rest is simple. Each bag is filled with soil mixture, tied securely and placed in a row. They can be placed not only vertically, but also horizontally. Even hang it up. Cuts are made in the walls of such containers. The bushes will be planted in them. Therefore, the location seats approximately the same as in the beds, with an interval of 20 centimeters.

What to provide additionally

  • Forced ventilation of the room. Since we are talking about year-round cultivation, then regularly opening doors and windows is not an option, especially in winter.
  • Lighting. It is mounted so that the strawberries in each bag receive a sufficient amount of light. Based on this, a wiring diagram and arrangement of devices is drawn up.
  • Artificial irrigation. Here you will have to think about how to organize watering depending on the location of the bags. There are many different methods to choose from suitable technology not particularly difficult. For example, use plastic container, from which a capillary is led to each “socket”.

This article discusses the most simple technologies harvesting strawberries at home throughout the year. There are many methods. Anyone who wants to broaden their horizons, or if for some reason they don’t like the above information, can easily find a description of such growing systems as “nutrient layer”, “aquaculture” and a number of others. But these cultivation methods are no longer suitable for window sills in an apartment or private house.

It remains to add that, regardless of the chosen technology for growing strawberries, you need to carefully understand all the signs of disease in this crop, methods of combating possible illnesses and the necessary medications. Everything should be at hand, since the only “doctor” is the strawberry breeder himself.

Lovers of sweet strawberries would happily eat them all year round, but their harvest season is not that long. Fortunately, growing strawberries all year round is possible at home. You just need to arm yourself with knowledge of the nuances of such gardening and recommendations on how to do it correctly in order to get a strawberry harvest even in winter.

Did you know? In Soviet times, a technology for growing strawberries all year round was developed, which, due to certain circumstances, was not widespread in the agricultural sector of the country at that time.

How to choose seedlings for growing strawberries

To grow strawberries at home, you need to choose suitable seedlings. You can grow it yourself from seeds, but this difficult task may not be feasible for many gardeners. In addition, the use of seedlings allows you to get a harvest faster.

Popular for growing at home remontant strawberry, which bears fruit in winter. Some of its varieties bear fruit for 10 months a year, and are not too dependent on the length of daylight hours and weather conditions. Among the varieties of short daylight hours, the following can be distinguished: Queen Elizabeth, Queen Elizabeth II, Tristar, Byron, Roman F1 and so on, but Queen Elizabeth II is the most fruitful and produces large berries.

It is better to buy seedlings in specialized stores, and not in markets from random people. Store-bought seedlings will most likely turn out to be exactly what you wanted to buy.

What should the soil be like, choosing a container for seedlings

Having received a positive answer to the question whether it is possible to grow strawberries at home in winter, it is worth learning more about the difficulties of organizing a home garden and the requirements for it, as well as about the characteristics of seedlings.

Choosing a container for seedlings is not difficult: pots and boxes will do. If there is no place to put such containers, you can build a polyethylene cylinder for strawberries from a thick film, which is suitable for a greenhouse. Such cylinders can be placed on the floor or suspended. Having filled them with soil, you need to make cuts for seedlings in checkerboard pattern: each at a distance of 20-25 cm.

Important! Containers for growing strawberries must have holes for water drainage. At the bottom you need to lay a layer of drainage, which can be used as pebbles, expanded clay, or broken brick.

The soil for strawberries at home must have the correct composition to ensure productivity. It should consist of a mixture of peat, fertilizer and soil. You can make such a substrate yourself by purchasing all the components separately.

As a mandatory mineral fertilizer You can use superphosphate.

Important! If you make your own substrate for growing strawberries at home and collect soil from the garden for this, pay attention to what grew on it. Land on which strawberries, potatoes, tomatoes or raspberries grew is not suitable, as it may contain spores of some diseases typical of these plants, which can spread to young bushes. The best option there will be a land that has rested for three years.

To grow strawberries all year round, it is necessary to provide favorable conditions. Although strawberries grow in warm home conditions, this is not all winter care which is required.

A good strawberry harvest requires the creation of a special microclimate. The favorable air temperature is 20-25°C. Humidity should be quite high - 80%. Naturally, in such conditions good ventilation is necessary.

Lighting is very important for the process of photosynthesis. High pressure lamps with a reflector can be used. It is recommended to set a 16-hour daylight hours. A properly created microclimate will help strawberries to develop properly and, as a result, bear fruit well.

How to pollinate strawberries yourself

After preparing the conditions for growing strawberries, it’s too early to relax. We need to remember this important stage development of a flowering plant and its pollination. At home, alas, it cannot happen naturally. Therefore, you need to resort to artificial pollination of flower stalks during those few weeks when the strawberry bushes bloom.

There are two ways to pollinate strawberries yourself:

  • In the morning, direct the switched-on fan towards the flower stalks. The wind from it will help pollinate the strawberries in the same way as it happens in open ground;
  • Hand pollinate each flower using a soft paint brush. The brush must be brushed over each flower daily.

On small home plantations, pollination will not cause significant difficulties. But if we are talking about extensive plantations, such methods of self-pollination of strawberries will become too time-consuming and ineffective.