How to speed up your brain's thinking. Raising IQ

How to develop thinking - Pump up your brain!

- How can you benefit from a highly developed mind?
— What helps increase the speed of thoughts?
— Training the speed of text perception using the method of Victor Kotka
— How to develop a mindset that helps you achieve success?
— 8 strategies to help you restructure your thoughts
— 9 effective exercises to develop speed of thinking
- Conclusion

Nowadays, friends, knowledge is no longer the power it used to be. They are still very important and need to be received, but thinking comes first in importance. Whoever has it more developed is stronger, or, if you want, more successful in life.

But knowledge today quickly becomes outdated, and it is accessible to many. Today almost everyone can get necessary knowledge, the information you need – anytime and anywhere. On the same cell phone You can download as much information as you will never be able to master in your entire life. A search engines answer any questions faster and more accurately than anyone, even a very smart person.

Therefore, it is not so important to know a lot; it is much more important to be able to correctly use the knowledge you have and find, or even better, invent new knowledge and create new information. And in order to work productively with different information and benefit from it, you need to have developed thinking. It will help you quickly solve any problems and tasks. You can find out about it from the articles on our website.

If you really intend to seriously approach the problem of how to develop speed of thinking, the exercises proposed here will help you:

1) Promptly respond to a problematic situation.
2) Don’t regret that the right decision came to mind late.
3) Protect your brain from early aging and devastating diseases such as Alzheimer's disease.

— What helps increase the speed of thoughts?

Everyone's thinking speed is different, and it's not always realistic to achieve what you want when you see how quickly and easily someone else does a task that takes you a long time. But it is quite possible to increase the speed of your thinking. This is facilitated by:

1) Facial gymnastics.
When the face is not kneaded, the face is “cold”, thoughts are confused, words are difficult to find. If the face is stretched, the head works much better, faster. This is effective!

2) Speed ​​of eye movement and ease, speed of facial movements.
Wean yourself from walking around with a sour, lethargic, expressionless face and sleepy eyes, it not only doesn’t make you look good, but also kills your brains. If you have trained your face to be lively, your thinking will become more lively.

3) Selection of templates, collection of algorithms.
Look for solutions, memorize, collect a collection of solutions and algorithms.

4) High internal tempo.
Internal tempo is your overall internal speed. Unwind your inner motor and the speed of all your internal processes will increase.

5) Head massage.
During the shower, when jets of water vigorously massage the scalp, the functioning of the blood vessels in the brain instantly improves and a bunch of things immediately come to mind. great ideas. What if you end your shower with a douche? cold water, the whole body becomes vigorous and alive, the head becomes fresh and the next few hours will be able to think perfectly.

6) Master auto-training and relieve fears.
In particular, practice “Unconventional Actions”, train courage and develop positivity: this is really useful not only for the speed of thinking, but also in life in general.

— Training the speed of text perception using the method of Victor Kotka

The method is unique in its simplicity and effectiveness. For training, you need a meaningful book, rather a popular science one. You read, your trainer next to you ticks off the time for reading each page. Gives you three minutes - you read for three minutes.

“Two and a half minutes!” - Okay, you fit in this time. “Two minutes!” - it’s already more difficult. “Three minutes!” - you get high from excess time. Again “Two minutes” - tension, “One and a half minutes” - hard, “Two and a half minutes!” - it’s already easy. Then again: “120 seconds”, “100”, 90, - 120, 100, 80 - and so on.

After two months of such training, you will begin to read at a speed of 5 to 1 second per page... Testing the learned material is usual: you should tell the page that you read in 3 seconds as clearly as when you read it for the first time in 3 minutes.

— 8 strategies to help you restructure your thoughts

1) Don't remain helpless.
Each of us finds ourselves in situations where we feel helpless. The question is how we respond to this feeling. We can either learn a lesson and move on, or we can despair. Many successful people They would not have become such if they had succumbed to the feeling of helplessness.

2) Surrender to passion.
Inspired people relentlessly pursue their passions. There may always be someone more talented than you, but what you lack in talent you can make up for with passion. Passion keeps the desire for excellence in inspired people undiminished.

3) Take action.
By taking action, we transform worry and anxiety into positive, directed energy.

