Violet tricolor, treatment with violet tricolor. Violet tricolor

- beautiful and useful plant, which, due to its unsurpassed medicinal properties actively used in folk recipes.

Violet herb has some similarities with another herb called "maryannik", so to avoid unpleasant consequences, you should very carefully select raw materials for future preparations.

A special science called pharmacognosy identifies the following in the flower formula: healing properties :

  • Expectorant. An excellent remedy that not only stimulates expectoration, but also thins mucus well.
  • Diuretic. Regulates the functioning of the kidneys, improves their performance, and helps improve the body’s excretory system.
  • Emetic. An indispensable remedy for intoxication, nausea and poisoning.

Only the upper part of the plant is used for treatment. Recipes most often indicate leaves, stems and flowers, and in rare cases fruits.

In some folk recipes, the plant is used to make lotions, fragrant baths, medicinal infusions and decoctions, and healthy teas.


The plant also received another name (folk) pansies , thanks to the bizarre shape of its flowers. In addition to beauty, the plant is known for its amazing medicinal properties. The flower is quite unpretentious in care - this is due to the region of its growth. The violet was originally wild plant, because of this, it became capable of adapting to almost any climatic conditions.

Flower - biennial or annual herbaceous plant, which belongs to the violet family, the height, based on the description of biologists, reaches 10-30 cm, the flowering period begins in early spring, and the plant usually bears fruit in June.

Medicinal properties and contraindications

Useful medicinal properties violet herbs are widespread and widespread range of its application:

  • fight against microbes;
  • elimination of inflammation;
  • relieving painful spasms;
  • relaxing sedative effect;
  • disinfection treatment;
  • strong diaphoretic effect;
  • rapid healing of wounds;
  • safe blood purification;
  • active contraction of the uterus in women after childbirth.

Most contraindications for use for treatment purposes are related to sensitivity individual organism to some components of the phytocomposition or overdose. It is also undesirable to take the herb for hepatitis and other severe liver diseases.

Medicinal properties

Traditional medicine specialists most often insist that the most effective part of a plant is its grass. In most cases, it is used as a raw material for infusions.

Indications for use:

  • to stimulate labor in the form of tea;
  • to overcome the symptoms of certain lung diseases, rickets, rheumatism, as a diuretic or diaphoretic infusion;
  • a decoction from the plant will be very good for difficulty in expectorating phlegm, as well as treating a common cough due to a cold;
  • ointments and baths will have a positive effect in cauterizing scrofulous scabs;
  • Medicine suggests using tea to treat sexually transmitted diseases and cleanse the blood.

Immediately after medicinal products containing tricolor violet have been applied, the urine will begin to acquire a “cat” smell.


  1. Experts in the field of herbal medicine and botany classify the tricolor violet as a poisonous plant.
  2. The cause of allergies and its severe consequences may be individual intolerance to some components of the phytocomposition.
  3. Abusing folk remedies based on medicinal plant You can easily provoke irritation of some parts of the intestines.
  4. Take the plant in medicinal purposes more than a month is prohibited, so you need to take breaks and pauses.

Use in folk medicine

Medicinal herb has become widespread and used in the field the following diseases:

  • various types of cough, which are characterized by complicated expectoration;
  • inflammatory processes of the bladder and intestines;
  • skin diseases with rashes in the form of acne.

Freshly squeezed juice, for example, is useful for treating genital and mouth ulcers.

To prepare a decoction, you need to pour one tablespoon with a glass of boiling water and leave the product for about two hours. A more concentrated decoction is used for external use.

Of great value essential oil from violet, which is appreciated by some perfumers more expensive than gold. However, it is not without health and healing properties:

  • reduces dizziness and headaches;
  • perfectly fights purulent skin diseases;
  • strengthens and calms cardiac activity.

Decoction actively used in the treatment of cough in children. The recipe for this remedy is quite simple: infuse 10 g of herb in a glass of boiling water. Apply 1/4 of a glass after careful straining. Be careful and take precautions, do not forget to consult a specialist. For example, the herb has some contraindications for use as a medicinal product for young children. Therefore, it is necessary to limit the use of this decoction to 1 glass per day.

Infusion widely known as an anti-vomiting remedy. Due to its antitoxic medicinal properties, it is actively used as an antidote for some poisonings (not very complex). You should not try to treat severe cases of homeopathy with this remedy, and in particularly urgent cases, it is best to seek help from a doctor. Here classic recipe This infusion is worth your attention: pour one tablespoon of raw material with boiling water and keep the infusion in a warm place for about two hours.

