Options for sawing logs into boards with a chainsaw. How to cut a log into boards: caution is a good idea. Device for horizontal cutting.

Blogger Egorov decided to make a bench from trimmed birch logs. The idea is generally not new. The only novelty is in the method he used to make straight cut logs In this case, improvised means were used.

He created a simple sawmill from a chainsaw, two boards and 6 screws. Perhaps he is not the first who has already made such a device, but there is currently no material about it on the Internet. It is not clear why no one makes such devices, but uses complex attachments.

A small, low-power chainsaw with a short bar was used. It is impossible to cut lengthwise with such a saw. The solution is obvious: either saw by eye, which is unsuitable for carpentry work, or make an alternative design using the tire mounting cover, which is parallel to the plane of the tire.

For this, 2 boards were taken, using self-tapping screws, a corner was made from them, which was screwed to the log. A chainsaw was placed on the corner. A wonderful even cut of the log was made along this unique guide.

The main work is done. Now you need to prepare 4 platforms for holes for attaching the legs on the cylindrical part of the block, make holes and insert 4 legs. For greater stability, you need to drill these holes at an angle. Twist drill with a diameter of 52 mm.

To prevent the legs from drying out and falling out over time, they need to be dried for several days and placed in the holes extremely tightly.

The second block can be used as a backrest.

Homemade sawmill from a regular chainsaw

A simple device for cutting round timber yourself is a chainsaw sawmill. Any DIYer who knows how to use a welding machine can make such a device.

The resulting device is easy to use, but regular chain sharpening will not work. But more on that at the end of the article.

The sawmill consists of the following components:

As you can see, the device is simple - let's start making it!

First of all, we make a frame with guides. Its dimensions:

We cut out the bed platform from sheet material and make a hole for mounting on the saw

The guides are made from steel water pipes. We weld them to the frame strictly at right angles.

We boil everything thoroughly

Drilling holes for saw bar clamps

To fasten the frame, we replace the standard nuts (in the middle) with elongated ones with welded washers.

We twist and fix the frame

We make clamps for tires. All sizes in the photo below

The clamp is not difficult to make, it consists of profile pipe and pressure plate. Clamp assembly

This is how the clamp works

We make a carriage. It is necessary in order to smoothly slide along the guides and lock in a given position. It sets the thickness of the future board. This is what the carriage looks like

The carriage consists of round and rectangular tubes. We saw the pipes in half

From the rectangular one we select grooves for the round one, and assemble it on the guides


This is how the clamp is attached to the guides. The bolts are relaxed, the distance is set and tightened.

We make a support platform. It slides along the log and creates a supporting plane.

Support pad dimensions

We make blanks according to size and display them on flat surface, trying on the saw blade

We weld and clean the seams

For the convenience of working with a homemade sawmill, you need to make a handle. We make a handle from a pipe. For easy bending, we burn the pipe at the bending point. blowtorch

We bend according to the template

This is what the support platform with a welded handle looks like

We weld the support platform to the carriage. It is necessary to maintain the same planes of the saw bar and the support platform. To do this, lay an even, tight gasket. Chipboard is ideal.

We weld the parts. To strengthen it, it is necessary to weld the stiffening corners

Assembling the device

The device for a manual sawmill using a chainsaw is ready!

Since ancient times, wood has been the most popular building material. And if earlier rather primitive tools were used for its processing, today the latest modern technology is used. For example, in order to cut wood and process it to the required size, builders resort to the help of a sawmill. Unfortunately, such a tool is not cheap and therefore not available to everyone. Home craftsmen found a way out of this situation by making a sawmill from a chainsaw with their own hands. Tips for its design, drawings and video instructions can be found on numerous Internet sites, as well as in our article.

Types and features of chainsaw sawmills

Construction markets offer large selection sawmills, which are based on a chainsaw. The unit, fixed in a trolley with rollers, can be manually moved along a pre-laid path. rail track. A powerful chain saw or band saw can be used to harvest wood.

For living conditions Large sawmills are most often not required, so the optimal solution would be to make a functional homemade mini-machine. Such a unit will have small sizes, and therefore can be easily moved if necessary.

More often the main element of such a device is a chainsaw, which can be purchased at a specialized store or use a Ural brand unit.

