Should a woman work? opinion. Should a man provide for a woman - opinion of a family psychologist

Modern society has changed compared to previous times. Today, men and women can argue about whether a man should provide for a woman. The topic is actively discussed in social networks and is relevant for families.

Problems are solved with the help of a specialist, where the psychologist’s opinion is considered authoritative.

Let's try to look into human nature in order to eliminate existing doubts and disagreements on the issue that interests us.

A man's love is expressed in three forms: He publicly declares his rights to you, protects and provides.
Steve Harvey. "You don't know anything about men"

Why should a man do this?

At the beginning of human civilization, hunting was the only way for survival. Considering that the task required physical effort, the man performed this role. The woman had the responsibility of caring for the house. A tradition arose that exalted the man as the breadwinner and the woman as the keeper hearth and home.

Today's time allows us to forget about such methods of obtaining food as:

  • Hunting;
  • Agriculture;
  • Raids and robberies;
It is enough to think with your head to provide. This led to the partial disappearance of the original tradition. You can find families where the woman earns and the man spends. Such a contradiction leads to the imposition of a false picture of a man on subsequent generations.

The way to earn money involves a profession or your own business. A man must do something to provide for a woman. If he loses the opportunity, the stage of degradation begins. True biological function is established in consciousness at a young age.

This does not mean that a man owes a woman. Even in ancient times, he was a protector and support. Nature obliges him to work to give the woman a future.

Will the woman give something in return?

The role of a woman is to take care of a man and keep the hearth and home. When a woman does not receive living conditions, her internal energy loses strength. This leads to the fact that a woman cannot see her half as a protector, patron and provider.

The opinion of psychologists coincides with the true picture. When a woman receives everything she needs, she takes care of, supports and keeps the spiritual state of the family in a favorable state.

To finally be convinced of the correctness of your opinion, just look at modern representatives of the fairer sex. They are trying to build a career, earn money and provide for themselves. What does this lead to? The girl does not have enough time for a relationship with a man, she becomes angry and irritable. Is this what it looks like? real woman?

By providing a woman with love and material wealth, a man will receive support, attention and motivation. Should a woman work? No. She needs strength to inspire a man. If he notices that the other half earns more, self-esteem and the meaning of life are lost, which leads to the destruction of the family. A girl can earn money, but by doing what she loves, which does not require physical strength.

Success is ensured by high standards of demands on yourself, and not on others.
Juliana Wilson

How will this affect the relationship?

Ideal family- this is a family in which the woman does not know where the money comes from, and the man does not understand where it goes. It sounds loud, but it reflects a picture of security in material and spiritual terms.

The money has to go somewhere. A man saves and thinks where best to invest it. Sometimes he doesn’t allow himself small things. A woman is more prudent in this regard; if the family needs something, she will buy it.

For reference, the young man receives an incentive if the money goes somewhere. This makes you work and get inspiration from a woman. The process is not a vicious circle, but a normal picture of material relations in the family.

Money is the embodiment of male care and love. They are expressed in gifts, real estate and specific things. A woman, taking them, becomes happier. At such a moment, she is ready to give her patron everything she needs.
For example:
  1. Caring;
  2. Clean things;
  3. Abundance of delicious food;
  4. Child;
  5. Cozy homely atmosphere.
When the financial situation improves, the woman guides her man in spiritual truth. He is always looking for the meaning of life, trying to answer questions and find out his place on earth. Without the inspiration of the other half, his search will lead to nervous breakdowns and depression.

It’s important not to think that a woman should be with a pot of borscht, and a man should be with a hammer. These items are tools for embodiment leading role. For a man it is providing for the other half, for a woman it is motivation young man and child care.

Why where the family is wealthy and the children are well-groomed? A man fulfills his role and earns money to provide for his family. A woman accepts the love of her other half and returns it in the form of care, inspiration and care for her family.

What does the truth look like?

