What can you use to make a model of a Russian hut? Wooden house made of ordinary paper

Master class "Model of a Russian hut"

Description: I bring to your attention a master class on making a model of a “Russian hut”, to instill in children interest, respect for history, culture, and the Russian people.

This year one of the main tasks in our kindergarten there was the introduction of children to spiritual culture, the awakening of the foundations of national self-awareness. A competition was held for the Mini-Museum “Russian Hut”.
To make the hut, I made a model for which I needed carton. I cut off one wall of the box. I cut out the windows. I rolled out “logs” from paper different diameters. External side walls are covered with larger logs, and interior walls smaller diameter. I glued paper to the floor, drawing out the boards. Then I painted everything inside with yellow gouache and outside with brown.
I made trims for the windows from brown colored paper.

To cover the front and sides of the house, I pasted over all the unevenness with brown colored paper. The roof was made using bamboo skewers. It took two packages. I made platbands for the roof of the house by cutting them out of paper. I hung curtains on the windows, and in the “red corner” I made a shelf for the icon, laying on it a piece of fabric the same as the curtains.

The stove is made of small cardboard boxes covered with white paper, the pipe is made of foam plastic and also covered with white paper. Behind the stove is a shelf for utensils; a piece of fabric is laid on it.
I made utensils from salt dough: a cast iron pot with a lid, pots, jugs, a grip, a poker. After drying everything, I painted it with gouache and then varnished it. I cut out the damper for the stove from cardboard and covered it with white paper.

Of course, you can’t live in the “red corner” without a table and a bench. They are also made of cardboard. There is cloth on the table and benches, and rugs on the floor. Here's what I got.

Do-it-yourself interactive teaching aid - “Russian Hut” for preschool educational institutions

Interactive didactic manual - “Russian Izba” is intended for the implementation cognitive development children 3-7 years old. The manual is presented in the form of a model of a Russian hut and a laptop.
The manual complies with the principles of developmental training and education and the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.
Usage didactic manual V various types activity allows you to shape the cognitive interests of children.
The “Russian Izba” manual promotes the development of children’s speech, attention, thinking, and enriches knowledge about the surrounding reality.
Moral and patriotic education is the most important aspect of the formation and development of the personality of a preschooler. Russian folk culture has a wealth of material for introducing children to the world of art, to the traditions of the Russian people, which contributes to the artistic - aesthetic development child.
The “Russian Hut” manual gives children the opportunity not only to examine the subject from all sides, but also to practically master it. Children had the opportunity to clearly see how Russian people lived and how they worked, rested, what customs they observed and how they decorated their life. This manual will help restore the connection between times and return lost values.
The layout is convenient because you can take it out at any time, look at it, and play with objects. And collected in a laptop didactic games on folk art and household items.
The novelty of this manual lies in the fact that for children such a layout is a kind of interactive toy that can be used not only in joint activities adult and child, but also in independent activity children.
The manual focuses educational activities based on the interaction of adults with children on the interests and capabilities of each child. Creates conditions for parental participation in educational activities through replenishment of the contents of the layout and lapbook.
Purpose of the manual: Expand children’s ideas about life, everyday life, traditions and
rituals of the Russian people.
Introduce the structure of a peasant home, household items, their names and purposes.

Enrich children's vocabulary with names and expressions from the Russian dictionary.
To form initial knowledge about the history of the home, to teach
navigate in the past and understand that a person constantly
sought to improve his home.
Work on spiritual and moral education children
The model is a chest that opens and turns into the interior of a Russian hut. This is a kind of mini museum. The chest is made of two boxes. The sides of the box are decorated with bars, which are cut out of cardboard and covered with self-adhesive film. The lid is covered with brown fleece and decorated with braid.

The furniture in the hut is made of cardboard. The walls are painted with wood-like gouache.
All utensils are molded from a self-hardening mass and painted with gouache paints. The dolls are made from pieces of fabric, the cradle is made from a matchbox.

In the corner there is a shrine with an icon, and by the window there is a spinning wheel with a tow.

There is a table by the window, on the table there is a samovar, cups, plates, spoons and a jug.

In the left corner of the hut there is a stove. The stove is also made of cardboard and painted with white paint. There are utensils at the stove, firewood in the stove. There is a blanket and mattress on the stove.
All furniture in the room can be rearranged. All objects can be touched and played with.

Lapbook- This is an addition to the layout. It contains pictures folk games ears, musical instruments, household utensils. As well as descriptions of folk games, texts of lullabies, riddles, descriptions of household utensils. On the side walls of the laptop there are 2 games: “Find by numbers”, “Loto”.

