At what temperature does a gas cylinder explode? Why does propane explode? Causes of gas cylinder explosion at different times of the year

Main reasons for the explosion household gas cylinders are:

  • Violation of norms and rules for refilling household cylinders
  • Violation of the rules for storing and operating gas cylinders

According to standards Gas cylinders must be refilled at specialized stations, where they are filled strictly by weight on special weighing units. This filling of cylinders is carried out to a maximum of 85% of their volume. 15% - buffer zone, intended for the transition of part of the liquid phase into the gaseous phase.

According to statistics, the main share of explosions occurs in the cold season due to a large temperature difference between refueling and operation. However, the temperature difference itself cannot lead to an explosion, since these products have an operating temperature range from -40 to 50 degrees C, and the main reason is violation of the rules for operating gas vessels working under pressure. Such as:

  • lack of timely examination (once every 5 years),
  • refueling at non-specialized points, where refueling is carried out from a conventional gas dispenser, and the degree of filling is controlled by pressure,
  • refilling cylinders with expired service life (40 years),
  • placement of gas containers during storage and operation in common areas.

If the cylinders are not filled at a specialized station, then they are filled to capacity. If such refueling is carried out in the summer, then the temperature of the refueled gas is almost equal to the ambient air temperature. In winter refilling propane cylinders requires special adherence to temperature conditions.

If the cylinder is filled to capacity in the cold and then brought into warm room, then the pressure in it increases sharply, because LPG is characterized by a high coefficient of thermal expansion. If there is no buffer zone in a gas cylinder, the excess pressure has nowhere to go, and it begins to have a destructive effect on the walls of the cylinder and ultimately leads to explosions of gas cylinders in houses.

Gas leak through the valve causes gas to gradually fill the room. This is precisely why store gas cylinders necessary outdoors, in cabinets specially designed for this purpose, with holes for ventilation. Such storage does not allow household cylinders to overheat, and the presence of ventilation holes prevents the creation of an explosive concentration of propane-butane mixture even in the presence of gas leakage through the connecting fittings.

Very often people, especially summer residents, neglect safety and store gas cylinders indoors, next to gas stoves. This leads to overheating of gas cylinders and, as a result, rupture of their walls and explosions. Also, if there is a leak in the hoses or fittings, then the gas, being heavier than air, accumulates in places below the floor level and an explosive mixture is formed in the room, which, when gas burners are working, leads to unpleasant consequences, because gas has the same destructive force, like TNT.

As a result of the rupture of the flask with gas if available open fire or an accidental spark, fires occur. Due to fires that occurred as a result of spontaneous depressurization of containers with liquefied hydrocarbon fuel, not only the perpetrators of the incident suffer, but also neighbors and passers-by.

When the gas in the cylinder runs out, condensate remains behind, which must be drained at special stations. Some people drain it themselves, which also leads to dangerous consequences.

Availability large number casualties and significant destruction in a gas explosion is explained by the fact that fires are characterized by the occurrence of a volumetric flash (explosion), during which overpressure leading to personal injury and destruction building structures. The explosion causes the destruction of windows and the opening of doors, which contributes to the unhindered spread of the flame, and the flame front leads to the ignition of flammable objects, forming secondary fires.

Take care of yourself and your loved ones.

Explosions of gas cylinders are an emergency, and when this happens with several containers of gas, the consequences increase many times over. An explosion of a gas cylinder causes fire and explosion of cylinders located nearby, which leads to casualties and great destruction. News of such incidents is increasingly appearing in the media.

Cause of gas cylinder explosion

The main reason is improper storage or exploitation. Gas leakage through the valve causes gas to gradually fill the room. Accidental spark, explosion, fire. Or a container with gas is brought from outside, from the cold, into the room and placed near a heat source. Due to a sharp change in temperature, the gas expands and the internal pressure ruptures the vessel. The rupture occurs due to corrosion and microcracks that form inside and are not noticeable from the outside. Condensation in a gas container, like any moisture, leads to rust, and at some point the pressure breaks out. European countries have long abandoned metal gas containers.

