Full body workout: static exercises and exercises without additional weight. Static exercise and dynamic

This set of static exercises will help you change your habits as quickly as possible without unnecessary difficulties and time. better side the shape of the hips, buttocks and waist. Side effect The technique, I must say, is very pleasant, is to reduce the amount of fat in the body, especially in these areas.

A set of static exercises is part of a large training program that I developed based on numerous requests from clients of one of the Rostov fitness centers. The purpose of the complex is to correct the shape of the hips, buttocks, waist and reduce body weight.

The results of the program surprised even me when it turned out that some of my clients, who regularly attend training, lost 5-10 cm in hip circumference in a month and a half! At the same time, their hips acquired a simply magnificent athletic appearance. Their buttocks tightened up and became so attractive that it became quite difficult for me, as a man, despite my professionalism, to be in the company of so many such attractive women. The temptation has become too great :)

Features of static exercises

The main feature of the exercise program offered to your attention is its static nature. This means that the exercises of the main complex are performed like yoga asanas.

You must give your body a certain position and hold it with the force of your muscles for a certain time.

Static exercises- These are exercises during which there is muscle tension, but no movement. Muscles only do the work of maintaining a certain body position.

We will not go into the physiology of muscle activity and understand the deep mechanisms of how static exercises affect the body. It is enough that for several thousand years static exercises have brought enormous benefits to the health and appearance of people who practice yoga.

What results can be expected from static gymnastics?

The effectiveness of this small program depends on many factors. Let's discuss each of them one by one.


The healthier and more varied your diet is, the more significant results you can expect. There are many excellent articles and books written about nutrition. Here we will limit ourselves to only the most important and obvious recommendations. Here are some tips for healthy eating:

1. You should eat food at least 4-6 times a day in small portions. This is very important! If you don’t have time to eat a full meal on time, it means you don’t have time for your own health and beauty. A cup of coffee with candy or cookies is not considered a healthy meal.

2. At least a third of the food you eat should be fresh fruits and vegetables in the form of salads and other practically unprocessed dishes.

3. Most fats should come from vegetable oils. Remember, vegetable oils do not make you fat, but make you healthier, more energetic and beautiful.

4. If you like sweets and starchy foods, be prepared for decreased results from training, especially in terms of decreased excess weight. The program will improve your body shape and make you firmer due to muscle tone, but the desired weight loss may not occur due to too high caloric intake.

5. Immediately after training, you should eat some sweet fruit or drink a glass of fruit juice (close). But ideal option– is to take one serving of whey protein ( sports nutrition), diluted in clean water.

6. Don't torture yourself with hunger strikes, and don't follow painful and ridiculous diets, especially from glossy magazines. Always eat what you love and what is available and produced in your area (does not require a lot of time and money to get and prepare it). Eat as much as you want. But adjusted for health and attractive appearance.

Do you want to be healthy and attractive? Then fall in love with what brings you health and attractiveness. Give up endless cakes and cookies, coffee and jam.

7. Pay attention to dried fruits and nuts. Many people are not even aware of their diversity and benefits. Use them daily, but in moderation, as they are very high in calories.

8. Give preference to those products that are made from plants that grow specifically in your region. And if it is meat or fish, then let it be locally produced.

Regularity of static gymnastics classes

Do not miss classes without a good reason. Valid reasons include only a few really important things: illness, serious world disasters, serious family problems and events. All other reasons are nothing more than laziness and an excuse for your inability to organize your daily routine.
The more often you skip classes, the less results you will achieve. This has been verified and is beyond doubt.

Complete rest

That's just nature human body that he needs quite a significant amount of time to restore the spent energy. This is doubly true when it comes to special physical activities designed to give exquisite shape to the body and improve health.
Give yourself time to rest: get enough sleep, take days off if necessary, do not train if you feel overworked - all this will ultimately lead to the desired result faster than stubbornly following an unrealistic plan.

Additional workouts

The small program for the waist, hips and buttocks given in this publication can become part of your existing training program. Or it can become the basis for your future individual training program.

If you wisely include this training complex into your program, then speed up your achievement desired results. This is definitely true!

However, you can easily use this complex as an independent training program. Just do it 3-5 times a week (every other day or even every day).