Do-it-yourself sawmill from a chainsaw: video instructions and drawings

Having the drawings available and having studied the video instructions, it is quite simple to independently make a structure for processing logs, boards and slats. Before starting work, you must select a suitable location. You can install a sawmill using a chainsaw in an old barn, garage, hangar, or even just under a shed. If the room for the unit is closed, then you should take care of the hood.

Chainsaw sawmill - option No. 1

To make the structure, in addition to a chainsaw, you will need:

  • two channels 8 meters long and 140-180 millimeters high;
  • two rails;
  • corners 50x100 mm and 40x40 mm;
  • segments water pipe 25 cm as ties;
  • steel plate 4-6 cm thick and 60 cm long;
  • movable hoses;
  • pipes with a diameter of 35-40 mm.

Making your own sawmill should start with assembling the base from rails and corners 50x100 mm turned upside down. They must be installed strictly parallel to the floor, so you need to use a building level.

  1. Along the length of the base, according to the drawing, holes are drilled in increments of 1-1.5 meters and with a diameter of 14-16 mm.
  2. Then, according to the number of holes, ties are taken and connected with bolts.
  3. Stands are made from metal squares and the base is placed on them. The distance between the outer posts and the base should be about 100 cm.
  4. To make the structure more rigid, braces between the posts can be welded.

After the base is completed and installed, you need to make a movable cart with your own hands. For this a corner is welded to the bottom of the steel plate 40x40 mm and the product is placed on rollers or bearings. Two corners are welded on top of the plate, to which a chainsaw is attached.

At the last stage of production work homemade sawmill it is necessary to make a structure for fixing the logs. To do this, movable hoses and pipes should be positioned at the required height and secured.

The first version of a homemade sawmill using a chainsaw is ready. There is another way to make a wood processing unit with your own hands. The tools and drawing for it will need the same, however, the design itself is more refined.

Do-it-yourself sawmill from a chainsaw - option No. 2

The structure consists of four main components:

  1. Driven saws.
  2. A mechanism for regulating the thickness of the board being produced.
  3. A mechanism for moving the saw part of the structure.
  4. Devices for fixing logs.

Since a chainsaw with a working engine and cutting teeth is already available, you will only need to make both mechanisms and a device for fixing logs with your own hands.

Mechanism for adjusting the thickness of the boards.

The logs are cut by raising or lowering the base, which must be welded to the plate using four nuts with bent edges. At the top of this device locknuts must be installed, which need to be tightened after the unit is adjusted to the desired thickness of the material being processed.

Mechanism for moving the saw.

The saw in the structure moves along the frame along guide angles, the distance between which should be 50 cm. To the racks it is necessary weld two rollers or bearings by 20 mm. The lower roller should keep the sawmill from lifting, and the upper one should rest on the guide angle.

Device for fixing logs.

On such a unit logs are secured using two ridges– stationary and moving by means of a screw. After the material to be processed has been installed, the moving ridge is secured with screws in a stationary state. Now you can safely start operating a homemade sawmill made from a chainsaw.

A sawmill is an impressively sized The unit is quite dangerous to operate, therefore, before you begin assembling it, you should carefully consider the place where it will be used. It should be well lit, ventilated and have free space. The nearby warehouse for finished boards will greatly facilitate the process of processing the material.

For sawmill with electric motor You should very carefully install the necessary switches and circuit breakers, as well as install the wiring.

Since the most dangerous elements of the unit are all its cutting and moving parts, when assembling the structure they should be given special attention.

Before starting to operate the assembled equipment, it is necessary to check all fastenings and components, as well as the stability of the structure.

Operating instructions for a homemade sawmill using a chainsaw

After the structure has been assembled and tested, it must be tested in wood. To do this you need:

Jerky movements when cutting should not be made, as this can lead to the tire stopping.

It should be kept in mind that it is necessary to work within means personal protection , which include mittens, a robe, oversleeves and glasses. In addition, you should worry about protection for the moving frame in advance. It can be made from acrylic or transparent plastic. Such shields can protect against saw chain and shavings.

A sawmill assembled with your own hands from a chainsaw will allow you to produce high-quality sawn timber correct form. Therefore, if you often have to work with lumber, then this homemade equipment, made on the basis of the attached drawings and videos, will become an irreplaceable thing on the farm.

All photos from the article

Some people have the opportunity to take a certain area in the forest for logging in order to split the trunks, but how can you cut a log into planks with a chainsaw if you have never had to deal with this? Those who have been logging for a long time can do this without any equipment - they just need to cut a longitudinal line on the trunk and use it to cut a beam or board.