4) Walk an extra kilometer or two.
Stopping is tantamount to death. If you set limits to your capabilities, physical or otherwise, they will extend throughout your life. For work, morale, for everything else. There are no limits. There are temporary stops, but you can’t linger on them, you need to move on. If it kills, it will kill. A person must constantly improve his level.

5) Expect results.
People with a growth mindset understand that they will fail from time to time, but that doesn't stop them from expecting results. Expecting results keeps you motivated and pushes you to improve.

6) Be flexible.
Everyone faces unexpected difficulties. When life challenges you strong people will look for options until they get the result.

7) Don't complain when things don't go as you planned.
Complaints - obvious sign people with a fixed mindset. People with a growth mindset look for opportunities in any outcome and have no time for complaining.

8) Follow all the points listed above.
Every day, watch how you react even to small events. And constantly try to react correctly. Just like someone with a growth mindset would.

Read also about what this is and why it is needed.

— 9 effective exercises for developing speed of thinking

1) “What if…” scenario
Ask yourself what you will say in response to such and such a question, or how you will act in such and such a situation, or how you will respond to your opponent’s remark.
Such training is useful because it encourages you to build in your head probabilistic models future. Use preventive calculation of possible events as a simulator, because when imagining a situation, you can arbitrarily speed up or slow down the speed of your reasoning.

3) Practice thinking in another language.
When you have the opportunity to reason outside of strict time frames, force your brain to reason in a foreign language, not your native language. By forcing your brain to build logic in a non-native language, you train it so that it can then do the same thing in its native language much faster.

4) Speed ​​alphabet.
Place a piece of paper with the letters of the alphabet in front of you. Come up with 3 words starting with each letter of the alphabet as quickly as possible: three words starting with “a”, then three words starting with “b” and so on until the letter “i”. Gradually increase the number of words you need to come up with up to 10.

5) Expensive calls.
Imagine that every second of your conversation is worth big money. When you remember a conversation you just had with someone, make it a point to mentally repeat it in a way that makes it as short as possible. Think about how you could clear this conversation of unnecessary information noise - unnecessary phrases and questions that could be completely avoided.

6) Determine your priorities.
Everything you deal with, come into contact with, surrounds you with, you can rank from important to unnecessary and useless. The habit of ranking structures your personal information space.

7) Read humorous stories
Not just stories. You can also make it a rule to look at humorous drawings. A sense of humor is always associated with high speed response to the situation. Plus, this includes the ability to see a non-obvious contradiction and identify it in the most vivid and precise formulations. All this together represents quick thinking.

8) “Upside down.”
When you pick up any magazine or book or newspaper, turn it over so as to change the top and bottom and flip through it, looking at the drawings and photographs placed there.

Try to understand what is shown there, and do it as quickly as possible. This is how you train your brain to recognize non-obvious signals and navigate “shifter” situations. And, most importantly, do not be satisfied with the first answer, but delve into a deeper assessment of the situation. You can place a complex, intricate picture upside down on your computer desktop.

9) Change speeds.
Do the same thing, changing the speed at which you do it. For example, you can brush your teeth at different speeds, drink a glass of water, or read a letter received in the mail. By deliberately speeding up or slowing down your actions, you train your brain to work at different paces. Try to gradually make slow execution even slower. And, on the contrary, speed up fast execution every now and then.

These exercises will not be effective if they are not performed regularly. Doing one task every day will stimulate your brain to develop in the right direction.

- Conclusion

Success comes only to those who are ready to accept it and constantly work hard on themselves. Any person who strives for success needs to constantly develop and improve their skills. Developed thinking will simplify this work many times over. Spend at least 5 minutes a day on training and the results will not keep you waiting.

The material was prepared by Dilyara specifically for the site

Let's start right away with the distinction between the concept " speed of thinking" And " high intelligence"Although they are usually tightly connected with each other, they are far from the same thing. Education, the ability to solve complex biquadratic equations, write high-quality programs - all this is a matter of long-term work on oneself, learning, acquiring skills. And speed of thinking is , rather, the state of your brain. If you are sleepy and tired, then even a simple problem will seem complicated and difficult to solve. If you are fresh and full of energy, then even more so. complex tasks You'll be cracking like nuts. But in intellectual games As a rule, both of these parameters are needed at once: education in order to know the answers to questions, and speed of thinking in order to recall them faster than anyone else and earn more points.