The question of whether a man should provide for his woman is relevant today. If you look at the current state of men and women, all concepts have been replaced, the ancient tradition has been lost. A woman tries to support herself on her own, forgetting about her natural purpose.

A man is obliged to support his other half and earn money to improve the financial condition of the family. Not because he has to, but because nature demands. If there is no woman nearby who demands deeds, actions and work, the man becomes a boy. The girl gives care, inspiration and happiness to the family.

Do you think a man should provide for a woman? Is the expert's opinion relevant? We are waiting for your comments.

For most women in our country, the question is not even that: “should I?” Constant lack pushes you to extract and work too hard, like a real man. When will they start treating me like a woman, and not a draft horse in a work harness? Or maybe it's her own fault?

But I don’t want to decide anything and, damn it, I don’t owe anyone anything. I want someone to shield me from the wind, to make me feel at least for an hour that I’m safe, and not to prove my opinion. It's unfair when a woman is put on the front line, forced to work double shifts and face this cruel world face to face. So should a woman work?

Psychologists' opinions on women's employment

System-vector psychology defines the human psyche by his hidden desires, that is, vectors. Innate properties make us able to work in a certain form activities, work effectively and with pleasure. Let's consider modern women by vectors.

★For a woman with anal-visual ligament vectors, in the past, fulfillment in the family was enough. However, in modern world she also needs realization in society. It may seem that this is not so, because such a woman seems to be created for marriage, is ideal wife for a man. And often she tries to fit all her energy into the family. But when there is a lot of it, it can take exaggerated forms. For example, in the form of excessive concern about cleanliness or anxiety for the life of the husband and children, up to the impulse to call all the morgues after one unanswered call.

☝ The described “excesses” occur due to a lack of social fulfillment. For such a woman to go to work will be the right decision, which will benefit both her and those around her.

In society, in their realized form, we meet these women in the role of designers, heads of talent circles, teachers at schools and universities, analysts, sometimes they try themselves in the profession of psychologist.

When needs grow, but fulfillment does not occur, over time, slight discontent develops into a claim, quarrel, scandal, leading the relationship to the threat of collapse.

Expressing an opinion on who is more preferable in men’s eyes—a coquette or a homemaker—is not competent for psychologists. Hundreds of different situations, variations, both with male and female characteristics:

"Will better at home, calm and harmonious - then he won’t leave.”
“I’ll be all myself, elusive and in demand, then they won’t lose interest in me.”

A woman, first of all, should be desirable, kindle a fire in a man’s heart. The one who has managed to build a deep emotional connection with her man will be desirable. Maybe with irregular facial features or wide hips, but the closest and dearest.

Only by revealing and realizing ourselves fully in our vectorial properties, desires and aspirations can we experience true joy in life and give it to a man.

In psychology and philosophy, there is an opinion, an assumption about the masculine and feminine principles, as a projection of two forces, the basis of the universe. In system-vector psychology, this is revealed for the first time most fully and accurately. A request comes from a woman, she is desired by a man, with her love she inspires a man, sets the tone in a relationship, and does not allow him to stop.

Only by being desired by a man can one realize oneself as a woman and receive security and safety from him. And not a single honors diploma or director position exempts a woman from this main responsibility- she must work on herself to be desired.


The training “System-vector psychology” by Yuri Burlan reveals the cause-and-effect relationship of any events, processes, and makes it possible to define oneself and one’s place in modern realities. The article shows only light superficial sketches on the question of whether a woman should work. With the knowledge gained during the training, you will be able to form a competent opinion and make a decision that will work constructively in your specific situation. You can find the results and reviews:

“...The training helped me understand myself. The need to “appear” to be someone else who you are not has disappeared; it has become comfortable to be yourself. It became interesting to be yourself. There was a desire to learn and develop, to absorb only the best... read more, watch good movies, and much more. etc... For a long time I looked at photo galleries and portfolios of famous foreign photographers and gradually the desire matured in me to try it myself. Then I earned my first camera and started filming... And now it would be wrong to say that I love my job - I breathe it...!”
Anna V., professional photographer, Moscow

Registration for the free online training by Yuri Burlan “System-vector psychology”.

