How to protect a mink coat from moths - moth repellents in the closet. How to protect and preserve a mink coat from moths and store it at home

The fur moth is a small moth of shiny clay yellow. The wingspan is only 15 mm. The color is inconspicuous, the wings are fringed, visible on the front wings dark spots. Larvae - smooth caterpillars white with a dark head. They live in a portable case and chew wool, regardless of whether they eat it or not. Fur moths are also called house moths. This is the most unwanted pest, the damage from which amounts to thousands. The caterpillar attacks mainly furs.

Life cycle features

Moths in fur coats appear in the summer when the product is hidden in a closet for storage. In winter, the insect can also be in the house, but due to the fact that the fur product is often worn and periodically “walked” in the cold, the larvae die from the low temperature. In summer, all conditions are created for the normal existence of the insect.


For fur moths, little is required - no straight sun rays, temperature not lower than +10 degrees Celsius, moderate humidity, presence of a fur coat in the closet.

There are special cases for storing fur coats and coats on sale. They are impregnated with insecticides from the inside and smell of lavender and lime to repel butterflies. In such a case, the product will definitely remain safe and sound. A protective cover to prevent moths from starting to eat your fur coat, suggests Raptor. Price 389 rub. The shelf life is 36 months.

If the cost of a special cover is not acceptable, and the question of how to treat a fur coat against moths remains open, you can use: aerosol Raptor, Armol, Clean house, any spray with a wide spectrum of action, a pleasant smell. The same remedy is used if there are moths in a fur coat. The product is taken out to fresh air, hang, spray with aerosol, and leave to dry. Place in a plastic bag for storage. The price of an aerosol is within 250 rubles.

Moth repellents for fur coats are available in the form of sections, tablets in a plastic base, pendants, and stickers. All of them have a repellent property and create unfavorable conditions for egg laying.


Most of all, moths are afraid of the smell of lavender and citrus fruits, which is why fumigators smell like that. Essential oils are added to the composition, the action lasts from 1 to 6 months. The products are laid out in the closet and glued in a convenient place.

Folk remedies

If a moth eats a fur coat, insecticidal preparations are used to protect the product and exterminate the pest. Folk remedies can be used for prevention. It’s worth noting right away that chestnuts, orange, tangerine, and lemon skins are ineffective. It will be more beneficial if you place aromatic toilet soap in your closet.

Effective folk remedies for fur moths are essential oils of lavender and lemon. Lime, orange, grapefruit, peppermint, rosemary. Soak the cotton wool and place it in the corner of the closet. When the smell disappears, put the cotton wool back on, but soak it in something else. essential oil so that addiction does not occur.


In the room where the wardrobe with clothes is located, it is recommended to grow houseplant geranium. The persistent aroma repels not only moths, but also other pests.

Another effective folk method on how to protect a fur coat from moths is to spray the product with perfume, eau de toilette and then place in a plastic bag. Strong smell will remain for a long time, the larvae will not be able to settle in the pile. You can save yourself from financial damage, headaches, and nervous breakdown with your favorite perfume.

If all else fails

The situation when a moth has eaten a mink coat is common. But an unpleasant phenomenon can be prevented if you respond to the problem in a timely manner. One fluttering moth in the room should act as an SOS signal. You need to act immediately.

If, after treating the product with insecticidal preparations, the caterpillars continue to sharpen the pile, you need to take the fur coat to the dry cleaner. There it will be treated with a professional preparation and the pests will be completely destroyed.

In developed countries, expensive fur coats are stored in special chambers, where the most best conditions for fur products. At home, you need to take care of the safety of fur yourself. The main condition is to follow preventive measures, not leave the product without a sealed bag, periodically look through the closets, and evaluate the condition of the fur coat.

If the moth has not eaten the fur coat very noticeably, you can paint over the eaten area with thin felt-tip pens in the color of the pile, but this method will be effective only with the slightest damage to the fur. You can also contact a fur studio for repairs, where the bald piece will be cut out and sewn up. You can do this yourself, but only if you have ever held a thread and a needle in your hands and know how to handle them. Take a blade with a thin needle (for bead embroidery): make a cut in the form of a slit, overcast the seam closer to the cut; you don’t need to tighten it too much, otherwise the surface will be uneven; after overcasting, straighten the seam flat.

You can also disguise a damaged piece of a fur coat, for example, by attaching a brooch, or by embroidering some kind of design in this place.