Positive mental attitude

What do I call a positive mental attitude? There is nothing supernatural here. Just believe that you can make your body more perfect, just be sure that everything will work out. Don't allow the slightest doubt. Just tune in to positive changes in your life, in your body.

Learn to maintain your mood at the right level. This is an extremely important skill in life in general, and it will bring wonderful results in fitness classes.

So, subject to maximum quantity conditions, you can fully count on the following:
Reducing body weight – 2-6 kg per month.
Reduction in the circumference of the waist, hips and buttocks by approximately 3-10 cm per month.

Pay attention! All this with five half-hour workouts a week and without any diets!

If you have cellulite

If you are already familiar with my course How to get rid of cellulite forever, then you probably already know that one of the key reasons for the occurrence and development of cellulite is a slow metabolism in a woman’s body. This is a direct consequence sedentary lifestyle life and poorly organized, irregular nutrition.

The training program presented here is ideal for stimulating and significantly speeding up your slow metabolism, thereby reducing not only excess weight (if any), but also eliminating the most important cause of the hated cellulite.
By actively using the static gymnastics training complex given in this report and carefully carrying out the necessary procedures from the anti-cellulite course, you will soon feel the true value of these seemingly simple recommendations.

Thus, this program is an excellent addition to general course anti-cellulite procedures, which you learned about by studying my course on this topic.

If you dream of losing weight

I bring to your attention a simple and effective scheme reducing body weight. The main idea of ​​this scheme is to combine interval and static loads.

This combination has a truly magical effect on your metabolism and the beauty of your muscles.

Here is a general lesson plan that takes into account both of these requirements:

Interval training

Static gymnastics

Interval training

Static gymnastics

Interval training

Static gymnastics

Just stick to this plan and all the interval training recommendations. Soon acquaintances and strangers They will start complimenting you!

How to perform this complex?

The program is designed to be executed in a circular manner. What does it mean?

The circular principle is a training principle when the exercises of the complex are performed one after another with virtually no pause (with a maximum of 10 seconds of rest). This is called a circle. After completing the entire set of exercises, you should rest for 2 minutes and do the entire circle again. And in this way you should do at least 2-6 circles.

In the first week (first 3-4 workouts), perform only one circuit.

In the second week, perform 2 circles.

Starting from the third week of classes, do 3 circles. In this case, the duration of your workout can reach 40 minutes.

If you feel the desire to increase the duration of the workout, introduce an additional fourth (fifth, etc.) circle.

Be sure to increase the time you spend in static poses by 2-5 seconds each workout. This is an indispensable condition for progress. Ideally, you need to increase the time spent in each pose to 1 minute. And if you can do more, you are simply smart (and, most likely, already beautiful)!

After training on this program for two months, replace it with some dynamic exercise, for example, cardio equipment, water aerobics, step aerobics, running, cycling. Return to this program after 2-3 months, trying to further increase your results (time spent in static poses). Thus, you can use this program three times a year with breaks of 2-3 months.

It is highly advisable to do a few after this workout. simple exercises for flexibility.

A set of static gymnastics exercises


Warm-up is performed separately and is not included in the “circles”. Duration 5 minutes.

Turn on soft, pleasant rhythmic music. Take a few smooth inhalations and exhalations, throw all matters and problems out of your head, focus on your body and muscles. Draw in your imagination the figure you dream of. Imagine that you are walking down the street and meet people you know who are surprised to notice dramatic changes in your personality. appearance– fit figure, excellent complexion, confidence. Do you like it?... Then let's go!...

Walking in place with high knees

Walk, raising your knees high, fervently and cheerfully, springy and energetic. Take at least 50-150 steps in total.

Running in place with high knees.

After the warm-up walk, run in place, try to raise your knees high, tighten your abdominal muscles and vigorously work with your arms.

After the exercise, restore your breathing and proceed to the circular part.

Exercises while standing

Side Lunge Stand

Stand up straight. Spread your legs wide with your toes pointed out to the sides. Then smoothly bend one leg and place your hands over the knee of that leg. Lower yourself so that the thigh of your bent leg is parallel to the floor. At the bottom, your knee should be over your toes. The direction of the hip and the direction of the foot should

The toe of the second leg should be lifted off the floor and pointed upward. This is necessary so as not to injure the ligaments and tendons of the knee.
Keep your back straight and, if possible, vertical. Breathe evenly.
Stay in this position for 20-30 seconds.

