33 years age what is happening woman. The Law of Cycles and Rhythms

Signs and beliefs, myths and legends of a religious nature regarding the fact that celebrating a thirty-third birthday is fraught with dire consequences are rooted deep in the history of the people. Such an amazing superstition appeared some time after Jesus Christ accepted cruel martyrdom. The death of Jesus left no one indifferent: neither people, nor earth, nor heaven.

At the moment of Jesus' death, as the source says, even nature became indignant at human cruelty and injustice. The sun darkened in the heavens, darkness fell on the earth, in the Jerusalem temple the curtain separating the Holy of Holies from the common part of the temple was torn, the earth opened up and trembled.

The crucifixion of the holy man, who took upon himself the terrible sins of all mankind, plunged a huge number of faithful and devoted followers into despondency. Christian movement. The tragic day of the death of a man who wished the world prosperity and enlightenment became the birthday of such a superstition.

People who are religious believers or who promote religion cannot solemnly or cheerfully celebrate the date of the death of the Son of God. This is a kind of manifestation of respect for the suffering and torment that Jesus Christ took upon himself for all human souls and in the name of humanity. This phenomenon is called the age of Christ.

And in today’s time it is believed that if you celebrate the thirty-three-year anniversary, then the person who decided to do this and neglected the danger will face torment similar to the torment of Jesus Christ. He will be haunted by numerous failures, bitter disappointments, incurable diseases. Apparently, for this reason, the celebration of the thirty-third birthday is still postponed until next year. So, just in case, so as not to provoke the wrath of God.

Are people celebrating their 33rd birthday now?

This superstitious prohibition is not so surprising. Most of the signs and superstitions were born due to people’s fear of inexplicable menacing natural phenomena or the cruel reality of a particular era. The more unjust oppression of man by man, uncontrollable natural disasters, the more superstitions there will be.

But it should also be noted that a huge number of people on earth do not even know about such a concept as the age of Christ. People who are hardcore atheists are quite skeptical about all the numerous prejudices, superstitions and beliefs. They mark the date of the age of Christ like all previous ones and, as a rule, do not subsequently experience any life problems.

To celebrate or not to celebrate 33 years is individual solution every birthday boy. In a crisis situation in the country, the cancellation of the festive feast will save believers peace of mind, and the availability of money will help atheists to successfully save money.

In any situation, you must be guided by common sense and act according to the dictates of your heart.

The first association that most people have when mentioning the number 33 is age of Christ in the Bible, in which the Savior accepted death and rose from the dead. In many traditions, including Christian, this age symbolizes the entry into a special stage life path, which reveals the talents and spiritual powers of a person living righteously. In Christianity, 33 years is the time when a person comes to harmony and perfection, subject to the correct spiritual development. During this period, a person reveals his full potential, and in the future he only accumulates experience and polishes his existing skills.

In Russian culture The number 33 has the following analogies:

Meaning in Hinduism

In the Hindu Pantheon, the number symbolizes thirty three billion qualities Absolute. The most ancient of the Vedas (“Rigveda”) describes thirty-three main deities (celestial beings serving the One God).

In the Kabbalistic tradition

The number 33 is believed to be associated with the Jewish fire festival, Lag B'Omer. The word "lag" in Hebrew consists of two letters: "lamed" (numerical value - 30) and "gimel" (numerical value - 3).

What meaning did the Masons see?

One of the versions of the Freemasons choosing this number as a sacred number is as follows: the temple of King Solomon stood for 33 years, King David ruled for the same amount of time, the human spine consists of the same number of segments. The Masonic triangle (pyramid) is also associated with three.

With the number 33 related in numerology the following postulates:

Carrying within itself the qualities of all the numbers associated with it, number 33 in numerology symbolizes:

  • creativity, rich imagination, artistry, openness;
  • the ability to sacrificially love and surround with care, to bear responsibility. Highest degree love - the love of Christ for people;
  • strength, completeness, unity, harmony and balance;
  • high leadership skills, evident from childhood;
  • the ability to attract people to you;
  • positive energy;
  • a heightened sense of justice and a desire to protect everyone.