If you can’t disguise it, and the studio refuses to take the item, then, unfortunately, you will have to part with the fur coat. Of course, you shouldn’t throw it away - it’s better, again in the atelier, to sew something else out of it. Also, if a fur coat is eaten close to the hem, and if the length allows, you can simply shorten it. Then the thing will be undamaged, and renew it at the same time.

But, no matter what decision you come to, you need to deal with the moth itself in the house. Although it does not pose a danger to human health, in turn it can cause a lot of unpleasant problems, one of which you have already encountered.

You should also know that in fact, moths are not so much dangerous as their caterpillars, which spoil things.

There are several types of moths:

Grain moth. Its larvae develop into kitchen cabinets: in dried fruits, cereals, flour and other products - where it is warm, a little humid and there is no ventilation.

Clothes moth - located on tissues of animal origin. Moth larvae feed on wool, silk, fur, skin, and can cause significant damage by eating holes in tissue. They especially love sweaty, stained places on clothes, folds, gathers, folds under the collar and cuffs.

The fur moth spoils things exclusively from May to September, without touching it when worn by a person.

Furniture and felt.

The carpet moth, more often called the leather beetle, since in the absence of carpets it will not disdain leather products.

Bright light has a detrimental effect on the eggs of moth caterpillars. sunlight, fresh air and high temperature(temperatures above 43 degrees Celsius for 30 minutes will kill them), so use a hot iron to kill caterpillars in woolen items.

For prevention, you should do the following:

2-3 times a year, clothes should be carefully inspected, beaten out and shaken out, cleaned with brushes and vacuum cleaners and dried;

Make sure that cabinets, drawers, etc., intended for storing things, are clean, without cracks and holes, with tightly closing lids and doors;

Before putting clothes away for storage, they should definitely be washed and cleaned;

Woolen clothes, fur coats, coats, after having been cleaned and dried in the sun (this will remove moth eggs from them), must be placed in thick paper or plastic bags for the summer; Small items can be wrapped in fresh newspaper or wrapping paper.


There is nothing worse for any housewife than seeing her mink coat and favorite wool sweater eaten and damaged by a pest called coat moth. However, even if you were unable to protect your mink coat from moths, this is not a reason to give up. Knowing what to use to treat a mink coat against moths, and what moth repellents to purchase for the coat, you will defeat these pests.

  • the fur becomes sloppy, loses its presentability and aesthetic appearance;
  • in the case in which you store the mink product, hairs that appear to have been cut are found;
  • areas that have been chewed by uninvited guests and that have been particularly damaged acquire unnatural folds.

In advance, ask what a voracious moth looks like when it eats a fur coat. After all, the sooner you discover the problem, the greater your chances of saving your favorite thing and ensuring the safety of your fur coat from the moths that eat them.

How to prevent moths from appearing

How to keep a fur coat from moths? You can protect your clothes with effective preventive measures. First of all, this is proper storage of things. The use of fumigators, as well as special aerosols, shows good effectiveness. Spray them from time to time so that the insecticidal preparation gets on both the fur products themselves and the inner walls of the closet. Knowing how to protect clothes from moths, you can once and for all put an end to fears about your favorite items of clothing.

Proper storage

The first thing you should pay attention to is how you can protect your home textiles from the mink pest. If a voracious insect starts in a wardrobe, it most often ends up on a fur coat made from completely different things. However, she will start eating it, and first of all, because fur is her favorite delicacy.

What to process

Among the most popular compositions used against pests, it is worth highlighting aerosols: Raptor, Mosquitall. They do not have a pungent odor, and you won’t have to worry about keeping things safe from pests.

Mechanical protection

If spray treatment may seem to some housewives not to be too gentle on fur items, you can resort to much more ancient methods - mechanical cleaning. IN summer period It is recommended to shake out and ventilate the mink item. This is perhaps the most budget method preserving textiles from the harmful effects of insects. However, there are several disadvantages:

  • physically, shaking up fur products is not so easy;
  • You still won’t be able to rid your clothes of moth larvae this way.

Knowing how to store a product and how to protect it from insects is simply necessary for every housewife.

Folk remedies

You can remove moths from a fur coat using insecticides, but not by using insecticides alone. traditional methods. As preventative measure lavender, geranium, citrus fruits should be put in wardrobe. As a rule, small fabric bags are taken for this (you can sew them yourself), into which sprigs of lavender, geranium or orange peels are placed. It is recommended to put these bags in covers for your moth coat. Remember: you are unlikely to be able to save something that has been eaten by a moth using only folk remedies. But they are capable of repelling insects.

