Palmistry for beginners: meanings of lines on the palm. Preliminary hand analysis

The life line is looked at not from one hand, but from both hands at once. Any fortune teller or experienced palmist will ask you to show both hands in order to look at your life line.

Using both hands, the fortuneteller determines your present and future, but only using your left hand can you read what happened to you in the past.

Even the ancient sages argued that a person’s fate can be seen by his hand. Our palm is a kind of map on which a special code is written, by solving which you can learn a lot: warn about dangers in life, or, conversely, receive favorable news.

Palmists divide various hills and lines on the palm map. Hills are named after planets or stars (Hill of Jupiter or Hill of the Sun), lines are the direct name of what it shows (Lines of Fate, Life, Mind). Each planetary mount has its own planetary line.

So here it is. To see the life line in the palm of your hand, you need to find the Hill of Jupiter - this is the beginning of the line. The Mount of Jupiter is located at the inner edge of the palm. You can easily find it between two fingers: index and thumb. Let's look at the left hand.

Now notice the outline of this line. If it is smooth, without breaks, clear, without any extraneous stars or dashes - this is very good. If not, then you need to carry out a whole analysis: where does it break, how many parts does the break go into, are there any branches in the line when it breaks, where are the “extra” figures, etc. An experienced palmist will tell you to unravel all the nuances of your line.

In general, since ancient times, palmists considered and still consider the life line to be the most important line on a person’s hand. They use it to predict life expectancy. A long line meant that a person would live a long time, a short line meant an early death. Usually the length is the same on both hands.

This line is also associated with information about a person’s health and his supply of vitality. On the left hand it shows your constitution, which you inherited, and on the right hand it shows everything that is coming and has not been transferred: various events and diseases.

  • If your life line is too thin on both hands, then this indicates that your health is poor, you are susceptible to stress and your immunity should be constantly strengthened.
  • But a very wide life line on both hands is a sign of good health, athletic tone and good spirits.
  • Now pay attention to the end of your line. If it bifurcates, then it is very good sign. It indicates excellent health given to a person at birth and the opportunity to maintain health for for many years. Such people, as a rule, are all long-livers. Split lines are usually visible on both the left and right hand.

However, as palmists assure, there is no need to shape the life line of great importance. So, for example, if you see a long and wide line in yourself, you don’t have to be content with the fact that you will live happily and without worries about your health. You still need to keep a close eye on him. The same can be said about a short life line. Many palmists claim that you can live peacefully with it until a very old age. If you are attentive and careful.

I think these are obvious tips. But it’s up to you to decide whether you should believe in palmistry after such advice.

Palmistry is palmistry, but which hand do palmists use to tell fortunes? And, in fact, does it matter?

Are the lines on your hand an imprint of your path or...?

Before we talk about which hand palmists use to tell fortunes, let's find out why this science is needed in general. It makes it possible to find out a person’s personality, see his past and possible future. The fate of a person, oddly enough, is clearly reflected in his palms. An experienced palmist can recognize a person’s character, the possibilities of his development, and see the most significant life events.

The question often arises, which hand do palmists use to tell fortunes? It is believed that the left hand reflects the destiny that is destined for us from above, and the right hand reflects the destiny that we build ourselves. A similar statement applies to right-handers. For left-handers, everything is exactly the opposite. In this way, we can compare how accurately we follow our purpose.

Palmistry is a rather complex science. Some people are very often mistaken about it. Here are the most common misconceptions about palmistry:

  • It is believed that fortune telling by a palmist can reveal all the secrets, including a person’s surroundings: his friends and lovers, colleagues and loved ones. This is not true.
    Palmistry, no matter which hand the palmist reads, shows only the fate of the person himself; it does not provide information about the environment, although it reflects the worries associated with loved ones.
  • The palmist can tell exact date death of a person. This is wrong. Such information is never provided, not due to ignorance, but in order not to program a person for negativity. A professional palm reader can only see critical situations in life and warn about them, pay attention to the causes of negative manifestations and the possibility of eliminating them, but nothing more.
  • Some believe that fortune telling by hand can detail any event by day and hour. This is a misconception. It is impossible to find out the real date of any event by looking at the hand. If a palmist could do this, he is not a professional, but an ordinary fraudster. The lines on the hand tell about years, at most about months, and not about days and, especially, hours.
  • So when contacting a palmist, you should pay attention to such details. Only in this case can you avoid communicating with scammers whose activities are aimed at obtaining income by fraudulent means.

…He sets a seal on the hand of every man, that all men may know His work
Book of Job 37:7

  1. From the point of view of palmistry, one of a person’s hands is dominant, and the other is passive. In right-handed people, the right hand is dominant, in left-handed people, the left hand is dominant.