The article was written using materials from Yuri Burlan’s online training “System-vector psychology”

We want to live the way the covers of glossy magazines and the profiles of fashion bloggers tell us. -have luxury home, fly wherever your heart desires, learn from the best mentors, provide children with a quality education, dress in branded clothes, fulfill your wildest dreams, have a rich, successful husband. At the same time, knowledge that places spirituality above the material is becoming increasingly popular. And modern women have a question -what is the right way?

For example, here is a typical letter describing the problem:

“Julia, hello! I will be very glad to hear your opinion.

I have this belief: “Proper women don’t work.” Since childhood, my dad taught me that I had to provide for myself, and I didn’t like it. Five years ago I got married, and I had the “legal” right not to work. At the same time, “teachings” about what a real woman should be were actively spreading on the Internet, and I was very open to them. Probably wanted to know the secret the right family:)) And now I can’t let go of the thought that if a woman earns money (even if not out of necessity, but because she likes it and it works out), then she is “wrong.”

Please comment."

Let's understand the concept of correctness. What does a “right” woman mean? And who sets these criteria?

And also - what law stipulates that a woman, after getting married, has the right not to work? I will assume that the author of the question is referring to ancient knowledge.

In the meantime, let's figure it out.

Again, I will assume that many of our men come from a typical Soviet family, where the woman is a citizen of the country and is obliged to work. Men raised by working parents are “imprinted” with the model of a spouse who also works. The time comes to get married, and then suddenly - bam! - it turns out that the wife has some kind of “legal” right not to work. He has one model, the woman has another. Deception? What should a man do? Either the man will accept your version and will adapt to you, trying to explain to himself that not everything is all right with him, or he may decide that it is no coincidence that you are leaving the office, now he will have a housekeeper, a cook, etc. at home and he will, as it were, pay for it. The attitude towards a woman as a hired domestic staff is very logical even in this case. Of course, these are not the only two options; I’m talking about typical ones now. I’ll share the option I follow a little later.

You can ask me: “How can this be, because now everywhere it is being propagated that a woman should not work, should wear long skirts etc., inspire a man and thereby encourage him to become rich and successful?”

Indeed, such a position is described in sacred scriptures, such as the Vedas. But, firstly, this knowledge is more than 5000 years old, is it possible to follow it in modern conditions? Secondly, there is a caveat - the application of transcendental knowledge should be according to place, time and circumstances. The circumstances surrounding us are far from Vedic. We cannot change them, but we can do our best to be happy even in such difficult times.

Thirdly, let's look at the qualities that a woman should have in marriage, according to the scriptures. So, a woman’s duty is to master 64 skills perfectly:

1. Determination to follow your husband.
2. The ability to give the greatest pleasure to your spouse.
3. The ability to be collected in any environment.
4. Knowledge of hairstyles and the ability to style hair; the ability to use one’s cosmos, mastery of the laws of collection and distribution of cosmic energy for oneself, husband and children.
5. Possession and control of reproductive power to embody in your children the highly spiritual Ancestors of your husband’s Clan.
6. Knowledge of love games and the art of lovemaking.
7. Agility in love positions.
8. The ability to arouse the interest of your spouse with your behavior and attire.
9. Ability to present yourself.
10. Ability to do various massages, maintain longevity and health.
11. Cleanliness.
12. Knowledge of witchcraft treatment: herbal medicine, spells, life force treatment, etc.
13. Knowledge of everyday and ritual witchcraft, knowledge of folk customs.