Directions for using the manual
1) “Russian hut” - conversations: acquaintance with the history of the Russian hut, interior, household utensils, family way of life.
2) “Folklore”: introduction to oral folk art of the Russian people - myths, tales, legends, games, songs, legends, riddles, tongue twisters, counting rhymes, teasers
3) “Decorative and applied arts”: acquaintance with the folk crafts of the Russian people.
4) “Folk costume”: getting to know the Russians folk costumes.
5) “Legends of deep antiquity”: stories to children about history native land.
6) Theatricalization of fairy tales, tales, legends, nursery rhymes, lullabies.
7) Tour of the hut in verse
8) Independent gaming activities (plot-role-playing games).

In this article we will tell you how to make furniture for the “Russian Izba” mini museum in a kindergarten with your own hands from available materials in just one day.

For work we take matchboxes, cardboard, tree branches. The tools are also the simplest - a knife, a hammer, small nails, sandpaper, any file or jigsaw, glue, paint. Proposed manufacturing method wooden furniture does not in any way pretend to be professional carpentry work. But even a completely untrained person will be able to make a minimum set of furniture for the mini museum of folk life “Russian Izba”. All furniture is made for interior design mini museum “Russian Hut” with an area of ​​30x30 cm. We talk about how to make such a house out of cardboard in the article. But the furniture can be used without a house, simply by placing it on a table or shelf.

Furniture for the Russian Izba mini museum is suitable not only for the museum, but also for play activity children both in kindergarten and at home.

Table and stool made of matchboxes. DIY furniture for the Russian Izba mini museum.

To make table legs we need four empty matchboxes. Pull out the boxes a little, coat two of them with glue. Places of lubrication with glue are shown by shading.

Let's connect both legs-corners. To do this, slightly crush one of the matchboxes.

The legs for our table are ready.

Let's paint the table legs and glue on the table top. We cut out the tabletop from cardboard. Size 13x7 cm

The table is almost ready, all that remains is to paint the tabletop. Now let's start making the stool. The technology is very similar to the table, but the stool should be lower. Therefore, we cut the matchboxes into two parts.

This is what the base for a matchbox stool looks like.

We glue the seat, paint it, and the stool is ready.

In this way, you can make a Russian hut and benches for a mini museum of folk dolls and folk life. You can try this yourself. And now we will tell you how to make wooden benches with your own hands.

Bench. DIY furniture for the mini museum “Russian Izba”

To make a bench we need a straight tree branch with a diameter of 3-3.5 cm.

Let's saw off a piece 15-16 cm long from the branch. Using a knife and hammer, split it in half, and then split it again to make a board.

Knife and sandpaper level the board.

Let's cut off 4 cm of round pieces from the same branch. Split it in half. We got two legs for our bench.

Let's nail the seat to the legs with small nails.

The bench for the mini museum “Russian Izba” is ready

This way you can make benches of any size for your mini museum. If you have the desire and opportunity, you can cover the benches with stain or paint.

Spinning wheel. DIY furniture for the mini museum “Russian Izba”

Let’s say right away that our spinning wheel is not a completely accurate imitation. A proper spinning wheel should have a bottom, which is placed on a bench, and then the spinner sits on it and holds the spinning wheel in a stable position with the weight of her body. But making a spinning wheel with a bottom is more difficult and, moreover, it will not be stable. Therefore, we made a spinning wheel on a straight base with an emphasis on the floor. Which is wrong, but convenient.

Cut a spinning wheel from wood, cardboard or plywood. Let's paint or tint the spinning wheel and apply patterned designs.

Spinning wheel template for the Russian Izba mini museum

Let's make a short bench for the spinning wheel, just like we made benches for the hut. Glue or nail the spinning wheel to the bench.

Let's make a spindle. To do this, take a toothpick and cut off a part of it. Wrap the toothpick with thread. Secure the end of the thread with any glue so that it does not unwind.

We tie the tow to the spinning wheel. We used flax, but if you don’t have it, you can take sanitary flax or woolen threads, after “fragling” them first. Mohair also works well.

We unwind the thread from the spinning wheel and wind it onto the spindle.

A do-it-yourself spinning wheel for the Russian Izba mini museum is ready.

Staircase DIY furniture for the mini museum “Russian Izba”.

We take two sticks of equal length, corresponding to the desired length of the stairs. We outline the cuts for the steps.

We make cuts for the steps. To do this, we make two parallel cuts at a distance of 0.5-0.7 cm to about half the stick, and then use a knife to break out part of the wood between the cuts.

Let's saw it required quantity stick steps.

We insert the step sticks into the cuts. For strength, we fix the joints with threads.

The extension ladder for the Russian Izba mini museum is ready.