Dominant hand

  • will tell about a person’s character and how a person lives in the present
  • will help predict the future

Passive hand

  • will clear up the past
  • will talk about childhood and the degree of parental influence on a person’s destiny
  • will identify potential talents
  1. There are four main lines on each hand (see picture below)
  • blue line (1) - heart line - emotions and relationships. The line reads a person’s ability to experience strong emotional experiences
  • green line (2) - line of the mind or line of the head - the essence of a person, talents, potential. The geography of the line will indicate achievements related to intelligence and psychological problems
  • yellow line (3) - line of life - indicator of life potential and the degree of its disclosure. Information about health and physical endurance is read along the life line
  • red line (4) - line of fate (not always present) - changes in life, doubts, awareness of ultimate goals. As a rule, it indicates a life period of 35-50 years. The absence of a fate line is neutral and indicates the absence of specific goals in life, going with the flow
  1. In addition to lines, palmists identify so-called hills or mounds, which are influenced by the planets of the solar system

Where is the marriage line on the hand, and what is its meaning?

The marriage line or conjugal line is not quite the correct name for the thin short lines located on the edge of the palm of the dominant hand in the zone of outer Mars between the Mount of Mercury and the line of the heart.

Palmists call these lines

  • lines of relationship
  • lines of affection

  • Relationship lines indicate the number of fateful alliances in a person’s life. What is meant by the definition of “fateful union”. This is a union that affects the psycho emotional state human or having special spiritual significance. This line does not always mean love relationship or marriage. For example, a conscious departure from worldly life to a monastery will also be displayed on the palm by a line of relationships
  • The lines of affection are read from bottom to top from the line of the heart to the Mount of Mercury
  • Near the heart line there will be lines indicating the earliest attachments
  • To see the lines more clearly, you need to lightly clench your hand into a fist.

In the photo: two lines of affection are clearly visible in the circle, located between the base of the little finger and the line of the heart

How approximate time intervals are determined when reading attachment lines is shown in the photo below

Why are there two marriage lines on the hand? Why are there different marriage lines on the hand?

There can be more than one lines of affection. But this does not mean at all that there will be several marriages.

Attachment lines often indicate

  • in love
  • for extramarital affairs, etc.

Such lines are usually short and often have additional elements in the form of islands, crosses, stars

So, the marriage/affection line is read taking into account

  • length
  • clarity
  • its location relative to key lines
  • presence of additional elements

What does a long marriage line on your hand mean?

A long line of marriage/affections indicates reliable and strong relationships which can be called marriage bonds. But you should understand that the presence of a clear line of appropriate length does not at all guarantee the presence of a stamp in the passport

Types of marriage lines on the hand: photo

What can a marriage line tell you?

  1. A loop/island at the end of a line may indicate difficult relationships accompanied by constant quarrels. A fork may be a sign of incompatibility between partners, which may cause them to separate

2. The marriage line, abutting the line of the Sun, predicts an alliance with an influential person. A marriage line with an island at the end, bending in an arc towards the heart line, indicates infidelity with a blood relative

3. Many palmists consider the arched line of affection crossing the heart line to be bad sign for relationships. Widowhood doesn't always mean physical death one of the spouses. Quite often, this arrangement of lines indicates a cooling of feelings to the level of “this person does not exist for me.” If the arc of the marriage line rests on the line of the head, it means that there is violence in the relationship: both physical and moral

4. Some additional lines, accompanying lines of affection, may indicate love affairs

How to determine the number of marriages based on the marriage line on the hand?

Based on the marriage line (and we remember that its correct name is “line of affection”) the number of marriages cannot be determined. The number of marriages is determined by the line of fate and the Mount of Venus on which they are duplicated Why did the marriage line disappear from the hand?

Surprisingly, many people do not have marriage lines on their hands. This does not mean that a person will not be in unions. This indicates the absence of an emotional component in such relationships.

As a rule, attachment lines are absent in people who are focused on relationships built on profit and calculation. Surprisingly, women always have lines of affection, while many men do not have them

Marriage line on the hand: reviews

  • The lines are drawn on our palms while still in the womb. And this is an indisputable fact
  • Experienced palmists are convinced that fate lines can be corrected by applying the “correct” images on top
  • Any fortune telling is just a forecast. Whether it will come true depends directly on the person
  • It is better to do without fortune telling than to believe a charlatan or an inexperienced fortune teller. Keep this in mind when trying to forecast the future.
  • The lines on our hands change with us. What makes us sad today can transform into tomorrow's joy.

Important: believing in yourself and your strengths is the main rule of success in your personal life and career. Remember this when trying to find out your destiny

Video: Marriage line on the hand

Palmistry is an ancient and fascinating science that teaches how to interpret all the lines on the palm. There is an opinion that thanks to it you can find out both the past and the future of a person. In the article we will figure out which hand the life line is on, what it means and what it is needed for. After all, many people are interested in finding out their destiny without visiting fortune tellers and psychics.