What to do if moths still appear

If you were unable to figure out in advance how to store a mink coat, at some point you will have to look for information on how to get rid of moths and protect the fur. The most effective remedy- This is an aerosol. It will not spoil the eaten fur item, but will certainly rid it of insects. There are many popular sprays, but one of the most frequently purchased by modern housewives is Raptor. This product can quickly eliminate pests and protect your clothes.

Many people know how to protect a fur coat with Raptor or another drug. The product simply needs to be sprayed onto the thing from all sides. Special attention pay attention to the folds. After this procedure, the fur product can be hidden in a plastic bag or in a moth cover, which is also pre-treated with an insecticidal preparation called “Raptor”. As you can see, getting rid of moths has become not so difficult. However, the easiest way is preventive protection of textiles. You don’t have to think about what to do if there are pests and buy “Raptor” or another product.

Video “How to protect things from moths”

In this video, an expert will talk about how to protect things from moths.

Clothes or fur moth - main threat for a fur coat. After an attack by vile insects, precious fur coats completely lose their pristine beauty. It is worth noting that it is not the adult insect that causes damage to the fur, but the larva, which is not visible to the naked eye. Therefore, it is necessary to protect your fur coat from moths in advance.

What to do to protect your fur coat from moths?

As they say, prepare the sleigh in the summer and the cart in the winter. We advise you to take care of the “summer vacation” of your fur coat in the spring.

First, you need to carefully comb your fur coat with a special metal comb. Do not use your own hair brush!
If the fur coat is wet, then it must be dried at room temperature away from heating sources. Be sure to hang the fur coat on suitable hangers and fasten all the buttons so that it does not lose its shape.
After drying, shake the fur coat from dust and possible larvae that have settled deep in the fur.
A couple of laurel leaves in your fur coat pockets will help get rid of a moth infestation. They will be able to repel harmful insects.
The fur coat should hang in a special case - spacious, dark and breathable. There are also special covers that are pre-treated with an anti-moth compound.
Place the fur coat in a spacious closet or dressing room. The fur coat should not come into contact with other things. Also, you should not put a fur item in a chest or suitcase - it will become wrinkled.
Protect your fur coat with special anti-moth products. Sew wild rosemary, geranium or orange peel herbs into the bag. You can use ready-made anti-mole preparations purchased in the store.
To protect your fur coat from moths, during the “summer holidays”, inspect and air your fur coat once a month. Remember! Moths cannot stand fresh air!

The first thing you need to start with is disinfection. When the fur coat is already damaged, it is important to prevent even bigger troubles - the reproduction of moth larvae. Follow the instructions:

1. Purchase any insect repellent from the store (but it is preferable for it to be anti-moth). Spray the mixture all over the product, shake well, clean and ventilate. This will take at least a day. Then pay attention to the matted pieces of fur - these are where the larvae usually live. If possible, remove them.

2. If the fur coat is not too damaged, and some “bald spots” are not at all visible to prying eyes, then regular painting of the affected areas will do. To do this, you will need thin felt-tip pens to match the color of the pile.

3. If you are familiar with the art of needlework, and holding a thread and a needle is not your first choice, then the damaged areas can be carefully cut out and sewn up. Take a blade with a thin needle (usually used for working with beads), make a cut in the form of a slit and overcast it with a special overlock stitch, using the needle closer to the edge of the cut. You should not tighten it too much, as the fur will shrink and you will end up with unevenness. After overcasting, straighten the seam flat.

The combination of fur and lace is the hit of the season

4. Masking the eaten place. If a moth ate the fur in " good place", for example, in the collar area and nearby places, this can easily be hidden with a beautiful brooch or original embroidery.

5. Having altered things. If the product is completely damaged, it is better to have it repaired. There can be many options - a stylish vest, a simple shortening, a combination of two types of fur (by the way, very fashionable this season) or a combination with thick fabric or lace (and this is just a hit!). We have selected a photo for you, with original ideas reincarnation of old fur coats.

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Carefully look through the clothes hanging in your closets. Knock out, shake out, dry, clean with brushes, vacuum cleaner.

Make sure that there are no moths in the cabinets. They should be clean, there should be no cracks or holes, and the doors should close tightly.

Put only clean clothes in the closet. Pre-dry woolen items in the sun, then wrap them in several layers of newspaper and cover them with pieces of citrus peel. Moths don't like these smells.

The larvae cannot tolerate temperature changes, so ventilate your fur coat, especially if it’s cold outside. best way control of these pests. If you find moths in the summer, then roll up the product and put it in the freezer for 30 minutes. Another way is to iron the clothes for 30 minutes.

The combination of two furs looks very fresh