During pregnancy. Please note: using the plant externally has no contraindications and does not cause harm to nursing or pregnant women. However, products for external use can provoke uterine muscle contractions, which will lead to sad consequences: premature onset of labor or miscarriage.

Syrup for bronchitis. The syrup is able to cope even with prolonged bronchitis, which has become chronic. It is customary to prepare it from fresh flowers of the plant, having previously washed them running water. As an ingredient for the syrup you will need 4 tbsp. spoons of such vegetable raw materials. Pour boiling water over the flowers (1 liter will be enough) and leave to steep overnight. In the morning, the composition is strained through cheesecloth and boiled with added sugar until thickened.

For 1 liter of this infusion you will need 1.3 kg of sugar. Two minutes before the end of cooking, add the juice of two small or one large lemon to the mixture.

Syrup is consumed 1 teaspoon 3 to 6 times a day. The dosage is the same amount for both children and adults. This remedy relieves inflammation in the throat and removes phlegm from the lungs, thereby helping to stop coughing and cleanse the bronchi.

Violet vinegar. Pansies infused in table vinegar will help cope with the most unpleasant type of pain - migraine. At the time of an attack, it is necessary to use a composition to wipe the forehead. This miraculous infusion must be prepared as follows: pour 3 tbsp. spoons of dried flowers with 50 milliliters of vinegar, preferably nine percent, and leave the product to infuse in a dark room for 10 days. The bottle with the mixture will need to be shaken periodically. After the required time has passed, the medicine must be filtered.

Decoction for skin diseases. This product is intended for external use, used for wiping and as lotions, compresses and baths. For preparation you will need: 20 g of dry violets and 1 glass hot water. Fill the raw material with hot, but by no means boiling water, wait a couple of minutes for the violet to settle to the bottom of the container, then put the whole thing on low heat and boil for about 15 minutes. The container for preparing the decoction must be closed with a tight lid. After this, the medicine will be almost ready - all that remains is to strain the broth. Use it externally as a remedy for the above skin conditions.

Blood cleansing tea. As a rule, this healthy tea used as an additional therapy for sexually transmitted diseases and blood diseases. To prepare, you will need to pour one teaspoon of dried violet herb into a 200 ml teapot. The tea will steep thoroughly in about a quarter of an hour. We filter it in any way convenient for you and use the tea leaves 3-4 times a day. You can add honey to the drink if desired. This can be done both to improve the taste and to provide additional benefits to your health.

Planting and growing

Very often pansies are used as decorative flowers for flower beds and window sills. The plant is easy to care for and prefers moderate shade, loose soil and average humidity. For flowering, seeds must be planted in advance. winter flower able to tolerate cold well and almost never gets sick.

Preparation and storage

To obtain high-quality preparations from tricolor violet, it should be properly prepared and stored in suitable conditions. Any minor disruption of the process can lead to a decrease or complete loss medicinal properties plants.

The collected material is dried indoors, spreading the raw materials on paper sheets in a layer of no more than 6 cm. During the drying process, the raw materials are constantly mixed to avoid rotting.

Dry tricolor violet can be stored in a dry place in a tightly closed container for no more than one and a half years.

Regardless of whether the raw material was purchased at a pharmacy or collected independently, it will bring great benefits if used correctly.

Few people know that the tricolor violet has many names among people: pansy, cheerful eyes, kamchuk, earthflower, and so on. Pansies have served since ancient times folk remedy from many diseases, such as cough, gout, rheumatism, thrush, furunculosis.


This annual plant, listed in Latin like viola tricolor, reaches a height of 20-45 cm. The stem of the violet can be straight, branched, deciduous and recumbent.

Leaves can be elongated and oval shape. The flowers of the plant are quite large and differ not only in shape and appearance, but also in color: blue, lilac, blue and violet. You can find yellow and white flowers. The flowering period lasts throughout the summer, from May to August. In June, the elongated three-headed top of the plant begins to ripen, storing seeds that promote further propagation of the flower. The tricolor violet is much smaller than its usual garden counterpart and is always painted in three different colors.


The plant has spread widely in the countries of the Far East, throughout Europe, in some parts of Siberia and Central Asia. Tricolor violet prefers to grow in places of fertile soil, in valleys and pastures, between bushes, in mixed and coniferous forest glades. Having chosen the loosened soil, the plant can be placed on grain crops and dry lands. Many bouquet lovers often pick these flowers, not even realizing how many useful and medicinal properties they have.