Then reverse the position. And also stay in it for 20-30 seconds.

Forward leaning stance

Stand up straight, stretch your arms up. Squeeze your shoulder blades and lean forward with your arms straight, without bending your knees.

Breathe evenly. Stand like this for 30-180 seconds, depending on your preparedness.

This static exercise targets the buttocks and back of the thighs, and also improves posture.

Take a few breaths, shake yourself up and proceed to the next exercise.

Sumo stance

Stand up straight. Spread your legs wide. Your hands can be placed behind your head or folded across your chest. Bend your knees and squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Spread your knees to the sides. Stay in this position for 10-20 seconds. Breathe evenly. Then stand up carefully.

The exercise is aimed at the hips and buttocks.

Take a few breaths, shake yourself up and proceed to the next exercise.

Standing straight leg back raise

Stand sideways to some support at a distance of approximately 60cm.

Grasp it with your hand. Smoothly lift one straight leg straight back as high as possible. Keep the foot of this leg strictly vertical. Feel how it has shrunk gluteal muscle, lifting this leg. Stay in this position for 20-30 seconds. Then smoothly lower your leg and lift the other one exactly back. Now feel the contraction of the other buttock. Keep this leg raised for 20-30 seconds. Then lower it smoothly.

The exercise remarkably improves the shape of the buttocks and the back of the thighs.

Take a few breaths, shake yourself up and proceed to the next exercise.

One leg stool

It's complicated, but very effective exercise for the hips.

Stand straight, place one leg on the knee of the other leg. Sit down. It's like you're sitting on a chair. Stay in this position for 20-30 seconds. Breathe evenly.

The exercise trains the muscles of the front surface of the thighs, especially in the area of ​​the knees and buttocks.

Take a few breaths again, shake yourself and proceed to the next exercise.

Standing straight leg raise

Stand sideways to a wall or other support at a distance of approximately 50-60 cm. Hold the support with one hand and place the other on your waist.

Smoothly lift one leg forward as high as possible. Keep the foot of this leg strictly vertical. Do not turn your pelvis to the side to make it easier for you to lift your leg. Hold your leg raised for 15-25 seconds. Then slowly lower your leg and lift the other one. Hold it in the raised position for 15-25 seconds. Then lower it smoothly.

The exercise trains the muscles of the anterior thighs, pelvic muscles, muscles of the inner thighs, and buttocks.

Take a few breaths and move on to the next exercise.

Standing straight leg raise

This exercise is great for reducing breeches.

Stand near a wall or other support. Grasp it with one hand for balance. Then lift your straight leg straight to the side (namely to the side, not forward) as high as possible and hold in this position for 20-30 seconds. Then change position and do the exercise in the other direction.

The exercise trains the abductor muscles of the hip, which is great for eliminating breeches.

Take a few breaths and move on to the next exercise.

Forward lunge stance

Stand up straight. Place your hands on your waist. Keep your posture. Look ahead. Step forward with your right foot. The length of the step is approximately 60 cm. Then bend your knees to achieve the pose shown in the photo.

Please note that the body should be kept upright. Stay in this position for 20-30 seconds. Then straighten your legs, stand up straight and take a step forward with your left foot. Next, bend your knees again and hold in this position for 20-30 seconds. Breathe evenly. Next, return to the starting standing position and rest.

Exercises on the mat

Side bridge

Sit on a mat laid on the floor, sideways, leaning on your elbow. Position your legs so that the foot of the lower leg is in front and the foot of the upper leg is behind. Then straighten your body, lifting your pelvis off the floor.

Stand like this for about 30-60 seconds, and then change the position to the opposite and stand like that for the same 30 seconds. Breathe freely without holding your inhalation or exhalation.

Extending the straight leg back while standing on all fours

Get on all fours. Stretch one leg back, straighten it completely and lift it as high as possible. Feel the tightening of the gluteal muscle that lifts that leg. Hold for 20-30 seconds in this position. Then smoothly return your leg to the starting position and lift your other leg. Also feel the contraction of the buttock as it lifts that leg. Hold for 20-30 seconds in this position and smoothly return to the starting position on all fours.

