Chipboard: what is it? features, advantages, review of manufacturers. What is better to make a kitchen from: MDF or chipboard? What is better than chipboard

For potential buyers the variety of products sometimes has its own negative aspects. For example, tile materials look beautiful and durable, but it is completely unknown how they will serve in practice. Comparison laminated chipboard facades or MDF is a prime example of this. Both materials have a lot of similarities, but significant differences in the internal structure very soon manifest themselves in practice. You can suffer greatly if you buy cheap furniture for a room with a difficult microclimate. Also important nuance is the environmental friendliness of the slabs, many are willing to pay extra for a guarantee that the furniture will not emit harmful substances into the air. To make the right decision, let’s consider the production technology of facades, their composition, advantages, and hidden disadvantages.

Furniture facades made of laminated chipboard

Sawdust and shavings used to go into the firebox, but soon they learned how to turn this waste into an excellent tile material for the production of facades, shelves, and roofs. In the States, chipboard has been made for over 70 years, and in our country production started later, but now the amount of furniture made from this material exceeds products made from natural wood. To keep the sawdust together, a binder based on formaldehyde resin is used, which is a rather harmful component. This factor is of utmost importance when determining which is better: laminated chipboard or MDF.

It is necessary to distinguish between class E1 and E2 chipboard, because your safety depends on it. E1 class products have much fewer harmful additives, Japanese and European manufacturers They try to reduce the amount of formaldehyde to a minimum. Class E2 is attractive due to its low cost, but it is better not to use it in a residential area.

The most attractive variety of this material is laminated chipboard, covered with a laminated film, which is made from special paper and melamine resins. Protective layer increases the strength of the slabs and greatly improves them decorative look. The film can be either smooth or with an embossed texture, which allows you to imitate wood of various species. The main advantage of such products is their low cost; a budget kitchen with a facade made of chipboard will always be more affordable than a furniture set made of wood or MDF.

Furniture facades made of MDF

The invention of dry pressing technology at high pressure and high temperatures made it possible to produce an amazing material for the fine wood fraction. The binding component here is paraffin and lignin, which makes MDF safer than its competitor. The structure of this material is more uniform, and its strength is twice as high as that of laminated chipboard. MDF behaves better in a humid environment and is more resistant to fire. In addition to furniture facades, this material used for the production of ceilings, floors, and wall panels. If you need to make luxury furniture, then it is better to take MDF; this material is much easier to process, which allows you to imitate wood much more accurately. If you see carved backs or doors, then it is far from certain that this is a cabinet made of oak or pine.

What is better MDF or chipboard for the kitchen?

It was not without reason that we took the kitchen for comparison, because it is here that there are many harmful factors, which can ruin the furniture facade - humidity, dust, steam, dirt, high temperatures, the possibility of mechanical damage to the coating. If the owner prioritizes durability and practicality, then it is better to buy furniture made from MDF. In addition, you will have a wider choice of facade colors and textures. Such products are environmentally friendly and can be used even in preschool institutions.

But in the question of which kitchens are better from MDF or laminated chipboard, a person’s ability to pay decides a lot. The main advantage of particle boards is their availability, which competitors cannot yet boast of. That is why very often modern furniture produced in a combined way, when the facade is made of MDF, and some internal parts and the body are made of laminated chipboard. This method reduces the cost of economy-class products and makes it possible to increase their decorativeness and strength.

Wood slabs are successfully used both for construction and for creating packaging, decor and furniture. Moreover, most often chipboard or MDF is chosen for home improvement. Which is better for furniture cannot be said for sure, since their roles are somewhat different. However, assessing their advantages and disadvantages will help determine which option is better to choose for certain purposes.


Chipboard (chipboard) or particle boards obtained by hot pressing of small shavings and sawdust. Binder are resins containing in their composition large number formaldehyde, hazardous to human health. In Russia, low-quality particle boards are often found, content harmful substances in which 40 times exceeds the permissible limit. A good stove You can often distinguish from bad ones by their smell - the more pronounced it is, the worse the product.

IN furniture production Laminated chipboard (LDSP) is actively used. To make it, the surface of the chip sheet is covered with a melamine film that imitates the texture and color of natural wood or is simply painted in one color.

MDF is a wood fiber board medium density. In English, its name sounds like “medium density fiberboards”, which is why a very common abbreviation appeared. MDF has a smoother texture because it consists of small, almost dust-like particles. The binder for them is urea resins, the formaldehyde emission of which corresponds to class E1 on the European safety scale for wood-based materials. The coating for MDF in furniture production is usually paint, veneer, polymer film or hard plastic.