Impact on life path

To determine the life path number, you should add together all the numbers of the date of birth (day, month and year). They must be added until a single number is obtained, with the exception of the master numbers: 11, 22, 33, which remain unchanged.

U carriers of the number 33, one might say, a special destiny is to help humanity: to be a spiritual mentor, a humanist, to bring love to the world. Most often, these are people with unconventional thinking and unbridled imagination, who have found themselves in creativity. They become good writers, painters, actors, musicians, and designers. The main thing is talent inherent in people of this governing number should be spent exclusively for good.

Numerologists note that carriers of the number 33 are capable of compassion and pure love. They often strive to occupy an important place in society, precisely in order to be useful to a large number of people. Such people readily extend a helping hand to all those in need. Justice is paramount to these people.

Master number 33 in numerology heals with love, introduces a person to the purest, brightest. It carries more of a positive charge than a negative one. But it is not easy to cope with him.

People susceptible to the influence of the number 33 attached to family. They are capable of loving to the point of self-sacrifice, to the point of completely abandoning their interests and dissolving into their loved ones. Often such people are dreamers and idealists.

But that's it positive traits are characteristic only of those carriers of the number 33 who follow the right path of spiritual development. If a person who is haunted by this number chooses a path that is far from altruism and spirituality, this leads to the fact that he loses the ability to love and forgive and turns into a tyrant who tortures those closest to him. Such people perceive love as an obstacle on the way to achieving their goal.

People affected by given number, but those who renounce it, thereby renounce their destiny. By choosing the easier path, they automatically create karmic debt, which will inevitably have to be given away.

The meaning of the number for men

With age 33 People have a lot of superstitions. So, many are interested in what the age of Christ means for men. Some representatives of the stronger sex are wary of celebrating this birthday, believing that this date cannot be celebrated, thereby paying tribute to the sacrifice of Christ.

There are also more prosaic reasons to be afraid of this age. After all, most often it is during this period that men experience a midlife crisis, characterized by a reassessment of values ​​and a search for their place in life.

During this period with a man anything can happen: change of job, place of residence, breakup of relationships or, conversely, creation of new ones. The age of 33 most often marks a turning point in a man’s life. After this, it is as if he is entering a new phase of his life, and the unknown scares many.

Impact on women

The significance of this age for a woman is also shrouded in myths. Stories about terrible incidents with a woman after reaching this age can be passed on from mouth to mouth. But anything can happen before or after the 33rd birthday. These prejudices are not supported by anything, and it is better for believers to avoid them.

Attention, TODAY only!

IN modern world superstitions continue to influence daily life people. Some of them are related to the celebration of birthdays in certain years of life. For example, modern men and women are afraid to celebrate their fortieth anniversary because it reminds them of 40 days after death. Also, at a certain point, people wonder whether a man can celebrate his 33rd birthday and whether this will lead to fatal consequences. It is believed that 33 years is the age that he reached in earthly life before he died a martyr.

How old was Christ?

In modern biblical studies, an important place is occupied by the attempt to reconstruct the earthly life of Christ. To do this, scholars compare Jewish and Greco-Roman sources with the New Testament.

The date of Jesus' birth is placed between 6 and 4 BC. IN Early Middle Ages Dionysius the Small made a mistake when calculating the year of birth of the Savior. Because of this, the year from which our era is counted does not correspond to the real year of Christ's birth.

The story of Christ does not contain large quantity dates, and some events can only be dated approximately. The beginning of his sermon is placed between the 27th or 29th year of our era. And the arrest and martyrdom took place between the ages of 30 and 36. Thus, there is no direct indication in Scripture of the age of Christ at the time of his martyrdom.