But if you have never done this, then you will need certain devices, which we will now talk about and also show a thematic video in this article.

We spread the trunk onto the boards

Note. To cut a trunk into logs, you may need a sawmill or an electric or chainsaw with machine tools.

What will you need for this?

A chainsaw is the most affordable tool, and there are a number of reasons:

  • sawing of trunks can be done directly for logging. This does not require any fixed or autonomous sources power supply, only one tool;
  • compared to electric saw, gasoline has much more power, which is the key point when longitudinal dissolution logs;
  • she has soft start and soft speed control, which means that the risk of breaking the chain during operation is reduced to almost zero (it is, of course, possible, but for this you need to try very hard);
  • Compared to a sawmill, the price of a gasoline-powered tool is several orders of magnitude lower;
  • Compared to an electric unit, inertial braking works much faster here;
  • intensive use time, the instruction manual allows you to extend it up to 1 hour;
  • it is possible to carry out work with high humidity air(rain, fog)

As we have already said, experienced sawers can cut a log without any equipment, but for beginners they will definitely have to purchase or make their own machine for fixing the log, an attachment frame for the saw and a guide for an even cut.

It should not be forgotten that during such work the tool experiences very heavy loads. Therefore, if you want to do this professionally, then you will naturally need an appropriate model, that is, as powerful as possible.

Boards and timber are one of the main building materials. Funds do not always allow you to buy ready-made boards. Many people have the opportunity to take a plot from a forestry department and harvest wood themselves.

Sawing of logs is carried out using a sawmill, electric or chainsaw and additional accessories. When choosing tools, be guided by the amount of work.

Cheapest stationary sawmill with all components it will cost you no less than 150 thousand rubles. If you do not plan to run a small business, purchasing such equipment is not practical.

A more affordable tool is a chainsaw. A chainsaw is more convenient than an electric one for several reasons.

  1. No electricity is required for operation - this allows you to work with a chainsaw on plots.
  2. Has higher power compared to electric.
  3. It has a smooth start and convenient speed adjustment, which reduces the risk of chain breakage.
  4. The inertia brake operates faster than an electric saw.
  5. Long working time without interruption - up to 1 hour.
  6. Allows you to work in conditions of high humidity.

To cut a log lengthwise with a chainsaw, devices for fixing the log, a special frame-attachment for the chainsaw and a guide will help.

When sawing with a chainsaw, the tool is subjected to heavy load. Household chainsaw will quickly fail. It is better to use a professional tool. Good option - Stihl chainsaw MS 660 or Stihl MS 880. These models have a power of more than 7 horsepower, which is enough for continuous operation under heavy loads.

A special metal frame. The distance between the frame and the tire is adjustable, which allows you to cut the material into boards of the required thickness.

Having at hand metal corners or legs from a school desk, it’s possible to make a frame yourself.

The video shows how to make a frame with your own hands.

When working in inpatient conditions, a rigid metal profile or a long, flat board is suitable for the guide. The ends of the guide are fixed on the trestles, and a log is placed underneath. This method is only suitable for cutting short trunks - there is a possibility of the guide bending. This will lead to uneven cutting of the trunk.

How to cut a log lengthwise

To ensure an even cut, you will need a straight template - a leading ruler or guide.

A good help in the work is the BigMill Timberjig mini-sawmill (Logosol). Manufacturer Sweden. The cost of such a set is considerable - about 9,000 rubles. Calculate how profitable it is for you to purchase such a tool. The ability to saw logs on site will help reduce transportation costs.

Sawing is done with a push-pull saw with two nuts for mounting the tire. The device allows you to secure and cut logs with a diameter of up to 60 cm.

In order to cut a log into boards, you will need a chain for longitudinal cutting. If you cannot buy such a chain, sharpen a regular one at an angle of 10°. Do not forget that the chain loses its sharpness during operation and needs periodic sharpening. A well-sharpened chain will make your work easier.

The kit includes tools and parts that will help you install the wooden guide. The frame attached to the chainsaw slides along the guide and does not allow the tire to move to the side.

Operating procedure:

How to cut a log crosswise

If you plan to saw the trunk crosswise and then cut the logs into boards, this is not practical. Usually a log intended for preparing firewood is sawn crosswise.

A log sawn crosswise is often used to make garden benches, tables. Look beautiful garden paths, decorated with sawn wood.. In this case, sawing is carried out into disks 10-15 cm thick.