Distinctive characteristics

Violet is a herbaceous plant. The tap-shaped root has a characteristic brown tint. Several stems can grow from the root at once, branching into different sides. Often the stem, like the violet leaves, is bare, but sometimes it is covered with small hairs. The lower leaves grow in the form of long petioles, and the upper ones have small petioles and 2 stipules. The flowers of the plant grow on oblong stalks to approximately 1.5 cm in diameter. They are known as single-paired, five-membered, irregular, with multi-colored petals.

Chemical composition

All parts of the plant, including flowers, stem and leaves, contain many elements: essential oil, vitamin C, coloring and tannins, polysaccharides, flavonoids (vitexin, orientin, rutin), saponins, coumarins and carotenoids. Ascorbic, ursulic, tartaric and salicylic acid are also present in violet. Plant roots have various alkaloids (nitrogen-containing organic compounds) in its composition. In addition, the plant contains mucus, which helps relieve coughing attacks.

Useful and healing properties

It is quite difficult to determine the main direction of action of the plant. The wild violet flower is used in both folk and official medicine.

Tricolor violet promotes expectoration, which occurs due to the mucous liquid and essential oil contained in the flower. In addition, violet helps in the fight against a number of diseases: diathesis, bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, rheumatism, gout, pleurisy, runny nose, and helps with inflammation of the bladder and lungs. Various preparations with violet have an antispasmodic effect and are used in the fight against thrush. The powder prepared from the plant serves good remedy against a variety of skin diseases, such as dermatitis, lichen, eczema, furunculosis and others. In addition to the powder, the doctor may also prescribe violet tincture. It is worth noting that an overdose of the plant can provoke vomiting, and this remedy is prescribed quite rarely, which is caused by the lack of directionally expressed active substances in violets.


The scope of application of violets is determined depending on the specific part of the plant. For example, the leaves are used as various poultices, and the flowers are used for tinctures. IN traditional medicine violet is used as an expectorant, and in folk plant used in the fight against sexually transmitted and nervous diseases, cystitis, arthritis, stuttering, problems gastrointestinal tract and angina. Tricolor violet is used for dental purposes, prevents inflammation and has an antiseptic effect. In pharmacies, violet is sold in the form of various syrups, extracts, gelatin capsules and powders.

Traditional medicine recipes

The tricolor violet herb has been used in alternative medicine for centuries as various tinctures, decoctions and teas that have a beneficial effect on patients:

  • an infusion from the plant was consumed internally at the rate of 10 g of dried herb per glass of water. Drink 2-4 times throughout the day after meals for cough, gout, bronchitis, whooping cough and cystitis. A decoction of 200 grams of water, in which 20 grams of the plant is brewed, is recommended for use on the skin in the form of lotions, for various rashes, ulcers and itching. It is recommended to take a bath in which water is diluted with a decoction for diathesis;
  • The most common is considered to be a water infusion (napar). About 20 grams of herb are steamed in a glass of water, after which a quarter of it is consumed. total number throughout the day. An overdose in this case can cause intestinal irritation. This solution cleanses the blood well;
  • Teas based on tricolor violet are very popular. Preparing tea is quite simple: 50 grams of dried flowers are steamed with 1 liter of water. You should take this tea 5-6 times, drinking half a glass at a sitting. Women recovering from a difficult birth process are recommended to drink tea containing tricolor violet. Components of this and other plants, such as string, strawberries and walnut, added to tea by women in labor, which helps cleanse the uterus. In addition to women in labor, people who want to increase the activity and activity of the kidneys, patients with rheumatism, rickets, scrofula and articular rheumatism, drink tea based on tricolor violet. The use of such tea in medicine is quite rare;
  • To cleanse the blood, prepare the following infusion: 10 grams of tricolor violet and buckthorn bark, 15 grams of chicory herb, 5 grams each of horsetail, fennel fruits and elderberry flowers, mixed thoroughly. Then, taking 1 teaspoon of the mixture, steam it with 250 grams of water and, covering it with a lid, leave for 15 minutes. Drink 1-3 cups in small sips throughout the day, warm or chilled.

Tricolor violet, whose properties are very multifaceted, interacts well with other plant forms, allowing you to cure many different diseases.

For example, for cystitis, you can prepare a bath with the following collection of herbs: five parts of birch and currant leaves, two parts of tricolor violet, 3 parts of oregano, 4 parts of thyme and 1 part of eucalyptus leaves, mixed well. Then 3 tablespoons of the mixture are poured into 1 liter of water and brought to a boil. After the product has infused, it can be used.