Research of surviving sources about the 1st century AD. show that the 36th year is the highest date when the crucifixion of Christ could have taken place. Calculations of the date of the Jewish Passover mentioned in the Gospels have led scholars to speculate that the crucifixion could have taken place in the year 30 or 33. Thus, Christ may have been 33 years old at the time of his arrest, trial, and execution.

The only indication of the earthly age of the Savior is given in the Gospel of Luke. He writes that Christ began preaching when he was about thirty. It is difficult to say when the idea of ​​Christ’s age at 33 years old appeared. It is known that in the European Middle Ages there was a superstition that damn man cannot survive this age limit.

Today, there is a widespread belief among superstitious people that reaching the “age of Christ” should not be celebrated. It is believed that celebrating the age at which the Son of God was martyred can lead to unpleasant consequences. Many believe that having celebrated this event magnificently, a person may soon die.

It is generally believed that only men should not celebrate reaching this age, but some women also adhere to this superstition about themselves. There are no reliable statistics, and here everything depends on a person’s faith in omens and superstitions.

If a man does not want to celebrate his 33rd birthday in a grand manner, he can spend this day with his family. The best option There will be a trip to a restaurant where you can invite family members and a few of your closest friends.

The Church has a negative attitude towards any superstitions and signs. And the attitude of the clergy towards the celebration of the 33rd anniversary will not differ from the attitude towards the celebration of any other birthday. Probably, if the birthday does not fall during the fasting period, the clergyman will say that you can modestly celebrate this day without indulging in excess.

Avoidance of celebrating this date of life is not based on a person’s faith and doubts about his righteousness, but on sinful superstitions. The Holy Scriptures do not mention 33 as a number that needs special treatment. And the mystical ideas associated with it have nothing to do with Christianity.

Perhaps, based on ideas about the earthly life of the Savior at 33 years old, men evaluate own life. From their point of view, the “age of Christ” is a time for summing up certain life results and assessing what they have been able to achieve.

Everyone must answer the question whether a man can celebrate his 33rd birthday. As stated above, the Holy Scriptures and Christian teaching in general say nothing regarding this age. Ideas about the punishment of a person celebrating reaching 33 years of age belong to the realm of superstition and cannot be a guideline for.

Approximately two thousand years ago, in the city of Jerusalem, a young man, 33 years old, a wandering preacher, was executed. This small event, as it seemed then, became one of the cornerstones of the future European civilization. young man name was Yehoshua (in Greek pronunciation, Jesus). There were few followers of his teachings, but over time their number increased. Adherents of this teaching considered Jesus first as a prophet, then as a king-messiah, and even later as God the creator of the world, who descended from heaven to a sinful earth in order to once again restore order here and correct people.

Translation from Greek

"Messiah" is "Christ" in Greek. So “Jesus Christ” is the statement “Jesus is the Messiah”, and not at all the surname of Jesus, as some not very educated Christians think.

The stories about the life and work of Jesus, the gospels (which in Greek means “good news”), tell of many miracles performed by the God-man, of the martyrdom and shameful death of his bodily incarnation and of the miraculous resurrection that proved his Divine essence. Four of these gospels form the basis of the Christian sacred body of books called the New Testament.

The basis of European culture

Due to their exceptional importance for Christians, these books have been commented on many times and in detail. Many concepts from the Gospels and many gospel stories have become canonical and meaning-defining for European consciousness. Much of European culture cannot be understood without knowing the contents of the New Testament. “Pieta” by Michelangelo, “The Appearance of Christ to the People” by A. Ivanov, “Matthew Passion” by J. S. Bach, “The Master and Margarita” by M. Bulgakov, “The Last Temptation of Christ” are just a few examples that confirm this idea.

The age of Christ - what is it?

The expression “age of Jesus Christ” is one of these gospel concepts that has entered everyday life. This is the time of Jesus’ earthly life, that is, 33 years.

The figure is characteristic. First of all, this is the middle human life. In the time of Jesus (and much later), the duration of earthly life was estimated at just over 60 years. Remember how it begins Divine Comedy"Dante?

