How to create your own vegetable garden from scratch? Planning a vegetable garden on a garden plot. Video - spring work in the garden

Vegetable garden in kindergarten

A vegetable garden in a kindergarten is one of the conditions that is necessary for the implementation environmental education children in kindergarten.

Why do you need a vegetable garden in kindergarten?

A vegetable garden in a kindergarten is needed to introduce preschoolers to nature and its seasonal changes.

In addition, a vegetable garden in a kindergarten and the feasible work of children on its territory influence the formation of elementary environmental concepts in preschoolers.

A vegetable garden in a kindergarten is also an opportunity to see the results of your work. Joint work in the garden provides an opportunity to learn responsibility, contributes to the formation of work skills and the unification of the children's team. And, of course, a vegetable garden in a kindergarten, labor fresh air contribute to the preservation and strengthening of children's health.

Vegetable garden in kindergarten: rules of organization

In order to create a vegetable garden in a kindergarten, it is necessary to determine a place on the territory of the kindergarten that would be located in a lighted space. A vegetable garden in a kindergarten has its own design features.

The size of the garden in a kindergarten is influenced by the local conditions of the kindergarten's location. But, it is desirable that each child has at least 0.5 m² of garden space.

To make it more convenient for children to reach the middle of the bed with their hands, the width of the bed should not be more than sixty centimeters. The length of one bed is approximately three meters.

To prevent water from draining from the garden bed when watering, you can do wooden frame. A distance of fifty centimeters is left between the beds so that children can freely pass between them without damaging the plantings.

A vegetable garden in a kindergarten must also have a main path at least one meter wide, thanks to which children will be able to go to the beds, and the teacher will be able to carry out organized activities. educational activities and observations.

A table and bench are required. There, children will be able to relax after completing work assignments, observe plants and engage in joint activities with the teacher.

What to plant in the garden in kindergarten

A common garden in a kindergarten can be organized for children of middle, senior and preparatory groups. You can plant in common beds larger number garden plants.

That is, for example, if the children of the middle group plant peas, then the children of both the senior and preparatory groups will be able to observe its growth. This means that older children do not need to replant peas.

For younger preschoolers, which are characterized by instability of attention, it is more advisable to have beds in close proximity to the playground. Thus, kids can at any time observe the plants in their garden or carry out the teacher’s instructions (water peas, pick onions, etc.).

    In the younger group for planting, we select seeds of fast-growing and early-ripening crops that can be eaten in spring and summer seasons. The main requirement for planting material: Seeds and bulbs must be large in size. In their garden, children independently plant onions, peas, beans, beans, and zucchini. Small seeds of radishes, carrots, dill, turnips, and lettuce for children can be sown by older children or a teacher.

    We take such vegetable crops for growing in the garden as green (dill, lettuce, sorrel and others), onions (spring onions, garlic, onions), cabbages (white cabbage, red cabbage), fruits (cucumber, tomato, pepper), root vegetables (carrots, radishes, beets) and tubers (potatoes), legumes (peas, beans), cereals.

Before sowing, be sure to check the seeds for germination.

Options for planting seeds are different. You can stick sticks into the places where you need to put seeds (peas, beans) and the children, when shown by the teacher, remove the stick and put the seed in the hole. To plant onions, you can make even grooves in the garden bed.

A vegetable garden in a kindergarten requires the presence of gardening equipment. The equipment must be safe to use, real, but appropriate for the age and height of the children. To work in the garden we use shovels, scoops, buckets, watering cans, and rakes. After finishing the work, we clean the garden tools from the soil and dry them.

Classes in kindergarten in the garden

The content of work in the garden will also depend on the age of the children:

    In the younger group of children We involve you in planting bulbs and large seeds, watering beds, and harvesting.

    In the middle group In addition to the above, we teach how to use a rake and loosen the soil between the rows.

    In senior and preparatory groups The children dig up the beds and weed the weeds on their own.