IN this material we will only consider ways allowing you to increase the speed of your . You may need this in cases where you are in the stage of intensive learning something, and you need powerful, fast brains in order to understand and assimilate new things as quickly as possible. Or, for example, you will soon be defending your thesis, and you want to be on top, and not stand in front of the commission, muttering something inaudibly, and digging through papers, looking for answers to questions that you already know.

What is good for the brain - developing speed of thinking and increasing IQ?

Vitamin food. It’s high time to get used to the idea that we humans are creatures that are very dependent on the biochemistry of our bodies. As soon as a deficiency of regular iodine occurs in the body, we immediately lose mental abilities. And, most importantly, everything in our body is interconnected, just like in the economic system of a developed state. All it takes is a failure with one important resource- how all production begins to collapse and suffer - from heavy industry to the service sector.

If we want to contain our cellular state enough, need to eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, do not forget about clean still water, fresh air. Then the brain will work much better.

Hardening and contrast shower. Have you noticed that it is in the soul that all sorts of life revelations come to mind? This is often the subject of jokes, but there is some truth in every joke. Hot water, causing blood to flow faster through the pipes of our body, stimulates mental activity. Einstein complained that he did not have time to remember the thoughts that fell upon him in his soul, there were so many of them and they were so interesting.

Even more useful in this sense accept contrast shower. Cold water changes to hot, the blood vessels either expand or contract, the blood flows faster, and the brain receives more nutrients.

Gymnastics for the mind every morning. How long has it been since you memorized poems? Probably still in school? How about learning six to ten lines of poetry every morning? Over time, you will be able to retell the entire “Eugene Onegin” by heart, but this is not the main thing. The main thing is that the brain will begin to do gymnastics in the morning in the same way as you do it for the rest of the body, and this is extremely useful.

Don't like poetry? How about multiplication in the mind:
- 46*18;
- 92*7;
- 305*14;
- 16*15.

Pair dozens Such examples will have the most beneficial effect on your mind in the morning.

Affirmations. Many successful businessmen or highly qualified workers begin their mornings with self-hypnosis. “I’m the coolest! There’s no replacement for me, I’ll tear all my competitors like a rag! I’m a shark, I’m a genius! I’m getting stronger and better every day.” Starting the day with this attitude is much better than making sour faces at yourself in the mirror. Try it!

Gymnastics for the face. Stimulating blood circulation directly to the head will have a positive effect on. In general, our brain receives a lot of information from facial muscles, there is a strong connection between them feedback. Try smiling for a while and your mood will improve on its own. Put on a mournful mask, and soon you will feel exactly like this. Knead your face with your hands, make faces at yourself in the morning, this is good for your intellectual health.

Good sleep, daily routine. If you haven't slept well, don't expect a quick reaction, everyone knows this. To get a good night's sleep, the best thing to do is to train your body to fall asleep and wake up at the same time. It has been proven that this way you get much better sleep, which means you become more efficient.

Go ahead non-standard, where possible. Don't take the same route to work every day. Patterns put your brain to sleep; they turn it off, putting you on autopilot. Instead, look for new ways to complete familiar tasks, this effective remedy"acceleration" of one's own mind.

What is bad for the brain and lowers IQ?

Alcohol, tobacco, other drugs. Alcohol causes oxygen starvation in the brain, so asking a brain suppressed by alcohol to work is the same as strangling a person until he turns red and then asking him to run a hundred meters. It is clear that, at best, he will crawl towards the finish line, frantically trying to catch his breath. This is what your brain looks like when you're hungover. And other drugs have no better effect on him.

Fatty, heavy foods. As soon as you overload with food, you feel sleepy. Your body needs a lot of effort to digest all the fatty foods that you have mercilessly stuffed into yourself. As a result, the brain begins to put you to sleep, and is completely unwilling to solve the complex tasks assigned to it.

Talk show. There’s really no need to explain anything special here. Looking at stupid people specially gathered in one room so that the TV viewer feels smarter than them is not entertainment for those who want to be truly smart, and not seem so to themselves. It is best to never buy a TV at all; today it is confidently becoming an attribute of a poor and stupid person.