Having completed half my earthly life,
I found myself in a dark forest,
Having lost the right path in the darkness of the valley.

This was written by Dante, who was 35 years old, that is, not far from the “age of Christ”

Secondly, for a long time, and even now, certain achievements were attributed to the years that completed each of the ten-year cycles of an adult man. In particular, age maximum strength 20 years were considered, and the age of maximum intelligence was 30 years. So Jesus of Nazareth (who was born, which is also very important for the gospel story, not in this Galilean city, but in the homeland of King David, in Bethlehem) ended his earthly journey, both in the prime of life and at the maximum mental abilities given by nature to a man. What brings additional mournful notes to the gospel story: how many expectations associated with his life turned out to be unfulfilled!

One way or another, a person brought up in European culture, having reached the age of 33, feels a little “out of place”: he thinks about life and sums up the first results of his stay on earth. How did you live, did you live correctly and what did you achieve in 33 years? Sometimes such summing up is pleasing. Wow, how I took off, wow, how much I did! And wow, there are still so many opportunities ahead!

However, most often it happens differently. Looking back on the past years, the man is not happy. Do you remember how Ostap Bender from The Golden Calf summed up the sad results of his existence?

I am 33 years old - the age of Jesus Christ, but what have I done? He didn’t create a teaching, he squandered his students, he didn’t resurrect poor Panikovsky!

Midlife crisis - no big deal!

Such sad reflections often mark a difficult period in a man’s life, which is sometimes also called a “midlife crisis.”

What is characteristic of this crisis? Reassessment of values ​​and awareness of new goals. The man is already an adult, he has proven this to himself and to those around him. Youth is ending, the young man is no longer spraying hormones in all directions, his likes and dislikes are completely defined, and his character is no longer explosive, well-established.

It happens that at the moment of a midlife crisis a person decides to radically change his life. And it happens that such a “jerk” turns out to be successful. At just over thirty years old you can still change.

What are we all about men and about men? Between thirty and thirty-five years, women also change. Those who were previously committed to getting married have decided on this issue, and have already given birth to children and raised them from infancy. Now you can, and it’s not too late, to pursue your career. Those women who were focused on making a career before the age of thirty have already achieved certain results. This means you can pay more attention to your personal life, family, and children.

Hello, my dears)) So I decided to create a post and collect congratulations from you. Well, at the same time, enlighten you a little)) I’m 33, and I feel the transition period especially acutely, apparently, it also coincided)) I will definitely write about my attempts at self-development and self-determination (most likely in another account))), but today...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY I love you all and share my warmth!

Self-improvement >> Psychology

Tomorrow will come the “age of Christ”

Why exactly the age of Christ - thirty-three years - is enough for people great value, not thirty-four and not twenty-three. Why, when you are about to turn thirty-three or thirty-three, a certain line is drawn and humanity calls this segment of life’s journey the age of Christ. A person thinks about his life, begins to think about what he has achieved, what he is worth, whether he has lived correctly all these years and whether he has gone there.

Not only because more than two thousand years ago Christ died and rose again at this age, but because approaching this period of his life, almost every person on a subconscious level realizes that this is the end point of a large period of his life and a new unknown point, a new reference point, a new stage of development - a little frightening in its uncertainty, but this new level development of your path.

Why exactly thirty-three years is a new stage of your development? Everything is very simple, because you have already experienced the first serious “midlife crisis”, according to statistics - the middle of life. For some, it passes unnoticed and more or less smoothly; for others, the “crisis” entails serious changes in life and a reassessment of values. As a rule, these changes occur in the period from 28 to 32 years, when the processes of reassessment of values ​​and goals, the search for a place in the society of adults are most pronounced, the conflicts of adolescence are finally resolved, new responsibilities are acquired, a more mature view of familiar things is acquired, a different understanding of one’s places in life, a person gains wisdom. Often during this period a person decides to radically change his life. The old goes away and makes room for new personal development.