We organize children’s work in the garden in the following forms: individual assignments - mainly in junior groups, collective work and duty. We introduce duty in the garden to care for plants. preparatory group. The attendants carry out daily care of plants in the garden: watering, weeding, collecting pests. If there is a lot of work, then the whole group is involved. Fresh greens grown in their garden are taken by the attendants to the kitchen for preparing children's food.

Thus, with competent guidance from the teacher, a vegetable garden in a kindergarten has a huge impact on the harmonious development of children. And, the most important achievement of child labor is harvesting.

As a rule, summing up the work in the garden, the kindergarten hosts such events as the “Harvest Festival” entertainment, the exhibition “What Autumn Brought to Us” and more.

It happened! You have finally become the proud owner of six, or maybe more, hundreds. Now is the time to figure out what needs to be done on the site and in what order. What to build? What equipment should I buy? What to plant? In order not to step on your own rake, it makes sense to study other people's practical experience.

First, you need to put the area in order, remove debris, and decide what can be planted and where. The layout of the site must be carried out taking into account the lighting and soil type, because each crop is more or less demanding of these two factors. It is also necessary to install an outbuilding for equipment on the site (if you do not plan to store everything in the house) and organize compost pit- a lot of organic waste will be generated during the work process. The “pit” can be made in the form of a box or “well”, preferably with a lid.

Decide on the lighting of the area. Cucumbers, radishes, legumes, and beets grow well in partial shade. Here you can plant onions, parsley, mint. The sun is simply necessary for the normal growth of tomatoes, bell peppers, and eggplants. They need not only light, but also a lot of moisture, so sandy soils that do not retain water well will have to be supplemented with black soil. As an option, planting will have to be done in deep beds and furrows. But on clay soils The beds need to be raised.

The width of the beds may vary depending on the species being grown. But as a standard during initial planning, ridges with a width of about 0.6 meters are laid out. Between the beds, row spacing is needed to cultivate the crops, as well as for their normal growth. The row spacing is about 1 meter.

What to grow for a beginning gardener

Garden crops can be divided into two large groups: unpretentious and those that require careful care. You shouldn’t immediately take on the whimsical ones - cucumbers, cabbage. Of course, these are the ones you most want to see on your table as “trophies”. But it’s better to start with carrots, beets, garlic, radishes, and green peas. They practically do not get sick, do not require frequent watering and grow almost independently. In addition, if you do not plan to live in the country, then crops that require large quantity moisture, they will simply wither.

Do not forget that there is such a thing as compatibility between gardening and garden crops. This is due to the fact that some species consume the same substances from the soil. nutrients, and often the “neighbors” simply don’t have enough of them. In addition, insects need to be attracted for pollination, so it is worth planting honey plants, such as chives, next to the cucumbers.

Proper rotation of beds is important not only for the proper growth of garden crops. Among the plants there are species that will protect the crop from pests. Celery saves cabbage from butterflies, tomatoes protect garden crops from moths and aphids, beans protect from Colorado potato beetle. To prevent pests from attacking the strawberries, the “plantation” can be thinned out with a bed of onions, dill, thyme or parsley.

Conclusion: Proper rotation of crops in the garden is the key to a bountiful harvest.

The topic of the proximity of plants on a site is quite extensive and deserves not only a separate article, but a whole book. So before planting a particular crop, you need to study what it likes, who it gets along with well, what diseases it suffers from, and what pests it attracts.

Competent mixed planting strawberries with onions

You also need to be careful when choosing a variety: it should take root well in your climate and on your soil type. If you have a complete lack of experience, you can turn to your neighbors in the area: they have probably already decided what type of potatoes and tomatoes grow best in your area.

When to plant what

For each vegetable, fruit, seedling, there is a specific time for sowing seedlings, for planting in a greenhouse, for planting in the ground (we advise you to study the section on our portal dedicated).