An important condition for correctly performing this exercise: make sure that when lifting your leg, the deflection in the leg does not increase. lumbar region, and your stomach did not come close to the floor. Otherwise, you will not receive the necessary load on the buttock, and the effect of this exercise will be reduced to zero.

The exercise perfectly trains the muscles of the buttocks, making them tall and elastic.

Take a few breaths, shake yourself up and proceed to the next exercise.


Lie on your back. Bend your knees. Stretch your arms towards your knees and smoothly lift your head off the floor and top part backs. You should clearly feel how your abdominal muscles tighten. Stay in this elevated position for 20-30 seconds. Breathe evenly, do not hold your breath. Then lie down gently on the floor and rest.

The exercise trains the rectus and oblique abdominal muscles, making it flat and sculpted.

Static hyperextension lying on the floor

Lie face down on the floor. Use a soft mat. Stretch your arms along your body. Look ahead.

As you exhale, gently lift your chest and legs off the floor. Hold this position for a second, then smoothly return to the starting position.
To make the exercise more difficult, you can extend your arms to the sides or even forward.

The exercise trains the buttocks and back muscles. Improves posture.

Elbowstand facing down

Lie face down on a soft mat. Place your elbows on the floor and straighten your body. Stay like this for 30-60 seconds. As an option for the exercise, you can raise your pelvis a little higher.

The exercise trains the muscles of the abs, hips, and chest.

Balancing on the buttocks

Lie on the floor on your back, slowly lift your upper body and legs off the floor, extending your arms in front of you. Tighten your abdominal muscles, try to bring your arms closer to your legs as much as possible. Stay in this position for 15-20 seconds.

The exercise works the abdominal muscles and the muscles of the inner thighs.

Successful training and stunning results to you!

*A set of static exercises was created together with an excellent trainer from Omsk, Elena Vorobyova (pictured)

In addition to a strong body, playing sports gives you an additional boost of energy and positivity for the whole day.

Today we want to offer you another selection of full body exercises that you can do without additional weight. Some of the exercises can be performed which can be found on any sports ground.

Exercise No. 1

During the exercise, the back should be straight, the head should be lowered, and the stomach should be pulled in. Make sure there is no arching in your lower back. Stay in this position for 60 seconds.

Exercise No. 2

Make sure your elbow is under your shoulder while performing this exercise. The shoulder blades should be pulled down and brought together, thus forming a “pocket”.

Exercise No. 3

Lie on the floor, raise your body so that an angle of 60 degrees is formed between it and the floor. Stay in this position for at least 60 seconds. To make the exercise more difficult, you can raise your legs a little.

Exercise #4

This is a plank on your toes and toes. While performing this exercise, make sure that your back is straight and there is no arching in the lower back. Stay in this position for 30-60 seconds.

Exercise #5

Pull yourself up on the horizontal bar and hold for at least 30 seconds. The back should be straight, the stomach should be pulled in, the elbows bent, the forearms should be at the same level as the body.

Exercise No. 6

This exercise can be performed either in a static version or in a regular version - simply raising straight legs. The angle between your hips and body should be 90 degrees. The body should not sway, the back should be straight. The ideal option for performing this exercise is the Swedish wall. On the horizontal bar, performance will be complicated by the fact that you will need to constantly ensure that you do not sway and thus not give your legs additional impulse. The static option is to hold with your legs raised for 30-60 seconds.

Exercise No. 7

To perform vertical push-ups, stand with your back to a wall about 1 meter away. Place your hands on the floor and your feet on the wall and begin to slowly climb up the wall with your feet until the angle between your body and legs is 60 degrees. After this, you can do push-ups. The stronger you become, the more vertical push-ups you will be able to perform.

Exercise No. 8

These are squats on one leg and they are somewhat reminiscent of the familiar “pistol.” Bend one leg slightly at the knee and do regular squats on the other. If it is difficult to maintain your balance, you can hold on to the horizontal bar or wall with one hand.

Exercise No. 9

After performing a lunge squat, you switch legs while jumping. To do this, after performing a squat, you must jump out of it as high as possible and change legs. Make sure your knees are bent when landing (never land on straight knees!). The jump should be soft.