14. Knowledge of the basics of star reading: favorable and unfavorable days.
15. The ability to communicate with the elements of nature.
16. The ability to demonstrate the necessary character.
17. The ability to undress beautifully.
18. The ability to excite your husband.
19. The ability to both clearly express and subdue your feelings.
20. The ability to appease an angry spouse.
21. The ability to leave a sleeping husband without disturbing.
22. Knowing how to fall asleep after your husband.
23. Ability to sleep in any position.
24. Knowledge of different characters.
25. The ability to express your feelings.
26. Knowledge necessary protection your honor and dignity.
27. The ability to reason, identify patterns and draw conclusions.
28. The ability to express thoughts eloquently.
29. Knowledge of games that develop human thinking abilities.
30. Conducting business calculations, knowledge of measures of weight, volume, density, etc.
31. Knowledge of the tax system.
32. Ability to negotiate and conduct business.
33. The ability to prove that you are right.

34. The ability to recognize the qualities and abilities of people.
35. The ability to solve dreams and interpret omens.
36. The ability to make utensils, household items and toys from clay.
37. Making fabrics and yarn from various materials, making and decorating clothes; knowledge of the hidden meaning of patterns and characteristics of products.
38. Preparation of paints; dyeing of fabrics, yarn, clothing, utensils.
39. Knowledge of the properties of stones and the ability to use them.
40. Proficient in the art of cooking and preparing drinks.
41. Knowledge wild plants, their use in everyday life and nutrition.
42. The ability to get money in the garden good harvest, save it and make food preparations.
43. Knowledge of animal husbandry.
44. Communication and games with animals, training them, instilling the necessary actions.
45. The ability to recognize a person’s condition by his handwriting, to express himself beautifully and competently in writing.
46. ​​The ability to convey, through painting and drawing, one’s state and perception of the surrounding world.
47. The ability to compose bouquets, garlands, wreaths, knowledge and mastery of their hidden magical meaning.
48. Knowledge of fairy tales, epics, legends.
49. Making dolls for games, rituals and witchcraft.
50. Writing poems, songs and performing them.
51. Knowledge of favorable and unfavorable musical rhythms, meters, melodies and their reproduction on various instruments.
52. The ability to move fluidly and dance to different tunes.
53. Mastery of the art of entertaining games.
54. Experience in various games ah, dexterity and dexterity, the ability to locate oneself on the ground.
55. Ability to juggle various objects.
56. Deception skills ( « about" - "bypass" « man" - "mind"), that is, what is next to the mind, with the truth: tricks, tricks, practical jokes, sleight of hand, cunning.
57. The ability to guess the intended numbers, names, objects, phrases, etc.
58. Knowledge of guessing games.
59. The ability to mislead a rival.
60. Knowledge of various betting games.
61. Ability to cry.
62. The ability to manage your husband’s jealousy.
63. The ability to guess and anticipate the husband’s wishes.
64. Conscientious fulfillment of one’s duties even in the event of the loss of one’s husband.

How many skills did you count?

How do you like the skills? She's turning out to be a real businesswoman, isn't she? And sort things out, manage a budget, dance a striptease, speak languages, and support any conversation (that’s me on modern language I translate). But it's true! This is a dream woman! Will a man get bored next to such a smart girl? No. The woman simply won’t allow him to do this.

But how many skills do you count in yourself? I’m 39 by a stretch, and even then I’m not perfect, but if I work hard, try and learn, then maybe I can. So, if I am far from perfect and « correctness,” can I demand that my husband fulfill his “Vedic obligations” 100%, for example, support me? Do I have the right not to work? Probably yes, but on one condition - my time will be entirely devoted to honing the necessary skills.

And one more “but”. In ancient times, a man took as his wife a woman who already possessed all the qualities at the time of the wedding (she was prepared for this from childhood). And at best, by the date of painting we had learned to cook somehow (I, for example, could only cope with scrambled eggs and sandwiches), solve everyday problems, etc. Is a man ready to wait for us to become perfect? I don’t think so, because it will take years, if not decades.