Low self-esteem . One of serious problems problem that tutors face when helping students improve in certain subjects is the student’s lack of confidence in own strength. His self-esteem is low, he is afraid to make a proposal or an answer. You can often hear from them: “Oh, I thought so!” already when the teacher, in despair, names the answer himself. To the perplexed question, “So why were you silent?”, they, as a rule, answer: “I never answer correctly.” Low self-esteem greatly hinders development in any business, including in terms of developing your mind. If you suffer from low self-esteem, this is the first problem you should address.

We live in an age of high-speed technology, and such a character quality as the ability to solve several problems at the same time is valued almost more than sociability. However, you should know that multitasking requires truly fast thinking from a person. This article will discuss how to develop speed of thinking.

Type of thinking and temperament

As is well known, there are two main types of thinking: rational (analytical) and irrational (imaginative). It is believed that men have the first, and the second? women. This is also popularly called “male” and “female” logic.

It is impossible to say which one is better, because, as recent research has proven, the figurative type of thinking in certain situations has advantages over the logical one (for example, if you need to find a creative solution to a problem). In addition, it should be remembered that the speed of thinking is closely related to a person’s reaction to current events, and the reaction is primarily temperament.

It has been noticed that choleric and sanguine people react faster to external stimuli than phlegmatic and melancholic people. This means that the speed of thinking of the former will be better than that of the latter.

How to develop quick thinking?

However, slow thinking is not a death sentence for “calm” temperaments? phlegmatic and melancholic. Numerous studies show that special exercises aimed at developing quick thinking can increase the speed of reaction to external signals.

If you study for only half an hour a day, then within a month you will notice that you are able to give a sparkling response to an insult and find a quick and non-trivial solution to a complex problem.

List of exercises

So, here is a list of sample free time activities that will allow you to short term increase your thinking speed. True, you will have to do them constantly.

1) There are special exercises for quick thinking. As a rule, these are all kinds of tasks on the selection of words, arithmetic calculations, tasks with figures in space. If you are just starting out, you can choose entry level with easy tasks, but keep in mind that the tasks will gradually become more difficult. All of them are completed on time.

2) Solving crossword puzzles. Do not think that this is an activity for older people and those who do not know how to use a computer. In fact, solving crossword puzzles, especially difficult ones, allows you to learn a lot of new information. Of course, it does not directly develop a broad horizons of thinking speed, but it greatly activates the functioning of neurons in the brain.

3) Solving charades and puzzles. This method of developing quick thinking is more suitable for creative personalities. They are known to be not particularly strong in the exact sciences, and quick thinking is inseparable from correct logical conclusions.

4) Study foreign languages. This method is more suitable for those who are not good at the humanities, that is, “physicists”. It has been proven that knowing two or more foreign languages ​​dramatically increases the functioning of neural connections in the brain and even slows down the aging process.

5) Development of left hand functions. As a rule, most of us are right-handed. If a person begins to deliberately train left hand to perform simple daily movements (writing, drawing, brushing teeth), then after some time his thinking speed improves. Remember, most creative people are left-handed.

6) Sensory development. For faster thinking last role The ability to navigate in space and intuition also play a role. Developing it is very simple: when no one is home, move around the apartment blindfolded, examine objects by touch, try to collect a broken cup, placing it, for example, in a bag.

If you follow these recommendations or find special tasks on the Internet or even entire sites dedicated to the development of erudition and thinking, and complete all the tasks, you will very soon find that you have become much smarter, more productive in the workplace, and more interesting in communication.

You can check how successful you are in developing quick thinking using a special psychological method for studying quick thinking, which is somewhat reminiscent of an intelligence test (IQ).

Video on the topic of the article

Quick thinking as a personality quality – ability to quickly understand difficult situation and find right decisions under time pressure.

Vasily Ivanovich and Petka agreed that if Petka guessed which hand Vasily Ivanovich had the bottle in, they would drink it, and if not, they would break it. Petka: - On the left? - Think faster, Petka, quickly!

The speed of thinking is predetermined by the level of knowledge and the degree of development of thinking skills. It is associated with the individual pace of mental activity, which is based on the mobility of nervous processes. Chingiz Aitmatov in his novel “The Scaffold” writes: “Compared to the speed of thinking, the speed of light is nothing; the idea that, going into the past, it can move backwards in time and space, the fastest.”