Exercise No. 10

Find yourself a lower bar and perform deep squats, moving from one side to the other under the bar. If you don't find a bar that's the right height, you can simply do deep squats as if you were crawling under something low.

Static gymnastics helps you lose weight without exerting yourself special effort. In this case, muscle tension occurs, but the body itself and limbs hardly move. During exercise, the body or part of it is held in a certain position using its own weight. For weight loss, static gymnastics complexes are used, and with sufficient physical training, elements from (asanas) will help.

Static training is divided into two types. If you give your best during physical exercise, fast-twitch (white) muscle fibers are used to promote mass gain. When working at half strength, the load falls on the slow (red) muscle fibers. With this physical regimen, accumulated fat deposits are burned.

The main advantage is that classes can be conducted anywhere - at home, in transport or at work. Gymnastics are done until a slight burning sensation appears in the muscles, after which a break is required. Fat burning occurs in contrast: work out - rest. Don't forget about rhythmic breathing.

When performing static exercises, muscle length does not change, which can lead to a decrease in body flexibility. Be sure to stretch your muscles after exercise.

Basic static exercises

Such gymnastics will take a minimum amount of time. Be sure to do each exercise several times.

  1. Standing or sitting, lean on your full foot. Raise and then lower your heels first, then your toes.
  2. As you exhale, draw in your stomach, and as you inhale, relax.
  3. Squeeze and unclench your buttocks.
  4. Stand in the “starfish” pose, i.e. spread your arms at shoulder level. Clench and relax your fists.
  5. With stiff shoulders, move your shoulder blades toward your spine.
  6. Extend your chin and return to the starting position.
  7. Gently turn your head to the sides (right and left).

"Office" gymnastics

Static gymnastics for weight loss with a minimum of movements will help keep your figure in good shape and can be done anywhere. If you work in an office or sit at a computer for a long time, warming up will help maintain your posture and relieve back pain.

  1. For a few seconds, rest your hands with bent fingers on the surface of the table at a short distance and, exhaling, try to “push” it. Gently loosen your hands. Half a minute break and repeat 7-8 times.
  2. Cross one leg over the other while sitting at your desk. Support the tabletop with your upper foot and press it with your knee with maximum force for 6 seconds. Then relax and change legs. Rest 30 seconds, do 7-8 times.
  3. While sitting, cross your ankles. Lightly press one foot onto the other, as if pushing it under the seat of a chair or armchair. Inhale deeply, tensing your leg muscles forcefully, and hold your breath. As you exhale, relax your muscles. Cross your legs differently from time to time.
  4. Sit on a chair and place your hands behind the back. Lean forward forcefully. Leave your body tense for 6 seconds. Rest for 40-60 seconds and resume the exercise. The desired number of approaches is 7–8 times.
  5. Bend over the chair and grab the front legs. Reach up for 6 seconds, simulating lifting the chair off the floor. Break for half a minute, repeat 7-8 times.
  6. Place your hands under the chair and try to lift yourself up with it for 6 seconds. Then take a break for 30 seconds. Approach 7–8 times.
  7. Raise your legs straight while sitting on a chair. Place one on top of the other. For 6 seconds, press your upper leg on the lower one, and with your lower leg, as if lift the upper one. Switch legs and repeat. Rest 30 seconds, repeat 7-8 times.
  8. Sitting on a chair (chair) and not touching the back, tighten your stomach. Slowly turn your head to the left as far as you can. Stay in this position for 3 seconds. Then repeat the same movement to the right. This strengthens the back and neck muscles and removes the double chin.
  9. While sitting, keeping your back straight, squeeze your buttocks as hard as possible. Once you reach maximum compression, inhale and hold your breath as long as you can. As you exhale, relax your muscles. Do 5-6 approaches. The contours of the buttocks and hips are corrected.
  10. Tuck your stomach and buttocks, straighten your back and inhale. Hold your muscles in this position until you can't breathe. Exhale, rest and repeat.
  11. Straighten up and slowly move your shoulders back, trying to bring your shoulder blades together. Draw more air into your lungs and maintain this muscle tension until you exhale completely. Do 5 times.
  12. Standing with a straight back, rise onto your toes. As you inhale, tighten your calves and buttocks, then relax and exhale. Stay like this for five breaths.