This does not mean that now we will never become ideal “correct” women. I would generally be wary of labels. What is ideal for one man is not needed for nothing by another. For example, my husband doesn't like it when I wear a long skirt. He loves it when I wear jeans. How, then, can we find a compromise between what he loves, what he is “supposed” to wear, and what I love? Of course, I wear long ones, but I try to buy something so that without “ah!” it was impossible to look at it. I consult with my husband when shopping, tell him how much I like it, and buy when he practically says “take it!”

For a long time I could not understand how I could combine and ultimately apply all the knowledge that I receive from teachers and the reality of life in which we find ourselves every day. And I decided for myself: for my family there is only one law - the one that we issued ourselves. Yes, I know what an ideal woman should be, how it works and affects relationships, the world, etc., I know what will happen if you don’t adhere to these laws, I also know what kind of woman my man needs, and plus this still has me and my feelings. Can I adapt all these criteria to each other? Yes. What should I do if suddenly I can’t or it doesn’t work out? At such moments, I remember item 31 from the “magic” list - that it would be good for me to have the skill of negotiating, I go and negotiate with my husband how it will be comfortable for both of us in such a situation.

Who will pay for dreams?

We both have certain dreams, from here certain goals are born that have a material basis. Can my husband independently ensure the implementation of our ambitious goals? Probably, maybe it’s a matter of time and desire to wait several decades. What can I do about it? Agree to wait or help him with this right now.

And here at one time I had terrible resistance: on the one hand, I want to earn money, I want to help our family and husband attract a lot of money, but on the other hand, I don’t want to work. And not because I am a lazy person and a parasite, but because work took a lot of energy from me, which I did not know how to replenish. But I didn’t want to be embittered, exhausted and de-energized. In addition, the husband was unhappy with this, and he was absolutely right.

I tried not to work for several months, I almost went crazy and almost blew my husband’s mind, really! And then I figured out how to do it so as not to work, but to help the family financially. I found something I loved, which became a hobby for me. Can the head of a large company say that business is a hobby for him? Yes. By at least I feel this way, but what else can you call what I do and adore? Yes, of course, I honed my hobby into professionalism, I learned how to run a business like a woman, while simultaneously developing my qualities ideal woman. Not a bad bonus, isn't it? This also suits the husband, because he sees his woman happy, satisfied, relaxed.

If you are happy, satisfied, relaxed, realizing yourself completely at home, while remaining loved and interesting to your man, which cannot but be called work (and what kind of work!!!), your husband is happy with this and you have agreed that this option is This is exactly the one that is accepted by the law of your family, then this is the correctness and ideality that should be taken into account. And under no circumstances doubt the correctness of the chosen path, and especially do not listen to anyone who has the opposite opinion. To each his own according to time, place and circumstances.

From the editor

Dozens of different gurus have made Vedic principles of marriage fashionable. The essence of their theories is that a woman should wear long skirts and inspire her husband to earn a lot of money. Students of such trainings dream of handsome princes who need an accessory wife, obedient, calm, who will not compete with his alpha maleness and imaginary superiority complexes.

Will the “correctly chosen” skirt help turn your husband into a millionaire? The myth of patriarchal Eastern happiness for Western families is debunked Olga Yurkovskaya - .

Why should a woman work? You can get married successfully and be supported by a man. And if you are unlucky with your marriage and your spouse earns crumbs, then you can be content with little.

Or does a woman still need this for herself personally - for her own development, so as not to go crazy within four walls? And an extra penny won't hurt.

Is being a housewife a job or not?

Whether a woman is standing at the stove or sitting in the office, babysitting children or standing at the counter - all this is called work. Although for some ladies the word “housewife” is associated with a lazy person, but this is not always the case.

Can a fifa from the office accuse a mother of many children living somewhere in a village of parasitism if:

  • she gets up with the first roosters, and off we go: milk the cow, feed the chickens and pigs;
  • During the day, the garden: weeding, watering, twisting, harvesting and other chores;
  • During the day there is a continuous whirlwind: a bunch of children, cleaning, cooking, a tired husband.