Men, as a rule, at this stage of their evolution change their work and lifestyle, but their focus on their career does not change. The main motive for leaving old job, as a rule, is a shortfall moral satisfaction at this place of employment - unsatisfactory wages, the atmosphere in the team, etc.

Women's priorities change when they reach their thirtieth birthday. If in the period of 20-30 years a woman was determined to get married, give birth, and raise children, now during this period the children have grown up and the opportunity has come to devote more time to their professional growth. If a woman up to thirty years of age was aimed at building a career, then after crossing this threshold she increasingly thinks about creating harmonious, family relations and implementation of your destiny - birth children.

Passing the age threshold of thirty years, a person is looking for an opportunity to strengthen his niche in adult life, to confirm his status as a mature person, he wants to have good job, he strives for security and stability. The person is still confident that the full realization of his hopes and dreams is possible, and he works hard for this. And successfully overcoming the threshold of the midlife crisis and approaching the turn of thirty-three years largely depends on the effectiveness of solving one’s problems and the awareness of such a concept as “Who I am.”

If we draw an analogy between Christian and Hindu cultures, then before the age of Christ, a midlife crisis occurs, and thirty-two years usually play the final role in this period. So, the period called “thirty-two years” in Hindu culture is dedicated to the chakra - Vishuddha. “... Vishuddha chakra is a vision of the very essence, a feeling of the main point. Vishuddha is the center of creative insight, the center of ecstasy, the center of prophetic visions, the center of talent. Brilliant guesses arise on Vishuddha. Vishuddha is a fearless search for a way out in a confused situation. Vishuddha is a surge, it is super-understanding and focus on the main thing... “And therefore it is during this period that it is important to understand, to feel your inner essence. This year it is important for a person to understand who he is, what he is, to realize his inner strengths and weaknesses. A person must understand and accept himself. This year, for most people, the period of changing their worldview point of view, rethinking themselves and their existence is ending. And after a person has realized himself, he moves to a new level of his development as an individual. That is why a person who has entered the time of “the age of Christ” and has successfully completed the period of his self-knowledge, as it were, closes his past life stage and begins his life from a new starting point, moving to a more mature level of his development.

At proper operation over oneself during a “midlife crisis”, as a rule, it turns out that a person knows significantly more than what he has seen and experienced in his life. Intuition tells him a solution in situations in which he has never been. He knows “everything”, sees even little things, subtleties, particulars that he could not have encountered before. Wisdom comes and people increasingly come to them for advice and support.

If a person does not want to realize that the period of “youthful masimalism” is over, and it’s time to move to a new level of his development - maturity, then upon entering the “age of Christ” he will inevitably be faced with the thoughts: “I’m thirty-three, but who am I?” What did I want? What were you looking for? Who did I love? “ You shouldn’t run ahead of the locomotive, but you shouldn’t always entertain yourself with illusions: “I’m a small fry and nothing depends on me, I don’t bear any responsibility...” - it won’t work. There is a time for everything, and in this case, either a person moves to a new stage of his development, or eventually breaks away from the world, acts inappropriately to the situation, gaining an unstable balance, the person becomes incomprehensible to others and his degradation as a person begins, which leads to quite sad consequences. Each person makes his own choices in his life!

I also liked the poem)) True, it’s for a man:

At thirty-three they don't lie on the couch

Thirty-three are famous for the wrong thing:

This is the age of Christ's deeds,

This is the age of significant things.

At thirty-three, half measures don’t suit you,

This is the time for drastic measures.

And then a business career

He'll move right off the bat.

Under Russian capitalism

It will carry you - just hold on.

Until now you have been preparing for life.

At thirty-three, life begins.

At thirty-three - strengthens

At thirty-three, love blossoms.

This toast is not for a glass - for

Prepare it for yourself.

Comparisons with gods are inappropriate -

Who could compare with them?

But we will still move our glasses

Together with the one for whom you are a god.