Beginning gardeners who have not yet acquired a greenhouse (a temporary structure without a foundation) or a greenhouse constantly keep in mind the most important question: when can they sow seedlings and plant certain crops in the ground? Of course, it is worth making adjustments for climatic conditions in a particular region, but in general the picture looks like this:

For flower lovers:

Gardening by season

The title “summer resident” is not just a statement of the fact of owning a piece of land. It really is a way of life. And in summer, and in spring, and even in winter period A gardener will find something to do. Each month has its own tasks.

  • January. Plan plantings, purchase fertilizers, seeds, drugs for diseases and pests, shake snow from bushes and trees, wrap unpainted trunks with nylon or propylene to prevent mice and hares, in severe frosts - rake snow in tree trunk circles, feed the birds to avoid pecking the buds.
  • February. It's time to buy soil for seedlings, sort out the bulbous plants, sow celery, and at the end of the month sow peppers, tomatoes, and eggplants.
  • March- a troublesome time for a gardener. At the beginning, it’s time to sow heat-loving varieties of tomatoes, bell peppers and eggplants. It's time to sow petunia too, snapdragon, marigolds and some other flowers, plant seedlings of some types of trees. At the end of the month - picking seedlings. On the site it is necessary to carry out drainage works, sanitary pruning, spraying, preparing beds for winter sowing.
  • April- the most responsible time. Drainage work, spraying and preparation of beds continue. We need to feed the bushes and prepare the potatoes for sowing. You can sow early greens - watercress, radishes, parsley, dill. If the end of April is warm and the seedlings are ready, you can plant tomatoes, peppers, and eggplants.

Video - spring work in the garden

  • May- landing time. We fight pests, but don't spray trees mineral fertilizers, prepare and plant seedlings, graft apple trees. If the soil has warmed up to 13°C, then you can plant potatoes. We sow onions, garlic, parsley, turnips, sorrel, radishes and carrots. Towards the middle to the end of the month, it is time to sow melons, legumes, and cruciferous vegetables (cabbage). We plant cucumbers.
  • June. If you haven’t planted potatoes yet, there will be a lot of work. We spray young ovaries of trees and bushes, fight weeds, pests, and birds. We pinch raspberries, sow heat-loving plant varieties, and fertilize cucumbers, melons, and berry bushes. We pluck out the “shot” onion and garlic. We hill up and spray the potato plantation. We process tomatoes and cucumbers.
  • July. It's time to harvest the first harvest! You also need to remember about feeding bushes, processing potatoes, tomatoes, and cucumbers. It is worth protecting the pepper from soaking. IN last days Don’t forget to peel off the tomatoes for a month.
  • August. We support bushes and heat-loving trees with fertilizing. We fight late blight in tomatoes, protect peppers and cucumbers from rotting. You need to remove a layer of soil from onions and cabbage to preserve the fruits. You can plant winter garlic. We harvest the berries, process the strawberries, preparing them for frost. We remove the rhizomes of fruit trees.

Video - autumn work in the garden

  • September. At the beginning of the month you can plant strawberries. It's time to dig potatoes, trim and harvest flower bulbs. We harvest root crops, plant heat-loving shrubs, and whiten trunks to keep hares out.
  • October. We fill the root circles of trees and bushes with leaves, weeds, spray them, water them if necessary, and fertilize them. We plant suitable species trees, bushes.
  • November. We carry out the final feeding of trees and bushes, fight lichens, treat the beds from bacteria, cut off the stems of perennials, and cover the roses.
  • December. We sort through the harvest, check storage conditions, knock snow off trees and bushes, and read interesting books for gardeners.

So in any month there will definitely be something to do for a real owner, and this list of jobs is far from complete.

Gardening tools

To carry out gardening operations, you will need a lot of tools. All garden tools can be divided into several groups:

  1. For tillage.
  2. For pruning trees and bushes.
  3. For harvesting.
  4. To remove weeds.

1. Chief garden tool, of course, a shovel. They come in two types:

  • with a rounded blade - used for digging and working at shallow depths;
  • bayonet shovel - needed for working on hard soils.