Main differences

Performance characteristics, advantages and disadvantages are what they look at first before buying chipboard or MDF. What is best for furniture will help you decide brief overview main features of competitors:

  1. Density and strength. These characteristics for chipboard are different, depending on its membership in a particular group. The density of the chipboard can vary from 350 to 650 kg/m3. MDF has a more stable indicator - on average from 720 to 870 kg/m3. This indicates greater strength of the fiberboard. Thanks to high density MDF has good moisture resistance, surpassing even some types of wood in this indicator.
  2. Eco-friendly, which we mentioned earlier. In terms of safety, MDF is comparable to natural wood, which cannot be said about chipboard.
  3. Appearance and manufacturability. Particle boards have a fairly textured surface, so applying them decorative covering preceded by thorough sanding. Otherwise, the texture will be lumpy. The surface of MDF immediately after production looks smooth and has no noticeable flaws. Even the thinnest decor (for example, polymer film) is glued onto it perfectly evenly.
  4. Processing. Chipboard does not lend itself to fine decoration - even small curves on the board are often impossible to cut out without chipping. Therefore, the scope of its application is often limited to hidden elements upholstered furniture or a cabinet frame. MDF is more pliable, so it is most often used to create custom carved facades. Minimal roundings, a beautiful bend and the finest pattern - the wood-fiber sheet is subject to absolutely any milling.

About the pros and cons of chipboard

Despite the apparent superiority of MDF over its competitor, both materials have something to boast about. First, let's talk about particle board.

Its advantages:

  • Availability. Finding chipboard with almost any decor and texture is not difficult. It is produced by both domestic and foreign factories.
  • Price. It is at least 1.5 times lower than the cost of MDF. The low price makes this material a leader in sales in the construction and furniture markets.
  • Moisture resistant. This item applies to laminated chipboard. It is also worth paying attention to the special moisture-resistant laminated chipboard used to create kitchen countertops.


  • Difficulty in repeated use. Often, when moving, you have to disassemble large cabinets and assemble them in a new place. The disadvantage of chipboard is that re-screwed screws practically do not stay in their holes. To strengthen them, it is necessary to use sealant or epoxy glue.

As we noted above, this material is environmentally friendly, durable and ideal for creating beautiful facades. Let's find out what other advantages MDF has:

  • Excellent resistance to moisture and temperature changes. Even during a flood, fiberboard can retain its shape for several hours.
  • Long service life.
  • High density and strength make it possible to produce sheets with a thickness of 4 to 22 mm.
  • The rigid structure helps to securely hold the fittings, making it possible to screw screws into the bottom and the same hole several times.


  • High cost. Pure untreated wood fiber sheet is 1.5 times more expensive than chipboard. Prices for decorated MFD boards are even higher - especially for coatings made of high-quality plastic or enamel.
  • Softness. Prone to forming dents upon impact. If decor is applied to the surface, it is unlikely that you will be able to get rid of unsightly depressions.
  • Easily flammable from open flame.

When it comes to making home furnishings, the first thing to do is choose the material - chipboard or MDF. It’s difficult to say which is better for furniture, since both options have their own purpose. Chipboard is an inexpensive frame material ideal for creating cabinets. MDF is an expensive, beautiful and elegant facade. The right combination of materials will create the ideal furniture for home and office - strong, durable and not too expensive.

Kitchen furniture is exposed to temperature changes, high humidity, mechanical loads, household chemicals and other active reagents. Confront these negative influences and the material used must ensure a long service life.

Most in demand in the manufacture of facades for kitchen furniture MDF and chipboard. They have some similarities, but differ in composition, production technology, and performance characteristics. To determine which of these materials is best suited for the kitchen, you need to consider the features of each.

What is chipboard?

It is a type of chipboard (chipboard) coated with a special film. The protective layer increases the strength and decorative qualities of the material. The process of manufacturing laminated chipboards is inextricably linked with the production technology of the latter.

Chipboards are produced by pressing shavings and sawdust impregnated with formaldehyde resins. There are products of class E1 and E2. The formaldehyde content in the former is reduced to a minimum. The attractiveness of the second lies in its low cost, but it is not suitable for residential premises.

Moisture-resistant chipboard

Kitchen furniture is made from moisture-resistant material. It is obtained by adding molten paraffin or its emulsion to shavings and sawdust. The top film is made from paper impregnated with melamine resin. It is attached to the slabs in two ways:

  • 1. Caching

It consists of gluing the film to the plate. After some time, the coating most often begins to peel off along the edges and corners of the product.

  • 2. Lamination

The film is fixed to the base under the influence of temperature and pressure. It is more durable, reliable, but also expensive.