  1. Place the log on strong, stable trestles 60-80 cm high.
  2. If you plan to remove the tree bark, do it before cutting.
  3. Make a shallow cut that will serve as a guide groove.
  4. Rotate the log 90º so that the saw bar fits in the groove.
  5. When cutting logs into logs, first make notches with an ax.
  6. Cut the log. Further processing material depends on its area of ​​application.

Safety rules when sawing wood

  1. Use headphones, glasses, a respirator, gloves and thick clothing.
  2. Keep children away from the work area.
  3. Have a first aid kit on hand - circular saws and chain saws are high-risk tools.
  4. Do not use electric circular saw without protective casing.
  5. Do not pour fuel into a hot chainsaw tank; wait until it cools down a little.
  6. Run the chainsaw on the ground with the chain brake engaged. Release the chain brakes only before starting to cut.
  7. When working, hold the saw by the arc handle and move it forward along the guide. Do not press hard on the saw - it should move freely.
  8. When pruning trees chain saw take care of ladders - when working, the saw should not be lifted above shoulder level.
  9. If you are not left-handed, place the log on your right side.

How to properly cut a log. Video tutorials.

Work using the Timberjig sawing system.

Centuries and millennia pass, new materials and technologies appear, but wood, stone and metal have been and remain the main materials used by humanity for its needs. Products made from them surround us everywhere, wherever we are, wherever we go.

Particularly noteworthy is the wood, which creates an atmosphere of coziness and comfort everywhere. Metal and stone are colder and more laconic, but wood is even warm to the touch. That is why the first two materials are used more often in the form of load-bearing structures, and wood is used in interior decoration, however, after being brought into the appropriate form.

Before you cut a log correctly, you need to inspect it. If on outside There are no significant flaws in the tree, then processing can be done quickly and with virtually no loss of wood.

Logs must be sawed in such a way that the resulting materials have equal density. And to do this, you need to remember that the wood on the north side of the trunk differs more high density than in the south. Cutting a log lengthwise begins with removing the slab; this part is removed from both sides of the tree to create a beam that will not roll.

We place the resulting timber on one cut side, and the other looks up, and the cutting will begin from there. Now you can cut the remaining log into appropriate lumber or boards of equal thickness. The end result is a set of unedged boards, in which the raw edge (sometimes even with tree bark) must then be cut with a handsaw. Now we can consider the work completed.

How to saw a log lengthwise - disappointing realities

All these recommendations are good for ideal logs, but, as you know, ideal is quite rare. Basically, almost all logs have various shortcomings, and you have to adapt and invent cutting methods in order to avoid wood loss and get as much wood as possible. quality material.

As in the previous case, Before sawing a log lengthwise, you need to remove the slab from it. For those who don’t know, a slab is a board that has one sawn surface, and the other either is partially processed or is not touched at all.

After removing the slab, the next step is to make an unedged board, this has already been written about above. Longitudinal cutting of a log produces boards, but with raw edges. In the process, because the log is not perfect, it is necessary to periodically turn it over and identify it best options further use. Sometimes, while cutting one log, you have to turn it 180 degrees several times to minimize defective boards.

If it is possible to obtain good quality material from the other side of the log, you need to continue the process from there and so on until the wood is completely used.

Very often, after cutting, timber remains; it can also be used on slats, boards, or used in its original form.

Features of mechanisms for processing logs

Many private developers have a question: how to cut a log lengthwise with a chainsaw? To perform this operation, experts recommend that you first secure the log and only then carry out processing. In addition, in order for the cut to be as even as possible, the chain of this saw must be well sharpened so that it does not move to the side, or buy a special chain designed for longitudinal cutting.

In addition, it is advisable that the logs are not long, because manually from long workpiece It is very difficult to do something well. Also in construction stores Special attachments for logs and saws are sold, which are called mini-sawmills; they allow you to do work at home quickly and efficiently. The only drawback of such equipment is its high cost.

When using a hand saw, you need to proceed in the same way as when processing with a sawmill. The slab is cut off and the remaining log is cut into longitudinal boards, from which the raw side edges are then separated. Only the main difference when working with a saw is the increased complexity, because you need to maintain a uniform thickness of the board when working with a saw that is constantly tending to wobble, and it is also simply physically difficult to hold it in your hands all the time.

All experts agree that if possible, it is better to take the material to a sawmill, where they will be processed using professional equipment with minimal losses and extremely smooth edges.