This FIFA can only be perplexed: how did this poor fellow manage to get into this nightmare and why does she need all this? But every woman has her own goals and joys: one revels in her significance from climbing career ladder, and the other cannot live without children's noise and a rich harvest.

But some women really use the word “housewife” to cover up their laziness. As a housewife, she is useless, it is a disaster for her to get up early in the morning, her tyrant bosses stress her out, and in general, she sees no point in plowing, even though “arable land” is not always “virgin land.”

It’s hard to call a woman a housewife for whom the household itself is a comfortable apartment with all the bells and whistles, a child in kindergarten (or already at school), a husband at work, and she doesn’t know what to do with herself all day long.

But she shouldn’t be accused of parasitism if order and prosperity reign in the house. The husband earns enough to last for a hundred years, and he doesn’t mind at all that his wife stays at home. Well, she would go to some job just for show for a ridiculous salary, so what? I’m nervous in the morning, tired in the evening, but I don’t feel any profit. Does anyone need this?

By the way, for the same reason, sometimes men themselves do not work. Well, the householder’s wife is like this: a sharp and business-like businesswoman, but he has a different mission. You can read about this in the article.

When a woman wants to work

So he has the right! And woe to her then to marry an owner and usurper who will forbid her to do so! Sometimes living in a golden cage is much worse than being in need, but at the same time being free. If necessary, you can find a way out, but there is no way out of the golden cage.

Just imagine what it’s like for such an unfree woman:

    Since childhood, she found it easy to study. Besides, she was keen on it, with great pleasure.

    She entered a university that was interesting to her and graduated with honors. There are a lot of plans for life.

    Every employer took her hand in hand, even without experience, simply because they saw her as an intelligent and promising specialist.

But marriage with a usurper ruined all plans. And it doesn’t matter whether she got married under duress or great love, but all her efforts are in vain:

    All the knowledge she has acquired begins to be erased in her memory, because her head is filled with something completely different. Even advanced training is not available to her.

    She does not gain experience, but on the contrary, she loses dexterity, acumen and passion, in general, everything that she had when receiving her diploma.

    As a result, even if she gets divorced and tries to get a job, employers will have little desire to hire her.

And if a tyrant husband is so rich that there is no strength or spirit to divorce him, but he is against a working wife, then in the end the woman changes and not for the better.

If her husband is a wealthy farmer, then the woman will have to farm on his “ranch” all her life. And if he is a city businessman, then the woman risks going crazy from tedious shopping with false girlfriends. Why “fool” and from “boring”? Because with her diploma she imagined the wrong life for herself and set the wrong goals for herself.

When need forces you to work

But this is another question, when there is an opportunity to work, but there is absolutely no desire. That smart girl who escaped from her golden cage will certainly enjoy working in her specialty. But for a lazy “sofa owner,” if need arises, it will be very difficult for her to tear her butt off the feather bed.

If the husband’s salary does not meet her whims, then this is not so bad: somewhere you can infringe on yourself in your requests. But if there is really nothing to eat, there is nothing to support the child, and even the creditors are breaking down the door, then like it or not, you will go to work.

Yes, if you’re not used to it, life won’t seem like a fairy tale:

    You will have to change your way and rhythm of life. You won't be able to get a good night's sleep in the morning, and you may also have to go on duty at night. This is where you won’t excuse yourself to your husband with the usual sandwich and tea for breakfast so you can jump back into bed and sleep.

    You will have to endure dissatisfaction and comments from your superiors. Moreover, you can’t butt heads with him - he’s not a husband to whom you can even show the fig in an argument. If you move, you will be fired, and then look for another job again.

    You won't depend on yourself. Your weekends and vacations follow a strict schedule. Even if you have an anniversary planned in a restaurant, you still need to bow to your superiors so that His Majesty will deign to give you a day off.