Causes of gas cylinder explosion at different times of the year

The origins of the incident, which occurred in winter, lie in non-compliance with the rules for handling gas containers. In one of the cities, such an accident resulted in no casualties by pure chance. Workers came in from the cold to install suspended ceilings, brought with them gas cylinder and left him in the hallway. After some time there was a terrible explosion, windows and doors were broken. In a container with liquefied gas standing in the hallway, due to a temperature difference, a transition of gas occurred from liquid state into gaseous form, the pressure increased sharply, leading to an explosion. After all, gas has the same destructive power as TNT.
As a result of the rupture of a gas flask in the presence of an open flame or an accidental spark, fires occur. Because of fires that occurred as a result of spontaneous depressurization of containers with liquefied hydrocarbon fuel, not only the perpetrators of the incident suffer, but also neighbors and passers-by. It is impossible to visually control the gas level in metal containers; if they are filled incorrectly, “to capacity”, outside, in the cold, and brought into a warm room, then the gas has nowhere to expand, and it ruptures the container. An explosion can occur if the ratio of propane - butane gases in the vessel does not correspond to the time of year (at winter time- 9:1, in summer - 1:1). If in winter you use gas with a 1:1 ratio, then butane, which does not work in the cold, heats up in the room and bursts the vessel. When the gas runs out, condensate remains behind, which must be drained at special stations. Some people drain it themselves, which leads to dangerous consequences. The gas is heavier than air and in case of leaks (the valve is poorly closed or leaks) it accumulates in places below the floor level, which also leads to an explosion when sparking.

Gas cylinder explosion statistics

About 300 incidents involving gas tanks are recorded annually. According to statistics, most explosions occur in the cold season due to the large temperature difference between refueling and operation. However, the temperature difference itself cannot lead to an explosion, since these products have an operating temperature range from -40 to 50 degrees C, and the main reason is a violation of the rules for operating gas vessels operating under pressure. Such as:

  • lack of timely examination,
  • refueling at a gas station, where the degree of filling is assessed not by mass, but by pressure,
  • placement of gas containers during storage and operation in common areas.

A composite polymer vessel behaves very interestingly during a fire: with increasing temperature, the walls of the flask become gas-permeable, which allows gas to escape very slowly and such a vessel becomes similar to glowing ball. The temperature of a normal fire is usually not enough to melt the fiberglass, and the valve neck is held in place by a steel flange pressurized from the inside. Therefore, these products do not increase accident statistics.

Consequences of a gas cylinder explosion

The presence of a large number of victims and significant destruction in such an explosion is explained by the fact that fires are characterized by the occurrence of a volumetric flash (explosion), during which excess pressure is generated, leading to injury to people and destruction of building structures. The explosion causes the destruction of windows and the opening of doors, which contributes to the unhindered spread of the flame, and the flame front leads to the ignition of flammable objects, forming secondary fires.

Video of an explosion at a cylinder manufacturing plant:

Nissan Murano 1st generation bitter experience of owning this monster Nowadays gas installations are considered very popular among car enthusiasts, and many are confident in the safety and relevance of such equipment, although both positive and negative aspects of such an addition can be highlighted here.

The biggest fear of any driver is the explosion of a cylinder. Mechanics claim that these fears are groundless, because LPG is much safer than a simple gasoline tank. Let’s try to figure out how true this statement is.

When does a cylinder become explosive?

In theory, it's really no more dangerous than a tank of gasoline, but there are certain factors that can affect the properties gas system. Experts identify several reasons why a cylinder on a car can explode:

  • Incorrectly selected installation, which ideally should correspond to the vehicle’s power, engine cubic capacity and other indicators. If the installation is chosen incorrectly, this can be noticed by a significant loss of power, when the car simply “does not pull”, and rapid wear of parts;
  • With low-quality equipment, which is often inferior in price to modern installations and is therefore considered quite in demand. Modern gas equipment is distinguished by a multilayer tank structure and a safety valve, which, if filled incorrectly, releases excess gas until the pressure inside the cylinder is optimized. In addition, they are shock-resistant and are not afraid of temperature changes. At the same time, outdated handicraft options are made of plain metal, which is susceptible to corrosion, may have cracks and explode when heated, refilled, or impacted;