Among the bulky tools you will also need:

  • rake - for final tillage, loosening, harvesting leaves;
  • hoe (hoe or flat cutter) - for cultivating soil with grass, weeds, hilling, loosening, breaking up clods of earth;
  • scythe (lawn mower) - to remove thickets of grass and weeds;
  • pitchforks - for digging, handling grass, hay.

From hand tools you will need:

  • hand shovel - useful for working with a single plant (digging when replanting, etc.);
  • hand rakes for loosening;
  • hand forks for digging up roots and loosening.

2. To process trees and shrubs you also need your own tool. The list is short:

  • hand pruning shears for trimming excess branches;
  • a small hatchet for cutting down trees;
  • short hand saw for removing branches of medium thickness;
  • garden shears (brush cutter) for forming the crown of a bush.

3. To harvest root crops, the following are used:

  • large and hand shovels;
  • ladder (not a tool, but a valuable device);
  • garden knife (used mainly for assembling melons);
  • potato digger (useful on a large plantation);
  • manual cultivator (fruit picker) for collecting fruits from trees.

4. The following tool can be used to control weeds:

  • shovel;
  • scythe or sickle;
  • hand forks;
  • pruner;
  • hoe;
  • hand and large rakes;
  • root remover

Valuable root remover tool

Also during gardening work you can’t do without buckets, bags, wheelbarrows (stretchers). So the shopping list will be quite extensive.

And that's not all

There are a lot of tricks and wisdom in gardening. Diseases and pests, as well as methods and means of combating them, deserve separate articles. At first, it can be difficult to decide on plant varieties. You need to protect your beds and garden from freezing, getting wet, drought... In a word, you will have to get serious theoretical experience so that in practice everything goes smoothly, and the harvest is the envy of friends and acquaintances.

Video - tips for beginner gardeners

Many people living in apartments are probably envious of those who live in private houses or have their own dacha. After all, owning your own plot of land has a number of advantages. Here you can arrange a nice garden or maintain a miniature vegetable garden.

And yet why do you need a dacha?

Buying food in stores is, of course, good, but purchasing, for example, pumpkin seeds for planting, as well as other vegetables or fruits, will be much healthier. Firstly, you will eat natural homemade products all year round, and secondly, these products can be put up for sale and you can open your own trading business.

A garden is a piece of land where you can plant various fruit trees, shrubs and even flowers. At your discretion. Typically, gardens are owned by owners of summer cottages, since this event requires a large area, and owners of private houses, as a rule, do not have such an opportunity. But they are quite capable of setting up a good miniature vegetable garden.

The garden, in turn, is intended for planting vegetables, and can be the size of “two by two” if you want to grow food only for yourself, for example, stock up on cucumbers for the winter. You can learn about how to cultivate the land, how to plant vegetables, and so on from the Internet by typing in a search engine, for example, “” or “tips for creating your own vegetable garden.”

What to do if a person doesn’t have his own land plot, no dacha, no private house, but there is a desire to start a small vegetable garden, flower garden, and so on? Even in this case, you can find a way out. The fact is that in gardening there are such concepts as “ open ground" and "closed ground". In the first case, vegetables, fruits and flowers are planted as usual in a standard way- outdoors. In the second case, a miniature greenhouse is built. For closed ground you can use the attic and basement, and for planting flowers in pots, an ordinary room is enough. Tips on how to arrange all this can also be found on the Internet.

Beginning gardeners will, of course, initially find it difficult to care for plants, but this happens in any business. Gardening is not so difficult things, like, for example, controlling a fighter jet, so it is given to everyone. There would be a desire. You can grow stunning flowers, delicious and filling pumpkins, food spices, sweet pears and apples. It is best to first consult with experienced people, dacha owners, and village residents, so that the work initially proceeds easily and correctly. When you collect your first harvest, all your work and expenses will be fully justified.

Watch our video on the topic why do you need a vegetable garden or dacha.

You can increasingly hear the expression: “Medicinal garden in the country.” What is it, why is it needed and how to equip it? Suitable plants, all the advantages and possibilities of such a site - this is what the article will be about.