The necessary set of furniture for the Russian Izba mini museum, which you can make with your own hands from scrap materials, is ready.

But the most important thing in a Russian hut is missing - a stove. This post is dedicated to how to make a stove with your own hands


The game is designed for a group of 2-3 children, but you can also play with 1 child.
Print illustrative material on a color printer. My printer can print on white cardstock or drafting paper, if yours can't handle that, just stick the pictures onto the cardstock. You will get a layout of the hut (glue the exterior and interior together) and interior items. I made the layout in A3 size. (In the printer properties there is poster printing, I chose the division into 2), but it is also possible at A 4.
First, the adult talks about appearance Russian hut, showing the facade of the house, and then turns the model over and appears in front of the children empty room huts The children's task is to arrange interior items. Each child is given 2-3 pictures. The adult makes riddles, asks questions, the child who has the hidden picture raises it up (rules of playing lotto), and the adult shows where the piece of furniture stood in the Russian hut and briefly talks about the purpose of this piece. The game is very educational and interesting.
Involve your children in the history of our people, let them know how they lived and arranged their lives. Good luck!


About the hut
The huts were built from pine or spruce.
Chopped straight straight trees, branches were cut off, logs were obtained, a log house was built from them (from the word chop)
The huts were built without using nails.
Then they cut through the windows, covered the roof, covered it with straw; in winter, when there was not enough feed for the livestock, the straw from the roof could be used for food.
Next came the finishing of the house, a ridge was placed on the roof, and shutters were hung on the windows.

What's inside the house? We pass through the entryway, it’s a cold, unheated corridor, we go into the hut, and there…. And there is one room - the upper room, it is a kitchen, a living room, and a bedroom. What is there in this room? There is an empty room in front of you, now we will arrange in the room various items, and you get the interior of a Russian hut.

About the stove
What was the stove for? (to cook food, heat the hut, dry felt boots, sleep on it.
In many huts it was usually made of clay mixed with stones - adobe on wooden base.
And in our time, many huts with a Russian stove have been preserved.
OVEN – nurse, protector from the cold, healer from diseases. It is no coincidence that the stove is a common character often found in Russian fairy tales. Name a fairy tale that you know. (Geese-swans)

About the Goddess
The goddess was in the red corner.
This is a small shelf (sometimes two-tiered), a shrine, on which there are one or two small icons painted on wooden boards or cast copper.

About the buffet, cabinets
The cabinets were of various sizes and types, and were decorated with carvings, turning parts, and paintings. Often used in cabinets through thread, which was done to ventilate the products.

About the bench
It was nailed to the wall and could not be moved. A portable bench is called a bench.
The shop was made by the owner himself from thick and wide boards. Each family member had his own place. The owner sat under the icons, and the hostess on the edge, so as not to disturb anyone, serving to the table.
Later, chairs and stools for workers to sit on appeared - Koryaks. Find them among the objects.
About the table
The whole family gathered at the table, all issues were discussed.
The place of the owner of the house was called the big place. The rest of the family sat at the table in order of seniority.

About the chest
Chests are a mandatory part of the hut. They stored clothes, canvases and other household utensils. Chests were made large and small.
About dishes
The dishes were clay and wooden. During the long winter evenings, the dishes were decorated with carvings and paintings.
About the spinning wheel
Spinning was usually done by girls. A spinning wheel with a wheel was called a self-spinning wheel.
Spinning wheels are still preserved in many village houses. As before, socks, mittens, and felt boots are knitted from sheep wool.
About irons
There were two types of irons, in which hot coals were placed and placed on the stove.

About grip
Pots of food were sent to them in the heat. This device was a long wooden stick with a metal slingshot at the end.

Location of items :



The house is white.
The door is black.
The owner is red.
What entered the house -
Everything went into the sky.

Then she bakes pancakes,
It shows dreams.

Say a word:
- in winter there is no warmer, and in summer there is no colder (riddle)... STOVE

2.- heater in rural house…STOVE

A shelf on which icons were placed. (Prompt name)

A piece of furniture for storing dishes and clothes

People slept, worked, ate, cooked and welcomed guests on it. (shop)

There are legs under the roof,

There are spoons on the roof,
And next to them
Bowls with stew.

* grandma's storage

*finish the word.
“Wolf, look,” he said to the wolf, “
Are you going to put your teeth on...

*Name in one word
(show pictures)

*with the help of it we obtained threads.

* Mystery
The more I turn around

The fatter I become.

Hisses with displeasure, bites painfully,
It's dangerous to leave him alone.
You have to get along with him
And you can iron
But you shouldn't pet him.

They cooked food in the stove.

The grain was crushed in it, clearing it of husks.