  • When mixing fuel is irrelevant, when propane is combined with butane. Explosion hazard in this case is explained by different requirements for temperature conditions. In order to save money, propane is often mixed with cheap butane, but this gas can only be used in the warm season, since in cold weather such raw materials become inoperative. If in winter period If you mix these two types of fuel, then when heated, the container may burst and even explode;
  • Overfilling can also lead to an explosion, because the gas tank is designed to be filled to no more than 80%; when it overflows, the pressure in the cylinder increases greatly and an explosion occurs. For more modern polymer-composite options, excess fuel is not a problem, because such installations are equipped with a pressure relief valve, but even such devices can malfunction and open the valve untimely;
  • If there are cracks in the fuel tank, an explosion can also occur, so to check the integrity of the cylinder, it is recommended to periodically go through the seams with a soap solution - this makes it possible to detect holes in a timely manner;
  • Improper maintenance is often the cause of rupture; HBO requires timely cleaning of condensate, checking the patency of the tubes and performance; inspection must be carried out by specialists.

How to protect your car from explosion

So that your desire to save on fuel does not turn into a threat to life, first of all, the selection and installation of gas equipment should be trusted to professionals. At the same time, always request that you be provided with a service booklet for installation.

Monitor temperature changes and the quality of fuel raw materials and do not forget to monitor the condition of the gas fuel system, carry out inspections at the service center on time. If during operation you notice a decrease in the vehicle’s performance level or smell gas, immediately switch to the classic type of fuel and contact a service center.

And most importantly: be careful on the road, because emergency situations poses a risk of explosion to any fuel system.

When carrying out production work, including welding work, it is necessary to use various gases, such as oxygen, propane, nitrogen, and so on. If these gaseous substances are handled incorrectly, there is a risk of dangerous situation. They can cause severe harm to humans, so special containers must be used to store any gas. In this case, use a gas cylinder to safe operation, storage and transportation. Gas cylinders in Ukraine can be purchased in specialized stores at a variety of prices.

Device Features

Although there is a wide variety of gas cylinders, they are all cylindrical containers for storing gaseous substances. Gas cylinders consist of a neck, with gas supply regulators that allow you to open access to gas or shut it off, it is also worth mentioning the presence of other components of the bottom and shell, and so on. Each part of the gas cylinder is made of high-strength steel. In our store we offer a gas cylinder to buy, the price of which will be one of the best for you.
The wall thickness of the cylinders ranges from 3 to 4 millimeters, so many containers have the ability to withstand high blood pressure, approximately 8 atm. If there is a need to withstand even greater pressure, then for such cases there are special containers that can withstand up to 15 atm. This ability is characteristic of them due to manufacturing technology. The seamless method is used for manufacturing, and the raw materials are steel pipes. It is worth noting that their design does not have welding seams, which should be considered the most fragile place in the container, since it is vulnerable, especially when the container is under pressure. Before you buy a gas cylinder, you should decide which one you need.

Types of gas cylinders

Our online store offers a huge variety of gas cylinders. Gas containers should be classified based on the type of gas stored in it. Depending on the type of gas, the cylinder should be painted in the appropriate color, thanks to this it will be easy to determine what kind of gaseous substance is inside. The gas in a gas cylinder can be of the following types: oxygen, argon, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and so on. Based on this, there is the following classification of containers:

  1. Argon;
  2. Oxygen;
  3. For carbon dioxide;
  4. Nitrogenous;
  5. Propane;
  6. Acetylene.

To store technical argon, containers are painted black. In the case when the container contains pure argon, then the container will be gray. Such equipment is used for welding work ah on different stainless steel alloys and so on.
Oxygen. They are painted blue and are usually used in welding work, which is designed to increase the strength of joints.
For carbon dioxide. Like argon containers, carbon dioxide ones are also black, but the inscription on them has yellow. In this case, they should not be confused with cylinders for technical argon. It is worth noting that they are used not only for welding work, but also in fire extinguishers.
For nitrogen. Like argon and carbon dioxide, they are painted black, but distinctive feature is the presence of a brown stripe.
For propane. Such containers turn red because this substance is explosive.
For acetylene. This look will be painted white.
The price of a gas cylinder will depend on many parameters, including the type of device.