Violet tricolor beneficial properties manifests itself in the treatment of many diseases. The product is prepared from fresh flowering plants. It is prescribed for various eczema, skin rashes, thrush and vaginal itching. The tincture gives positive results in the fight against sweating and rheumatism.

Cosmetology: the use of tricolor violet

Thanks to its mucous and moisturizing components, the plant is widely known in cosmetology. Tincture and lotions are used in the treatment of diseases of the sebaceous glands of the face and scalp, purulent inflammation and acne.

Violet is often infused with vegetable oil for several hours, after which it is ready to treat dry seborrhea. By combining violet with plants such as chamomile, dandelion and others, you can get a healing and beneficial decoction applied to the skin and hair of the head after the next wash. Many people suffering from dry skin prepare the plant oil by combining violet with regular oil and heating it for half an hour. After that ready mixture used as a product that helps moisturize and heal the skin, which is based on tricolor violet. The medicinal properties of the herb are widely used in various fields of cosmetology and medicine.

Harvesting the plant

The process of preparing and collecting a flower begins during the flowering season or at the time of bud formation.

Tricolor violet, which is widely used, is plucked by hand or cut with scissors. Flowers and leaves are dried in a dry and protected from exposure sun rays place. Previously, the heads and leaves of the plant are laid out on cotton fabric or another pure material. It is necessary to turn dried flowers regularly. Dried tricolor violet flowers should be stored in a wooden or glass container for 2 years.

Side effects

Not all people tolerate tricolor violet teas and infusions well. Some people experience allergic reactions over long-term use, which disappear immediately after stopping use. Therefore, it is necessary to consult with your doctor before treating and using violets. This will help confirm the diagnosis, avoid negative reactions and ensure that the chosen course of treatment is correct.


Some people experience nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and rash with long-term use or larger doses. It is not recommended to combine regular and tricolor violets. Do not forget that the tricolor violet, the use of which can be found almost everywhere, is a poisonous flower, so compliance with the established doses and standards plays an important role. The poison contained in the plant's seeds can cause harm to animals and people by causing intestinal upset and irritation. In cases where long-term use of violet is necessary, you need to take a break for 1 month, after which you can continue taking the product. It is also not recommended to use violet in fresh due to its toxic properties.

It is worth noting that tricolor violet, the beneficial properties of which are known throughout the world, can be successful cultivation on summer cottage, balcony or even on the windowsill. Having taken care of the seeds and soil in advance, the plant is sown in late June or early July. The first sprouts will appear after two weeks, and already in the third week, when the sprouts grow, they are transplanted from each other at a short distance. The plant easily tolerates frost, so it does not need additional insulation. Regular watering, fertilizing and care will ensure long flowering and the fragrance of any garden, balcony or flower bed.

Useful and beautiful plant known in folk recipes due to its unsurpassed medicinal properties. The special science of pharmacognosy identifies the following healing properties in the flower formula:

  • Expectorant. An excellent remedy that not only stimulates expectoration, but also thins mucus.
  • Diuretic. Improves and regulates kidney function, and also promotes the removal of urine from the body.
  • Emetic. An excellent remedy for poisoning, nausea and intoxication.

Tricolor violet has some similarities with the herb called “maryannik”, therefore, in order to avoid unpleasant consequences, you should very carefully select raw materials for preparations. For preparation they take only top part. Recipes usually include leaves, flowers and stems, and less often fruits.
Folk recipes They suggest using the plant in the form of healthy teas, medicinal decoctions and infusions, fragrant baths and lotions.


Tricolor violet received popular name“Pansy”, thanks to the bizarre shape of the flowers. In addition to its beauty, it is also known for its healing properties. The unpretentiousness of the plant is determined by the region where the plant grows. Initially, the tricolor violet was a wild plant, thanks to which it can now adapt to almost any conditions. The flower is an annual or biennial herbaceous plant from the violet family, its height, as described by biologists, is usually from 10 to 30 cm, the flowering period is from early spring, it bears fruit from June.

Tricolor violet medicinal properties and contraindications

The medicinal beneficial properties of the plant lie in a wide and versatile range of applications:

  • elimination of inflammation;
  • fight against microbes;
  • relieving painful spasms;
  • disinfection treatment;
  • calming relaxing effect;
  • diaphoretic strong action;
  • safe blood purification;
  • rapid healing of wounds;
  • active contraction of the uterus after labor.

Contraindications for use for medical purposes are associated with overdose and sensitivity of the individual organism to the components of the phytocomposition of the flower. In case of severe liver diseases, and especially with hepatitis, taking the herb is also undesirable.