Why do you need a medicinal garden?

This question worries many summer residents, so let’s start with it. The purpose of this garden:

  • The health of family and loved ones always comes first. But medicinal herbs for the prevention of many diseases are what you need. After all, preventing a disease is always easier than curing it. Plus, for the complex treatment of most diseases, herbs have to be purchased at the pharmacy. Isn’t it easier to grow them in your dacha? Fragrant herbal teas are not only healthy, but also delicious.
  • The decorative effect is like a bonus. Fashion trends landscape design Increasingly, medicinal herbs are being wedged into alpine coaster, flower beds and flower beds, as they delight with the brightness of their flowers, aroma and unpretentiousness.
  • Use in cooking. When buying seasonings in markets and supermarkets to improve the taste of dishes, people often do not suspect that all these herbs can be grown on their own. And the main thing is to be confident in the purity, quality and freshness of the raw materials.

Everyone chooses for themselves. Therefore, by planting lilies or petunias, mint or echinacea instead of another bush, you can get not only a beautiful and fragrant flowerbed, but also a healing, invigorating, pleasant-tasting tea or cocktail.

What is a herb garden?

The name “vegetable garden” does not quite suit these plantings. It is better to use the word “garden” or “flowerbed”, because the beauty of these plants is undeniable. The main thing is to correctly combine and select the appropriate place and conditions for the growth of herbs. It is not necessary to allocate a square or rectangular area for these plantings and plant the area with rows of plants. Having harmoniously distributed medicinal herbs throughout the dacha, there is no need to worry about the lack of space for roses or potatoes. Can be arranged vertical flower bed, or high breasts. Even large boxes are suitable for planting some medicinal herbs. That is, a medicinal garden is a collective name medicinal herbs, which grow on summer cottage. They can be combined into small separate plantings, or evenly spaced throughout the area, adjacent to other plants.

How to arrange a medicinal corner?

To do this, you need to decide what plants you want to grow. None of the summer gardeners has the right to indicate an exact list of those medicinal herbs that his neighbor or friend should grow. This is all very individual. Recommend - yes! From good advice no need to refuse. What herbs grow in whom, and how to care for them - useful information. But choosing what you need for your dacha is a personal matter, because everyone has different preferences, and the body is individual. If mint has a calming effect on one person, then for another, with hypotension, it will be completely unsafe. St. John's wort can be a tonic, immunostimulating agent, and in some people it can cause constipation. Therefore, below is a list of those medicinal herbs that can be grown on the site. And the choice remains with each individual.

Medicinal plants that can be grown in the country:

  • marjoram;
  • lavender;
  • flax;
  • borage (borage);
  • tansy;
  • motherwort;
  • large plantain;
  • lovage (perennial celery);
  • coltsfoot;
  • medicinal hyssop.

You can add to this list the already familiar parsley, dill, cilantro, cumin, chives, basil and other spicy (medicinal) plants.

When deciding where to plant these plants, you need to consider:

  • The required amount of herb for consumption in food or tea, in fresh and for preparations for the winter.
  • What part of the plant needs to be harvested? If these are rhizomes, you should not plant them in the center of the flowerbed, because when digging up these bushes, general view gets lost.
  • Perennial or annual plant.
  • Compatible with other plants.
  • Light-loving, moisture-loving, soil preference.
  • Growth of aboveground and underground parts.

Examples of beautiful group plantings medicinal plants, can be seen in the photo.

And here are also diagrams for planting flower beds with the names of plants:

To summarize, we can say that there is an undeniable fact: the presence of medicinal plants in the countryside is a positive thing. Their decorativeness and unpretentiousness attract lovers beautiful plants. Also, you don’t need to run deep into the wild to harvest medicinal herbs, or spend money on pharmaceutical packages. I would like to wish that herbs had to be used to make aromatic tea or tasty food, and not to treat the sick. Don't get sick and be happy!