Advantages of laminated chipboard

The material is distinguished by increased resistance to harsh operating conditions that are typical for the kitchen. It tolerates humidity, mechanical stress, and high temperatures well.

The top layer of material - film, as a rule, imitates various types of wood, including valuable ones. This allows you to achieve original color and texture solutions.

Has a low cost. A set of kitchen furniture made from laminated chipboard will cost much less than a set of MDF. The price depends on the thickness of the slabs, which varies between 8–25 millimeters, and the decor.

Disadvantages of laminated chipboard

The material has increased rigidity. This provides resistance to mechanical damage, but makes processing difficult. The inability to mill the surface significantly limits the range of products made from laminated chipboards.

The main disadvantage of laminated chipboard is not its rigidity, but the presence of formaldehyde in its composition. These substances are toxic and are released into the environment during the operation of the material. The risk can be minimized by choosing furniture made from E1 class boards.

Chipboard furniture for the kitchen

Sets with laminated chipboard facades have a beautiful appearance. They can be made to match any wood species. There are no restrictions in the choice of shades. Assortment ready-made solutions or made to order allows you to choose a set for both classic and modern interiors.

Laminated boards found wide application not only in the production of furniture facades, but also work surfaces for the kitchen. Additional protection The countertops are covered with plastic high pressure(HPL plastic). Special attention pay attention to the seams. If they have low quality, moisture will begin to seep into the sawdust, and the tabletop will become deformed.

Care of laminated chipboard

Do not use chemically active products, which include liquids and cleaners containing abrasive substances. It is recommended to clean the surface with a regular soap solution. To add shine furniture facades It is permissible to use plastic polish.

To maintain the cleanliness of the product, cleaning is carried out at least once every two weeks. It is imperative to ensure that there is no accumulation of moisture on the seams. After cleaning the surface, wipe it dry with a napkin or a rag that absorbs moisture well.

What is MDF?

Fiberboard, or MDF, is made from dried, shredded wood chips. Paraffin and lignin are added to it. The small size of sawdust used in production gives the material and products made from it high strength, resistance to moisture and fire.

Advantages of MDF

The material is easy to process. Milling allows you to give slab products a relief and patterned surface. It does not swell under the influence of moisture, does not deform when high temperatures ah, fireproof.

The characteristics of MDF are closest to wood, and the cost is much lower. The ratio of strength and thickness of the slabs (from 4 to 22 mm) is perfectly balanced.

The variety of special effects and coatings used, an unlimited choice of colors open up ample opportunities in the production of original and beautiful objects furnishings.

Disadvantages of MDF

The material is practically free of flaws. However, when choosing coated slabs, you should pay attention to the quality of processing. If it is carried out at a low level, at temperatures above 75 degrees, the coating may begin to peel off.

Another disadvantage is the cost. Products made from MDF will cost less than solid wood, but more expensive than those made from laminated chipboard. The factor of underdeveloped production in the country also has an important influence on price formation. The high price is easily compensated positive qualities material.

MDF with enamel coating

The surface of the slabs is primed, painted, dried, sanded, and covered with several layers of enamel. The result is fixed with varnish. The dried slabs are polished again. Material obtained in this way finishing, features a highly decorative appearance and rich shades.

TO disadvantages of MDF With enamel comes the high cost. Products made from it are more expensive than furniture with film or plastic facades. The coating is not the most practical. Depending on the color, dust and fingerprints are visible on its surface, and the shade loses its brightness over time under the influence of the sun.

Kitchen furniture made of MDF

MDF facades are elegant, durable, reliable and safe. The latter is especially important for a room such as a kitchen. The carved surface, cornices, panels, pilasters can make them indistinguishable from expensive solid wood. Products made from MDF, as a rule, are presented not in the budget category, but in the elite category.

Like laminated chipboard, this tile material is used not only in the production of facades. It is widely used in surface finishing. Floor, ceiling and wall panels MDF decorates both residential and commercial premises.

MDF care

The use of chlorine-containing and abrasive products, hard devices, for example, sponges made of metal fibrous or plastic material, scrapers, hard brushes and others.

Glossy surfaces are best cleaned with a special polish. Otherwise, regardless of the type of stove coating, caring for it comes down to using any cleaning or detergents soap based. It can be ordinary soft soap, which is dissolved in water.

Is there an alternative?

Manufacturers of kitchen furniture offer sets with another façade option. It's called frame. Only the frame is made of MDF, which is covered with veneer or PVC film on top. Profile is complete various materials. These are glass, metal and chipboard.