Medicinal properties

Most often specialists in folk medicine insist that the herb from the Violet tricolor plant is the most effective. Most often it is used in infusions.

Indications for use:

  • in the form of tea to stimulate labor;
  • as a diaphoretic and diuretic infusion to overcome the symptoms of rheumatism, rickets, and some lung diseases;
  • the steam from the plant is good for difficulties in expectoration and treatment of cold cough;
  • baths and ointments are good for treating and cauterizing scrofulous scabs;
  • Medicine suggests using tea to cleanse the blood in the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases.

After using medicinal products based on violet tricolor, the urine acquires a “cat” smell.


1. Botanists and specialists in the field of herbal medicine classify the plant as poisonous.
2. Individual intolerance to the components of the phytocomposition can cause allergies and severe consequences.
3. If abused, you can easily provoke irritation of the intestines.
4. It is forbidden to take the plant for more than a month; pauses and breaks should be taken.

Before choosing any recipe or remedy based on tricolor violet, you should consult a doctor, since an individual course of treatment is developed for each.

The use of violets in folk medicine

The medicinal herb tricolor violet has found distribution and use in the treatment of the following diseases:

  1. symptoms of acute respiratory infections;
  2. types of cough in which expectoration is complicated;
  3. inflammatory processes of the intestines and bladder;
  4. skin diseases with rashes, acne.

Squeezed fresh juice, for example, is useful in treating ulcers in the mouth and genitals.
To prepare a decoction, traditional medicine recipes usually recommend pouring 1 tbsp and leaving for 2 hours. spoon of herb in a glass of boiling water. For external use it is made more concentrated (3 tablespoons).
Violet essential oil is also of great value. It is worth its weight in gold among perfumers, but is not without healing properties:

  1. reduces headaches and dizziness;
  2. fights pustular skin diseases;
  3. calms and strengthens cardiac activity.


A decoction of tricolor violet for coughs is known in medicine for children. His recipe is simple: infuse 10 g of herb in a glass of boiling water. Drink ¼ cup after straining. Be vigilant and take precautions. For example, for young children, the herb has contraindications for use as a medication. Therefore, you should limit yourself to 1 glass of decoction per day.


An infusion of tricolor violet for vomiting is also known. Due to its therapeutic antitoxic properties, it is successfully used as an antidote for not very complex poisonings. Severe cases should not be treated with homeopathy and in emergency cases you should always consult a doctor.
We bring to your attention a classic infusion recipe: 1 tablespoon of raw material is poured with a glass of boiling water and kept in a warm place for 2 hours.

Violet tricolor, or pansy, - Viola tricolor L. - an annual or biennial plant from the violet family (Violaceae) with erect or ascending stems up to 15 cm high. The leaves are alternate, oblong, with petioles, equipped with large lyre-shaped stipules. The flowers are solitary, located on long stalks, large (up to 1.5 cm in diameter), with a five-membered irregular corolla: the upper petals are dark blue or purple, the lateral petals are lighter, the lower petal, equipped with a spur, is always yellow or pale yellow. The fruits are oblong capsules with small seeds. Blooms from April to late autumn, fruits ripen in different times, starting in June.
Tricolor violet is widespread in different regions of Eurasia. In our country it is found in the European part, the Caucasus and Western Siberia, as an introduction noted on Far East. It grows as a weed in fields, vegetable gardens and orchards, often settles in young fallow lands, and also grows in meadows, forest edges and clearings.
Widely cultivated in flower beds, pansies, represented by numerous varieties and forms, cannot be directly bred from wild violet tricolor. Actually it's special kind complex hybrid nature. It occurred as a result of the hybridization of several species: tricolor violet, Altai violet (Viola altaica Ker-Gawl.), yellow violet (Viola lutea Huds.), possibly and others.
Other similar species are also harvested for medicinal purposes, in particular the field violet (Viola arvensis Murr.), which grows in populated areas, near roads, in fields, wastelands, clearings in almost all regions of Russia. In terms of medicinal properties, field violet, apparently, does not differ from tricolor violet; in any case, when collecting raw materials, collectors, as a rule, do not distinguish between these types.