Quick thinking is essential in extreme situations when a person is required lightning-fast reaction in decision making (for example, during a battle, liquidation of an accident). It is in demand at home, at work, and at school. Schoolchildren taking exams know how inhibiting emotions slow down their thoughts and prevent them from adequately answering the questions posed.

The speed of thinking becomes the master of consciousness, a huge asset of the individual, when the realization of one’s destiny is at stake. Whether you can or cannot do what you were born for. Revolutionary populist Nikolai Kibalchich thought that his calling was terror. Having organized a dynamite workshop, “ chief technician"Narodnaya Volya" developed the design of bombs that mortally wounded Emperor Alexander II (03/1/1881).

And only in prison, almost before his death, did he realize his true purpose. To implement it, he needed speed and speed of thinking. Previously, terror and the hunt for the king interfered with the work I loved. Now, with only a few days left to live, Kibalchich threw himself into work.

“When I came to see Kibalchich,” his lawyer wrote, “I was first of all struck by the fact that he was busy with a completely different matter that had nothing to do with the present trial. He was immersed in research he was doing about some kind of aeronautical projectile; he longed to be given the opportunity to write his mathematical research about this invention. He wrote them and presented them to his superiors.”

"Some kind of The aeronautical apparatus was a great invention. Before his death, Nikolai Kibalchich developed a project for a jet aircraft. But the head of the Police Department wrote a resolution: “Giving this to scientists for consideration now would hardly be timely and could only cause inappropriate rumors.”

Edward Radzinsky writes: “And Kibalchich’s project, one of the most daring technical ideas centuries, lay unknown to the world in archival dust for a long time. The famous scientist Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, who developed the same idea, but after Kibalchich, was shocked when he was shown the terrorist’s project found in the archive... On the eve of the loop, Kibalchich opened the way to the space age.

Before his execution, as his lawyer recalled, Kibalchich told him: “I keep racking my brains about how I can find a philosophical formula that would convince me that life is not worth living. And no matter how much I rack my brains, I just can’t convince myself! I want to live like this! Life is so good! And yet you have to die! What about my airship?! Are you safe?" Such forces were destroyed by terror.”

The speed of thinking is different for everyone, and it is difficult to compete with the favorites of this personality trait. But increasing the speed of your thinking is a completely feasible task. It’s unpleasant when you are called a slow-witted person, a slow-witted person, or a giraffe who gets the idea on the third day, as in the bearded joke. Somehow the animals fell into an impenetrable deep hole: a fox, a hare, a donkey, a giraffe and a bear. They sit, they sit for a day, two, they want to eat - then the fox says: - Well, guys, you yourself can see our unenviable situation - I propose this topic: We will tell jokes, and if, for example, someone told a joke - everyone laughs at him , and one doesn’t laugh, or vice versa, no one laughs, and he laughs alone - and we’ll devour him! The animals agreed. - Come on, hare, tell your joke! Out of fear, the Hare came up with the funniest joke - everyone laughs, except the Giraffe! It’s the donkey’s turn to tell his joke - No one laughs - only the Giraffe neighs! The fox asks him - Giraffe, sweetie, why are you laughing now, my joy?? The giraffe says to her: “Yes, the late hare told a funny joke.”

To develop quick thinking, many people benefit from emotional gymnastics, selection of templates, a collection of behavior algorithms, and head massage. Albert Einstein complained that he was afraid to take a shower: he did not have time to remember all the thoughts that came to his mind at that time.

There is a technique that allows you to determine the speed of thinking and the mobility of nervous processes.

Test instructions: Here are words with missing letters. Your task is to insert the missing letters. Each dash means one missing letter. Words must be nouns, common nouns, singular. Try to work as quickly as possible. You have 3 minutes to complete the task.