Main technical characteristics

How much does a gas cylinder cost? This question interests many buyers. In this case, it is worth noting that the cost will depend on many parameters, in general, on the main technical characteristics. Depending on the volume of the container, the time is determined continuous operation equipment with a specific cylinder model. In this case, the intensity of application should be taken into account. For example, to ensure long-term operation of a generator (12 hours) at maximum load on it, 50 liters of gas is sufficient. It is worth noting that each container, after a certain date, undergoes re-certification. This represents a date that indicates exact date next check. In this case, you can use the container without any problems. Our online store offers a wide range of cylinders of all types, which you can purchase at a reasonable price. affordable price. Placing an order on our website will not take you much time. We offer gas cylinders in Kyiv, Odessa, Kharkov, Dnepropetrovsk, Zaporozhye and other cities of Ukraine with delivery. More detailed information you can find out on our website. We are a gas cylinder store where you can make a purchase at favorable conditions. If you still don’t know where you can buy a gas cylinder, then hurry up and contact us.

Purchasing goods

Where to buy a gas cylinder? This question worries many buyers. Therefore, we found the answer to it. Of course, you should contact our online store. If you are thinking about buying gas cylinders, then you should familiarize yourself in detail with the range of products on the website of our online store. We offer you favorable conditions for purchase. We have an extensive catalog of products in which you are sure to find everything you need. Buying a gas cylinder in our store is as easy as pie. The cost of a gas cylinder will depend on its volume, main purpose and many other parameters, because in our store we sell equipment on the most favorable terms, and you can order it directly on our website with delivery. You can buy gas cylinders in Kyiv and Kharkov, as well as in other cities of Ukraine at an affordable price.

In particular, about domestic gas explosions. This is very scary and suggests that you should not violate the rules for operating gas cylinders and gas stoves.

You need to know the rules of behavior. If you smell gas, how can you help a person who has been in a gas-filled room for a long time? This is important and you need to know it yourself and convey this information to your children.

A gas explosion is an emergency that can not only destroy a home, but also take a person’s life, and this is already a tragedy. And sometimes people themselves are to blame for this. An explosion can occur not only due to a technical malfunction. The negligence and carelessness of the residents themselves can lead to this.

Gas explosion. Why can it happen?

The first thing that should alert you is a gas leak. It can be easily identified by smelling a strange smell. Methane does not smell, so a special component containing certain chemical compounds is added to it.

This substance is characterized strong smell, it is added to the gas in a very small dose, but it is so strongly perceptible by the human olfactory organs that it is felt even with a hundredth of the gas in the air. It is vitally important to know this, because only one spark is enough to ignite the gas accumulated in the room.

Actions to take in the event of a leak

A gas explosion in a residential building can occur due to a gas leak. If it is found, you must:

  1. Shut off the gas pipe using a special tap.
  2. Create a draft.
  3. Urgently call emergency gas service specialists by dialing 04 and leave the premises.
  4. Do not turn on electrical appliances under any circumstances, do not allow sparks to appear from anything: matches, lighters, cigarettes, electrical switches etc.

A household gas explosion when using a gas cylinder can have very terrible consequences.

The main reason that can cause a household gas explosion is errors made during operation and storage. If the valve allows gas to pass through, it gradually fills the entire room, and a spark is enough for an explosion, resulting in fire and destruction.

Danger can arise when the cylinder is brought in from the cold and placed near a heat source. A sharp change in temperature leads to expansion of the gas, as a result of which the internal pressure arising inside the cylinder bursts it.