Static yoga

One of the most with elements of yoga is Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga. In this case, the exercises are not divided into individual elements, but smoothly flow from one to another, gradually becoming more complex, with the help of dynamic connections (vinyasas). Asanas are performed for 30 seconds, the position itself is held for up to 2 minutes. Control your breathing, it should remain free and even, movements should be smooth and leisurely.

Starting position standing. The back is straight, the legs touch each other as much as possible, the chest is straightened, the head is slightly tilted forward. Breathe only through your nose.

  1. As you inhale, raise your arms above your head with your palms together. Head back a little, gaze focused on the fingers.
  2. Exhalation. We lower our hands down, touching the bases of our feet with our fingertips. The tip of the nose rests between the straight knees.
  3. Inhale slowly, then raise only your head.
  4. Lower your palms, moving your legs so that your body is parallel to the floor. The main emphasis is on the palms and toes.
  5. Inhale, arch your back, trying not to touch the floor with your knees and hips. Keep your fingers and toes in an extended position.
  6. Lower your head down parallel to your arms and lift your tailbone. Press your heels to the floor. Thanks to this “right angle” position, the stomach is drawn in.
  7. Raise your head.
  8. Breathe in. Hands parallel to the body in a vertical position. The tips of the fingers touch the feet, the noses of the knees.
  9. Slowly straighten up and move to the starting position.

Such weight loss exercises make up a small fraction of the elements of yoga. If you want to continue your studies, contact professionals. Try to perform asanas correctly, and you will definitely achieve the desired result.

Your feedback on the article:

Static gymnastics is more suitable for strength training in limited conditions. They perfectly maintain their shape during long periods of inactivity. sports equipment and simulators.

What processes occur in muscles during static work?

If you perform exercises at half strength, the red muscle fibers are activated. These muscles very quickly replace fat tissue in the body. Therefore, if you want to lose weight, do static exercises.

When you do exercises with maximum strength, white muscle fibers are involved.

Such training develops muscle mass, causing it to increase in volume.

Remember: the stronger the tension during exercise, the worse the oxygen supply. Accordingly, blood flow worsens.

Sometimes the capillaries become completely pinched and blood flow stops. This is fraught with excessive stress on the heart and circulatory system.

With constant static exercises, muscle elasticity decreases.

Features of static exercises

As we have already written, static exercises are an ideal option for lovers of long journeys and for business people who often travel on business trips.

Static exercises are good because they do not require special equipment.

To fulfill them, all you need is your desire.

  1. If you have problems with the cardiovascular system, you will have to give up static exercises with high tension.
  2. If there are no medical contraindications, then exercise will have a positive effect on the development of muscle mass.
  3. Static exercises with moderate load effectively burn fat and keep your body in good shape.
  4. If you decide to get serious about exercise, pay more attention to stretching the muscles that are being stressed.
  5. Together with stretching, static exercises are ideal for maintaining your figure during constant business trips and travel.

How to perform static exercises to develop strength?

Before starting your workout, do a thorough warm-up and warm up your muscles well.

In 90% of cases, exercises are performed using your own body weight.

It is necessary to perform the following exercises until a burning sensation appears in the muscles. Then, after ten seconds, the exercise must be stopped. Do not hold your breath during the process and breathe rhythmically.

You can do several approaches. Total quantity exercises 7-10. The break between exercises is 30-60 seconds.

Static gymnastics: exercises

Exercise 1. Stretch your arms in front of you, place your fingers on the table and, as you exhale, press hard on it, trying to drive it into the floor. Press for five seconds, then rest for half a minute. Repeat the exercise.

Exercise 2. (Group: static exercises for arms). Bend your elbows, clench your fists and press them against the edge of the table. Try to move him away from you. Count to five. Rest and repeat the exercise. These two exercises develop the muscles of the chest and arms well.

Exercise 3. . Prepare the chain. Keep your hands shoulder-width apart. Start stretching the chain. During the exercise, the latissimus dorsi muscles, arm muscles and pectoral muscles will develop.

Exercise 4. Stretch the chain behind your back. The load will go to the triceps.

Exercise 5. Take the dumbbells in your hands and squat down a little. Lock the position. At this time, the legs will perform a static load. Wait twenty seconds, rest, repeat the exercise.