What is it and where is it located

Some people believe in fortune telling, but do not understand how it is done. However, as it turned out, everything is not so complicated. First you need to decide on which hand you look at the life line. There is an opinion that prediction depends on this.

Experienced fortune tellers claim that there is an active hand and a passive one. That is, if a person is better at using his right hand, then it is considered active. And it is used to predict a person’s fate.

But the left one is passive. However, if a person is left-handed, then the active hand is the left. Now you know which hand the life line is on. Now we can move on to the definition itself.

Many people think that the life line determines the death of a person. However, this is not true. It can be used to determine happiness or minor failures.

Some people don't know where It starts between the thumb and index finger and goes towards the wrist. For one person it reaches the base of the palm, while for another it only reaches halfway.

Short or long life line

To make palmistry for beginners clear to everyone, we describe the lines point by point. Then it will be simpler and easier for a person to understand.

There is an opinion that with a short life line a person will not live long. However, it has been scientifically proven that this is not true. After all, it can mean illness, disappointment or minor grief.

A long life line indicates a happy future. Most likely, you will be happy in family life and love. If thin, slightly noticeable branches begin to diverge at the base of the line, then you will not only be happy, but also rich.

Sometimes it happens that the life line is long, but not straight, but moves a little to the side. In this case, minor but solvable problems await you. You will overcome them without any problems.

If you see a clear long line without any defects, then you have lucky fate no problem and financial difficulties. You can be calm, since your fate is almost ideal.


Now that you know where the life line is on your hand, you can predict the fate not only of yourself, but also of your loved ones. After all, everyone is interested in knowing some details of the future. The life line is not only long and short. It can also be thick and narrow. You also need to pay attention to this.

If the line is too thin, like a thread, this indicates poor health. Perhaps you have a nervous condition. However, if you take care of your health, then you can safely declare your longevity.

A thick, long line that is clearly visible indicates your high activity, strong energy, good health. However, if the line has faded and is almost invisible, then you need to save your energy. After all, this indicates a loss of your health.

Sometimes it happens that the line is thick at first, and thin only in the middle or end. Then it is this gap that you need to pay attention to. After all, over the years, the line periodically changes, although it is completely imperceptible to the human eye.

Decoding the life line on the hand is not at all difficult and even interesting. However, it is necessary to examine the palm very carefully so as not to miss a single detail. After all, any bump, cross or other little thing can tell a lot.

Break in the life line

This is a complex sign that is interpreted in different ways. A break in the life line is considered both a positive and a negative phenomenon. First of all, notice where the line breaks. If the gap is in the middle of the palm, then you should expect difficulties that can be resolved, but with time.

Sometimes the line breaks closer to the wrist. This means that you have health problems or financially. Therefore, it is necessary to be extremely attentive and careful.

Very often, a break in the line means a tendency to illnesses that can be avoided. Pay attention to your diet, as you may have problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Island or square on a line

Sometimes there are strange shapes on the palm. There is a slightly noticeable bump on the life line, it is called an “island”.

If you meet such a figure on your life line, then expect that there will be stagnation or slowdown in your career or important matters. In such people, vital energy decreases, and negativity increases. In this case, you need to exercise as often as possible to remove your weakness.

A square on the life line protects a person from evil and negative people. Pay attention to your surroundings. Perhaps there is a person near you who feeds on your energy. Try to get rid of such a friend.

Dots, triangles, crosses or asterisks on the life line

Previously, we determined on which hand the life line is viewed. However, in this case it is necessary to pay attention to both hands. Dots, crosses and stars carry different meanings. It all depends on which hand you are predicting.

If you see a cross or an asterisk on your left hand, then you have very weak energy. Reconsider your attitude towards life. Crosses and stars on the right hand mean a strong position in life. If these defects are present on both hands, then this strong man who has a lot weaknesses. They are the ones you need to get rid of.

Very often, crosses and asterisks are interpreted as big changes in life. They can be both positive and negative. Most often this is due to a change of job, place of residence, etc.

Points on the life line are negative. It could be severe illness or an accident. If the dot is dark, the disease may be incompatible with life.

Triangles on the life line are a very rare occurrence. However, they only carry positive character. Triangles are associated with the intellect and mind of a person. Such people are easy to communicate, smart, and it is easy for them to achieve promotion at work.

The life line connects to the head line

Sometimes this happens. If you notice that the life line is in contact with the head line, then you can be happy for yourself. You are prudent, smart and happy both financially and intellectually.

When the life line comes into contact with the head line, then a person can only expect a positive attitude towards himself from others. He is loved and appreciated not only by his friends, but also by his colleagues.