Rupture can also be caused by corrosion and microcracks on the outside and inside the container. Condensation collecting inside the vessel contributes to the formation of rust, and at a certain point the cylinder becomes unusable.

Causes of a gas cylinder explosion relative to the time of year

A gas explosion in a residential building may be caused by improper use of the container. Gas explosions may result from careless actions. In one Russian city, workers installed suspended ceilings and brought in private house gas cylinder from the cold. Luckily they left it in the hallway. There was a terrible explosion, windows and doors were broken, and only thanks to chance no one died.

What happened? Due to the temperature difference, the liquefied gas inside the container turned into gaseous form, the pressure increased sharply, and an explosion occurred.

If at the time of rupture of the gas flask there is a source of fire or the slightest spark, a fire will occur. Due to spontaneous depressurization of the cylinder, not only the owners of the house suffer from the resulting fire, but also neighbors and people nearby.

U metal container there is a minus: the level of gas inside is not visible to the human eye, therefore, when a cylinder filled to the brim is brought from the frosty air into the room, the gas begins to expand, causing an explosion.

An incorrect proportion of gases in a cylinder, not corresponding to the time of year, also leads to an explosion. If in winter you use a ratio of propane to butane as one to one, then the latter does not work in the cold, but in a warm room it has the ability to heat up, which leads to rupture of the walls of the vessel.

Let's say the gas cylinder runs out, but condensate remains in it. It needs to be eliminated only at a special station, but workers may try to do it themselves, which can lead to tragedy.

Gas is heavier than air. When there is a leak, which can be caused by a poorly closed valve, it falls below the floor level and accumulates there, and if a spark accidentally hits, an explosion occurs.

Security measures

When using a gas cylinder, the following rules must be observed.

  • Do not keep a container of gas near a heat source. If the distance between the cylinder and the heater less than a meter, it is necessary to install a special screen that stops the access of heat.
  • Strictly prohibited do-it-yourself repair vessel, namely the neck thread, this can be done by a specialist with access allowing this type works
  • If you hear the smell of gas, you must contact the gas emergency service for help; it is prohibited to independently repair or disassemble the equipment; this right belongs to the manufacturer.
  • Carrying the cylinder on the shoulder is prohibited. The movement should be carried out by two people; it is better to use a special stretcher. It can be rolled by one person for a short distance, while tilting it slightly.
  • Transportation of containers with gas is permitted only in a specially equipped vehicle. It is permissible to carry one cylinder for your own use, but before doing so, you must eliminate the possibility of leakage by wearing a special carrying case.

What actions cannot be carried out independently in relation to gas equipment?

  • Repairing gas equipment and appliances is prohibited.
  • Gas pipes cannot be used for grounding and clotheslines cannot be tied to them.
  • Eliminate defects gas pipes independently is also prohibited.
  • Under no circumstances should you leave the house with the stove on.

Numerous cases of gas explosions show terrifying statistics, with more than 300 incidents recorded per year.

Most of the explosions occur in the winter, due to the large temperature difference from the moment the cylinder is filled until it is used. But a gas explosion occurs due to improper use, since a priori a temperature difference is not capable of causing an explosion; the product has a wide operating temperature range (-40 to 50 degrees).

It is necessary to undergo a timely inspection of the gas cylinder!

Consequences of the explosion

The annual huge number of human casualties and terrible destruction are a consequence of the fact that a fire that occurs has a characteristic flash (explosion), resulting in the formation of excess pressure, which leads to injuries and destruction of residential buildings. The explosion causes doors and windows to fly out, as a result of which the flame quickly and unhindered continues to spread, which leads to the ignition of other objects and the formation of secondary fires.

It is impossible to insure yourself against an explosion if multi-storey building there is a potential suicide or a mentally unstable person capable of a terrorist attack, but in other cases you can protect yourself. Using the example of installing suspended ceilings using a gas cylinder, you can demand the conclusion of an agreement on compensation for damage in the event of an accident or protect yourself by leaving the premises.

You need to be vigilant, attentive, careful, follow basic safety rules and teach your children this.