Unfortunately, many people drive themselves into need. All these credit accounts are the work of the “drowning” themselves. Marketing lures with its advertising: “Only now! Only today! Incredible discounts! Just get a loan for pennies!” People fall into a sweet trance of promises and end up in debt. And in order to finish off a person, the state presents its surprises:

  • depreciation of the ruble,
  • inflation and lack of money,
  • raising taxes and tariffs.

When work is needed for self-affirmation

Well, let's say you're a married lady in successful marriage. Maybe not in diamonds and not on a yacht, but everything suits you: your husband provides well, home appliances with bells and whistles, you can have as many children as you want, if your spouse doesn’t mind, and if you want, just enjoy life in a happy marriage.

But here’s the problem: you go to social networks and look at photos of your old friends and classmates. Your face gradually turns purple with envy. No, you don’t care about their wealth - you have it all. You are “eaten up” by their significance and achievements:

    One of them is a talented artist. She paints such pictures that you feel dizzy with delight.

    The other works in the tourism sector. Her photo album is filled to capacity with pictures from different countries peace.

    The third serves in the army. Not really, of course female profession, but her uniform suits her so well and there are so many interesting men around!

And so everyone bombarded you with questions in private: “Who are you?” And you are ashamed to answer that you are nobody! No education, no interests. To say that you are a kept woman is shameful, to lie that you are a flight attendant is scary: if they check, they will laugh at you. And their opinion is very important to you.

Society often perceives a housewife as a subhuman, since she does not have official employment. If a woman is asked the question: “What does she do?”, and she has nothing to answer except “a housewife” and she is not on maternity leave, then she will receive bewilderment, sympathy or contempt. Some ladies themselves experience a feeling of guilt due to lack of work, a feeling of uselessness and helplessness. Whether a woman should work is a fairly frequently discussed question in society, to which there is no clear answer.

Psychologist's opinion

People asking the question “should a woman work” must realize that times have changed and you no longer have to work hard to feed your family. In the old days, women worked hard, just like men, because there was a constant need for food. Currently, it is the woman herself who has to decide whether to work or not, based on the financial situation in which she finds herself. Often the decision to employ the fair half is made on family council. And if everything is good in the family and the husband takes full responsibility for providing for himself, then why not allow the female half not to work and devote all their free time to themselves, their development, or their family.

There are women for whom professional recognition and public fame are important; for others, the respect of their husband and parents is important. And, of course, the woman will stubbornly resist her husband’s desire for her to quit her job, become financially dependent, and take care of only everyday life and children. Perhaps, subconsciously, she understands that she cannot be with her family around the clock every day, she needs to communicate with other people, grow professionally, and receive recognition. It is difficult for her to enjoy the kitchen; it is important for her labor process outside the walls of the house. Such a woman cannot help but work and not turn into a housewife.

What attracts women at work according to the female gender? Opportunity career growth, financial independence, emotional contacts, communication with like-minded people, relaxation from family, filling emptiness in life, avoiding loneliness.

Men's opinion

According to the majority of men, when asked: “Should a woman work?”, they answer unequivocally “yes.” It is difficult for them to allow their half to be unoccupied and take care only of their beloved self, when the husband works, earning money for both. Men are in the majority for labor equality. Everything should be equal, so that upon returning from work, the wife agrees to a family dinner at home, and does not ask for dinner in a cozy cafe; so that she wouldn’t “blow his mind” out of fatigue, so that she wouldn’t be bored alone, waiting for her husband, but would be useful to the family and also earn money.

Rich, established representatives of the stronger sex, who are in the minority total number men came to the conclusion that, first of all, a woman is the ideological inspirer of her husband. An inspirer, not a “nagging saw” who forces her husband to work from morning to night at the factory. To receive such a sweet creature as a wife, who will inspire you to achieve hard work, is a gift of fate. Every man should understand what he wants from his partner.