If the life line does not reach the head line a little, then this indicates instability and temporary difficulties that you can easily overcome. However, do not forget: no matter what the lines on the palm say, much depends on the person himself. People are able to change their destiny and life in better side. It is important to work on yourself and not give up in difficult situations.

Small lines next to the life line

Palmistry is not a complicated science at all for beginners. Especially if you are extremely careful. Pay attention not only to the bumps, stars, squares on the palm, but also to the small lines. After all, they can say a lot about a person’s character and destiny.

Small lines near the life line indicate the external factors of a person and his environment. For example, along such lines they determine who is next to you, how they influence your life and what to expect.

Thanks to small lines, you can determine business partners, what kind of marriage will be, etc. As a rule, if the lines are even and straight, then there will be success in this person’s life, and if they are crooked or rounded, this means some difficulties in communicating with others. Perhaps there will be betrayal, discontent or discord. Therefore, always pay attention to the small lines that come into contact with the life line.


Now you know what the life line means and how to use it to determine a person’s destiny. When making a prediction, try to carefully examine every detail in the palm of your hand. Remember that a person’s destiny can only be changed if he himself wants it.

The life line on the right hand is clearer than on the left. However, many fortune tellers claim that fortune telling can be done on any palm. They believe that the lines on the right and left hands are not very different.

Be that as it may, remember that no line will tell you how many years you will live. It all depends on many factors. Therefore, if your line reaches half of your palm, do not worry, but just be determined to overcome some minor difficulties.

Palmistry is ancient art reading lines on the palm in order to predict a person's fate.

Many people can learn this and have a pleasant time in an informal setting, “predicting” the fate of their friends and relatives, but this does not mean they can be called palmists. Not everyone can become a professional palm reader for a number of reasons. For example, it is not enough just to know chirology; you need to understand human psychology.

The palmist has the greatest power and the greatest responsibility: he sees the future of a person by his hand. Therefore, he must be able to competently, accurately and carefully, based on the client’s personal qualities and his ability to perceive negative information, explain what he saw.

Just as not everyone is able to master any profession, so not everyone can be a good palmist. But you shouldn’t be upset, because no one forbids you to be just an amateur. For the sake of your pleasure, self-education and self-knowledge, palmistry can and should be practiced.

Basics of chirology

At the very beginning, you need to study the person’s hand itself: the skin, the shape of the palm, the length of the fingers, nails.

The appearance of a hand can say a lot about a person, just like the palm: what kind of character he has, his state of health, etc., for example, if his hands are pale with thin skin, you have a sensitive nature, subject to disturbances of the heart.

Then you should feel the bumps on the palm, there are nine of them:

  • Mount of Venus
  • two hillocks of Mars
  • Mount of Jupiter
  • Mount of Saturn
  • Mount of Apollo
  • Mount of Neptune
  • Mount of Mercury
  • Mount of the Moon

The presence or absence of these hills on the palm can tell a lot about a person’s personality. For example, the pronounced upper mount of Mars speaks of will and fighting qualities, but the second opposite mount of Mars indicates a strong level of patience. There are a lot of different subtleties in chirology.

After studying the bumps, you need to look at the lines on the person’s palm:

  1. life
  2. hearts
  3. health
  4. fate
  5. Apollo

Even by reading only the lines of life, heart and mind, you can give a complete picture of life from the palm of your hand.

Life line

There is an opinion that one can determine Its duration by the line of life, which is not entirely true. This line shows life path people, events and changes of views. It can talk about a person’s state of health and his love for life.

Heart line

This line is responsible for a person’s emotional state. Some experts believe that it can also show heart disease as an organ. This line is very easy to find: it is located under the little finger and rises towards the middle and index fingers. Along this line you can determine a person’s ability to love.

Head (mind) line

From this line one can judge mental abilities person, his success in activity and professionalism. This line is located in the middle of the palm, from index finger deflects down towards the little finger. When considering this line, you need to pay attention to its length and angle of inclination.

Line of fate

Along this line, you can say a lot about a person’s life and his future. This line may not be present in all people. The study of the life line should be done at the end, comparing the data obtained from other palms.

Health line

This line speaks of chronic human diseases. Many palmists believe that the absence of this line is an ideal case. Studying this is extremely difficult, since it is subject to serious changes in short terms time

Apollo Line

This line speaks of a person’s self-esteem, achievements and success. How the client perceives himself, his confidence in own strength can be read along this line.

Chirology is a science that requires patience and time, is complex and specific.

This article presented the basic concepts of fortune telling, but this is not enough to become a real professional in this field. However, don’t be upset: you don’t have to be a real palmist to tell fortunes. Any person, after studying palmistry for some time, will be able to tell fortunes by his own hand or the hands of friends. This way we can better understand ourselves and the people around us.

It is worth remembering that life lines can change just like the person himself; the results of fortune telling at different periods of life can vary.