The advantage of a frame facade is the very low price and unlimited possibilities in creating kitchen furniture design options. The cheapness of the product is overshadowed by the difficulty of care and fragility. Often the frames have a rather weak connection and quickly become loose.

What to choose for the kitchen - MDF or chipboard?

All are high quality and performance characteristics speak in favor of MDF. It is safe for humans, durable, has an attractive appearance, and makes it possible to give the kitchen a unique look. This material embodies practicality and quality, but will also cost a decent amount.

Laminated chipboard will be an ideal choice when buying expensive furniture for the kitchen is not a priority for the near future. The main thing when making a purchase is to make sure that the facades are made on the basis of chipboard with a minimum content of formaldehyde.

In this article we will answer the most frequently asked questions when choosing cabinet furniture. And the most basic of them is what to choose, chipboard or MDF. First, let's look at the production technology, because... The key differences come from this.

laminated chipboard- laminated chipboard. It is produced by gluing large chips, therefore it has a heterogeneous structure. Known since Soviet times, when it was widely used for continuous production standard furniture, which stood in every second apartment. Now it can be of two classes - E1 and E2. The first one is considered safer, because its composition minimizes the amount of formaldehyde.

MDF/MDF- Medium Density Fiberboard or medium density fiberboard. Manufactured by pressing under high temperatures. Consists of smaller wood fibers than chipboard. Paraffin and lignin are used to bind the composition, which makes the boards absolutely safe for health.

Which is better: chipboard or MDF

There is no clear answer to this question, because... materials differ in several basic parameters. Let's look at some of them.


Furniture made from chipboard is much cheaper than furniture made from competitive raw materials. This is due to several factors. Firstly, chipboard is a more common option, which means its production has long been put on stream in many factories. Secondly, processing of raw materials is less expensive, because does not require special preparation. The finely dispersed fraction of wood requires a more careful approach. This includes special equipment that dries fibers, and pressing machines that require large area production premises.

Nowadays, cabinet furniture is rarely made only from MDF, because the final product will cost a fabulous amount. Most often it is used for facades, where more elegant carving is required. A side walls, are often made of laminated chipboard, and the rear ones are made of plywood.


The structure of MDF is more flexible in terms of finishing, which means it can be given any shape. That is, carved headboards or cabinet fronts will look more like natural wood. Moreover, there are products that at first glance cannot be distinguished from wood. Of course, it will cost more (see point 1), but it looks more respectable than furniture made from chipboard.

However, furniture made from laminated boards is more variable in terms of color, because the film covering it can not only have any color, but also imitate the color natural wood. Of course, it is more difficult to give it texture, so the coating simply copies the shade very accurately.


MDF is a more modern material, which means its production technology has been worked out to the smallest detail. Manufacturers, competing with each other, are trying to use innovative technologies that every year make products safer for use in residential and children's premises.

However, laminated chipboard manufacturers are not lagging behind and are also using new developments that make their products quite competitive. Every year the amount of resins and formaldehydes in the composition decreases, which means the safety of such slabs increases. At a higher cost, it is still worth giving preference to E1 class chipboard, especially if you plan to install this furniture at home and not in a public place.

Wear resistance

The durability of a material depends not only on its composition, but also on operating conditions. For example, in the kitchen and bathroom, any furniture can become deformed under the influence of moisture and temperature changes. The service life is also affected by the microclimate in the room, which, in turn, may differ in winter and summer.

Processing technology and edge material are of no small importance. Modern factories use such types of processing as postforming and softforming. There are no fundamental differences between them, the first one is simply used for products of simple shape. The laminating film is wrapped around the product and completely sealed to the edge.

The softforming method also involves special processing of the edge; its cut is rounded to front side, which makes furniture corners safer for small children. Both of these methods prevent moisture from entering the edges and inside the slab, which means it will not swell or deform. Both of these methods are great for kitchen and bathroom cabinetry.

Materials that can be used to process the edges of products not intended for wet areas can be:

  • Acrylic
  • Aluminum rim

They do not protect against water penetration very well, but they affect the final cost of the product. Unlike the first two methods, these options are less expensive, but can add zest to the appearance of the furniture. Contrasting or metallic finishes look interesting and extraordinary.

As for the wear resistance of MDF and laminated chipboard, the first option is considered more durable. But due to its high cost, it makes sense to use it only on furniture facades, and make the rest of the array from chipboard. Moreover, the wardrobe in the bedroom is unlikely to be subject to frequent moisture.

To summarize our article, we can say: before giving preference to one material or another, you need to decide under what conditions the furniture will be used. It is better to choose kitchen units with facades made of MDF with edge processing using the softforming or postforming method. And for a simple chest of drawers or cabinet, a more budget-friendly chipboard with acrylic or aluminum edge is quite suitable.