Medicinal value of violet tricolor and methods of medicinal use of violet tricolor

The aerial part of the violet, which has received the incorrect trade name “Ivan-da-Marya herb”, has medicinal use (botanists use this name for a completely different plant from the Norichinaceae family). Violet herb contains up to 300 mg of ascorbic acid (vitamin C), carotenoids (provitamin A), flavonoids (including rutin), saponins, essential oil, coloring and tannins, bitterness, mucus, salicylic acid.
Tricolor violet preparations have an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect in the gastrointestinal tract, facilitate expectoration of sputum, reduce vascular permeability and have antiallergic, diuretic and some choleretic properties. They are prescribed mainly as a good expectorant and cough sedative for bronchitis, pneumonia, and whooping cough. Violet infusions and decoctions are also used for diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract. In combination with other plants, it is used in the treatment of urolithiasis. This plant is also used for exudative diathesis, eczema, allergic dermatitis in the form of lotions and baths.
In folk medicine, the use of violets is much wider. Its decoction and infusions are taken for women's diseases, headaches, epilepsy, rheumatism and gout, cancer, as well as rickets and various skin diseases. It is used as an enveloping and anti-inflammatory agent for gastritis.

Infusion of tricolor violet: 1 tablespoon of dry herb per 1 cup of boiling water. Infuse, wrapped, for 2 hours, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day for articular rheumatism, gout, arthritis.

For acne (damage to the pilosebaceous apparatus), a collection is used: tricolor violet herb, veronica officinalis herb, tripartite herb - equal parts in total. Pour 2 tablespoons of the mixture into 200 ml of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. Drink 800 ml of infusion per day an hour after meals. The disease is typical mainly for adolescents during the period of hormonal changes in the body.

For sore throat, 1 tablespoon of the mixture (tricolor violet, string, nettle corollas, strawberry leaves - equally) per
melt in 200 ml of boiling water. Take 200 ml as tea 3 times a day.

For cardiac arrhythmia, drink tea from tricolor violet flowers.

For atherosclerosis, drink violet tea (15 g per 1 glass of boiling water) 2-3 times a day. General condition improves within 1 month after starting treatment.

For acute bronchitis, drink tea from the violet herb: brew the herb with boiling water in a ratio (1:10), heat for 15 minutes. and take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.
If a child has rectal prolapse, if you crush violet petals well, squeeze out the juice, mix with sugar and give him a drink, this will help.

For mastitis, apply grass crushed into a pulp as a compress. After 3-4 hours, replace the compress with a fresh one.

For exudative diathesis, take 4 - 8 g of dry tricolor violet and infuse it overnight in 300 ml of water. In the morning, the infusion is boiled and given to drink on an empty stomach with an admixture of sweetened milk. The course of treatment is 2 - 3 weeks.

Violet oil is prepared to treat skin diseases. To do this, you need to take 100 ml of olive oil (or sunflower), 10 g of tricolor violet flowers and 5 g of ivy leaves. Cook all this for 10 minutes, then leave and strain. Apply wipes soaked in oil to areas of skin rashes.

To treat diathesis in children, people popularly use Averin tea, which contains crushed herbs of violet, string and bittersweet nightshade in a ratio of 4:4:1. To prepare it, pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture with 1 glass of boiling water and leave until cool. Prescribe 1 tablespoon of Zraz per day after meals.

For treatment of gout, the entire plant is collected during flowering. The most commonly used steam is tricolor violet: 20 g per 200 ml of boiling water. Take 100 - 200 ml Zraza per day. Large doses cause intestinal irritation.

Dry tricolor violet powder is used as an expectorant, 1 g (for children - 0.5 g) 3 times a day.

For a cold, pour 200 ml of boiling water over 20 g of the above-ground part of the tricolor violet (without the lower bare stems), leave for 1 - 3 hours. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day as an expectorant.

For psoriasis, brew 20 g of herb in 200 ml of boiling water. Drink 100-200 ml 3-4 times a day before meals. It is noted that for psoriasis, treatment success is achieved without the parallel use of external agents (ointments, lotions, etc.).

Infusion of tricolor violet herb: 20 g of dry crushed raw materials per 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 2 hours in a thermos, strain. Take 1/2 cup 2 times a day for increased nervous excitability, atherosclerosis, arrhythmias, whooping cough, bronchitis, pneumonia, for gargling with laryngitis, difficulty urinating, cystitis, inflammation of the appendages.

Decoction of tricolor violet: 1 tablespoon of crushed raw material per 1 glass of hot water, boil for 15 minutes, cool for 45 minutes, strain, squeeze, bring the volume to the original volume. Take 1/3 cup 3-4 times a day after meals for inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, dysentery, as a mouth rinse for toothache, stomatitis, unpleasant smell from the mouth.
In folk medicine, the use of violet herb to treat scrofula and some skin diseases is widely practiced. It is believed to be especially effective for thrush and eczema in young children. For skin diseases in children, it is used by adding tricolor violet infusion to the water used to prepare baby food.