Arguing that a wife definitely has to work, the husband needs to realize that just as there are no men who have permanent good mood after work, there are no women who, tired at work, have the desire to happily cook dinner, please their spouse with intimacy, and be in a good mood.

Let's take an example of an ordinary woman. Working fair half spends his energy to earn money. She's hers feminine energy leaves it at work, brings money home and gives it instead of himself. For children, she hires a nanny or involves grandmothers in raising them, who raise them instead of her. He buys offal on the way home so as not to linger long in the kitchen, thereby making his evening leisure time at the stove easier. She often returns tired, exhausted, and often after a hard day there is no desire to communicate with anyone.

Coming home, a woman thinks that she can rest, but if her family is waiting for her, then it’s not rest, but Homework she is provided for. The man is in a privileged position, and it is he who rests at home. Returning home, he does not wash, does not get up to the stove, does not prepare the child for school. And when a wife works, then, in fact, she receives a double load - at work and at home.

Psychologists believe that work “kills” a woman’s direct purpose of being a beloved wife, caring mother, creator home comfort. And if the wife still works, then the day will definitely come when she wakes up and will certainly declare that she is also tired, since she also works, and her husband’s desire for everyday sex and the dissatisfaction shown to her because of his absence irritates her. These are the disadvantages of female employment at work.

But if a wife does not work, this does not mean that she will be able to avoid problems in the future. They will begin when she separates from her husband. All the material stability built by another person will disappear instantly, and the housewife will be forced to go in search of work. Therefore, the problem of solving women's employment is a double-edged sword.

Should a woman work – women’s opinion

There are women who cannot imagine themselves without work, because it is there that they assert themselves, realize themselves, and enjoy the work process.

And there are also ladies who don’t see themselves at work. Every woman has her own priorities.

But the universal desire of women regarding work includes the following main points:

– the work must be a hobby or a favorite profession;

– work should take no more than 4 hours a day;

– must be included in working hours break for tea, snack and conversation;

– to always have the opportunity to take time off from work at any time or not to go to work;

– the money you earn can be spent on yourself.

The male gender believes that a woman should work and gives the following reasons for this::

– a woman will get fat without working;

– gets lazy;

– will begin to degrade;

– will cease to understand the value of money and will begin to spend more;

– will begin to “blow your mind” out of boredom.

Working wives are outraged by the fact that men consider it normal that their other halves should work equally with them.

The majority of wives refer to the fact that they are forced to work, since their husbands are not able to fully provide for their families; the maximum they can earn is only for food and utilities.

Women return home tired, with no strength or desire left for household chores. Work overwork has a strong impact on women's health And appearance. Women find it difficult to endure critical days at work and on such days they especially need additional days off without explanation.

A working woman experiences more emotional stress at work than a man. This is due to the sensitivity of the female psyche. As a result, a woman receives a double burden: she has to take care of her family and go to work. The problem with society is that it considers this to be the norm and it cannot be any other way. Girls are raised to rely on themselves in this life. But men are happy with this state of affairs, because their wives will manage to do everything in the house and earn money at work.

By his nature, it is a man who is destined to go to work, earn money, protect his family from external influences, actively act in the outside world. A woman, in contrast, copes better with measured, quiet work; she is more easily able to control many small matters.

When a woman goes to a camp, she gives up her mental energy there, becomes emotionally exhausted and returns home tired. To cope with the load, the female psyche is rebuilt under male type response. As a result, a wife often becomes more successful in business than her husband, but loses the ability and desire to create comfort in the home. Family members do not receive enough love and peace from a woman, and look for it on the side. The husband falls into adultery, alcohol, and the children are raised on the Internet or on the street. The result is misunderstanding, scandals, alienation from each other, and family breakdown.

From here it is obvious that the family will not be better off because the wife went to work. Therefore, the conclusion is simple: women should not work. Their destiny is to be a mother, a wife, to create comfort at home, and for men to take responsibility and start earning enough so that the family is provided with everything they need and does not need anything.