Exercise 6. Push up from the floor and stop “half way”. Hold this position. The muscles of the arms and body will begin to experience stress.

Exercise 7 (Group: static abdominal exercises). When you have a horizontal bar nearby, you can do the following exercise: pull yourself up, bend your legs towards you and stay in this position for ten seconds. This effectively works the biceps and triceps, as well as the chest muscles.

Exercise 8. Go to the corner wall and try to squeeze it. Execution time is ten seconds. With this exercise, the chest muscles are pumped.

There is no need to perform more than ten different exercises in one approach.

Repeat the exercises twice a day three times a week.

On the remaining days, the muscles should rest for more effective development.

Remember about contraindications and under no circumstances do the exercises if you have any ailments.

A set of static exercises. Anyone can perform static exercises. Bend your elbow and feel your biceps tighten. Hold for 30 seconds. So you have done your first static exercise in your life.

This type of training has many advantages, including the possibility of high-quality rehabilitation after injuries with its help and maintaining shape. In addition, “statics” may become the only training option for a person who does not want to go to the gym or purchase any equipment. But like anyone private method in physical education, it cannot be the only type physical activity.

What are the advantages of static exercises

The main benefit is that static contractions can maintain muscle mass during periods of forced inactivity. Static exercises for developing strength are used for:

  1. active rehabilitation after injuries to joints and ligaments. During the period when the inflammation has stopped and the person returns to training, he can exercise on non-injured parts of the body, using classical exercises and maintain static shape where movements in the joints are excluded;
  2. “punching” some weak point in complex multi-joint exercises. In this case, a pause is used in the part of the movement from which problems begin. For example, if an athlete begins to “fold” towards the hips in the middle part of the squat amplitude, he should stop at this point and spend 8 to 12 seconds at this point, and then continue the movement;
  3. increasing strength indicators when the problem with them is the lack of stability during the exercise. This is a narrow technique used in powerlifting. Here a number of static exercises can be used to fix, for example, the correct position of the upper back in a squat.

In the training of amateurs with statics, outright chaos reigns. Some sources claim that, for example, callanetics helps to get all the bonuses of strength exercises, including increasing muscle tissue density and accelerating metabolism, but without performing strength exercises. They often tell us that if a person does not want to “pump up muscles”, but strives for slim figure ballerinas, static - that's all.

Others pay attention to obvious advantages statics for weight loss:

  • people with a lot of weight already experience overload in their joints; if you replace regular exercises with weights with static ones, you can avoid pain in the knees, hip joints and reduce the load on the spine;
  • those who are embarrassed to go to the gym can train at home and maintain the regularity necessary for losing weight without unnecessary stress;
  • statics teaches you to feel muscle work. After a “course” of the same callanetics, learning basic power movements is much easier, and the safety of such practice will be at its best;
  • statics allows you to not increase muscle volume too much, which is a plus for those who are afraid of becoming “big” but not slim.

Important: static gymnastics, for example, callanetics, are not a panacea for excess weight. In terms of fat burning (increasing calorie expenditure), they are inferior to even the simplest strength training, so they must be supplemented either with a fairly strict diet or with other types of training. The optimal combination is a cardio load of up to 200 minutes per week and three to four static one-hour workouts per week. physical activity. Including cardio is also advisable for the reason that static strength exercises do not train the cardiovascular system in any way and do not help increase calorie consumption.

Working out various muscle groups and fibers using static exercises

Static exercises primarily use slow-twitch muscle fibers. People who are naturally more resilient have more fibers of this type and tolerate static loads more easily. For this reason, naturally stronger athletes, whose bodies work better for 1-2 repetitions with maximum weight, should include statics in their training.

With the help of static exercises we can work absolutely all muscle groups. What is important is that such “hard-to-reach” areas, such as the transverse abdominal muscle, are also perfectly used in statics.

How to create an exercise plan for yourself?

  • If you're working out to lose weight, it makes sense to work your entire body every workout. It would be preferable if a person first performed movements dynamically, and at the end of the workout worked the same muscle groups in a static mode. But an option is also possible when only statics and cardio are done, and the diet is followed.
  • Optimally, about 36 hours should pass between training sessions with static exercises so that the muscles can fully recover. The rule that applies to static exercises is that you should not train the same muscle group day after day.