There are known successful attempts to use tricolor violet infusion for rheumatism and gout.
An infusion of tricolor violet is prepared as follows: 2 teaspoons of chopped herbs are poured into 250 ml of hot water and left for 10 minutes. Drink 2 - 3 glasses of infusion daily. You can also mix tricolor violet raw materials in equal parts with linden leaves and drink tea from this mixture to prevent hypothermia.

The homeopathic remedy Viola tricoloris is obtained from fresh flowering violet tricolor plants. Prescribed for skin rashes, dry and weeping eczema, thrush and itching in the vaginal area. This remedy shows good results for rheumatism, as well as for night sweats in adolescents.

An infusion of flowers (1:5) in vegetable oil is used as an external remedy for malignant skin lesions.

Warning. Long-term use of violet preparations or consumption of them in large quantities causes vomiting, diarrhea and an itchy rash.
From Paul Sedir we read: “Good for the chest and heart. The root (Saturn) and seeds are poisonous. Grass and flowers - from stone disease; as an emetic and laxative; flowers for epilepsy, seizures and other nervous attacks; syrup - against suffocation. Used as magical smoking: flaxseed, pselium, orris root and celery in equal parts represent smoking that serves as a tool for fortune telling about the future.”
Violet contains the powers of Venus and Mercury. Collect on the third quarter of the Moon, on the 16th or 17th lunar day, at sunset, in the evening dew.

Features of tricolor violet preparation

Violet grass is collected during the budding and beginning of flowering of plants, plucking with hands or cutting with a knife or scissors. Dry in shaded places (under awnings, attics, sheds), laying out thin layer on clean litter. Store in wooden or glass containers for up to 2 years.

Violet (lat. Viola) is a genus of plants belonging to the Violet family. There are about five hundred species of them, and according to some sources - about seven hundred. The most common of them are: tricolor violet, fragrant violet (pansy, tricolor, willow-herb), field violet.

Most representatives of the genus are one- or two-year-old herbaceous plants having thin root and several hollow stems ranging from ten to thirty to forty centimeters in height. The violet stems rise and end in single flowers two to three centimeters long. They are simple or branched, can be erect or almost recumbent. The leaves are alternate, bluntly toothed, have short hairs and large stipules. Her lower leaves are broadly ovate, petiolate, and the upper ones are oblong, almost sessile.

Field violet has yellow petals, its corolla is smaller than the calyx. Tricolor violet has multi-colored petals that are located on long peduncles. As a rule, the two upper petals are colored purple, and the three lower ones are white or yellow, the central part is yellow-orange, its corolla, unlike the field violet, is larger than the calyx.

Representatives of the violet genus bloom from mid-spring until late autumn, and begin to bear fruit in June. The fruit is an oblong-ovoid capsule that cracks into three leaves. The seeds are obovate and yellowish-brown in color. Violet grows in dry meadows, roadside meadows, pine forests on forest edges and clearings, grain crops, and it also grows in ditches, ditches, gardens and parks. Distributed in almost all regions of Europe and Asia. It can often be found in the Caucasus, Belarus, the Far East, Ukraine, Western and Eastern Siberia.

Preparation and storage

The raw material is violet grass, which is collected from spring or the first half of summer (it all depends on the species) until the last autumn month. During its flowering period, using a knife or sickle at a distance of five to ten centimeters from the surface of the earth, the above-ground part is completely cut off, discarding unnecessary bare lower stems, after which it is put into bags or baskets without compacting. Each type of violet is placed in a separate container.

The drying process is carried out in natural conditions: in attics or sheds that are well ventilated. To do this, the grass is laid out in a thin layer (from five to seven centimeters) on cloth or paper and periodically turned over. Raw materials are considered dried if they break easily when the stems are bent. Then the dry grass is placed in bales or bags and stored in dry, well-ventilated warehouses, where they will stand on racks or shelves. Dry raw materials can be stored for up to two years. Harvesting should be carried out no more than once every two years.

Composition and medicinal properties of violets

The grass of most representatives of the Violet family contains flavonoids, carotenoids, saponins, essential oil (with salicylic acid and methyl ester), ascorbic acid, tannins, alkaloid violaemetine. Also, it contains up to 25% mucous polysaccharides. This plant is officially considered medicinal and is widely used in medicine.