Test material:

  1. P-l-a
  2. O-r-ch
  3. K-r-on
  4. Z-r-o
  5. V-s-ok
  6. S-g-about
  7. U-t-v
  8. P-d-ak
  9. B-l-he
  10. Z-o-ok
  11. K-i-a
  12. Village
  13. K-y-a
  14. T-a-a
  15. S-a-ka
  16. T-u-a
  17. S-a-a
  18. P-e-a
  19. S-i-o-t
  20. K-s-a-nick
  21. U-i-el
  22. A-e-in
  23. Station
  24. Ch-rn-la
  25. Ka-u-ta
  26. Tr-s-st
  27. Sl-p-t-
  28. K-nt-r-

Key to the text:

Feather, mountain, field, scythe, body, bullet, faith, soot, soul, river, shelf, hoop, cardboard, grain, east, snowdrift, charter, jacket, broth, bell, book, drill, roof, grass, welding, trumpet, glory, bee, holiness, bush, teacher, orange, station, ink, cabbage, cowardice, blindness, office.

Interpretation of test results

An indicator of the speed of thinking and at the same time an indicator of the mobility of nervous processes is the number of words composed:

  • less than 20 words - low speed of thinking and mobility of nervous processes;
  • 21–30 words - average speed of thinking and mobility of nervous processes;
  • 31 words or more - high speed of thinking and mobility of nervous processes.
  • Petr Kovalev 2014

Have you noticed that there are people who think quickly, the answer to any question comes to them with lightning speed, and there are others who spend a long, long time looking for an answer to a simple question, although it is absolutely clear that the question is not difficult for them?
Or on a math test - one did it in 20 minutes, and the other barely finished it in 45, but both did it with an A?

Why is this so?

Yes, because all people have different speeds of thinking.

Let’s not delve into the jungle of neurophysiology and try to study how thoughts “move” in our heads.
Let's be closer to life.
And life shows that most children think quickly, think in images, not words. Words only slow down thinking.
A whirlwind of images flashes through a child’s head when he plays or is enthusiastically occupied with something.

But an adult definitely needs to ASK what the child is thinking about, what he imagines, what he draws, what he fantasizes about! That is, adults (for testing or for “speech development”) want the child to put his thoughts into words.
And then the child begins to say something in a stumbling voice, the images immediately become smaller (because he cannot yet express the fullness of the images in words), there are fewer of them, because he is not yet able to grasp them all and express them in speech.
So what happens next? The child gradually begins to think more slowly, it is easier to create images, to be able to put them into words, to pronounce everything that is happening in his head out loud.
Of course, I'm exaggerating a little. But my task is to explain the mechanism of action.

Try observing your own thoughts! It’s one thing when several thoughts rush through your head at the same time, scattering in all directions. But it’s another thing when you begin to “say” some thought to yourself, as if talking to yourself... The fewer such “conversations” in your head, the better the thought works, the more connections in your head between different images...

Now imagine a typical child “development” activity, in which there is a lot of talk and discussion, but little thought.
Most of our activities BRAKE the speed of children's thinking, rather than develop it! They do not allow thoughts to accelerate, they squeeze them into frames!

Children end up learning a lot at the end of school but not being able to create their own thoughts!

There is an excellent saying on this topic that is over a hundred years old. Vasily Klyuchevsky (1844-1911) wrote:

The mind of the modern young man early wears out the assimilation of other people's thoughts and loses the ability to act independently and independently.

So, I would like to give some advice on how to early age do not prevent the child from accelerating his thoughts, do not slow down the speed of his thinking.

1. When a child is playing, even though it seems to us that he is busy with a completely stupid, useless task, do not meddle with him, do not ask him anything, do not interfere. It just interferes with your thinking! In independent play, a child develops his thinking speed to the fullest!

2. When a child draws, sculpts, creates, do not ask what he is doing, if he is in no hurry to speak, do not bother with advice and help. His thought process much more important than the visible result. In fact, for preschool children - modeling, drawing, designing - this is also a game. And she doesn’t need to interfere either.

3. Give your child a reason to think, don’t bother with checking and control. The child will think for himself - without outside help! Think, and not choose an answer that is convenient for an adult.

4. Build activities so that the child can make discoveries! Let it be at the level of simple associations - I saw it, heard it and came to a conclusion myself!

5. Do not voice everything that happens around, everything that the child sees around. Give him a chance to SUDDENLY see, hear, understand, learn, connect with what he has already heard!

6. Develop imaginative thinking - everyone possible ways. And don’t stop your child from doing it on his own. This gives speed of thinking.

I would be sincerely glad if these tips help you realize the importance of your children's thoughts.