A set of exercises for all muscle groups

If the goal is to lose weight, you need to perform static exercises for 5-6 repetitions.

You need to start by holding each static pose for 30 seconds. Then continue, increasing the approach time to 90 seconds. When 90 seconds becomes easy to do, you need to change the set of exercises or add strength “classics” to your training. Between repetitions we rest for 30-60 seconds, the training pace should be relatively high.

Static exercises for legs

  • "Chair" against the wall

Stand up straight, lean your back against the wall, step forward so that you can sit down comfortably, lower your pelvis below your knees and fix the squat, pushing your knees to the sides and resting your heels on the floor. Your knees should be pointing towards your toes. It is in this position that the muscles of the buttocks are better worked out. Once the time is up, straighten up, shake your legs and repeat again.

  • "Bridge" lying down

You need to lie on the floor, heels to the buttocks, and push the pelvis up, as if “squeezing” the buttocks on both sides, one towards the other. The muscles should tremble already at the beginning of the approach. The body itself should be on the floor on the feet and shoulder blades; during the fixation time, it is necessary to firmly squeeze the buttocks.

  • Keeping your legs suspended

You need to lie face down on a bed or sofa and grab a support with your hands. Next, we “hang” our legs in the plane of our back, strain our buttocks and the back of our thighs, and “stand” like this for the entire allotted time.

  • Holding bent legs while sitting

We sit on the edge of the bed or sofa, place our legs as usual, bent at the knees. We tense the abs and the front surface of the thighs, lift the feet off the floor and hold them in weight by contracting the muscles.

Static abdominal exercises

  • Classic forearm plank

Stand on your forearms and toes, pull in your stomach, tighten the front of your thigh and literally push your navel inward to remove the natural deflection in the lumbar spine. Hold the pose for the entire allotted time, try not to “protrude” your shoulder blades back and not bring your shoulders to your ears.

  • Plank on one forearm (t-pose)

From the classic plank, transfer your body weight to your right forearm and toes, and get into the T-pose. Do an equal number of holds on both sides.

  • Static twisting

Lie on your back, pull in your stomach, bring your lower ribs to pelvic bones. Strongly contract your abs, try to “push” the abdominal wall inward with each repetition.

  • Double static twist

Place your feet on the floor near your buttocks, first twist as in the previous exercise, leaving your hands behind your head. Then tighten your stomach and bring your legs to your chest, strongly “squeezing” the rectus abdominis muscle.

  • Lateral twist

From a lying position, lift your right leg perpendicular to the floor, reach for your right leg with your left hand, and tense your abs strongly. Repeat on the other side, making sure that the number of repetitions is equal.

Back, chest and arms

  • Static push-up

Stand in a plank position on your palms and toes, lower yourself with your back straight until your chest touches the floor, and fix this pose. The exercise is difficult; you can rest your palms on a bed, sofa or wall if the floor doesn’t work.

  • Static triceps push-up

Everything is exactly the same, only the palms are placed ribs-width apart and the elbows are pointed straight back and up.

  • "Superman" for back muscles

Lie on the floor on your stomach, lift your legs, arms extended forward and chest from the floor, fix the pose, trying to pull the shoulder blades towards each other and, as it were, push them towards the pelvis.

Contraindications and harm

Statics should not be practiced during an exacerbation of hypertension. Static and isometric leg exercises are not recommended for some types of varicose veins veins, you should not exercise if you have a fever for any reason, including exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Damage from static can manifest itself in cramps if the person is generally overtrained or if their electrolyte balance is imbalanced. You need to monitor your fluid intake and not use any diuretics, especially for those who are losing weight.

It is also worth noting that the effect of the same callanetics on weight loss is exaggerated. Often girls give up on her classes before they begin to bring at least some effect, simply because they are waiting for the notorious weight loss of 3 sizes in 10 workouts. For static gymnastics to give just such results, a person must be significantly detrained and follow a fairly strict diet.

In general, static loads are a great addition to any weight loss program that is not yet based on basic strength exercises in a low-repetition mode. But static exercises are not the only form of physical activity. Do gymnastics for 6-8 weeks, and then, to avoid adaptation and stopping the weight loss process, move on to classic strength exercises with weights.

The article was prepared by Anna Tarskaya (trainer, nutritionist)