  1. Violet has a choleretic, antimicrobial, sedative, diuretic, and diaphoretic effect. It refers to plants that are used in the treatment of inflammatory diseases, normalization of metabolism, gout, and rheumatism. Useful for enuresis, urethritis, cystitis, cholelithiasis and urolithiasis.
  2. Preparations based on violet have an expectorant effect, due to which they are widely used in the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract, pneumonia, cough, bronchitis, pleurisy, whooping cough, and tuberculosis. The decoction is prescribed for gargling for flu and sore throat, as well as for throat cancer.
  3. Preparations containing violet herb are recommended to be taken for hysteria, insomnia, epilepsy, convulsions, headaches, nervous attacks, and also for palpitations.
  4. The plant in the form of a decoction is used as a method of treating skin diseases, festering wounds, exudative diathesis, and furunculosis. Compresses soaked in steamed violet leaves are used in the treatment of neoplasms of various origins, including tumors of the uterus and intestines.
  5. Preparations made from violet seeds irritate the mucous membranes of the digestive system; in large doses they have an emetic and laxative effect.
  6. Use in folk medicine

    Decoction for blood cleansing, bronchitis and skin diseases

    Pour a tablespoon of pre-crushed plant into a glass of boiling water, put on fire and cook for three to five minutes, then let it brew for about ten minutes. Then strain through cheesecloth and drink a glass two or three times every day. From the decoction you can make compresses for skin diseases, applying them to the affected areas of the body.

    Infusion for inflammation of the kidneys and digestive tract, for colds

    Pour a tablespoon of violet leaves (5 g) into enamel pan and pour a glass of boiling water, cover with a lid, then leave for a quarter of an hour water bath. Cool for 45 minutes at room temperature and strain. Squeeze out the rest well. Take half a glass orally several times a day.

    Tea for skin diseases, gout, rheumatism, to cleanse the blood

    Pour two teaspoons of raw material into a quarter liter of hot boiled water and let it brew for 10 minutes. Drink three glasses every day. When treating skin diseases, this tea should be used to wash the affected areas.

    Tea for the prevention of colds

    Take a tablespoon of violet leaves and linden leaves and pour one glass of boiling water over them, leave for 10 minutes. Drink three glasses daily.

    Blood cleansing tea

    Prepare a mixture consisting of: 10 grams of violet leaves, 15 grams of dandelion root, 5 grams of fennel fruits, 5 grams of elderflower flowers, 10 grams of buckthorn bark, 5 grams of horsetail. Pour a heaping teaspoon of the resulting mixture of herbs into a glass of hot boiled water and let it brew in a warm place for half an hour, after covering it with a lid. Drink one glass warm in small sips two to three times a day.

    Herbal infusion for acne

    Mix violet herb, Veronica officinalis herb, and tripartite herb in equal parts. Take two tablespoons of the mixture and pour a quarter liter of boiling water over it, leave for 20 minutes. Take after meals, drinking a glass at a time. Recommended daily dose– 800 ml.

    Infusion of a mixture of herbs for sore throat

    One tablespoon of a mixture consisting of equal parts violets, strings, strawberry leaves and nettle corollas, pour a glass of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. Drink a glass three times a day.

    Juice from violet petals for rectal prolapse in a child

    Crush fresh violet petals until juice appears, which must be mixed with a small amount of honey or sugar and given to the child to drink.

    Violet leaf compress for mastitis

    Grind the fresh herbs until you get a paste. Apply it to the affected area and bandage it. After three to four days, change the compress.

    Violet infusion for exudative diathesis

    Pour a heaping tablespoon (4-8 g) of dry violets into one and a half cups of boiling water and leave overnight. In the morning, bring the infusion to a boil, then let it cool and, adding a little sweetened milk, drink on an empty stomach. Take in the morning for two to three weeks.

    Violet oil in the treatment of skin diseases

    Mix half a glass vegetable oil(sunflower or olive) with 10 g of violet and 5 g of ivy leaves. Bring to a boil and leave to simmer for 10 minutes, then leave to steep and strain. Take a napkin, soak it in the resulting oil and apply it to the affected area.

    Tea from a mixture of herbs for childhood diathesis

    Mix the following ingredients: four parts crushed violet herb, four parts string and one part bittersweet nightshade. Take a tablespoon of the mixture and pour boiling water (one glass), let it brew until completely cooled. Take a tablespoon three times a day after meals.

    Contraindications for use

  • There are no contraindications to the use of violet-based drugs, however, when used for a long time or in large doses, abdominal pain, as well as diarrhea and vomiting may occur.
  • In some cases, long-term use of violet tea may cause an allergic rash, which disappears after stopping use.
  • If it is necessary to continue taking violet, the course of treatment should be interrupted for one month, after which the use can be resumed.