The kitchen set plays an important role. It should be practical, inexpensive and beautiful. Today, headsets made from different materials: Chipboard, . But MDF and chipboard countertops are popular. These two materials are similar in appearance and manufacturing method. But what is better for the kitchen: MDF or chipboard? Let's try to figure it out.

According to professionals, it is better to give preference to the fine dispersion fraction. This material is not so toxic, is stronger and looks much more attractive. But in last question there are differences among people. Some believe that furniture made from , looks much more elegant than a set made from a finely dispersed fraction. What material the kitchen is made of is up to the owner of the apartment to decide. But, undoubtedly, before choosing, you should know all the disadvantages and advantages of both materials.

Chipboard: durability of the countertop

Chipboard is called chipboard. Sawdust and wood shavings, which are impregnated with formaldehyde resin. This substance allows you to “fasten” sawdust into one single panel. Partitions are also made from wood-based materials.

Gained popularity today laminated chipboard material. It is slightly different in composition from particle board. Chipboard differs from laminated chipboard in the absence of a laminated coating, due to which the sheets look neater and more attractive. The principle of manufacturing LDPS is simple: sawdust is treated with resin and then pressed. Then the surface is laminated using a paper film, which is pre-impregnated with melamine resin.

Processing is done in two ways:



Experts note that coating using the lamination method is better. When laminating, the film sticks and peels off over time. When laminating, the film is applied using high pressure, which ensures long term operation of the laminated layer.

Laminated particle boards have gained popularity due to their qualities: strength and moisture resistance. Laminated chipboard can be called one of the main competitors of the finely dispersed fraction. Main MDF difference from LDPS lies in the method of “fastening”. If shavings for the production of wood chips are treated with resin, then sawdust for the finely dispersed fraction is treated with paraffin. Chipboard is made from large sawdust, and the production of a finely dispersed fraction involves the use of smaller chips. This is the difference between MDF and laminated chipboard/DPS. Due to the different caliber of sawdust, it increases the strength of the material. The smaller the wood chips, the stronger the material.

Advantages and disadvantages of chipboard and laminated chipboard: which is better for the kitchen

Chipboards have the following advantages:

    Moisture resistant.

    Increased strength.

    Can be painted and bonded as needed.

They do not fall apart or delaminate, which makes it possible to screw screws and dowels into them. But the most important advantage is its low cost, which allows even people with little financial income to purchase it.


    Formaldehyde resins have a negative effect on the human body.

    The material cannot be deep milled. If you want to cut a pattern into a sheet, it will crack.

    Requires additional finishing. Kitchen units made of particle boards are covered decorative finishing like plastic or acrylic to give a presentable appearance.

LDPS is slightly different from chipboard, but thanks to the laminated layer it does not allow moisture to pass through. The material is resistant to hot temperatures. It is difficult to damage. In addition, a wide range color range and pictures allows you to select kitchen set the required color that will organically highlight the interior of the kitchen. Laminated chipboard It looks like wood, so it is difficult to distinguish it from a “real” wooden kitchen.

Finely dispersed fraction: the beauty of facades

Kitchen furniture is in greater demand than chipboard furniture. Laminated MDF for the kitchen is often found. These are the same sheets of finely dispersed fraction, but covered with a laminated film to increase the strength and service life of the material. They are the same density and have the same properties.

If a person has a desire to update or make new kitchen, then it is better to order a kitchen from MDF. The main advantage of this material is environmental friendliness and practicality. While chipboard facades for kitchens require additional finishing with veneer or plastic, MDF facade parts do not need this. And thanks to the compound with paraffin, sheets of finely dispersed fraction do not emit toxic substances, therefore they are completely safe.

Advantages of MDF boards:

The disadvantage of MDF is the price. The material is cheaper than wood, but more expensive than particle boards. The high cost is due to the lack of resin in the composition, which releases toxic substances. In other words, the material is safer, which is why it costs more.

Conclusion: where to choose?

Kitchens made from chipboard and MDF look almost the same. But this is at first glance. When purchasing or ordering a kitchen set made from chipboard, it is worth remembering that it will require additional processing.

Kitchen furniture should be made of practical material

If there is no desire or opportunity to finish sheets of particle boards, it is better to immediately order laminated chipboard. But it must be taken into account that the material has a negative impact on human health due to the content of harmful resins.


Like laminated chipboard, MDF looks like wood. A variety of patterns that imitate wood allow you to order a kitchen to suit every taste without overpaying for natural wood.